7: The CRR Market Model

Marek Rutkowski School of and University of Sydney

MATH3075/3975 Financial Mathematics Semester 2, 2016

7: The CRR Market Model Outline

We will examine the following issues: 1 The Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Market Model 2 The CRR Call Pricing Formula 3 Call and Put Options of American Style 4 Dynamic Programming Approach to American Claims 5 Examples: American Call and Put Options

7: The CRR Market Model PART 1


7: The CRR Market Model Introduction

The Cox-Ross-Rubinstein market model (CRR model) is an example of a multi-period market model of the price. At each point in time, the stock price is assumed to either go ‘up’ by a fixed factor u or go ‘down’ by a fixed factor d. Only three parameters are needed to specify the binomial asset pricing model: u > d > 0 and r > 1. − Note that we do not postulate that d < 1 < u. The real-world probability of an ‘up’ mouvement is assumed to be the same 0 < p < 1 for each period and is assumed to be independent of all previous stock price mouvements.

7: The CRR Market Model Bernoulli Processes

Definition (Bernoulli Process)

A process X = (Xt )1 t T on a probability space (Ω, , P) is called ≤ ≤ F the Bernoulli process with parameter 0 < p < 1 if the random variables X1, X2,..., XT are independent and have the following common probability distribution

P(Xt = 1) = 1 P(Xt =0)= p. −

Definition (Bernoulli Counting Process)

The Bernoulli counting process N = (Nt )0 t T is defined by setting N = 0 and, for every t = 1,..., T and≤ ≤ω Ω, 0 ∈

Nt (ω) := X (ω)+ X (ω)+ + Xt (ω). 1 2 · · · The process N is a special case of an additive random walk.

7: The CRR Market Model Stock Price

Definition (Stock Price) The stock price process in the CRR model is defined via an initial value S > 0 and, for 1 t T and all ω Ω, 0 ≤ ≤ ∈ Nt (ω) t Nt (ω) St (ω) := S0u d − .

The underlying Bernoulli process X governs the ‘up’ and ‘down’ mouvements of the stock. The stock price moves up at time t if Xt (ω) = 1 and moves down if Xt (ω) = 0. The dynamics of the stock price can be seen as an example of a multiplicative random walk. The Bernoulli counting process N counts the up mouvements. Before and including time t, the stock price moves up Nt times and down t Nt times. −

7: The CRR Market Model Distribution of the Stock Price

For each t = 1, 2,..., T , the random variable Nt has the binomial distribution with parameters p and t. Specifically, for every t = 1,..., T and k = 0,..., t we have that t k t k P(Nt = k)= p (1 p) − . k −

Hence the probability distribution of the stock price St at time t is given by

k t k t k t k P(St = S u d − )= p (1 p) − 0 k −

for k = 0, 1,..., t.

7: The CRR Market Model Stock Price Lattice

0.8 S u4 0 0.6 ... S u3 0 0.4 S u2 S u3d 0 0 0.2 S u S u2d 0 0 0 ... S S ud S u2d2 0 0 0 −0.2 S d S ud2 0 0 −0.4 3 S d2 S ud 0 0 −0.6 ... S d3 0 −0.8 S d4 0 −1

Figure: Stock Price Lattice in the CRR Model

7: The CRR Market Model Risk-Neutral

Proposition (7.1) Assume that d < 1+ r < u. Then a probability measure P on (Ω, T ) is a risk-neutral probability measure for the CRR model F e = (B, S) with parameters p, u, d, r and time horizon T if and onlyM if:

1 X1, X2, X3,..., XT are independent under the probability measure P,

2 P 0 < p :=e (Xt = 1) < 1 for all t = 1,..., T , 3 pu + (1 p)d = (1+ r), e −e where X is the Bernoulli process governing the stock price S. e e

7: The CRR Market Model Risk-Neutral Probability Measure

Proposition (7.2) If d < 1+ r < u then the CRR market model = (B, S) is -free and complete. M

Since the CRR model is complete, the unique arbitrage price of any European contingent claim can be computed using the risk-neutral valuation formula

E X πt (X )= Bt P t BT F  e

We will apply this formula to the call option on the stock.

