Parish: Ward: North North Mundham


Proposal Erection of replacement dwelling. Resubmission of NM/15/02119/FUL

Site The Chalet Southgate Farm Fisher Lane North Mundham West PO20 1YU

Map Ref (E) 487223 (N) 101504

Applicant Mr J Strachan


Note: Do not scale from map. For information only. Reproduced NOT TO from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the SCALE controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown Copyright. License No. 100018803

1.0 Reason for Committee Referral

1.0 Reason for Committee Referral

Parish Objection - Officer recommends Permit

2.0 The Site and Surroundings

2.1 The application site lies within the Southgate Farm farmstead that lies to the west of Fisher Lane. The site is accessed via a secure gated driveway that leads to a complex of buildings in a mixture of residential and agricultural use. The site is remotely located and no readily available public views of the property the closest being 510m to the west of the application site over open countryside and beyond mature woodland.

2.2 The site is bounded by open farmland to the north of the application site and residential garden to the east and south. To the west is currently a barn and associated land which benefits from permission for the conversion to a dwelling under the Town and Country (General Permitted Development ) Order 2015, that was subject to a prior approval application in 2015 (NM/15/01380/PA3Q).

2.3 A lawful development certificate (15/00287/ELD) was granted in 2015 for the use of the existing buildings on site as a self-contained dwelling, the applicant had demonstrated an independent use of the building for this purpose since as early as 2007. The existing dwelling forms an amalgamation of single storey buildings, part of which extends into the adjoining shed, featuring corrugated roofs green painted timber walls.

3.0 The Proposal

3.1 Planning permission is sought for the demolition of the existing dwelling and its replacement with a two storey 4 bedroom property. The proposal follows a refused application NM/15/02119/FUL for a much larger dwelling. The size and height of the proposal dwelling has been reduced and would have a have a footprint in a cross shape that would form primarily open plan living at gourd floor leading to the four first floor bedrooms - two of which would include en-suite bathrooms. The external finish would include stock brick and plain clay tiles

The replacement dwelling would be sited further westwards than the existing dwelling and the principal elevation would face eastwards (the existing faces westwards). The principle elevation would be separated from the boundaries of the neighbouring properties by a distance of approximately 31m. The back to back distance between the proposed house and the dwelling subject to notification NM/15/01380/PA3Q would measure approximately 37m. The residential curtilage identified by the red line conforms with that permitted by the ELD.

4.0 History

15/00287/ELD PER Change of use of building to a single dwellinghouse.

15/02119/FUL REF Erection of replacement dwelling.

02/02971/COU REF Stationing of 3 no. mobile homes (caravans).

92/00040/NM REF Erection of 1 no. bungalow to replace that permitted by planning ref: NM/66/87 but not started.

87/00066/NM PER One agricultural chalet bungalow

84/00034/NM PER Outbuilidng - Agricultural bungalow

03/00482/FUL REF Stationing of 3 residential caravans to accommodate family awaiting the construction of house and duck houses.

03/01231/DOM REF Alterations and extensions to provide additional living space.

04/01989/FUL PER Retention of new buildings and extension of existing building.

04/01990/FUL PER Retention of 2 no. mobile homes for living accommodation on agriculture site.

04/04441/ELD REF Use of existing mobile home (MH2) and retention of MH2 as accommodation for farm workers.

06/01309/FUL PER106 Erection of agricultural dwelling.

07/05191/FUL PER Proposed garaging and garden store.

08/04113/FUL PER Provision of games room within roofspace of permitted garage. Amendments to planning permission NM/07/05191/FUL.

08/05091/FUL PER Minor increase in height and length of permitted garage. Amendments to planning permission's NM/07/05191/FUL and NM/08/04113/FUL.

15/00287/ELD PER Change of use of building to a single dwellinghouse.

15/01380/PA3Q YESPAP Part 3, Class PA3Q: Change of use of agricultural building to 2 no. dwellings (C3 Use Class).

15/02119/FUL REF Erection of replacement dwelling.

03/00065/REF DISMIS Alterations and extensions to provide additional living space.

03/00075/8WEEK DISMIS Stationing of 3 residential caravans to accommodate family awaiting the construction of house and duck houses.

