51 bus time schedule & line map

51 Ellon - View In Website Mode

The 51 bus line (Ellon - New Pitsligo) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Ellon: 6:35 AM - 1:25 PM (2) : 7:22 PM (3) New Pitsligo: 8:23 AM - 6:25 PM (4) New Pitsligo: 6:13 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 51 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 51 bus arriving.

Direction: Ellon 51 bus Time Schedule 36 stops Ellon Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:35 AM - 1:25 PM Market Place, New Pitsligo Tuesday 6:35 AM - 1:25 PM Hillside, New Pitsligo Wednesday 6:35 AM - 1:25 PM Low Street, New Pitsligo Thursday 6:35 AM - 1:25 PM

Uppertack, New Pitsligo Friday 6:35 AM - 1:25 PM A950, Saturday Not Operational Meikle Aucheoch, Maud

Mains Of Culsh,

High Street, New Deer 51 bus Info Direction: Ellon Turfhill Road, New Deer Stops: 36 Trip Duration: 55 min Culsh Terrace, New Deer Line Summary: Market Place, New Pitsligo, Hillside, New Pitsligo, Low Street, New Pitsligo, Uppertack, Main Street, Scotland New Pitsligo, Meikle Aucheoch, Maud, Mains Of Culsh, New Deer, High Street, New Deer, Turfhill Road, Church Crescent, New Deer New Deer, Culsh Terrace, New Deer, Church Crescent, New Deer, Park Lodge, Maud, Play Park, Maud, Henry Park Lodge, Maud Lane, Maud, Deer Road, Maud, Drymuir Croft, Maud, West Mains, Maud, Post Oce, , Mill Of Play Park, Maud , Auchnagatt, Arnage Junction, Auchnagatt, Deer Road West, Scotland Hilton Smithy, Ellon, Golf View, Ellon, Hopeman Drive, Ellon, Drive, Ellon, Crescent, Ellon, Henry Lane, Maud Park & Ride, Ellon, Broomiesburn Road, Ellon, The Station Road, Scotland Meadows Sports Complex, Ellon, Industrial Estate, Ellon, Castle Way, Ellon, Cairnbulg Way, Ellon, Deer Road, Maud Road, Ellon, Balvenie Wynd, Ellon, B9106, Scotland Balmoral Avenue, Ellon, Ellon Castle, Ellon, Deer Park, Ellon, Market Street, Ellon Drymuir Croft, Maud

West Mains, Maud

Post Oce, Auchnagatt Mill Of Elrick, Auchnagatt

Arnage Junction, Auchnagatt

Hilton Smithy, Ellon

Golf View, Ellon

Hopeman Drive, Ellon

Crimond Drive, Ellon Crimond Park, Scotland

Portsoy Crescent, Ellon

Park & Ride, Ellon

Broomiesburn Road, Ellon

The Meadows Sports Complex, Ellon

Industrial Estate, Ellon

Castle Way, Ellon Castle Street, Scotland

Cairnbulg Way, Ellon Cairnbulg Way, Scotland

Kildrummy Road, Ellon Balmoral Avenue, Scotland

Balvenie Wynd, Ellon Dunottar Road, Scotland

Balmoral Avenue, Ellon

Ellon Castle, Ellon

Deer Park, Ellon

Market Street, Ellon Direction: Fraserburgh 51 bus Time Schedule 16 stops Fraserburgh Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:22 PM Market Place, New Pitsligo Tuesday 7:22 PM Church Street, New Pitsligo Wednesday 7:22 PM Alexander Bell Place, New Pitsligo Thursday 7:22 PM

Langleys, New Pitsligo Friday 7:22 PM

Craigmaud, New Pitsligo Saturday Not Operational

Woodhead, Tyrie

Bell Terrace, Tyrie 51 bus Info Church Rd End, Tyrie Direction: Fraserburgh Stops: 16 Trip Duration: 20 min Junction, Tyrie Line Summary: Market Place, New Pitsligo, Church Street, New Pitsligo, Alexander Bell Place, New Crossroads, Fraserburgh Pitsligo, Langleys, New Pitsligo, Craigmaud, New Pitsligo, Woodhead, Tyrie, Bell Terrace, Tyrie, Church Percyhorner Cottage, Fraserburgh Rd End, Tyrie, Strichen Junction, Tyrie, Crossroads, Fraserburgh, Percyhorner Cottage, Fraserburgh, Asda, Fraserburgh Asda, Fraserburgh, Walker Crescent, Fraserburgh, Moray Road, Fraserburgh, Charlotte Street, Walker Crescent, Fraserburgh Fraserburgh, Bus Station, Fraserburgh

Moray Road, Fraserburgh

Charlotte Street, Fraserburgh Road, Fraserburgh

Bus Station, Fraserburgh Hanover Street, Fraserburgh Direction: New Pitsligo 51 bus Time Schedule 39 stops New Pitsligo Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:23 AM - 6:25 PM Market Street, Ellon Tuesday 8:23 AM - 6:25 PM Bridge Street, Ellon B9005, Ellon Wednesday 8:23 AM - 6:25 PM

