Putting words in context: LSTM language models and lexical ambiguity

Laura Aina Kristina Gulordava Gemma Boleda Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain {firstname.lastname}@upf.edu

Abstract word-level representations that do not change across contexts, that is, “static” word embeddings. In neural network models of language, words are commonly represented using context- These are then passed to further processing lay- invariant representations (word embeddings) ers, such as the hidden layers in a recurrent neural which are then put in context in the hidden lay- network (RNN). Akin to classic distributional se- ers. Since words are often ambiguous, repre- mantics (Erk, 2012), word embeddings are formed senting the contextually relevant information as an abstraction over the various uses of words is not trivial. We investigate how an LSTM in the training data. For this reason, they are apt language model deals with lexical ambiguity to represent context-invariant information about a in English, designing a method to probe its hidden representations for lexical and contex- word —its lexical information— but not the con- tual information about words. We find that tribution of a word in a particular context —its both types of information are represented to contextual information (Erk, 2010). Indeed, word a large extent, but also that there is room for embeddings subsume information relative to var- improvement for contextual information. ious senses of a word (e.g., mouse is close to words from both the animal and computer do- 1 Introduction main; Camacho-Collados and Pilehvar, 2018). In language, a word can contribute a very differ- Classic distributional semantics attempted to ent meaning to an utterance depending on the con- do composition to account for contextual effects, text, a phenomenon known as lexical ambiguity but it was in general unable to go beyond short (Cruse, 1986; Small et al., 2013). This variation is phrases (Baroni, 2013); newer-generation neural pervasive and involves both morphosyntactic and network models have supposed a big step forward, semantic aspects. For instance, in the examples in as they can natively do composition (Westera and Table1, show is used as a verb in Ex. (1), and as a Boleda, 2019). In particular, the hidden layer acti- noun in Ex. (2-3), in a paradigmatic case of mor- vations in an RNN can be seen as putting words in phosyntactic ambiguity in English. Instead, the context, as they combine the with difference between Ex. (2) and (3) is semantic in information coming from the context (the adja- nature, with show denoting a TV program and an cent hidden states). The empirical success of RNN exhibition, respectively. Semantic ambiguity cov- models, and in particular LSTM architectures, at ers a broad spectrum of phenomena, ranging from fundamental tasks like Language Modeling (Joze- quite distinct word senses (e.g. mouse as animal fowicz et al., 2015) suggests that they are indeed or computer device) to more subtle lexical modu- capturing relevant contextual properties. More- lation (e.g. visit a city / an aunt / a doctor; Cruse, over, contextualized representations derived from 1986). This paper investigates how such models have been shown to be very informa- models of language, and in particular Long Short- tive as input for lexical disambiguation tasks (e.g. Term Memory Networks (LSTMs) trained on Lan- Melamud et al., 2016; Peters et al., 2018). guage Modeling, deal with lexical ambiguity.1 We here present a method to probe the extent In neural network models of language, words to which the hidden layers of an LSTM language in a sentence are commonly represented through trained on English data represent lexical and con- 1Code at: https://github.com/amore-upf/ textual information about words, in order to inves- LSTM_ambiguity tigate how the model copes with lexical ambiguity.

3342 Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 3342–3348 Florence, Italy, July 28 - August 2, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics Examples LexSub w NN s NN w&s NN (1) . . . I clapped her shoulder demonstrate, demonstrate, indicate, indicate, to show I was not laughing at display, indicate, exhibit, indicate, demonstrate, demonstrate, prove, her. . . prove, clarify offer, reveal suggest, prove, ensure, suggest (2) . . . The show [. . . ] program, series, demonstrate, series, program, series, program, revolutionized the way broadcast, exhibit, indicate, production, production, America cooks and eats. . . presentation offer, reveal miniseries, trilogy broadcast (3) . . . The inauguration of exhibition, demonstrate, conference, event, conference, event, Dubai Internet City coincides conference, exhibit, indicate, convention, exhibition, with the opening of an annual convention, offer, reveal symposium, symposium, IT show in Dubai. . . . demonstration exhibition convention

Table 1: Examples from the LexSub dataset (Kremer et al., 2014) and nearest neighbors for target representations.

