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1-21-1899 Eddy Current, 01-21-1899 Wm. H. Mullane

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Recommended Citation Mullane, Wm. H.. "Eddy Current, 01-21-1899." (1899).

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vol v. yii. EDDY, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 18!)!). NO. .11.

funM-Martl- al trilil On. Nlearagaa Canal lllll, linsmi'. Cm. Noutlmrn lniliitrlt. Arnlllo Again, BOUTHUHN NUWB. ' Washington, Jan. 18, The president "Washington, Jan. 18, Almost the Washington, Jan. 17. Beoretary Al- Uuttlmoro, Mil., Jan. 17. According Washington, Jan. 16, Irritated nt ofllrlnlly notlllcil (ho cabinet yesterday entire session ot the senate yesterday ger declare! positively at S p. m. that to the Mannfiwtttrm' Reoord the meat Ma failure tu farce an answer from tbo night Iron Mountain freight cars 'that ho lind decided upon a court-marti- al was dovoted to tho consideration ot the no net Ion had been taken with refer- Important Industrial announcements stnto department to his first statement, wero piled up tn a wreek nt Mnnderille, In tho Hagan cane. pending Nicaragua canal hill. Speeches ence to the case of Oon. Hagan. It of the week wero tho enlargement of Fellpo Agonclllo has Med a second let- Ark. Bocrotnry Alger present were mdo In support ot mensuro may bo pres- was not nnd tho stated, however, thnt tho plH worl'H nt HeoMmor, Ala., at n re ter and n second memorandum. He Is An epidemic ot meningitis Is raging has rUo to n by Mr. Chilton ot Texas nnd Mr. Tur- ident has cut gordlan .this Riven tho rumor thnt tho knot and ported tost nt $100,000 whlrli It Is said determined to load up tho department nt Albany, On. Seven deaths occup ner ot Washington, nn In opposition Gen. btenrh had tnlton plaoe between him has decided that Hagan shall ba will make litis the largest pipe works with Filipino lltorniuro, nnd to secure ied lit ono day. At d tho president. to It by Mr. Spooner ot Wisconsin. tried by court-marti- al In this city. In the world; $I0W shingle company tho introduction In res- the senate ot n A reported dlseovery of lead at Lo U Is tlinieult to learn whether there At 3 o'clock consideration ot the bill Secretary Alger exerted nil his In- at Little Hock. Ark.; 8(0.000 boiler olution calling fur the corrspandonce. close-ntouth- well, Ark., oeoasloned mtioh excite Is any truth In tho rumor, go undor the flftoon-mlnut- o rule was be- fluence to havo the Hagan-Mlle- s mat- feeder manufacturing company nt do- Thus tho matter which tho ntato ment. nro nil officials whoso testi- gun and was continued to tho close ot ter first considered by a court of In- Little Rock. Ark.; $8,W0 milling com- partment ot necessity Ignores would Col. W. F. Young, n prominent mony Is worth relating. flie session. quiry In order that he uihjht get n pany at Nearer, Ark.; $10,000 cigar fac- secure ofltrlal recognition In congress, died nt Clarksvlllc, Tcnn., It Is published hero that Secretary The drat rote reached was on nn from euch a eourt which, tory at Harlow. Fin.: $80,000 ryprres It la n shrewd raovo and Agonelllo'a well-know- court-marti- ntfed 00 years. Ho wna n n Alger has nolinod tho president of n nmendmont offered by Mr. Hawllns ot while recommending a mills rotniMUiy at It. Marks, Da.: $80.- - Washington lawyers aro credited with tobacco man. desire to resign from tho oMnot, but Utah which In brlot provided thnt Ufa far Gsn. Hagan, might also recommend-- ' 0(H) aralu mill nnd elevator at Valdos- - tho Invention ot the ptnn. tho slMoment Is rogarded as guess! United Staten should havo- absoluta n robtitto or n reprimand for MsJ. Gen, tn. On.; $10,000 Irat and banket fac- Agonelllo'a second communication Mrs. Martha Moss, hor son, Will, and work. j control ot tho cnnnl for military or Miles. tory at Henderson. Ky.; $80,000 surgi- was tnkon to tho state department on her grandson, Frnnk Stcwnrt, havo Gen. Alger been dis- In congressional circles, howovor, naval purposes with power to dlctato has evidently cal Instrument company at Louisville, Tuesday. Like the first. It remains un- boon arrested nt Fnycttcvillo, Ark., do-- 1 appointed and chagrined by the pres- Pndu-oal- tho belief Is prevalent that tho war tho wutorway during tho oxlstcnco ot Ky.; $10,000 packing house at i, answered. It oxplalns that on Jan. charged with raising $1 bills to $5. partment Is going to some lm- - war. ident, who yesterday morning aban- Ky.: (10.000 Haiti-mor- e, witness box factory nt 0, Secretary Lopex ronvoyed a nolo to A Kentucky grocery firm nt Danville Very few! A provision was In doned the court ot Inquiry method $18,000 company portant developments soon. inserted the bill Mil.: Itimbor nt tho ntato department requoetltig nn au- has been dissolved becauso ono ot tho pcoplo bollovo war dopartment providing no moro $6,000,' nud directed tho soeretnry of war to Daltlmore, Mil.; $87,000 tho hnsi thnt than electrical dience for Agonclllo bo tbo latter might members wish to discontinue selling been conducted exactly as tho presi- 000 should bo paid the Marltlmo Canal ordor tho court-martia- l, with Gen. works at Uattlmoro, Mil.; 8000-splnd- present his credentials ns envoy from cigars and tobacco. Tho non-tobac- dent desired It conducted, and it is company for its concession and work Merrltt nt Its head, tho most distaste- addition tn cotton mill nt lllllsboro, tho Philippine republic to tho presi- ful ot all major generals to secre- N. 3000-llo- Dun-cun- t, man will contlnuo tho business. said that tho forthcoming report ot the alroady dono on tho canat. tho C; mill comimny at dent. To Sonor Agonclllo's slncoro re- tary of war. S. $11,000 Judgo U. M. Iloso was olocted presi- wnr Investigating commission will glvo Tho friends ot tho pending bill ral- C; gas company nt gret ho has not been favored with n ro- - Gen. bo dent ot tho Arkansas Dar association. Secretary Alger an easy letting lied against tho amendment and It was Merrltt, It will recalled, was Memphis, Tcnn.; $80,000 Iro factory at ply or nn acknowledgment ot tho let- n ot Ik :A $s5;000 Mildred, 8 years old, daughter ot down, and thus permit his graceful re- defeated by tho dectslyo vote ot 38 member tho of Inquiry Memphis, Tonn.: fllK.ffll nt ter's receipt. Ho expresses his regret to tirement to prlvato life. to 0. which tried Beoretary Alger. Tho IIIco, Toxns; $136,000 brass nnd Iron as being tho greater, becauso of "tho Frank Wlsdonn, was burnt death Judgo Algor Is certainly not Inclined to When adjournment was taken tho advoonto ot tho body will be foundry nt Newport News, Vn.; $10,000 present unhappy rotations existing be at Now Providence, Tcnn. over his cabinet carreer, but has substitute measuro offered by Mr. Cat- Gen. J. W. Clous, who was n mombor pnlnt factory at Norfolk, Vn.; glass- tweun tho American nnd Philippine A largo and varied assortment ot o. nt $38.-00- clung on rather than retlro undor Arc, tery of Louisiana was boforo the son-nt- tho Cuban evacuation commission, ware fnotory at Richmond, Vn.; 0 governments In tho Philippine Islands." fowls woro exhibited nt tho Arknnsai nnd tho president's abhorrence of an and 1st an experienced offlcor ot tho lumber company nt Illploy, W. Agonclllo explains his appreciation Btato Poultry show, hold nt Llttlo Judgo general's administration scandal has inforen-cnttalll- y Tho houso yesterday passed tho na- ndvooato department. Vn.; $200,000 lumber company at Wil- of tho Injurious eonscquonco which Hook. Gon. Clous was war dopart son, W. Va.; $16,000 telephone com- induced him to giro his sec- val personnel bill without division on at tho might result from a coufllot between Tho Tcnnesseo Federation of Labor ment yesterday and was ot pany nt Klklns. W. Vn.; $100,000 retary of war every opportunity for tho final passing, thus aoo:nplahlng Informed sheet tbo two governments ho fears that tho met at Nashville. M. J. Noonan ot his datall, which bo steel plant nt Whoollng, W. Vn.; $800.-00- 0 clearing up tho dark spots now resting what tho officers ot tho navy havo will announced In act ot one Filipino or ono American Nashville was olocted prcsldont. Action tho morning. Ho spont most company nt Whoollng, W. on tho war department. Thero is very striven for during moro than n decade. ot the lirlk may result in grievous loss of llfo nnd was takon upon soveral bills to bo sub- ; day In accumulating Va. Among tho many buildings re- little interest manifested in tho coming Ry Its provision tho lino und engineer Information from that is ma apology (or again urging a mitted to the legislature report o ftho war Investigating com corps nro welded Into an amalgamated tho war and navy departments, with a ported was n $12,000 nsoclntlon build- speedy answer. view ing S. mission. From tho moment that Alger iio. stair omccra oro given posltlvo to tho coursa ot tho trial. Tho nt Columbia. C; $18,000 hotel Tho accompanying memorandum Is case hud not bech officially nt Ky.; $40,000 nut riBtit ah, requested Its appointment down to this rank, but their command Is limited to referred Lancaster. courthouso 3000 words lu length. begins by ex Jt jvcland, O., 10. Fltx-slramo- ns vol-gard- to the Judgo ndvooato gtinoral up to addition at Louisville. Ky.; $C0,000 Jan. Robert day tho mass of opinion hero has rc-- j their own corps and a system of tho hall plaining that over slmo Spanish control allien building announces that ho proposes commission as n body do- - "nlary and compulsory retirement on tlmo his closed for tho day, but nt Nashville. Tonn.; bank 300 tho began years ago, tho Flllpplnos fighting ovcry man who wants to meot signed to whitewash tho blunders of three-quarte- pny as of tho next high the Instructions ot tho president in tho building nt Plnquemlno, I.n.; $16,000 deprived rights ot have been of all local him during tho coming year and then tho war department and pavo tho way cr rank of forty officers a yenr is cs matter wore momentarily looked for. hotel at Union, 8. C; $7000 wnrohouso desplto tho various Is not likely nt Knoxvlllo, $126,000 ho expects to retire from tho stage, Ho to Alger's resignation. Hence, when tnbllshcd, which Is designed to remove It that tho president Tcnn.; court- treaties guaranteeing It, nnd Uint their ' will doslgnnto nt soldi tho report Is mndo It Is naturally ex tho congestion In tho lower rank at 45. tho charges which will house Trenton, Tcnn. position was worso than Cuba's, as " be brought agnlnst Hagan, "To bIiow how willing I nm to fight pected that Alger will retire. Tho bill also practically equalizes their as stioh they had no membership in the Spanish features of an olllccr's by court- - I'untrnl. Sharkey, I'll closo my show It Shark'ey This Is doubtless tha explanation of pny with thnt ot army officers. Three trial Illnsl' cortis. Tho American declaration ot - mnrtlnl nro left to law olllcers,. Washington, 17. covers $2500 I hnvo posted and Isetftf his tho rcslgniitlon rumors now rife In tho Important amondments were- ndoptod. tho Jan. Harly nr Indcpondonco has largely controlled ! Judgo who mny bo expected In thWt rasa to rivals nt tho cnpltol found challenge. When I wantod to retlro taultnl. Tli . J" matter may Inter-tor-o One crcntos n ndvocato's corps, represent their hopes, aspirations nnd actions. bring the charge of conduct unbecom tlves hall draped thoy would not me; now I nm with this ptoginmmo by precipita- Knottier abolishes prlzo money, and a with tho somber em Tho memorandum quotes tho declara lot Inn i.i nlllnnH .i.t.l n ...... , I ...... fAnitu In An1tt I'm (wvtnM tr nut ting an explosion boforo tho process third provides tor tho retirement on lift UttllUt UMU It ftUlllll'JIMlll, Wiqj blems of mourning. About tho cntlru tions in Its rcforenco to nil men being VW M0UW u ItUIIIA ,W Bl.ltilil.l uu three-quarte- penalty of which Is oupltol wan u heavy has boon completed. At nil events tho pay ot enlisted men nnd dismissal, with uo thero hushlnmnrkedcnn- - created freo nnd equal, to tho sugges- this year to fight all ot them, cool heads In congress and In tho army petty odlcors In tho navy after thirty alternative. trnst with tho usual confusion ot voters tion thnt Just governments dcrlvo their and nilddlcwclgbts. I don't care whoth-c- r want to sco all disorganizing Inlluonco years' service. Hut tho most Import- nnd all throughout tho day until Into powors from thr consont ot tho govern- thoy havo any reputation or not. eliminated no tho army may speedily ant chango In tho bill as reported was ()r ami TiilttoL In tho afternoon whan tho remain of ed, nnd to tho Indictment of tho king I'm going to lick them nil It I can. London, 17. Dnlly Mali regain tho plnco It had formerly occu- tho adoption nfter a hard fight ot a Jan. Tho Nelson Dlngley woro removed to the ot Hngtand, for keoplng among Ameri- Then I will retire." ... prints following pied In tho affection and confidence ot substltuto for tho organization ot the tho dispatch from Pennsylvania station to bo borne to cans, In tlmo ot psace, standing armies. MU ArnoM la Marry, tho nation. marine corns, by which tho corps Is Odessa: Ixiwlstoti, Me., for Intormont Tho memorandum explains thnt tho Journeying St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 18. Miss Hmma to consist ot 0000 enlisted men and White north from Seldom has surlt n distinguished Filipinos, after rising repeatedly lu re- Arnold St. Louis, gained con- Wlml Whlto Hny: petty olllcers, with general officers and Kmperor Nloholas, duilng a body assembled to do honor to tbo bellion, did finally on June 18, form an of who break for luncheon capital siderable notoriety Inst summer nt As-bu- ry Berlin, Jan. 18. The United States staff. This will increase the marluo nt Tooln. of memory of n representative. On Die Indopondent government, being In the government of Park, N. J., hy kissing Lieut. ambassador here, Mr. Andrew D.Whlte.i hy 1300 men nnd Ineronso tho tho same numo lit speaker's rostrum wore the poesoeslon of tho larger sharo ot tho Ilusnlii, sent n dollentely-word- - Richmond Pearson Ilobson, tho hero ot said to n correspondent: cant of its maintenance 81,(00,000. Sev dont nnd Speaker Iteeil. To the spenl:-o-d Philippine Islands. They Insured to the mossngo, expressing his dmire to the Merrlmar, Is engaged to be married 'As a conclusive answer to the as- - eral unimportant bills wore passed by ets extreme right were tho momlws people ot tho Islanda the ends content-- 1 to Mr. Charles Hrbor, n wealthy Jowolcr mmnlmona consont before the person-th- we Count Leo Tolstoi. Contrary to of the diplomatic corps, bonded hv Sir plated by tho American constitution. sertlon that tho Oormans wish to atlr of cxpwtntlnits, nccupled In- - soml-olrcl- e Texarlcann, Tex. Announcement to Filipinos against the United Stutos. "1 ltsn up. Tolstoi tho Jullnn Pauncofoto. In a In vltntlon and soon nppeurod at the raj I from lluilu. this effect Is mndo by Mrs. M. Arnold, one fact, out of many which may be front of tho rasket woro the prosli'int liillll 1ttlM.ll Ynmiff mi? llinuil, Mnnlla. Jan. 10. Ulllclat dispatches tho young woman's mother. It wna mentioned, seoma to mo ns conuluslvo llln. and his cabinet nnd tho Immedlatn Washington, Jan. 18. John Russell In his io6Sm.U'b garb, ho presented Just received horo from Hollo, Island supposed horo Hint Miss Arnold wart to tho contrary. It Is that from tho be- relatives of Mr. Dlngley. To tho left Young, ot tho congressional a striking contrast to the rlohly-nt-tlro- d of Panay, ludlcnto that tho natives aro engaged to n Now York man, but ac- ginning the Onrmnn merchants In tho librarian of tho diplomatic corps woro Cblof otitourngo of tho ozur. Hmpornr disponed friendly, although cording to her mother, alio haa been library, died at his resldonoe hero at Jitsllco Fuller and tho nssoelnte Jit'tl-co- s to bo ab Philippines hnvo been tbo strongest ad- Nicholas hissed him on tho bothrothed to Mr. Hrbor for sovoral 9:40 yostorday morning ufter nn ill- mouth ot tho supreme court. IloMnd solutely opposed to tho landing ot tho vocates of American rule. Whon the nnd both checks, Tolstoi readily months. Tho wedding will tnko placo ness of several weeks. these wero members of the senate. To United States forces without orders war with Spain was pending, tho head in tho spring. The data haa not been Dr. Frcor, the attending physician, lllll BhMlnr'l Iftff wnrfl tiinoiliAM rt from Malotos, tho seat ot tho of one ot tho leading Ocrman houses n fixed. states thnt death was duo to aouto Then conversation commenced, tho tll0 j,ougo Filipino national government. Some in Manila camo to Iicrlln, saw mo and itlannnn cznr iisldng hi. guest for nn opinion flrlirlit'a tiltli AnmtillAiiKnnf Nolwlli;B,nn(MB tho nllgllllt of tho olllclnls at Hollo aro not In ac i god tho Importance of our assuming ' upon Motor Car AccliUnt, owrwork ,0J hJn wok the imperial proposal for Urn , cord with tho revolutionary movoment, sovereignty thero nnd taking completo , rmmd 8erveo Tho funeral will bo hold Saturday limitation of armaments. Count Tola-- , , ,, . .... but nro willing to ncoept nn Amorloan Nasltvlllo, Tonn., Jan. 10. About control. Ho npoko W tho samo pur- morning nt 11 o'clock at St. John's to. replied .hat ho could only believe j protcctorato and to go to stnto tho ceso 8:30 o'olook yesterday morning two pose here nt tho foreign office, nnd then u CTr! Nownm . Kplscopal church In this city. Tho In- - lit It whon his nmjesty should sot tho to Agulnnldo If furnished transporta- cars ot tho Rapid Transit Kltctrlo road mem- - Player nnd thou followed tho benedic- went to Paris and saw various will lui Itl ftMil example to other nations. On ran Into each othor, heads ond, In a ttirttlnllt U'lialiltiutitn tultt tho tion. tion by tho Americans. bers of tho peace commission nnd urg-- j czar mentioning tho dlincultles the dense fog In West Nashvlllo. Motor-ra- n be prjvate of Tho ceremony lasted exactly fifty Tho Unltad States transports New- ru uirui mini itumvBur u 1110 aumo ci- pioblom and the necessity for united Donnls Dozler was killed, Motor-ma- n John Hussell Young had n notable minutes. No moro IniprestJve sceno, port, Arizona nnd Pennsylvania, with ted. Ho insisted that tho Interests ot aid of tho great powers, tha Hooper was fatally Injured and enreer as Journalist, diplomatist, pub- count however, had over been witnessed In tho eighteenth infantry, the Iowa bat- aorman merchants thero demanded softened somewhat and expressed waa seriously In- lic olllelnl and the liitlmuto awoolHto tho tho or .liber. Mr. Dlngley was Moved talion, tho sixth artillery and a do- - Motorman Hrooks that our sovereignty of the Islands bo hope that his mnjosty would bo ablo jured Internally. Hoth cars wero run- ot distinguished public men. by nil who know him, and nearly ev- taohmont of tho signal corps, constitu maintained, and ho has since furnished I'rnjililAtil to nttuln somo definite results, or, llnfnftl li'taaln nt ftatn at erybody who has resided hero for any ting Gen. Miller's expedition, are an- ning nt a high speed to mako n switch u. n document of great length on any rate, some fog the, nott Vn,0ra t 0borno formulate workable length ot time knew and osteemed chored close to Gulmaras Island, be and tho dense prevented them from subject, embodying statistical oonsld mM plan house, Isle of Wright. The warships nt the conference. Tho czar him. tween Panay nnd Negros, where an ex seeing the danger ahead. There wero orations ot various sorts, whereforo he thanked good say- here dressed ship and tired n salute ot him for his wishes, cellent water supply Is obtained. The two passengers In ono oar and one In must have had tho collaboration ot ing he would be plwinod twonty-on- e guns In honor of the It Tolstoi natives, though Indisposed pdmnrlly the othor. They were not hurt. The many ot his fellow merohnnta there. lu SmiIuh, could be Induced to lend his gonitis to to furnish tho Americans with fresh crash when the ears eatno together was Altogether I regard this as a most sig- Santa Fe, N. M., 17. The thirty-r-d thti ealuttob of tho question, and tho Jan. bvppllee, now permit the Amerlean offl- - terrific and the oara wero badly nificant fact against all tho loose, wild rejoined legislature met nnd Cutkrcll lUtliUrUil. count that tho emperor" might orpinlzM oers to go oshoro, and furnish them chrges that tho Germans ore seeking count upon his lie here yesterday with J. Franels Jefferson City. Mo., Jan. 18. Francis for Uhivz with an eseort during the day time. to undermine Araerlen autliorlty In the g Marlon Cockrell has been was already engaged upon a work deal-in- of Vet "resident f the Mwwr Will Sail. Islands. It that were so, they would with the question in point, which house and Max i.mia ot Las Lunaa aa to his fifth term In the United States steamer Treasury, whloh Madrid, 10. The government, simply v.rek their own interests, and wiHild soon see the light. speaker of the house. Gov. Otero reid "ho British Jan. senate by the legislature, the two Germany, Dee, on reassembling ot eortes, will this they know better than anybody his message in pelnt session. arrived at Uurnln, the the house voting separately. The eleetlon au- else." NumllpBi. 26 from Galveston via New York, had Immediately ask, says La Reforma, was ratified by both houses In Joint ot oargo, consisting of 1031 thority to aell the Marlnne (Ladrones), IHIUboro, Kan., Jan. 17. Smallpox has arrived nt New York to fit out for muoh her session. ot cotton, 0000 bags ot eolton seed Caroline and the Pelew Islands, since IWilcuntlon llelrtl, hero Is Increasing In vlrulenoo and carrying troojis to Manila, The Mo- bates Washington, 18. Speaker Heed meal and 1800 bags of oil cake, con- Spain Is powerless to maintain a force Jan. Chaiineey M. Dspew will sueeeed lid-wa- seop. There aro at present twenty-on- e hawk Is also being prepared for tho tained In the second hold, nil badly to defend them. The government ar- lias received the resignation ot Gov. Murphy as senator New well (Uflimd oases here. Three now same purpose. from damaged by water. decision in consequence Sayera ot Texas as a member ot the York. oases and three deaths Friday. One ot rived at this ot advices from Oon. Rtoa that an army house. The resignation of Got. McMil- the worst features Is the lask of quar- I.ate enhlegrams from Gen. Otis are Work on tho $10,000 Young Men's man-of-w- two lan ot Tennessee Is expeoted to follow Cushman K. Davis was regulations. reassuring. Christian association building at e, ot 4000 men, a and soon. antine srnator from Tex., will soon begin. gunboats would bo neeessafy for tho Minnesota. purpose. Kmuiir itrowuctl. HnHllllii InnugumUil. Ma UalUrs ToqU To Htprcil VUir, Mona, Ark., Jan. 17. Joe Hats, a IUel.. liar Mf. Itlinn win. 17. In Washington, 10. Commissary 16. farmer living near the Washita rlvor, Noshv.lle. Tonn., Jan. the halt Jan. Riltlmore, Md., Jan. Miss Annie Paris, Jan. 18. There was consider- New York, Jan. 18. Onse more of the house of representatives yester- Gen. Hagan denied himself to visitors Mary ltoeke Bohley. 