7: The CRR Market Model PART 2


7: The CRR Market Model CRR Call Option Pricing Formula

Proposition (7.3) The arbitrage price at time t = 0 of the European call option + CT = (ST K) in the binomial market model = (B, S) is given by the− CRR call pricing formula M

T T T k T k K T k T k C = S pˆ (1 pˆ) − p (1 p) − 0 0 k  − − (1 + r)T k  − Xk=kˆ Xk=kˆ e e where 1+ r d pu p = − , pˆ = u d 1+ r − e and kˆ is the smalleste integer k such that

u K k log > log T . d  S0d 

7: The CRR Market Model Proof of Proposition 7.3

Proof of Proposition 7.3.

+ The price at time t = 0 of the claim X = CT = (ST K) can be − computed using the risk-neutral valuation under P 1 e C = E (CT ) . 0 (1 + r)T P e In view of Proposition 7.1, we obtain

T 1 T k T k k T k C = p (1 p) − max 0, S u d − K . 0 (1 + r)T k  − 0 − Xk=0  e e We note that

k k T k u K S0u d − K > 0 > T − ⇔ d  S0d u K k log > log T ⇔ d  S0d  7: The CRR Market Model Proof of Proposition 7.3

Proof of Proposition 7.3 (Continued).

We define kˆ = kˆ(S0, T ) as the smallest integer k such that the last inequality is satisfied. If there are less than kˆ upward mouvements there is no chance that the option will expire worthless. Therefore, we obtain

T 1 T k T k k T k C = p (1 p) − S u d − K 0 (1 + r)T k  − 0 − Xk=kˆ  T e e S0 T k T k k T k = p (1 p) − u d − (1 + r)T k  − Xk=kˆ T e e K T k T k p (1 p) − − (1 + r)T  k  − Xk=kˆ e e

7: The CRR Market Model Proof of Proposition 7.3

Proof of Proposition 7.3 (Continued). Consequently,

T k T k T pu (1 p)d − C = S − 0 0 k  1+ r   1+ r  Xk=kˆ e e T K T k T k p (1 p) − − (1 + r)T  k  − Xk=kˆ e e and thus

T T T k T k K T k T k C = S pˆ (1 pˆ) − p (1 p) − 0 0 k  − − (1 + r)T  k  − Xk=kˆ Xk=kˆ e e where we denotep ˆ = pu . 1+e r

7: The CRR Market Model Martingale Approach (MATH3975)

pu 1+r d Check that 0 < pˆ = 1+r < 1 whenever 0 < p = u −d < 1. e − P Let be the probability measure obtained bye setting p = p in Proposition 7.1. Then the process B is a martingale under P. b S b For t = 0, the price of the call satisfies b C = S P(D) KB(0, T ) P(D) 0 0 − b e where D = ω Ω : ST (ω) > K . { ∈ } Recall that

1 + Ct = Bt E B− (ST K) t P T − | F e  Using the abstract Bayes formula, one can show that

Ct = St P(D t ) KB(t, T ) P(D t ). | F − | F b e 7: The CRR Market Model Put-Call Parity

It is possible to derive explicit pricing formula for the call option at any date t = 0, 1,..., T .

Since CT PT = ST K, we see that the following put-call − − parity holds at any date t = 0, 1,..., T

(T t) Ct Pt = St K(1 + r)− − = St KB(t, T ) − − − where (T t) B(t, T )=(1+ r)− − is the price at time t of zero-coupon maturing at T . Using Proposition 7.3 and the put-call parity, one can derive an explicit pricing formula for the European with + the payoff PT = (K ST ) . This is left as an . −

7: The CRR Market Model PART 3


7: The CRR Market Model American Options

In contrast to a contingent claim of a European style, a claim of an American style can by exercised by its holder at any date before its date T .

Definition (American Call and Put Options) An American call (put) option is a contract which gives the holder the right to buy (sell) an asset at any time t T at K. ≤

It the study of an American claim, we are concerned with the price process and the ‘optimal’ exercise policy by its holder. If the holder of an American option exercises it at τ [0, T ], ∈ τ is called the exercise time.

7: The CRR Market Model Stopping Times

An admissible exercise time should belong to the class of stopping times.

Definition () A stopping time with respect to a given filtration F is a map τ :Ω 0, 1,..., T such that for any t = 0, 1,..., T the event → { } ω Ω τ(ω)= t belongs to the σ-field t . { ∈ | } F Intuitively, this property means that the decision whether to stop a given process at time t (for instance, whether to exercise an option at time t or not) depends on the stock price fluctuations up to time t only.