Our work follows a recent strand of research that 2016) but differently from, e.g., the BiLSTM ar- purport to identify what linguistic properties deep chitecture used for ELMo (Peters et al., 2018). learning models are able to capture (Linzen et al., 1 1 1 2016; Adi et al., 2017; Gulordava et al., 2018; ht = LSTM (wt, ht−1) (1) Conneau et al., 2018; Hupkes et al., 2018, a.o.). i i i−1 i ht = LSTM (ht , ht−1) (2) We train diagnostic models on the tasks of retriev- −→ ←− o = softmax(f( h L + h L )) ing the embedding of a word and a representation t t−1 t+1 (3) of its contextual meaning, respectively —the latter We train the LM on the concatenation of English obtained from a Lexical Substitution dataset (Kre- text data from a Wikipedia dump2, the British Na- mer et al., 2014). Our results suggest that LSTM tional Corpus (Leech, 1992), and the UkWaC cor- language models heavily rely on the lexical infor- pus (Ferraresi et al., 2008).3 More details about mation in the word embeddings, at the expense of the training setup are specified in Appendix A.1. contextually relevant information. Although fur- The model achieves satisfying performances on ther analysis is necessary, this suggests that there test data (perplexity: 18.06). is still much room for improvement to account for For our analyses, we deploy the trained LM on a contextual meanings. Finally, we show that the text sequence and extract the following activations hidden states used to predict a word – as opposed of each hidden layer; Eq. (4) and Fig.1. to those that receive it as input – display a bias to- wards contextual information. −→i ←−i { h t|i ≤ L} ∪ { h t|i ≤ L} (4) i −→i ←−i 2 Method ht = [ h t; h t] (5) −→ ←− hi = [ h i ; h i ] (6) Language model. As our base model, we em- t±1 t−1 t+1 ploy a word-level bidirectional LSTM (Schus- At timestep t, for each layer, we concatenate the ter and Paliwal, 1997; Hochreiter and Schmidhu- forward and backward hidden states; Eq. (5). We ber, 1997) language model (henceforth, LM) with refer to these vectors as current hidden states. three hidden layers. Each input word at timestep As they are obtained processing the word at t as t is represented through its word embedding wt; input and combining it with information from the this is fed to both a forward and a backward context, we can expect them to capture the rel- stacked LSTMs, which process the sequence left- evant contribution of such word (e.g., in Fig.1 to-right and right-to-left, respectively (Eqs. (1-2) the mouse-as-animal sense). As a comparison, we describe the forward LSTM). To predict the word also extract activations obtained by processing the at t, we obtain output weights by summing the ac- text sequence up to t − 1 and t + 1 in the forward tivations of the last hidden layers of the forward and backward LSTM, respectively, hence exclud- and backward LSTMs at timesteps t − 1 and t + 1, ing the word at t. We concatenate the forward and respectively, and applying a linear transformation backward states of each layer; Eq. (6). While these followed by softmax (Eq.3, where L is the num- 2 ber of hidden layers). Thus, a word is predicted From 2018/01/03, https://dumps.wikimedia. org/enwiki/ using both its left and right context jointly, akin 350M tokens from each corpus, in total 150M to the context2vec architecture (Melamud et al., (train/valid/test: 80/10/10%); vocabulary size: 50K.