26 years old, George proved stnrtod to ohureh with bis family In a able Interest taken In the lobbies ot the Dixon his aleverness and day, In the presence ot an Immrnso Saturday afternoon, and was oloseted daughter of the late Col. William hard-hittin- wagon. In attempting to ford the chamebr ot deputies yesterday over the g ability last night nt the offleers his corps, the be- river the wagon was swept away and throng, Ilenton MoMllllu was Inaugu- with two ot Louis Schley, poet, lawyer and veteran announcement that tho minister ot for- Lenox Athletic olub, where he met and was devoting himself his wife, child and a young woman rated governor. The hall was decora- lief being that be et two wars nnd seeond eouslu ot Rear eign affairs, M. Del Cassee, would seize defated young Pluto of South Afrlen In baa to- were drowned. The river had risen ted with the national colors and low- to a revision ot the statement that Admiral Sobtey, eommlted sulcldo an opportunity at the close ot the dis- the tenth round of what was to havo from the late rains. ers. After prayer Oov. Taylor deliver- exolted so mush attention. Meantime day In her home, 717 West Saratoga foreign portion been a twenty-roun- d cussion of the ofnee ot bout. ed his farewell address. Mr. MoMlllla the offleers ot the war department give street the budget to express his views on thej no Intimation of their Intentions re- The Phlllpplui commission will not then took the oMh of oftlee, wbieh sus- HIspano-Amerlea- n specting matter, though it is Hngtlsh capitalists propose develop- war, the Catholic A town known this is Cumberland it be subject to confirmation by the Unit-- 4 wxs administered by Chief Justlse pected the president has in mind protectorate Faauo-d- a that ing Jamaica's fruit trade on a large in the east and the being laid off In the Chickasaw 8nodgrasn ot Indicating his dis- BUtte ousts. of the suprstat oourL some method scale Incident j pleasure with the occurrence. Tin I.sllA(nr. Ltgtilsllvs rrutttilliigi. III1U tnlrodiiroit, StMi i.sll"lnr. IN Austin, Tex., Jan. 17. Tho ranato TEXAS Atutlc, Tex., Jnn. 13. In tho sonata Austin, Tox., Jan. 14. In tho senate Austin, Tax., Jan. 12. Llout.-Clo- dda(Sttrrcnt. was cfllletl to order by I.lcuU Gov. tho chair announced that the lieuten- yesterday Mr. Dl broil's bill appropri- Jester eatled tho senate to order yes-tirda- y J eater yesterday. ant govornor-ole- ct appoints Will J. ating 2110,000 to pny members' mlleaga morning nnd after prayer WU Ii. MDI.I.A.Vl TINY TYPE. Clmlrmnn Miller of tho commlltco to ilulloek ot Wlehlta nnd V. U. nugnta nnd par diem nnd pay ot ameers wns tho following npolntraenta: fcimr n. m. prepare for tho Inauguration, reporter! of 11111 county aa general commlttco root! a second tlrao nnd pained finally Postmaster, Mra. Pauline Kvnns ot that "the Joint committee recom- ?lerks. under suspension of the rules requiring ITrpklna ermnty; pages, lenrnont Kerr TBXANKTTB8. mends thnt the senate moat In Joint Mention of Many Ma- lly resolution of Mr. Hums Miss bills to be rond on three vevcrnl days. of Fayetto. Woody Drowning of Urn-pasa- s, anion with the house this tnornlnR Mary do Knvnlln ot Ban Antonio wns Tho bill by Mr. Wnyland appropri- John II. Greer of Jefferaon, la an oil mill. Mat-tor- s to coy at the vol for and Mount PlenenHt altar jor and Minor Rovernor, employed na assistant engrossing ating f!0,000 for contingent expense Ilnten Sherrltl of Hunt nnd Itotnnd that nt 12 o'rluck nnothor flrolthvllle la to have a Knights of clerk. of tlif e session was road n second time, VSIIeneuve of 1 Tavist porters, Dan Material. Joint eeaalou be held to wltnaas the rythlna lmll. The rules of tho twenty-fift- h scnato ordered engrossed nnd finally pasead of Patar Udwarda of Mor- swearing In of the governor and lieu- nsk. are a strMt fran- (wore adapted to govern this scnato under n suspension of tho rules. ris, Frank Kelly of Caldwell, Parlies aftar Mr tenant govornor." Adopted. Hnrrlnnn chise at Cleburne. hnrior Mr Nun Anlonln, ;intll now rules can be promulgated. At this Juncturo a message from tho Welch of Denton and Tom Murohl-se- n Mr. Patter Introdiioml n conetirrent wns Wills I'olnt lodaa of OM Follows 8nn Antonio, Tox., Jnn. 1C MnJ, . Tho various standing committees novcrnor received nml rend in of Houston. resolution relative to fotlornt court .were which ho con- gave an milaftalMwant and sup-Ie- r. den. W. It. Shatter, lato commaudor ol nnnounrod. called attention to tho When ttia sennto ndjoiirned Tuesday abator In regard to railroad eoiamla-slo- n. tho fifth nrmy oorpa In tho oporntlons The following resolution by Mr. Mor- tract Ixtweon the slats and Hogg & tlwrr wns ponding the citation of two before MantlnRo, Cuba, nrrlvod In the ris was utinntmously ndopted by n Itoliortron by which tho 8110,000 waj commlttco clerks. Tho sonata elected Tlia colored Metlwdlet olnirth nt The houso met nt 10 o'clock. ally from Wnahlnftton Haturdny, rising vote: collected from tho United tntca gov- tho following two clerks: June Kim- Cleburne, valued at 9M. lots A report from the committee to bn Joint Itrsolvcd, thnt when the senate ad- ernment. ble ot B burned. by Oant. W. II. MeKlttrlek liastland nnd O. Morris of count tho vote for governor was rend. to-dn-y and wlfo, tho or den. Slmftor; journs that such adjournment Dy Mr. Oreor An net requiring iho Cass, Four young wen of Knejdoelifs dauchter It recommended that tho two hnusos Unpt 1. II. I'ltimraor, Major Itobt. II. be as a mark of respect to tho mem- clnlmant of tho tltlo to land Minder tho . Benator Lewis nominated Scnntor havo gone to Dallas to cnltat In the meet In Joint session Monday morning Noble and J. It. Hdwnrda ot Ban Fran, ory of (Jen. W, H. Mnbry nnd those statutes of limitation of five years and Stafford for president pro tho regular army. to count voto. report was tenot claeo. tht Tho nthor gallant officers nnd men who of ten years to record n declaration ot senate. He was elected. Hon-ha- m ndopted. Madam Michel!)', a rnMMl of A orowd ot 1M0 people Rathorcd laid down their Uvea for their country his claim nftor tho snmo litis matured, In the houso Joneii ot Collin county Mr. McLean, private secretary of tho over thirty years, a imtlro ot nround tho Fullmnn sleeper which tin (n the recent war with Spain, nnd also nnd providing what oald declaration wns olsclod icrgennt-nt-urm- s and Tay- governor, was recognised de- Spain, died nt llonkam. party occupied nnd groeteil (Jon and he pi a mark of respect and sympathy ot shall contain, nnd defining tho rights lor of Hell assistant. livered n nieeengo from tho governor Ilurnlani have Ween breaking into Shatter with u continuous ohoerliiK. At this body with tho families ot such of Innocent purchasers of tho land so Logan of Hamilton was elected rood submitting n report stnto toxt alorea nt Atvnrndo anil stealing moro tho depot the party wan mot by Co pi of tho .deceased saldlors ot Texas, claimed, nnd further providing tho Ing cleric nnd Roberta of Travis or less goods nnd money. J. N. Shatter ot lids city nnd tho party hook board. Tho report was referred Mr. Dibrell offered a resolution pro- compensation of clerks for recording drove to the Monger hotel, to the committee on education. Postmaster Morrlaon liaa quallfld nnd whon viding thnt tho senators bo allowed to sur claims. Durney of Antrcosn was ohoson Jour- Mayor CallnKhnn nnd n Many hills were Introduced. tnkon rhnrgo na receiver o( the Kutila lnro numbei purchase at tho state's expense ten lly Mr. Potter An net for tho relict nnl clerk, nnd Ilobcrtnon of William- of prominent cltlsens ar- electric light nnd Ice plant. awnltei! tliolr .copies ot nny dally paper, tho cost of ot railway corporations nnd belt nnd son assistant. (Ion. Vnlo for HoTurnnr. rival. Hlinftor ateppod forwarc which not to oxeced 3 conts each. suburban railway companies having .Inch Dus of Jefferson county wns The sheriff of Grayson county has bowed Austin. Tex., Jan. 17. Whon the and to the people assembled nni , Mr. Yantln offered an amendment elected re ennrtors granted or nmonded since tho calendar clerk nnd McPnrlnnd rtnnounccd hla Intantlon (o rigidly on-for- end of tho count for govornor wns then rotlrod to Ills room. Ho was fa striking out "ten" and inserting "Ave 1st dny of January, 1887, nnd which of Cherokee engrossing clerk, while tho Sunday law at Sherman. tlmiwl nnd foellng reached yestorday evening. It was not well. Ho mol copies." hnvo failed, ar about to fall, to con-sru- ct Wlngu ot Travis wns chosen enrolling city Onlncarlllo has found thnt Joseph T). Bayers, tho Dem- The council of only tho family of hla brothor whlli The amendment was adopted and the their roads and branches, or clrrk, nt ollHhed tho salary ot the city mar-aim- ! ocratic candidate, had received 291,C18 nt tho hotel nnd oxcused himself from resolution adopted as amended. nny part thorcot within tho time re- J. It. Dunlap of DoWItt ts doorkeeper and that ofllcial will liavc to do boltit; Interviewed. votes nnd Harnett Olhhit, the Populist In tho houso Hov. Mr. Oattln wns quired by lnw, extending tho period and J, D. Mitchell ot Madison assist-nn- k pend In few. cnndldnto for governor, IiriI received elected chaplain, Mr. Ilurney, Journnl within which to comply with tho law . , , 114. US, making the majority for Bay- The Taxna Midlands' tmalneso In Im- (Irrait Cnuntjr Hliirm, clerk, and J. h. Ilobcrtson, tisstatanL. two years, ers 177,093. Mr. Drowning, tho Domn-cratl- c ' proving at ICnnle to audi an extent IIUWAHDS ' Tho ponding business was Mr. Woo- Mr, Mlllor secured tho adoption at n Aiiilln Killing lloutonnnt gov- that another switch engine Ihm been Konuvlow, Tox., Jnn. 1C A twlstor tldiilpte..fpr len's resolution authorizing tho resolution providing for tho appoint- Austin, TOx., Jnn. 12. A ernor, fecelvod 200.79S votes nnd Mr. fatal put on their yard. pneeed through thla county from tho of ten commlttco clerks. ment ot a joint commlttco, consisting shooting nffrny occurred in tho bar- Klrkpntrlrk received 107.7S2. Ilrown-lug'- s IHiitthweat corner to tho northeast cor- Mr. Ilalley ot DoWItt offered an of thrco members of tho sonnto nnd room ot tho St. Louis saloon on Con- 'Die steamehlp Kordan, which soiled majority wns, thercforo, 188,070 waa voumI ner four miles northwest of Kllcore. amendment authorizing tho employ- three of tho house, to count tho voto gress nvenuo. arocn Dcnsnn, aged from GnlvMton, the tlrat of votes, n Inrger majority than Bnyors denial-llshe- of pngen 38 any character to leave that (tort The cyclone swept down nnd d ment nlno nnd nlno porters, .for govornor nnd nrrnnne for tho In- nbout years, wns shot thrco times, received, through Bnyors received the Ui for Venice. n tenement houso on Mooro each receive $2 per dny. auguration af tho stnto ofllcors. dying nlmost Instnntly. Bnm Mngnosa tho most votes. ' place, , Mr. Wontcn ncceptd tho amendment. In tho houso tho pending business flrwl nil three shorn and is now In Jail, .1 in which wero a woman named Is The verdict of wtlea of the Penoe It generally agreed on nil sides Mr. Kennedy Limestone, moved ly . of to n roFolutlqn directing 1S00 etinrced with murder, The partici- wm Roe Mrs. McC'ino nnd five children, wnn n very voto enst thnt Mulllna at Kurt Worth that thnt there light reduce tho pny ot pages to S1.C0. pants InJurliiK nil, fatally In- - copies ot tho houso Journal bo printed in tho tragedy nro well known in lien ton rnrae to liar death from tnor-ji- li nnd nt tho Inst November election, n less Mrs. Tho yean and nays woro domnndod nnd that each member bo allowed eight sporting circles. Mngncss Is nbout 21 I no poisoning. JurliiB McCuno. The husbnnd voto than was rnst In 1S00. Thin pro- on a motion to Iny tho nmendmont on ccploe. Adapted. years old, having lived in this city was awny from homo. ceed!! from tho fact thnt In U00 there . Col. and Mm. It. P. Jonas, two of tho tnblo, tho voto resulting 82 yeas, A resolution by KlttreM, which was slnco childhood. Drnson is to Acre of forost trecB nro uprooted, wnn n presidential oloctton and every said Elgin's moat distinguished cltlinna, ,38 nnys. roforrcd, requested tho govoittncnt to have como to Austin from Arlr.ona nnd overythliiR wna swopt bcfnro tho body waa excited, whllo In tho lnlc last celebrated their silver wedding by glv-ln- s Tho Woolen resolution nn 816,000 June. Ho Is st nmeuded nllow Toxns to kcop tho duo tho snld to havo wind's fury. Tho rnln wnn the hoav-le- election there was no excitement nnd relatives to their many frlenda and relative war then ndopted, United BtatPH nnd to apply It toward living In Junction City, Tex, Mngnosa evor wKiknhim!, nnd the crroke no Issues of such grave character as to n magnificent dinner. Mr. Klltroll of Harris, offered n res- (ho colored normal school at Pratrlo gnvo hlmstlt up to an offloer n nro so swollon thnt communication Is bring out tho voto. iuo total voto far few An waa In Impossible olution instructing tho finance commlt- View. minutes niter tho shooting occurred, nrmodlllo killed tho Trini- with tho southern part of fiovornor In 150 was G3U.778. whllo the tco to Inqulro what lino been dono rd exclaiming: "1 had to do It to ty river hottoma near llutchlns, limine tho county. All vires wont down, nnd voto for governor In November Issl save collecting tho money duo Texns lliirnml Hi lltnlli. my llfo." Uystandcrs stnto county, tho llrat over aeon In tlmt am- trees woro noroea tho international wna only 400,00.1. that tho as bounty on stignr raised by nemitnont, Tex., Jnn. II. At 2:30 troublo nroso In otion. and Oreut Northern railroad In several tho state, an argument over nnd suggesting that It bo usod toward o'clock ynetnrdny morning tho old some former trouble. places. nt III I'nan, Mra. Kate Hell Xterena, wife of Cnpt. Mimtrr 'establishment ot an Industrial school Telegraph hotel, n two-stor- y frame Tl. II. KMt 17,-r- jon. Wil- Stevens, quartormiiHtor nt Kl Paso. Tx., Jan. for glils. Tho resolution recited the ntructurc on Main street, was discov- A.IJiiitlne .Mntlari. Fort Zun Houston, Kan Antonio, I' r HIIU. liam P. Shaftei nrrlvod here yesterday fullure to collect tho money was duo ered an tiro nnd In'n fow minutes tho Cloburnc.Tox. , Jnn. 12. Tho off- thla lire nt tho fart. yuisun, i ex., jnn. in. Tlisro was afternoon on bis way to California to nati- to the governor then In office. building nnd its contents wore in icials of tho fiantn Fo nnd tho Joint no soaalon of tho tonnto Saturday. the command held by him It. n. Peadrlok of Nnvaaoln filed hla mum Mr. llalloy ot DoWItt. offered n reso- on nnd W. II. Denny, n rloo farmer, bonrd of tho railway organisations ot i In tho houso, uft.r the nnuoiiuLoinont prior to tho breaking out of the war petition to be ilwlnrai! n )mnkniit In lution authorizing tho spenkor to ap- who occupied room No. 20 an tho sec- ttio Banta Fc havo been in session hero of acvonl committee bills woro Intro- - with Spain. the of the clerk of the United point nn assistant to the postmistress ond flooor, wns burned liayond recog- In Division Superintendent Pondcll's duced nnd one petition. Ho atopparl nu nnd Htatea court He la with- here half hour 'at n salary of S3 per day. nition. ofHco. They woro at Oalreatnn. I A adjusting some mat- resolution roftietlne the flimnn was met at the train by n committee woro val- out assets and owea dabta aggregating An nmendmont make the pay 2 Tho building nnd contonU ters with refcronco to contracts under coinmlttoe to lopnrt na noon n potalb'o of olflrlala with a brass band nnd oa- - ?(15D. .per dny wns dofeaud by n vote of 00 ued nt83000 , with 81000 Insurance. which the employes nro working. the dallclenry appropriation bill waa j corted to the public afl.uare, where ha to 30, after which tha resolution was Ocncrnl Manager L. J. Polk, Superln- - Two men and a boy, while sitting: Introduced by Tarver of Webb and lliaur ii in nuuui jirupir. iwu adopted. - Nut lllirnnrnB'.l- tondiiit c. n. n fHMrtnitlnw ntiH n'oimil n fir near lluiitavlllo, were udnptoil. He culoflsed the volunteers, and .,.,,v IMIM MVIIHI' Wnuo, Tox., 14. Tho petroleum or I'trurctt by lightning and inatantly ISvorythliiK porUlnlnir to talilnx said that no war could ha conducted Jan. lonucnt .Machinery Jameo Colllson In nut wore here on killed. Two women In the room wero newspapem waa tabled. without surfeilnx. nnd the American lllllt Inlrodiirril, hunters the Waco district do business connected with follow-ta- g although oil In tho rorlously allocked, but otherwlae Tho fipeakcr announewl the appoint- soldier had fared no worts than might Austin, Tex.. Jnn. 18. Tho fool discouraged, for Santa Fe. Col. Talk went north bills wero Introduced In sen-V- at paying qunntitloa lion not boon struolc nnd the other gentlcmon Injury. ment of the following clerk: BtenoK-rnpher- a. have been exported. the wont south. Mian M. ). 1). yet both ms nnd oil has been discov- James Throckmorton, eon of tho It Qroen, I.)ong, Ho waa photographed by n number 11. C. Jnrrell, young Senator Schnatlnn To provide for ered In so many wollH It Ih felt that Ilaiiliam liiiirivntinla. lotc J. W. Throckmorton, of McKlnnar, Hondoraon Fowler. Pri- of women and kissed by several vate aacretary, P. .tha erection of nn naylum nt Abllono tho oxptorern nro an n hot trail. Mr. Donlmm, Tox., Jan. 12. The city nnd Mlae Irene Crawford were married J. Khnvor. of tho prettiest and moat enthnalnatlr. ' (Icn. for the enro of epileptics. The 1.1.1 pro- Honry C. Bcoti of St. Louis nnd his council Is malting extensive improve- nt the home of the bride In Shatter obtained hla soubriquet Parker A vides unfortu-nr.tov- nnsarmtcH nro Rotting ready to spond ments to tho city county. Hlniva nml Wlfo. of Pecos Hill In this locality ten or fif- for tho removal of the waterworks system. Bovoral months ago wan published teen years nro during bis campaign this cIosm from otficr nnvlutns money freely drilling walls hoping to Piping arrived yesterday, which la to An Auatrlan lady, residing at lCrel, an Horn relating to A. M. Dauxherty ngalnst tho Indians along the Pecos nnd for tliclr enro nt tho proposed get both nns nnd all. They will drill lie laid from Ilola d'Aro creek to tho I. T., niter muck terraapHiHlonee anil nf Pilot Print, who hud sworn whsn river. He waa at ono time command- nnylmn. Ho nlio Introduced n bill within the city limits, on tho oast sldo city pool, In ordor that water can bo n great of deal anxiety, Ima succeeded Iho Ylrglnlua orew war killed thnt ho ant nt Fort Davla and Is wall known which makes tho ueo of atmslvo lan- of tho river. pumped from ttio stream to tho reser- in n liKatliiB missing daughter In would novor abavu untir tho stars anil to many of tho older residents of tbu guage In nwnult cases n Justlflontlon voir. This will prove of groat benefit man, Hhi and went to that city after lirlpew waved over Celm nnd who city. by the defendant In such assault. Niirroir lUmpr. an It will gunrnntpo tho water supply her child. On to bo Biifriolont arriving nt Sherman iho whon Cuba waa taken ohnrito of by Senator Miller Introduced n bill pro- -' nonhnm, 'lex., Jan. 14. Jim Graham for all uses In tho city learned that her rtnughle rwaa at Howe Die fulled Biotas shaved for tho first TrxitrUiiim Killing, yMIhk for the redomptlun within two narrowly orcapod death hero by com- nnd nt all seasons. pom i m d got her. years by cur-rou- time In ovor twenty-fiv- e yonrn. A St. Texarkaa, Tox.. Jn. 17. Yesterday the debtor of real estate sold ing In contact with an electric t. , A freight train on the MlaouM-i- Kan-rn- a Umls imper heard of the ooeurrouuo afternoon In a saloon Joe ltarhman ndor n mnrtnaRe or deed of trust or Mr. Urahnm itartcd to ontor n I'lrlui of 1'actury. and waa Gar-lnii-il waa In Mtocullen. He Texas wrecked nt tnd from Mr. Daunlierty aecurad n shot the, shoulder and slightly nlso Introduced a hill drui? storo nnd as ho stopped up on Waxahaclile, Jnn, 12. Mr. L. C. Todd flvo write-u- p far the rogulntlon and enre war ilaralled. of the oveut, which waa wounded, while Dave IM wards waa crentlnn nnd of local tho Iron sill In tho doorway ho was received n completed picture ot the There wm somecl ' damage done Ui the elflMil with nn oITor U marry nuy killed outright. Wluir.s. Instantly knocked soiiscIcsh and S wna Waxahaehlo cotton factory and placed track, but ho one in the tmlN crew rouiiK woman who wanted to. A MUa in the preliminary examination last with dllllctilty thnt he was removed, It It on exhibition In a publlo place. It ren any In-- . hrd aerlous Injury. Blight t Lindsay i t. Iritis aitw tho write-u- p evening tha rasa was curried over j Cilllitroin Mmhk, wna found thnt tho rain of tho night was mado by cotton mill architects. rruptlon to the thua Outlier-eon- trarel. and hfwan n corraapondenee, with tha and evidence far adduced la Austin. Tex., .Tan. IS. dor. 's before lind sanlicd tho wire, onuslng Tho pleturo attraotod a good deal of cieburH to to tare a wuoleaale era- - result that laat Friday at tha City to tha affect tlutt llarkmau acted ruth-a- r farewell mtaange to tho legisla- the current to burn through tho name nttentlon. a. il, la and run to eiy nointMNy. Mini in Hint Point the two were mar-'rle- ture HiF.ratii!ated the legislations on down the Iran column, thus The collection committee ts bard at Iloth of the man ware very pop- r.harfjliig It heavily The Cotton Halt railway fa ts shortly llor. J. 1'. Huaaell otllclntlng. the stoppage or pugilism; spoke ot with oloctrlclty. work In the matter of getting up funds In town, a make Home cxleaalve lioproveMtaNla at ular and a precautionary truats and monopolies; referred to la- to build the mill. measure Constable lawn, .1, Waco. Among other things there will riiot riuxi, Itochelle took bor delinquent tax. law and leg- iitiiffiit , llarkman iwt of the Jail and sent him islation against mou vlolsnee; spoke Toxnrknua, Tex., Jnn. 14. J. P. Free- cattle erected anal a mlla or atlvaototi, Tax.. Jan. Is. Qm Peter-- ' tM home, nlMHit n mile from town, heav- man, years IIhImiI II, two oi switch track laW, besides a Mil wm flHw! fe In tlia criminal of the fee bill; satisfactory ooudltlon far covcral ttntlon baggngo dhttrlct ily Kunrdad, Galuevallle, Tex., Jnn. 12. A. D. large railroad yard. MHirt of charitable Institutions; touched on agent nt Texnrknnn for the Bt. Louis j Sntunlay on the charge that he DarkMMH luw beaa very iwmilar In revenue railway Donaldson of the Circle Ueit railway falsely rapreaentad hlmaalf to he an nceoeary for tho malntennnae Southwestern (Cotton Hell), Judge Sinks at lUutrop am-tn- e polltka In thla taction, up is In receipt of a telegram from Gra- iaad exacHtlr oOleor and to hla of the public schools nnd for general teiidnrod IiIh resignation and Mr. W. (or Ufa las tho penitentiary on Al- of the male a branch ham, Young county, saying that tho defeat taat fall he had atrved eeveral purposes; announced passage Con- W. Coakwood of Memphis, Tcnn haa Drlv-dal- of the port of OalvastoH. of len White for the kllltn of lunula e. idiot Thla la peoplo ot that place had raised terms aa cooaubla of tha Taaarkaaa federate amendment; renewed mom- - arrived here and relieved Mr. Freeman. the He waa tried la term of court ohc of the tost case hrouiiht to taat bonus required ot them for said rail- precinct. , In Mr. engage and convicted. Oa the rights of the pilots who have set mandatlone regard to Johnson grass, Freoman wilt in other busi- motion he wm Dave I way nnd had signed nnd delivered tba idwards, tho rlatlai of Jo iNvettMonts by llfo Insurance eompA-nte- r ness: In Slirovcport. (minted Mw trial with the easae lt. up shop In opiioaltlan to the pilots IlarkBMH'a weapoa, was a half broth- and many contract to the Circle Uelt railway under tha state law. The op-- ; other matters. or of Sheriff Stanley IWwarda of DowU representative In Graham. ivIUnn pilots claim the right to aat In tho senate on 13th Hull waa fllwl at Ho.ieto In the of- (MMtaly. the Motauren j The re-- fice of Dialrlit Clerk Mlltawa under United StaUa license. The ease flnnls. Tex., olty council has ! of South Carolina spoko against expan- ly Uw. riUflwl Trumpeter Muhlenbaoh of company I will lm appealed. lis own and Iho other omolals' sion. In tho house tho navy renre II. Lae ve. lotMton FlatUlc Martin, Tex., had n costly lire on the personnel D, fifth cavalry, who has been on a i salaries. hill was dlseussed. Mtteet railway for dama gee In tke anta lltlu furlough visiting his family, has Seen I lllHi at of fooao. la Bllaa that In Kvremfcer lain. ordered to Huntsvtlte, Ala., whero tils Isat he