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Zeitschrift/Journal: Nota lepidopterologica

Jahr/Year: 1993

Band/Volume: 16

Autor(en)/Author(s): Park Kyu Tek

Artikel/Article: Notes on Chorivalva and Stenolechia species in Korea, with new synonyms (, ) 281-289 ©Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica; download unter http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/ und www.zobodat.at

Notalepid. 16(3 4) : 281-289 ; 31.111.1994 ISSN 0342-7536

Notes on Chorivalva and Stenolechia species in Korea, with new synonyms (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae)

Kyu Tek Park

College of Agriculture. Kangwon National University, Chuncheon. 200-701 Korea Summary

Two Korean species of the genus Chorivalva Omelko, 1988 and two of Stenolechia Meyrick, 1894 are discussed. The genitalia of both sexes are

illustrated. The genus Gibbosa Omelko, 1988 is synonymised with Stenolechia. C. hodgesi Park, 1989 and G. céleris Omelko, 1988 are synonymised with C. unisaccula Omelko, 1988 and S. notomochla Meyrick, 1935 respectively. C. bisaccula Omelko, 1988 and 5". notomochla Meyrick are reported for the first time from Korea.


Note sur deux espèces Coréennes du genre Chorivalva Omelko, 1988 et deux du genre Stenolechia Meyrick, 1894, avec figures des genitalia des deux sexes. Le genre Gibbosa Omelko, 1988 est mis en synonymie avec Stenolechia. C. hodgesi Park, 1989 et G. céleris Omelko, 1988 sont mis en synonymie avec respectivement C. unisaccula Omelko, 1988 et S. notomochla Meyrick, 1935. C. bisaccula Omelko, 1988 et S. notomochla Meyrick sont signalés pour la première fois de Corée.

In 1989, the author described a new genus, Neochronistis, based on the type species, hodgesi Park, 1989, from Korea. However, in 1991 he placed it in synonymy with Chorivalva Omelko, 1988, and hodgesi is here synonymised with the type species of that genus, unisaccula

Omelko. Another species of the genus, bisaccula Omelko, 1988, is reported for the first time from Korea.

Gibbosa céleris Omelko, 1988, has been found to be identical to the Japanese species Stenolechia notomochla Meyrick, 1935. As the former is the type species of the genus Gibbosa Omelko, 1988, this genus is synonymised with Stenolechia Meyrick, 1894.

The terminology for the genitalia used in this review follows Kuznetsov (1967) and Omelko (1988).

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Chorivalva Omelko

Chorivalva Omelko, 1988, Ent. Obozr. 67 (1) : 143.

Type-species : C. unisaccula Omelko, 1988.

Neochronistis Park, 1989, Korean J. Appl. Entom. 28 (3) : 162.

Type-species : N. hodgesi Park, 1989 (synonymized by Park, 1991).

The genus Chorivalva Omelko comprises only 3 species i.e. unisaccula, bisaccula, Omelko and grandialata, Omelko from the Southern Mar- itime Territory and Korean peninsula. The external characters of the genus are closely similar to the genus Parachronistis, especially in having the hair-like scale-tufts in the fold between the 1st and 2nd segment, considered by Omelko (1986) to be andriconia. However,

Chorivalva can be separated from Parachronistis as follows : taenioid

valvella in the male genitalia ; androconial scale-tufts more hair-like,

rather than scale-like as in Parachronistis ; 8th tergite rather larger and triangular, 8th sternite with long hair-pencils laterobasally.

Chorivalva unisaccula Omelko

Chorivalva unisaccula Omelko, 1988, Ent. Obozr. 67 (1) : 143, figs. 2, 8.

Neochronistis hodgesi Park, 1989, Korean J. Appl. Entom. 28 (3) : 163, figs. 23-25.

Chorivalva hodgesi: Park, 1991, Annls. hist. nat. Mus. natl. hung. 83 : 120, syn.n.

