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June 3, 2011 Vol

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CriterionOnline.com June 3, 2011 Vol. LI, No. 34 75¢ Charter review, assisted suicide ‘They love you unconditionally’ among topics facing bishops at June meeting John Shaughnessy Photo by WASHINGTON (CNS)—Although the U.S. bishops’ spring general assembly will focus primarily on a review of the 2002 “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People” and consideration of a new document on physician-assisted suicide, the June 15-17 meeting in Seattle also will include a variety of presentations looking forward and back. Ken Hackett, president of Catholic Relief Services since 1993, will address the bishops about his nearly four decades of work with the international humanitarian agency of the U.S. Catholic community as his retirement nears. Msgr. David Malloy, a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, also will address the assembly Ken Hackett as he concludes a five-year term as Darlene Gosnell uses special dogs to bring joy and comfort to patients through the pet ministry program at St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis. general secretary of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The bishops are expected to look to the It’s a dog’s world through pet ministry 2012 elections as they discuss their perennial “Faithful Citizenship” document on political responsibility, and Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl program at St. Vincent Hospital of Washington will report to them on progress toward incorporation of Anglican By John Shaughnessy room. Gosnell lifted the dog to the girl’s the man. groups into the Catholic Church in the bed, whispered a prayer and then said “We went in, and I talked quietly,” she United States under Pope Benedict XVI’s Let’s start with the tale of a dog and a one word to Molly, “Stimulate.” says. “I asked him if he liked dogs. He November 2009 apostolic constitution 14-year-old girl who was in a coma in the “She started licking her fingertips, went started crying. He said he had no f amily “Anglicanorum coetibus.” intensive care unit at St. Vincent Hospital up the arm and licked around her head,” and nothing to live for. I asked if he Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin in Indianapolis. Gosnell recalls. “Everybody in the room is wanted the dog to lie down next to him. will speak to the U.S. bishops about the Day after day, Jessica lay unresponsive watching this. This young lady turns to the He said yes. For the next hour and a half, International Eucharistic Congress to be in the hospital bed as her friends and left, opens her left eye, looks at the dog he just talked to the dog and massaged held in his city in June 2012. Maryknoll family members hoped and prayed for her and smiles. the dog.” Father Edward Dougherty, superior general of recovery from a respiratory illness that had “She ended up graduating from the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, will talk shut down her lungs. Purdue University with honors. She refers ‘They love you unconditionally’ to them about the 100th anniversary of the Then a request was made to to the dogs as angels with paws.” In the ever increasingly sophisticated organization founded by the bishops to recruit, Darlene Gosnell, coordinator of the Now consider the story of a man who world of health care, the pet ministry train, send and support American missionaries hospital’s pet ministry program: Please tried to commit suicide by slitting his program at St. Vincent Hospital offers overseas. bring one of the dogs to Jessica’s room. wrists. After he was rushed into the another reminder that there’s still an Bishop Kevin J. Farrell of Dallas, Enter Molly B., who looked right at emergency room, Gosnell believed that important place for basic interaction that chairman of the bishops’ Committee on home as she walked into Jessica’s hospital one of the pet ministry dogs could help See PET MINISTRY, page 2 See BISHOPS, page 2 Former guard to the pope deepens his faith at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology By Sean Gallagher At that time, he was discerning a call to religious life. And before the end of The death and funeral of 2005, he finished his two-year Blessed Pope John Paul II and the commitment to the and subsequent election of his successor, entered historic Abbey, Pope Benedict XVI, in April 2005 were which is approximately 20 minutes momentous events for Catholics around from where he grew up in Switzerland. the world. Now a member of Einsiedeln Abbey, Photo courtesy Archabbey of Saint Meinrad Benedictine Brother Mauritius Honegger Brother Mauritius spent the past was a close witness to all of them, b ut not academic year as a student at as a pilgrim in Rome like millions of Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of people during those historic days. Theology in St. Meinrad. At that time, Brother Mauritius was a Einsiedeln, which was founded Benedictine Brother Mauritius Honegger, right, drinks member of the Swiss Guard, the more than 1,000 years ago, established from a chalice given to him by Benedictine Father 110-member armed forces of Vatican City Saint Meinrad Archabbey in 1854. Germain Swisshelm during a May 6 Mass in the whose primary duty is to guard the pope. Archabbey Church of Our Lady of Einsiedeln in Although he saw up close the events that An ‘enriching experience’ St. Meinrad. Brother Mauritius, a member of mesmerized people around the world who “It was a very enriching experience,” Einsiedeln Abbey in Switzerland, is a former member watched them on TV and the Internet, said Brother Mauritius of his time in the of the Vatican’s Swiss Guard, and spent the past Brother Mauritius’ heart was, at least in Swiss Guard. “For me, it was a privilege academic year as a student at Saint Meinrad Seminary part, far from Rome. See HONEGGER, page 9 and School of Theology in St. Meinrad. Page 2 The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011 PET MINISTRY The dog is a settling spirit. It’s pretty neat.” continued from page 1 ‘God saved me for a reason’ Neatness is one of the requirements for

makes a difference. the dogs that are used in the program— John Shaughnessy Photos by Sometimes it’s revealed in the extra Cairn terriers and West Highland terriers. concern a nurse shows a patient. Other These dogs are hypo-allergenic, don’t shed times, it’s there when a doctor puts aside the and have a good temperament—a needed lab reports and just listens. There are even quality as they visit patients in hospital times when man’s best friend can achieve units that include pediatrics, intensive care the best results. and oncology. Now in its 10th year, the pet ministry Many of the dogs used in the program program at St. Vincent Hospital serves a also have a history of being rescued from special need, says Dr. James Nevin Jr., the difficult situations. medical staff president of the hospital who “One of our dogs is named Brady,” owns two therapy dogs in the program. Gosnell says. “He was about six months “Some hospitals have this program, too, old when he was tied to the rear of a but it’s somewhat unusual to have a pickup truck and dragged through the dedicated, on-call assistance that the streets of Indianapolis. He had burns over physicians here can use,” Nevin says. “They 70 percent of his body. A vet called us to will write an order to have the dogs visit a see if we’d be able to save the dog. Of patient. The dogs speak a universal course, we said yes. We’ve rescued dogs language. They love you unconditionally.” from puppy mills. We’ve rescued dogs that A dog’s presence can be a tremendous were deformed. We’ve given them a new Above, Dr. James Nevin Jr. holds gift in a hospital where many patients are life, and they give life to people.” Molly W., one of the therapy scared, lonely or both. Gosnell has lived that story of being 25 dogs in the pet ministry “Almost everyone relates to a dog— rescued, being given a new life and then program at St. Vincent Hospital from the people who never had a pet in giving life to others. in Indianapolis. Dr. Nevin says their life to people who have trained them In 2000, Gosnell was in her 35th year as the dogs provide a comfort for for 20 years,” says Meredith Makeever, an a special education teacher when her car patients and a settling spirit for 18-year-old volunteer with the program. was struck by a truck that roared through a hospital employees. “You get to see the patients brighten up. red light. They relax and they tell you about “But for the grace of God, the doctors Left, hospital ID badges capture themselves instead of their sickness.” said I should have been killed in that the cuteness of Mac and Molly, The 25 dogs in the program can even accident,” she says. “The car was totally two of the therapy dogs who help coax patients to do what they’re scared demolished. I feel that God saved me for visit patients at St. Vincent to do in a hospital. Nevin shares the story of a reason.” Hospital in Indianapolis. a little boy who said, “If you let me hold the She had to have rehabilitation for a brain dog, I’ll let you start the IV.” injury that ended her career as a teacher. in baby talk. others draw people together at death. “We had talked about having dogs During her rehab sessions, she brought The dogs—which are all blessed by a Gosnell shares the story of four family dedicated to the emergency department, Molly B., a puppy then, with her. priest when they enter the program—also members who came to the hospital room which is really unique,” Nevin says. “Molly was basically my first therapy have the ability to see and smell things that where their mother was dying. Estranged “I bought the first dog and became its dog,” she says. “I also had Mac. They were humans can’t, Gosnell says. for some reason, the siblings were each in owner. The ER is probably one of the most the beginning of what we’re doing now. “They’re taught not to bark in the different corners of the room until a dog chaotic, frightening experiences a patient The pet ministry started for four hours a hospital,” she says. “The only time they can was brought to the woman’s bed to comfort can have. They don’t want to be there, and week, one day a week. Doctors started bark is when they sense an emergency. her. Soon, each sibling moved to the bed, they’re there by accident or an unexpected asking if we could go longer. We ended up When he was 3 years old, Mac came drawn by the dog. They surrounded their illness. All of this chaos is going on and the going to four days a week. Now, it’s 24/7.” through a door, and he started pulling me. mother, and began talking and sharing dog comes down, and you get a lick across They’re taught not to pull, but he jerked memories. the face. It defuses tension.” In matters of life and death and ran down the hall. This man was in the “Our dogs can be a catalyst in man y The presence of a dog helps the hospital As Gosnell makes her rounds through process of dropping to the ground in a ways,” Gosnell says. “In our mission goals, staff, too. the hospital units, she directs a wheelchair seizure. As the man started to buckle, Mac it’s not about how many people we see “The benefit for the staff is that it slows carrying one of the dogs. Staff members used his body so that the man’s head each day. It’s the quality of time we have things down,” Nevin says. “All of a sudden, who looked serious before they saw the wouldn’t hit the ground.” during our stay with the patients. It’s the there’s this dog that says, ‘Hey, life is good!’ dog suddenly smile. Some engage the pet If some actions possibly save a life, quality of time the dogs are giving.” †

of Minors by Catholic Priests in the Protection, wrote in the May 30 issue of human rights and equality.” BISHOPS United States, 1950-2010,” which had been America magazine that the release of the Intended more as a policy statement continued from page 1 mandated by the charter. John Jay report “is a jumping-off point from than a teaching document, the document The report, prepared by the which the Catholic Church, and especially its aims to convince citizens and legislators in National Collections, will report to his John Jay College of Criminal Justice and leadership, must continue to take steps to states facing decisions about permitting fellow bishops on a recent evaluation of released in Washington on May 18, show that it will be steadfast in addressing the assisted suicide in their jurisdictions that national collections, and there will be an concluded that there is “no single identifiable sexual abuse of minors. rejecting the option is the compassionate update on USCCB efforts in defense of ‘cause’ of sexually abusive behavior toward “This is not a time for the bishops to sit choice, and help them find solutions to the traditional marriage, including a new minors,” and encouraged steps to deny back and applaud themselves for getting a suffering that sometimes tempts dying Spanish-language video. abusers “the opportunity to abuse.” handle on a shameful moment in Church people to consider suicide. Most of the changes to the charter under Discussion of this second set of revisions history,” he added. “If anything, the Church’s If passed, “To Live Each Day consideration in Seattle involve bringing it to the charter—the first was in 2005—is leadership must now step forward and give With Dignity” would be paired on a into line with recent Vatican instructions in likely to lead the bishops to a wide-ranging new vitality to its promise to protect and its USCCB website with a variety of fact sheets response to the crisis of sexual abuse of discussion of the report and other aspects of pledge to heal.” on such issues as the role of depression, minors by priests. These include the clergy sex abuse crisis. Although at least The other major document up for a v ote by views of medical experts, assisted suicide mentioning child pornography as a crime some of the discussion will take place during the bishops is “To Live Each Day With as a threat to good palliative care, lessons against Church law, and defining the abuse the meeting’s approximately seven hours of Dignity,” which would be the first statement from Oregon and Washington state, lessons of someone who “habitually lacks reason,” public sessions, some discussion is likely to on assisted suicide by the full body of from the Netherlands and other topics. such as a person with mental retardation, as occur during up to 10 hours of e xecutive bishops. The USCCB Administrative In 2008, Washington became the the equivalent of child abuse. sessions and regional meetings. Committee issued a brief “Statement on second state to allow assisted suicide by The proposed revisions also reflect the Bishop Blase J. Cupich of Euthanasia” in 1991, which said legalized voter initiative; Oregon approved it in recent release of the long-awaited report on Spokane, Wash., chairman of the euthanasia violates divine law, human dignity, 1994. A court in Montana also has allowed “The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse USCCB Committee on Child and Youth and basic “American convictions about assisted suicide there. †

The Criterion (ISSN 0574- 4350) is published weekly TheCriterion except the last week of December and the first TheCriterion 6/3/11 Phone Numbers: Staff: week of January. Main office: ...... 317-236-1570 Editor: Mike Krokos 1400 N. Meri dian St. Moving? Advertising ...... 317-236-1572 Assistant Editor: John Shaughnessy P.O. Box 1410 Toll free:...... 1-800-382-9836, ext. 1570 Senior Reporter: Mary Ann Wyand Indianapolis, IN 46206-1410 We’ll be there waiting if you give us two weeks’ Reporter: Sean Gallagher Circulation:...... 317-236-1425 317-236-1570 advance notice! Toll free: ...... 1-800-382-9836, ext. 1425 Online Editor: Brandon A. Evans 800-382-9836 ext. 1570 Business Manager: Ron Massey Price: [email protected] $22.00 per year, 75 cents per copy Executive Assistant: Mary Ann Klein Name ______Periodical postage paid at Postmaster: Graphics Specialist: Jerry Boucher New Address______Indianapolis, IN. Send address changes to The Criterion, Print Service Assistant: Annette Danielson Copyright © 2011 Criterion City ______P.O. Box 1410, Indianapolis, IN 46206-1410 Press Inc. State/Zip ______Web site : www.CriterionOnline.com POSTMASTER: New Parish ______E-mail: [email protected] Send address changes to: Criterion Press Inc. Effective Date ______Published weekly except the last week of December and the f irst week of January. Mailing 1400 N. Meridian St. Note: If you are receiving duplicate copies please send both labels. address: 1400 N. Meri dian St., P.O. Box 1410, Indianapolis, IN 46206-1410. Periodical postage P.O. Box 1410 paid at Indianapolis, IN. Copyright © 2011 Criterion Press Inc. ISSN 0574-4350. Indianapolis, IN 46206-1410 The Criterion • P.O. Box 1410 • Indianapolis, IN 46206-1410 The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011 Page 3 Holy Father’s journey to Croatia highlights family VATICAN CITY (CNS)—The focus of Blessed Pope John Paul II visited in 1994, 1998 and 2003. Pope Benedict XVI’s trip to Zagreb, Croatia, on June 4-5 The late pope went at critical moments in Croatia’s will be on the family and building a community with evolution—first as the country was engaged in its Christian values. 1991-1995 war of independence from Yugoslavia, and then In the 84-year-old pope’s 19th trip abroad and his 13th to a as it sought to rebuild a democratic nation that was still