waa ran over Uf u car and IMim. Tex.. Jan. 16. F1r at So'elwk A (HrsfttlruH of evolution la to be E. F. Noyes, n Union veteran, died Tho war Investigation commission regiment now is, and he expects to loal an arm. yestorduy morning daatroynl th farmed. suddenly nt Dallas, Tex. paiwed n resolution ot eoasure against all shortly with It to Porto Rico. Vwing hntal. A. J. Itoaa The body of an mnUhowii twin waa and John Gen. Uagan. found nenr the Caatral railway track Trnylnr lHivlnesa bulldtiifia. The ikhi-wn- ts I'allut nt VViimlinrliU, Franklin Mr. Tailor lUttsni, tttataHee (mm of the bulklluH were: N. N. Waxahaehlo. Tex.. 17. IUeoiumntU I'urmrnt. a abort )Uw. The lo4y Jan. The firm Frnnktln. Tex.. Jan. 13. A Cleburne, Tex., Jan. 12. Rev. F. B. vaa horribly McDonald and Itnblnaou A Co., nier-chan- ot V. II. Snellen, established Austin, Tox., Jan. 14. Gov. Culber- J,carh maMvM. ami name of hero la (owoed by K. A. Dcehrrd nnd ooeuplcd nf the Cumberland Presbyterian the I'tee earrlod a dls-tenr- e. Win. llernhrdge. saloon; Hal. mails an aaolgHmeHt yestaraky son sont the legislature n message wart tUe by A. U. Hathaway was burned here. church hero has resigned, to accept tho Jt la mppoaed Chronlele ofllea of Wanl A morning. reaommendlng, that ha fell off Ubauve. The stock roaslatad ot dry Is euppesed after giving a copy ot place ot superintendent ot missions. a It to have onught fire from tiatn. ARtrtle loas IM.Mv. laauraooh $Mo9. Bonds aud Kraeerlts. Ilobert Dowdy u defective chimney. Mr. Hathaway the contrast, the payment ot f 10,1 00 Rev. 1UM. Riley ot Jefferson has been ed thta city Is uaaaad trwatao. The ilty rouoell of Son Aatoolo of as Ot , lost nearly all hla household goods and to Hogg & Ilobertaon tor eommlselon called to fill the plnee mado vacant by a rajartad laaoa of 4SJM the iHdebtodNasa tha (aroar amouHls wearing apparel, bare)) having time to on money Illplillitrln IIcmIIi. ' oallactod from the United Rev. Iach'a roilsr.atlon. tils family vol-- boooa, the ortgihal laaue of cct out. The house was 1 States. Park Tax., Jan. 11. The liult at oak or MervhaHdlM now oh hand la ued nt f8M nnd contents perhnpa as which la how matured, and oroeroi the .alHMl at fflBOa. Ttu, Laalia uiul ar. Romero's body has been shipped dAOghter of Mis. S. Daklwall died al much inoi r. No Insurance on either. mild owl ot the alokloi; fund. aooata due Mr. tfbellos. UMtountlnx to t In Iho preliminary trial ot Hiram from Washington to Mexleo. iuc Paris, frooi diphtheria. for iWtjm rafuadlHg bvud luue The yd, arc quo u statu in ttae aaaiga- - Cupt. Michael Carbine, a MlsiUslppt P Brwln at Dallas. Tex., charged with flag was The West Virginia legislature vlll Lc milled ou Jan. 31. Vw holatad at tha raaldaoao. tuuruuvaiuBij, la ucau. tha murder ot I. a. Ilaudle, defendant is la was refused balL session. (litriMnnr,i Atttintfo, (.'nionhtp Oror Cable, Dins'? I)nJ. VrMtilng'tnn ritellail, PABTUrtE AND PAItM. Washington, Jan. 1SU Tho mask la Washington, Jon, 12, The news ol Washington, Jan. 14 Hon. Netaon Waahlnglon, Jan. II, Offlolnl Wnah off. the establishment censorship over Dlngloy of Mnlnc. lender of tho Repub- dermany elands toward this of Incton wna atruok dumb when tho de- Ornln In Llano Warm Blood lican oeiinty Is reported Courting through oeuntry In a threatening attitude nnd the cable nt Manila was Ukon aa an In. sldo ot tho floor ot tho houso ot tailed report of Commissary Oen. Hag-an- 'a the voim, feeds, nourlihee short. and org tho administration In not unprepared dteation of "Gravity ot the situation rnprewntstlves and representing the testimony before the war Investi- luitslni all th sni, nerves, tnuseles j Thoro Is double the noreago of in.i of tU Unly. 3rmp-rill- s to inert tho vital laue ahoulil It rlae. there, hut oaused no surprise among second congressional district of Maine gating commission was received. wheat tUiui iiuwl'i In the rotkti warm, rleb, pure blood. As n step a retaliation hill ape those familiar with tho reports for th in mni body, ulec ltoro last night nt Such Oreeuvllle eeetlen this year It Is flnt a breach of nrmy regulations the txit medicine you take In clflcnlly last two weeks. was put 10:30 o'clock of failure, result- than last. cn winter. directed agalnat tho pending Ttho censor heart had never beforo occurred nnd stieh It tones, Invigorates, strengthens and fortl- - two-fol- ing Conley, Imperial meat Inspection hill will ho In charge for a d purpose from oxtremo wcakncis duo to foul Inngungo In tho presence ot nn Rlehartl a well known breed- 5S!i!l.0,,-lJ??.,- r' iw'nl'ngcolds, fovsrs, Introduced nnd pnesed simultaneously to prevent threatening reports seel double pneumonia. investigating hoard of nny deserlptlen er of blooded sheep nt Marshall, Mich., pneumonia tin grip. Agon-clll- has visiting with tho passago of th Oerninn gov- out to tho world and to provent o Ho was tinroneclous during most ot wns n novelty that for hnrrlblenees been In tho stnto. ernment measure. nnd tho Filipino junta In P l tho day and death came quietly with- has never been equaled. At San Angelo O. II. Hell sold out Hood's It can ho snld that tho stale do from coroumnloatlng news and advice consciousness bslng rcgnlnod. After recovery from tho first shock head of yearlings to J. M. It Amirtea'i OresUtt Medicine. Tries It. pertinent la preparing (ho retaliatory to Agulnaldo. Tho Insurgonts will be There wero present nt tho tlmo Mrs. tho matter wns the talk of tho city. Shannon at )17 per head. rrepared by a I. Hoed A Co., Lowell, Man. Dlngloy, measure which will ho transmitted to cut oft from the outsldo world nnd tha Miss Itdltlt Dlngloy, Messrs. Tim president and cabinet took It upj II. P. Darlington of fan Antonio has Hood'C Plllo cureBkk lUS'Uchs. JM. (tia U. N. A. homo commlttoo on ngrloulltiro In IJuropenn power furnishing them aid and II. Dlngloy, sons ot tho the department oirtclnls dlsoussed It, sold to Sheriff It. K. White of Austin deceased, Dr. Doalo, Vfhlti.l tho uoturo of n suggestion. It tho sit- nnd comfort will havo to send messen nnd ono ot tho army olllcors oxchnnged opinions n registered Hereford calf $180. loTntllt, and for Bchotchlna wont to Ixindnn uation win rants n presidential message gers. physicians, who had beon attending legislators found for a It inoro engrossing II. W. Ferris, n prominent oltlxcn ot holiday. Walking nlong ono ot tinilng tho paaMRo ot tho bill will ho Oon. Oreoley, ohlet ot signal him throughout his Illness. To within as n tha tho topic ot conversation than bald-heade- tho Waxahaehle. intends establishing n streets, ho noticed n d ohcnw eent to congress. aorvleo ofllco, said: did yet n few hours before his dnth the family Phtllpplnos "I not and tho nrmy bill. ranch somuwhero In Western Toxas. 1st standing at his shop door, and In- All past diplomatic assurances from know the fast that n censorship hrJ. bcllovud, ns thoy have throughout his A consensus of opinion Is Hint Oon. F.levrn cars of cattlo were shinned to quired If he had any hair restoror. flsrmaiiy m to her friendliness toward been established omelally. but It Is n Illness, hint Mr. Dlngloy would re- Qarnn should be booked for n court Terrell to bo fattened for "Yes, sir," said tho chemist; "atop this country nre now regarded In offl-cl- nl matter whleh Is cover, nnd It was only when it bcoamo martial, whllo somo nrmy omcors do-cla- re north"n within tho orlaluot markets. They Inside, please. Thero's an article I oan circles aa so many false pretenses. Jurisdiction npparent Hint ho was dying they Ilagnna'a wore sent from Wea of Oon. Otis. I do not hsa. that that commission should Texas. recommend. Testimonials from grunt Ileglnnlng with Admiral von Dleder-leh- s' Unto, however, to express the opinion gathered nt his bedside. have been revoked by the president at men who hnvo used It. Tt makes the II. P. Darlington ot ro- - Insolonno to Admiral Dewey In that It would hnvo been uroner from While tho past few days havo given once. San Antonio hair grow In twenty-fou- r nourj." eelved n telegram which the Herman cruiser Irono nar- prudontlal reasons to havo established great hopo of rccovory. tho progrosa The disposition ot tho offender lies from A. A. Hates of "Awcol." said tho Scot, "yo can glo Irwin, 0., saying ho rowly Mcoped tho commission of n this censorship some days ngo. Had ot tho dlseaso had mado tho patient with tho president nnd Secretary Al- hnd consigned to the top o ycr hold a bit rub wl't, nnd him one warlike net, the situation has been that been dono It would not have dnngerousty weak nnd had ecrlousty ger. Upnu them dovolvo tho protec- carload ot registered Durham I'll look back tho morn and see of yo'ro and Red growing In rancor, until tho Introduc- boon possible for ngonts ot Agulnalda nffected his heart. Iato Thursday tion of tho honor of tho nrmy. Oen. Polled bulls. tollln' tho truth." tion of tho meat Inspection hill In tho to havo sont Important Information night and again yoslerdny morning Miles' refusal to demand tho appoint- Parties hnvo been nt Farmersvlllo Tho chomlst returned tho bottto to tho aholf, relrhstag nnd tho boldnoes nnd skill from Washington, which I am Inform Mr. Dlngloy had a bnd sinking spell, ment of a board ot Inquiry for with a view of establishing a cotton nnd klkcd the errand bojr for laughing. displayed by Aculnnldo, havo como to ed won dono from tho Filipinos' repre from whloh ho slightly rallied. There th) time being loaves tho matter en- seed oil mill nnd have mot with con be rcgnrdod ns twin evidences of dcr-mnny- 'a sentatives bore." wero further evidences of heart fall-tir- o tirely with theh secretary siderable oncourngemont. of war nnd ItanmrknbU Operation. hoatlllly. den. Oreoley saya that whllo the ns tho day progressed and tho tho coinmnudor-lri-chl- ot ot tho army Monro ft Allen of Snn Antonio hnvo A rcmnrkablo surgloal oporntlnn lma Tho situation at Manila Is admitted Hong Kong-Mnnl- la cnblo Is an English strongost stimulants wore ndinlnlslor-cd-, and navy. Their duty Is rognrdad a shipped to that city two carloads ot been rcoently porformcd In Pnrls. A critical, much inoro ho thau tho concern, wo have n right to control tho but without effect. Ho failed per- clenr. grue cows from tholr ranch nt Inundress hnd her scalp torn oft from trouble at Hollo. There Is hero a well-defin- ed Manila end, which Is ceptibly during tho ns The military codo In our territory, nftcrnnon'nnd under whloh Oen. tho nnpo ot tho neck to tho eyebrow fenr that tho demonstration at Bpnln controlled night enme, hopo was abandoned. Mrs, Ivflpan's Alfonso Is punishable this cable for tho contains ). llulnng of Sonorn, Sutton by her hnlr catching in somo hott- Hollo was designed to attract a largo snmo reason during Dlngloy Is very much prostrated by tho following the recent war. provisions: co y, has Just put to feed nt Rnnls ing. She wns tnken to tho Ilroussal.1 portion of Otis' forces from Manila so Important advices Is now wero recolvod her husband's death and under "Article of wnr No. CI. Any oflloor R0(. bend of uhecp from tho Dovll's hospital, whore Dr. Malhorhc, after that the 20,000 Insurgents by tho war nrmod near department yestorday, but tho enro of n physician. who l"convlcled ot conduct unbecom- rlvor country, seeing her, sent for her scalp. Ho ob- the Philippine oapltnt could innko a wero kept secret. They nro supposed Thoro wero many genuine nnd heart- ing an o"1 er and n gentleman shall tained It after a delay of several hours, -. W. J. Molntyre of Alnlnn hns imr. successful dash for tho control of tho to contain Information about tho hos- felt expressions of sympathy when It ho ilia- , from tho service. shnved oft tho hair, washod It with an- chased the M. Holff ranch near Mara city. tile domeanor of the 20.000 armed In- - becamo known that tho Maine "Art if' f war No. 26. No officer tiseptics, nnd applied it In place again. or thon for f 18.000. The llolff cattlo will Tho retaliatory bill In tho course ot urgent near Manila, and the Biipple- - was dead. All during his soldier slinll use nny reproachful 'The scalp has grown onto tho head. or be removed to the Peeo rnneh. preparation at the state department mental forco of 16.000 In the more re- Illness, which he struggled against so provoking speeches or gestures to any Mr. J. linker of I'ntllnir Mtmorj. will practically oxclude from this mote parts ot Luzon. vigorously, there have bean constant other. Any nllleer who so offends Cuoro sold to A. O. v "Why, grandpa, you used to say country Gorman wines, toys nnd hard The United Inquiries nt nt re shall be Kennedy of Iloovllo 1S0O ste"-- 3 nnd that States has but 10.G00 tho hotel which he under nrrest." you killed six Indians wood bric-a-bra- c. as. . $10 and $11.60 par with ono shot; Tho ytnrly Imports troops In tho Philippines, with 17,000 sided ns to his condition. Conduct unbecoming nn omeer Is de- hou, spring delivery. then you out It down to flvo; now you on these lines aggregate $76,000,000. nt I Mnr.lln, nnd 2600 nt Hollo. nned In paragraph ot tho regulations any It wns four." "Well, well, my A state departmtut ofltclal said bat )'urnkr ror Iiimmlnii. MIIm' ltmnnrUt. ns foil owe: At a meeting of tho Melon Orowors' child. I suppose that's because my night Hint tho efforts ot Ambassador Mllea Washington, Jan. 12. Mr. Fornkor Washington, Jan. II. Oen. "Courtesy nmoug military men Is In- nswlntlnn nt Peanmll n fow days ago memory Is (ailing ovory yoar." nr. von Holteben wero In vain nnd ot Ohio addrossed tho senate yesterday when naked whnt oftlclnl action, It dispensable to dlerlpllue; rospoct to It wns learned that the mombora would that the knlsor would Insist 911 rail- Oon. "With or WllhmitT" In favor of nny, would he taken regarding superiors will not he confined to obo-dlwt- re prolmly plant MOP ncro In melons roading expansion, taking n de- this "With or without?" asked thobnrbor, lils moat Inspection bill Hngnn'H nttnok, replied Hint ho had or duty, hut will he year. cided stand. Messrs. llnron of Ooorcla extended on ns tho customer took his seat In tho through tho rolahatag. on tho sub- nnd Allen of Nebraska offered resolu- not iiutdo nny statement all occtialoiiH." I'nrmors of Cherokee county nro in chair. forecast Judge tions pertaining to tho Philippines. ject nnd did not Intend to Advocate (leu. I.lolier, said: iptcndld alrournstnnccs. Tiiero Is moro "Without," replied tho customer. war depart- (Iriiinii Dual. Tho houso yestorday completed and tho proceedings of tho "Tho secretary of wnr has full au- mm. syrup nnd moat In tho county Whereupon the barber nliavod him thority court-marti- al In , duel nt Motz, (Icrruany, Mont. parsed tho bill for tho codification of ment. to arrest nnd tbnn havo been known for oovornl without nny conversation. Schllekmnnu ot tho Uavnrlan Infantry tho crlnrlrMs Inns of Alaska, upon Oen. Mllo Bald: "I did not want to Oen. Kngiin. I hnvo nothing lolay yonrs. All Trnil Stint. shot which It has npponr boforo the commission In tho as to tho moilts of tho case. No pa-p- ot and killed Herr Tillman, a civil- been working Intermit- Hogs nnd cnttlo nro being shipped Tho Mother Somehow I foel place. When thoy wrote suggest- s relatlnR to It nrer being that ian. tently for a week. An nmendmont was first prepnrod from Normnn, Ok., now In Inrgo num- my In I can trust daughter to you. do-tre- e, adopted ing I voluntarily appear beforo this olUco." In accordance with tho emperor's providing a Illicit llciinso sys that bers. Thero will be shipped from that Tho necoutsd 0110 You enn, Indocd, duels nre allowed only In excep- tem In tho territory with a speolos ot them 1 replied that I belloved It to be place In tho next four madam. Hvory yody trusts mc. , months not lose tional cases and by the consent ot tho local option. for tho'best Interests ot tho service for llHRnii lntrvli-il- thnn 12,000 bond ot cattle court of houoi, mo to tint volunteer nny testimony. Washington. Jan. 1 1. Commissary 1.1 11 it in iiii. Toxas aent BO.SOil fewor onttlo to "Thoy eay Hlbley groat expec- Tlllmnn, DtllUl it, When 1 wan ordered beforo tho com General ICagau consented to bo Inter-- 1 has who was shoved off the KnnsflH City In 180S thnn In tho pre- oidownllc by Jan. 12. mission nnd thoy asked mo concerning viewed. When subject tes- tations." Homo olllcera last May, A correspondent the of his In-dl- vious year. Tho doorcase from tho "Yen. ho wan telling mo tho other aliuck one with n stick and honatod ot anys: facta that I then had In my powewlon timony before tho Investigating com-- j Terrlltuly wns 27.1M; from Mis- day thnt you owed him $100, nnd ho It In Ronor Sagnsta ne- 1 wns obliged ns n matter ot honosty mission was the restaurant. The court of honor denies that only broached, Oen. Hngan souri, 36,113; from Kansas, 18,000. oxpectetl you would 'nny It some day." decided that ru ho was a member ot a gotiations nre In progress for tho sale j to answer them nnd produced oftlclnl first made clear the statements, both' Horeea In Washington county nro reply. v wealthy family ho could glvo satis-tactio- n, ot tho Carolines, remarking (hat tho complaints to mo ns my heat as to facts and language. dying of n disease resombllug blind nnd selected I.leut. Sehllek-ntan- n previous consent of tho oorles would Hten then I did not tell thorn all the "I had my own grievances," Oon. staggers. The dlsenso cornea on sud- Meekison of Ohio to represent regltuent. bo noeeesary. This Is not to be factH which I had discovered by my Hagnn anld, "n charge was the Tho tnken, terrible denly and In nlmoat every caso proves father ot Tillman vainly appealed howover, as Indicative of nny deter- own Investigation. This Inquiry was brought against me. I wns nccused ot to ratal. About twenty horses havo died. Has Been Greatly Benefited by tho police to stop the duel. mination to soli. Tho premier Intends carried on quietly through the proper cheating; no, 1 mean I was aocused ot Peyton, n Kansas City says Pe-ru-n- a. tn couvoko tho oortes as soon ns tho branches ot tho war department nnd polslonlug soldiers under tho pretense I. man. Is saturated with gasoline and thrown Chrfnte Apiiliitail, United States has npproved tho peace wne begun as n nmttor of duty by the of experiment. If It had not been for It saturated with gnsollno and thrown Cortffroumnn I). Morhlion of Ohio, writes trouty. commanding gonoial after the receipt that charge I might not hnvo spoken tho rolluirlnic totter to l)r, Ilarlinan, Wnahlugton, Jnn. 12. The president Into tho hole Inhabited by prairie tlogn ot nn Immense number ot complaint. before the commission ns I did. For lins aent to tho senate the nomination and tho holo thou closed by packing Dr. S. IJ, iltrtman, Columbus, O. (Joutrnct Sigurd, That luvofitlgntlon Is still being prose-cutm- l three weulta I chafed under tho charge ot Joseph H. Choato ot Now York to with dirt, It will kill Deaii Sin: I hnvo uned sovomt bot- 1 ns I said be- of having tho! them. New 12. Hunting- nnd still think, poisoned aoldlors under n beno-file- ho mnhrusndor oxtraordlnary nnd min- York. Jan. Mr. tles of and feel irrcatly d fore, It would havo boon much pretense, yea, under tho pretense ot TIip flno diffusion plant known na tho plenipotentiary to ton signed tho contract for tho pur-chas- o that thereby. 1 havo been afflicted ister Oreat Ilrltaln. de- Galnalttti sugar refinery wns Hold of the Oalveston City com- better had the olllcors ot the war experimenting with chemicals. If It at Joseph Ilodgo Choato was born In Ijiko CharlHH, La., by In - Master Commis Pa-clf- lo partment, who have charge tho had not been for this- charge, perhaps 1S32 In Maseichusotts, Is pany's property for tho Southern and tho son I sioner T. TV Taylor to J, C. Morris. tormlnnls at OaUeelon at 4 care and proper feeding ot tha soldlortt, would not hnvo used such language of Dr. aeorge Clio o, Ito was gradu- president of tho Cnnnl bank of Now o'olook yestorday afternoon. Ho said beon allowed to attend to these matters before tho commission. Let those that ated In 1854 from Harvard law school, OMenns, for $66,500. The plant was he hoped to be conBldorod quietly In their own wny." criticise my language ho placed In tho nnd was admitted In 18SC to tho bar. henceforth old under mortgage. c position In which I was placed; let He formed a pattnorshlp with William 3H ono ot Oalvaston's most cntliinlns-ti- y Kllloil nt Churrh llmir. them bo chnrged ns I wns charged nnd W. II. Junnlngs, ono ot tho most II. names, but In 1859 became n mem- supportora. As soon na tho noces-wr- Ironton, O., II. Robert llnld-Wi- n, they will understand my Inngungo prominent stockmen nnd hoavlest oper- ber of tho firm ot Kvnrts, Southwnyd consents aro obtained nnd tho de- Jan. nged 30, son ot tho Itov. Jarnoy better. It Is the gorod bull feels ators In tho southwest, whoso homo & Ohoate. For thi last ton years Mr. tail! nrrnugod tho worlc ot establish- thnt llnlthWn, pastor of tho llaptUt cluireh tho pain." lint been at Ponrsall, although much ot Choato has beon generally acknowl- ing at Oalveston tho finest and largest In country at Klttu Hill, this county, wns allot his time has been spent In San Anto edged to bo tho lomlor of tho Now terminals tho will bogln. I nnd killed by Salmon Farrell huit Ntorin nt nio, irhs thrived his family to tho lat York bar. lirip, . ter city. Nmw HciibIui-- night. Dehlwln hnd trouble with j Dieppe, Jan. 14. Immense dnmngo II. Charles Webb, who liail been reprl-mand- el Plage 1VII IMcatctt. St, Albans. Vt.. Jnn. 12. Hon. P. has boon dune to the Rnrdon and Col. Oreenleaf W. Simpson of Dos- - Klflaldot Montpeller notified Oov.Smlth by Rev. Ilnldwln for disturb- casino here, and at Pourrlllo tho nnlo ton, wet-co- president of tho Fort Worth Stock London, Jan. 12. In n ononis of ing a meeting. Webb and Fnrrell wait- Hon, D, that 011 account ot family reft sons he hftH worked a similar Injury, the beach ynrds, hns bfen awarded by tho gov- Mckkisok. the papers greet Joseph Choate ed church until young ' was compelled to deellno the appoint- at the door being torn up and tho valley Hooded ernment the contract for sunnlylnir vrlUi catarrh ot the head nnd feel cn ni Col. Hay'a auecessor In London. The Ilaldwln came out, when they assault- courngod to beliuvo ment aa United State aonntor to suc- for an area of three kilometres. Tan beet tn the United States nrmy In Cu that continued purport ot their comment upon the ap- use of n will orad lea to ceed the late Senator Morrill. ed him and Farrell shot htm through chalet feeing the sea have been ba. It Is fully a Is understood that the oontraot dlseaso ot yonrs' pointment that the new ambassador Tho appointment wa.i nt onee offer- the heart. In the excitement Farrell forty bathing boxes washed thirty standing. require the delivery ot these onttlo In Yours siuceroly, ' will not hnvo to remove dlflleultlee, ami Webb escaped, but were fallowed away ed to Hon. Jonathan Hoes ot St. nnd the casino wrecked. Cuba an foot, where they will be D. MEEKISON. hut only to foster friendship," as the by the sheriff and n poaoe. The fugi- Johnsbury, ohlet Justice ot the supreme At Le Trenort, sixteen mllea north ilaughteretl by the contractor and sup- Dolly Telegraph puts It. and the appeared to Tha continued roeelpt of endorse-mon- U court ot Vermont who aeeepted. tives be trying tn reach east ot Dieppe, the easlno was halt plied to the army ns the Times says the selection Is "not only necessities like this for Dr. Hartmnn'a Weal riralHlH. carried out to sea, anil many chalets will require. great one to whleh no exception oan be catarrh remedy, prove It valuo The pope la to hold a oounill at have been damaged. The whnlo beyond question. Men of nrnmlnonan An HBiiewIly large HUmher of mud Moat company An- taken, but even a high eompllraeut." year. comU le The Union of San Rome this Won In Umaoa strewn with debris. everywhere are recognizing tha merit of havo formed tho river. A. tPe-run- tonio bought of Nanee of Kyle 400 a and aro willing to give expres Warllk Illtuirnla, To Inifitrt. head of oattle out of his feed lots at sion to tiiolr judgment beeauaca certain, JuuruiitUW' Club, I'ronnunrBit Killdlil. IokuIii, oonsletlng M York. Jon. A dtotMtali of footing steers abeoluto euro for catarrh Is a publlo York, Jan. John oar-one- Nov It. New lit ItarretL It. Loula, Mo.. Jnn. 11. Tho and bulb) ami ataga. These good. All druggists sell to 81am, write from Hang llalllmero. Md., Jan. 12. The execu from Waahlngtmi says:' eattle liearlHg oh the death of (toy A. are now being full fed nt Seguln and Kong Hong Kong la war- tive committee of tho Inter-- 1 Oen. IlreekenrlilHO wac given onlera that tall u Morgan, a inedleal student, formerly will he delivered to the purchasers As Black like olementa. national League ot Press Clubs met j tate Thurtday afternoon to uroeeed ot Bl Paso, Tex., and Nashville, Tenn., eon-dltlu- n. yesterday at the Journalists to nrrango without delay to Culn and Porto Rleo from time to time when In prime as mm DYE American and Ungllih In tho far who wns found dead In Foreot tmrk for the annual convention to lie held on an Inspection trip, which will YourJHL YourWItiskers oas', favor our oentrol. Dewey still Wednesday, woe returned yesterday. It last In llaltlmore. It was deolded to hold for months. He was dlreeted to re-no-rt A tolsetl ear at Durham Here-fo- favors that. pronounced the ease one of Hletde and A Natuvat Dlaok with Ilarrett la atlll ot the opinion that the convention early In April. Repre- - to Maj. Oen. Ilrooke and to AdJL bulla from Collin oounty eamtnllted while suffering from tem- ha Agulnaldo oan be controlled by diplo- sentatlvea will attend tho convention Oen. Oorbln. been sold by n Port Worth man to a Buckingham')? Dyo. maey. porary aberration at wind. P H,nliCa-.Hhgi,- H. from all tho largo eltles ot the country eattle eompaiiY nt Coahulla, Mex., at tOtt.tUiMllin and a number ot matter ot Interest Frotl Sawyer wna lwnged at Wmr. 0i per head. They are yearlings and Heavy ralna have twollen Ute Sa- An unknown dead body was found Iiaajde, Tea., far an aoaault on Mrs, 0 PER MONTH bine river In Iiutitaiw. to newspaper workers will bo taken up, at Naples, Tex. Pantile Fuller at rmnli. are natives of Collin. They were ship-Joh- n T. Luis ot Meridian, Miss., pur- 0 GUARANTEED (Irentod !! A movement Is said to bo on foot Half Uml.r vrntrr. ArflaUl mud. chased ot D. ft A. Oppenholmer ot San And5we actually pay much more. Over to eonaolldate the gas and eleetrlc oon TttiRland, Ark., 11. Thin town Albany. N. Y.. Jan. U lev Roose- Jan. Trenton. N. J Jan. It. Artlelea of Anlenlo, 1M0 feeding steers, 3s and 4s 100 per ctnl profits paid to clients let granted requisition of the gov- eerna ot the United States, Is Rbout halt under water (rem 'the year In our Hioik and Jrao Bjaaitaiti. 