and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers: Winchester District


Minutes of district meetings, May to November 2002. Page 2: Saturday 11th May 2002 at . Page 5: Saturday 10th August 2002 at East Tytherley. Page 7: Saturday 9th November 2002 at Bishopstoke. Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers: Winchester District

Unconfirmed Minutes of the Quarterly District meeting held on Saturday 11th May 2002 at Micheldever

In the afternoon the District Striking competitions were held at and Micheldever. A service was held at Micheldever, followed by tea and meeting in the village hall.

Chairman's Welcome Elizabeth Johnson welcomed the 46 members present, and visitors Coral Northeast, David Atkins, and Charlotte and Edward Colliss, to the meeting. She thanked both incumbents for the use of their bells, Lay Reader Kathryn Flenley for taking the service, Alec Fry for playing the organ, Joyce Croft for reading the lesson, and Katie and Rosemary Hill for taking the collection. Caroline Knight and the local ringers were thanked for providing an excellent tea. The congratulations of the District were conveyed to Chris and Arlene Gardner who recently celebrated their Pearl Wedding, to John and Liz Cleverley on their recent Ruby Wedding, and to Andrew and Theo Johnson on their marriage. Best wishes were sent to members recovering from illnesses - Dave Goodwin, Sue Skinner and Caroline Hayes' husband. Graham Grant, who had been due to play the organ this afternoon had been admitted to hospital today, and the District wished him well.

Apologies Apologies were received from Roy and Ann LeMarechal, Peter and Julia Clarke, Peter Hill and John Croft.

Minutes of the last meeting The minutes of the last meeting held at on the 11th February 2002, having been previously circulated, were accepted by the meeting and signed by the Chairman as an accurate record. There were no matters arising.

Election of new members

The meeting confirmed the elections of the following compounding members: 4 Mar 2002 - Benjamin J Willetts of Weybridge Proposed by Oliver Hall and seconded by Jonathan Hetherington prior to a peal at Wonston 13 Mar 2002 - Philip M Pratt of Kingston-upon-Thames Proposed by Oliver Hall and seconded by Jonathan Hetherington prior to a peal at Bishopstoke 23 Mar 2002 - Christopher R Field of Weston-super-Mare Proposed by Roy LeMarechal and seconded by John Colliss prior to a peal attempt at Lyme Regis 4 May 2002 - Samantha George of Sawston Proposed by Jonathan Hetherington and seconded by Oliver Hall prior to a peal at Mells

The following people were proposed as members of the Guild and all were elected unanimously:

Brown Candover - Jean Kelly proposed by Jill Parr and seconded by Elizabeth Johnson New Alresford - Theodora FS Johnson proposed by Elizabeth Johnson and seconded by Andrew Johnson - Alice Hamlin and Helen Howes proposed by Martin Daniels and seconded by Tim Edmonds

Also Helen Daniels, Jonathan Daniels, Tom Hinks, Margaret A Whittaker and John A Williams proposed as probationary members by Martin Daniels and seconded by Caroline Daniels

Ropley - Helen Raynham proposed by Jason Clements and seconded by Nick Raynham Sparsholt - David S Reeve proposed by John Cleverley and seconded by Janet Beesley

Presentation of Certificates Membership certificates were presented to those members present who had been elected at the Annual District Meeting. A First Quarter Peal certificate was presented to Pam Bridger of Lockerley

Guild Executive Committee Representative's Report Elizabeth Johnson reported that she had attended the Executive Committee meeting held in March. Minutes were available if anyone wanted to read them. Points of interest were: Golden Jubilee ringing should be arranged locally, to concentrate on the weekend of 1st - 4th June. June 2004 is the 125th anniversary of the W & P and celebrations will be planned. In the future the Guild Library may be obtaining the annual volumes of the Ringing World on CD-Rom. The Guild AGM will be on July 6th, in Basingstoke.