European country, he also will continue to underline the scarred by religious and ethnic tensions. Reuters Solic, CNS photo/Nikola importance he places on reviving Europe’s Christian roots. Blessed John Paul told the nation in 2003 that Christianity Even though Croatia is an overwhelmingly Catholic country, was the answer to its challenges because it of fers nations the it has undergone hardships that have tested its foothold on solid foundations of universally shared values, such as faith—two World Wars, a Nazi invasion and then communist respect for human life and dignity, religious freedom and rule under the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. solidarity—a message that Pope Benedict will likely repeat. Today, threats continue, but under a different guise, said the Croatia is holding its first national meeting of Catholic spokesman of the Croatian bishops’ conference. families this year and the pope will celebrate Mass on “Croatia is not an island and as such is f acing all of the “National Family Day” on June 5. challenges that are prevalent in western countries,” said the The Croatian bishops chose “Together with Christ” as the A man walks in front of a billboard featuring an image of spokesman, Zvonimir Ancic. First among them is “a rampant theme of the visit to underline the importance of creating a Pope Benedict XVI in Zagreb, Croatia, on May 27. Pope Benedict secularism whose small, but very vocal proponents, with the community that has eternal Christian values as its foundation. will meet with politicians and professionals, families and clergy on backing of the majority of the mass media, are acti vely trying The theme, according to the official missal prepared for his first trip to Croatia on June 4-5. to deconstruct all elements of Croatia’s traditional Catholic the trip, is meant to help people look to ward the future and identity,” he said in an email response to questions. “the requirements of the new evangelization, which begins A key feature of the youth gathering is meant to be silent Major challenges facing the Church in Croatia include the first of all within Christian families.” prayer—an unusual expectation when there are likely to be country’s “very liberal law regulating abortion,” and proposed The pope’s 33-hour stay in Croatia’s capital will hit thousands of young people gathered in one spot on a measures to legalize adoption for same-sex couples, as well as the basics: meetings and events with the country’s summer’s evening. fresh debates over euthanasia, he said. government, academic and business leaders, young people, Silence “speaks of the divine presence,” the missal said, Twenty years after it declared independence, Croatia is set to families and religious. He will give a total of six speeches “and to be silent in a city square where normally there is join the European Union this year. and one homily. nothing but noise becomes and remains a strong sign of the Pope Benedict is concerned that as Croatia joins the lar ger After meeting the country’s president and Christian presence in the world.” political and economic arena, it does not lose its o wn religious prime minister on the morning of June 4 and academic, The high point of the trip will be the June 5 morning and cultural identity, but rather bring its Christian values to a political, business and religious leaders in the afternoon, Mass with families in Zagreb’s hippodrome, the same giant wider forum. the pope will take part in a prayer vigil with young people stadium where Blessed John Paul celebrated Mass during his Croatia is a different country from the one in the city’s Ban Josip Jelacic Square. visit in 1994. † Oregon Jesuit priest unanimously confirmed as new House chaplain

WASHINGTON (CNS)— The Jesuit succeeds Xavier University in Cincinnati, in March to pay about Jesuit Father Patrick J. Conroy Father Daniel Coughlin, a priest of the decided he wanted a Jesuit to serve as $166 million in settlements to was unanimously approved as Chicago Archdiocese, who retired in the next pastor and confidant to 500 people who have sought the next House chaplain in a April after 11 years on the job. House members and staff. damages for abuse they said they May 25 vote. Father Conroy most recently was a Father Conroy’s nomination suffered under Jesuits at schools Father Conroy, 60, a native of theology teacher, campus ministry initially was held up by and parishes in the Northwest. She Washington state, had been assistant and coach at Jesuit High House Minority Leader later dropped her objections. nominated by House Speaker School in Portland, Ore., and long Nancy Pelosi of California, who Father Conroy has not been John Boehner of Ohio, himself a served as a pastor to Native Americans expressed concern that the Jesuit accused of any involvement in the Catholic, as the ideal candidate in the Pacific Northwest. belongs to the Oregon province of sexual abuse of minors or any Fr. Patrick J. Conroy, S.J. for the position. Boehner, who attended Jesuit-run the Society of Jesus, which agreed cover-up of such abuse. † Congratulations to the

NearlyNearly Cardinal Ritter High School $4 million in Class of 2011 scholarshipsh l h

earned The Class of 2011 will be attending:

Art Institute of Indianapolis Ball State University Bellarmine University Butler University Central State University College of Mount St Joseph DePaul University Empire Beauty School Florida A & M University Franklin College Hanover College Indiana State University Indiana University IPFW IUPUI Ivy Tech Community College Kentucky State University Eric AA.. AlvEric Alveal,eal, Rhea D. AnderAnderson, AAustinusson, tin D. AAyAynes,ynes, AlyssaAlyssa K.K. Barnes, KaylaKaayyla D. Battle, JoshuaJoshua A.A Beecher,Beec , BrandiBrher. Brandi M. Bennett,Be JaradJnne artt, ad T.T. Marian University Berty,, RactyBer Rachelhel M. Bibbs, RaRayannaaayyanna M. Bibbs, GrGrantant T.T. Bradburn,BBradburn. , Skyler S. Brentz,Brentz, MadelineMadeline J.J Burger,Bu AndrewAndrgerr. w J.JJe, . Cairns, ErickErick O. Campos,Campos, Maryville College LLuisuis D. CamCampos,pos, Cody AA. CarCarpenter,erpent. , TTyTyleryler J. CarCarter,, Emily Cert CC. CarCarty,, NicholasNicty. holas R. Cesnik,Cesnik EllieEllie A.A, . Challman, KristinK A.Aris Coach,Coactin PeP. teh, terer S. Purdue University Conerty, KtyConer Karenar, en L. CooperCooper,, Julian C. Cunanan, PrPreciousecious NN.. DaDay,ayy, Madeline R. DeDeveau,v Lv Lindseyy B. Deeindseau, Dever,vveer, Seann M. Diggs, RyRRyanyan C. Dimmitt Rose-Hulman Institute of (V(Valedictorian),Vaaledictorian), NicNicholasholas C. DiningerDininger,, Corine NN.. Duncan, JonaJonathanthan X. FFarris,arris, KKhKharyha Fhar F. Fy Ferguson,ger. uson, Amber M. FFerrari,errari, Samuel JJ.. FFesenmeier,esenmeier, Technology Sean C. Flynn, ChristianChristian D. FFord,d, Sortian SSteven Avetd, A. Fen Frankowski,ankr. oowwski, RoderickR icoderski, k W.W. FriersonF son III, CoreyCrrie C y J. Fritz,Feorson Fritz, ElizabethElizabeth A.A Garetto,G ttear. o, KennethKeKenneth T.T. George,George, Saint Francis University PPePetereter S. GillaspGillaspy,, Aary Aaronon J. Gillig, Joseph M. Gorman, Alicia MM.. Gosselin, JasonJason C. GGraff,afrason f, Shantrice S. Griffin,G in, AngeloAngfrif Angelo T.T. GuerrGuerra, RigobertoRig beroa, otber Saint Joseph's College C. Hernandez, Prince D. Holmes, ChrisChristophertopher C. Hudson, Eric J. JJohnson,ohnson, RRonaldonaldnald T.T. Johnson,Johnson, KKailah AA.. Jailah JJones,ones, E. Elizabethlizabeth C. LanderLanders,s, Thomas More College Trine University MitchellMitchell J. Lees, AlexanderAlexander H. Legge, RacRachelhel FF.. Legge, Melissa M. Lynch,LyLynch, VanessaVaVanessa M. Lynn,LLyynn, RobertR Mactaggart,Mactober garagt AshleyAsgar hlet, y V.V. Melgar,M , KarinaKarelg arina University of Dayton Mena, Emily E. MetallicMe allic (Salut(Salutatorian,(Salutt orian, Natallic Nationalational Merit WinneWinner), AsAshleyy M. Michler), Michael,hael, MMargarett M. Mureargarhael, Murphy,phhyy, RRebeccaebecca C. NicNickels,kels, Elijah S. University of Indianapolis Norwood,worN ood, KeKelseyKelsey E. O'ConnorO'Connor,, Hannah L. OrbikOrbik,, ClairClairee M. OsecOsecki, GGentry Aentrki, A.. PPy Parker,erkar. , LLyLyleyle AA.. PPePeacock,eacoc Jk JoAnnaoA, L. PoA Petty,ttyenna , TTyTyleryler C. PPitts,itts, Valparaiso University Ralph Pounds,Pounds, JustineJus N.N. PrPrtine Predan,edan, TherTheresaesa AA.. Randall, India S. RivRivera,era, TaylorTaTaayylor M.M Rogers,Rogers, KevinKeKevin L. Russell,Russell, EmilyEmily N.N. Salmon, Andreww TT.Te . Vincennes University Scanlon, HillaryHillar E. Shaffer,Shaf ererfy , Alana M. SheltShelton,on, Amelia AA. SicSickmeier,rkmeie. , Samuel H. SStafford,t d, Blakorfaft Blake S. SSteinacker,, Jerkeinacte JJamesames S. S, Stuper,, Brtuper Brandonandon K. Western Kentucky University Sturgeon,turS geon, Megan L. Swaim,Swaim,, Daniel W.W. SweeneySw y (National(Neene ational Merit Winner),Winner), ChristopherChristopher D. Sykes,Sykes, Lalah J.J. Thomas,Thoma MichaelMic J.Js, Timko,Thael imk. o, EricEric C. Xavier University Toepp,TTooepp, ElizabeElizabethth MM.. WWaWatts,atts, Emily E. WeWWesling,eesling,sling, HHannah NN. WWiese,ie. se, Glen L. WWilliams, Ricmsillia Richardhar, d E. WilliaWilliams,, Sierrms Sierra WilliaWilliamsononmsa Page 4 The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011

OPINION Reflection/Sean Gallagher Remain humble in life’s victories and defeats while running the good race

Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Bosler, Founding Editor, 1915 - 1994 The finish of last Sunday’s centennial talents unique to each one of us to further Most Rev. Daniel M. Buechlein, O.S.B., Publisher Greg A. Otolski, Associate Publisher running of the Indianapolis 500 should be our own salvation, his glory and the good of Mike Krokos, Editor John F. Fink, Editor Emeritus remembered for the next 100 years others. But if we forget that we are to do all because it teaches us of this with the help of his grace, we will timeless lessons that end up either in pride or despair. touch at the core of Such hopelessness could have easily Editorial the human condition. gone through Wheldon’s mind moments Most of you before Hildebrand’s crash. He had finished know the story by second in the previous two Indy 500s, and now. J.R. Hildebrand, had done so as a member of the same team a 23-year-old rookie that Hildebrand was racing for—and with