1 or velt the iMorporatlon of the Amerlean Steel past, at $87 per head, Immediate de- full ptrtUuur JJrri ernor ot Texas for the extradition to terrible rain. The eowitry Is Hooded. livery. They were sent to Meridian W. II. Dunltp a Co., 134 Monroe 81., Chicago. Sugar trust ateekuelders held a meet- and Wire ooiiiany, with an authorized that state ot Owen O. Howard, who la The cotton crop, not half of whteh and will be sold to butcher in that ing Jersey Olty. No dividend wus capital at O.OGO,00, were filed wflh aeetlon. CANDY CATHARTIC wanted on n eharge of ehexllng at bad been ploked, will be nearly a to- J&Qfr deolared, tho secretary ot state yesterday. A large aereage of wheat has funds ot the Gulf. Colorado and Santa tal lose. Artlelea of Incorporation were also been V Itatlroad company. riled for the Pressed Stool Car com- sown around Whltewrlght, end Is In The ezar ot Russia and emperor ot Interesting statistic about pany, with an authorised capital ol fair condition many say better than An eloping couple, 18 years about are to hold a conference. are let Qov. Uarnes' roeseage. IX6.0M.WO. nt this time a year ago. Over one hun- old, from Sbamokln, Pa., were among Austria dred new wheat drills have been sold the victims of the Duunellen reek, Dan Stuart wants to make a bid for The barn and contents ot J. R. Roby hy.yaivv. 1 riMtHfi parents having prevented their Another large pipe and steel plant ti nnd many fields of cotton from 20 to Ullin iit stern a light between Sharkey and PlUeltn- - "W Osteevllle, Tex., burned. Loss III Ul. T..II..H1 . Il.l... .tl .A. Ik tfu-rrlai-e. to be established at Deuemer, Ala. EeOO. 125 acres have been sown In wheat. " U.fttil4 Utt E30EU. f

1 """ . . -i-iy.-iT CUKRSKT, Tlio January CotiuojKMlliiii lm i.n THS Hrtlri tfooUiiK nf the Irtah iMirleranr d. F. WM. II. M U A X B MATHES0N. ,h ' tlio Nations, mid allowing tlmt nol mi'y o'fflolal Coonly," W. Paper ot Eddy Imt iCiiKlnnil ii I.nnl Wnio!j, u lnnl P. GSRHRT. Official Organ of Town of Eddy, Kabcirla nna a Kltcliennr, but Spain 11 W Imd it Duke of 'Milan, HiimIa a (lener-h- I every nft1jr at IWily Xw Uex POxR PRODUCTS, faMliktd Obrulschoir, n M. (! oMr 1 ted ell.l hMitr mid IIiiniury Vi count Turtfo, end- - Jan. 21, 16'JU lint to mention nn And Qonaral Forwurdiiir v less array nf other Irishmen who linvt- - Ooneral Market and Packing House SCIrM'HIITION ItATIttt. linnor'upun V tellseted thlr native land. TT yi l 1 . . . . WKISKLY-- Hy ir Mall mi ihMM Cosmopolitan inlKlit Iwvu went nay, Hy MMl mntBi .. lh "XToitl urain, aeea, xeed, JBlacksmith CodI T?HTj7trr' l alway nitpetiflniiST PTTrTi further nm Mid tlmt Irish blond pro 33ooi, Poi'lt, tbepnlu tlmeiiilrunltM the avbiribr denilnuted In threo fourths of the ana lco dolivored in the City. unite found in fiddy. and thou It "III be and Mutton. dtffonllm on rrwjuwt, tbeueh thn ulc KTMi men of lliu worlo and tlmt tlio L.J 1 . irlber m in and tne aocmiiii 11 Mr iirrr.r. Irish people the lntoilcc trAll () Mine ni II ilia debt was (or im ktruiiMt uf'tnifiiU set i l Tho boat always mi Ilund. ariieie oiiriuc. h ins PM't'f timllv iimi ii v. wvi. emir- i iHbji I ivi ai . 1 innro tht Alifev in Mil 1?".Int.. II I...... i ' ,i ... , Orders pronudly lllled. aveall. do not tinier II .."? By nun mruii mun uinu m miy in hit ,jnn ,itr lr it promptly, for tuition nn (Htrtli. npon no one. $25.00 Per Aero Tli completion of the railway to u From the frequent llluilotii to iimr Old Cultivated ooniiMtlon with thn Soutn I'v at Atna rliifjo. contained In tint Armis nnd tlio Land. nml iiiimbpriil 171 nml )7'J J'. rllto, Is one nf the biosiltiKS r prlutiiiK of Hob rcix'iivpl) imi iiwi tluiMil,lHaMiJltlliUloflhiMMhlM Krwitwt IiiKeraoil's fumous Mill Hint llinritfiilti' Henirlnit iln r. ilAln tiulr of dittit aoih 80 ncro8, nil fenced nnd smnll . the nine Uj "I AMml, lwni K. house, fully paid tilts vtilloy I hi 8 uTor In nil Its vurli'd ewiiy on thn fculijt-ct- one would bo led liv AilMim u..l hj w. Owlitmii, f.r unite .leiniliu unit Henri ih" HMril .iim ..riwioi, immUrrJ leas, AilHIII', ilrtliil Wr.l . .luliHHfy, 1HUQ llil iVol&',ff,lt mile from stntion, career otiloyad. The oitonHlon will lo oplno thut the ArRiu mini wait y din iiiiiii..i,.iih.i..i.i,ihI Mini r Autuii, im, Tonus: tll'lt nnlHOl iMlnl ilnli-i- l Ut i 'IV nf Ki'tili WHl.bjw '.r,.hmH. fr lb itliHlial mini f ."fttUU.UO cash, biilnnoo inortt'iigo for riot only brlnu morn people to tht vul uoiiteiiiplutlni,' Honiutlilnif nr, ISW, iimile lit (leoruo W. linirnlimn t M.S i'tiiti l IW, IImmh lm, rtruln still r throe yonrs loy tti hinds, IV.ull, u fiiriiie titinrinn Mini i Mini inuii Iwu.l iMnit ,ili iU of Amkh.i, InW, hivI ij W. V. with intorost nt G per to Mutiny vacant but fullow mlKht do wnriio tlmti sffiw. litan Ih- - cent. tiorml lid, Mill ilnit ni'iriKiim- - MTiirliitf lln- - rarh lot .IwIm fHW of l, r niimUrnl iMpniTrl, trTTnh.l mhl wilt kIvo tlio stockmen and farmers think about RottliiR hmrrlod. IIIIIUK ny - mi Hid rtttnln Ullllll'. ii. u iiiurxiuitu nntl lint- lll.ill 4. dal IC nrlirllin lllfMIW. Imllllll MI Willi another market fur their produce. tlx InurnliMii. Hint hwulmj even ilnti III Kltl IMI Hllitli IMhl Uf tvw. y Kddy with tlip until hmt nn tilimieil tintr: tlmt iKlinmnnjUite, IUI ciulfi ho nf OntUo will ho hipped from Special blaster's Sale. mi MoLonathen & Tracy, no o unini inn. uny of I eurunry. isra. m iHimi i.i ,h ,,r jnn, I'M. int i. .tiUm county to Knnani (,'lty without oImiik" Niitlnn U timile liv llnii-- e Ali'Xiiinler. for Hie mlnci Italtir f.irllir kIh-- ioih of ilMlim. iihijiWixI hrrtilir ultm thut tlio ninUi urn. -.- 1.1 - Opp. Hotel WlndAor. tint mini of $im 00, inil iiuuiIh-ici- I 177, hih II..I r,.,,.H W.r, HUIK). IIh- MNH. Real of mllwnyautl posalbly wlthnut it ti tlunwl, t'linrl II. MalidiiutliRi. n iltit- - jm4i. I. ri.ti-- . M 4.1k! Hi. I f JHM,; Estate and Insurance. kI I'm inorliiauo MiMirniK Hie niine, uimlt Ii) iHHf. .. upMlitl lilHhtvr for Hint lijt " him iim:jhii mi Jan 11 Ittidtiitf. Tlio now lino prootleully purKmn h (Irnt-- Alexiimler. unit licuriutr even ilntf Mil. INM. mail In UMIIUm II Hi...,. awrtaln (lMr of (orreloturs unit oritur uf nmp: V,...l. a iilnBoa icuiir nt loan one uny nartrur wiin iiih miii mm itttiiitiiri iimi imic turn nf HHml.ll ri'milti'lr Ul, O, iiiuJb nml remlefHl on tlm Soil or u I. If ail.1Il 11.1. an,)$(.,Hal .. UI diid Chluni;n. nr, ilni tmoit i&iii tiny ri i)iiinr, imi, in nie ll.r Knntui t'lty llualdt' of JniiiKf), A. 1). lHliy, by Him oinlrlm liv riinrlOR l iMii'lnni. lor lliu nr ticliml (inn "J winiam ii nrwMii m Jlallln lu.iwii Ihkh. of ll.t Mlil IH.lM la.l tlila thubothoruiid trouble luoldont to niirl of Hi flfll. Juilluliil ilmiriel or tlio oiv'fi ixnnu inininHriii us, tlmt reriain lir mat ,L.ih ..r r uny mniHinan. i...i .ii..i .i u Ni'utlon tertltuiyof Nrw Mexico, hIHIiik iiuif iiNtni iinii'ii loin reiirunry "I Man Ii Iwiwulii., I . II. Ilvj.ull, fur Hi Itli'. IMMlriK throiiKh nf country tilililn Toiii-limi- . ,. miiI for thn county Iltldy, In tlmt IWnt. tnnile liv l'U. lor the nrln ,im, tn. l,HmU,w ItTJ rt'rutn , of re rtl CeNTRAL SALOOH. nnlini wwuii iiurtiicrii nuudb tiro einl mini of n570fB, iiuuiberiHl l"l, iliom IH.iufhwl,l, .IMi.l.Ur .f llanli, im.,lm... tj cuimnliilfitml ohiub In court I itiuntntlnud Ih abvtutud. Outtlu ohlp nJ liuireri In iimiun iinnil lieMlliu imte In I Jl, I .iimi ortWfl.M. mini tifiiilliii! vnlltteil, Illliiolii 1'rniit mill Sn 117.L"' Ilia I o (rrina ir.lh day of IVbru iry, IMC cnrli for llir Dm mum il y.iH.llilinllg. Klfn iml I'vcm mid NorthcuHtcrn liiL'4 llnnk. pl.ittititT, vii. Thn IVooa Irrl- - ny iwOr I,, n ,..!i u.rlnr dale CIGAES: owthu irinmimi mini t rvou.mi, inmie t inm wiiii inoiui I ISO inr tain lulu lt iHrnUotiril' hvu JTino will lint be Impeded Iihouuiu they untloti nml ttTostiiK.ii t (JoitipMir, Th I'liiirlinn. nui iiiihihf ml remieellveh millilni4Moriian..tnlfi it.; nt Mrr,,l, tfifl Fine Vtom irrlK'tllun nml IiniJorrinitit Coin nml 1HI, unit Hint inoriKNHi' nuotirluu tin i"r Ilia Holfmaii House, wlllnuiiiii from tim hwilthlMt oattlu - aM.V ""'r, illlMill ilioi pnti), mill ilnfMidmitii, (wlierrlti nmMii.nini mur imieii. iiihih- yy mrti liHmia.iHlriclhar 13,6 aihl kl. Whiskies oll:l, I wlilwt rnnye tn thu cnuntry, This Inoreiu-(M- l Kdnln 1' nml H ' 'Mlrlioil Mill ilHleil IHlli liny nf )e irlMn mwijwip, e,, lwhr Cognacs, Diumt ltilunr M.,tir llaliri Ii llarWr. lauilna n .u. i .1 ..' Spanish Twist, btitltiuMi U nuro to advance tlio nifl liitniTDiiors), onJer null.orlty of mil J ,TVnf 1M. iiimlHby llenr la.l nwmi i,a.. ,,it wtall Mlr nf , n 4al4 I MX, I. (if towng lino or Inut mpiitloiied iltMjree of nml a i im.ii r., ii...... r ofA.ill, ma William A Krawtli the hIoiik tlio i.i.fjiii ..i.,i ., .,!' if.i inn vi i i ija JlotllawH. far ll.r (.in,, n Mi Intemaolonal, Cordials, of miln nml lit conformity ltli It. JI.MO.rto, iiuiiihcreil 1x7 J, ,IUH,, Fine UiQ itMl thin liiuruaivd volutno of orilr nml renioctlvely H;iiiintl Um. .tHM. nxil win expo lor inio nail null lo tlio nml Iw. nml (lie uiorliMtfii In Zll i . "";"'" can IiiIimi uivmi Wines. Royal Lancor. bttiinoai bare nn other cfTeet than miii uiiuinr lur ic nnmi on th, Hit' Minv. ilnlwl lltli ilnt of April. ISWI. TP IlkH iil IMH'I ih til IIHIl ) Etc . . . utn uhii i .turn., imm. """'i, .... . a. i). woo, Mid niHile liy Henry A llojil nml (Jnrm ilH nihi. j u. i.wik f... tlio rouitcinKor priuusof Kroctirhe) etc., ' m; of i viirunry. n tin ,.r l ,IL 1 . Motu; Hint imii oi nnmi iintoii tat ii rii.iim iiniit,, imniirr .11. Dial lain to the 'J'horaforo ho".r .of ' o'olook In tli luornlrK "f r IWMlKa (liaii lo wur, 11,. ,, rf, 1,. j u conatimfm. tho rood of Pubrtinry, ISW, iimile by Mnry 1. (Imi. lalklH alW l.urv ...... 1..- - nucli Init tufiitioiiMl ilny nt tlin mmtli t , lkli, lal,. rout rh-li- fur tlio prlnclpnl mun of hWKI.OO, nml MM Mi iiIUhH Dial will not only umko a bettor market for l.t hoI; ii.,, i.f ,aihl.hla. ' Kemp & uoor or in nnutu or the comity SI Woerner, ooari of nml niuiibcreil tot) unit lliu la). I'm. nw H. Props. but will reduce tho mip- - iiiomuhki' St4M, ful "t. staak, nf Etldy, Ic h town nml county inmi.. ,...... ,..,,.., ,rmji. mn, an--l et of Kild; ulven to priirp tho snine, aumwrni ,, thai jiIIb to tho stookiunu, ull nf whloh nml of New Mezlso, the follow by Mnry I nnu hunting ftrCuriMC Ilia ftMliia in,l., tl u uj. ttrn.oiy domlni'li. au,l Allllla SlalHU. Uaflnv afan.Ulaulll. 11,.. .r ,r.L 8c ineii-tlon- LOWENBRUOK - Hint or will bulldliiKiip country luir itriarlbml not of linnd nnd inortun- even ilnto tvltli the Mini Inst ..III a. liiautloiii l STONE, iihlitlii tho noto i.ulaj Um. Him not,, of Ii.BiJ K romliiK tho (injintnt of munr, whloh nolo; llintcurlnln of liuml ilut r Junr. 11. by Jalm lUk.r. To tho iibJlty and utiurgy of Mr. Ha 2fith I8WI, .1 i,a not - dt ilny of Fobrunry, innilo by nml tnorluur urn now in domoh- V. tmy now as- - I i.iiillum nml ltrtiiipti l.tiilliitii, for Hie ormaii this condition bo lion of Milil Ildwlti F. Drmifir hiiiI KiIuii il Proprietors , prlrif liml mim of SCOO.ot), numbered 1W, .latrd l. u Jut.., lnvj, m.l. ,jr ll.kir. crlbed Cfltlii.-NT- on 8. Motter, In id town llw t till) al .um J,u rr andthe behalf of of IMdy, nml tlmt iio'k nf b nil iintiii UHili tiny of 1'i iirii-nr- tWtn, iiumUttd D. S. iw . l ImihI .1.1. .1 ,11 MEAT w,,lo,, nrB pnrtloulnil) dciorlhod fol IHH.l. .1. W. i.t 0f jim,, Hu ,,,aCi of.... MARKET. tho pcopliTor tho lowor volloy hureby mmle by litiilnun nml Hvu. JuliU IWkrr lur. . a ...... r a'..J nil ben I, Milium, fur the ihuiImii mi hi iiuiuK. liiTo. 11...... it i,ktM,f u,ni jitij iTi tickniiwltdteoa the Krntltude fool for lo.".m.'!'Jr' . . Hi, ItM, Hint - ar 1 n fSM niimicril etiiiin imif Jaliu lUk.r, mii il,i tho.wjirk A out. of thoifroiitest mllwuv iV :JX' ...... V '.'i " hnml dnioit !WHi f IMD, ...... , .. . , 'i't fr ily I'mu r). "'i.i- , "n". nimiwiisi rlllt.l; west ban tlio principal mun ot si,08u.oa, tnmle by ,1. W. I.mlliiin nml lb iiIh-- I,ii.. 7 '""' lUtcaililo Fresh Moats, Sausage, promoter: llie over known '"'"i 'or Imii, Vl"i':"i In. .I.w ..rIf.I.,...... tlioimfi ,.n.ur.l"'?l' fur Hit prluelpiil miiuol ntitn Kxmi tho road should never bo . co.r.f" . lu red 1Q3, ihmie four miles of biiini ilulni . ir.fl Uil uvlaolluil iUi.l lit day of Juno. Game. Etc., Etc. lull K In nnnthnr I in iirnannl 1RU-J- nml iiimliihv I Mill (UV of Krbrillirv. IW3. IIIIlllO tlV J. W. rnimnntlnh SS' l'hrl s n.H.i. " ""M'.n for lha Hli,rll .am f t M.i. 1)010 ; IIMHllinieU Silt any of 1 nro I. 1SB2. nim naiiui ii i.uniiiiii, i iic ii tur Xollxroxy ctxxy gctx-- ,ui.IH,,,. ..nlnr..,!... I. ... n"'iiin daloil . ay or to " ",v vi.uHgii imUu pnncipni mimoraiKKi.oo, nti.i til Jui.r, lrt,l.mJ. by John H.k.r,.."b o dlty. Mr, it'iuitliini. for nil imiiiiihtwiic i.rli.i-l.- ... a bt., ...... "' i(.a 101, Hi.. lur lb. y-- IB cnum iiiuoh rejoicing. DC IUIU Of SI.CW.W. numbcri-- IB. ppi'tit'cit ivj. m nml u), iimi - .iw a,i iiuiuiriM lr unl in ll 1 b. fi crrtnia Hfuruu; Hie i l:M,iiiiiikiiritlmn..r. nnd Iho mortKntfo Miven to secure tlio ni'rtuni!i i I ' mNIftiit, 10 seven m i n Ih.lMt i,ct, The kkiiio, boarluu even onto with inut imie, nvntlnneil liuii. ma .JUailin.ftuil.U with II,. Argil' 'Position." nml iimdotiy Mr. Itnbolln It. Kudlnin nml liUilniin, Itouben I.mlliiin mid Mhilh A.KERR, Hi ..a, I). four litiilintn, mill beHrinu ateii ilnte wuli .u. 11. nudaby 1 my T. Duncan, for W Tho ooinpetoncy of tho democratic Jntnei notes of bnnil, fith day Inst iiientlniK'il nolos: Hint unto dated StSdi Ilia jwIim,, .1 vi tW.W, and nuubtrr.1 lWlud noiiiitidos wan never uouiiteu or unea ilnted of Juiiunn, WVi, nmilu b thai ciUfu .ui Alfrtsl Ncckcr, each mo dny of l'ehriiiiry, IKOil. inmloby.l. V. I.tni-I- n HiwilKkf.. iurlni! th ..hh. madi by '.iuLimI. Tho position of I ho nnd for prlnclpnl T. lIuiMiu a l JJuscin, Artta SUOO Hie pliieliml mum of ftWOfl, nuiii-lierw- l lrj lod Utilni mini of 0D. nun nutubured remiurtivi-l- in, f'r oao oat. Mil , l f old ivna inuir us demo J. - W.nllnJ 00U; Ibal uiai noniinauon 0. 7, 'JSiiml nnd m i IW. ml Him cfstMlr mortumir wcur Mixila f hIkI JMM day thut li..rtUK- ni, - rIU lit f JnD, IW2. mad oiiiw wns uiiiii'Ci'Nsury. rhoro was no Nu-k,- r O k" Hi. ..Ill t KHta. 1. mi! tliomune. mmle bt nnl aiiivo yllkb,, 1 IIh. 1 r 1(01 luunl W0, ronaon why a noli'lral fluht nIiou Id bi nml bonruiK even duto null suiii intt mun iImIimI IH liO ' It; -- "I Hut 'Mild, iixurlHc th mndo for tho oillee. Tho (it'HKRNT In Honed Holes: Hint nolo of liuml diiii d Hid ' I. n .1 1 ut "I Hula 10.I Wlih Hula, . -- I1II1 a ..1 11. 1, Hut - order to framo uuodltorlul purvorts the du) of April, ISW, iiimio bt IVrciviil Miu.i, Kelirtinr), lstsj, tnmle li I) vul J. layoluVlolar, lull- u Ii.imI dilailllal i.. Un.,.l.l. W A. Y) fur lliu prinrieiil sum of S7&0 00, and num- enrh fur Hie iirlnolpni mini of i'jo.oo, , jinalllon of The ArixuH and Ha afnto rlMCllaewor iJAiio au.t nniaUiHl IIPp, and mm yu. lilihiboriMl reajiwllvoly 301,308 and 308, nnd inuut-ArK- U. bered and tlmt iiiorlunifu uL'iiriiiu th,. Ihll ni il(4(r aamrluK iht hiw, inula I., w A. MllH', uinu Willi thnt cerlnln iiiniionci' MsrnrliiK Hie same, ;.'U,. S?'1 N.,ll"''' ui'illlllK rit'll Mill mil - . ., ,"u' ' Mil ;TliuMbove is a siiinplt uf the stttlf i oxi I'm-i--i i mNiie oy 1,. nnun- .1 thai ..f.-..- Di.uiiunr,! ui en iuii note, uuu lunuu ov v.. iiHvin inorp miu ' nti,; nut rfrtatn ii.da mod Shua nml KiiMbuih Slien: Hint Thorp nnd ilnted lltih dny of March, 18d; I htlld HtmU by Namla I. I'llili. Oal.,1 ,1.1 .! ..f to tuMiuorlzo and hoodoo tho nolo ol M-- r. Imi.1. r.,t ih, liuml dated 7tn ilii) of April, WVt, by Ulnae cerniiii nine nines 01 nnmi iimimi im i.riuu4 auni ..r ShJoOii. m4 ilqmoerncy mmle i'Mnbi-- llt'i. M thai ImoiIm Fancy -- nf Kddy. Tho now l Mnrcb, li '. A. Arirus VVIIIm. tlieiiriiu-iim- dny ol Ihttl, uinile .M.Uueen i ..iun .kmiIiih Groceries ItHrcoiirt lor nuiii nf .in.!. I,, k.,,,,1, : riiiiiyiti3w, &noELlirsr. uo, (Irny, em-- for Hie prlncliml nuiii ol 7IU.ui a ru,. undoublodly moans to say that because SI.IIU and Humoured SO, ami Hint iimfl. v.lwliw nil.ia Mini UmI ar llio.ildiut mm nml ntlinliereil reapecllvi'lt 3tMi, N, 307. Ii I tho donioonioy iioiuluatiid uaco auetiruiK me utile, imiiie by tin said .lll Uola, W totlta ol bllal iIiIhI JJIIi i)ay Mr. Laverty nun even 308, 90V. 210, III, 318 ami 318, nml thut ic. ..Ur, law. mmiI. I,, ; niiiciiiiii. o una iHMiuiu nine - r.w j niinkauhli., la tho raaaun why pooplo should vote Willi lliu atllil limt inelitluliod Inte; Hint liniMUNUe fit eii lo secure the snine, 111 Hilt' h lb. hi lurliail auni af Vi (in, aiM niimUtid The Green Tree mile of hand dated 2Sth day of by K. MrQiioen (irny mid ('. A. ir.''"' iiw. ii". iu, ii). imo iiSi A Merry Saloon fprn ropiibllonn. If there was no ilnte.1 81I1 day IStCi; ? '.. rln lb. ihaJ t M.treli, IWi, tundu by 1.. U JJiuuwIt fur Oray, nnd of .lime. Hint Ml..if"',"!!: !"' iiih., for a political note of d Illaukli..hl,ifti laarlnt-it.i- l data will, rtftson rht for tho nil the principal turn l 91,060 00, uml niini-bure- LinddHtvd lit iy of Iv. cmorr, Christmas The Ucntlcntciis' Resort. V II '"..,y'rr wnuoiwi noi.a, luoff flihl nolo l of Justice, why U7, unit Unit the law, ninilebt Wllinn, f..r tim prln- of iUOhI"". .lay ..f by should a political , innituuue nxurini,' iil n.o.mUr. im, rrtl t. iniiiii-- inudu ii) the said i.ouu I), lliuutelt clpnl sum of SWO.oii, nnd iitimlic cd 31. i at. Uill. , inh'Ii for II. aum', and a Wo will rIvo our customers a apodal prlcn on filth t bo lllrul ... .1. . - SSlPa made for pontmuKter? Is the nml UouriiiK even Unto with mud nud 1i1.1t eer'iini iimrtifHuo sernruiu Hie lul Ilk, the lust 1. .. iii, rino Liquors dtirlnir tho holidays. Our loading olllw of jKMttnastor bo much moro a llluiillotiod nine: ttvu notoa of liiimt d.iii-- same, mmte by W II. Wilson and soplilii UK IbWiiid Hill, andlltl ihoiIsk A. Haiti ,m, ma.b. bt Caa. Ilill.r. 1I. Happy whisky Ih I. W. Harper, i.lllm.'J i , UHili du) n April. 1HW, turn tiiiuln b Wilson, ami ilnted d.iv of Julio. for which wo uro linlllliml lr II..... I "' M' l'.,k,frM,' i i tiiu vi'iiiiiiHuuuv I'l Kru.ti.ili. mo la93; Um' certain note of biiini ilnted lo ii ....! "" wIMMil n.t.i; tlnl io n.irnui, u.ien mr piuicl u i. nmnoM am Ua jiniwry, inn. mil. i, In Kddy: thoro Is nono letter. wiu was never i n n.-- i i day of July, IH'.W, made by Chan lltulilol Wllaoii, Now Year iioijiocrutiu nominees inn hum in ni.utioou. iimi tin i.i tb.... rr Hi. in.iljil turn of lH.Oi, niitii-- I- Wo also handle spcetivuly 78 nml 74, nnd Hit u son, for Hie principal sum of StHjooo, nml I I id Ku-- l Ibai iiH.rl,u .nurlii lb. other brands untl mukc n doubted, why did tho Argus nnd all luoriunKu l oiiif. uiirinu HiBsauit), mudo by the stud rtHluilc numbered Kim, hiiiI that reriiilu himHimuv la a by I liaa t Ilk..,, ml K, wili.u, Unlnr to all our specialty r Imported Wines, i , (live uh u the republicans except live of this pre- oven joejiriiiir the sime, dated th day of July, .1 Oal Hill, tbl ..( Ill,' kklil la.l n..,l. .1...I n..i. ii.iuiei miu ounruiK uutu Willi of ,' Uuyliitj. a.iu lllelllliinH.1 i.mIm.- - . Ii., bamlilainl ,lay of I'. bruir) chnnco.boforc Yoitnt, cinct work nnd vote for the laid laal miai, b) 1 nas. liiiibliil.on nml lleliu mi lh - Customers. UobcrtsV Tho . , tVO uiude .all.rabllr, rirb for rlnr'- IIO104 III ot i. tU fnqtfl nro thut tho liuml natud 27tn Uny ot April, ibW, cnuli llmli. Isnnj tlinse four certain imtes Hill & would (I. linml tlttcd 38ml dnv of April. I WW. mmle 151 .. r.ll, I I... l.dJ, HIT, MS ud llK l.l Qarflold Cantrcll. ntft.utliult iiiiblloans Hindis by Muruuerul, nml imcii lor iho - um 4100.00, miiI nuuiburvii byjnliiill Wiiuuli, enrh fur tin- piinolpui I" iih mm iviiiio iwoiifii i.urltir nit iiia , . tiomoorat tn bo as K"od n principal ol ki.1,1 1,1 AidVl rui. nn. I iiiimlti.rwl rnaii..i.livn. Kkll. lt,il HhfiaNnl. SaUrrHllll., reopurttvcly 76 and 76, nml (but laoriiuiKu Ul. Mill, IUI f Hi. Ilat U'lllloliad man aa u republican, If tho republican by It 'Jill Hn Wl nml M. nml Hint iii.,rluaun Uiin aitcuruiK lliu same, iiihiIo Hie mud 11. I. Julio II Va,.l. I".IRl'l Ml h, tlutl llalli n.da of balkl itala.1 tflth dl (S: - ru.,i..ll..u.i.u. .l. aJ rill. or I , wni it block do(f, us was deinonstrntcd .Mnruiit-ru- l uml buurliiK even date wiili ttiu I. datnt IIIH .lay or May. thai binary, ul, mad. bj Al.x lUmioa-- r..r ll,e jrown Robertson- Wwib, I.l, f.rtalii . s.iiiUiui mentioned ihui cvrtuiu oIlMlnl JOIIi or I NUI, torn ai.i.u.r, iiimio an) .tv, IIMI when tho republican voto wns iiotiui nola ik.lnl llrf ill) AP mad. l,i a Ihll solh, lfcffi2, by 1' ,.f ll,-0- m.,i Milnf; Iho .um. Mad by Alrl IUiiimm. nolo "I bund ilutixl S7ih day of April, lltiUaiMln M..n fur llw I'llnrlpal aoui . CO, , HilU Ilia trait iiKiilnst U. . Iliohurdson and In uiiidu by Ailii.ui bcliotmi, for tUe jirinci-pn- l OHHilrl Ul, and lbl wain ni. lliaaa ... is i.inlalr of BLACKSMITHS Hnvl-b- lata latl mini ol Sl.oso.uo, umliiuuibured 77, Mid riirina lha .int. fWnJiMln V l.wa tlx lkl,l katf fuyor of Mulendrjw for tho oouncll, for II 1 Ml a Alt uf new work n flpralnlly thut iiioriKHUomxurlnK tliusuiiiv, buatuiK ( lam ili, ihlnl JWIi 4a a! A4U, lW IhM. ot "nld m.ii nml inortRsges bnliiK kiiids M n- of hai.,1 ihlad ttar ( nt V none of the ropubllcuim of this county diitc ttiiti snid note, nnd Hindu bj rrilalli It. lit llfmir, In favor nf nml runulnir to the mild 1'nrmluR ImolrniMita uf and oten IkW, .. b HM4 l b.. W Urwbt, uili Im kt on shoi t notice. ox-co- .Sclioitel nnd Murm Hint (Ivfuidaiii, Hi I'eeua n.nd kltnls repaired, knew Maltttulrrn from u black dnjr, Adrian hhultel; I ilkwki-k- l aaiu .if lH '). md auBMrd n.wllfy IrrlKallun if iiotmil liuml datud vard day of April, r.;, aa, mm, 70. IS. TI. 7. it). K us his was Mi, II. Jl 7. 