Rare Metals in Manitoba: South Bay Pegmatite Field
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South Bay pegmatite field UTM Area : 495806E, 6281996N; NAD 83, UTM Zone 14 NTS : Northeast of the town of Leaf Rapids Access : 64B11 : via Provincial Road 391 from Thompson to Leaf Rapids, then via Provincial Road 493 to O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Location(South Indian and Lake) Exploration Summary The main exposures of the South Bay peg- - sions with ages ranging from 1.86 to 1.80 Ga (Corrigan et al., 2000). The Southern Indian matite field are found in road cuts along Pro domain is flanked to the south by the Lynn vincial Road 493 about 60 to 70 km northeast- Lake–Leaf Rapids domain, which includes of Leaf Rapids and close to the turn off to the volcanic and associated sedimentary rocks old South Bay ferry road. Fairly large expo dated at 1.90–1.88 Ga (Baldwin et al., 1987), sures of pegmatite and pegmatitic granite can and has been broadly correlated with the La also be found along the shoreline of Southern Ronge domain in Saskatchewan (Maxeiner et- Indian Lake (Figure 1). al., 2001). In Manitoba, this domain includes- The pegmatites at South Bay were first two metavolcanic belts with unique strati described by Mumin and Corriveau (2004). graphic successions, geochemistry and struc ture (Baldwin et al., 1987): the Lynn Lake and Since then, the Tantalum Mining CorporationAssess- - Rusty Lake belts. Field relationships suggest of Canada Ltd. completed an enzyme leach- soil geochemical survey over the area ( that the various volcanosedimentary assem- blages were assembled into a tectonic collage ment File 74323, Manitoba Growth, Enter prior to emplacement of ca. 1876 Ma calcal prise and Trade, Winnipeg), and prospecting - kaline plutons (Baldwin et al., 1987). The area and sampling were carried out by Wildwood is affected by greenschist- to upper-amphib Geological Services in 2010 (Assessment File olite–facies metamorphism (Baldwin et al., 74928, Manitoba Growth, Enterprise and 1987). in Manitoba Trade, Winnipeg). The Manitoba Geological- Pegmatite types at South Bay Survey (MGS) carried out 10 days of field work in this area to characterize in detail the differ ent pegmatite bodies (Martins and Kremer, Martins and Kremer (2013) described- 2013). and sampled the main pegmatite exposures Geological setting in order to characterize the pegmatite bod The pegmatites of the South Bay peg- ies in terms of their mineralogy, whole-rock- - geochemistry and rare-metal potential. Based on mineralogy and texture, several differ matite field intrude supracrustal and plu - ent types of pegmatite has been identified tonic rocks of the Southern Indian domain - at South Bay. The pegmatites intrude dio (Figure 1). The Southern Indian domain is rite composed of quartz, plagioclase, biotite dominated by variably migmatitic metasedi - - and hornblende, and highly metamorphosed mentary rocks, with minor metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks with migmatite injec volcaniclastic rocks, and rare inliers of lat tions. est Archean granitic gneiss (Corrigan et al., Quartz-feldspar-garnet pegmatite 2007; Kremer, 2008; Kremer et al., 2009),- - and, for the most part, correlates with the - Rottenstone domain in Saskatchewan (Cor This is the most common type of pegma Rare Metals rigan et al., 2001). Metasedimentary and tite found in the area and has simple miner- metavolcanic rocks in the Southern Indian alogy with K-feldspar>>plagioclase, quartz, domain have been subdivided into several muscovite, garnet and biotite. Internal zona distinct lithotectonic assemblages (Kremer,- tion is not well developed, although there 2008, Kremer et al., 2009), all of which have are some examples where a crude inward been flooded with voluminous granitic intru zonation is observed, from: i) chilled margin Compiled by T. Martins Published by Manitoba Geological Survey 2016 102 97 57 15’ Southern Indian Lake SOUTHERN INDIAN DOMAIN Lynn Lake LYNN LAKE South Bay Leaf Rapids LEAF RAPIDS DOMAIN KISSEYNEW DOMAIN Granville Lake Y A 0 km 40 SUPERIOR BOUNDAR ZONE Precambrian Archean inlier A South Paleoproterozoic Indian Granite–granodiorite Lake Gabbro, enderbite Arkosic gneiss Greywacke gneiss Tonalite–granodiorite Paragneiss Molson dikes Arc volcanic rocks South Back-arc basalt, arc-rift basalt Bay Archean in Manitoba Mixed gneiss, retro- gressed granulite Orthogneiss, granulite, tonalite 10 km and supracrustal rocks Granite Tonalite, quartz Quartz-feldspar-garnet Leucocratic diorite, granodiorite pegmatite Domain boundary granodiorite Layered pegmatite Greywacke Megacrystic granite Road Beryl-columbite pegmatite Figure 1: Regional geology map of the Trans-Hudson orogen in northern Manitoba showing location of South Bay pegmatite field (red square) and inset with location of the studied