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Man After Man MAN AFTER MAN An interview with Satprem This e-book is the result of the cooperation between the French Association Flamme d'Altérité (Flame of Otherness), which holds the authorization to use this Interview with atprem and Auro e-Books! Flamme d'Altérité Flamme d'Altérité is an Association created in April "#$" whose aim is to help create more awareness re%arding ri Aurobindo&s, 'other’s, atprem&s and u(ata’s evolutionary Action throu%h, in particular, the diffusion of their oral and written *orks and the pro(ection of +'an after man” (+-&.omme après l’homme”), a one hour long filmed interview with atprem shot in $01$ b) 2avid 'ontemurri, followed b) an exchange! *e feel close to each person sincerely touched and concerned b) the *ork of ri Aurobindo, 'other, atprem and u(ata who are dispersed to the four corners and often isolated, but also to all those who are in search of a meaning in today&s chaos! Diksha http455flammedalterite!wordpress!com Auro e-Books Auro e-Books is a multilingual 2i%ital 6ookstore5Library 7ro(ect dedicated to e-books on piritualit) and *ell-6eing! Its aim 8 to popularize and disseminate these books in di%ital formats both throu%h its own website and throu%h the network of other di%ital bookstores! 2iscover more e-books and other activities on our website4 www.auro-ebooks!com Table of Contents Preface Chapter One. What remains? Chapter Two. Auro ille Chapter Three. Mother!s A"en#a Chapter Four. $ac% in the blue mountains E#itor's Note In $01$, a team led b) 2avid 'ontemurri, a film maker from the Italian TV, went to the Nil%iris, the Blue 'ountains of outh India, to interview atprem who was for nearl) "# )ears the confident of 'other, ri Aurobindo’s companion, and recorded on audio tapes the testimon) of her e3ploration in the depths of the bod) consciousness and her discover) of a cellular mind! These recordin%s, transcribed b) atprem, constitute toda) +'other’s A%enda”, an e3traordinar) document of $; volumes (more than <### pages) about the ne3t evolutionar) stage and the passage to a New Bein%! “We’re not in a moral crisis, we’re not in a political, financial, religious crisis, we are in nothing of all that we are in an e!olutionar" crisis# We are dying to humanity to be born to something else#% Thus answers atprem to David 'ontemurri who asks him several =uestions concernin% the actual chaos and the future of humanit)! This film, shot more than ;# )ears ago, takes place in a somehow +outdated, political and social conte3t, however, atprem’s answers, of a rare lucidit) and so full of empath), remain absolutel) actual, powerful and pertinent; +After this painful and senseless man that we are, will there be somethin% else or will we have to resi%n ourselves to the catastrophe and the disappearance of humankind ?@ This is the =uestion that this film, accessible to all audiences, is askin% and to which it tries to answer4 what will be Man after man? Satprem '()' Preface $## )ears after Aharles DarwinBs death, evolution is toda)Bs theme! *e know, or we think we know, how species have evolved and how man was born! Yes, but after that!!!? @'an is not the summit of the evolutionar) process@ said somebod) at the be%innin% of this a%e of mutation! @Evolution %oes on and 'an will be surpassed@! The one who has thrown this stone in the pond of human habit was called ri Aurobindo and lived in India! And it is in India where lived the one who continued, not the evolutionar) thou%ht, but the evolutionar) action of ri Aurobindo. .e called her 'other! he was born in Paris in $1E1! .er bod) was buried in Pondicherr) in $0E;! o we went to the Nil%iris, the blue mountains of outh India, to interview a French writer, a seeker, whom 'other called atprem and who was the witness of her evolutionar) work for almost "# )ears! *ill there be somethin% else after this painful and senseless man that we are? Or do we have to resi%n ourselves to catastrophe and e3tinction of human species? The present man has maybe reached his end! Yes, but after that? The answer is not to be found in an) wisdom, revelation or prophec)! ItBs hidden, atprem tells us, where ri Aurobindo and 'other searched for it: deep down in our bod)Bs cells! @And yet, it's e!e# And at dawn###, we will enter the splendid cities@$ [1] Rimbaud: “A Season in Hell” Chapter One What remains? In the blue mountains, the Nilgiris" 4 Inter!iew with Satprem, a French writer, witness of Mother's e!olutionary experiment# D We started with this sentence from +imbaud in ,A Season in -ell,# -e describes the hell through which we are going now, a hundred years in advance# )o, we are in hell e!erywhere and he says ,And yet, it's e!e, and at dawn, armed with an ardent patience### AT7FD':... we will enter the splendid cities@. Yes, onl), )ou see, FimbaudBs hell was still ver) ps)chological, now itBs a ph)sical hell! Fi%ht now, people are bein% shot in Teheran, )ou see...Ever)where, there is barbarism in one form or another! ItBs becomin% ver) suffocatin%! Because man must face a =uite dreadful ph)sical realit) for his consciousness to chan%e! ThatBs what itBs all about! *e are not in a moral crisis, we are not in a political, financial, or reli%ious crisis, we are in nothin% of all that> we are in an evolutionar) crisis! *e are d)in% to humanit) to be born to somethin% else! o ever)thin% is broken, ever)where, ever)thin% is horrible, ever)where, even in the splendid, so comfortable American cities! ItBs the same barbarism ever)where and we have to reach the moment where the consciousness moves into another dimension, )ou see! This is the stor)4 itBs an evolutionar) crisis! *eBre at the same point where, at a certain moment in evolution, we had to move from a branchial respiration to a pulmonar) one, or we would asph)3iate. This is whatBs happenin%! )ou see, I can onl) talk about m) own e3perience4 a man starts to be onl) when he arrives at the total nothin%ness of what he is, what he believes, what he thinks, what he loves! *hen we arrive at that complete nothin%ness, then somethin% must be, or we die! I have e3perienced that in the concentration camps, [2] The Nilgiri ( blue mountains), often referred to as the Nilgiri Hills, are a range of mountains with at least 24 peaks above 2,000 meters (6,600 ft), in the western most part of Tamil Nadu state at the junction of Karnataka and Kerala states in Southern India thereBs was nothin% left, ever)thin% was broken, shattered, even m)self I was broken; all ideals, nobilities, ever)thin% was broken, shattered, there was nothin%, nothin%, nothin% )ou understand! There were no politics, no reli%ion, there was nothin% to clin% to, then, when thereBs nothin%, what remains? *hat remains? ThereBs a centre of force, of bein%, somethin% remains and this is the ke)! ItBs not all we think, itBs not all we feel, itBs not all we love, itBs no ideals, no dear -ord, itBs nothin% of all that! ItBs somethin%!!! poi%nant, as if all the bein% was %athered into such an intense an3iet) that itBs like a prayer, or itBs love, itBs somethin% warm, powerful, without words, which is the bein%, which is what we are! This is the =uestion or the point at which ever)one is arrivin%: when ever)thin% collapses, what remains? D It seems that man cannot concei!e the end of his species and this e!entual transition to another one# )4 But if the) conceive it or not, does it reall) matter? Obviousl), if the) could conceive it, it would be easier but even if the) canBt conceive it, it will fall on their heads! ItBs fallin% on their heads! The ceilin% is collapsin%. o, if the) donBt consent the) will be broken, thatBs all! D ' think this is the reason wh" a lot of people start to feel it as something unbearable, as a need. )4 Yes, thatBs the ke)! It has to be unbearable! *hen )ou have reached such a point of asph)3ia, or impossibilit), then, )ou have to find another possibilit) or )ou die! Cou will never be able to pass into another possibilit) unless the old wa) of bein% has become impossible! This is in conformit) with all evolutionar) laws! *e pass into a new species when the conditions of the old species, for whatever reasons, become unbearable or impossible, or asph)3iatin%! Then the %enius in these human cells is forced to find a new mechanism, or a new way of bein% which will take us throu%h these unlivable conditions. If, in these human cells, the secret is not there to help )ou with this new adaptation, then )ou die! And when )ou reach the point of impossibilit), well, )ou are forced to find a new possibilit)! And itBs not about thinkin%, or even willin%, )ou are ph)siologicall) forced. The secret is in the bod), because what evolves? ItBs not thou%ht that evolves, itBs the bod)! *hich wa) did the species evolve? The) evolved throu%h their cells, throu%h their bod), and us, men, itBs all the same, we added thou%ht to that but itBs not the foundation.
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