Definition Let be the subclass of stopping times τ with respect to F T [t,T ] satisfying the inequalities t τ T . ≤ ≤ 7: The CRR Market Model American Call Option

Definition By an arbitrage price of the American call we mean a price process C a, t T , such that the extended financial market model t ≤ – that is, a market with trading in riskless bonds, and an American call option – remains arbitrage-free.

Proposition (7.4) The price of an American call option in the CRR arbitrage-free market model with r 0 coincides with the arbitrage price of a European call option≥ with the same expiry date and strike price.

Proof. It is sufficient to show that the American call option should never be exercised before maturity, since otherwise the issuer of the option would be able to make riskless profit.

7: The CRR Market Model Proof of Proposition 7.4

Proof of Proposition 7.4 – Step 1. The argument hinges on the inequality, for t = 0, 1,..., T ,

+ Ct (St K) . (1) ≥ − An intuitive way of deriving (1) is based on no-arbitrage arguments.

Notice that since the price Ct is always non-negative, it suffices to consider the case when the current stock price is greater than the exercise price: St K > 0. − Suppose, on the contrary, that Ct < St K for some t. − Then it would be possible, with zero net initial investment, to buy at time t a call option, a stock, and invest the sum St Ct > K in the savings account. −

7: The CRR Market Model Proof of Proposition 7.4

Proof of Proposition 7.4 – Step 1. By holding this portfolio unchanged up to the maturity date T , we would be able to lock in a riskless profit. Indeed, the value of our portfolio at time T would satisfy (recall that r 0) ≥ T t CT ST +(1+ r) − (St Ct ) − + − T t > (ST K) ST +(1+ r) − K 0. − − ≥ We conclude that inequality (1) is necessary for the absence of arbitrage opportunities. In the next step, we assume that (1) holds.

7: The CRR Market Model Proof of Proposition 7.4

Proof of Proposition 7.4 – Step 2. Taking (1) for granted, we may now deduce the property a Ct = Ct using simple no-arbitrage arguments. Suppose, on the contrary, that the issuer of an American call a is able to sell the option at time 0 at the price C0 > C0. In order to profit from this transaction, the option writer establishes a dynamic portfolio φ that replicates the value process of the European call and invests the remaining funds in the savings account. Suppose that the holder of the option decides to exercise it at instant t before the expiry date T .

7: The CRR Market Model Proof of Proposition 7.4

Proof of Proposition 7.4 – Step 2. Then the issuer of the option locks in a riskless profit, since the value of his portfolio at time t satisfies

+ t a Ct (St K) +(1+ r) (C C ) > 0. − − 0 − 0 The above reasoning implies that the European and American call options are equivalent from the point of view of arbitrage pricing theory. Both options have the same price and an American call should never be exercised by its holder before expiry. Note that the assumption r 0 was necessary to obtain (1). ≥

7: The CRR Market Model American Put Option

Recall that the American put is an option to sell a specified number of shares, which may be exercised at any time before or at the expiry date T . For the American put on stock with strike K and expiry date T , we have the following valuation result.

Proposition (7.5) a The arbitrage price Pt of an American put option equals a E (τ t) + Pt = max P (1 + r)− − (K Sτ ) t , t T . τ [t,T ] − | F ∀ ≤ ∈T e 

For any t T, the stopping time τt∗ which realizes the maximum is given by≤ the expression

a + τ ∗ = min u t P = (K Su) . t { ≥ | u − }

7: The CRR Market Model PART 4


7: The CRR Market Model Dynamic Programming Recursion

The stopping time τt∗ is called the rational exercise time of an American put option that is assumed to be still alive at time t. By an application of the classic Bellman principle (1952), one reduces the optimal stopping problem in Proposition 7.5 to an explicit recursive procedure for the value process. The following corollary to Proposition 7.5 gives the dynamic programming recursion for the value of an American put option. Note that this is an extension of the backward induction approach to the valuation of European contingent claims.