District Striking Competition Leagues Maggie Wolverson reported that the Leagues had been very successful and enjoyable. She thanked everyone who competed, and all the people who had acted as judges, and invited feedback to assist with developing the event next year. Graham Grant had made trophies for the winners of each of the Leagues, and these were much admired and thanks expressed to Graham. The Chairman presented the Call Change league trophy to Alec Fry of New Alresford, and the Change Ringing league trophy to Phil Gorrod of Winchester Cathedral.

District Survey Wendy Ling reported that only a few towers had so far replied. She would chase up the others and report back to the next meeting.

Future Events Guild Striking Competitions: The rules had been circulated in advance of the striking competitions to be held on Saturday 18th May at Old and New Alresford. Roy Le Marechal was organising a district band for the 8 bell competition on Saturday 6th July in Basingstoke. A district 10 bell competition is planned for September, and Andrew Byford is arranging a band for the Essex Trophy. November Quarterly Meeting and Education Day: The Ringing Masters said that a request for a session on Stedman had been received, and asked for further ideas. Quarter Peal Week - 2002: This will take place from 25th May to 9th June. Towers have been circulated with the name of a helper if needed, and details should be sent to Maggie Wolverson who will produce a report. District Outing: Graham Wright asked for everyone to support the outing on 13th July, to Cheltenham. Travel will be in cars.

Any Other Business The collection for the BRF raised £20.69 Tony Smith reminded people still owing 2002's subs that they should be paid ASAP and warned that they might increase at the Guild AGM. He also asked for any amendments to the District Directory ASAP Christine Govier asked for volunteers to help with a quarter peal at on June 6th to mark the installation of the new Rector. Alec Fry said that he had old copies of The Ringing World from 1958 onwards available to a good home. Gail Cater reported that the 3rd at Crawley was cracked and would soon be going away to be mended.

Results of the Striking Competitions The Change Ringing competition at Micheldever was judged by David Atkins from Alverstoke. He commented on each band's performance and announced the results. 1st - Team 6 with 23 faults - - Cambridge Minor 2nd - Team 1 with 24 faults - Winchester Cathedral - Cambridge Minor 3rd - Team 3 with 42 faults - New Alresford - Grandsire Doubles 4th - Team 2 with 50 faults - Winchester Cathedral - Plain Bob Doubles; Team 5 with 27 faults - Scratch band - Bob Doubles; Team 4 with 28 faults - Scratch band - Cambridge Minor The Novice's Call Change Competition, held at Wonston, was judged by Mark Place from Southampton. He had had to leave, so David Atkins read out his comments and gave the results. 1st - Team 3 with 30 faults - Winchester Cathedral 2nd - Team 2 with 42 faults - Cheriton 3rd - Team 4 with 49 faults - Easton; Team 1 with 39 faults - Scratch band

The Chairman presented Hursley and Winchester Cathedral with the trophies and thanked the judges for their efforts.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 18.25.

Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers: Winchester District

Minutes of the Quarterly District meeting held on Saturday 10th August 2002 at East Tytherley

In the afternoon there was ringing at Stockbridge. Ringing at East Tytherley preceded a short service, after which a picnic tea and the meeting took place in the churchyard. Evening ringing was on the newly restored six at Lockerley.

Chairman's Welcome Elizabeth Johnson welcomed the 18 members present, and visitors Coral Northeast, John & Annette Hall and family, Cyril Lewington and David Vince, to the meeting. She thanked the incumbents for the use of their bells, Rev David Paskins for taking the service, Viv Smith for playing the organ, and Rosemary Oakeshott for reading the lesson. The local ringers were thanked for providing cups of tea. The congratulations of the District were conveyed to Philip and Eileen Gorrod who recently celebrated their Silver Wedding. Best wishes were sent to Tony Smith who had recently broken his heel and was in Winchester Hospital. The meeting was pleased to hear that Graham Grant was making a good recovery from his illness.

Apologies were received from Peter and Julia Clarke, Pam Bridger, Tessa and Tony Smith, Dave Goodwin, Carrie Eisenhauer, Wendy Ling, Andy Townsend, Alec Fry and Judy Bishop.