Material examined : South Korea : 1 q\ 1 $, Mt. Jumbong-san, Gangwon

Prov., 22.VI.1992 ; 1 Ö\ Mt. Yumyung-san, 3.VII1.1990; 1$, Chuncheon,

28. V. 1990 ; 6 $$, Chuncheon, 21. VII. 1992 ; 1 $, 3 Ç$, Pyungchang, Gangwon Prov., 31.VII.1991. [North Korea]: 2 $$, Mt. Kumgang-san, 25.VII.1982;

1 (5, 2 $, Kaesung, 29.VII.1982; 1 #, Mt. Daesung-san, 3 I.V. 1985 ; 1 $,

Mt. Ryongak-san, 27. V 1985. Russia : Both sexes of paratype of this species and C. grandialata, borrowed from the Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, were examined and compared.

This species is common in Korea. The species hodgesi Park is a junior synonym of C. unisaccula. The male genitalia illustrated by Omelko (Fig. 2) are identical to those of hodgesi Park, but the female genitalia illustrated by him seem to be those of grandialata Omelko. This species

is very close to the latter, but it can be distinguished by the following : distal part of uncus in male genitalia moderate (larger and emarginated on distal margin in grandialata) and distal part of cucullus rather coiled (Omelko, 1988).

Male and female genitalia : See Park (1989 : 163-166, Figs 23-25),

Omelko (1988 : Figs 2 & 8).

Distribution : Korea (North and South), Russian Far East.

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1 f'

É : 4a jj — Figs. 1-5. Chorivalva bisaccula Omelko. 1 — male genitalia ; 2 — aedeagus ; 3

8th tergite and sternite ; 4 — hairly scale-tufts between the 1st and 2nd segment (4a, greater magnification) ; 5 — female genitalia.

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— Figs. 6-8. Stenolechia notomochla Meyrick. 6 — male genitalia (6a, photo) ; 7 - 8th tergite and sternite ; 8 scale-tufts between 2nd & 3rd segment (8a, greater magnification).

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11 12;



Figs. 9-14. 9 — male genitalia of Stenolechia bathrodyas Meyrick ; 10 — ditto, - aedeagus ; 11 — ditto, 8th sternite ; 12 ditto, female genitalia; 13 — adult of

Chorivalva bisaccula Omelko ; 14 — adult of Stenolechia bathrodyas Meyrick.

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Chorivalva bisaccula Omelko (Fig. 13)

Chorivalva bisaccula Omelko, 1988, Ent. Obozr. 67 (i) : 144, figs. 1, 5-7.

Material examined : South Korea : 1 $, Gwanglung, Gyunggi Prov.,

1 8.V.1977, gen. prep. no. 1407 ; 6\ Gwanglung, Gyunggi Prov., 4. VIII. 1988 ;

L 1 Prov., 19. 1 S, 9, Mt. Dodram-san, Gyunggi V. 1990 ; Ö\ Mt. Myungji- san, Gyunggi Prov., 27. VI. 1992; 11 ö\ 1 $, Chuncheon, Gangwon Prov., 29.V1989, gen. prep. no. 1799 (male) & 1867 (female); 3 S, Chuncheon,

1 1 7.V.1989 ; Ö\ Chuncheon, 16. V. 1989, gen. prep. no. 1866 ; $, Chuncheon,

12. 1 VI. 1989 ; 2 $, Chuncheon, 21.VII.1992 ; o\ Yangyang, Gangwon Prov.,

6.VI.1987 ; 2 Ö\ Mt. Jumbong-san, Gangwon Prov., 21-22.VI.1992. Russia: Both sexes of paratypes of this species, borrowed from the Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, were examined and compared.

Habitus : Wingspan 10-13 mm. Pattern of markings on forewings generally similar to unisaccula, but ground colour rather darker. However, ground colour of forewings and body quite variable among individuals — dark grey, yellowish or greyish orange on head, thorax and forewings.

Male genitalia (Figs 1-2) : See also Omelko (1988 : Fig. 6). Eighth sternite large, length shorter than width, emarginated at middle of distal

margin with short lobes laterally, bearing long hair-pencils at base ; 8th tergite triangular in outline with round distal margin, strongly

emarginated on anterior margin (Fig. 3). Uncus short, crown-shaped, with small emargination at middle of distal margin. Cucullus long,

lanceolate, globular at base ; arms of aedeagal fulcrum curved inwardly,

slightly exceeding end of cucullus ; lobe of sacculus digitate, about

1/4 of aedeagal fulcrum ; valvella slender, as long as cucullus, bearing long sparse setae. Aedeagus curved, clavate at base, truncate from

middle to tip dorsally, with long thread-like S-shaped cornutus ; strongly fused with saccus at base. Hairy scale-tufts, usually beneath

the 1st tergite (Fig. 4), very long, in two separated pouches.