7: The CRR Market Model Dynamic Programming Recursion

Corollary (Bellman Principle) Let the non-negative adapted process U be defined recursively by + setting UT = (K ST ) and for t T 1 − ≤ − + 1 Ut = max (K St) , (1 + r)− E (Ut t ) . − P +1 | F n e o a Then the arbitrage price Pt of the American put option at time t equals Ut and the rational exercise time after time t admits the following representation

+ τ ∗ = min u t Uu = (K Su) . t { ≥ | − } Therefore, τ = T and for every t = 0, 1,..., T 1 T∗ − 1 1 τt∗ = t Ut =(K St )+ + τt∗+1 Ut >(K St )+ . { − } { − }

7: The CRR Market Model Dynamic Programming Recursion

a It is also possible to show directly that the price Pt satisfies the recursive relationship, for t T 1, ≤ − a + 1 a P = max (K St ) , (1 + r)− E P t t − P t+1 | F n e o a + subject to the terminal condition P = (K ST ) . T − In the case of the CRR model, this formula reduces the valuation problem to the simple single-period case. To show this we shall argue by contradiction. Assume first that (2) fails to hold for t = T 1. If this is the case, one − may easily construct at time T 1 a portfolio which produces − riskless profit at time T . Hence, we conclude that necessarily

a + 1 E + PT 1 = max (K ST 1) , (1 + r)− P (K ST ) T . − − − − | F n e o This procedure may be repeated as many times as needed.

7: The CRR Market Model American Put Option: Summary

To summarise: In the CRR model, the arbitrage pricing of the American put option reduces to the following recursive recipe, for t T 1, ≤ − a + 1 au ad P = max (K St) , (1 + r)− pP + (1 p)P t − t+1 − t+1 n o with the terminal condition e e

a + P = (K ST ) . T − au ad The quantities Pt+1 and Pt+1 represent the values of the American put in the next step corresponding to the upward and downward mouvements of the stock price starting from a given node on the CRR lattice.

7: The CRR Market Model General American Claim

Definition An American contingent claim X a = (X , ) expiring at T T [0,T ] consists of a sequence of payoffs (Xt )0 t T where the random ≤ ≤ variable Xt is t -measurable for t = 0, 1,..., T and the set F T [0,T ] of admissible exercise policies.

We interpret Xt as the payoff received by the holder of the claim X a upon exercising it at time t. The set of admissible exercise policies is restricted to the class of all stopping times with values in 0, 1,..., T . T [0,T ] { } Let g : R 0, 1,..., T R be an arbitrary function. We × { }→ say that X a is a path-independent American claim with the payoff function g if the equality Xt = g(St , t) holds for every t = 0, 1,..., T .

7: The CRR Market Model General American Claim (MATH3975)

Proposition (7.6) For every t T , the arbitrage price π(X a) of an American claim X a in the CRR≤ model equals

a E (τ t) πt (X )= max P (1 + r)− − Xτ t . τ [t,T ] | F ∈T e  The price process π(X a) satisfies the following recurrence relation, for t T 1, ≤ − a 1 a πt (X ) = max Xt , E (1 + r)− πt (X ) t P +1 | F n e o a with πT (X )= XT and the rational exercise time τt∗ equals

1 a τ ∗ = min u t Xu E (1 + r)− πu (X ) u . t ≥ | ≥ P +1 | F  e 

7: The CRR Market Model Path-Independent American Claim: Valuation

For a generic value of the stock price St at time t, we denote u a d a a by πt+1(X ) and πt+1(X ) the values of the price πt+1(X ) at the nodes corresponding to the upward and downward mouvements of the stock price during the period [t, t + 1], that is, for the values uSt and dSt of the stock price at time t + 1, respectively.

Proposition (7.7) For a path-independent American claim X a with the payoff process Xt = g(St , t) we obtain, for every t T 1, ≤ − a 1 u a d a πt (X ) = max g(St , t), (1+r)− p π (X )+(1 p) π (X ) . t+1 − t+1 n o e e

7: The CRR Market Model Path-Independent American Claim: Summary

Consider a path-independent American claim X a with the payoff function g(St , t). Then: a a a Let Xt = πt (X ) be the arbitrage price at time t of X . Then the pricing formula becomes

a 1 au ad X = max g(St , t), (1 + r)− pX + (1 p) X t t+1 − t+1 n o a e e with the terminal condition XT = g(ST , T ). Moreover

a τ ∗ = min u t g(Su, u) X . t ≥ | ≥ u  The risk-neutral valuation formula given above is valid for an arbitrary path-independent American claim with a payoff function g in the CRR binomial model.