3343 tions of the contextual meaning of words. We define two types of representations, inspired by previous work that proposed simple vector oper- ations to combine word representations (Mitchell and Lapata, 2010; Thater et al., 2011, a.o.): the average embedding of the substitute words (hence- forth, s), and the average embedding of the union of the substitute words and the target word (w&s). As Table1 qualitatively shows, the resulting repre- sentations tend to be close to the substitute words and reflect the contextual nuance conveyed by the word; in the case of w&s, they also retain a strong similarity to the embedding of the target word.4 We frame our analyses as supervised probe tasks: a diagnostic model learns to “retrieve” word representations out of the hidden states; the rate Figure 1: Language model and extracted representa- of success of the model is taken to measure the tions. The different shades across layers reflect the dif- amount of information relevant to the task that its ferent performances in the probe tasks (darker = higher) input contains. Given current or predictive states activations do not receive the word at t as input, as inputs, we define three diagnostic tasks: they are relevant because they are used to predict -W ORD: predict w that word as output. We refer to them as predic- -S UB: predict s tive hidden states. These may capture some as- -W ORD&SUB: predict w&s pects of the word (e.g., in Fig.1, that it is a noun and denotes something animate), but are likely to The WORD task is related to the probe tasks in- be less accurate than the current states, since they troduced in Adi et al.(2017) and Conneau et al. do not observe the actual word. (2018), which, given a hidden state, require to pre- dict the words that a sentence encoder has pro- Probe tasks. We aim to assess to what extent cessed as input. Note that, while these authors pre- the hidden states in the LM carry over the lexi- dict words by their discrete index, we are predict- cal and context-invariant information in the input ing the complete multi-dimensional embedding of word embedding, and how much they instead rep- the word. Our test quantifies not only whether the resent the contextual meaning of the word. To this model is tracking the identity of the input word, end, we rely on vector representations of lexical but also how much of its information it retains. and contextual word information. As for the for- We train distinct probe models for each task and mer, we can directly use the word embeddings of type of input (i; e.g., current hidden state at layer the LM (w); it is instead more challenging to find 1). A model consists of a non-linear transforma- a representation of the contextual meaning. tion from an input vector i (extracted from the LM) Our solution is to use Lexical Substitution data to a vector with the dimensionality of the word (McCarthy and Navigli, 2009) and, in particular, embeddings (Eq.7, where ˆr is one of ˆw, ˆs, wˆ&s the large dataset by Kremer et al., 2014 (hence- for WORD,SUB, and WORD&SUB tasks, respec- forth, LexSub; see Table1). In this dataset, words tively). The models are trained through max- in context (up to 3 sentences) are annotated with a margin loss, optimizing the cosine similarity be- set of paraphrases given by human subjects. Since tween ˆr and the target representation against the contextual substitutes reflect differences among similarities between ˆr and 5 negative samples (de- uses of a word (for instance, demonstrate para- tails in Appendix A.2). phrases show in a context like Ex. (1), but not in Ex. (2)), this type of data is often used as an evalu- ˆr = tanh(W i + b) (7) ation benchmark for contextual representations of 4These vectors are close to the related word embedding words (e.g., Erk and Pado´, 2008; Melamud et al., (0.45 and 0.66 mean cosine, see Table2, row wt), but also different from it: on average, s and w&s share 17 and 25% 2016; Gar´ı Soler et al., 2019). We leverage Lex- of the top-10 neighbors with w, respectively (statistics from Sub to build proxies for ground-truth representa- training data, excluding the word itself from neighbors).