5.0 Constraints

Listed Building No Conservation Area No Countryside Yes AONB No Strategic Gap No Tree Preservation Order No South Downs National Park No

EA Flood Zone - Flood Zone 2 No - Flood Zone 3 No Historic Parks and Gardens No

6.0 Representations and Consultations

6.1 Parish Council


6.2 WSCC - Highways

Comments received 25/01/16

This proposal has been considered by means of a desktop study, using the information and plans submitted with this application, in conjunction with other available WSCC map information. A site visit can be arranged on request.


The proposal is to replace the existing dwelling; the proposed will use the existing access off of Fishers Lane for Southgate Farm.

The Local Highway Authority (LHA) would not expect any intensification of the existing access to result from the proposed. On-site parking is unchanged. Southgate Farm already has a well-established made up access with adequate visibility in both directions.

The LHA are satisfied the proposed will not have a severe impact on the highway. Therefore the proposed development accords with paragraph 32 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in that safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved. Conclusion No highway safety concerns.


No part of the development shall be first occupied until the car parking spaces have been constructed in accordance with plans and details submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These spaces shall thereafter be retained at all times for their designated use.

Reason: To provide car-parking space for the use.

6.3 Applicant/Agent's Supporting Information

During the course of the application the agent has provided additional information to confirm that the property will accommodate surface water via soakaways and that the property will be connected to the BT cable system that is available in the area.

7.0 Planning Policy

7.1 The Development Plan for comprises the Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029 and all made neighbourhood plans.

7.2 The principal planning policies relevant to the consideration of this application are as follows:

Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029 (CLP)

Policy 1: Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development Policy 2: Development Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy Policy 6: Neighbourhood Development Plans Policy 8: Transport and Accessibility Policy 39: Transport, Accessibility and Parking Policy 40: Sustainable design and construction Policy 42: Flood Risk and Water Management Policy 45: Development in the Countryside Policy 47: Design and Heritage Policy 48: Natural Environment Policy 49: Biodiversity

National Policy and Guidance

7.3 Government planning policy comprises the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). At the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-taking. This means unless material considerations indicate otherwise development proposals that accord with the development plan should be approved without delay.

7.4 Consideration should also be given to paragraph 17 (Core Planning Principles), together with Sections 4, 7, 10 and 11 generally.

Other Local Policy and Guidance

7.5 There is not Neighbourhood Plan for North Mundham or Village Deign Statement

7.6 The aims and objectives of the Council's Sustainable Community Strategy are material to the determination of this planning application. These are:

B1 - Managing a changing environment

8.0 Planning Comments

8.1 The main issues arising from this proposal are: i. Principle of development ii. Design and impact upon character of the surrounding area iii. Impact upon amenities of neighbouring properties iv. Parking and highway safety v. Water management

Assessment i. Principle of the development

8.2 The site is located within the countryside of North Mundham Parish. The village of North Mundham is a designated Service Village within the Development Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy within Policy 2 of the CDC LP.

8.3 The site is not within the designated Settlement Boundary and is within a countryside location. The development involves the replacement of an existing building with a two storey property located in an alternative, but nearby siting within the existing established curtilage. The principle of a one for one replacement would be in accordance with the development plan insofar as the principle of development is concerned. ii) Design and impact upon character of the site and surrounding area

8.4 Section 7 of the NPPF requires good design that improves the overall quality of the area and policy, within paragraph 56 of the NPPF stating that "good design is indivisible from good planning". Policies 33 and 47 of the Local Plan sets out the current criteria for the design approach with the Development Plan and requires new development to respects distinctive local character and sensitively contribute to creating places of a high architectural and built quality.

8.5 The overall design approach of the proposal, in relation to its size, height, scale, mass and bulk would be commensurate with that of surrounding properties and would be well related to the existing farmstead of building and vehicular tracks. The dwelling would have a maximum height of 7.8m, an increase of 3.5m in height from the existing ridge height, and a lower ridge height of 7m. The eaves heights would vary between 2.35m and 4.35m. Southgate Farm is of a similarly styled half hipped roof with pitched roof dormer design to that proposed, the ridge height of the main Southgate Farm measures 7.8m in height and eaves 2.5m.