pegmatites. Rare Metals 2 Rare Metals in Manitoba: South Bay pegmatite field - (usually varying from 1 to 2 cm), ii) quartz and comb- tite partially or totally replace biotite grains. Rare acic structure feldspar, iii) aplite and iv) quartz core. The ular grains of Nb-Ta oxide minerals (belonging to the pegmatites are inequigranular to equigranular, usu columbite group of minerals, CGM) are also observed in ally non magnetic, and display typical granophyric and thin section. graphic textures of quartz and feldspar (Figure 2a). As described by Martins and Kremer (2013), these Booklets of biotite and muscovite are common, as are bodies have variable thickness from 2 to 12 m and K-feldspar crystals arranged in a comb structure (Figure intrude both metasedimentary rock and diorite. For 2b). Aplite is also present and is commonly associated with a higher percentage of muscovite. Petrographic the most part, the contacts are irregular but sharp, but studies indicate that microcline is more common than straight contacts are also observed. The orientations of- orthoclase. K-feldspar is locally replaced by sericite,- the pegmatite dikes are variable, but most trend 230° and perthite is common. Muscovite is medium-grained and are subvertical. A pronounced mineralogical layer and interstitial to feldspar or is coarser-grained, occur ing, referred to as ‘line rock’ (fine-grained, garnet-rich ring in larger plates. Garnet occurs throughout and is- bands alternating with albite- and quartz-rich bands), locally replaced by chlorite. Biotite is mostly interstitial is also common in the aplitic portions of the pegmatites between feldspar and quartz. Chlorite and rare hema (Figure 2c). a b chilled margin c d in Manitoba Figure 2: Characteristic textures of two pegmatite types at South Bay: a) Graphic texture in quartz-feldspar-garnet pegmatite; b) feldspar crystals oriented perpendicular to the margin (comb texture) of a quartz-feldspar-garnet pegmatite dike; ‘line rock’ Rare Metals c) in quartz-feldspar-garnet pegmatite; d) layered sequence of aplite and pegmatite in a layered pegmatite. Rare Metals in Manitoba: South Bay pegmatite field 3 Layered pegmatite The aplitic texture present in most of the pegmatite Layered pegmatite is characterized by alternating zones (i to iii) is essentially composed of plagioclase> layers of aplite and pegmatite. These pegmatites have K-feldspar, quartz, beryl, and CGM. Coarser-grained- sharp contacts, strike northeast and have apparent quartz, feldspar and beryl are locally surrounded thicknesses of approximately 4.5 m. by the aplitic matrix. The pegmatitic texture is pres The aplite layers are mostly composed of plagio- ent in zones ii and iii and it is mainly composed by clase>>quartz, K-feldspar, and muscovite. Petrography K-feldspar>plagioclase, quartz, beryl, CGM, garnet, and- shows that orthoclase is more common than microcline. muscovite. Locally, K-feldspar is replaced by sericite,- Perthite is present but is not common. Muscovite varies particularly in the rims. Perthite is common, minor myr from a minor component to up to 40% of the aplite. The mekite texture is observed, and microcline is more com mon than orthoclase. pegmatitic layers are characterized by comb texture and Geochemistry abundant garnet (Figure 2d). They are predominantly composed of K-feldspar>plagioclase, quartz, muscovite, garnet, and biotite. Petrographic observations indicate The complete dataset of whole-rock major and that muscovite and garnet occur both interstitially with- trace-element compositions for the pegmatites at South quartz and feldspar (strictly in the pegmatitic layers), Bay is available as a Data Repository Item (Martins, and as isolated crystals. Perthite is common and micro 2014a). The samples are considered representative of cline is more common than orthoclase. Biotite is scarce- the whole rock because the pegmatites are relatively and it is usually altered to chlorite. Acicular to rounded simple in terms of their mineralogy, are not complexly grains of Nb-Ta oxide minerals belonging to the colum zoned, and bulk samples (~10-15 Kg) were obtained to bite group are observed in some pegmatite bodies of mitigate the issue of grain size. The studied pegmatite- this type. bodies are all granitic. The beryl-columbite pegmatites Beryl-columbite pegmatite can be further classified as belonging to the rare-ele The main exposure of this pegmatite type is a near- ment (REL) class, beryl type, beryl-columbite subtype (classification scheme of Černý and Ercit, 2005). Martins vertical dike that strikes 210° and is exposed in a roadcut All pegmatite types are peraluminous (Figure 3) - 2 3 2 that extends approximately 16.5 m along strike ( with Alumina Saturation Index [ASI=Al O /(CaO + Na O- 2 and Kremer, 2013). The studied beryl-columbite pegma + K O)] ranging from 1.46 to 1.76. Selected variation