February 20, 2007
February 20, 2007 Marin County Board of Supervisors 3501 Civic Center Drive San Rafael, CA 94903 SUBJECT: Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy proposal for inclusion of the Civic Center as part of a thematic application process for nomination to the World Heritage List. Dear Supervisors, RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve the County’s participation in the initial stage of a Frank Lloyd Wright thematic application to the National Park Service to be considered, along with eleven other FLW sites, for the United States Tentative List. 2. Direct staff to return to your Board later this summer to report back with a progress report and a recommendation for next steps. SUMMARY: The United States Tentative List is a national list of properties that are considered the most outstanding examples of the nation’s cultural and natural heritage and, at a later stage, potential candidates for submission to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for World Heritage List inscription. The national Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy (FLWBC) in Chicago is drafting an application to be submitted to the National Park Service (NPS) for the U.S. Tentative List nomination. The Frank Lloyd Wright-designed sites in the United States that have agreed to participate are: Hollyhock House, Los Angeles, CA Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY First House, Madison, WI S.C. Johnson Wax Administration Building & Research Tower, Racine, WI Fallingwater House, Mill Run, PA Alice Millard House (La Miniatura), Pasadena, CA Price Tower, Bartlesville, OK Frederick Robie House, Chicago, IL Taliesin, Spring Green, WI Taliesin West, Scottsdale, AZ Unity Temple, Oak Park, IL The FLWBC has requested that Marin County consent to include the Civic Center’s Administration and Hall of Justice buildings, the two areas of the site that currently hold the National Landmark Designation status, as part of the twelve-site thematic application.
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