7. t'otupany, nml nil "of said W agon makerp, naiim printed nn tho iinule by 1'. l anparl, lur the prluiipul Mini s uod ss. ia4 IHal rental a laarlnaw rli l .arei. mor'KBiirn eniiTeyhiK In morlgaiffl nonsn siioiuko (il'aha.n t 3WW.00, miu K6, uml Hist ikr mc. Oalad 1,1 4ar uf Mar. llSyl. uuvl, br CWi. ri! republioun ticket. TIih Arus clnlnii ol numbered S nraana; ..tin kltuaird tlthcr lu lbs coonty TUltn AT ItOOK UOTTOM ou-i- i W. and Drill tbu.. ivilll of V fimriKaKu ecuruiK tbu snine. ktnrliiK I - Food mul Livorv t JV flUVVf III Itn Ueolartltign vf BulMiii..i f baud dalad lal iky oT llMMUr, 1"H ho 4 ltd.!), tcrrl't'iy of K'w Mexico, or in the yiQHB. Corral r9 Univ Witt) the stild but tiieiitmnwl mile, (I I...tool. ('... oaib lit Ih ,rlaill inw of ouniy of In an Id in A - ItnjAetUm made o the nd . iuui uvtv uu NUMWfMl i..x-ill- ud CUv, territory. connection. coo minodn- Ipoei fur Lnvrrty but Klves and r on.jnri; S" m.l I'v au4 All nt hand dated day of JMitLiry. llmt UVMIiaj. iirlo lb. ,iiiii, dalvJ lib of anil tu)ei nud inorlKnuoa tire to Canon Ht. Op.Cui'felit i tint II to Its declaration, As for tho lt fll0 by i iitiuiuul sntiHftu'ion. isniiu by K.Liuii.ul, lur the principal sum da if Mar. Ull. Bud' Anal il raa and Safei. i auul In "liv lump or niu to be 10IJ Oflico. iriinriin" nratNMity or not nf a noiuliiutlou by of 1HW.IW, uiut nuiiiwrid Ml, nnd Hint .IN Cri.1, Iba. iwotlllaion tn if baud lald riuijl) or lu pniiMli ns said iiiaolsl I ood. 7lb day f I Saaot i.y o flk.1 uniter wi'tirlnir tbesHinv, nvHrlnu even "(l.ajlT H'l. All. may at lbs Hoi mile dfiinwernts, the Argils is not the judgo iMortKKJ ahd SamMl (nx, oa. b for lb irliKll Of of the Ueterufine lu ilnle with Hie snld Inat tnuiitiouetl note, Mk, II), and naMU'airnMrHrlr II" 1M.I ttt, lid lit. tlirllon. jioaslbly linngliien It la - dHl jury, ss1t and nude by the said P. Ciirii Hint Iblllkltlll Milfr kMMlMt- llw IIM. briftlW HaU d.oro. nudcr wblsb said prooerty nt hnml made by Unhurt I', l.uvu, d a data H.tb tb. iMflUMadi nolo, iMati kjf -- Hole all lot lid I mil I s U and SauMtl Ibuaa to tie aa J II a deorr-- of SANTA I'raneiaco hrives, one of the poll ot June, 1SK, fur Hie prion-tMtlsu- Anal. liw. il., Mr FE ROUTED J. t SWb day , exe-en- i. n7ft0.0U, ti umbered Ul, sua UlB U"to of baoddalrd af SaHwbar, 141 forreinau'v of a entalii tired of troal - ol and II l riiwl tlahl of the Mexicans of Vulon- (but to Hie same, l.UbrA OfwH. nk Ih. ni imm of d, mad and delivered by one of Hie THE SHORT bINE TO rMt murtRHge nleii suture lVMH,id namUr.d i, l;s.r?.i JUS fl. nali (MtHtllV. WHS L'lMtrMl lirHSldltllt of iMortiiK eteu ditte nritii sum mm tiieiitmn 3t Svl, SSI, rtS. JM. M7. 'M audJMr d Umi Mf dtftudautk in .nld actluu. The i'cous Ir lb eouNaii, ana ainx i.unu, Ml w lliu. iMTUI IM MB., iirsriac ! OM 'iijailiiii and ImiifOTaHient Company, lo Ohica.go, St. Louis "Minr j;,, Amelia s. l.ovei Hint certain lia III! li"l 1I aarauoltkil IM. IH br Al. in, t In fatror uf Udwlu Y. Draper ami orb i row eoumy, was eieci-c- d noli of baud bvarioa dale thai lltli dut uf tort I) l.rHH II.. l.i .rule b. ik. uf htad bm iia aue daikd 11 itay ui I. MU, by Kisdaiie li.nulalMr, ami ibair October, litlKf, mails by CliMlin . I.uifum lhauvt. 4. u t. tre.ti, and Kansas City iprmker of the house. Mr. lllehurd or uo, m SBeetwaor and In fur tUe pnucipul aum uf Jl.osuoo, nud MtkruuM. rurri im in. rnnrifcat nai iw .uoacisors tru.t (sld om, wula.rd . SSI. tW. sen l 1 Bdltar S. Mutter suteerJiHl said Vo ThtnilVis ritrni l!l Woilli. ttw Munellwaii from thut district, riumbered III, ami thai inurtKuye acruiluK n SDl and hvli I'm ir iW,Tri, W,i tad lbl ..ruin ai.ll PiMlr-ii- Diiwlblae as k tvttt pJutotl on ciHmUtaes as tollews: Itutauuiv. Iwatinir avuii dntu Willi lliu aniii aa orliiB lb. Wa I' Honlarllk saeb truitir) to last meuttuuitl note, and made b) the said M Jaar N.Ito., IUkI I tmk Oar af Aerll the pa) m.nt nt aerlaltt nut.i of Ak.for Time Cards nud Maps uf uur Nrartut Accnt, or wrli Jlldloiary.Cilrrlpratloii, etiKroaawt mid L'tiai, n,i,uuum; iimi uoiroi nnmi uaiwi l.'.l iluil r.ilaiu k,rf .Thau. dalad lit lu Will baud, la wtsde, eSMatrnl. tar'it nud 1st day ot Decombar, IIM. made b) W il. unli, lata, by Mmid Saefaia, fur ik l V II. IKllUllltlN .I.W. IlLAClv. enrolls bids, public Institutions mum n'Uo. tat, dmlvvred lo varum trtlis by ssttl Tbu Wilson, for ibe priMfipal sum ot $T0U.t, if lVO aeintolrd lad lbl aatttlii 1), 1' and r, A den I. Afc'i'nt, tml rules Ibe niiuilMir nnd Moftaftta I. rarer, lb torn. 4ld M Jar of I'mmii IrrlKallon nml luiproremr n.t Cor,. raK. numlieteil 18H,ii.d tlmt uniriKaBe securiui; Mar, 1, by C4 I I U t ind mil Sra(ln iml MtuUlh I wni t tbu raae value of Ilia HnlM'si) I'uso. TexdH l"ieka. a of iIm enimiilttooa upon the same made by W . II. Wllmu anil Sophia It. Se.'ialo Ibal riritla But of hind laid lat .lay ,f 'uti. B. A l KIhbII, lHr,l ami HNiHIfd by alii UiclMtrtUou A, dulcl Will d.y of Jan. (SMI; Ibrarobar. 1S , lua l by NaW)rl l .l 1 IU' ',fM whiali Mr. willHrra shows ' w-- a 1Mb do) of Oolo-be- r. Kim vf nUU i.l uoml-- nd WM mid no nwif nf irem the rem nf 8M0i.on r o that note ol band dated rll y BW of Itta atrvloe, 11 peejujlv as WW, , "irlNd tail. Kuvi b, il A. niBvy. i ik'i rial fnee du lli ii- - nu'-iah- the value wail" b C. t' fur lh day . t of da sum nt Skj0 00, uml iiumbcreii N'm,i dibit Dlh ol Ua. ISSli lb iw the reptilrlrWna are In tlte nutjrlty of prmi'ipi tile mdo of Mu4 itabft bHUday- -l I'.biwri. I t uu .mi(. ii.i. ii ir aum ui vsoy m di) mi i IHO, l Umi uutu, UaabMi brr-1-. mimiq toll to two In iKii boiiMcll. Mr. Whar- Mi morlKnuo securinu Ilia uwd. bi llwaVik,. kb tor di. Brian,! iiutf .lee iweli tor ,M .,, ,mt Hs4 by CI. Atkmi'iu ami lUraaret A. luaa of 110 UU, abd leaabkrad Srll ajtd ! au-- l w It- - aurlink, fyr Mat Mid" bl ad U.loe the vtliteb oiieli ton. tk tuwinur of tlio house fnni Atkiu.i.ii. bvHiinit et.'ii u.tiu vtiili ibe mid eriar irra, ,,r.i.i-rt- j l, dklr-- l bah ol I hot ., I. I.i uU, H4 ,,,,,,1 HB, lt.4 ...... 1,-- 1 i..l Im last ihiiImmiwI lode; lllw tMu efrtaiu Ml tbrmrt.lSu; .Ula Maw J( l .." Hie ol Und Mad li ty ol January, by lo i..n...l l.y Ih4 eoort lu ,r,r).afor-..U- , ,,,,ie..,)i,rH'aiiii dale lit day tor lb. i.i IN. llail TtaWu k'ljui iMHtofwl by ; iini,i-M- . n Nai.).i, Ha ia Mum HeMld Hie J' by (.'apt I.hhh uwiijf pute jmiu .ij, tM. m.id7ij fooeai I! I thai r. all ri th MM). iaeo. Iriluntlm. SUCCESSFUL a. " 1 SHOOTERS SHOOT . ' 'ilfia. kit u it... r..ii..u-i.- MiniHiiiikka.. in He' iuiio 'ikI aum of WU0 UO. und nuiii 141101 . . .. dii- - with lb. w UmI ut on .. 4 Mot. f'oeyi r om,,HB, i tl,,t lr I Mil IHH Mini I 1 ...... i .,.! .1.. nada I'l J Nyoa.) , lb loo oal i M au , "'""""" ' .a iarM'1 11.1. ll. alter Wtflr M.ilter.a dlftary, Indian alfalfa, banks uml bank- - Ururuis; Hie u-o- r hkHd I Btb day I M,1, au - by Kh i T, - rrrtau iutikkv wtmv, 41.. 13 i ijte w (kJM ,(iil iw. ,.l Ottpltul, dale Hie Will Of liwmln-r- . 1MV. l,..ik(, . vh lv Ih. ., of St.. u 1MB tira WINCHESTER Ihk. irMttlefiUary, Irrigation, lft day eooib ;;inBdT1ii, Umi " " ...lira or hm. M . .. nri. al .ntal "'1 baud. Ill oil i. wi ilia, I',. BMda b V -- T itswk nml atufk rabdUR. TIms dawn oin.b of a. ,l(a.. urloi HBI. f " d tlx htl' .l. r ii i d Rifles Repeating: Shotguns, ommunition and it. tic il band dated II' di) Jauunr), i il dalr kllh Ik - I I VJii iidllli lM fl..l . , , , , , ...... ' tboMiih In tlw ifiiiorll' of fmii IWM, in tile bi Kalrl; Chcrr). for Ibe no .elli.. la-i- Ih 4ir MiB lod.l f M'd ,,., .ii. Ornt. l , ,,,, Loaded bMUt, and eipal sum i lD0.00, uml nuinU-rt-- d IN. daikdl il, d-- of t .'l . I toad, by i'r.oi Ih'U, loatr list ,,, dhotffun wincliester ?uns tn IMrly tbrfr, will be heard ftotii in I I I,.. I , ,,, , , and III III a tot) HMIiif lie im , aarb Ihk III, l..! .OKI .ffWUI. Mid t MNd tl.o ail, Jr j.,, j H!' ammunition are tlic standard of the world but Im . I . " "tl. f) od i ad Ihal nhhti m l he eominir Irgialaiivr naaeinbiy an ii; t. o i.i' Willi llw haul iai lo erul uu fa' ' r 8 i, :i , - . . i., l ih" I ill-- III . I l.-r- r niu. illi I,! I'laok au. and brlllo they do not cost makes. .i,. II ..lid h' bt Kulr- I. - any more than poorer Iai. .l iho II i.l Ul nwktioo. I BBe'a In. i lull ' a. ..I lo . I I . 1 i ...i. f irl rr.i uh h. I L'tlrirv. Ili4t mile hMii a l . . m i I Mib-h- .VlMWt 8lltWMi worth f cuttle werv Il '.rial,, ui.. f iaii. Isms I' ' , .f i 30 '. SfjjjAl. reliable dealers sell Winchester goods l- -i n hiduuar), ItHM, iimiIh By o, ! b, t I 1,4 , lr' loibrtU, dlr.l dai or olu t lib! laSi Ik iBjBa H , I county by " r. , f) IWf, aotouni i llivottexl this week in ably I'll m I.ii.Imio, ..i Ihe .ll"ii auni i .a. ,i ai aol inn.Vri l r.wrl ,) MSJ Baw . ..i Send name on a postal for 153 page Illus- ininitH-r.-- , o I . . lb FREE! bie Iok oiillltk. IIM I r fciriiim, .,iii l7o, n t i ' '.mil, l.i.i4 kk.a,r1itf lla fMBi ' handled ami tx't do trated Catalogue describing all guns ammunition liiOftKaK" "I 11.- - - In t I A , the and 1,1 ,ti i; ..nui', mail.- lit ill i.,.l l,i ri. dllMikl taara Co!.,1 ,.i t. ur 1h -- f iiiinii i . . ol u uou- - mane record and still It W'Hiiil aim Itn I 4.1.1 t .ri.i ... ink ibai lb tilt n rL. oy uie 111.1 f I.U.I. Illl. i l.. 4. Wi i liixd .III" U1'! dnv nf J il." Ii i bon .llaJl.ll 4.1 ..f .a 1.44 V (xirHlble t tfet the owners In adtiiit t. d.lti Mill III.' l.kt d In, I. U, i J .i) .j. i.ovl by I. Hi oull, A II. I. W 'Ill .. - .1 . WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., ti M' In, ii,.', ,i Ii ind e b illi- i 1. 1. ii.. i mo .oal . , uuiyir .,' U, I'llABtM II. McbraATUMM. , Mint tin are vi .nli , -- ii.M an uswr i. .1 ni l tr IIM.I.' U I'iltimi V I nn-- if .' -- i,.i ,,., -- . - .. b. Hi. rU ,l NBW HAVEN, OONN. )i , , h ll- ItI HMII0O. I,. ,i .. ly Mm, taler lit mI . TiltnrMkmfiintnw Isann'iint i.Sl mill ii'. ;i I. JUl. I .i ..linib.a Jan l Aiamogordo. Peopling BbrtCKMORE'S FAjR, I BLAOKMORE'S FAIR. I'uiiSaii;: Loiiaa .tlfitll t iii tlaok LOCAL. Jtddyltos are not only peopling Ala e'tmpfrt.m wsrrHHlml prlni" buy, or U. IJoinnn left for low Inst weok ivt-.f-- ii J. moirorno by Immlgrotlon but by ml tinotlr in iiiid) i:.M.iirc nt Friday. urat increase also, C. D. Kddy should HiIn ofllff. Itoswoll, In Nathan Jaffa, of was fool cotnnlimontod bv tho way his old " " " Iplumsjng! All klntlsnr sanMf at t' s moat In town Monday. Hddv friends aro hclnlnff him out In AVUc our Driia Defmrtmwit faUy rpjdiuiahinl with PURH Pwrifiii 9 iiwikst. I'nt Short loft for I'uoblo, Colo settllnir his new location as tho follow H DRUOS we will cndoiivor to t'lvo yon prtsss on aamo novor bofflio Tuesday to romalft. Ing list of births from tho Aiamogordo given In Itddy i Money tit Loan. wo you on your daimrl-mon- t eWOOfj'tn 15. llauffbman was hero from paper shows: Iteuiembcr can save money prescriptions, this Article, IWII Oil Kilt OdKP IKTHnllUl II. being In ohargo of a pliarmaolst of many yoara exportation JItoswoll, Saturday, on business. Horn Jan. nth. IBW.o courtly. ifffidy s Milting, Alamo- - III Mr. and Mrs. Alex Itogers, of I Durable, llnnkor. Mrs. W. II. Digger, who has been goruo n son. Bring us Your PrcscrlptlonOi Is now up oorn beef utiil " nlikled jxirk tho past neck, nRain. Dorn:-l)- co. 20. 1818, to Mr. and Mrs. rimloe SaJubrloup. ut I', k, inc I innrkot. Elliott Hendricks has been ono of M. L'lilMps, or ABinogoruo, a sou. "V7"cvtolx j tho ''don't touch that urm" kind this llorn:-J- an 8. 18WI. to Mr and Mrs Jowolry and County CotnmlssloiicM, 'wcok. It K. Weldou, of Aiamogordo, a son Hcasonablo prices by a competent ivatahmaker. . Jwa.iykJ was unUor tho I in uunrn i gmn liw Mrs. I), il., Ilnrkcy Vaccination. If Inform tho vm imrawtnt ta ladiotiraaiant oi jaaaWfy n physician .this wcok with W lllItHto 3rd. Ikw. MMiibfm urMtii s. cunn URanrtn caro o. Concerning vaccination Dr. Yandell of tho Current euatrmnni tlrarirn SMImit. estRmli pleurisy. of ISI Faso, wrtUs tho Herald as fol Solo nro thoroughly dUlrlct So. i, and N W. Wonvor, snrnntr ngoncy for Lownoy's culobrntod aundios. frontiers lonardUtrlct No. , whn the lsllr1ns D. W. Uerhart received n oar of hogs lows: , equipped to furnish tho litiilnetM whi trntiwtctwti Whrrran, It niiixsirlim to tha baenl ol Wednesday for his packing house from Ono successful vaccination Is abso proper article of Plumb. county ronimlMltlnrr of Kddy ihhiiiIV, Kow persons dttr- - Mfticu. ft. T. IllttlnK, Ilagorman. lutelv nrotectivo to most FULL LINK OF TUB FOLLOWING: liiK at reasonable price. that gt lug lifo. Kvcry ono shoulu try und Mild fctdy rnunty, New MkxIpo, ni m mi K. of Topeka, Kans vninitiniu IOMIU iKMHl Ol tjl IlllaUMt Si 0. Faulkner, try again and never whiio smallpox is l'lilllp Jlorau, an export In ty, tllwl January Jiul. iW. tlktt In Stationery, Toilet Articles, than- - wm tax niront for tho Sunta 1'c, wus in tho community ceuso trying until Brushes, this partloulnr lino, Is now dtia mid county the mm ol Ativan BUCCCSSIUI. Ihoiiaand nvc hundred and thirty iuIUr tho city yesterday. vuccinuiiou is Sponges, Glassware, Crockerywarc representing us In Kddy, to and thirty ctnt. )l tlil nmount snla ax A vaccination (a successful vaccl trxnaurvr itatvinaiit almwaa check oa no . tlio No election wus held at Jfopo, tho nation ut u different lime from tho and Granlteware. bo found nt Hotel Windsor. Hank ol lliwui-il- New MvkIco, wad ifMtlg Mr. itttynulds, and tho llrsU renders tho nossessor us as payabli' to John I" Matlirwin. tho OMMnt former Justice, sufo troaiurcrol tutld county. Inr tht wis at constable holds over. an attack of smallpox does, for per IhlrtMi Ihoiiaand niid nlxty-tw- ana sons do havo smallpox oven a third doltnr. Mlo In addition t hereto aaifl ilauh (Jhnrloy lluiiillion, who has tho con extremely BLAOKMORE'S FAIR, ment ahowwi n roceivi-- r Icci'tincala IroHilI. lime. thotiKli it is rare. W. reccivcri.i tW I'lnt KalloAal (ho lior.oT tract for imlntlni? mid nuporlnir A third sucoeiistul vaccination F. We Invite Inspection. All tank luldy, New Mi xlcn, lor the aum 01 hotel iiiHldo, Is In town. makes nssuraucu doubly sure. That Is T. Blackmoro, Prop fovea thouMtid and itttv twonmi I lar which, alter dtntuciiiiK dmdeiufi taujl what I hud un to two weeks niro and Work MildH. T. Illtlliigrx-trsannrtlirra- Mrs. 1), L. Koui) loft yestorduy for exposed of Minos Iflt hud been hundreds to Notice, the um due thrrmii on uld ccrllllrale tn Alaiuouiirdo to visit her daughter, Mrs. smallpox in that condition. fifltray aald h. T. Itlitinu, tnmnyrer, the aum ot A successful vaccination is lcni-i.iii- i tiiimlrmi mill 'txtj --eight suit It. K V olden, who is very III. loiirth Taken tin on tho first dav of Auuust lilar And, whemax It niMHaarlilu as It ono hud caught tho fourth uco 181IS to mid board of county ("mir,,louer u) City, ro ono horse dosorlbed oh fallows: Hihly M..I. Mnrrlu, of Kntisus you ouni pOHSimy ntiu to mo sirougiu Sorrel gelding horso ubout eight years mill eminty. Sew Sliilco, thai lite big pluklo ol your huud. I my one tmamirer. John V. MhIIibmiii, list presenting tho house of not fourth old branded 0 on loft thigh on loft rodioeil to recelvi' atl receiver oartlUHU GILL fli that town, wnu hero Thursduy. two weeks mxn. shoulder. 0 D. H. II mikkv. SEAY, i or halancodue tlierwrn mill unimTd i no proieniuio age lor vaccination ih A the nm v: .sjily-loii- r llllliilrml and irtxty-olithtn- sop 3 0 Kddy, X. M. o duflnm, tiut ilemninl. wild Mow. Livingston und J. V. Dun i iifini ntnfiriia OUun itttirVIIIIV rimfcIIV WMtnnuv niuvI riiv Jvlaire. J JKe - h tllllV tSII'MWIOf lit j I 5 nmount In caah. It thoreton- hiiih-i- iiie to away shipped four cars of onttio from cover before it commences teething. &C0 aid hoard nl roiiuty coiiiiiilmlniri that After exriosuro tosmallnox the- - vie there it n I m la nee due aald rounty (n.ui tint Florouco last Saturday to Kansas City. STATEMENT ! H. ectr-Nifnii'-- Urn in to fifteen wild T. lllttltiK, r "i .alii is attacked from nine count tlin mini of lwenty-lu- r lniiiitrml u buoIiiI or ht), Tho Kpworth League gave davs, as a rule. Izty-ela- and li i i3i6e'Ooge'vekov(i 1 try - at llio residence of Mrs, Xunnto Itobb une hiiccossiiii vurcinaunii in ciiiiu lore ordi d ald hoard oi inuuiv i protect u mlMloneraol liihly couui, s, m'xi.o, last cvciilnt;, and ull report having hud hood, if It fulls absolutely to BANK OF EDDY, Pdpe.j lliat milt ha commenced hy ill.' dUtiirl person ngamst smallpox, yet modllles Uihly county, Sew Mi-i- ,, in d , a good time. it so that gonerully verlolold which JANUARY 3, 1890. U'k laror ol aald county aaaluat nli n..-uivr- rendered mild by vnr. H. T. Illtlltig, on ht i.nt.'lni i .. ,in. (loo. Condon, who has boon tho is smullpnrgonomlly Udoy, Nkw Mexioo, It, umber Yard. the aurtillea then-oi- i to cMllert ,n.i , Jan. it l Geo. for some time, vaccination is us nothing compared MAMUHt. AIJH1I) twntjr-liiu- r liuuitni nix hu min ,nid guest of Webster il'inSlsiirar. tt'tW Hollar, a iru i law. Willi smallpox. Ternionn ilayn uiiin dopurted for Ft. Worth, Wcduoiday. SalltR Ft, N. M. A. X. Pit ATT, lrop'r. thirty lioirttiii ni, o w t intuitu v PKAn t tltU, ltf, Ullllux Mild aolulllll Ih- o ' Sim - jmlil. Ho expects to return later. Jnn IJBckett, of Hope, Is building a 1 lien lenvo ou Cu ; tohnml lierovlllirMinrt q ri4fi and IHl adloiirmxl . now house. thocoiiaiiiqn qITIio hunk ot ajfnjr ki ik motion imill Ji iih, l'ror. W. II. Dlegorcamo down from ot uuiinc Jnuunr' ard, IsRi bisnPfiintlngr. Lumber, o'clock a. ui. cloo t') lllh. Hope, Frlduy evening of last week, UllbcrtO'Kcll and K. L. Husaoll, of nnsouitCKat Liitb, The board cunvem-- nuraUHiil in ,ii..u.n visited his family Saturday and re- nitti ciincouut tii. Uteuti Mmbr liraaniit. N. i uiiniiiulmiu, Hope, nro In town. uverarnui Shinlus, ctialnnnlli pwira Wlloot, conimlon.r turned to Hope, Sunday morning, I, It. lamps... . foil Line of Wall dtntiict No. J, nnii S. W. .,ihi h Hob Kulllhen, of Hoswcll, was lixponiMj, lurnlluro nnd llxturc J.WI.05 i Paper I Poors, itnnsrdlatrlst .No. 3, when the Im; J .1. Ituscoo brought In u dressed i'.nih niid iliiiit nxplMMKP liimliiuM wim iruitMii'lid' .I. touldingH, linK.-mtm- bourn town this weok, tho guest of J )per cent opltn I lt,MI.UJ Oil motion IhO iHMtrd l tr. ennvuM hog Thursday which tipped tho the election r- - i.l Hi" ledum held at 578 pounds. This is probably tho Fusselmun. t7i.0J8.S0 A Pickets, Jan. Mli, l , i mly comity. New Mexico. I.IAIIII.ITIIW. with the liillowllia reailtU! largest dressed ho over sold in Kddy. No preaching services In Sash, Etf. lUkCIKCT M. I. (,'apllnl ..t30,(xx;.oo 5 & In lui't'lnrt No. I. there wen- - thru IhiikI. John Walker, formerly of Kddy, re- tho M. lv. church, Itov. Lllcs being nb-no- iiepoKiii .. Ol.OtH.W Brvar,t Son. red and lUteeu tsli) vote cant, ol liU-t-t j fREEMAN & CAMERON uuuiMtrH. I. ItolierU rweelvoit iini' liumtn-- d ceived 51 votes for justlcoof tho peaco In Hagermaii, t9S,0S.O9 mid ixty-tjlg- USB) voloa for JuMlce oi ma Alumngordo to M. 411 ami a I. II. J. Haininondida heraby ccrtllv Hint iHioce. .1. ' l4trorty reoelved one hundivd at l'hllllps aud lorty-liHi- r Walter Elliott had a' runaway with tho nbovmtntomenl ot tlm cniKlltloji ol tlio ATTORNEYS At LAW nil) vote lor lumitv ul tiiu Mr. Smith ID, Walker bolug olected Hank ol Kdily nt llio olotu ot bunliiPin Jnnu-nrySn- l, jHWce his black mure Thursday in town. The In correct.. x. I. llubertK riswlvltitf llio urwuiMt iiuut-b- vr justice uud Chus, Karlo constable, lt), KDDY, NUWMKXIOU ot voiu hereby decliuciToIeclBil (Tib muro demolished u now road wagon II. U. IIAUHI17ID. to aid of tho Daptisl Cuililur. ulDceol Jiinllce ol tlio jieuee n preempt Ke. . Tho ludles society Subscribed nml to Ixiloro mo un I, IMdy count)', New Mexico. liilte effoctivcly and injured her fore nworii thin FRANKLIN tiieii-wa.- i linn-drc- 4ifirch will servo tea tho residence lltbilny of January, A. 1). IW. JOHN rorcoiiitahfi caat Ihrue il at leg severely. und elevoii Mill volM. ol whloh limit ot Win. Leek, Friday afternoon tho i. i . ranciim;, angell & bur li. H. t'hirk one liuiiilrwl nml Notnry Putillo. mobiles thfriy-eluh- ATTORNEY AT LAW. t iilhi votoai J. J. liaaeoe recelv-y- d 7th, from ) o'clock uuilii 1". All uru Tho Andcrwcrth family of Florence, one htihdrwland ililrtuttu dill vultmi O. w. Uiwla rvcefmi lxly tSui votea, especially .r - ( Invited, tho youi folks. consisting of Mr. and Mrs Fred FRATERNAL SOCIETIES- I), 1), lurk having the araUstt thren daughters und son nuitihar nl vatita i imreliv iTpllnn.d Dr. Fnrris, of ItoswciJ,, who wus City flUAIIMIS )l. WlllOllltll, if I e)eteil la Hie oince eiol eoiintablclfcr piatinft shot last weok, died Sutui lay night. Charles, all of whom hnvo been down Eddy Lodgo No. 31, If- - of P. Livery lt I, Mill ...Ulll, tl. with smallpox, aro Improving. riivsioiAXii.PSUiiniio.w. riitK im r no. x, A. T. Yick, tho young man who did fust cvory III lireclurl No. there were .lull I isi j Meet Tlmraitny . Stables. n boon I Mr. Anccrwerth Is up and tho otnors 7 130 pni lorjufuvf ui me imiit'. oi wnu tho shooiing, has bout over to ovtinlniist o'clock, Dfflw IImiiii, iluuaii reeehe.1 eveii iTi aro In All vlnifom nro wclcpmo await tho action ot tho grand jury. a fair way of recovery. JOHN U. W Hotel Wlnd.or 1J0LT0N, li. I'lmiimii liavillaj IWniViHI Huricu I', v, i N. II. IVr- - llleure i: Mr. M. V. Doy o, of Ouolph, Canada, Taylor's girl ct iiumber.Ol vote cntj, la hereby ilaulni los. llttlo of Hopo. who M. II. i ifwiril M wie ,i II. WIIIOIIT. 't I ..111 v Is In tho city, having arrived Friday of I'ritilWA lor No I, county, i w Steg was thrown from a horso and dragged K. II. & H. 0. vi Sras.. ico. lust week. Mr. Doyle will prospect 145 steps by the Btlrrlp, becoming looso rVrtoiiiflabltf Hi , elMhl I'm .itg Nobby llifjs on i l(. V ' caat, ol which iiuiiiIh Moutuoliiery for u time with u view to lucuting for ODlMiwI IlnMtMe, UvnMlt athlStTtailll Uicl M from breaking hor foot, nftor being MA80SIC.-lM- (ly UdgnKo. SI, . . alx (l rotr; I'. Ilowkcr n- - M.-M- Short Notico. , tho hie family. 21, A. K. A. cotf in Call miiwtfwl lit t litfltl. ceivou iwo von tho bcnolltof hoalthof kicked and bruised Into unconcious ftnHf ui - rtgulnr oommuiilcatlon nt1:S) It. A. MoiiiKomery ni u inu tin- i. nii--- i o. 3rd HaturUny ol cuoli hi lIHItTIIA.NU mm oie I lieivli) li' Inn-- M, und ., ness, Is recovering, though hor foot is tn.. - roi eai II. Miller II. holm, of 5 month. VliltliiB In- JH. 0 lo tuo umee oi i',iiitabli' .r lire Loyal Oak, Ohio, canio in Monday likely to ouuso lamouesn for Ufo. Tiiru luiucuu. o. i. nuunnii, ne o. two 1, :ddy roil illy, Ne Mux alio Is only ablo to W, M. CO' and uro stopping with 1). K. Miocker. Though recovering A. N. Pratt, i iiai iv.t vn l. Seer ffli,,U In nreeliiet So. four them wen leu um up for a few moments each day. , in Mr. Miller Is un old school m of Mr. sit Iloum: 8iV)n m. to i:m.i ItOOto and lo voles wit fur iualieo ol the tienpa. of wlilih K. p. in Blocker's tho gentlemen . ro 0. 