7: The CRR Market Model Example: American Call Option

Example (7.1) We consider here the CRR binomial model with the horizon date T = 2 and the risk-free rate r = 0.2. The stock price S for t = 0 and t = 1 equals

u d S0 = 10, S1 = 13.2, S1 = 10.8.

Let X a be the American call option with maturity date T = 2 and the following payoff process

+ g(St , t) = (St Kt ) . −

The strike Kt is variable and satisfies

K0 = 9, K1 = 9.9, K2 = 12.

7: The CRR Market Model Example: American Call Option

Example (7.1 Continued) a We will first compute the arbitrage price πt (X ) of this option at times t = 0, 1, 2 and the rational exercise time τ0∗. Subsequently, we will compute the replicating strategy for X a up to the rational exercise time τ0∗. We start by noting that the unique risk-neutral probability measure P satisfies 1+e r d (1 + r)S Sd 12 10.8 p = − = 0 − 1 = − = 0.5 u d Su Sd 13.2 10.8 − 1 − 1 − e The dynamics of the stock price under P are given by the first exhibit (note that Sud = Sdu). 2 2 e The second exhibit represents the price of the call option.

7: The CRR Market Model Suu . 2 8 = 17 429 ω1 rr8 0.5 rr rrr rrr Su . 1 C= 13 2 §C LLL § LL0.5 §§ LL § LLL . § & 0 5 § ud& § S = 14.256 ω2 §§ 2 §§ §§ §§ S 0 =7 10 77 77 77 7 0.5 du 7 S = 14.256 ω3 77 2 9 7 . rr 7 0 5 rr 77 rrr 7 rrr d  S1 = 10.8 LLL LL0.5 LLL LL% dd% S2 = 11.664 ω4

7: The CRR Market Model (17.429 − 12)+ = 5.429 kk5 kkk kkk kkk kkk max (3.3, 3.202) = 3.3 ; S w; SSS ww SSS ww SSS ww SSS ww S) ww (14.256 − 12)+ = 2.256 ww ww ww ww ww max (1, 1.7667) = 1.7667 G GG GG GG GG GG − + GG (14.256 12) = 2.256 GG kk5 G kkk GG kkk GG kkk G# kkk max (0.9, 0.94) = 0.94 SSS SSS SSS SSS SS) (11.664 − 12)+ = 0

7: The CRR Market Model Example: Replicating Strategy

Example (7.1 Continued) Holder. The rational holder should exercise the American option at time t = 1 if the stock price rises during the first period. Otherwise, the option should be held till time 2. Hence τ :Ω 0, 1, 2 equals 0∗ → { }

τ ∗(ω) = 1 for ω ω ,ω 0 ∈ { 1 2} τ ∗(ω) = 2 for ω ω ,ω 0 ∈ { 3 4} Issuer. We now take the of the issuer of the option. At t = 0, we need to solve

0 1 1.2 φ0 + 13.2 φ0 = 3.3 0 1 1.2 φ0 + 10.8 φ0 = 0.94

Hence (φ0, φ1) = ( 8.067, 0.983) for all ω. 0 0 −

7: The CRR Market Model Example: Replicating Strategy

Example (7.1 Continued) If the stock price rises during the first period, the option is exercised and thus we do not need to compute the strategy at time 1 for ω ω ,ω . ∈ { 1 2} If the stock price falls during the first period, we solve

0 1 1.2 φ1 + 14.256 φ1 = 2.256 0 1 1.2 φe1 + 11.664 φ1 = 0 Hence (φ0, φ1) = ( 8.46e, 0.8704) for ω ω ,ω . 1 1 − ∈ { 3 4} Note that φ0 = 8.46 is the amount of borrowed at time e 1 − 1, rather than the number of units of the savings account B. e The replicating strategy φ = (φ0, φ1) is defined at time 0 for all ω and it is defined at time 1 on the event ω ,ω only. { 3 4}

7: The CRR Market Model −−− l5 lll lll lll lll u l V1 (φ) = 3.3 t: RRR tt RRR tt RRR tt RRR tt RR) tt −−− tt tt tt tt tt 0 1 − (φ0,φ0)=( 8.067, 0.983) HH HH HH HH HH H V du φ . HH 2 ( ) = 2 256 HH l6 HH lll HH lll HH lll H$ lll 0 1 − (φ1,φ1)=( 8.46, 0.8704) e R RRR RRR RRR RRR( ( dd V2 (φ) = 0