3344 input WORD SUB WORD&SUB

wt 1 .45 (±.14) .66 (±.09) task avgctxt .35 (±.10) .16 (±.11) .24 (±.12) 0.5 sub 1 ht .84 (±.2) .61 (±.14) .71 (±.11) h2 .74 (±.12) .60 (±.13) .69 (±.11) t Cosine h3 ±.12 ±.13 ±.11 t .64 ( ) .58 ( ) .65 ( ) 0.0 1 0.0 0.5 ht±1 .25 (±.16) .36 (±.16) .38 (±.16) 2 Cosine (w, s) ht±1 .27 (±.16) .39 (±.16) .41 (±.16) 3 ht±1 .29 (±.15) .41 (±.16) .43 (±.16) Figure 2: Similarity of lexical and contextual vector (w 1 - s) vs. similarity of target and prediction in SUB for ht . i Table 2: Results of probe tasks for current (ht) and i .58-.84), but retrieving the former is much easier predictive (ht±1) hidden states. than the latter (.64-.84 vs. .58-71). This suggests We adapt the LexSub data to our setup as fol- that the information in the word embedding is bet- lows. Since substitutes are provided in their lem- ter represented in the hidden states than the con- matized form, we only consider datapoints where textually relevant one. In all three tasks, perfor- the word form is identical to the lemma so as to mance degrades closer to the output layer (from 1 3 exclude effects due to morphosyntax (e.g., ask- ht to ht ), but the effect is more pronounced for ing the models to recover play when they observe the WORD task (84/.74/.64). Word embeddings played).5 We require that at least 5 substitutes are part of the input to the hidden state, and the per datapoint are in the LM vocabulary to ensure transformation learned for this task can be seen quality in the target representations. LexSub data as a decoder in an auto-encoder, reconstructing come with a validation/test split; since we need the original input; the further the hidden layer is training data, we create a new random partitioning from the input, the more complex the function is into train/valid/test (70/10/20%, with no overlap- to reverse-engineer. Crucially, the high perfor- ping contexts among splits). The final data consist mance at reconstructing the word embedding sug- of 4.7K/0.7K/1.3K datapoints for train/valid/test. gests that lexical information is retained in the hid- den layers, possibly including also contextually ir- 3 Results relevant information (e.g., in Ex. (4) in Table3 ˆw is close to verbs, even if share is here a noun). The results of the probe tasks on test data are pre- Contextual information (s and w&s) seems to sented in Table2. We report the mean and stan- be more stable across processing layers, although dard deviation of the cosine similarity between the overall less present (cf. lower results). Table3 re- ˆ output representations ( ˆw, ˆs, w&s) and the target ports one example where the learned model dis- ones (w, s, w&s). This evaluates the degree to plays relevant contextual aspects (Ex. (4), share) which the word representations can be retrieved and one where it does not (Ex. (5), studio). Qual- from the hidden states. For comparison, we also itative analysis shows that morphosyntactic ambi- report the cosine scores between the targets and guity (e.g., share as a noun vs. verb) is more eas- two baseline representations: the word embedding ily discriminated, while semantic distinctions pose itself and the average of word embeddings of a 10- more challenges (e.g., studio as a room vs. com- 6 word window around the target word (avgctxt). pany). This is not surprising, since the former Overall, the models do better than these unsuper- tends to correlate with clearer contextual cues. 7 vised baselines, with exceptions. Furthermore, we find that the more the contex- Current hidden states. Both lexical and con- tual representation is aligned to the lexical one, textual representations can be retrieved from the the easier it is to retrieve the former from the hid- hi den states (e.g., correlation cos(w, s) - cos(ˆs, s), current hidden states ( t) to a large extent (cosines 1 ∗∗∗ for ht : Pearson’s ρ = .62 ; Fig.2): that is, 5We also exclude substitutes that are multi-word expres- it is harder to resolve lexical ambiguity when the sions and the datapoints involving words that are part of a contextual meaning is less represented in the word compound (e.g., fast in fast-growing). 6We exclude out-of-vocabulary words and punctuation. embedding (e.g., less frequent uses). This sug- 7The first cell is 1 as it involves the same representation. gests that the LM heavily relies on the informa-

3345 Context LexSub WORD: ˆw NN SUB: ˆs NN WORD&SUB: w&ˆs NN (4) ... The financial-services stock, dividend, stake, owe, portion, amount, stake, percentage, company will pay 0.82 share interest, stake, unit discuss, percentage, portion, spend, for each Williams share ... coincide, reside fraction proportion (5) ... Sony’s effort to hire business, company, lab, troupe, room, gallery, room, troupe, lab, producers Jon Peters and facility, film, lot classroom, troupe, journal, audience, department Peter Guber to run the apartment, house studio... booth (6) ... I had [...] told her that friend, acquaintance, retailer, trader, firm, corporation, corporation, firm, we needed other company visitor, firm, maker, organisation, conglomerate, retailer, than our own ... accompaniment, supplier conglomerate, organisation associate retailer