0. iiuinwrinrar ma il reus i UJII Ypi uud quite den. II. Webster has acquired pos I W Eddy Driij (hmr Hanaln roci ItIiir UMMreei ws busy dlsouislng old times. No. Jl meets overy ol volwa cant la ier ly ileculrn) aln session of the (Jrotnio homo farm and rrlJnv orenlnit In TIIB SUAU-WUHKL- Y NRWS llieuiiwe oi jutiico oi ine UOMf lor ir .o. i, Miuy eoiiniy, amw jiexieo. J. M. Jiuinlltoil uhd son, V. I.. UtUu aero VUltlng In good and - will ut onco put twelve forty Masonic hall. brothers I c r L'oiialnble then- ween ln UAi vols lltoli, arrived in Kddy lust Saturday landing cordially weloomo. TUG cuimnNT of hli h nuiuiH-- r w. M. Mhooii ratoiv tracts Into 'iiralfu, Mr. J. N. I'ottor, Y cai, 11. WOlllLMI, a. It "Wox'y ihI ten vule. from Mo., - ix I.uoledo. cvD'.'.ng for the of Kennowlck, Wash, halng tuken II. Whioiit, Secy- AX XiOwlPrloo ,, , .. v. 1V.I ly - ft. ..." young muira houlth, The Beml-Wrek- Nnwa (flnlvaaton or I'til- uer ni tuiem i lien or oeruti xiioy are old tho contract 0 inanugo this portion of to Ibe otlliH' ihiof louatahli' lor DcltHt Ni., I, V, J Eddv Oomn Woodmen of tho World oounliitii ot I'lKbt There , new friends ol nigger, upon whoso Mr. Webstor'B bmluess. Mr Webster In City nceoml and Imuo iiiirui. lni) eouiii) Mexico, Meet iho Hall the art) ipeciai iicpnriiiiL-iii- wic iuimici. mw on motloii tbv following erNni'vu aM' rvconiuiif.uutlon they oamo to Eddy. will hive 3,000 ncres In feed crops the lourtn ruMuar niumi 01 vkbii uiuiiiii. ladliM and Ihe lo andir uirl", baildra n ineiita mi the aM'meul roll fori lie jnir JOHN I.. KCU., U. V, ol Retiern) ni-- llluitrmod l4H. on liii'ouiit ol mlatake man bi 8oini-VS'ce!.- ly H" In valley, A few IlntlT ItOUEItTftOtf. Clk. oner to-w- ll !, 0. Sandier has u fancy driving coming year this artUle. etc. The naaeMMjr were corrwleil, i such mid lanus or Nawa and the Ci'Mirxr lr Vt nionttis lor iim un no. a. uiock no. ii Hteiiheti nautiUw team purchused fiom Mr. Fly, of Lin more farmers the t.. atnt.t.ii-- n. m ni it II iu. i Tma ifl .m to lUhiy, N. M., aaaeawHl to J O. tho valley not cultivated would bo you thren paper a week or IM linpera n yenr la hHrelij chaiiaeil o na lo he HiaiailallMswto J. coin. Thoy uro u pair of llniubleton. forn rldlculomly low prlre. Hand In iur O. i aim-ro- a lot 1. block II. llaartH. Pecos Valley & Noitheasiern . U lans, und sister, und Mr. Sun-ch- cz scarce. DUOHinpiluii ai uiii.-- U dv rounti. N. M brother AltltV a full lino of pure A. hlock t, hlepbelia nihlltten. lo Is more Infatuated with thorn I). W. Oerhurt bus leased Hotel EIXXCSL i:utiy,.new .Mexiro, aaaeaarii ioj. r. Drugs and Medloinos. ion laiieri iiyi'imiiReu ao a to be awMii thun cither of tho six of his solid Windsor and will conduct It for tho to J. I'. Also a full supply of Spon-Ko- - mashes, Ho intends to sturt for tho comliiL year. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr, who Peoos River Railroad Go. jiona clilloiMftWr. Sips- liex jiiiw i, j. w, ., v, ,,, .. oiunA. i western part of tho territory shortly havo very successfully managed the Cliainnls Skins, Hot chHiiwed t lot i. a, s, T, 9. it and Time Table No, II). fi. WW n to insure all he missed lust summer. past llfteen mouths, will giro postes-sio- Watar llatilas, SyrliiRos, 'I hu Innaurer and tHlleur U II n Fob. 1, when Mr. and Mrs. I.I In effect Sunday, October 00. 18l, ut iiionieu to inaae ine eiiaiiBea a Williams, of Ft. Worth, Is In a l Sm and Tollot Articles. viuea. J.F. assume their rolo of host and un inouoii u r. mewart, Hriri ol itddy town und Is looking over tho vulloy Standard Central Time county. New Mexico, la twrelii' Huihohi-- hosUss and It is fair to presumo tho Our to Uku Short hif plorMo, li aiM arine with a view to locating. Mr. Williams that MildltAbort la liable to bemuue a ei.iinlt' fare will bo fully up to the standard Stook olo-rati- Is tho representative of tho Kansas int. ftl HllH Chnme niiu wMwa to ko lo Irlviida In fpr tho choicest cuts ot steaks will be . -- sanitary stook board and has hud his jraiTET j : Hill m is uniliollouj W. MlewHrt aa anioliiti'd for at tho oommand of tho hotel. I stations Sir l OH AMD ATTHB OOT. u jailer and ianitur for lite eouuly at a aalar headquarters at Ft Worth soino . " Fresh, it of tweiity-Mv- e dollar T luoiitli. time The health of Mrs. Wl'llatns A oouplu of small suits were tried i THE QREAT T. A P. il motion ad rournad until t'ebruar) mh. demands u change or climate, hence u yontordayby Jitslloo Huberts, one of Notico of Stilt. deslro on tho iwrt of Mr. Williams to whloh Nib Jones arrayed against an SjJNSET liMITED tn tin dltlrlet oourl ol tke nitb ludlriai .tu loocd" In the grwtWtl liwltb rtoort ou cetnpany. , trie! oMUe tarrllorr ol Sew Mexico, win, Jimratise in and for the county nl laid) with. Iaaitc V. continued story In ligtl terms omm or TMK Iluawr. 'J)lio illlislrtU, Msnduy Tht tuo Finn naiuHta Coiumbiaii page crowds Eddy Dm fMlty. New MrxUo, oreeTltubltt per ou the editorial rather ptalntlfl evening, gave a very as Hi' S FIMFRT TRAINS IN THF Steg-ma- the local paget this wttek, but noth. Ik I IIIMV I IIIIIIVV II I MM v. formuuee, Win. )MU Atld Que Mary I . fox, defaHdMHt lug of yrout lniiorUneo oaourred tin (UfeiMlaut. bulng the iih inerlterlaus actors. WORLD Hie wUd Mary I', l ux. u bei, rmper is pretty RiMid by notiruMi that a auit nas been lomuiaiweu Tho house wM towfortu'tjly flHeaimd asalnat in ine aiauici coiurt lor Ibe 5 8BMI-WSKKL- Y Bounty u ew gW-O- Go. WILL RUN r. territory oi Mexico. The er ttife rcuelpU were ubout Nolle oi ult. BAOH WAY by aalo iiw . ' : . .... TO prrst i i j --u -ift isi tll - of tiie aiiutuii 1MUK of Mdv. memoes olmih, eoujimn ir , in Mexico, by nttai huieiit, (lauiaiae clili U) lnuoh oredll, having given iwi-Mrvlo- t: LOS ANGELES iH'ina ine auni oi one iwiuhuii ivo nui n. an amy uoiiurx, tiueanu owiim ou rii aaaaaa- - as graiuultiou. oonirlbutl reter Corn, ptalHliR. ) in. ui on iter ai.H-- iu '..un imiiik anu lNUaw( l no. III. ttt ii ol AHlll. A tlio town, tin roeelfiU vt m 111 I B loon iiw iiiii for the gowl of 00 Altt RtOTlri a lv EO YEARS' 0 SAN FRANCISCO, at Um rate ol S mr eeut ier biimuhi. ahd fur - between th pru house r EXPERIENOE lue aum ui wo KUiHimi liliny.ajuHi aa being divided a4aW. S TO uue .aid ,. wmr h i WOttK dUAILVKTHBP, AUO wiw iiuiihi. ihiihhsv on owner uud Ui nwnuger oi mv it... ajftDun .wsbi Ml note, with ihleri t at tiie rate of j I. i rzri.rll; uaAriiMi thuai In tun I ATtur pcranniini fr..ii. dav oi vetnEar. Sf.irlm court lor county ul Bdilr. tSfri' St Louis Chicago A IS ... I i ' i ten.' y' le the J l. .in, For ol Si-- Mexico. I.y raid plalnlltl, IJgtfr that the luiiuv tisVf The railway will rim Ioml freight ateil in lUlily count) nmw AjtUHW, l Lot one (li In blook feriy-HH- ir and imaaewgiir, . Kn'iku. mil ..I rurtalu laud claimed by lib oil and nilxwl lrlht LuihiIh aiinutit ih bjaltl twuutv and Hli'vvnaaiiiiiiien oi lite lon al Will f. ami The m-seng- O. K. & PACIPICJCY, tour ui, aix ia, n when trulns run thniiMli. TEXAS ioiiwo.;i, 34. Towaihlp Tnxoc Marhi eiuht Id of block blue (Si of mixed will uirivo frutn tho neAhwt(ilArtarul Acan OralQNB Kdiir. uud lot nilven ill) n Sautb, ol ItaniN tventytwo Mil . , Blacksmith oa4 Vt. In CoaVRIOHTB Ac. ttwiatk Villi Wftk. (111 ul block alx (Si, lot one ut about six p. in, stopping UIOCK IOI 11) north A oran iMdln a iUb and ductlMioii ma; IttO (III three HMKSS anji Ittt. supper. Hemming north annLir tu haw by MMMIU ol blllg ni.CI. aMflAift .tar ribtnlAU hthr AA Mithi i and leu tiOi ol liloulc I oftVHtlUht llHl Eddy for nti CKlilAtniSHOl'. fll THE PASTESTT!HE EVER MADE. town iii al - ! ui uie i.uny itaa been ubout bovoii u. iu . stopi.mir itfiiu and ibuia mt .In- It fcuOdoniuL.Tluwlbnoi oa f'toU tielonuliiKtuaald deleHdaut. MH ulll arrive t.Par IHl tic. diJM aitwey fur wtiaa Mtaali. iBMaueaUMiiapiMiarof to m Ono IoojI frelKbt kdfifjHaMl' rCwta UkM tSruaib Munu AlU A Palace on Whools. oaue be htte for breakfast. Fltit-slM- blHokiiullUlnu. Ctfrrtauii 1'inu-Iu- witDaui mo ntl Iter aiiiearauve In aiu 'Hu oh or immrm tJiTrWtH Iftual ntU4, CMrjtt la IhetthdMy ui A will live In Hddy, while l'eo, himI woimI wntk ot all feluil March. croiv Hm aiarttt llaUt aital tr (urtbtr by delaulf therein will Boswellund the h me drteSaifyraexTrr,aM?t. yariwulara har and Iter proierty o! Tr-l- . A et uameron us will neyatorplafntin . ,,KL huwml lllalrlfl jtHklr. Lwt.,if'; rrewiiau of tho other crews cu 0,mTH( ifiSBrO all kiu.U ot ijBl4. ouUlKn ol r trttSS mrBi a E. P. TURNER, G. P. AT. A., tilVMnla IWdy, New Mexico, am all through uhout tho 36tb. lor nainun. n.ncruuning w ty'VSl&Sfc J?KliD W DALLAS. JOHN U. Oltlt'l'ITil, clerk wld bo arranged lu .M Kddy.N.M. II W A. denuty when an excursion Wmiu- - im STAIILK r lleaera. gp over the roud to Auiarlllo. fir.tt6wioatin isn II atHOSt;W mil uoiieaiioii Jan it ns swall-po- n no one could oxpect it aggrrg4te of about IS years. 8ho has, Lemon Mincemeat. Had It been anything else" grandllo-(inentl- y IfOIt WOMAN ADirOMIi) thorefore, been more In Scotland, ns a Is "anything I Lemon mincemeat n pastry fllltng less rtjmisiTe, erowned sovereign, than Donnld Dane, would have gone to that a bousoknepsr says Is an esteemed them mjlelf." ITEMS OH- INTBriEST Dunean, Ihlgar Alexander 1.. Maleolm "And they are to be lett entirely (o POn MAID9 dainty In her fsmlly. It Is made from the Margaret llob-or- t urangors, AND MAT It ONB, Maiden. of Norway, sis large lemons, whois rinds ?.r srrt-i- d with no familiar fuse be- HI. and Mary. side them?" queries Shell In her oven heforo the Juleo Is squeezed Into voice. The Osain of (Hit Haliti gsma ntlU w n deep bowl. To this aro added two Qurrr New Colffnre, pounds each raisins, eur-rnn- ts. "I don't see nny other possible ar- for the miction llntr to SUUn Mince of seeded gives head-dro- ss sugnr ono rangement, since you have bean ftolMb Mm Current Note, This a back view ot a and peeled apples, and of the fuifi. ot a chopped enough to let Piper forsske her pott," loin. composed a trlngo half pounds of beef suet, answers Itnby, with a sigh. inmlo of naturally eurly hair, with tho fine, and four ounces ot lemon, orangj "Ihtt I see that some other arrange- addition of long, wavy hair, to comb nnd citron peel ctit.nno. When the Itnw the Mill over the bark sltloa together, Wilden. ment Is Imperative," says decid- tlrliiiW. and at tho head. mlxtttro Is thoroughly tossed Shell r teti. te him till Tills fringe fastens with n tiny n few spoonfuls orango flower water edly. "! would be too cuel and cow- ' ih i4" of ?he comb In front. The roll at nro thrown It, when It la roady ardly to leave (hem to atrsaasrs. If And eflew'at the bottom Is the fsl- - over j lew no use. CHAPTIJIt Xll.- -f Continued.) 'rom the iiKht. Hnnovlng It gently. yon won't go and remain with them tni one knows. fer No good are all beens," In Shell's ery tin l the nnrse I the "has fer life has been so Hheii note thttt poor Meg wan a a arrives shall." sefiMry and In town eventful during the atieonce that It white may btoaeom -- even the slight (To be Continued.) risbsdy eaien hew high you've been when CONCEflNINO WOMEN. anee Hoe gat take long to recount the few movttnent sends a convulsive shiver yen have oeme down. Viimt sneej you have been President and "Oyp" uso n very large amount hrontl Incidents which have broken lu through her little frame. WOMIIN, sre must WON'TJIAT ProMient ns more, of paper In writing her stories, Judg- tpoHotony. Shell la not one to wntte tlm leu may run a farm, or teseh a seheel. or you to t'eruvUn Ounnllmll I tin ing by a recent spcolmon ot lior pen- "It was w etupld com'." rais- ltfnnl ftti at ?P ! country store. Stooping down, she No cue wig s" Unity, during n brief pnuee UiikIchii AhIMhIi. ask about you, you never will manship, In which the word "romer-clement- remarks es the steeping rhlld In her arms, and. W tHMio)!- - Mrs. Down In tho darkest Peru, wns three and n halt Inches in the dialogue going on between telling llob to follow, proceeds to the over an The mill will nnly grind for you while WlWeu don't suppose ""Hying eastern ridge ot Andes, you sopplr long. It Is suggested that her sight and Iltell. "I farm. At the door she Is met by the the the grist. we shall any of m be Hopping here toward the very uneettted boundary llurlltigten Hawkeys. Is not so good ns It oneo was and that farmer's wife, a kind, motherly rrce-tur- lines of llrasll and Bolivia, a sho has to write largo so that sho may pwre loan a few day lonier." who take In at a glance Shell's nourish- Mr. Wllilin looks surprised. ing racs of cannibalistic Indians ran Tli. (We of Old MnliU, bo ablo to read what la written. sign to be silent. A "11 n I no Intention nt be found. They are so fierce nnd un- professor of natural nelinco was ra? hare Mounting to the room, hjolng home Just ret, Hub?." she ear children's approachable that tew missionaries or discussing In a recent lesson the pros. In view ot tho recently announced whleh la deserted, she Meg os ft little tartly. "The ootlnge li taken undresses explorers have ever felt courage enough of fertilizing plants hy moans of ongagoment of Adellnn to make ami lays lior A Pnttl Tor two mouths, nml since the rent In her little cot. few to mjarnntoe anything llko a close Insoeu carrying the pollen from ono a Into matrimony Is minutes' persimmon prom Ire 9 third vcnluro It plant Must It paid, we mar as well mike the and the study of tholr ercentru Ittes. It wen to nnothor. In ordor to nmitso Interesting to learn tho secret by whlsli of n fairy inle soon Induce llob to fol- tho class, ho taat of tHtr bargain." an Rngllshwoman who recently extendod Darwin's Illus- tho back la formed with ono long tall sho retains at least ono of lior charma, grum- low hla slater's example. Hut Shell brought tration used In the Origin "TTiPfo Is no best about It." home a photograph of otic ot of Spotlos, twonty-ols,- ut In longth. her gloriously youthful eyes, nt tho haa no need to nidgol ofhnlr Inches Violet. her brains far the women ot n cannibal tribe, and about the connection between cats and ago of M; for birth certificate, re- ble tho promised legoiul. clover, her "No. Indeed It la n downright snari No sooner does though full of eagerness to know more and said that old maids woro cently tinonrthed In Madrid, shows Hob's hsfld I (Mir'-- pillow he, really HOW TO MAKE MINCE PIES, ami delusion." nurse Ilttby. "Sine the than of theso people, she woh itersUHdod to the cause of It all. that sho was born In 1813. "I never ton, sinks into a troubled sloop. "Tho ren the Chain tiler brothers couldn't forego Investigation. The civilized In- bumblebees carry tho pollen," Itlcli Mlnre Meat for I'lf. read at night." said she, "It I can help ho dcolarod; flold-mle- o trtnntt It there can be no wander It we Dvacondlng to the big flagged kitch- dians regard them with n horror that "tho destroy One cup chopped meat, ono and ono-ha- lf It. It doos not hurt the eyes to cry, tho nests thoro-tor- o lf fun tiway." en, Sholl holds a hurried eonimllntlnn only cannibalism ran Inspire, and only of tho bumblebees, cups raisins, ono and ono-hn- If you sleep afterward. I bathe my It Is quite lf "I think they grew tired of the with tho farmer's wife, tho rosult of at long Intervals have the resi- ovldont that tho moro cups currants, ono and one-ha- cups eyes In hot and cold water, as feels don't white flold-mlc- o moor," My Shell lioneelly. whleh Is that a boy Is despatched for dents ot Pent seen or rsptured any of there aro In nny neighbor- brown sugar, ono-thlr- d cup molnssos, best. I do n great many things I am hood, tho "If not. why did they leave It?" de- tho nearest doctor. the Casrlboa, who range tho forests tower tho humblsbees nnd or ono cup granulated sugar, throo told never to do. nut I also observo Iho loss pollsn plants. cups chopped mands her eleter defiantly. Whilst she Is waiting his arrival, Pi- where the precious Peruvian Iwrk Is variation of Hut apples, otto cup meat cortatn rulos. I novor read at twi- cats devour fleld-mle- e. liquor, "Cnu't nay." responds Shell; then, per turns up explaining that the has found, and who light each other In the and old mnlds two teaspoanfuls salt, two light or whon hungry. I sleop fully protect onti. Therefore, ono-hn- lf after a pause, ehe continue "I sup-po- only Just been down to the vlllsge for hopo of securing prisoners for a can- the moro old cinnamon, nlno hours, moro If I need It. I oat maids, the moro cats; field-mlc- o ono-hn- lf joii know that they are going n few stumps; he looks mush taken nibalistic orgle. Hut there la n queer the fewer mace, teaspoonful ot lightly ninny tlmos a day. I keep my tho moro bumblebees. Honcw," powdered abroad In a few daye." aback when she hears at the children's code lu their savage law. They make clovos, one lemon (grated oyos freo by not making them tired. was tho professor's con- rind ouo-quart- Kuby. In a pooh-poo- no triumphant and Juice), piece ot Is all." "doing abroad!" repeats Illness and finds that she cannot h effort to seise women far their clusion, That "No, feasts. very degradation "old maids are tho cauno ot citron, one cup cider, threo teaspoon-ful- s tone rt positive conatirnatlon. It. The of the aex varloty In plants." At this point a rose water. Mix In the ordor giv- well-know- n t bad no Idea ot It; I understood that After two waiting the doetor Is In n way I In preservation. The male It Is n fast that oven hours fashionable frHhman, with a slnglo en. Uso onough of the liquor to they were merely koIiik b"elt 10 comes. Ho Is an elderly man, gentol, ante or Casclbo regsrds a woman as an tnent when netroesoa have beautiful Jewels ('hamrlcy Houee." reliable nnd fatherly. Shell and the Impure being. She I a necessary tor- "They are starling for Swltaerlnnd mistress of tho house accompany him ment, hut hy uo mean a oomfort. In two nr three days." says Shtll quiet- to the sick-roo- When tho thres though she accepts her share of duty, ly; "and I rather fancy they won't be return to tho big kitchen there Is a and a cannibal brave would well-nig- h tiaek tilt nnttimu." scared look on two at least of the perish of starvation before lis would "In tiiut case we may m woll stop races. pollute hla lips with female flesh. Not where wn are," observes Ituby, without "All connection with that part of only is n woman thus despised, but her twutfil caution. tho houee mint tie ctit off, Mrs. Pom-fret- , her blood l feared as n poison, f;om "My dwir lluhy, their movements and n sheet with Candy's fluid the taste of which no man could recov- cannot In any way affect ours," says hung nt the oud nt the passage. I will er. The cannibal women prorata no Mrs. Wilden, looking puzsled nud u telegraph at once to Mr. Ohnmpley, If such distaste for man's flesh, but aro trine shocked. you can furnish me with his nddresjj." Ml to tat It with relUh. while In their "No. ot cou no not," stammer Hit-1- y, Piper, looking scared and pale, pro- own turn they have evidently takon no with a momentary Hush; "only 1 duces tho address, nud the doetor lakes active step to convince tho men promised Hobert Chnmptey In n way his doparture. agalnat their ancient error and preju- to look after the children! and. since "The doctor Is not certain," answers dice. Washington Times. tie Is golnj: abroad. I ahould not llko Shell lu her low swoet volco "but he to lenvu them alone an the moor. fears small-pox- ; it seems there are A PEASANT WttDDINO. 'I'hut unrso Is a very Illiterate person soma eases In tho neighborhood." "Small-pox!- Mrs. Aloe In Journey-Ing- s I doubt It she fan write and ot " shrinks Piper. "And Tweedle, her through course be will want to hear how thoy am 1 oxpectetf to stop horo nnd lose Finland, appears to havo ure getting on." my life through nursing children with displayed n happy aptitude tor forming suggest-- I small-imx- friendly "Ahem!" ejaculates Violet ? I won't do It no, not for relations with all aorta and rely, and then Indulges In an amused queen Victoria herself 1" conditions of jwople. At one eaHUu', cottage laugh. "Rhnme upon you, woman!" cries of the poorest sort, whero she Shell docs not laugh, but turns with Alrn. Pomfret wrathftilly. "Do you stopped to buy a bowl of mllk she fill Impatient stop from the room. moan to toll mo you would have the Into conversation with Its mistress, n to go away poor very clean and apparently vory aged heart and leave them woman, CMAITKIl XIII. babies, with away clad lu a short serge skirt, a little their father loose "Where aw you going, Shell?" asks Kooduees knows whore, and their toor white chemise and n striped apron many colors-the- se Tluby, glnnelnrc up from an elaborate mother lying burled? nurse 'em of simple I'd garments Iwnd ot erewel-wor- k, destined to trim myself, nud wtdcumo, only I've got my being all of her own weav- n. ing. Over her m morning-gow- own children to think of, and 1 caif't head she wore n black cashmere kerchief. "I nm going over to Meadowrroft to be running to and fro to the sick-roo- Her faoe might e. have hulouged superintend Hub's donkey-rid- I prom- with small-po- x hanging about my to a woman ot a hun- ised him yesterday I would come." clothes." dred or n witch of ancient times, it was so "Wlint follyl Vo know he Is never "l.ot who will nurso 'om I won't," wrinkled and tanned; her hands were allowed a donkey-rid- e unless he has remarks Ptyor doggedly. hard and horny; and yet, nftor half an hour's wo len particularly good; and when I ask "Do you think 1 would allow you?" conversation, Piper It he has been Rood enough to flashe Sholl, heaving discovered sho wns only nhout flfly-1- 1 lior boom with ve. have onb, aha Invariably unsworn suppressed scorn and nngor. "Do you Hard work, poor food nnd llfo In dnrk, No " Imagine for ono moment you are smoky eoltagss that ago the peasants Shell gives one ot those low rippling lit to be trtistod to nurso them?" fast; nt seventeen many a girl begins to laughs of hers, which has In It a mock-Iu- k "You nro right there, miss," agrees look llko an old woman. tnlildlo-sge- d, ring. Mrs. Pomfrot; Tho old, or "for sho neglects them woman "Piper does not rare for running poor dears, shameful. As for nursing, was a cheerful nnd friendly soul, and was soon beguiled, by utter donkeys doubtlew she considers I wouldn't trust her with u Hick cat;" tho 1 al- visitor's comments on u woven band it Infra dig. As she knows that then, turning to tho she con-tluu- mir, hanging In sight, ways do the running business and leave loftily "Take your proclaim per- Into narrating an SOMII STHIICINQ MIDWINTBIt MODRB. oplsodo of family history. her freo. 1 Invariably hear that the son out of this us soon ns may bo It had beoa one of the presents given by children are deserving of n ride." though who's to attend to thorn chil- her son eyeglass and general appearance Indl make quite Cook In porcelain on his marriage, to hl groomsman. moist. n and laeo of tholr own thoy noarlv al "Woll, It's a bate any way," grum- dren, I don't know." eating that he was got up regardless kettle until the apple and raisins tiro He hnd married a girl vil- ways woar Imitation Jewelry pa- bles Ituby. "I wanted you to rut out "Don't trouble yourself about that, at another ot oxpenso, arose and asked: "I y, soft. Do not add the cider and rose nnd lage asklnt' her In per laeo on tho atnge, my eellar and ruffs, as I feel inclined Mrs. Pomfret. I will take care of them hand accordance profeesah. what Is the cause ah of water until the mixture Is One tor "from tho with Immemorial Plnnlsh rooked. front" tho for a nood day's work." till a proper nurse Is found," says Mhell custom, old maids don't you know?" cup ot chopped suet nr half a cup of counterfeit oapeclally In through a puhemles, or spokesman, u tho way "That won't take Ave minutes," gently. "Perhaps Miss Drown (a quick wit-to- d butter may be added It preferred; but of Jewelry looks almost bet-t- er wanli-leath- kind ot preliminary best laughs Shell, stripping on her er "You mustn't inks It's niching man, who member ot the claas) can tell you," If the fat on the most be used, nr the than tho real thing. Jowolry for must do all the talking while the suit- gloves and good tempo redly dreadful ralehlng," rcmanstratM Mrs. suggested the professor, piss are to he eaten cold, auet Is not tho stage Is n speclally-mad- o or himself alts dumb. Using nrtlclo telling to the Usk. Pomfret. accepted, "Dudes!" said Miss Ilrawn, sharply, needed. Meat from the vein or the and Is frequently bo exchanged rlnga with his of Itself of not a lit- When, some twenty minutes later, "Only when people are betrothed and without a moment's hesitation. lower part of the round that tins n, afraid." and gave her the tle value, for antique patterns nro often abe arrlrea at Meadowcroit farm, she laughs Shell. "I don't feel in the least rather usual klhlarat. Wave Hills fat and no bones la Ike. best for "What Is that?" the visitor asked, faithfully copied, and tho counterfeit nods the children established In a hay-Mel- d nervous about lllneea." Me meat. "Why, It Is a sort ot a deposit given stones msde for effect over tho foot- near the bouse, and I'lper no- '"Cause you haven't seen much," to Btrlklns lllaeh nml While Oeilume, lights the girl's father to show he realty sre splendid Imitations. Tho visible. Mrs. Pomfret, sage head-shak- e. where opines with a menus marry Main MlHoe I'U. lacs Is also supplied by especial deal- Is Piper?" 