Minutes of the last meeting The minutes of the last meeting held at Micheldever on the 11th May 2002, having been previously circulated, were accepted by the meeting and signed by the Chairman as an accurate record. There were no matters arising.

Election of new members

The following belfry elections of probationary members were confirmed:

Lockerley - 1 August 2002: Andrea Madigan proposed by Jen Churchill and seconded by Rosemary Oakshott - 15 July 2002: Gary Brown, Freddy Crabbe, Jonathan Crockford, Kay Fensom, Jill Hancock, Adrian Hardman, Denise Perry proposed by George Medd and seconded by Maggie Wolverson The following people were proposed as members of the Guild and were elected unanimously:

Micheldever - Geoffrey Whitear proposed by Rosemary Haviland and seconded by Ruth Burrows Bishopstoke - Stephanie LeMarechal (junior) proposed by Roy LeMarechal and seconded by Graham Wright

Presentation of Certificates Membership certificates were presented to those members present who had been elected at the May District Meeting. A First Quarter Peal certificate was presented to Caroline Hayes of Sparsholt. The Chairman thanked Pat Haddock who had kindly written the certificates while Graham Grant was unwell.

Report of past events The District outing to Cheltenham in July had been a great success and Graham Wright was thanked for organising it. In the Guild striking competitions held in May, Winchester Cathedral had beaten Hursley to take the eight bell trophy. Only the two teams had competed. Bishopstoke came third in the six bell trophy. The District team had come third in the inter-district competition. At the Guild AGM all subscriptions had risen with immediate effect. The transfer of Barton Stacey from the Andover District to the Winchester District was confirmed. The quarter peal week(s) over the Golden Jubilee period had been very successful, with a large number of personal firsts. A full report had been in the Ringing World.

District Survey Wendy Ling was not present, but will report back to the next meeting. No amazing ideas had been put forward for encouraging attendance at meetings and other events and members were encouraged to ponder on this issue.

District Web site The recently created website was commented favourably upon and thanks of the meeting went to Caroline Hayes for all her hard work.

Future Events The carol service will take place on 7 December at Easton. The November Quarterly Meeting and Education Day is on 9 November. Suggestions for a session on Stedman, and one on raising and lowering had been received. The district would be entering a band in the inter-district ten bell competition to take place at North Stoneham on 7 September. Maggie Wolverson handed out details of the 2002-3 Striking Competition Leagues. This year there should be three divisions, and some of the rules had been tightened up. A fourth team was being sought for the third (call change) division. A tower reps meeting will take place on 20 October in Winchester. Every tower is invited to send a representative along.

Any Other Business The collection for the BRF raised £24.50, including donations for cups of tea which the East Tytherley ringers had kindly given to the fund. Guild AGM minutes were available from the secretary and would be sent out with the next mailing. Bob Cater said that the Guild fundraising committee needed new members. Three tee shirts were for sale at £5 each, which were surplus to an order. He also said that 2004 is the 125th anniversary of the W&P and invited suggestions for events to commemorate this. Maggie Wolverson reported that Owslebury had asked for help. Some district members had been doing some teaching and volunteers were asked for so that the help could continue through the autumn. Peter Hill said that the Hursley frame replacement fund had received a welcome publicity boost with a live broadcast on Radio Solent, including handbell ringing. Caroline Knight reported that Micheldever had stopped practising over the summer and were going to have an open day and recruiting drive in September. She asked for help with teaching any forthcoming recruits.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 18.05, and ringing took place at Lockerley. Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers Winchester District

Minutes of the Quarterly District meeting held on Saturday 9th November 2002 at Bishopstoke

In the afternoon the District Education day was held. Stedman was rung for several students at Bishopstoke, while raising and lowering sessions were held at Compton, Owslebury and Cheriton. Tea was provided by the Hursley band at Bishopstoke prior to the meeting.

Chairman’s Welcome At 4.20pm Elizabeth Johnson welcomed the 36 members present, and regular visitors Charlotte and Edward Colliss, to the meeting. She thanked all incumbents for the use of their bells, and all the ringers who had helped throughout the afternoon. The meeting conveyed special thanks to Maggie Wolverson for all her hard work in organising the education event. The congratulations of the District were conveyed to Graham and Chris Wright and Louise and Michael Dennis on their recent weddings.