Female genitalia (Fig. 5). See also Omelko (1988 : Fig. 7). Very close to Parachronistis jihensis Park, 1986.

Host : Quercus mongolica Fish (Omelko, 1988).

Distribution : Korea (South), Russian Far East.

Remarks : This species is reported for the first time from Korea. were collected in Korea from early May to early August.

Stenolechia Meyrick, 1894

Stenolechia Meyrick, 1894, Entom. Mon. Mag. 30 : 230.

Type-species : Phalaena (Tinea) gemmel/a Linnaeus, 1758.

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Poecilia Heinemann. 1870, Schmett. Dtl. Schweiz. (2) 2 (1) : 281.

Gibbosa Omelko, 1988. Em. Obozr. 67 : 152, syn.n.

Omelko based the separation of the genus Gibbosa from Stenolechia on the shape of ostium bursae in the female genitalia and the valvella in the male genitalia, but considering the variation between individuals, these characters hardly seem to be sufficient. The genital character of the genus Gibbosa is generally identical to that of the type species, 5". gemmella Linnaeus. One of the striking characters of this genus is the scale-tufts being situated in the fold between the 2nd & 3rd abdominal tergite, whereas in Parachronistis and Chorivalva they are between the 1st & 2nd tergite.

The Japanese species, squamifera Kanazawa and rectivalva Kanazawa, which were placed in his 3rd group of Stenolechia (Kanazawa, 1984), also have characters in common with the genus Angustialata Omelko, 1988. However, the 3rd group can be separated from the latter by the absence of androconial scales in the fold between 2nd and 3rd segment, and the characteristic shape of the signa in the female genitalia.

Nevertheless, I consider that the 3rd group of Stenolechia is better placed in the genus Angustialata Omelko, 1988. The species S. bathrodyas Meyrick also shows some differences from the members of Stenolechia, especially in the absence of scale-tufts between 2nd &

3rd tergite. Also, it has well-developed long hair-pencils at the base of 8th sternite. Thus, I consider that the taxonomic position of bathrodyas is uncertain and may best be placed in a new genus. Of the 3 groups of Stenolechia described by Kanazawa (1984) only the 2nd group {notomochla and robustd) fits well with the general character of the type species of the genus (unfortunately, Kanazawa did not mention the androconial scales in his work).

Stenolechia notomochla Meyrick

Stenolechia notomochla Meyrick, 1935, Exot. Microlep. 4 : 583 ; Okada,

1962 : 47 ; Clarke, 1969 : 387 ; Kanazawa, 1984 : 105.

Gibbosa céleris Omelko, 1988, Ent. Obozr., 67 : 152, figs. 21-24. syn.n.

Material examined : South Korea : 2 $$, Namhae, Gyungnam Prov.,

25. VII. 1985, gen. prep. no. 1692 ; 1 #, Yangyang, Gangwon Prov., 10. VII. 1987, gen. prep. no. 1677. Russia : some paratypes of C. céleris Omelko were examined and compared.

Habitus : Wingspan 9 mm in male. Forewing markings differ from the European species gemmella Linnaeus, by the several distinct spots scattered from base to apex, and from the Parachronistis species, in that the costal patch is nearly connected to an oblique median fascia,

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whereas it terminates near the middle of inner margin in the latter genus. However, the widely elongate plate of scale-tufts between the 2nd & 3rd tergite and genital characters fit well within the genus.

Female : Unknown.

Male genitalia (Figs 6) : Eighth sternite very large, roundly emar-

ginated in middle of distal margin ; 8th tergite very small, about 1/5 length of 8th sternite (Fig. 7). Uncus longer than wide, convex in middle of distal margin. Gnathos cupuliform, covered with numerous sclerotised granules ventrally, with well developed acute median pro- jection. Cucullus falcate, moderately long, arcuately curved ventrally, broadened towards base. Aedeagal fulcrum with a pair of sclerotised digitate lobes, setose along inner margin, rather curved laterally. Valvella broad at base, with subulate processes apically. Aedeagus cylindrical, narrower towards distal end. Scale-tufts between 2nd and 3rd tergite widely elongated, not divided, bearing about 20 short scale

bundles (Fig. 8).