CNS photo/Bob Roller driving the Panther the rookie’s sponsor. Racing/National In the previous offseason, the once Guard car, was half a golden boy of IndyCar racing had fallen out mile from winning the “Greatest Spectacle of the limelight, failing to secure a in Racing.” He had safely completed full-time car for the 2011 series. With a 799 left turns at the Brickyard, and only quarter of a lap to go, Wheldon faced the had one more before he could drink milk prospect of a third straight runner-up finish in Victory Lane. and witnessing his replacement at Then he tried to pass a slower, lapped Panther Racing taking the checkered flag. car, got too high in turn four and, with the But in interviews after his victory in finish line in sight, slammed into the which he discussed the latter portion of the outside wall, destroying his car and hopes race, including the final lap, Wheldon said for victory. he was only focused on passing as many As Hildebrand’s car slid down the cars as he could to put himself in a position front stretch, Dan Wheldon passed to win at the end. He had never given A member of the media holds a copy of the John Jay report on the causes and context of him and went on to beat the rookie by up hope. clergy sex abuse during a press conference at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ two seconds. At the time of the crash, Yet, no matter how much hard work that headquarters in Washington on May 18. The report said there is “no single identifiable ‘cause’ Wheldon was four seconds behind he put in, the factor that directly led to his of sexually abusive behavior toward minors,” and encouraged steps to deny abusers “the Hildebrand—a virtual eternity with only a victory was still out of his control. He did opportunity to abuse.” quarter of a lap to go. nothing to cause Hildebrand’s crash. Humility seems to be a clear lesson to The same is true in our own lives. be learned from this great sports story. No Triumphs should never be occasions of The report on clergy sex abuse matter how close or how far we might be prideful complacency for ourselves. They to achieving whatever goal we might have instead should lead us to gratitude for the here’s good news and bad news in the birth control pill and other radical in life, we should never presume that it is help we received from others and from God. Tthe report prepared by New York’s changes in male-female relationships either entirely within or outside of And if defeat comes our way, which it John Jay College of Criminal Justice led to today’s sexually permissive our grasp. inevitably will, we should look to following its five-year study of the culture throughout society. Circumstances—some within our Hildebrand’s noble response to his downfall “causes and context” of sexual abuse of The John Jay report’s main control, others that are not—can change as a model for ourselves. minors by Catholic priests in the conclusion was, “There’s no indication our outlook for victory or defeat in a He never bemoaned his fate or sought to United States from 1950 to 2010. in our data that priests are any more moment, just as happened to both blame others. In interview after interview, The good news is that incidents of likely to abuse children than anyone Hildebrand and Wheldon in the final Hildebrand simply explained his crash for such abuse have been rare in recent else in society.” That may be true, but seconds of the Indy 500. what it was, and said he would learn from it years. Ninety-four percent of the abuse shouldn’t we expect priests to be much Concluding that we have everything and improve in future races. incidents from 1950 through 2009 took less likely to abuse children than others sewn up or that defeat is assured can be If we take a humble attitude toward life, place before 1990, the report says, and in society? expressions of pride, if perhaps defeats will never weigh us down and there have been few cases since. Most It also says that the sexual abuse of unconscious ones. victories will never puff us up. God’s grace, of those cases from earlier decades minors “is not a phenomenon unique to With the former, we think that victory in either case, will keep us on level ground, weren’t reported to authorities until the the Catholic Church.” It is often found is within our grasp. With the latter, we running the good race. early 2000s. in organizations where “mentoring and think that there is nothing that we can do The bad news is that the investi- nurturing relationships develop to change our fate. In both cases, we put (Sean Gallagher is a reporter for gation determined that there is no between adults and young people.” the emphasis on ourselves. The Criterion, newspaper of the single cause among priests of the Schools must constantly be alert for Yes, God has blessed us with gifts and Archdiocese of Indianapolis.) † sexual abuse crisis. That’s bad news incidents of sexual abuse by teachers or because, if there were a single cause, it coaches. could be more easily addressed. The Survivors Network of those Letter to the Editor The report says that few of the Abused by Priests (SNAP) was quick offenders were pedophiles, defined as to criticize the report, calling it Why do so many people place abortion in abusers of children under 11 years old; “garbage in, garbage out” because the four out of five victims were older than U.S. bishops authorized the study. obscure corner of Catholic social teaching? 11, and 70 percent of the abusers also That’s a slap, though, at the objectivity had sexual relations with adults. of the John Jay College of Criminal In a letter to the editor in the May 27 makes it clear that she cannot prescribe set It also says that priests with a Justice. SNAP apparently wanted the issue, a letter writer criticized The Criterion “programs” on how to deal with these homosexual identity weren’t more report to blame the Church’s rules for placing news about a letter written by issues. (See “Sollicitudo Rei Socialis” by likely to sexually abuse minors. The concerning celibacy or perhaps on some theologians, and received by Blessed John Paul II.) abusers just had more access to boys priests with a homosexual orientation. House Speaker John Boehner, in an “obscure I doubt seriously that any politician—or than to girls. Since the sexual-abuse crisis corner of the Criterion Online” edition. even theologian—who says that they And, it says that the Church’s rule of first attracted attention, the bishops I would like to raise the concern that far support abortion or a woman’s “right to priestly celibacy isn’t a factor since the have often been criticized for not doing too many politicians, theologians and choose” would ever be given the wisdom to Church had the same rule both before enough to prevent priests from abusing Catholics place the horrific violence of judge prudentially on programs that help and after the increase of such incidents. children, and for simply moving priests abortion in some obscure corner of Catholic alleviate or eliminate poverty and hunger. So why did sexual abuse of minors who have abused children to another social justice teaching. This is not being “political”—it’s just spike in the 1960s and 1970s? parish. In most cases, that doesn’t seem Let us see what the U.S. Conference of plain, good common sense. The report seems to blame society to be fair criticism. Catholic Bishops has said about abortion: Monica Siefker and the fact that priests ordained in the Those of us who attended annual “Among important issues involving the Bloomington 1940s and 1950s weren’t properly meetings of the U.S. bishops during the dignity of human life with which the Church trained to confront the sexual 1970s, 1980s and 1990s know that it is concerned, abortion necessarily plays a revolution that occurred in the 1960s. was only in the early 1990s that the y central role. Letters Policy Karen Terry, dean of research at began to hear reports about the increase “Abortion, the direct killing of an Letters from readers are welcome and John Jay and principal investigator for in sex-abuse allegations. They also innocent human being, is always gravely should be informed, relevant, well- the study, put it this way: “The heard from psychiatrists who assured immoral; its victims are the most vulnerable expressed, concise, temperate in tone, increased frequency of abuse in the them that the priests could be cured, and defenseless members of the human courteous and respectful. 1960s and 1970s is consistent with the and it was safe for bishops to reassign family. It is imperative that those who are The editors reserve the right to select patterns of increased deviance of them after they received treatment. We called to serve the least among us give and edit the letters based on space society at that time. The social know now that that is not true. urgent attention and priority to this issue of limitations, pastoral sensitivity and influences intersected with vulnera- Since the extent of the crisis became justice.” content. bilities of some individual priests known, the U.S. bishops have put into How the issues of poverty, hunger and Letters must be signed, but, for serious whose preparation for a life of celibacy place guidelines for handling sex-abuse ecological imbalance are fought and reasons, names may be withheld. Send letters to “Letters to the Editor,” was inadequate.” cases that have become a model for overcome depends largely on prudential The Criterion, P.O. Box 1410, Indianap olis, We should hardly be surprised at other bishops throughout the world. decisions and the principle of subsidiarity. IN 46206-1410. that. Who was prepared for the sexual Catholics, in good conscience, may Readers with access to e-mail may send revolution in the 1960s? The advent of —John F. Fink disagree with one another on how these letters to [email protected]. problems are to be solved as the Church The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011 Page 5


SEEKING THE FACE OF THE LORD BUSCANDO LA CARA DEL SEÑOR Relax, slow down and seek God (Editor’s note: While Archbishop Buechlein about it, I believe you can understand. The a day to make that journey in search of God finding you.” continues to recover from a stroke, we offer fact remains that each of us has to mak e in our hearts. It will make all the difference. Realistically, it is not likely that life will some reprints of his various columns for personal decisions about how we find a St. Anselm’s consoling realism slow down very much even in the lazier your enrichment. The following column is reasonable pace of life for ourselves and continues: “Lord, if you are not here, where days of summer. Yet, we can find our from the June 8, 2001, issue of our children. I doubt that any of us find that shall I look for you in your absence: Yet, if spirits lifted in hope if we step aside—even The Criterion.) easy to do. you are everywhere, why do I not see you if only for a few minutes—and place Ages ago, one of my favorite people, when you are present? But surely you ourselves in the presence of God. There, ith the approach of summer, we St. Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, gave dwell in ‘light inaccessible.’ And where is we can find hope because before God our would do well to think about us some good advice, which may be helpful light inaccessible? How shall I approach horizon on the journey of life is enlarged Wslowing life down a bit, at least in the midst of planning summer activities. light inaccessible? Or who will lead me and beyond our own small world. from the perspective of all those workaday He wrote: “Insignificant man, escape bring me into it that I may see you there? We need to see that larger horizon and things that tend to make our lives a bit from your everyday business for a short And then, by what signs and under what the light of God’s grace makes it happen. anxious and hectic. while, hide for a moment from your restless forms shall I seek you? I have never seen Our part is to seek the Lord. He is as If we don’t step aside to take a measure thoughts. Break off from your cares and you, Lord my God; I do not know near as the inner chamber of our minds of what counts, we tend to feel lik e we are troubles and be less concerned about your your face.” and hearts. † beginning “to run on empty.” The arrival of tasks and labours. Make a little time for Our task and challenge is to take the spring brought with it a resurgence of hope God and rest a while in him” (From the time and to find the place of relative quiet so dearly needed by all of us, b ut by early Proslogion; cf., Friday Office of Readings, to enter our mind’s inner chamber. Only summer it is a good idea to pro vide some First Week of Advent). the Lord can show us his face; we can’t do Do you have an intention for reinforcement to our spirit of hope. Notice, with a touch of realism, that part. Archbishop Buechlein’s prayer list? What to do? Physical activities tend to St. Anselm said, “escape for a short while,” And so St. Anselm told us how to pray. You may mail it to him at: pick up in the summer time, and that’s not and he proceeded to recommend how to “Look upon us, Lord, hear us and enlighten all bad as long as we don’t go overboard in escape. “Enter into your mind’s inner us, show us your very self. … Teach me to Archbishop Buechlein’s that direction. chamber. Shut out everything but God and seek you, and when I seek you show Prayer List Some of you parents have recited the whatever helps you to seek him; and when yourself to me, for I cannot seek you unless Archdiocese of Indianapolis soccer and baseball schedules of your you have shut the door, look for him. Speak you teach me, nor can I find you unless you 1400 N. Meridian St. children, and I know that means extra now to God and say with your whole heart: show yourself to me. Let me seek you in P.O. Box 1410 planning. I don’t know how you keep things I seek your face; your face, Lord, I desire. desiring you and desire you in seeking you, Indianapolis, IN 46202-1410 straight, much less find time to relax. Lord, my God, teach my heart where and find you in loving you and love you in Some of you have asked me to how to seek you, where and how to find intercede—at least in regard to the you.” scheduling that is handled by our CYO or We don’t need hours and hours of free Archbishop Buechlein’s intention for vocations for June parish programming. time to escape into our mind’s inner Women Religious: that their love of God and the religious charism may be widely I am sorry, but that is one intervention I chamber. But we need to make the appreciated and encouraged. don’t think I want to take on. If you think conscious decision to take the few minutes Relájese, reduzca la velocidad y busque a Dios on la proximidad del verano, sería para nuestras vidas y las de nuestros hijos. puedo buscar en tu ausencia? Es más, si tú espíritus llenos de esperanza si nos aconsejable pensar en reducir un Yo dudo que cualquiera de nosotros estas por todas partes, ¿por qué no te v eo apartamos a un lado—aunque sea por unos Cpoco la velocidad de la vida, por lo encuentre una forma fácil de hacerlo. cuándo estas presente? Pero ciertamente pocos minutos—y nos colocamos en la menos desde el punto de vista de todas Hace muchos años, una de mis personas habitas en la ‘inalcanzable luz’. Y, ¿dónde presencia de Dios. Allí podemos encontrar aquellas cosas del trabajo diario que favoritas, San Anselmo, arzobispo de está la inalcanzable luz? ¿Cómo me debo la esperanza porque ante Dios nuestro tienden a hacer de nuestras vidas un poco Canterbury, nos dio un buen consejo que acercar a la inalcanzable luz? O, ¿quién me horizonte en el viaje de la vida se prolonga ansiosas y agitadas. nos puede ser útil en vísperas de planif icar guiará y me traerá a ella para que yo pueda más allá de nuestro propio pequeño Si no nos ponemos a un lado para medir las actividades de verano. Él escribió: verte allí? Y entonces, ¿por cuáles signos y mundo. lo que realmente importa, tenemos la “Hombre insignificante, escapa de tu bajo qué formas te buscaré? Yo nunca te he Necesitamos ver ese horizonte más tendencia a sentir como si comenzáramos a negocio cotidiano por un corto rato, visto, Señor mi Dios; yo no conozco tu grande y la luz de la gracia de Dios “correr con el tanque vacío.” La llegada de escóndete por un momento de tus inquietos cara.” permite que esto pueda pasar. Nuestra parte la primavera trajo consigo el resurgimiento pensamientos. Apártate de tus agitaciones y Nuestra tarea y desafío es tomarnos el es buscar al Señor. Él está tan cerca como de la esperanza tan necesitada por todos problemas y preocúpate menos de tus tareas tiempo y encontrar un lugar relativamente la cámara interna de nuestras mentes y nosotros, pero de aquí a principios del y labores. Haz un poco de tiempo para Dios callado para entrar en la cámara interna de corazones. † verano es una buena idea reforzar nuestro y descansa un rato en Él” (De Proslogion; nuestra mente. Sólo el Señor nos puede espíritu de la esperanza. Cf. Viernes Oficina de Lecturas, Primera mostrar su cara; nosotros no podemos ¿Qué hacer? Las actividades físicas Semana de Adviento). hacer esa parte. Así que San Anselmo nos ¿Tiene una intención que desee tienden a aumentar en la época de v erano y Observe que con un toque de realismo, dijo cómo rezar. “Mira entre nosotros, incluir en la lista de oración del eso no es del todo malo, siempre y cuando San Anselmo dijo “el escape por un corto Señor, óyenos e ilumínanos, muéstranos a Arzobispo Buechlein? Puede enviar no nos excedamos por ese lado. Algunos de rato,” y procedió a recomendar cómo ti mismo. … Enséñame a buscarte, y su correspondencia a: ustedes los padres, han enumerado los escapar. “Entra en la cámara interior de tu cuando yo te busque muéstrate ante mí, horarios de fútbol y béisbol de sus hijos, y mente. Cierra las puertas a todo menos a porque yo no puedo buscarte a menos que Lista de oración del Arzobispo yo sé que eso significa planificación Dios y cualquier cosa que te ayuda a me enseñes cómo, ni yo puedo encontrarte Buechlein adicional. Yo no sé cómo ustedes buscarlo; y cuando hayas cerrado la puerta, a menos que tú te muestres ante mí. Arquidiócesis de Indianápolis mantienen las cosas en orden, mucho búscalo. Ahora habla con Dios y dile con Permíteme buscarte deseándote y el 1400 N. Meridian St. menos cómo hallan el tiempo para todo tu corazón: busco tu cara; tu cara, desearte al buscarte, encontrarte en el P.O. Box 1410 relajarse. Señor, es lo que yo deseo. Señor, mi Dios, amarte y amarte en el encontrarte.” Indianapolis, IN 46202-1410 Algunos de ustedes me han pedido que enseña a mi corazón dónde y cómo Realmente, no es probable que la vida interceda por lo menos con respecto a la buscarte, dónde y cómo encontrarte.” reduzca mucho la velocidad, ni aún en los planificación que es manejada por nuestro No necesitamos horas y horas de tiempo días más relajados del verano. Pero, Traducido por: Daniela Guanipa, Organizador de la Juventud Católica o la libre para escapar en la cámara interna de nosotros podemos encontrar nuestros Language Training Center, Indianapolis. programación de la parroquia. Yo lo siento, nuestra mente. Pero necesitamos tomar la pero ésa es una intervención que yo creo consciente decisión de tomar unos pocos que no quiero asumir. Si usted piensa sobre minutos al día para hacer ese viaje La intención de vocaciones del Arzobispo Buechlein para junio eso, yo creo que usted puede entender. buscando a Dios en nuestros corazones. El hecho es que cada uno de nosotros Esto hará la diferencia. Mujeres Religiosas: Que su amor por Dios y carisma religioso sean apreciados y tiene que tomar decisiones personales sobre Los consejos reales de San Anselmo alentados por todas partes. cómo podemos encontrar un paso razonable continúan: “¿Señor, si estas aquí, dónde te Page 6 The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011 Events Calendar