Apologies Apologies were received from Rosemary Oakeshott and the Lockerley band, Andy Townsend and Gail Cater.

Minutes of the last meeting The minutes of the last meeting held at East Tytherley on the 10th August 2002, having been previously circulated, were accepted by the meeting and signed by the Chairman as an accurate record. There were no matters arising.

Election of new members The meeting confirmed the elections of the following compounding members:

28 Jul 2002 Celia J K Wood of Chobham Proposed by Oliver Hall and seconded by Jonathan Hetherington prior to a peal at Redhill 4 Aug 2002 Janet L Fox of Guildford Cathedral Proposed by Oliver Hall and seconded by Jonathan Hetherington prior to a peal at Kingston- upon-Thames 17 Aug 2002 Colin M Lee of Long Buckby Proposed by John Colliss and seconded by Roy LeMarechal prior to a peal at Winchester Cathedral

The meeting confirmed the elections of the following probationary members:

Crawley 22 Oct 2002 Patsy Morgan Proposed by Amanda Bayford and seconded by Felicite Coulson

The following people were proposed as members of the Guild and all were elected unanimously:

Winchester Cathedral: Ian and Jacqueline Redway proposed by Bob Cater, seconded by Graham Grant

Presentation of Certificates Membership certificates were presented to those members present who had been elected at the August District Meeting. First Quarter Peal certificates were presented to Jenny Watson of Sparsholt, Amanda Bayford of Crawley, Susan Spurling of Kings Somborne and Barry Symonds of New Alresford. A First Peal certificate was presented to Kelly Salter of Hursley, who, it was noted had called her first peal, Plain Bob Major in hand.

District bookstall Peter Clarke said that he estimated it would take about £200 to re-stock the district bookstall and queried whether it was worth holding much stock. We only get a small discount for ordering in bulk and he asked whether it would not be easier for people to order their own books direct. A discussion ensued. It was agreed that the bookstall is only maintained as a service to district members, not as a fund raising means. Peter Clarke said it was little used, but it was pointed out that it needed to be taken to district practices and meetings and publicised more widely. The Chairman proposed that we hold one copy of a number of books for members to look at, and also hold information on where people can then order their own copies. Peter Clarke said this could be expensive, and the Treasurer was reluctant to agree to this without a figure put on the cost. It was queried whether we need examples for people to look at, but Peter Hill pointed out that many ringers, especially learners, would not know what was available and this would give them some idea. The Secretary agreed to liaise with Peter Clarke to draw up a list of current stock and prices for the information of members, and to produce a list of sample books which could be held in future, together with a costing, for discussion at the ADM in February.

Guild Executive It was pointed out that the District Rep, Secretary and Chairman were unable to attend the meeting on November 16 th . Several District members would be there and Gail Cater had offered to report back, but Bob Cater pointed out that it was desirable to have someone there to represent the members of the district without having to do another job as well. No-one volunteered and it was agreed to accept Gail’s kind offer.

Tower Reps meeting The Chairman said the tower reps meeting had been attended by several towers and a useful evening had been spent discussing matters including what people expect/want from meetings. Next year’s meetings were being planned to take some of the comments into account, namely holding some in the mornings, shortening services and teas so afternoon meetings do not run into the evenings, and keeping formalities to a minimum. The meeting had also raised the point that tower representatives must get district information displayed in the towers, and they should encourage people to attend to meet people and enjoy the ringing.

Future events 1.The district carol service is on December 7th 6pm at Easton. The Chairman encouraged all to attend, as it was planned to be a festive, social occasion. 2.The ADM would take place at Hursley on February 8th 2003. This would follow the format ringing, service, light tea, meeting and then a social event.

Any Other Business 1.The collection for the BRF raised £12.55 2.The treasurer mentioned that he had Guild badges for sale and was willing to take subscriptions from the new members.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 4.53pm.