Table 3: Examples with nearest neighbours of the representations predicted in the first current hidden layer. tion in the word embedding, making it challenging bal and nominal uses of the word. Thus, it makes to diverge from it when contextually relevant (see sense that the predictive state does not capture Ex. (6) in Table3). contextually irrelevant aspects of the word embed- ding, unlike the current state (note however that, as Current vs. predictive hidden states. The pre- stated above, the overall performance of the cur- dictive hidden states are obtained without observ- rent state is better, because it has access to the ing the target word; hence, recovering word in- word actually produced). formation is considerably harder than for current states. Indeed, we observe worse results in this 4 Future work condition (e.g., below avgctxt in the WORD task); We introduced a method to study how deep learn- we also observe two patterns that are opposite to ing models of language deal with lexical ambigu- those observed for current states, which shed light ity. Though we focused on LSTM LMs for En- on how LSTM LMs track word information. glish, this method can be applied to other architec- For predictive states, results improve closer to tures, objective tasks, and languages; possibilities the output (from layer 1 to 3; they instead degrade to explore in future work. We also plan to carry for current states). We link this to the double ob- out further analyses aimed at individuating factors jective that a LM has when it comes to word infor- that challenge the resolution of lexical ambigu- mation: to integrate a word passed as input, and to ity (e.g., morphosyntactic vs. semantic ambiguity, predict one as output. Our results suggest that the frequency of a word or sense, figurative uses), as hidden states keep track of information for both well as clarifying the interaction between predic- words, but lower layers focus more on the process- tion and processing of words within neural LMs. ing of the input and higher ones on the predictive aspect (see Fig.1). This is in line with previous Acknowledgements work showing that activations close to the output This project has received funding from the Eu- tend to be task-specific (Liu et al., 2019). ropean Research Council (ERC) under the Euro- Moreover, from predictive states, it is easier pean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and inno- to retrieve contextual than lexical representations vation programme (grant agreement No 715154), (.41/.43 vs. .29; the opposite was true for current and from the Ramon´ y Cajal programme (grant states). Our hypothesis is that this is due to a com- RYC-2015-18907). We gratefully acknowledge bination of two factors. On the one hand, pre- the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the do- dictive states are based solely on contextual infor- nation of GPUs used for this research, and the mation, which highlights only certain aspects of a computer resources at CTE-POWER and the tech- word; for instance, the context of Ex. (2) in Ta- nical support provided by Barcelona Supercom- ble1 clearly signals that a noun is expected, and puting Center (RES-FI-2018-3-0034). This paper the predictive states in a LM should be sensitive to reflects the authors’ view only, and the EU is not this kind of cue, as it affects the distri- responsible for any use that may be made of the bution over words. On the other hand, lexical rep- information it contains. resentations are underspecified; for instance, the word embedding for show abstracts over both ver-

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A.1 Language model  1 − cos(ˆr, r) if i = 1  The hidden layers are of sizes 600/600/300 re-  spectively, while the word embeddings are of size L(ˆr, r, i) =  if i = −1 300. The language model was trained optimizing  max(0, cos(ˆr, r) − margin) the log-likelihood of a target word given its sur- (8) rounding context, with stochastic gradient descent At each training epoch, new negative instances are for 20 epochs with decaying learning rate using sampled, and the data is shuffled. Adam optimiser (Kingma and Ba, 2014). The ini- tial learning rate was 0.0005 for batch size of 32. Dropout was set to 0.2 and applied to the input em- bedding, and the outputs of the LSTM layers. At training time, the text data is fed to the model in sequences of 100 tokens.

A.2 Diagnostic models We train separate models for each combination of task and input type. Each model consist of a linear transformation and a tahn non-linearity, trained using Cosine Embedding Loss (PyTorch 0.4, Paszke et al., 2017) and Adam optimiser, with early stopping based on validation loss. We car- ried out hyperparameter search based on valida- tion loss for each of the model types in order to set batch size and initial learning rate. We report the final settings for each combination of input and task in Table4. At training time, for each positive target word, we obtain 5 negative targets by sampling words from the frequency quartile of the postive target (frequency is computed on the training corpus of the language model). We always exclude the tar- get word, as well as the substitute words in the