8.6 The footprint of the existing dwelling measures 177sqm. The proposal would have a total floor area of 252sqm (combined first and second floors), resulting in an increase of 75sqm. Whilst this represents a 42% increase in the floor area, the broken and staggered form utilised in the design aids in alleviating the additional bulk, mass and scale.

8.7 On balance; the design, size and appearance of the proposed dwellinghouse is considered to contribute positively to creating a place of high architectural quality that respect local distinctiveness. The proposed building would be well related in terms of siting, size and design to the existing farmstead/groups of buildings and would be located so that it would not prejudice any viable agricultural opportunities on the farm. The design and proportions of the form and fenestration would be visually sympathetic to the building and surroundings, in accordance with the design principles of the NPPF and policies 45, 47 and 33 of the Local Plan

8.8 The Parish Council have raised concern regarding the amount of development that has taken place on this site, i.e. the combination of the main house and garage, the conversion of the barn in to two dwellings under permitted development and the use of the application site as a dwelling to the extent that it is now lawful. The concern is that a dwelling of the size proposed in this case would exacerbate what it considers to be an unacceptable impact. However, as set out above, the proposal would not be uncharacteristic of other residential development in the area and would be set in an appropriately spacious plot. iii) Impact upon amenities of neighbouring properties

8.9 Policy 33 of the CDC LP requires new residential development for replacement houses to respect and where possible enhance neighbouring and public amenity. The NPPF also requires development to achieve high standards of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings.

8.10 The replacement property would be sited within the existing curtilage. The boundary with adjacent residential properties to the east would be some 31m from the principal elevation of the proposed building. The back to back distance between the proposed dwelling and the building with extant approval for conversion in to two dwellings would measure approximately 37m. Southgate Farm, to the south, would be separated by the vehicular track and detached garage.

8.11 The development proposed would be sufficiently distanced and orientated so not to cause an oppressive or overbearing form of development and the introduction of first floor windows would be mitigated by these considerable distances. Therefore, the development would not compromise the amenities of neighbouring properties.

iv) Parking and Highway Safety

8.19 The site is currently served via an established ‘made-up’ access with adequate visibility in both directions. The Local Highway Authority (LHA) has advised that it would not expect any intensification of the existing access as a result of the proposal. Sufficient space is available for parking and turning to allow for egress in a forward gear. Therefore the proposed development accords with paragraph 32 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in that safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved. The LHA have suggested a condition to secure parking space details to be submitted to and agreed by the LPA prior to first occupation of the dwelling. v) Water Management

8.24 Foul waste; The proposed property would be connected to a private treatment plant. In order to ensure this treatment plant has sufficient capacity to accommodate the foul waste from the proposed property (that would be increased in size from the existing) - a condition is proposed to require details to be agreed with the LPA prior to implementation and first occupation.

8.25 Surface water; the agent has confirmed that soakaways are proposed. The principle of such provision is acceptable subject to conditions ensuring surface water would be drained in an appropriate manner having regard to the soil type.

8.26 It is considered that the proposed surface and foul water drainage requirements of the development could be managed appropriately and therefore the proposal would be acceptable in this respect.

Additional Matters

8.27 Internet connectivity; the agent has confirmed that; 'the property will have a telephone line and will be reliant on the service that BT provide to this locality'.

Significant Conditions

8.28 It is recommended that conditions are imposed to ensure materials are appropriate and that sufficient parking and turning is provided for on-site. Conditions are also proposed to ensure the proposed refuse and cycle storage is provided in accordance with the details submitted and that appropriate drainage is provided.


8.29 Based on the above assessment, it is considered the proposal complies with the Development Plan and any material considerations and subject to conditions permission is recommended for approval.

Human Rights

8.30 In reaching this conclusion the Human Rights of the applicants and nearby occupiers have been taken into account when reaching this recommendation and it is concluded that the recommendation to permit is justified and proportionate.


1 A01F Time Limit - Full A01F - Time Limit - Full 2 B01G No Departure from Plans 3 U00408 4 U00410 5 U00416 6 U00411 7 U00417 8 U00412 9 U00413 10 U00414 11 U00415 12 W44F Application Approved Without Amendment W44F - Application Approved Without Amendment


For further information on this application please contact Maria Tomlinson on 01243 534734