made a beautiful world - Genesis 1:1-31 In the beginning, God made the world. He made light for the world. God said, “Let there be light,” and the light appeared. God called the light day, and He called the darkness night. These things happened on the first day. On the second day, God spoke words to make a huge space above the earth. He called the space sky. God made the dry ground and the oceans. God called the dry ground land. He called the waters seas. God looked at the things He had made. Everything was good. On the third day, God said, “Let the land grow all kinds of plants and trees.” The plants began to grow. God made each of the plants with its own kind of seed. God saw what He had made was good. On the fourth day, God said, “Let lights shine in the sky.” God made the bright sun to shine in the daytime. He made the moon for the nighttime. God made all the stars. On the fifth day, God made fish and ocean animals. God made all the birds. He made all kinds of fish and birds. God planned for the fish and birds to have babies, so there would always be fish and birds on the earth. On the sixth day, God made all kinds of animals to live on the land. God planned for animals to have babies so there would be more animals. God made people. God planned for people to take care of the world He made. God looked at the world. G Everything He had made was good. o ld d or M W ad ul e A Beautif 1. Who created all of the flowers in the world? 2. Who created people, water, the sky, animals, “In the beginning, God created the the sun, and the moon? and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 3. What does it mean to ‘create’? 4. What do you remember from today’s Bible Bible Story Reference: Genesis 1:1-31 story?

Sunday, march 5, 2017 Pre-K & Kindergarten God made the world, a wonderful world. He made the sun to shine in the day and the moon to shine at night. He made the trees and plants. God looked at the world. The world He made was good. God decided His world needed many different kinds of animals. So, God

made animals. God made A nimals - Genesis 1:20-25; 30-31

First, God made the fish that swim in the water. God planned for them to live in the ocean. Then God made the birds that fly in the sky. He planned for the birds to live in nests. God made the caterpillar that crawls on a leaf. He planned for the caterpillar to make a special home called a cocoon. He planned for the caterpillar to change into a beautiful butterfly. God made the cows and goats that walk on the hillsides. He made green grass for them to eat and cool water for them to drink. God made lions that roar. He made animals that live in the forest. He made animals that live in the mountains. God made many different animals.

God brought all the animals to . Adam looked at each animal. Adam gave each animal a name.

God looked at the animals He had made. Each animal had good food to eat. Each animal had a special place to live. Each animal God Made Animals had a name. God was glad He had made the animals.

God made the animals. Genesis 1:25 Questions 1. Who created the world? 2. Who created the animals? Bible Story Reference: Genesis 1:20-25, 2:19- 3. Who created you? 20a; Psalm 104:17-25 4. What are some of the things the Bible says God created? 5. What are some of the animals God created that you have seen? Sunday, march 12, 2017 Pre-K & Kindergarten Adam & Chose Genesis 1:26-31; 2:7, 15-17, 22-24; 3:6, 20-21, 23 On day 6, God spoke and created three types of land animals. He created cows, horses, sheep and goats. He created creeping, crawling animals like snakes, worms, lizards, and insects. But on day 6, God also created something else, something very special. On day 6, God also created people. With everything else God created, He spoke and it happened. God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” So, God created man (Adam). God did not want Adam to be alone, so He created a woman (Eve) and placed them both in a special garden. The garden was called the Garden of Eden. The garden was a beautiful place that provided food for . God said they could eat of every tree in the garden except for one tree. Eve looked at the special tree that God told them not to touch. The tree was so beautiful and the fruit looked so good. But, God had said they could not eat the fruit from that tree. Eve disobeyed God. Eve ate the fruit and even took some of the fruit to Adam. Adam also disobeyed and ate the fruit. They knew they had disobeyed God and they were very sad. Have you ever disobeyed? How did you feel? God let Adam and Eve make a choice. They could choose to obey God or to disobey God. Sometimes, we have to make a choice, too. Sometimes when mom or dad asks us to do something, we have to choose what we will do. Because Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they had to leave the beautiful garden. But, God still loved them. He Ad se took care of them. God provided am o another place to live and clothes for them to wear. & Eve Ch When we disobey, God still loves us, too. Let’s pray and thank God for helping us make good choices. Do what is right and good. Deuteronomy 6:18 1. Who made you able to make choices? Bible Story Reference: Genesis 1: 26-31; 2:7, 15-17, 2. Does God love us when we make wrong choices? 22-24; 3:6, 20-21, 23 3. Does He love us when we make right choices? Sunday, march 19, 2017 Pre-K & Kindergarten God made a beautiful world. He made the light and darkness for the world; He made the land and the water, the sun, moon, and Ad a m took c stars. God had even made the animals and the fish and the birds. And, God created people. While Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, God planned for Adam to take care of it. He also gave Adam another job, a special a re of God’s World - Genesis 1:28-2:15, 19-20; 4:1-2 job to do. He wanted Adam to name all of the animals He had created. God brought all of the animals to Adam for him to name. Adam named each animal: cow, pig, horse and on and on. God told Adam to take care of the animals. God blessed Adam & Eve and had them rule (be in charge) of all of the animals, including birds, fish, and crawling animals. God gave them food for themselves and for all the animals. He did this before He created the animals. He had already made the plants and trees that would provide food and shelter for the animals. After Adam and Eve left the garden, they had two sons, Cain and Abel. God told Adam and Eve to take care of their children. Cain loved to grow plants and he provided food for his family. Abel was a shepherd and raised and cared for the family’s sheep. God planned for Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel to take care of His world. God planned for all people to take care of His world. Let’s pray and thank God for the beautiful world He created. Adam Took Care of God’s World

God looked at everything He had made and He was very pleased. Genesis 1:31 Questions

1. How do you think Adam and Eve took Bible Story Reference: Genesis 1: 28-2:15, care of the world? 19-20; 4:1-2 2. How can we take care of the world?

Sunday, march 26, 2017 Pre-K & Kindergarten