7: The CRR Market Model PART 5


7: The CRR Market Model Derivation of u and d from r and σ

We fix maturity T and we assume that the continuously rT compounded r is such that B(0, T )= e− . From the market data for stock prices, one can estimate the stock price σ per one time unit (typically, one year). Note that until now we assumed that t = 0, 1, 2,..., T , which means that ∆t = 1. In general, the length of each period can be any positive number smaller than 1. We set n = T /∆t. Two widely used conventions for obtaining u and d from σ and r are: The Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (CRR) parametrisation:

σ 1 u = e √∆t and d = . u The Jarrow-Rudd (JR) parameterisation:

2 2 r σ ∆t + σ√∆t r σ ∆t σ√∆t u = e − 2  and d = e − 2  − .

7: The CRR Market Model The CRR parameterisation

Proposition (7.8) k Assume that Bk∆t = (1+ r∆t) for every k = 0, 1,..., n and 1 σ√∆t u = d = e in the CRR model. Then the risk-neutral probability measure P satisfies

e σ2 1 r 2 P (St t = St u St )= + − √∆t + o(√∆t) +∆ | 2 2σ e provided that ∆t is sufficiently small.

Proof of Proposition 7.8. The risk-neutral probability measure for the CRR model is given by 1+ r∆t d p = P (St t = St u St )= − +∆ | u d − e e

7: The CRR Market Model The CRR parameterisation

Proof of Proposition 7.8. Under the CRR parametrisation, we obtain

1+ r∆t d 1+ r∆t e σ√∆t p = − = − − . u d eσ√∆t e σ√∆t − − − e The Taylor expansions up to the second order term are

σ2 eσ√∆t = 1+ σ√∆t + ∆t + o(∆t) 2 2 σ√∆t σ e− = 1 σ√∆t + ∆t + o(∆t) − 2

7: The CRR Market Model The CRR parameterisation

Proof of Proposition 7.8. By substituting the Taylor expansions into the risk-neutral probability measure, we obtain

√ σ2 1+ r∆t 1 σ ∆t + 2 ∆t + o(∆t) p = −  −  √ σ2 √ σ2 1+ σ ∆t + 2 ∆t 1 σ ∆t + 2 ∆t + o(∆t) e   −  −  √ σ2 σ ∆t + r 2 ∆t + o(∆t) =  −  2σ√∆t + o(∆t) σ2 1 r = + − 2 √∆t + o(√∆t) 2 2σ as was required to show.

7: The CRR Market Model The CRR parameterisation

To summarise, for ∆t sufficiently small, we get

2 1+ r∆t e σ√∆t 1 r σ p = − − + − 2 √∆t. eσ√∆t e σ√∆t ≈ 2 2σ − − e Note that 1+ r∆t er∆t when ∆t is sufficiently small. ≈ Hence the risk-neutral probability measure can also be represented as follows

er∆t e σ√∆t p − − . ≈ eσ√∆t e σ√∆t − − e More formally, if we define ˆr such that (1+ˆr)n = erT for a fixed T and n = T /∆t then ˆr r∆t since ln(1 +ˆr)= r∆t ≈ and ln(1 +ˆr) ˆr when ˆr is close to zero. ≈

7: The CRR Market Model Example: American Put Option

Example (7.2 – CRR Parameterisation) Let the annualized variance of logarithmic returns be σ2 = 0.1. The interest rate is set to r = 0.1 per annum.

Suppose that the current stock price is S0 = 50. We examine European and American put options with strike 1 price K = 53 and maturity T = 4 months (i.e. T = 3 ). 1 The length of each period is ∆t = 12 , that is, one month. T Hence n = ∆t = 4 steps. We adopt the CRR parameterisation to derive the stock price. Then u = 1.0956 and d = 1/u = 0.9128. We compute 1 + r∆t = 1.00833 er∆t and p = 0.5228. ≈ e

7: The CRR Market Model Example: American Put Option

Example (7.2 Continued)

Stock Price Process

75 72.0364 70

65 65.7516

60 60.0152 60.0152

55 54.7792 54.7792

50 50 50 50

Stock Price 45 45.6378 45.6378 41.6561 41.6561 40 38.0219 35 34.7047


25 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 t/∆ t

Figure: Stock Price Process

7: The CRR Market Model Example: American Put Option

Example (7.2 Continued)