June 3 June 4 of Versailles. Mass, 9:30 a.m., 1212 E. Main St., Plainfield. games, food. Information: sale noon-4 p.m., Our Lady of the Most Holy Slovenian National Home, on third Sunday holy hour Rummage sale, 317-888-2861. Sun. 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., and pitch-in, Father Elmer Thurs. 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Rosary Parish, 520 Stevens St., 2717 W. 10th St., Indianapolis. June 10 $1 bag sale. Information: Indianapolis. Lumen Dei “20 Years of Independence Burwinkel, celebrant, daily Fri. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Information: St. Charles Borromeo Parish, 812-934-3204. meeting, 6:30 a.m. Mass then for Slovenia,” concert, Mass, 9 a.m. Information: 317-839-3333. 222 E. 3rd St., Bloomington. breakfast and program at Alfi Nipic, singer, 5 p.m. 812-689-3551. June 11 Priori Hall, Marine June 9-11 St. Vincent de Paul Society Information: 317-885-0198 or St. Anthony Parish, 337 N. St. Roch Parish, Family Life Sgt. Klay South, founder of June 8 and St. John Conference, [email protected]. Warman Ave., Indianapolis. Center, 3603 S. Meridian St., Veterans for Valor, Archbishop O’Meara Catholic hog roast, 5-9 p.m., food, “Summer Festival,” food, presenter, $15 members, June 5 Center, 1400 N. Meridian St., music, silent auction. Indianapolis. Single Seniors, $20 non-members. Most Holy Name of Jesus Indianapolis. “Divorce and trash-to-treasures sale, games, Information: 812-825-0634. meeting, 1 p.m., age 50 and 5:30 p.m.-close. Information: Information: Parish, Jerry Craney Beyond” program, session one, over. Information: 7-9 p.m., $30 per person 317-636-4828. June 10-11 317-435-3447 or e-mail Performance Center, 89 N. 317-784-4207. includes manual. Information: Holy Angels Parish, 740 W. [email protected]. 17th Ave., Beech Grove. 28th St., Indianapolis. Farewell reception for 317-236-1586, 800-382-9836, St. Simon the Apostle Parish, 8155 Oaklandon Road, “Music Festival,” music, St. Mary-of-the-Knobs Parish, June 3-4 Jerry Craney, longtime ext. 1596, or Indianapolis. Parish festival, games, 3-10 p.m. Information: St. Therese of the Infant Jesus music teacher, 12:30 p.m. [email protected]. 3033 Martin Road, Thurs. 5-11 p.m., 317-926-3324. (Little Flower) Parish, 1401 N. Information: 317-784-5454 or Floyds Knobs. Parish picnic June 9 Fri. 5 p.m.-midnight, Bosart Ave., Indianapolis. [email protected]. and festival, music and booths, Rummage sale, 8 a.m. Archbishop O’Meara Catholic Sat. 3 p.m.-midnight, rides, Our Lady of the Most Holy Information: 317-357-8352. Center, 1400 N. Meridian St., games, entertainment, food. Rosary Parish, 520 Stevens St., noon-midnight. Information: St. Rita Church, Indianapolis. Catholics United Information: 317-826-6000. Indianapolis. “Italian Street 812-923-3011. June 3-5 1733 Dr. Andrew for the Faith, Abba, Festival,” Fri.-Sat. 5-11 p.m., St. Therese of the Infant Jesus J. Brown Ave., Indianapolis. Father Chapter, meeting, June 9-12 Italian foods, music, rides. June 12 (Little Flower) Parish, African Catholic Mass, 3 p.m. 6:30-8 p.m. Information: Our Lady of the Greenwood Information: 317-636-4478. Our Lady of Fatima Retreat 1401 N. Bosart Ave., Information: 317-632-9349. 317-236-1569, 800-382-9836, Parish, 335 S. Meridian St., House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. “Summerfest,” Greenwood. Parish festival, June 10-12 ext. 1569, or Indianapolis. Discalced Fri. 5-11 p.m., Sat. 3-11 p.m., Queen and Divine Mercy [email protected]. Thurs. 5-11 p.m., St. Louis School, 17 St. Louis Sun. 11:30 a.m.-5 p.m., rides, Center, Rexville, located on Fri. 5 p.m.-midnight, Place, Batesville. Rummage Carmelite Secular Order games, food, entertainment. 925 South, .8 mile east of June 9-10 Sat. 2 p.m.-midnight, sale, Fri. 8 a.m.-7 p.m., meeting, noon. Information: Information: 317-357-8352. 421 South and 12 miles south St. Susanna Parish, Zore Hall, Sun. noon-9 p.m., rides, Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m., half-price 317-545-7681. † Bishop Gerald Gettelfinger to be Homeland Mission project interviewed on Catholic Radio is set for June 26 to July 1 An interview with Bishop Gerald succeed him. The youth ministry staff of A Caring Place, St. Mary’s Child Center, A. Gettelfinger will be broadcast on During the interview, Bishop Gettelfinger the archdiocesan Office of Refugee Resettlement program and Catholic Radio talks with co-hosts Jim Ganley and Catholic Education will present the Gleaners Food Bank. Indy 89.1 FM’s Sean Gallagher about his 22 years as a seventh annual Homeland Mission project During the week, participants will attend “Faith in Action” bishop, how his vocation to the priesthood from June 26 through July 1 based at daily Mass, have the chance to receive the show on emerged when he grew up as a member of St. Bernadette Parish in Indianapolis. sacrament of reconciliation, serve the June 6-11. St. Bernard Parish in Frenchtown, and his The Homeland Mission project was underprivileged, go swimming, have fun Ordained as a thoughts about the opportunities and started seven years ago at the request of and make new friends from across the priest of the challenges that face the Evansville Diocese Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein to give archdiocese. Archdiocese of and the Church in Indiana in the future. high school youths the opportunity to This year, Bishop Christopher J. Coyne, Indianapolis in “Faith in Action” is broadcast at serve the needs of people in the auxiliary bishop and vicar general, will 1961, he was 10 a.m. on Mondays and Fridays, 4 p.m. archdiocese. celebrate the opening Mass for the week. appointed bishop on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 9 a.m. on In the past, Homeland Mission For more information or to register for of Evansville in Saturdays. volunteers have served at charitable the Homeland Mission project, log on to Bishop Gerald A. Gettelfinger 1989. He turned Catholic Radio Indy can be heard organizations in Indianapolis that www.archindy.org/youth/homeland.html or 75 last fall, the throughout the archdiocese by logging on include the Cathedral Soup Kitchen, contact your parish youth minister. † age at which canon law requires bishops to www.catholicradioindy.com and to retire. Pope Benedict XVI accepted clicking on the “listen now” button. Bishop Gettelfinger’s retirement on Podcasts of this and previous April 26 and, on the same day, appointed “Faith in Action” shows can also be Bishop-designate Charles C. Thompson to found on the station’s website. † ‘Lost Boy of Sudan’ to speak at World Refugee Day dinner To celebrate World Refugee Day, troops, he helped lead thousands of Catholic Charities Indianapolis’ Refugee children, part of the group of young Resettlement refugees known as the “Lost Boys of program will host Sudan,” through violence and starvation

Photo © Denis Ryan Kelly Jr. Kelly Photo © Denis Ryan a dinner at 6 p.m. to a refugee camp in Kenya. on June 20 at the Also to be honored at the dinner is the Archbishop program’s “Refugee Ambassadors,” a O’Meara Catholic group of nine high school student Center, 1400 N. volunteers who have assisted refugees in Meridian St., in the past year. Indianapolis. The cost of the fundraising dinner The guest is $35 per person or $250 for a table speaker at the of eight. dinner will be For more information or to John Dau, a purchase tickets, call Hellen Sanders at John Dau survivor of a 800-382-9836, ext. 1528, or 14-year journey from his home village in 317-236-1528, send her an e-mail at Sudan to his arrival in New York in 2001. [email protected] or log on to When fleeing Sudanese government www.catholicharitiesindpls.org. †

VIPs Paul and K. Florence (Zener) Dufek, Charles and Maryanna (McMullen) members of St. Christopher Parish in Kistner, members of St. Roch Parish in Indianapolis, Indianapolis, celebrated their celebrated their 60th wedding 50th wedding anniversary on June 2. anniversary on The couple May 15. New Colts fan? was married on The couple was June 2, 1951, at married on May 13, Bishop Christopher J. Coyne, auxiliary bishop and vicar general, who is a Boston native and St. Anthony Church in 1961, at St. Mark the lifelong New England Patriots fan, smiles after receiving an Indianapolis Colts helmet Indianapolis. Evangelist Church in autographed by head coach Jim Caldwell during a May 20 meeting of the Catholic Business They are the Indianapolis. Exchange at the Northside Knights of Columbus Hall in Indianapolis. Presenting the helmet to parents of They are the Bishop Coyne is Steve Champlin, director of football administration for the Colts. During the two children, parents of meeting, Bishop Coyne gave a presentation titled “Bringing Christian Joy to the Workplace.” Paula DeLong and Suzanne Mulligan. six children: Diane Oliver, Karen DuVall, They have seven grandchildren and and Dan, James, Mark and Steve Kistner. two great-grandchildren. † They have eight grandchildren. † The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011 Page 7 Pope receives papers for cause of Archbishop Sheen, whom he knew

VATICAN CITY (CNS)—When of the Peoria-based Archbishop Fulton Sheen i ng Msgr. Stanley Bishop Daniel R. Jenky of Peoria, Ill., Foundation, joined Bishop Jenky for the trip Deptula holds a presented Pope Benedict XVI with two thick to the Vatican. volume of letters volumes about the life of Archbishop Fulton They also gave the pope an album with from cardinals and J. Sheen, the pope surprised him by saying more than 100 letters from cardinals and Har CNS photos/Paul bishops supporting he had worked with the late archbishop. bishops in North America, Australia and the sainthood Pope Benedict “told me something I Africa supporting Archbishop Sheen’s cause of hadn’t known. He worked on the cause. Archbishop Fulton commission for mission at the Msgr. Deptula told CNS that J. Sheen as he Second Vatican Council with Fulton Sheen,” Archbishop Sheen should be beatified and waits with Bishop Bishop Jenky told Catholic News Service. canonized because “he was a dynamic Daniel R. Jenky of The pope served as a theological expert missionary, he used all the modern means Peoria, Ill., right, at the council in the 1960s. available to spread the Gospel throughout to present At the end of the pope’s weekly general the world.” documentation to audience on May 25, Bishop Jenky The archbishop was host of Pope Benedict XVI presented the pope with two leather-bound “The Catholic Hour” radio program for during his general volumes with gold lettering on the side: 22 years before beginning his television audience in “Fultonius Ioannes Sheen.” career. He wrote several popular books, and St. Peter’s Square The tomes—totaling close to traveled the world speaking and preaching at the Vatican on 2,000 pages—are the “positio,” the after his TV program went off the air. May 25. official position paper, outlining why the The diocesan phase of the sainthood cause Catholic Church should recognize concluded in 2008, and the postulator, or Archbishop Sheen as a saint. promoter, of the cause took the eight boxes Msgr. Stanley Deptula, executive Archbishop Sheen, who was born in of eyewitness testimony and “every book director of the Archbishop Fulton Illinois in 1895 and died in New York in Sheen ever wrote,” and summarized the J. Sheen Foundation, holds a volume 1979, was an Emmy-winning televangelist. material, creating the “positio,” the containing letters from cardinals and His program, “Life is Worth Living,” aired monsignor said. bishops supporting the sainthood in the United States from 1951 to 1957. The Congregation for Saints’ Causes will cause of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Bishop Jenky said “I hope it study the “positio,” and if congregation in Rome on May 24. The official helps” that the pope personally knew members agree, they will recommend that the position paper of Archbishop Sheen Archbishop Sheen, who was national pope officially declare that the archbishop was presented by Bishop Daniel director of the Society for the Propagation lived the Christian virtues in a heroic w ay. R. Jenky of Peoria, Ill., to of the Faith from 1950-66, and attended Before Archbishop Sheen can be beatified, Pope Benedict XVI during the every session of Vatican II. the pope also must recognize a miracle pontiff’s general audience at the For the Peoria bishop, the most attributed to his intercession. Vatican on May 25. impressive thing about Archbishop Sheen “We actually have two fully documented, was his untiring evangelizing effort, which alleged miracles of cures that seem to ha ve “One happened in central Illinois to an which would have been a very serious was addressed not just to radio or television been effected by God through the elderly woman in the Champaign area. And illness for this infant. audiences, but to taxi drivers and anyone intercession of Archbishop Sheen,” the other, kind of the stronger case that we “The parents and family and else he happened to meet. Msgr. Deptula said. “Actually, we also have a will probably be pursuing to present to the friends prayed for the intercession of “I don’t know how many people he couple more that have come into our office. Holy Father, involved a baby in the Archbishop Sheen. They had the baby brought to the faith. It must be thousands Really, every day I hear stories about little Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, area.” baptized, [and] I believe his middle name is and thousands,” the bishop said. “He never miracles, ways that Fulton Sheen continues The monsignor said he could not Fulton,” he said. “It seems to have been a passed by an opportunity to bring someone to change lives today.” reveal many details about the case, but miracle. The baby lived and seemed to have to the faith. He was a hands-on evangelizer.” The best documented cases involve cures “basically this baby was born … with been cured of those illnesses,” and is now in Msgr. Stanley Deptula, executive director that took place in the United States, he said. several life- threatening diseases, any one of the first or second grade. †


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Saturday June 11th, Mass at 4:30 p.m. and Directory and Year Book 2011 Colorful Italian Religious Procession at 6:45 p.m., Now Available Followed by 2nd Mass in the church at 7:00 p.m. $2400 Call 317-236-1587 Page 8 The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011 Tornado survivors in Joplin begin recovery, scene described as war zone JOPLIN, Mo. (CNS)—The devastating scene left by the massive tornado that hit Joplin on the evening of May 22 can best be described as apocalyptic. The tornado cut a swath of destruction three-fourths of a mile wide and six miles long, claiming at least 139 lives with The Mirror CNS photos/Emily Molinaro, 100 people still missing. Nearly every building in its path was left in total ruin. The powerful winds uprooted trees and tossed cars. They toppled brick walls, bent steel, snapped power lines, sheared limbs and stripped bark off trees. In a May 25 news conference for area faith leaders, Missouri Gov. Jeremiah Above, a statue of Mary stands outside the remains of St. Mary’s Nixon, upon witnessing the catastrophic Church in Joplin, Mo., on May 24 after the church and school were destruction at St. John’s Regional Medical destroyed by a monster tornado that struck the city on May 22. As of Center, described it as a war zone. May 31, the number of those killed by the tornado totaled 139. St. Mary’s Church was in the storm’s direct path. The sanctuary, elementary Left, Father Justin Monaghan, pastor of St. Mary’s Church in school, rectory, parish hall and the Joplin, Mo., hugs children on May 24 outside what is left of the church, St. Vincent de Paul building—the original which was destroyed by the massive tornado that hit Joplin on the church from 1938—were all leveled by evening of May 22. Father Monaghan found shelter in the bathtub of the the storm. parish’s rectory only seconds before the tornado brought the entire “Most people’s emotions are still too raw building down around him. for them to begin processing this catastrophic event,” said Father Justin and Oklahoma. untouched by the tornado. Since the storm, an abundance of compassion, concern, and Monaghan, St. Mary’s pastor. “I just want to As she brought lunch to fellow parish- the high school has been serving as a triage charity from the people,” he said. “Even those tell them, ‘Our prayers are with you and we ioners sifting through the rubble, Cassie center, hospital, storm shelter and sleep who have endured tragic personal suffering or will rejoin you in rebuilding, healing, and Patrick was overcome by the extent of the facility. Residents and staff of a destroyed the loss of their homes are volunteering to renewal in the midst of the pain you are destruction. nursing home were now making the gym help others. They just want to care for people all suffering.’ ” Surveying the wreckage in tears, she their temporary home. when they need it. At times like this, it is easy Father Monaghan found shelter in the said, “It is really hard to see. I can’ t even Koester had not slept since the evening to see the face of Jesus in both his suffering bathtub of the rectory only seconds before wrap my head around it. I would have rather of May 22, when the tornado struck, going and compassion.” the tornado brought the entire building lost my house than this church. I know it is home just long enough to shower and shave. Father Friedel told the congregation at down around him. He was trapped for just a building, and we will rebuild, but all He said that nearly every one of the school’s Mass: “Sometimes only tears, laughter and hours, but parishioners eventually found him my kids have gone to school here and this 100 students had been volunteering around love can get us through our disasters. ... We safe and dug him out of the ruins. church has kept my family together. I am the clock, with the only exceptions being are going to be OK. For us, losing our lives is Parishioners retrieved the Blessed just thankful that Father Monaghan is safe. I those that have lost their homes or not the end. This does not make light of the Sacrament from the church’s shattered prayed for Father all night, and was family members. pain and suffering, but reminds us that God in tabernacle. Only the large steel cross at what so worried.” “The kids have just been amazing. Christ is in the middle of our lives. This was the church’s entrance remains, towering For Patrick and other parishioners, Students and their parents have given of disaster cannot win. Easter reminds us that over the wreckage. however, the emotional toll of the physical themselves and their mindset is entirely on Jesus will make all things right in the end.” The priest said he has been overwhelmed destruction pales in comparison to the pain helping. It is remarkable, but not surprising. Standing next to all the parish’s toppled with the outpouring of support from his of the human suffering. Tragically, one It is also part of the legacy of the Sisters of buildings, Karen Drake, a first-grade teacher parishioners. “I hope that I am reaching out woman in the parish lost her husband, Mercy, who founded our school,” he said. at St. Mary’s Elementary School, said: “Our to others as much as they have been 5-year-old daughter, and 2-year-old son in Father Friedel said providing care at this cross is still standing. I think that says a lot. ” reaching out to me. the storm. They were at Home Depot when point is difficult as everything keeps “My faith has been strengthened by the tornado razed the building. Steve Jones, shifting, depending on the immediate needs (Donations to the Joplin Tornado Relief Fund, the amazing response of people in our St. Mary’s principal, confirmed the deaths, of the people who have been displaced or or wherever the need is greatest, can be parish and in the community. And to see but names will not be released until official injured, and the subsequent storms that made online through a website set up by the cross still standing reminds us what notifications have been made. continue to come through the area. Still, St. John’s Regional Medical Center at our mission is all about,” he told the Father J. Friedel, pastor of St. Peter the Father Friedel was heartened by the selfless https://ssl.4agoodcause.com/mercy/ Eastern Oklahoma Catholic, the publication Apostle Parish in Joplin, and Gene Koester, and dedicated service offered by the donation1.aspx?id=1. Also, information of the Diocese of Tulsa, Okla. principal of McAuley Catholic High School, Catholic faithful in Joplin. about donations and materials needed by Tulsa is about 100 miles southwest of were busy offering pastoral care, support “It is absolutely remarkable to watch our Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Joplin, in the western Missouri Diocese of and leadership since the storm struck. high school and college kids working with Springfield-Cape Girardeau can be found Springfield-Cape Girardeau. The city sits St. Peter and McAuley are only a couple our professionals to help the homeless, the online at http://home.catholicweb.com/ close to the state line bordering Kansas miles from St. Mary’s, but were left elderly and anyone in need. There has been diocspfdcape/.) †

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Expires 6/18/11 Expires 6/18/11 Expires 6/18/11 The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011 Page 9

“When you work during the night, you HONEGGER don’t get much sleep,” he said. “It’s also continued from page 1 boring if you’re there and nothing happens. People often only see the Swiss Guard in to be there to get to know the Church and action. But the big part of the time, it’s not to be in the center of the Church. I li ved action. It’s boring.” there closely with friends for two years. Persevering through the mundane duties There are strong bonds that continue after that have to be done—even at the Photo courtesy Archabbey of Saint Meinrad we left.” Vatican—was another means to help Since he grew up in Switzerland, Brother Mauritius prepare for life as a knowing former members of the Benedictine monk, according to Swiss Guard is not unusual, Father Urban. Brother Mauritius said. “He knows what it means to stand on He learned about them as he grew up. the Piazza of St. Peter for hours without And when he went to high school at doing anything,” said Father Urban. Einsiedeln Abbey, he participated in a “Therefore, he had to learn that everything pilgrimage to Rome where he met with has two sides: A nice one that can be seen members of the Swiss Guard. by everybody—especially by the tourists— “Some of the Swiss Guards were and another one he had to face personally. former students of the high school,” Such situations strengthen us in Brother Mauritius said. “They showed us our vocation. around. And so I became even more “We have to ask ourselves: Why do I familiar with [the] Swiss Guard.” really do that? What is the goal of all that? He applied in 2003, and was accepted at Brother Mauritius is aware of the age 19. wonderful way of monastic life—and he When he began his service in the fall of learned to face situations which are not that year, he went through a month of easy. I think he did not enter the Benedictine Brother Mauritius Honegger stands on May 6 outside the Archabbey Church of Our Lady training that included learning basic because of a lack of alternative ways of of Einsiedeln in St. Meinrad. Brother Mauritius, a member of Einsiedeln Abbey in Switzerland, is a martial arts skills. life. He knows why he is here.” former member of the Vatican’s Swiss Guard, and spent the past academic year as a student at With Switzerland becoming an Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology in St. Meinrad. increasingly secularized country, A witness to history Brother Mauritius said that men who seek Although the duties of the princes of the Church walked past him. the pope’s summer residence. to join the Swiss Guard usually already Swiss Guard can be a drudgery at times, “It was a really intense time,” he said. “That’s the time when we are the closest have a strong life of faith. It is not unusual Brother Mauritius witnessed history “So many things were happening. It was the to the pope because we live in the same then, he said, for members of the guard to toward the end of his time in Rome. first time in my life when a new pope was building,” he said. “When we were [on discern a priestly or religious vocation. On the evening of April 2, 2005, elected. It was really exciting to be there in duty], we could hear him play the piano “For the Catholic Church in Brother Mauritius was preparing to go to the center of the Church.” and we could see him as he w alked in Switzerland, the Swiss Guard is one source sleep early because he had to be on duty at On the second day of the conclave, the garden.” of vocations,” he said. “People who go to 4 a.m. outside the entrance to the apostolic Brother Mauritius was on guard at the One night, Pope Benedict had dinner the Swiss Guard often are already palace where the pope lives. entrance to the Sistine Chapel when the with the members of the Swiss Guard. A interested in the faith. They go there during He knew that Pope John Paul II was cardinals left for lunch. Swiss religious sister who was a cook for a crucial time in their lives when they are close to death, and could see from his “I went into the chapel, and I took one of the guardsmen knew that Brother Mauritius 20 years old, when they are really barracks windows large crowds of people the sheets on which they would write who was in discernment, and had him lead his discerning what direction they want to keeping vigil in St. Peter’s Square. they would elect,” he said a bit sheepishly. fellow Swiss Guards and the pope in prayer choose for their lives.” Just before he went to bed, one of his “I have it as a souvenir.” at the start of the meal. Brother Mauritius said that his time in officers called to tell him that the pope had A few hours later when Cardinal Joseph The sister later told Pope Benedict that the Swiss Guard prepared him well for died. When Brother Mauritius asked him Ratzinger was elected pope and took the Brother Mauritius was going to become religious life. what he was to do, the officer said, name Benedict XVI, Brother Mauritius was a monk. “The experience of those two years “You sleep.” back in his barracks. “The pope asked me what monastery I helped me see the Church as an When he arrived at the apostolic palace “I got the call that a pope w as elected, was going to enter,” he said. “And he said international community,” he said. “And at 4 a.m., all was quiet. But he looked at and that we had to be ready,” he said. that he had visited Einsiedeln in the 1950s. you’re there in a community of faith with the log that recorded all of the people who “When he appeared on the balcony, I was We had a short conversation, some other friends. You’re the same age. We also had come and gone from the pope’s one of the Swiss Guards in the square.” small talk.” have our own chaplain, and there’s optional residence just hours earlier, and saw a long Unfortunately, he was on duty so far Brother Mauritius professed simple daily Mass. There are opportunities to list of some of the most prominent leaders back that he couldn’t understand the vows in 2007, and solemn vows in 2010. practice your faith there.” of the Church. announcement or recognize the new He hopes to be ordained a transitional Benedictine Father Urban Federer, A few days later, the casket that held the pope standing on the balcony. Another deacon and priest in the future. prior of Einsiedeln Abbey, visited body of Pope John Paul was carried in a Swiss Guard came to him and told him He said coming to study at Brother Mauritius in Rome when the solemn procession from the apostolic the news. Saint Meinrad was beneficial. former student of his monastery’s high palace to St. Peter’s Basilica, where A few days later, Brother Mauritius “I visited several other Benedictine school was discerning a religious vocation. millions of people would soon pay their saw Pope Benedict up close. He was a foundations,” Brother Mauritius said. Father Urban saw many things in the last respects to the beloved pontiff. member of an honor guard that stood at “I have never traveled more than in this Swiss Guard that can aid a young man’s Brother Mauritius was a member of the attention directly in front of the altar in year. In learning about the history of vocational discernment. But there were honor guard that accompanied the casket. St. Peter’s Square during the installation Saint Meinrad, I learned a lot about the challenges to this in the guard as well. “I didn’t really realize what was going Mass for the new pope. history of my own monastery.” “He got to know people who were more on because I had this assignment and I sa w “It was the longest amount of time that I Benedictine Father Kurt Stasiak, prior of interested in their own career than in the all these people,” he said. “I can’t really had to stand still,” he said. “The square was Saint Meinrad Archabbey, said having a good of our Church,” said Father Urban in remember what I felt. It was overwhelming full. It was a special event.” monk from the monastery that founded his an e-mail to The Criterion. “All that helped somehow.” community study here was a blessing. him to get a realistic view of the Church, Later that month, the members of the Preparing to leave “We continue to enjoy a strong and to reflect his upcoming way of life.” College of Cardinals eligible to elect a new In the late summer of 2005, shortly relationship with our Mother Abbey,” Other aspects of his life in the guard pope processed into the Sistine Chapel at before Brother Mauritius left the Father Kurt said. “Having a monk from were equally difficult, Brother Mauritius the Vatican to carry out that solemn duty. Swiss Guard to become a postulant at Einsiedeln join us for a year on a pretty said. A lot of the time, he just had to stand Brother Mauritius was standing guard at Einsiedeln Abbey, he was part of a regular basis is one way of strengthening guard and do nothing else—for hours. the entrance to that historic chapel as the contingent on duty at Castel Gandolfo, Italy, and developing that relationship.” † The history of the Swiss Guard dates back mor e than 500 years By Sean Gallagher 30 who is Catholic, “of good moral Brother Mauritius Honegger, a monk of [and] ethical background,” has attended Einsiedeln Abbey in Switzerland and a The history of the Swiss Guard goes Swiss military school, be at least former member of the Swiss Guard, Submitted photo back to 1506 when Pope Julius II invited 5 feet 7 inches tall, and has either a plain-clothed members of his former unit some 150 Swiss soldiers to serve as his professional or high school diploma. as well as Vatican policemen restrained a personal guards. Those accepted into the Swiss Guard woman who pulled Pope Benedict XVI to At the time, Swiss soldiers had a high must serve a minimum of two years. They the ground during the opening procession reputation for bravery and skill, and were live in barracks in Vatican City that of Midnight Mass on Christmas at in demand across Europe. overlook St. Peter’s Square. St. Peter’s Basilica in 2009. On May 6, 1527, however, more than Their daily duties include standing Although some members of the 100 members of the Swiss Guard gave up guard at the entrances to the apostolic Swiss Guard carry out their duties in their lives on the steps of St. Peter’s palace, and at all external entrances to plain clothes, their ceremonial uniforms Basilica in defense of the pope when Vatican City. They also serve as guards are well known. According to the Rome was being sacked by Spanish during public appearances by the pope at Vatican website on the Swiss Guard, their troops of the . the Vatican, such as liturgies and general distinctive orange and blue uniforms, May 6 is now the date on which new audiences. while popularly believed to have been members of the Swiss Guard swear to When not on duty, members of the designed by the great Renaissance artist Then-Marco Rudolf Honegger takes an oath as a protect the pope—even at the cost of Swiss Guard can play in the corps’ band Michelangelo, are actually the work of a new member of the Swiss Guard on May 6, 2004, their lives. or sing in its choir, attend daily Mass previous commandant of the guard less at the Vatican in Rome. After serving for According to the Vatican’s website on celebrated by its chaplain or join its than 100 years ago. two years, Honegger became a postulant at the Swiss Guard, a prospective member soccer team in matches against other Einsiedeln Abbey in Switzerland. He recently of the 110-member Vatican armed forces squads from within the Vatican. (For more information on the completed a year of studies at Saint Meinrad must be an unmarried male citizen of The work of the members is more than Swiss Guard, log on to www.vatican.va/ Seminary and School of Theology in St. Meinrad. Switzerland between the ages of 19 and ceremonial. According to Benedictine roman_curia/swiss_guard.) † Page 10 The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011 At 88, St. Vincent de Paul Society volunteer not slowing down

By John Shaughnessy spirit of sacrifice. Whether society will go for ever-increasing enjoyment and When Leo Feldhake turned 88 on profit, or for everyone devoting May 14, he celebrated his birthday in themselves to the common good.”

an unusual way. The father of five grown children, John Shaughnessy Photos by Before 7 a.m. on that Saturday, he Feldhake volunteers about 25 to 30 drove to the distribution center of the hours a week for the St. Vincent de St. Vincent de Paul Society in Paul Society. He works two days a Indianapolis. There, he backed out of week at the society’s food pantry. He the garage the eight trucks that also delivers sacks of groceries from volunteers would drive across the city to the food pantry to people who are collect donated beds, furniture and large mentally and physically handicapped. appliances—items that will eventually And he volunteers three days a week be given to people in need. at the distribution center, where he has Feldhake then spent the rest of the teamed up with Ray Sommers for the morning and the early afternoon past 17 years. helping to serve the people who came Sommers is the youngster of the to the warehouse, needing everything team at 85. from clothes for their children to “I like working with Leo,” says mattresses to sleep on. Sommers, a member of St. Malachy At some point during that day, a Parish in Brownsburg. “We’re both fellow volunteer learned that it was getting a little slow, but we’re both Feldhake’s birthday and went to plugging along.” buy him a cake. It was a touching Their teamwork is appreciated by gesture for a man who continues to try Betty Farrell, a volunteer of 28 years to touch the lives of others after who manages the distribution center. 18 years as a volunteer for the “They get a lot done for their age,” St. Vincent de Paul Society. says Farrell, a member of “I started out here when I retired St. Lawrence Parish in Indianapolis. from Naval Avionics as an engineer,” “They’re like a lot of us here. We says Feldhake, a member of St. Jude keep one foot in front of the other Parish in Indianapolis. “I just like and keep going.” Above, Leo Feldhake celebrated his helping people out and keeping busy. I There’s even more reason today to 88th birthday on May 14 in the same think helping people is necessary. In keep going and keep volunteering, way that he has dedicated the past fact, there’s a sign on the bulletin Feldhake says. 18 years of his life—by serving as a board that’s applicable about that.” “From what I see, there are all sorts volunteer for the St. Vincent de Paul Feldhake refers to the quotation of people from all sorts of nationalities Society in Indianapolis. from the 1830s that was shared by who can’t get a job,” says Feldhake, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, the founder who has been married for 60 years to Left, a sign in the break room of the of the St. Vincent de Paul Society: his wife, Jean. “They need food. They distribution center of the St. Vincent “The problem which divides people need things for their homes. We’ve de Paul Society in Indianapolis today is not a political problem. It is a given away so many mattresses. captures the spirit of the volunteers who social one. It is a matter of not People need them. They’re sleeping on work there. knowing which will get the upper the floor. hand, the spirit of selfishness or the “We have to help them.” † Religious face identity challenges, say speakers at Rome assembly ROME (CNS)—Unprecedented social president of the International Union of and cultural changes around the world are Superiors General and superior general of challenging the Church’s religious orders to the Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus re-examine their identity and their prophetic and Mary, told the assembly on May 25. role, speakers at a Rome conference said. She said religious orders should consider, The changes have accelerated the process for example, how to give stronger of secularization, but they have also “intercultural witness” in a pluralistic world, highlighted the religious vocation as an how to collaborate more effectively with increasingly visible alternative to the other religious congregations and how to “globally indifferent society,” said better involve lay people in their mission. participants at a May 25-27 assembly in Sister Mary Maher, superior general of Rome that brought together 180 leaders of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, said it men’s and women’s religious orders. was clear that “pluralism of religions and “We are living in a time of epochal cultures has challenged the Church’s change, impacted by the effects of understanding of its relationship to the globalization, secularization, consumerism world and its peoples,” particularly in how and technology. These factors pose many the Church evangelizes. challenges to religious life, calling for a Father Mauro Johri, minister general of search for a new identity and a new the Capuchin Franciscans, said witnessing consciousness in the midst of this rapidly communion was the key to religious life, changing world,” Sister Mary Lou Wirtz, and the “prophetic sign” the world needs

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W6 --RRKKQQ HKW ((YYDQQJJHOOLLLVVW ))DD LP OO\\ R& PPSSDDQQ QZD/QRLQ &&UUU\\\SSWWVV A supplement to Catholic newspapers published by Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017-1100. All contents are copyrighted © 2011 by Catholic News FaithAlive! Service. Freedom for children comes with ‘response-ability’

By Mary Jo Pedersen A recent Duke University study on self-control, published in the Proceedings You see it everywhere—the 2-year-old of the National Academy of Science, lying on the floor in the grocery store, concludes that children lacking self- Catholic Standard kicking and screaming, or the teenager restraint are more likely to have drug or playing games on his phone during dinner alcohol addictions, be convicted of a crime, with his parents at the restaurant, or the have poor credit or problems with money, red-faced soccer player yelling at and often end up as single parents. a referee. The 32-year study, which followed Crisostomo, CNS photo/Rafael Alternative schools, juvenile court almost 1,000 people since their birth, systems and jails are expanding to shows that children who display more accommodate a generation of children self-control in their younger years grow up who are unable to obey the law by to become more financially responsible, controlling their impulses. Even their productive and healthier members parents are unable to manage of society. their behavior. Self-mastery in this study was Most parents know that children want associated with children’s ability to think what they see, feel entitled to it and don’ t before taking action, their handling of want to wait for it. frustration, consistency in completing tasks Teachers have encountered the parent and attempting to reach goals, their ease at who makes elaborate excuses for a child’s waiting their turn and their misbehavior, allowing conscientiousness. that child to escape the A Time magazine consequences of poor report about the choices. ‘Real freedom is the Duke study revealed Are signs of a lack ability to respond out surprising advantages of self-control in for self-disciplined Teacher Brittney Cunningham works with Amber Garrett at Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian School in children a normal part of one’s values and children. The Duke Washington in this file photo. Helping children to learn self-control skills at a young age will benefit of childhood thoughts, not out study confirms the them when they are older, and will help them avoid many problems in their teenage and adult years. development? Or do of momentary often-cited they represent a serious Stanford University to regulate their behavior as being “just works of mercy. social and spiritual emotion or desire. marshmallow study— kids” does a harmful disservice to children The ability to self-regulate gives problem that endangers Freedom comes with which determined that themselves, who begin to believe that they children positive feedback from those children’s futures “response-ability.” ’ young children who have a right to be free to do what the y around them. They will be able to and even society’s were able to resist want, and that freedom means license. experience themselves as being good, well-being? grabbing a fluffy Real freedom is the ability to respond loved and a friend to others. Both. marshmallow placed out of one’s values and thoughts, not out of This is where socialization and Children are not born able to exercise in front of them for 15 long minutes in momentary emotion or desire. Freedom evangelization come together. A child is restraint over their emotions, impulses order to get two of them later—scored an comes with “response-ability.” free to become the best person that God and desires. Self-discipline is a learned average of 210 points higher on the Although it is never too late to teach created him or her to be when the child is skill. Many preschoolers or Standard Aptitude Test than children who children self-control, the lesson comes able to think before responding and delay kindergartners will hit each other or take couldn’t wait. easier in the early years. gratification when necessary. away each other’s toys until they learn Although many of the examples of poor God gives every child the gift of Parents want their children to find that there are rules and consequences if self-discipline, such as car theft, illegal free will. That gift is given so that every happiness in life. St. Paul gives them the they break those rules. drug use, graffiti and inappropriate sexual created person can freely choose to return key to a rich familial and community life Some lack of self-control is part of behaviors, occur in adolescence, studies God’s love and follow his commandments. in his letter to the Galatians when he normal childhood development. However, show that children who lacked self-restraint Without self-control, one is subject encouraged Christ’s followers: “The fruit unless children suffer from an attention in early childhood were most likely to to the emotion or desire of the moment of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, deficit disorder of some kind, most begin make serious mistakes during their teenage and is not truly free. For example, if a kindness, generosity, faithfulness, to gain some self-mastery with the help of years, too. 1-year-old learns that he cannot bite his gentleness [and] self-control” parents and adult mentors in early This suggests that the problem is best brother, the limits placed upon him by (Gal 5:22-23). childhood. solved in the early years by parents and parents will teach him how to control his But children who don’t gain childcare providers—even before children emotions, freeing him to make good (Mary Jo Pedersen, a veteran coordinator self-control as they mature pose a great enter school. The tendency among many choices, which may orient his will to of marriage and family spirituality risk to themselves and society. parents to excuse their children’s inability following the commandments and doing programs, lives in Omaha, Neb.) † Develop self-esteem in children that dodges the sin of pride

By Allan F. Wright cultural norms of beauty or success prevail, children can While our hearts should ache for those children who feel either insignificant—which leads to despair and are prideful or who labor under the b urden of The development of healthy self-esteem in children discouragement—or will develop an inflated view of diminished self-esteem caused by the harsh words of helps them mature and find success in navigating the themselves, which leads to the sin of pride. others, we should always remember that death does not challenges of life. A beautiful truth that we learn from Genesis 1:26 is that have the last word. Often, children’s self-esteem is formed by a we are made in the “image and lik eness” of God. This In the same verse, St. Paul reminds us that “the gift non-biblical perspective. When, for example, the means that we are the children of God. This alone should of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” inspire honor, dignity and a healthy self-esteem. (Rom 6:23). This was David’s sentiment in Psalm 8:5-6: “What is A healthy self-esteem is the result of an internal man that you should be mindful of him, or the son of man examination of choices from God’s perspective, and it

Catholic Courier that you should care for him? You have made him little less is the duty of Christian families to instill this in than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honor.” children early on. St. John also reflects on this truth when he says: “See What a cause for hope! what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be Blessed Pope John Paul II reminded us that “the

CNS photo/Mike Crupi, CNS photo/Mike called the children of God” (1 Jn 3:1). goal and target of our life is he, the Christ who a waits At the same time, St. Paul recognizes in his Letter to the us—each one singly and altogether—to lead us across Romans that thinking too highly of oneself can be the boundaries of time to the eternal embrace of the problematic: “For by the grace given to me I tell everyone God who loves us.” among you not to think of himself more highly than Only through parents and other adult mentors who one ought to think, but to think soberly, each according to unite themselves with Christ can children truly develop the measure of faith that God has apportioned” a healthy self-esteem. (Rom 12:3). Helen Arco and her 19-month-old daughter, Abriele, receive It is important to note that St. P aul does not forbid us to (Allan F. Wright is academic dean of evangelization at ashes from Father John Tokaz during Ash Wednesday Mass at think highly of ourselves, but simply not to think St. Paul Inside the Walls: The Catholic Center for St. James the Apostle Church in Trumansburg, N.Y., on March 9. too highly. Evangelization at Bayley-Ellard of the Diocese of Parents and other adults in a child’s life can help them form a St. Paul also warns us that the “wages of sin is death” Paterson, N.J., and is the author of Jesus in the House, healthy self-esteem based on biblical principles. (Rom 6:23). published by St. Anthony Messenger Press.) † Page 12 The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011 Perspectives From the Editor Emeritus/John F. Fink Faith, Hope and Charity/ David Siler The wisdom of the saints: St. Boniface Disasters are Where are the parades and parties to Charlemagne, which helped considerably. sufferings, even to the shedding of blood. celebrate the feast of St. Boniface on Boniface was extremely successful, Boniface admitted to being terrified times to June 5 as there are for founding dioceses, convening councils and when he thought of that. He wrote that he the feast of St. Patrick promulgating laws. But not would gladly give up the task of guiding demonstrate on March 17? everyone appreciated his efforts. He the Church in Germany if he could find Boniface did for and 53 companions were martyred by such an action warranted by the example our faith Germany about the pagans in 754. of the Church Fathers or by Scripture. But same things that In one of his personal letters, Boniface he could not. It is hard to tell if there are more Patrick did for Ireland. wrote about his responsibilities. His duties Therefore, he would continue his work, violent and destructive natural disasters I suspect that the were different from ours, but there is standing fast in what is right and these days or, answer to my question wisdom in considering why we must be preparing his soul for trial because “truth because of very lies in the differences faithful to our responsibilities. can be assaulted but never defeated or sophisticated between Germans and Irish, wrote He wrote first that the Church is like a falsified.” communication, we someone with German ancestry who had a great ship in the ocean, being pounded by He wrote that he would continue to just are more aware wife of Irish ancestry. the waves of life’s different stresses. trust in God, who placed the burden that of them. Boniface was an English Benedictine “Our duty is not to abandon ship, but to he was feeling upon him. Just during the monk who was sent on a missionary keep her on her course,” he wrote. “What we ourselves cannot bear,” he past few weeks, we journey to Germany by Pope Gregory II in He recalled some of the ancient fathers wrote, “let us bear with the help of Christ. have witnessed 719. He returned and reported to the pope of the Church, who showed him how he For he is all-powerful.” widespread flooding in 722 that paganism was rampant in should carry out his duties. He mentioned He said that he was determined not to in Indiana, multiple Germany, and that the Church there specifically Popes Clement and Cornelius be like paid servants who run away tornadoes in the Southeast, including in needed reform. along with others in Rome, Cyprian in before the wolf, but rather a careful and around Alabama, and killer So the pope sent him back, making Carthage and Athanasius in Alexandria. shepherd watching over Christ’s flock. tornadoes striking Missouri, Oklahoma, him a regional bishop of all Germany They all lived under pagan emperors, He intended, he said, to “preach the Arkansas and Kansas. and instructing him to organize the he said, but still managed to steer Christ’s whole of God’s plan to the powerful and Of course, there are the more German Church. The pope gave him a letter ship—“or rather his most dear spouse, the to the humble, to rich and to poor, to dramatic cases over the past few years of safe conduct from Charles Martel, a Church.” They did this by teaching and men of every rank and age, as far as God with the tsunami in Sri Lanka, Frankish leader and grandfather of defending her, by their labors and gives us the strength.” † Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, an earthquake in Haiti, and the earthquake It’s All Good/Patti Lamb and resulting tsunami in Japan—just to name a few of the most severe disasters. Shut out the noise of the world and spend time with God What is going on with the world? Ask 100 people, and you will likely get at Recently, I set out to plant some Next, my daughter tried to lift a full I’m learning that answers come when least 100 theories. annuals in the front yard to bring a bit of watering can containing Miracle Grow, we are fully present with God. I need to Not being a prognosticator, a prophet or color to the and promptly knocked it over. The spend more time talking with him and a theologian, but rather a minister of the landscape. Due to sidewalk was well-fertilized, but the just being in his presence. While I Church called to activate others to the this spring’s wetter flowers were not. probably won’t have a vision or receive a social mission of the Church, I look at these weather and chillier When I tried to take the watering can direct answer, I walk away from quiet tragedies as opportunities to demonstrate temperatures, I was away, she shouted, “No, I want to do it communion with him a little more the love of God to the world. weeks behind my by myself.” refreshed and peaceful. At times when homes are devastated, typical planting It wasn’t long before I caught her I am in tune once again with my whole towns are wiped out and people schedule. So I was eating some potting soil, and chasing her Creator, and I am recharged. Like our die in small or large numbers, the need eager to begin brother with a garden spade that she cell phones need to connect with their for a God of compassion and care is gardening. wielded like a lightsaber. chargers to be fully powered, so we need profound. And God responds just like I planned to When I told her to stop interfering, to connect with God, our power source. God always does—through us, the distract my 3-year-old daughter, she said, “But Mom—I just want Immediate action is not always the faithful. Margaret, with some outdoor toys that to help.” answer. Sometimes it’s just busyness. Nearly every Catholic Mass ends with she hadn’t seen in a while. I brushed the I paused for a minute, and realized Quiet and thoughtful time spent this phrase, “Go forth in peace to lo ve dust off the wagon, which had been that God might see me in the same w ay with God, however, can provide a and serve the Lord” or some variation of tucked away for safe keeping in the that I see my daughter—as an overeager new outlook. those words. The entire purpose of our garage during the winter months. helper. Minds become clear and eyes view gathering for liturgy and Eucharist And I happily discovered a Sometimes when life presents things differently. We begin to see culminates in this call to love and serve. hand-me-down tricycle that she would problems, I am too quick to jump in and solutions that we might never have We are formed, fed and nourished in finally be big enough to pedal. Thinking fix things. I attempt to take the reins and thought of in our haste to solve order to go forth into the world to make these things would keep her interest, I get my hands dirty, all in the spirit of problems. Or, better yet, we might gain known the message that God is among grabbed my supplies and began to dig. being a good helper. perspective, and realize that problems we us and seeks fellowship with us. As But only a minute or two passed I’ve heard the expression that once thought were so overwhelming Catholics, we do this first and foremost before Margaret wandered over to “God helps those who help themselves.” were not worthy of such fretting after all. by putting our faith into action. where I was working. She was intrigued But I often err in taking that to the Time spent with God—when we shut Hurricane Katrina presented an by the dirt and the bright red flower extreme, giving God too little chance to out the noise of the world, and when our opportunity that thrust Catholic Charities petals. She couldn’t keep her little hands work in my life. hearts and ears are open—is the best w ay in the United States to become much more out of the soil. I forget to go to God first, and I end to help anything. actively engaged in disaster relief. And A neighbor walked by on his morning up seeking his counsel as a last resort. since that experience, many more parts of stroll and hollered, “It looks like you Connecting with him should be at the (Patti Lamb, a member of St. Susanna the country have prepared themselves to have a little helper.” top of my playbook instead of being my Parish in Plainfield, is a regular respond—the Archdiocese of Indianapolis That was putting it mildly. last line of defense. columnist for The Criterion.) † included. We are doing this for many good reasons, and among the very best is Faithful Lines/Shirley Vogler Meister what was often said by people in Martinsville, following the floods of 2008. “If it weren’t for the Catholics here, I Paying tribute to loving fathers who are in heaven don’t know that anything would have June is the month for Father’s Day. Each location to flip through it, still wondering I share this poem, “Park Promise,” now gotten done.” This is how we June, since the untimely death of my f ather how it got on my bookshelf. Then I decided in prose form: Catholics evangelize in the world. in 1962, I have to read through the index for an answer. Father strolls, smoke dangling cloudlike Catholic Charities is the organization honored him even In the index, I found my father’s name, from strong fingers. that activates the Church to serve within though he is not Lester Vernon Vogler, and went to the I run, skip and twirl on the w alk to the United States, and Catholic Relief physically present. proper page. Forest Park, where minnows dance ‘neath Services is the U.S. Church ministering This year is As I write this, I am experiencing the waterfalls. outside the U.S. especially meaningful same chills that I felt when I found the Pond smells greet us and foam froths on Jane Crady is currently working for because of something page and saw my father’s photo. the pool. Quietly, we watch the fish our archdiocese preparing parishes and that happened in my Not only that, but as I began reading the scurrying when playful pebbles disturb parishioners to provide disaster relief in computer room not text, I realized that I had written every clouds buoyed upon the water-mirror. their own communities as well as very long ago. word about him. Dragonflies dart as Dad cuts my angling forming a network of people ready to As I was cleaning Finally, I also recalled a time when, twig, well-stringed and hookless: a fishing activate for service anywhere in our off some crowded bookshelves and carrying before 1992 when the book was published, charade. archdiocese—and outside as well, for books to another area, I was startled by a I had written the piece about Dad and When I tired, we amble home. that matter. loud thud. submitted it to the St. Clair County “Traffic’s bad; take my hand.” If you would like to help with the When I turned around, I found a lar ge Historical Society, whose staff gathered We inch across, I in silent fear midst most recent round of disaster relief black book on the floor. After putting down information for the book. screeching brakes and whirring wheels. A efforts by your financial donations or the books in my arms, I reached for the The article that I wrote accompanied siren wails; a hospital looms near. time and skills, visit our website at book and saw it was The History of my father’s photo, and shared much of “If I am hit, will I go there?” www.archindy.org/cc/disaster. St. Clair County, Illinois, Volume 2. his life after marrying my mother, “You can’t be hit; you have my hand.” God and God’s people can certainly “Where did that come from?” Irene Rose Huber. Trusting, I clutch it still, though he use your help. I wondered. What struck me is that I also included a is gone. I could not recall seeing it before even poem about him that I wrote years before. (David Siler is executive director of though my husband and I are natives of The poem tells about one of the man y (Shirley Vogler Meister, a member of the archdiocesan Secretariat for St. Clair County, Ill. times when we lived in St. Louis that he Christ the King Parish in Indianapolis, is a Catholic Charities and Family Ministries. So I took the heavy book to another took me to Forest Park. regular columnist for The Criterion.) † E-mail him at [email protected].) † The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011 Page 13

Feast of the Ascension of the Lord/ Msgr. Owen F. Campion Daily Readings Monday, June 6 Saturday, June 11 The Sunday Readings Norbert, bishop Barnabas, Apostle Acts 19:1-8 Morning Mass Sunday, June 5, 2011 For the last reading, the Church gives Psalm 68:2-7 Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3 us a lesson from St. Matthew’s Gospel. • Acts 1:1-11 Again, the status of the Apostles is the John 16:29-33 Psalm 98:1-6 • Ephesians 1:17-23 point. They are with Jesus. They have John 21:20-25 • Matthew 28:16-20 seen and heard the Risen Lord. In this Tuesday, June 7 Vigil Mass of Pentecost sense, they have experienced the Acts 20:17-27 Genesis 11:1-9 Many dioceses in the United States Resurrection. Psalm 68:10-11, 20-21 or Exodus 19:3-8a, 16-20b this weekend liturgically celebrate the Jesus tells them to go into the w orld. John 17:1-11a or Ezra 37:1-14 feast of the Ascension They should exclude no one. They should of the Lord. bring all humanity into God’s family by or Joel 3:1-5 Other dioceses baptizing them in the name of the F ather, Wednesday, June 8 Psalm 104:1-2, 24, 27-28, 29-30 observe this weekend Son and Holy Spirit. Acts 20:28-38 Romans 8:22-27 as the Seventh Sunday In this last instruction from Jesus is Psalm 68:29-30, 33-36b John 7:37-39 of Easter. a clear and direct revelation of the John 17:11b-19 These reflections Holy Trinity. will refer to the Sunday, June 12 biblical readings for Reflection Thursday, June 9 Pentecost Sunday the feast of the The Church, having proclaimed the Ephrem, deacon and doctor Acts 2:1-11 Ascension. Resurrection, now calls us to look at Acts 22:30; 23:6-11 Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34 The first reading, from the Acts of the ourselves and our times. Psalm 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 Apostles, is from the beginning of Acts. Christ still is with us, the Church John 17:20-26 John 20:19-23 As with the Gospel of St. Luke, the declares emphatically in the Scriptures. author addresses Theophilus, whose As the bond between Luke and Acts identity is unclear. Was Theophilus his assures us, salvation was perfected in the Friday, June 10 actual name? Perhaps it was. Perhaps it life, death and resurrection of Jesus. He did Acts 25:13b-21 was not. “Theophilus” also is a title, not just live 20 centuries ago. He still lives. Psalm 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20b which means “friend of God.” He still gives life, blessing us, forgiving us John 21:15-19 In any case, this initial form of address and taking us home to heaven. Jesus is still recalls that Luke’s Gospel and the Acts of with us even after the Ascension. the Apostles are inseparably linked. He is with us now in the Church Acts simply continues the story because the Church stands on the first given in the Gospel. At some point, foundation laid long ago by the Apostles. Go Ask Your Father/Fr. Francis Hoffman editors divided these books and placed the From them, it has received the message Gospel of John between them. This of Jesus. From them, it has received the arrangement remains today in biblical commission to reach out to everyone with It is still a mortal sin to miss Mass translations. the blessings of salvation. From them, it This is important. It shows that in the has received the power to forgive sin and on Sunday if you do so deliberately mind of the holy author the process of to bestow the new life of grace. From Recently, someone told me that it isn’t of the universal ordinary Magisterium of salvation did not end with the Lord’s them, it has received the sacraments now Qa mortal sin to miss Mass on Sundays, the Church. ascension into heaven. offered to us. and that you don’t have The teaching office of the Church, the After the Lord went to heaven, The Church brings us to Jesus, and it to go to Confession Magisterium, is exercised by the Roman salvation continued as the Apostles brings Jesus to us. As Ephesians tells us, before receiving pontiff and the bishops of the world united to proceeded with the mission made perfect only Jesus is the source of truth. Communion. the pope. by Jesus, ordained long ago by God. However, we are not dragged kicking He also said that While the Code of Canon Law points out A lesson to be learned is how and screaming to Jesus. We must turn to “Lumen Gentium,” the that documents of an ecumenical council can important the Apostles were in the early Jesus willingly. We humbly must realize Second Vatican be infallible, the late Cardinal Avery Dulles Church. As Acts continues, the text our need for Jesus. † Council’s claimed that the Second Vatican Council clearly reveals that the first Christians “Dogmatic Constitution proposed no new infallible dogmas. greatly revered the 11 surviving Apostles, on the Church,” was Since the Church is guided by the that Peter led these Apostles and spoke Readers may submit prose authoritative over all Holy Spirit, the faithful are called to be up to for them, that they performed miracles other Church documents, even the date with the Church and pay attention to just as Jesus had performed miracles, and or poetry for faith column Catechism of the Catholic Church. what is being taught “here and now” by the that they exercised the very power of The Criterion invites readers Was my friend mistaken, as I thought he Roman pontiff and the bishops, and not Jesus in calling St. Matthias to be to submit original prose or poetry was, or is he correct in saying these things? question the degree of authority of a an Apostle. relating to faith or experiences of particular document. Still, despite all these assertions as to prayer for possible publication in the I think your good friend is It is rarely helpful to play the game of their dignity, they are only humans. They “My Journey to God” column. Amistaken. “What’s the infallibility quotient?” when need the inspiration of God. Seasonal reflections also are It is still a mortal sin to miss Mass on receiving a document of the Magisterium. As its second reading, the Church appreciated. Please include name, Sunday if you do so deliberately and you are This fruitless game tends to promote a lack of presents a selection from St. Paul’s address, parish and telephone number not impeded by some physical or moral trust in the teaching office of the pope and Epistle to the Ephesians. with submissions. impossibility. bishops united to him, while undermining the This reading is a prayer that all Send material for consideration to You also must go to confession before faithful’s ability to respond with a spirit of Christians might find true wisdom. “My Journey to God,” The Criterion, receiving holy Communion if you have an humble and docile obedience to the However, true wisdom reposes only in P.O. Box 1410, Indianapolis, IN 46206 unconfessed mortal sin on your soul, promptings of the Holy Spirit. A lot of the Lord. Earthly wisdom can be, and or e-mail to [email protected]. † “unless there is a grave reason and there is spiritual energy is lost in that game. often is, faulty. no opportunity to confess; in this case the As to the reliability of the catechism, person is to remember the obligation to Pope John Paul II wrote: “I declare it to be a make an act of perfect contrition, which sure norm for teaching the faith, and thus a My Journey to God includes the resolve to go to confession as valid and legitimate instrument for ecclesial soon as possible” (Canon #916). communion.” Those are the easy questions. Not so easy Both “Lumen Gentium” and the is the rank of magisterial documents such as Catechism of the Catholic Church should be “Lumen Gentium.” studied, promoted and adhered to. The Spirituality of Waiting I have never heard that “Lumen Gentium” A flower knows is “more authoritative” than all other Church I have been invited to a young man’s how to wait, documents, although Cardinal Joseph Qordination to the priesthood. This will be keeping faith Ratzinger, when he was prefect of the the first time that I have attended this most that in due time Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, holy celebration. it will bloom. remarked that “Lumen Gentium” “has an Is it proper to give a gift for this occasion? Every leaf, importance of the first rank.” If so, what would be appropriate? courage unseen, Wyand MaryFile photo by Ann It has such importance because it is eventually lets go one of only two “dogmatic constitutions” of It is proper to give a gift on the occasion and frees itself Vatican Council II. Aof a man’s ordination to the priesthood, into the wind. Even so, nothing in the catechism or and most anything would be appropriate. You Birds hold off the Compendium to the Catechism of would do well to ask him what he w ould like. singing their songs the Catholic Church contradicts Generally, the ordinands prefer money until the dawn comes. with courage active “Lumen Gentium,” and both the catechism because they can spend it as they wish. comes surrender, and and the compendium are subsequent Newly ordained priests rarely need I too with trust full of hope. authoritative and authentic exercises of the religious items, such as a rosary, crucifix, must learn to wait, light shines. magisterium. Bible or even vestments. knowing that By Cathy Lamperski Like “Lumen Gentium,” the Catechism of Priests are also grateful to receive a with faith Waiting— Dearing the Catholic Church is the fruit of a “spiritual bouquet,” a pledge of daily prayer everything blossoms, patient, multiyear international collaboration of all for them. the bishops of the Church, and it can be If you can’t think of anything else, give (Cathy Lamperski Dearing is a member of St. Barnabas Parish in Indianapolis.) regarded as having an “importance of the the young padre a subscription to a good first rank” since it too is a valid expression Catholic periodical or newspaper. † Page 14 The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011

Rest in peace

Northwest Indiana Catholic Please submit in writing to our Boberschmidt. Brother of office by 10 a.m. Thursday Mary Haack, Joseph and before the week of publication; Michael Boberschmidt. Grand - be sure to state date of death. father of 10. Great-grand father Obituaries of archdiocesan of 13. CNS photo/Michael McArdle, CNS photo/Michael McArdle, priests serving our archdiocese CARROLL, Robert J., 60, are listed elsewhere in St. Thomas Aquinas, The Criterion. Order priests Indianapolis, March 21. and religious sisters and Husband of Kathy (Wahman) brothers are included here, Carroll. Father of Laura unless they are natives of the Vandervaart, Beth and Keith archdiocese or have other Carroll. Brother of Mary Bush, connec tions to it; those are Patricia Casler and Thomas separate obituaries on this Carroll. Grandfather of two. page. CAYSINGER, Roy E., 90, ALLEN, Robin Renee St. Vincent de Paul, Bedford, (Patrick), 45, St. Mary-of-the- May 22. Father of Denis Knobs, Floyds Knobs, Caysinger. Brother of Mildred May 19. Wife of Stewart Spurier and Willie Caysinger. Allen. Mother of Jenna and Nathan Allen. Daughter of CIASTO, Lillian Irene, 95, Terry and Jonelle (Collings) St. Charles Borromeo, Thompson. Granddaughter of Bloomington, May 17. Mother Loretta Lardner and Mary of James, Lawrence and Our Lady of the New Millennium Geraldine Thompson. Theodore Ciasto. Grandmother of 11. Great-grandmother BANET, Sandra M. People take pictures of the Our Lady of the New Millennium statue outside St. John the Evangelist Church in St. John, Ind., in the of 17. (Furnish), 67, St. Francis Gary Diocese, as dark storm clouds roll through northwestern Indiana on May 22. The 33-foot-tall stainless steel statue of Mary found Xavier, Henryville, April 24. COX-SWISHER, Mary, 85, a permanent home at the church after being moved from parish to parish around the Chicago area for more than a decade. A Wife of Edmund Banet. Immaculate Heart of Mary, dedication service planned outdoors had to be moved inside because of the inclement weather. St. John the Evangelist Church is Mother of Jon and Steven Indianapolis, May 14. Wife of located on a hill above the Shrine of Christ’s Passion, an interactive Way of the Cross that draws visitors from throughout the Banet. Sister of Barbara Glenn Swisher. Mother of United States and other countries. Gilley, Francis and Steven Suzanne Perryman, Kathleen Furnish. Grandmother of four. Walton and Andy Cox. Grand - BOBERSCHMIDT, Phillip, mother of six. Great-grand - David Crockett. Grandmother JARBOE, Paul R., 83, SALAMONE, Dolores Jean, STILLER, Odell W., 97, 74, St. Joan of Arc, mother of two. of one. Great-grandmother of Holy Spirit, Indianapolis, 80, Good Shepherd, Indianapolis, St. Mary-of-the-Knobs, Indianapolis, May 15. Father CROCKETT, Alice, 88, two. April 29. Husband of Tess May 20. Mother of Christa Floyds Knobs, May 21. Father of of Elizabeth Ioannacci, Mary St. Roch, Indianapolis, DELLER, Eileen T., Jarboe. Father of William Jarboe. Durrett, Sheri and Steve Alan and Larry Stiller. Brother of Vennemann and Andrew May 13. Mother of Pam and (McGowan), 83, St. John the Brother of Jean Knarr and Ed Salamone. Sister of Barbara Rosemary Balmer, Vonda Baptist, Dover, May 19. Mother Jarboe. Stillabower. Grandmother of two. Morgan, Chester and Kenneth of Debby Eagan, Barb and Don KAPOURALOS, Mark Alan, Stiller. Grandfather of four. SALOMONE, Alice, 90, Great-grandfather of two. Deller. Sister of Ginny Wegman 53, former member of St. Michael, Cannelton, April 30. and Jim McGowan. Grandmother Holy Spirit, Indianapolis, Mother of Thomas and Tony TOFFOLO, Suzanne Lee, 63, of six. Great-grandmother of six. April 21. Brother of Diana Salamone Jr. Grandmother of six. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Gilliatt. Indianapolis, May 14. Wife of GEIS, Marilyn J., 80, St. Mary, SCHEIDLER, Herbert J., 84, Greensburg, May 23. Wife of LINDEMANN, Mary Frances, Richard Toffolo. Mother of Sherry St. Mary, Greensburg, May 21. Meyer and Angela Polzinetti. Raymond Geis. Mother of 86, Our Lady of Lourdes, Husband of Juanita Scheidler. Tamara Caufield, Brian, Craig Indianapolis, May 7. Sister of Father of Mary Miers, Joe, John, WAGER, Mary Frances, 86, and Mark Carder, Todd and Tom Walter Lindemann. Holy Spirit, Indianapolis, May 10. Ken and Phil Scheidler. Brother Owens. Sister of Gaynell Mother of Madonna Lawhead, LYNCH, Kaitlin Maureen, 17, of Dorine Bruns, Carole Effron, Bottorff, Sonia Cramer and Joseph and Michael Wager. St. Jude, Indianapolis, May 20. Ruth Knecht and Betty Meyer. Michael Meyrose. Grandmother Daughter of Marty and Kathleen Grandmother of five. of 15. Great-grandmother of six. Grandfather of six. Great-grand - Great-grandmother of five. (Hayes) Lynch. Sister of Kerry, father of two. GIOSCIO, Joann T., 87, Daniel and Sean Lynch. Grand- WELLINGTON, Patricia A., Christ the King, Indianapolis, daughter of Tim and Cookie SEGER, Bernard G., 85, 91, Holy Spirit, Indianapolis, May May 15. Mother of Larry, Hayes and Bob and Dottie Holy Spirit, Indianapolis, 1. Grandmother of three. Marshall, Ron and Tom Gioscio. Lynch. May 11. Father of Kathy Evans and Jeffrey Seger. Brother of WERNER, William J., 66, HUFF, Carolyn Senn, 70, MARGIS, Kathy L., 56, Florentine Mathias, Charles, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Paul, Tell City, May 5. Wife Holy Spirit, Indianapolis, James and Linus Seger. Grand- Shelby County, May 19. Husband of Albert Huff. Mother of April 30. Wife of Rich Margis. father of five. Great-grandfather of Elvira Werner. Father of Rosanne Boling, Vicki Senn and Mother of Eddie Moorman and Bradley and Kevin Werner. of two. Tammy Strobel. Sister of Monica Christina Pi. Daughter of Darla Brother of Mary Jeanne Martin, Patricia Rogier, Helen Boyd, Leroy and Jean Carpenter. SPENCER, Frances (Riley), 95, Rennekamp, Doug, Gerald, Webbehusen, Donald and Harold Sister of Denise, Gayle, Julie, St. Roch, Indianapolis, May 14. Kenneth, Paul, Robert, Ronald Kieser. Grandmother of two. Renee and Jerry Carpenter. Sister of Joan Butler, Lennie and and Thomas Werner. Grandfather Great-grandmother of one. Grandmother of eight. Raymond Riley. of four. †

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Directory and Year Book 2011 svdpindy.orgsvdpindy.org Now Available Society of St. VVincentincent de Paul $2400 3001 E. 30th StrStreeteet t Indianapolis, IN 46218 Call 317-236-1587 The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011 Page 15 Race day Photo by Charles J. Schisla Charles J. Photo by Submitted photo

Above, Father Glenn O’Connor, left, pastor of St. Ann and St. Joseph parishes, both in Indianapolis, poses on May 29 with Bishop Christopher J. Coyne, auxiliary bishop and vicar general, at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway prior to the start of the centennial running of the Indianapolis 500. They are standing beside driver Paul Tracy’s Dreyer & Reinbold Racing/Wix Filters race car. Father O’Connor, who has been active in IndyCar auto racing since the early 1970s, was a member of Tracy’s pit crew. Bishop Coyne prayed the invocation before the race.

Left, as part of their own version of the Indianapolis 500, preschool students Drew Kill, left, and Anthony Ianni await their turn to “race” around the parking lot of Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ School on May 26, the last day of the academic year at the Indianapolis South Deanery grade school. Bishop Coyne posts podcast with Catholic Charities dir ector The latest podcast of Bishop Christopher In the podcast, Bishop Coyne and Siler, is for the Church to be involved in this work. J. Coyne, auxiliary bishop and vicar general, is a executive director of the archdiocesan Secretariat for Links to this and Bishop Coyne’s previous conversation with David Siler about the work Catholic Charities and Family Ministries, discuss podcasts can be found at www.archindy.org/ and scope of Catholic Charities in central and how to get involved in charitable works, the rise of auxiliary. They can also be downloaded southern Indiana. poverty in the latest recession, and how important it through iTunes. †

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For additional information or to apply, Applicants should excel in classroom instruction, and be able to Send vita and cover letter to: collaborate with colleagues and administration.

Mr. Rob Rash Qualified applicants should Archdiocese of Indianapolis send cover letter and résumé to: Office of Catholic Education 1400 North Meridian Street Jack Richards ([email protected]) Indianapolis, IN 46202-2367 Holy Trinity Parish School 317-236-1544 423 Cherrywood Road, Louisville, KY 40207 Page 16 The Criterion Friday, June 3, 2011 ‘Race for Vocations’ team well represented at Mini and 5K Submitted photos

By Sean Gallagher

May 7 was a day when tens of thousands of people descended on downtown Indianapolis to participate in the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon, the largest half-marathon in the country, or take part in the Finish Line 500 Festival 5K race. Among the enormous crowd were about 200 Catholics from across the Archdiocese of Indianapolis as well as the Members of the “Race for Vocations” team wore a Evansville, Fort Wayne-South Bend and bracelet which featured this Scripture verse, “I have Lafayette dioceses, who shared a vocations competed well. I have finished the race. I have kept message on T-shirts they wore as they ran the faith” (2 Tm 4:7). or walked through city streets and at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Their shirts highlighted various vocations—the priesthood, religious life, married life and sacred single life—and Members of the “Race for Vocations” team pose on May 7 by the team’s tent at Military Park in this challenge: “Everybody has a vocation. Indianapolis after completing the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon or the Finish Line What’s yours?” 500 Festival 5K. ‘I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.’ — 2 Tm 4:7

With the spiritual nature of the “Race for Vocations” team in mind, organizers from all four dioceses sponsored a Mass for team members and supporters the night before the races at St. John the Evangelist Church in Indianapolis. A pasta dinner followed the liturgy. After team members completed the Mini or 5K on May 7, many of them gathered for refreshments and fellowship at a team tent in Military Park in Indianapolis. Next year will be the fifth year for the “Race for Vocations” team. Father Rick Nagel, administrator of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Indianapolis, Catholic chaplain at Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), and archdiocesan director of Young Adult and College Campus Ministry, helped establish the vocations promotion program in 2008. He hopes to have 500 members on Above, priests and seminarians process up the aisle at the start the 2012 “Race for Vocations” team. of a May 6 Mass for vocations at St. John the Evangelist Church Registration is already open for while members and supporters of the “Race for Vocations” team the 2012 OneAmerica 500 Festival look on. Mini-Marathon and the Finish Line Dominic Petan, a seminarian for the Diocese of 500 Festival 5K. People planning on Right, Tom Feick, a member of Our Lady of the Most Holy Lafayette, celebrates after completing the participating in either event are Rosary Parish in Indianapolis, runs in the OneAmerica OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon on May 7 in encouraged to sign up at the same time 500 Festival Mini-Marathon on May 7 in Indianapolis as a Indianapolis as a member of the “Race for Vocations” for the “Race for Vocations” team. member of the “Race for Vocations” team. Feick’s daughter, team. Petan, who receives his priestly formation at For more information about the Emma, right, also a member of the team, can be seen running Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology in 2012 “Race for Vocations” team or to sign behind him. St. Meinrad, prepared for the Mini and ran in it while up for it, log on to www.archindy.org/ in remission from cancer. vocations/race.html. †

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House

“Less Talk, More Prayer” A Day of Reflection with Fr. Jim Farrell Pastor of St. Pius X Parish & Director of Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House June 14, 2011 • 9:00 am - 2:30 pm This day will focus on individual prayer, a day to be with God. Enjoy the solitude of the trails, the intimacy of Our Lady’s chapel, the peace of the shrine, a talk with Jesus, and an encounter with the Word of God. Fr. Jim will include short sessions on guided meditation and Lectio Divina. The day will also include Liturgy, homily, the rosary, and Benediction. $35 per person includes continental breakfast and lunch!

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House 5353 E. 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46226 (317) 545-7681 www.archindy.org/fatima

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