'n the girl a sow or "Where asks Shell, sink something One cup of chopped meat (cold stsak ers nnd Is modeled after celebrated In hay. goneral eon at that sort." A two log down the fragrant There Is sterna lion at years' engagement, or roast beet, which has boon simmer- and most beautiful designs, and, In answers. Dob, laconically. Uorae Cottage when during whleh the "Utter." Shell arrive with young people were earning ed till tender), two cups of chopped fact, no expert n earth could tell from "Have yon been good children good her news. their houH Ute front the paper hold equipment, was followed by n apple, one toMpooHful each of salt, that lace was not enough for a donkey-ride?- " pnrsaes "Small-po- x I Ar you quite he the genuine article. sort grand wedding, celebrated, as usual In allspice and cinnamon, Mfl cup ef Imitation Hewers, Mailing. small-pox?- " riheil, ssld cries Ruby, with a Finland, at the bridegroom's brown sugar, half a cop small whole too, are generally used and often the "Don't know," responds Hob, with shudder. "Hew terriMel nut surely bouse. magnificent bouqueta "It Is a very expensive thing to get raisins, half a cup currants, moisten- handed up by the plsctd Indliereace- - poee not. Piper It be mnaJI-no- x- conductor of "i can't the children married," said the mother, ed with oho cup ot cider, or one cup the orchestra are almost taxed my ears this morning." must have boon naled." "and njy entirely made of rscel son had to give many presents to tits of sweet pickle vluetar. or hslf a cup artificial flowers. Well, never mind," rs Many ot bouqueta laughs thel- "That is tho strange poUt," father-in-la- mother-in-la- ths which are thrown l- bridso-mai-ds of water, Jules ot ono lemon, and two sines Piper Isn't here we Shell. "There la no what- by apparently admirers are, can't ask mark and groomsmen. To all the or three spoonfuls ot any renins His at ardent as yon shall have yonr donkey-rid- e Meg's a matter of fact, supplied her ever en arm n very taint one bride's maids be gave stockings, Jelly or preserve. out ot the today, and then you'll be a good hoy on Dob's. nays that pockets of the management or The doctor he can't being Die fssnlon ot our country; to oven toasorvow." ha sore for another twenty-fou- r hours. the actress herself. the groomsmen he govs shirts; to his M.U MlHM I'le, "Don't want a donkey-ride,- " They ought to have bean In bed two mother-in-la- w a dress; finely Hob stolidly to the father Three rolled soda crackers, "tell us a story days ago they do nothing hot shiver la-la- w Wore Weilillng a belt, and to other friends bead one cupful washed currants, cup- nel a Itlnr. instead." and shiver ami shiver." halt band kerchiefs. In short, she confessed ful stamed raisins, half cupful flnely While Sshlng In the lehuylklll "Not a donkey ride? Why, Is to be done?" Huby of river "What asks that the occasion was a very serious citron, bait Harry Davis, a IlrldgBpert lad, caught what of a boy do you rail your blankly; then, a bright sug- wt toastmonful ground o't sad ids upon the family on Thursday a huge but de- It?" demands Shell, drain resources. "Hut, lores, one toaspoouful eitinamoa. half singularly turning the gesting Itself "We most telegraph at oh. It was n lovely time," grated nutmeg. formed eel. It was long bltd round to Is ugh him once she addstl. bsU loaspoonrul salt. enough to out of what to IoudoN for au experienced "A wadding is n splendid thing. tablespoonful be knotted about the fisherman's ho Imaglnei to bo u tit of the sulks; nurse." We Me butter, half cupful waist, had a feast all one day ami next, eugr, cupful molasses, and as thick In places as a man's than she becomes (tub's "And who ths halt the Julee fure that la to nurse them till she and then the priest same and tlisy grated wrist, but In the middle, where It geanrally roy face Is pale and languid arrives?" end rind of a lemon, and n were married. Beery one we knew onrter pound apples. should have been the tblckeet, the eel looking - that his bright merry eyes "Piper, of dried Wash and rouse." eame from miles around. Some stew ike dried apples tender. Add wss no bigger than a baby's finger. On re dloi nnd misty. "Piper has Sown by time. I loft till ' this brought a can ot milk, and tome of them cupful sugar examination Davis found at the place "Do on l ill? aeks Shell, think- packing the halt and suttleisnt bar her box." brought corn brandy, and of deformity something bard and me- UtiU others CAN AUK) DR MADE OP MODHIl-AT- K balling water to make three euptuls ing the child muni hate been al- "How disgraceful of her! However. brought porridge, tallic. He scraped off the lowed to and Johaasen had PHICK MAT1CIHAL, stowed apples. Set aside to cool. Then slime nnd ui ftometblng unwholesome Mr. Pomfrot mut get some one to ee so brought to light a broad gold "No-no,- been to town, he brought back with them band " fullers Uot. with all a boy to mix llrst with rolled crackers, by them.'' klm some white bread. Aye, it was a degrees with a wedding ring with the Inscription. relHotaaee to give In to physical suf- Vlotsrl ami ReolUiut. all the other Ingtedlonts, May, "Itobert Chnmploy told me that you grand feast I We danced and ate and use pies. "Paul to ItN. Mlrpah." Evi- fering; "only my head aches rather." promised The queen of Orsat Uritaln and Ire- nnd for Itoll out some good dently very had to see to thorn dnrtsg his sand and made merry (or two days.and pie erust, pleplate the eel in its Infancy bad With a strange thrill at her heart aoMnre." land has now spent more time In Scot- line a with It, then either bean caught, then we all walked with my son and - fill In part ot the filling. encircled with the Mhell turns to Meg. The little girl Is "How utterly absurd and unprartlral land the- many kings and queens who Put over ring and then returned to Its element, bis bride to that little cottage on the Scotland a top crust, and bake In a medium hound asleep on a soft bed ot bay, her you are. Shell! Ot course I am very of ruled alone. In fact, her or else the ring hsd been lost in he other aide the wood and left them majesty's spring autumn bat oven till done. This quantity will Attitude betokening thorough lassitude sorry for the darling children; but -- 1 there, they and sojourns rlrer and the eel had conirlwd some- (at i ! have Utrd nver In the Highlands make three pies. ote little arm shields br eya can't possibly risk euh a csUstrophe since." since Hi! make an how to get It on. HAS AN EXTENSIVE flEPEnTOrtlf A mother's memory never fadca from WfirT n true child's mind. WhUIIrr nf tlilrnttn Wliit Mrtnr Itli At the reception the mild man with Stolmly n NtMllllfl Mltrt. tho melancholy nlr wna talking to a (larniNitr nml Aalit Minor. He Is n fairly good whistler and hru ladr whom he had known for some It li Inevitable that Asia Minor shall some 0f wtisle. He hat yonra, but only saw Infrequently. Sure probalilr eventually j um from Mohammedanism, aitrnded the grand opera and "Ah," he remarked, "I saw you last Pastry Without Butter. nml rlietlior (lormmir necoinpllftlies rr collect romp of the airs easiest tr week. Now, whore wna ItT Some nw th ornnt, tlia Kiiftnn brlns: to mlml. He iH tnuityleld la nut a bashful fully stupid place, I to n la In man, rtwetnbtr. Where ClirUilttn nntion. It Just as not tnriined to hide his light was flaky ntul (Hgoattble ovIUttye thitl dispose of tho It?" Ight, pic crust nnd all kinds of line dtfrastlva under a uiishft. In fuel, he distributee: "Why, organ must jrlnM to Hostottor's Stonv melody over It was nt your wife's 'At pastry am be nmdo with Dr. PHce'g Crwim snven miles nf Chlengo Home." Hairing Powder Golds noii Hitters, whleh nru usually cnJled terrrltory regard-lea- s yesterday morning, When the Tho gontlcmnn entirely without butter or with otto half the tisitnl quantity, children set their ilyjjU, tontlptillun and IrtlloiunoM. of the fact that the market pries with the molnnaholy feet wet and tike cold Rive tlietn now moro on whistling d nlr betnmo metanahely than or with n little lard a hot foot bath, a bowl or hot A law generally wears out was very bearish. He or other shortening If dosired. Tie crust suit at an Alley ever. drink, a dote of Aycr'a Cherry the pockets. "W train at Uxlngton made In cither of theae ways is more wholesome and Pectoral, and put them to bed. avenue, ontnsd his musical valvo nnd dlgt The cluncci aro they will be Itanlttt for Ten Cnnts. never left oil until ho debarked at limning TrmU. nblc besides being more economical and onsior prepared. Otic all right In the morning. Con Onion rate mnle Iwwt4 niid kidneys net Fifth nvenue and Madison. Ho broke A IltiMlan shopkeeper hna hit upon tlnue the Cherry n nut . tleMiay third the flour can nlso be dispensed with, nnd the crust rolled Perioral few urally mtarotwii, onra lieAtlaetis, nil reronls In this elty, at lenst for this form of "Th that dayt, until ell cough haa dlt lillllotM utt ami oenatiftnt Ion. All drtiEglnU, advertisement! appeared. "continuous performance" whistling. reason why I have hitherto been nbto much thinner, the raising qualltiw of Dr. Price's Powder veil- Old Tho tiny Individual mlnco plo la tho While he produced tome things In old to soil my goods coughs ere clco cured; Anglomania. to mtielt cheaper tlinn ing It to the roquult IhicktiMs. Thost who enjoy the nppcllrlhg bron-chill- latest and now we mean the cough or i, upera, he was not limited to anybody else la I um a lineholor, mere that qualities of (he weak throata and irritable I In r tho truth Is bettor than a great classics. Ho warbled popular airs nnd do not need to make n profit for delicious home made pie will rejoice to know this lungs. Even tho hard coughs as changes from tho moro stately num- or bis lie. tho maintenance of n wife nnd chil- secret. All the elements of ideal excellence arc combiued lu consumption aro alwaya bers In his program, and tossed In a made easy and frequently New Agent. dren. It is now my duty to Inform the cured Triulnl few marches and two steps, cut In with vj me connnuca ute ot 3. P. IcRge has been Appointed ter-ciln- al public that this ndvantnge will shortly wnltnos and polkas and even rondo-trende- d agent at tho llultlmoro and Ohio bo ulthdrnwn them, I to furnish n few "coon" songs from as am rtllrond at Washington, D. 0., la about to bo married. Thoy will, there- Dr. Price's ot passenger and freight a ta- for good mensure. Hvory Inspiration charKO fore, do well to tnnko their purchases Ayer's ttoos and will nisitino tho duties ot and expiration was accompanied by r that position on Jan. 1. Mr. Lcgge Is new noto In tho medley of goms. So at once at the old rates." an old II. and O. man, hnvlns been continuous nnd uninterrupted was tho Cream Baking Powder superintendent of tho fourth and fifth flow of soul that the other passengers I'nlUn lo Itiiln. In years gono by con- - Tho Ilrlnrs, near Millwood. divisions and nlmndoned nil attempts to road tho Clarke nectcd with tho road In various county, Virginia, Official Tests at the World's Columbian Expo- Cherry other news nnd In moro or loss excitement tho old home of John capacities. Ho was In chargo of the ISston Cook", tho southern novelist, tins Washington termlnnls from 1881 to listened to him who whistled. As soon sition and the California Midwinter Fair showed 1887. as ho took hla scat he puckered his Hps fallen Into ruin, nnd tho rain hna pour-

to ed In through panes ot and sent forth tho prelude and Inter-motz- the broken tho it to be the highest in leavening power, purity and Umbrellas, Ilko friends, aro often study windows nnd destroyed quanti- 111 Invlseble when wanted. by Mnsrngnl. Then ho passed VvIVI to the "Salvo Dlmura" from "Faust." ties of the wrltcr'n eorreapondenee wholcsomencss, and to have the best keeping quali- Henry A. Balzcr, managor ot but beenmo Involved In somo of Its In- with famous men nnd all his literary Every doctor knows that wild the I John A. Bnlier Seed Co., La Crosse, tricacies. Ho Jumped skillfully Into remains. A traveler who visited tho ties of any baking powder made. They proved it to be cherry bark Is the best remedy ' known Wis., sent his alma mater, tbo Charles "Cold Dlnck Lady," and having wound placa some little tlmo ago rescued val- to medlcsl science for College, soothing snd healing inflamed City, Iowa, a check for 13,000 this up dashed Into n favorite march. uable autograph as a New Year's gift. letters from "Job" "The Foremost Baking Powder In all the World." tbrosts snd lungs. Then ho tackled Wolther'e song In Stewart. William a. Slmms and Paul Borne women ago thcmsolvcs trying "Tnnnhnuser" and wrestled with It to Put ono II. Haync. ItiiUait Moil, CllartPat (toll Harrlra, of to look young. Rood effect. Having accomplished Tho lato Senator Morrill, of Ver- I'nrls has the cheapest cab sorxlco to in three miles of his Journey, ho got to IIiip mont, had ns n fnvorlto story that of Dr. Ayer's I nevrr qalok In llannrlort. he uied to a cure a rite's work on the "Jolly Hrothers'" waltx. "Ah," said tho prnmlnont stntesmnn his constituent who was snoerlmtly fund niiywhcrc In the world, nnd Cnro far Consumption. J. II. 1'alnur, through asked wlmt they mittini;ed to In iliout nil the cabs thore butong to ono Uox 1171, Keattlt, Wnu., Nor. M, IBM. danced It and bark again Into ns ho settled back In his ehnlr to read raise Cherry Pectoral opera. Vermont. The reply was, "Men." great regu- roranntlc Ho had everything his hla paper, "all my success In coniHtiiy. The fares aro you7 this world Does n bargain day ever cateh own wny for nouilng tented him. Ho HTATSOr OIIIU. citv orToi.siH, I lated by law, and the company Is is duo to that young man who Just left ( Plasters with plenty of cashT wna harder to knock out than Bharkey. I.I'IMH CoimTV " from charglnc farcu me." niiNit.l fit hn it pvilm Mlh Untax H tbe oxeeailve ovmr your Bungs Itemarks In rovllement passed ovor his Maior rta)r of IhvfiiiHor V J. cukhkv A.Oe.. hy it law which compels It to divider Mr. WltnliHTMBmittilnerirrnp. "So?" Inquired ono of hla friends, tlelig bnlMM In thu clir ot Toledo. (Viurij rurehlidren eunii, head and mingled confusedly with the arm w III pur surplus oily. Ami Thn Baal Matila ml irdhtM. nltNii bf redarri "and who Is ho, pray, mny I ask?" sad MtatrfMlL"4 that Mid Its narnltiRS with the rta.ert wHfcieeff. He U.IUt. liquid melody which his pursed-u- p lips the nun ol OMK HtT.VIIKKU tml.l.AIIM lor notwithstanding Atfoloo Fraot "Cortalnly," onme the brisk reply. eh an every nu ot Catahmh that mnnot this tho faet that it sent forth. Ono passenger rndo three IV H W now hM ramaef tho tnil ml. Never worry a man when he la Is lie Mtll tT III UOt HALL CATAIIH V B. pciy. about $700,000 a year for lis ntnl jhfilclani In ikt UnttM malt stations farther tlinn noceasary In or- "Ho SnorkliiB, tho young roporter nwMi J i IIKSKY. I'MIIII CpllnDllltl una lOllf CI ! rheumatic or hungry. who write nil my Interviews for Sworn to bofore mo bbiI nuWrlbcd ia BUT fees nlone. tnra ttnlii.nlir fit llitm for Kites der to obiervo how long It would lasL tho tun cm uujror u m I) if, A I) ISM Ditaieti aice will, livvtj ail lame nowspniicrs." lrenf. A. W lil.KASOX. four to ctntr. a coi.m in oar. jjav Ho got oft with tuo warbler and follow- riu.u-- IsMKj At tit, i C ATf.n, Take taiatlvn Ilreino Quinine litem. All No wry t'ublle. Tliaiilini, f dniipl.u tntund Hie It It folu lo curs. ed him to tho Btrect. Still tho music .EiI mesiy Caia, M, tic The genuine had I. II y. on each tablet.' flowed merrily on and the mnn of many IJuaar Hall's 'tarrhf'tirUtalMin Inmrnullr. nt lire. Keelo)', nlniid's oldest nc-trc- "Thore Is a man that I would trust acta illrwtry mi tbo lilM nnd inunout aurf mh tunes disappeared down tho nvenue ol tboayairtii hem! til r In union In la relelirnteil her 02il bltthdtiy re- Thoro who owe ua tho largost anywhere." I A iolftdo,fr. are still busy with his mouthpiece. "Sam J. CHUNKY CO. U cently. AnioiiR the cnllcrs wns James tho least grateful. "Yes, and ho would probably fool SoV by DnmiiWa, TSr Wollor In Dath was not half so groat as Halt's family tilll are the Nool. who Is said to bo the oldest no-t- or In liming Nnmuali't I'lirn I'Hue he," muttered the man who followed. you." lt KlnRdnm, He la t'omlar Much In this Ufa Is naught but hope, In thn United is 'rroannir extra' Completion. two-hande- ' DHlhi anil Irani ibm Indict' Dciili list it til "As an d whist- Never! There Isn't n dlshonost but how buoyant! nenrly SB. uif iion W t on Infttlor lirvif gtiu. ilmti I.I..I. .ic..l. Ilia ler that man la entitled to a drop ot Mood In his veins." or lelria 1 t M ina p.i irpu, 10 An ounce ot flnttery goes further ' W ny you so , Ttio It lwM iua aro suro nbout It?" CllttpMi. !!a lima inure tor than rt pound of advice. "Ho doesn't try to creato tho Tho Soanilt of Unlit. that ho ectn twice the salary For 25 Years tERRYS TWO GRATEFUL WOMEN Tho report ot a battio reaches the ho aotunlly receives." STJACOBS OIL. has cured with SEEDS world over In thi-s- days of the reign entire satisfaction, surely nnd tDll Iwiri (it roar monr' Tno lllacka Drink. ottnu - .,r EJ. ot tho newspaper, but without any fan promptly, all forma of in- t.Mt itpr Uootorad to Hoalth by Lydla 'Well, do you your nubur-ba- n ftriwk.r, Ainrayo ma such outside aid It enn bo far how like Acltes anu I'ains aAiinnai Plnklinm'a Vonotablo Compound. bard home with nil the city conveni- beyond tho ic-n- o of actual strlfo. Tho jttrii Mif k reports ences?" asked tho citizen, "Cn Do My On-- Work." ot tho guns themselves, the real sounds of battle, go far out Into "Between you and me," nald the man who lately, promlso Cures Cures Mrs. PiTMCK UAxuiir, epneo, and can bo distinguished a long had moved "that way from the point of conflict. of nil city conveniences provos to bo West Wlnstetl, Conr., writes t NEURALGIA LUMBAGO Prof. w. V, Sinclair says that there a fake. I have to walk two blooks to DnAit MitA. ri.sitiiAMi It In tvlth Is nothing unusunl In (ho hearing ol Get n drink." RHEUMATISM SORENESS pleaauA) that I writo to you of tho artillery at a distance of sixty inllos. benefit t hnvo dorlvt'd from uslnff your Tho Bombay tlmo guns and salutes arc II ll tin! !inlrr I'loor. SCIATICA STIFFNESS Em wl ITI r I wonderful Vegetable Compound. 1 was often hoard nt tho northorn Mahlm, In certain parts ot Africa it la con-aUer- ry ill, Biiffureil weak- - "Mnihin. i. n mih with fomalo a dlstanco ot ovor fifty miles. TRi n mark ot disrespect to bury T nndtlUplacoineiit call a sea of wheat," la what was said boss of tho womb. guns are or woro at the when out ot doors at all. Only slavos are could uotnlcvpnt night, had to tlmo by rt lecturer spooking ot Western Can "I walk tho observations wero made vcrj treated In such uncnromonloua fashion, tioor, suiroreu so pain lit my Cures dn. ror particulars aa to routes, tiic i witu modest affairs, twenty-fou- r The honored dead nro burled under railway etc., apply to Su- - ll,e nni amall of my bnek. Wo faros, or thirty-tw- o pounders, loaded Coor of the house. - bled with bloating, and nt tlraoa the SPRAINS of Immigration, Depart- would with four flvo pounds coarse mcnt faint awnyt had a terrlblo pain in my or of Interior, Ottawa, Cannda, or to black powder, not all was Wdr Mi Flntlonrcit. BRUISES Capt, 13, Uarrott, Houston, heart, tnsto in mouth of which Toxns. nbad tny all tho burnt. Tho target practice "Notice how tho soprano flatted?" time and would vomltt but now, thanks ot the torts SWELLINGS OR. MARTKL'S nnd turret ships at Ilombny wan easily "Rhe had pood reason. They have to Mrs. I'inkhntn and her Vcgetablo distinguishable salnry." FRENCH Compound, I fool well and sleep well, from mere salutes and lowerod her RELIEF time guns, not meroly as a louder t B FEMALE can do my worlc without feeling tlreil' FOR do not bloat or havo any troublo sound, but by being felt In tho chest DALLAS FIRMS. PILLS whatever. when tbo othors could only be heard. rtrtjcnltri and i Tho sound produced by modern pow- WOMEN n Uln taaltil "I sincerely thank you for tho pood Heroes of WHOLESALE IEHXS; aiiar miimu ,,. advice you gavo mo and for what your der la probably very different from h the CO.. FRENCH DRUG CO., 381 & 383 Ptarl It., NtwTofk that ot tho old black powder, so that t llallai. Tan. Countiy tncdlclno has done for me." cj &p&in SADDLERY, marubanl trailo Mlldlrd an army In action at the present tlm Wat with rut ror nit niaHuc FRUIT TREES, BERRY PLANTS, ETC may bo rolled upon to Its voice "Cannot I'ralt It Knongh." make thousand! of thrm i,f. Wo !! tbo aud btit Write now for catalogue and Inforinitlun heard. Tho "din ot battio" Is not a t Itclu.llartHook of Sotion rtutct Mircli tit fTlnp; from UntfeTlnd div-eai- 7 cccno Miss (JitnTri: Duitis, flguro ot speech. induced L 'uLLUO Garden, Field and Flower TEXAS FRUIT CO., Alvln.Tox by life in Aliu nviiarul aoiutuliilAn inn Franklin, Kcb., writes. fioltonoua jouthetn camps, rnania n rua mr prirv iiii OetyourPontlon W.E.HARLAH&GO. i UI-I- r.ltu atraal. Ilallaa. " I suffered for some time with pain- Noada Homothllif Kit. of change, of PENSIONS DOUBLE QUICK Vourautarnl.fliier iiw htnilllnr ful and Irregular menstruation, falling Dill Tho under dog In n fight gets elime.te. or of ImptTfact AEcfllS lianiea our Krattai. Wplr Wrltt CAPT. O'PARRRLL, Pmilon Attnt, of the womb and pain In tho back. all the sympathy. Jill Yes; but, un- nutrition by lm. for i.rmw I II, Amlnwil A itl KlHiSt . llalUl. t428Ntw YorkAvtnu. WASHINGTON, D.C. I caused r. tried physicians, but found no relief. fortunately, that Isn't all ho sets. iToper And badly cooked Teias implt. h Mach, Co, S Rta ivstisj. food, ir.V.tu.v.K; RSIB Q RtrtJttrts tttr " I was at last persuaded to try Lydla Yonker'a Statesman. Sletplnri on the tlToutvi I'lanlar. H Ihal Jo I tit work. Will Bt. Alajiar titltrr rtltit I) cut nas riiiiiialura wubbtS 12. l'lnkham's Vcgetablo Compound, The Speaker Wealth Is not to doubtfe developed J. V. SIvltUAi, inuoketj, Ions. to k in and cannot praise it enough for what attained by short cuts. Tho Dutchcr Tncumatttm hundred FORT WORTH FIRMS. WASTI.I) or x a who cu4 ta nrttiti nut ii i r a it has done for inc. I feel llko a new Oh. I know, Indianapolis weie ptedlipoted to Vlll D"t iK'i.rBt. htaa i mbu lu lUHiti I attnli tl don't the In Co.. Ktw lOtimBiiiiBd IW) ititlmvnlil. peison, and would not part with your dia.e. uchcaae SEEDS, PLANTS AND TREES. tne'lclno. I have recommended It to the Boy. of '98 may take A. n. I or U rente we will oa S ol eUeleo rucET.a a lesson fvom niu f uitkell PATENTS Iiim.... V..1I... a several of my friends." .he esperi. Hewer or of Vretuble H..i. ar I CoMe KiimtBttlooiBdoplaloa RECENT INVENTIONS. ence of the HiMiihlr hlItmet n. our otw mutinied ttUIOau MftUatailllltUrtl4l ni?nPSV new discovery) t lorltM llruwm Ketl i Klutilio. rt Tel. W. N. U. DALLAS. NO. 3 tOOO curt. Stsd for luuk of Kiilniualalt and to ilT Doors can bo easily kept closed by a iraatmentrrr. ti. u.H.ttitt'tiot.iUuu,ti Heroes of the Vbco Aasverlag Advertliemtats Kladly new spring attachment, formed of an rariifrta. expansible spiral spring fastened Menlloft Tula Taper. narriJTiM'll'driMriin.ara4.DM I at rill lnlWrAle. II Fit,WMi,l).a ono end to tbo door frame, with a cord Civil War. C.J.E.KELLHER.U.anVriiiSaWkiiHimu running from the other end through Hundred ol the Qoyt UK)Kol TIn KKIIIIt'AHV AIIVKIITISBUBNT " IN HIGH- pulleys to the top ot the door, the of (h Hnal'lallnon,. a l( Ctiirf . rvWeetS.Tei. DIRT THE HOUSE BUILDS THE '63 have ttitllitd to OIUOIQiaakBliuidetetot-M- t spring stretching when the door is tffieacy of Dr.Vmiam iud rrtnled.eofiriDf iM enlirilm rumor ferula WAY BEQGARYt" BE WISE IN TIME AND USB TO pulled open. Pink Pill. foT Pale People Dl IPVI COB'tteiiediifl'itilnur Vaoeln. Sf A Hungarian has patented In dTlvinrf DLa.baLXQiiwpie wuia Ad I'lttear Tieetve a doll out malaria.) Co. ( biMio or I' W Haul hula Ail-- , fl Weila.Tet which will blow sosp bubbles, an ex- rheumatlam and othiv pansible rubber bulb Inslda the body dUfAtea contracted durtnfl tfietr days of hardthip CURE YOUBBELFf being depressed at the back after the Ua llli 41 far uaaa euV Amy' ThtU 4T bM dUkri.e, lalanaiaUttr. SAPOLIO tube extending from the mouth Is JJlcVh'e"! Irrllatleiii r uTf.illfit dipped In water, '- V . VO the blowing air - l iieliirSid ael aitria: p. J? through the tube and expanding the i""iHlllUICnlICU0a tal tr tltall. id UilSlMtVO.f I Id b VrattUU, Dim at the end ot tho tube. -- moi ia uia bU at all times jolcsM. i "Molhlor ft wrtiHt. Sart(iar lo KIbi'i natlntit Collata. Two ttptrl and prutlnl tMnofrtpbtn of ldt Oil lanterna are prevented from ex- s4 mfftrloct rt lie ny actntti WB atunlinli SSTO In (Iron ;. VTlIM la live prnnaetal trlUf until tlircc rrart ro, whta tar tUull9a) wm rlntl tiMtltnroln Ik fttunr. Tantntwlanlilin lfnwar. $M nt ar fer lull infermtllen Ufon oln( litwhti. Ad. QVItKH OITT IIUSINKSS COXLXOK, Dtlltr, Tnu. ploding when tipped over by the use of taiua lo Mine of the wonderful earn effected bt W WtlllaBU Hk rilU Mat ea I Hint- - ot rile faople. 