Distribution : Korea (South), Japan, Russian Far East.

Remarks : This species was thought to be an endemic species of Japan,

but it is now reported for the first time from Korea. The larva of

this species is reported to feed in the shoots of Quereus dentata Thunb., (Kanazawa, 1984). Moths collected in Korea mid to end of July.

Stenolechia bathrodyas Meyrick (Fig. 14)

Stenolechia bathrodyas Meyrick, 1935, Exot. Microlep., 4 : 583 ; Okada, 1962 :

33 ; Moriuti, 1982 : 53 ; Park, 1983 : 86.

Material examined : South Korea : 2 SS- 1 ?< Suweon, Gyunggi Prov.,

29. VII. 1977, larvae collected from the leaves of Juniperus chinensis L. ; 1 $,

Suweon, 12.IX.1983 ; 1 $, Suweon, 17.IV.1982; 1 $, Suweon, 31.V1982 8. of (Y. B. Lee) ; 1 S, 1 $, Seoul, VI. 1980, larvae collected from the leaves

Juniperus sp. Japan : Lectotype, female, BM slide no. 8266/ Clarke.

Habitus : Wingspan about 7 mm. Ground colour of forewings well

in accordance with representative species of the group : white to ochreous, spekled with brownish-yellow scales, with some dark fuscous

markings consisting of raised scales. This species is a leaf-miner and a serious pest of Juniperus sp. in Japan and Korea.

Male genitalia (Figs 9-11): See also Okada, 1962: Figs. 22-23;

Kanazawa 1984 : Fig. 3.

Female genitalia (Fig. 12) : See also Okada, 1962 : Figs. 32-34 ;

Kanazawa, 1984 : fig. 4.

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Distribution : Korea (South). Japan.

Remarks : This species differs in certain respects from the other Stenolechia species. The androconial scales between the 2nd & 3rd tergite are absent and there are well developed hair-pencils at the base of tegumen. The present taxonomic status of this species should therefore be reconsidered.


I wish to express my sincere thanks to the Korea Research Foundation for financially supporting this study, which is a part of "Systematics of in Korea", and to Dr. L. Lvovsky, Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia for the loan of material.


Clarke, J. F. G., 1969. Catalogue of the Type Specimens of the Microle- pidoptera in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) described bv E. Meyrick.

7 : 386-389, London.

Kanazawa, I., 1984. A revision of the Genus Stenolechia Meyrick from Japan

(Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). Tyo to Ga 35 (3) : 93-120. Meyrick, E., 1925. Fam. Gelechiidae, Lepidoptera Heterocera. In Wytsman,

R (Ed.) : Genera Insectorum 51.

Moriuti, S., 1982. Fam. Gelechiidae. In Moths of Japan, Part 1 : 276 ; Part 2 : 213, Kodansha, Tokyo. Okada, M., 1962. On some Japanese Gelechiid moths bred from coniferous

plants. Bull. Ent. Lab. Coo. Agr. Univ. Osaka Pref. 1 : 26-42. Omelko, M. M., 1986. Review of the genus Parachronistis Meyrick (Le- pidoptera, Gelechiidae) with description of new species from Southern

Maritime Territory. Ent. Obozr. 65 : 753-768. Omelko, M. M., 1988. New genera and species of Gelechiini from the Southern Maritime Territory (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). Ent. Obozr.

67 (1) : 142-159. Park, K. T, 1986. Two new species of the genus Parachronistis from Korea

(Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). Korean J. Ent. 15 : 75-79. Park, K. T, 1989. Systematics of the subfamily Gelechiinae (Lep., Gelechiidae)

in Korea I. Genera Parachronistis Meyrick and Neochronistis Park gen.

nov. Korean J. Appl. Ent. 28 (3) : 154-166. Park, K. T, 1991. Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) from N. Korea with description

of two new species. Annl. hist. nat. Mus. nat. hung. 83 : 117-123.