Long Close, Ellon Thursday 8:23 AM - 6:25 PM Long Close, Ellon Friday 8:23 AM - 6:25 PM

Deer Park, Ellon Saturday Not Operational

Balmoral Avenue, Ellon

Balvenie Wynd, Ellon 51 bus Info Kildrummy Road, Ellon Direction: New Pitsligo Balmoral Avenue, Scotland Stops: 39 Trip Duration: 55 min Cairnbulg Way, Ellon Line Summary: Market Street, Ellon, Bridge Street, Cairnbulg Way, Scotland Ellon, Long Close, Ellon, Deer Park, Ellon, Balmoral Avenue, Ellon, Balvenie Wynd, Ellon, Kildrummy Road, Castle Way, Ellon Ellon, Cairnbulg Way, Ellon, Castle Way, Ellon, Industrial Estate, Ellon, The Meadows Sports Industrial Estate, Ellon Complex, Ellon, Broomiesburn Road, Ellon, Park & Ride, Ellon, Portsoy Crescent, Ellon, Crimond Drive, The Meadows Sports Complex, Ellon Ellon, Hopeman Drive, Ellon, Golf View, Ellon, Hilton Smithy, Ellon, Arnage Junction, Auchnagatt, Mill Of Broomiesburn Road, Ellon Elrick, Auchnagatt, Post Oce, Auchnagatt, West Mains, Maud, Drymuir Croft, Maud, Deer Road, Maud, Henry Lane, Maud, Play Park, Maud, Park Lodge, Park & Ride, Ellon Maud, Fordyce Terrace, New Deer, Fordyce Road, New Deer, Church Cresent, New Deer, Culsh Terrace, Portsoy Crescent, Ellon New Deer, Turfhill Road, New Deer, High Street, New Portsoy Place, Scotland Deer, Mains Of Culsh, New Deer, Meikle Aucheoch, Maud, Uppertack, New Pitsligo, Low Street, New Crimond Drive, Ellon Pitsligo, Hillside, New Pitsligo, Market Place, New Pitsligo Hopeman Drive, Ellon

Golf View, Ellon

Hilton Smithy, Ellon

Arnage Junction, Auchnagatt

Mill Of Elrick, Auchnagatt

Post Oce, Auchnagatt

West Mains, Maud

Drymuir Croft, Maud

Deer Road, Maud Henry Lane, Maud Station Road, Scotland

Play Park, Maud Deer Road West, Scotland

Park Lodge, Maud

Fordyce Terrace, New Deer Fordyce Terrace, Scotland

Fordyce Road, New Deer

Church Cresent, New Deer

Culsh Terrace, New Deer Main Street, Scotland

Turfhill Road, New Deer

High Street, New Deer

Mains Of Culsh, New Deer

Meikle Aucheoch, Maud

Uppertack, New Pitsligo A950, Scotland

Low Street, New Pitsligo

Hillside, New Pitsligo Hillside, New Pitsligo

Market Place, New Pitsligo Direction: New Pitsligo 51 bus Time Schedule 18 stops New Pitsligo Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:13 AM Bus Station, Fraserburgh Hanover Street, Fraserburgh Tuesday 6:13 AM

Charlotte Street, Fraserburgh Wednesday 6:13 AM Broadsea Road, Fraserburgh Thursday 6:13 AM Moray Road, Fraserburgh Friday 6:13 AM

Hamilton Road, Fraserburgh Saturday Not Operational

Walker Crescent, Fraserburgh

Macrae Seafoods, Fraserburgh 51 bus Info Asda, Fraserburgh Direction: New Pitsligo Stops: 18 Percyhorner Cottage, Fraserburgh Trip Duration: 20 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Fraserburgh, Charlotte Crossroads, Fraserburgh Street, Fraserburgh, Moray Road, Fraserburgh, Hamilton Road, Fraserburgh, Walker Crescent, Strichen Junction, Tyrie Fraserburgh, Macrae Seafoods, Fraserburgh, Asda, Fraserburgh, Percyhorner Cottage, Fraserburgh, Crossroads, Fraserburgh, Strichen Junction, Tyrie, Bell Terrace, Tyrie Bell Terrace, Tyrie, Woodlands, Tyrie, Craigmaud, New Pitsligo, Langleys, New Pitsligo, The Old Manse, Woodlands, Tyrie New Pitsligo, Alexander Bell Place, New Pitsligo, Church Street, New Pitsligo, Market Place, New Craigmaud, New Pitsligo Pitsligo

Langleys, New Pitsligo

The Old Manse, New Pitsligo

Alexander Bell Place, New Pitsligo

Church Street, New Pitsligo

Market Place, New Pitsligo 51 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved