MEDIA KIT Network Opportunities
MEDIA KIT Network Opportunities When it’s time to play, more than 134 million Americans head to the great outdoors to relax, compete or find adventure. With 3 highly engaging multi-platform brands, Outdoor Sportsman Group delivers world class content and programming reaching passionate outdoor participants and armchair enthusiasts who crave to experience the wonders of nature and Get Outdoors! Contact your ad sales representative or visit for more information MEDIA KIT OSG/Networks Young, active, media savvy Passionate outdoorsmen who Fishing alone, with family guys who love adventure in are serious about hunting or with friends, these upscale real life and on TV. and love to win. nature-lovers fish for fun and sport. ARMCHAIR ADVENTURERS/ DEDICATED SPORTSMAN/ SEASONED ANGLERS/ ACTIVE OUTDOORSMEN EXPERIENCED SPORTSMAN HARDCORE ANGLERS Watch TV for Hunting Sensibilities Fishing Sensibilities High stakes/danger Education and Strategy Professional anglers Strong characters Solitude and Nature Fish to compete/win Authentic situations MEDIA KIT Network Audience WHERE AMERICA LIVES WHERE OUTDOORSMEN LIVE A Counties = 40% U.S. Population Over Index B/C/D Counties = 60% U. S. Population Average Under Index Outdoor Channel, Sportsman Channel & World Fishing Network Stats (Aud. Est.) Viewers Male 80% Median Age 51 Years Median HHI $61,000 Married 60% Owns a Dog 57% Owns a Home 74% Owns a 3+ Acres Lot 12% Some College+ 46% Reside in B, C, or D Counties 70% Source: MRI Doublebase 2015 = All, Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel Viewer = Watched in the last 7 days; Some College + = has attended some college/vocational school or received any degree.
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