S´eminaire Poincar´eXI (2007) 1 – 50 S´eminaire Poincar´e SPIN OR, ACTUALLY: SPIN AND QUANTUM STATISTICS∗ J¨urg Fr¨ohlich Theoretical Physics ETH Z¨urich and IHES´ † Abstract. The history of the discovery of electron spin and the Pauli principle and the mathematics of spin and quantum statistics are reviewed. Pauli’s theory of the spinning electron and some of its many applications in mathematics and physics are considered in more detail. The role of the fact that the tree-level gyromagnetic factor of the electron has the value ge = 2 in an analysis of stability (and instability) of matter in arbitrary external magnetic fields is highlighted. Radiative corrections and precision measurements of ge are reviewed. The general connection between spin and statistics, the CPT theorem and the theory of braid statistics, relevant in the theory of the quantum Hall effect, are described. “He who is deficient in the art of selection may, by showing nothing but the truth, produce all the effects of the grossest falsehoods. It perpetually happens that one writer tells less truth than another, merely because he tells more ‘truth’.” (T. Macauley, ‘History’, in Essays, Vol. 1, p 387, Sheldon, NY 1860) Dedicated to the memory of M. Fierz, R. Jost, L. Michel and V. Telegdi, teachers, colleagues, friends. arXiv:0801.2724v3 [math-ph] 29 Feb 2008 ∗Notes prepared with efficient help by K. Schnelli and E. Szabo †Louis-Michel visiting professor at IHES´ / email:
[email protected] 2 J. Fr¨ohlich S´eminaire Poincar´e Contents 1 Introduction to ‘Spin’ 3 2 The Discovery of Spin and of Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, Historically Speaking 6 2.1 Zeeman, Thomson and others, and the discovery of the electron.......