Price Process of the European Put Option

75 0 70

65 0

60 0.67199 0

55 2.2478 1.4198

50 4.4957 4.0132 3

Stock Price 45 7.0366 6.9242 10.4714 11.3439 40 14.5401 35 18.2953


25 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 t/∆ t

Figure: European Put Option Price

7: The CRR Market Model Example: American Put Option

Example (7.2 Continued)

Price Process of the American Put Option

75 0 70

65 0

60 0.67199 0

55 2.3459 1.4198

50 4.7928 4.2205 3

Stock Price 45 7.557 7.3622 11.3439 11.3439 40 14.9781 35 18.2953


25 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 t/∆ t

Figure: American Put Option Price

7: The CRR Market Model Example: American Put Option

Example (7.2 Continued)

1: Exercise the American Put; 0: Hold the American Option 80

1 70 1

60 0 1

0 0

50 0 0 1

Stock Price 0 1 1 1 40 1 1


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 t/∆ t

Figure: Rational Exercise Policy

7: The CRR Market Model The JR parameterisation

The next result deals with the Jarrow-Rudd parametrisation. Proposition (7.9) k Let Bk∆t = (1+ r∆t) for k = 0, 1,..., n. We assume that

2 r σ ∆t + σ√∆t u = e − 2 

and 2 r σ ∆t σ√∆t d = e − 2  − . Then the risk-neutral probability measure P satisfies 1 e P (St t = St u St )= + o(∆t) +∆ | 2 e provided that ∆t is sufficiently small.

7: The CRR Market Model The JR parameterisation

Proof of Proposition 7.9. Under the JR parametrisation, we have

2 r σ ∆t σ√∆t 1+ r∆t d 1+ r∆t e − 2  − p = − = 2 − 2 . u d r σ ∆t+σ√∆t r σ ∆t σ√∆t − e − 2  e − 2  − e − The Taylor expansions up to the second order term are

2 r σ ∆t+σ√∆t e − 2  =1+ r∆t + σ√∆t + o(∆t) 2 r σ ∆t σ√∆t e − 2  − =1+ r∆t σ√∆t + o(∆t) − and thus 1 p = + o(∆t). 2 e

7: The CRR Market Model Example: American Put Option

Example (7.3 – JR Parameterisation) We consider the same problem as in Example 7.2, but with parameters u and d computed using the JR parameterisation. We obtain u = 1.1002 and d = 0.9166. As before, 1+ r∆t = 1.00833 er∆t , but p = 0.5. ≈ We compute the price processes for the stock, the European e put option, the American put option and we find the rational exercise time. When we compare with Example 7.2, we see that the results are slightly different than before, although it appears that the rational exercise policy is the same. The CRR and JR parameterisations are both set to approach the Black-Scholes model. For ∆t sufficiently small, the prices computed under the two parametrisations will be very close to one another.

7: The CRR Market Model Example: American Put Option

Example (7.3 Continued)

Stock Price Process 80

73.2471 70 66.5787

60 60.5174 61.0238

55.0079 55.4682

50 50 50.4184 50.8403

Stock Price 45.8283 46.2118 42.0047 42.3562 40 38.5001 35.2879


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 t/∆ t

Figure: Stock Price Process

7: The CRR Market Model Example: American Put Option

Example (7.3 Continued)

Price Process of the European Put Option 80

0 70 0

60 0.53103 0

2.0877 1.0709

50 4.4284 3.6792 2.1597

Stock Price 6.8428 6.3488 10.1204 10.6438 40 14.0607 17.7121


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 t/∆ t

Figure: European Put Option Price

7: The CRR Market Model Example: American Put Option

Example (7.3 Continued)

Price Process of the American Put Option 80

0 70 0

60 0.53103 0

2.1958 1.0709

50 4.7506 3.8971 2.1597

Stock Price 7.3846 6.7882 10.9953 10.6438 40 14.4999 17.7121


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 t/∆ t

Figure: American Put Option Price

7: The CRR Market Model Example: American Put Option

Example (7.3 Continued)

1: Exercise the American Put; 0: Hold the American Option 80

1 70 1

60 0 1

0 0

50 0 0 1

Stock Price 0 1 1 1 40 1 1


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 t/∆ t

Figure: Rational Exercise Policy

7: The CRR Market Model