1 Bid not uken mote tain hilf i U trftto I Mllec4 aa 1 I new burner attachment, consisting nproTtaieDt fa xay coodilloa, and I keepoa iinpeotlar fllr. Tolbeu 7?A jf a weighted slide Inside the lantern, lot bit mtonlloa to btalltu Ibtj art a $ttoi tuwij,"iil, Stiilinf which holds the wick and la balanced VtBmnrl-lUum- i, to that a tip ot the lantern causes It to from tnd lb tiailnfM public, Illih rod tndwldj Hi(bit tndoittatntl rotirtlkla, btnktrl ( rr Into tbe burner opening pre-re- nt BltlUW rttyiir ititituinoiini(tio. tiainaot prttucti ana iiii waaio. uifaainiitnionco, wmi 'all and H-- in (oki iirtn aar uitjattat in nuut putuiooa. ao. it. ii iiiu rrttiatai nioo in tbe oil from running out Not AppreoUtod. C "Talking about tho play ot 'Hamlet' with Hamlet left out." soliloquized the , "LaOrsole" in. uiitlidly looking Individual, "there i HAIR RESTORES .tali IVin tia. Iiltrtr.ill Cli nilPH IMV UIIIIVIIWHnmlulnn nuutuamilfl vv a ..led twon." Ho bad Just I& a perfect hair c r.tuiiteur performance. dressing and Restorer. ft lends "work" you cease toi aHaBMaMaHHHaBaasaa ... I htm as friend. If your merchant doesn't handle, send ut $1 and gtt prepaid to any part U. S. or Canada. VAN VLEET-MAN8FIEL- D DRUG CO., MEMPHIS 0 Tainan In TTJIrt Cfitrrr Oaer. THE ODD CORNER. village, and grew rsrdcfi cttachtd to tho So many Instances havo been record- IN farmer to wom It Scloiigd. Tho two REVIVAL OP STEAMBOAT TRAFFIC ed In whloh oattlo were poisoned by cranes found tho simple country lite eating the leaves of wild cherry treos OUBBfT AND OUntOUO THINCI3 exactly to their tanto Knd soon knot nnd very reiillitlc scenes are depleted or shrubs tho that chemists of tho AND EVENTS. every Inhabitant of th place. They Indenting the Immonio store set by New Hampshire College Agricultural used to call regularly houflt the upon this at the to ancient Greeks rework' Experiment Station recently under- rod, and all no Mississippi to Teem with Fleet of plant, whose be went well till tho female! nblo habitat was located took to determine the amount ot pois- A Lesson la Natural History Taught by bird died. In Cyrcno. Ita applications seem to on In these loaves. Tho re- Th De.etlptlon f Hi results are Devil ruh Then tho other chose a new compan- have been as dlverso as they woro corded by Messrs. Morse Howard Blf-Bdcte- d Palatial Vessels Next 5eason. nnd Uldeons Mtattsr A ion, nnd bis choice was a strange one valuable, and among Its numerous In Bulletin 2d. In It they say that the Crane. uses we find It treasured as furnishing poisonous property ot all species ot He took aa his friend n bull, to whomv tho earliest stid most delicate of vege- cherry leaves Is due to hydrocyanic ho showed tho utmost dovotlcm, H I Autograph, would stand by tho onlnal In the stall, tmy senna like n dream, but er tures tables, nlso splco, whilst Its therapeutic acid, popularly known as pruislo odd. lor it and machinery nt Jefforsonvllle. ThotiRh old tho thought exprest, keep files off scream ymr my wltnefts revival ef the reputation was almost as universal as This compound does not exist ns such and oft and tho him, a Ind. The strong feature of tho lino will Tl tils ot last who sar II best, when ho bollowod, Missis-sflp-pl clalmod for somo of tho medorti In tho growing donco before htm Rood old days, whon the groat bo that n atoaiiTcr will learo Bt. Ixiuls that loaf, but Is derived I'll try my fortune with the rest. nostrums by tholr Inventors. m from a class glu-eold- e. and follow lilm cut with tho ntrd. tefliHSsI with Ufa nntl whon fleet ovory day and thero will ho ro disap- of substances called has long since disappeared from of which nmygdalln ta Life Is n leaf of paper whit Tho system hrrtl-in- g and iwtoilAl steamer piled lu broad pointments. Where It now eoven tho communal of Joint tokos Cyrone, but Falconer has found In tho typo peculiar to tho cherry. This, or Whereon each on of us my writ ot cattlo and awlne, and driving: water In regular nntl tirafltnble triM days to make the run from St. Louis Ills word or two, and then come illgbt. northern parts of Cashmere n plant a closely nlllod body, Is to be found thorn together tho pasturo prevailed belweoM nil the Important points from to Now Orleans, the now steamers will to which Is regartlod as being very close- not only In the leaves and hark, but 'te, time and enouuli," we cry, In tbo vlllago, and In following his now Si. Paul to New Orleans. To do this cover the dlslanro In two and po onohnlf ly allied to Its historic predeooesor. especially In tho stone of chcrrlos, "To write an cplet" so we try friend tbo ernno learned tho of nml to regain for traffic en the father days, Our nib. upon Hi edge, ml duties and mako tho round trip In lorn Nature. peaches and plums, and tho seeds ot die. cowherd, one evening Of water It long-lo- st n nmg-Jilftee- ut bo thnt ho plnt!or than a week. Tho trip to St. Paul, the apple, lly passenger anil freight tho notion of moisture Mum not whlslt way the pn le hold, brought home tho whole vlllago herd of which now consume four days, will n. ttt Aluminum llronre. nnd a vegetable fermont cnlled omul-sl- Luck htM the slew ami lave the bold, ot heifers unaided, an drovo them I to lie for ervlee be thirty-eigh- Boon Into wteters built be made In t hour." Aluminum bronze, which Is likely to which exists In tho plant, com- eomes In darkiues ami th eeM. m a tho stable. tmm the two points named. In The financiering of the new line I a com more Into use, Is plex chomlcal place, more nnd nn reaction takes Greatly lieglnt bo-cnt- no of equipment the itaasengar novel though thou have tlm From that day tho crane'a llfo feature of the enterprise. Thero alloy eompototl In Germany of 00 to OS that begins lu tho lent tho moment Hut far a line, be that sulillme-N-ot toft men the fntnoui old no a busy one. Ho tindortook duties' will rival will be stoek company. The boat per cent of aluminum nnd G to 10 per connection with tho olreulnlory system fHllure, Inn law aim, Is or lino. iflfttfert will enough to Inst him from morning tilt it. lm or the Natchez, and will be built entirely by subscription, cont of cupper, of golden color, whloh Is cut off. The tlireo products ot this completely outdo them In apeod, write Ah. with what lofty hope we camet night. Ho acted as pclccman among the money being pledged by merchants keep well In the air without be- reaction ore hydrocyanic ncld, grape But wb It, III., correspondent. yoit fruet dream of fame, tbo poultry, stopping all fights nnd dis- ft Qnlncy, It and shippers along the rlvor. Mr. coming dull and changing tho-- color. sugar nnd bonzaklehyde, or bitter al- And serawl, as I do here, a name. or order. Onco, when nltlrkey game- -' uiny b that with the recovery thl Llemke says: can bo cast excellently, can filed mond oil. J n in cs Hussell !.owll. nnd It bo cock woro found fighting tho crano tmte In Its commercial aspect, there "They have ben asked for no cash, well turned, nn extraor- There Is n popular opinion that tho first and poeo fought tho turkoy nnd thon sought out may come an occasional revival of but I have Riven oach subscriber n dinary harttnc nd firmness, leaves of tho cherry nro poisonous A Hideous Monster, nttnln and punished tho cock. nml present generation , mat-leab- only con- Ono "rnelttB." the ticket stating thu amount of his pledge. n high degree f polish nnd Is lo when cut nnd In tho wilted would scarcely oxpect a "devil- Onco, whon two lagged d, inny have an opportunity to ine the When the money Is needed I will col- and fnrganble. Tho technical dition; that cattlo may safely nlbblo fish" to bo n pleasing nnlmnlj and, In- heifers ho drovo thorn through "nigger witnt on the afty vnlre." lect It and when the line Is stnrtod I working of the material Is not essen- them from tho growing shrub without deed, of tbo several widely dlfforont tho street vigorously thoy fright- tf. II. I.leuike uf fit. IxiiiIm, an old will give the subscribers discounts on tially different from that of IronIn danger of Injury, and thnt thoy are species of llsh which bear the name, bo that became ob- ened and broko away, runntng two river man, who, In year of experience their freight hills for tho amount nt fact, tho metnl Is, especially lu n warm qulto harmless when dried. Our nil aro moro or less repulsive; but tho steam-tioatln- g wrong on the Mississippi, ha" learned their subscriptions. ThnuRh the now condition, worked like Iron on nn nnvll, servations, however, prove theso views ono encountered In his boyhood by Mr. miles In tho direction. y to bo mat-to- r was from cabin-bo- up, In at tlio boats will not bo completed for somo with hammer nnd chisel, only the but pnrtlally corre As a Frank T. Ilullon, which ho has describ- Tho bird not discouraged. Ho that not bring hood uf the enterprise, and alto the In months I will havo boats for tempor- temperature to bo maintained In forg- of fact, distillation ot samples, ed In n roctnt article, was particularly could them back, but ho did mado cut- venter of the now style of steelboatn ary imo and will open tho line In tho ing Ho within twenty minutes of unpleasant, and represented a tho noxt best thing, Ho turned them between dark nnd light cherry ting, llttlo which nro to travel tho river from Its spring." red. In caao tho articles aro not forged show that tho freshly cut leaves known variety, found only In the Quit Into a field nnd thon Blood guard over ylold nearly wilt- )otreo to ItH mouth. I to has laborod Mr. Llemke firmly bollovcs that with In ono piece, nnd tho putting together as much acid as tho ot Mexico. them till thoy wcro fetched, ed ones do when calculated on tho Ho would drlvo out trespassing cat- on this project for sovernl years, until fastor nnd better boats and punctual of itoparntc parts Is a necessity, rivet- "When 1 waa a youngster," he writes, weight ot fresh tnnterlal taken, nnd un-ll- ko today ho haa people all along tho rlvor scrvlco, with tho 'rolght nnd pnssengor ing, and. In particular soldering tlo ns courageously as a dor, and, havo when eaten frosh character of tho "I was homeward bound from Santa Interfiled In his plan. Mr. Llemko'a business soparated, tho levcos of tho to be Boft the most busybodlos, was a universal resorted to. with hard or Juices within tho nulmal stomach Is Ana with n cargo of mahogany; whon plana nro more foaalhlo than any that great river will onco more resound to Heebies Is favorlto and tho prldo ot tho vlllago, solder. forging, tho bronzo such as to render thnt organ a most off Cnpo Campccho was ono cnlm after- havo over been advanced and he has tho rumbling of dray wheels, tho crack fin- well suited for embossing. After favorable plaro for tho conduct of the noon leaning ovor tho toffrall, looking received sufficient encouragement from of the teamster's whips, tho blasts of ishing pieces, Daell l Html. thn tho motnl can bo reaction In which prusslc acid Is lib- down Into tho bluo profound, on tho nlong tSe steamboat whistles, thn Tries of tho d, Superstition very throughout nippers all tho river to Insure toned In dlfforent ways, ns may bi erated. watch for fish. is rlfo construction of n licet of stoamars. overseer and tho song of tho darky Russia nnd tho ISast, says a Bt. Peters- the by treatment with nold, On tho other hand, while It Is truo "A gloomy shodo anoh as are huwn In tho Illustrations. roustabouts. came over tho burg correspondent ot tbo London Tel- that '.ho thoroughly dried leaves yield bright water, up Llomko makes tho statament and roso n fearsome egraph. In soma parts of Kussla tho that t)U a comparatively small amount of acid, monster somo eighteen Kr. ntonmera will ho so equipped that When Men Faiteit. fcot across, and pcoplo bollovo that dovlls can enter PEAK OLD LADY. There aro n groat number of curious still thoy may always produco somo, In general outline moro llko a skato or formidable competitors liny-fiel- organism ot bolngs, they wilt he of and as ordinarily dried lu tho d, Into tho human Way or Making tlrand-daught- er superstitions ns to tho time of day ray than anything olsc, oil oxcept the ihn railroads, which now parallel the nr nrct Her they may bo generat- whoso actions they thereafter guide, Comfortable. whon n dying person Is most likely to capable ot head. There, what appeared to bo two Ittvor on both banks. In discussing his ing a and thero aro sorcerers who profcBs to A girl who visits Now York frequent- draw breath, and tho tide, tho considerable quantity ot tho .curling horns about three foot apart project recently Mr. Ltemkn said: his last poison. Tho desirability ot carefully bo ablo to cast out tho spirits, Thoso ly stops while In the city with her moon nnd tho wind havo nil boon sup- roso one on each sldo ot the most "I havo nlrcady placed with Ilarland excluding thorn from hay la there- men aro utterly without scruple, nnd grandmother, says New posed somo shnro In mat- all horrlblo pair ot eyes Imaginable. A It IlollltiRswurth of Wilmington, l)ol tho York to havo tho fore apparent. Tho symptoms ot cher- tho sufferings which thoy causo their Times, grandmother Is an shark's eyes, an he turns sldoways un- Uin ordur for the first of n Hoot of tiovon Tho ter. According to tho British Medical ry poisoning In cattlo as stated by Dr. victims to undergo may bo cosily ono nunlyzod 20,- -j der your vessel's counter tjonts and will shortly go coat to ninko housekeeper and thing Journnl, Haserl. who has Chestnut. In his bulletin, "Principal and looks tip Imngtnod. Very few ensos over como 3C.&10 to sco It any ono Is arrangements for the building of tho upon which she lay omphnsls In Iter 474 rase of death nnd of birth. I'olsonous Plants of tho United coming, nro ghast- before tho law courts. Tho pcoplo look Is regularity. exnet day was not ly, green nnd cruel; but this thlnge cthor six. I bolleve that rlvor men household affairs Tho where tho tlmo of Htntoe," Include "labored respiration, upon tho wizard as a powerful porson-ng- c. I of eyes wcro all that, turns thcmsolves been mainly roapon-slbl- n in on nro always on time and alio llltos ed, finds that tho maximum number diminished pulse, numbness, fright, and much more. who can work them much evil, for tho decline of the rlvor trade. tho mombors of her family to ho ready deaths occur In tho early afternoon (to protruding eyeballs, convulsions, and "I felt thnt the nook of Horolatlon and, therefore, not lightly to bo pro death from paralysis of the lungs. In wss Incomplete without him, nnd his voked. Honco complaints nro rarely somo cases thero Is considerable froth- gazo haunts mo yet. Although quite laid beforo the tribunals. ing at tho mouth; In nil thero Is n slclc nnd giddy nt tho sight of such n A typical story of tho sort, however, very perccptlbto ot prusslc acid bogy, I not move odor could until the awful recently camo beforo tho court of Via- - -- In tho brenth," thing, suddenly waving what seemed dlcaucase. A Mahometan mollah, 01' According to Dlythc, tho fatal dose llko mighty wings, Boorcd up out of priest, named Ahraod Hamnsanoff, was ot tho anhydrous ncld for an ndult tho wotor Boundlessly to a height of charged with torturing n peasant wo person, Is about ono grain, or sixty-fiv- e about six foot, falling again with a man, named Kotchcrotova, bis object mlllegrnms. At this rate about thunderous splash that might have being to drlvo dovlls out ot her, At ono-ha- lf n pound cherry uf tho black been heard for miles. tho boglnnlng ot tho present year leaves may bo considered as a fatal "I must havo fainted from fright, for Kotchoretov- -, only twenty, quantity for a cow to caL who was the noxt thing ot which I was con- foil III, her malady bolng nccompantod scious was nwakonlng under tho rough by epileptic fits. Tho villagers nnd my Actlre lliiiinnit for Hardwood. doctoring ot shlpmntcs. Since thon her husband, a man named Asian-Oak- , "The hardwood trade In really In a J havo never soon ouo loop upward In came to tho conclusion that she was more satisfactory condition than thnt tho day tlmo. At night, when thero I nflllctod by evil spirits, nnd tho hus- pirtalnlng to tho soft woods," says no wlud, the sonorous splash Is con- band called upon tho mollnh Ttamasan-of- f the Northwoitorn Lumberman. "Thero stantly to bo heard, although why thoy to cast them out. Tho priest camo In not n weak epot In the market nny-vher- o. mako that batllko leap out ot tholr to tho house and began his treatment. Though tho season Is near an prope elomont Is not easy to under- First of all they mado up h big wood end. and consumers are Inclined to stand. It does not scorn possible to tiro, nnd when there wcro plonty of hot their purchase to necessities, bollevo such horrors ca- - ashes thoy stripped tho young woman I hero yet has beon but llttlo slacken pablo ot playful gambolling. nnd tied hor hnnds and tcet. Seeing ing ot the urgent movomont which has "That Is a kind of monster sulTlclont-l- y thoso ominous preparations, Kotchcro I hnracterlzod tho trudo all season. Dry hideous to form a fitting companion tova began to cry out, beggod south, nnd them stocks nt the mills, north nnd to that most frightful of all monsters to doslst. "Cut off my arms, put out boon sold off, ovon what would dovll-fls- havo nnd ono ofton called a h the my eyes, do what you like, but do not ordinarily be considered riff-ra- ff hav- glgnntlo octopus, well known nnd burn mo." They paid no nttontton to ing boon donned up. Tho demand this by readers ot Victor Hugo's her pleadings, nnd, picking her up, lmsnn has predominantly been for Tollers of the Sea. " common nnd cull lumber, tho call for placed her on the fire. Sho then bo firsts nnd seconds having been less tanic Insonslble. Sho was covered with than usual, except when lumber was I'orto Itlcant Kb with OUsa. burns, which tho doctor who examined required for export. The greater Tho natives of Porto Itlco havo no hor declared to be ot a very sovero from nil sorts of consumers has need to buy soap, tor the wooded coun- character. scorn try abounds In plants whoso loaves and When brought beforo court tho PllOSPKCTlVH OF PA8SIJNOI3H AND RXI UltSflSTHAMUH. been for common lumber, that the ing to havo been an good stock ns they bulbs supply most fully tho plnco of priest explained that the woman's hus- roqulrod. This excosslvo demand has that Indlspeusablo article. Among tho band had sought his advlco. Ho coun- rail-roa- promptly. I something ot a trial 7 p. in.) and tho minimum In the Thoy have supinely permitted tho It last absorbed common oak faster than It best ut thoso Is tho soaptrcc, so called, seled Aslan-Ilo- k to forco his wlfo to to take their busluo uwny from to hor that her grnndnughter alvould hour before midnight, whllo the max- could bo dried, with the result that though It Is mare a bush than a tree. namo tho spooks, nnd ho (tho priest) show. Thero are thousand today who somotlmtw after n thonter party or oth- imum number ot birth occur In tho thero Is a shortngo all over tho coun- Its bulb, whon rubbod on wet clothos, would bo ablo to restore her to health. wsmld travel and ship their freight by er festivity sleep over breakfast time. early hours ot the morning vd the try. Thick ash has also been sold out makes a snow-whit- o lather, which has Ho-- hnd put liar on the flro until sho ot It they were assured ot aeeemmo-lstlnt- Tho granddaughter knows this nnd she minimum In the early houm ot the to the extent scarcity at tho mills an odor like old brown Windsor soap. gavo tho names of tho ovll spirits, vlver at points. lilaok even nearly approaching those make u great effort to bo up In time As regards tho cause ot this, south, and market Tho Porto Itlcans, who nro all. from which ho then wroto upon a piece or ash In tho north has become almost highest to paper It rurnlshed by the railroads. The steam- and tntiKO up hor sleep If she needs It he points out thnt tho hours ot tho tho the lowest, great dandles and threw Into the flames, pre- an unknown market quantity, nnd tho In tholr way, mako soap out ot cocoa-nu- which he was quite aure ers I moan to operntn will be unlike In tho Tho other evening maximum number of deaths aro t after that tho afternoon. same can bo said ot Michigan soft elm. horae-mad- o on Mlsats-ipp- L cisely those when tho pulse rate and oil and lye and a fine devils would leave her. He added that tiny that have ever run the she had been nut very late and grand-mamm- a por- bo temperaturo aro ut highest In It Is also sold that tho (trcater soap It Is, smooth and fragrant. ThU when she cried out before bolng put on In point of speed they will sympathized. "Tho child their ot Wisconsin basawood has of and when thero Is a ex- tion cocoanut oil soap Is used for shaving. tho hearth It was not sho that wept, far In advance of the river steamer mustn't try to get up this morning," health fobrlla changed hands, nnd the demand for a which acerbation In When a man wishes to havo n shave In but the dovlls. The Inquiry showed today. At present bmt makes alio said to herself and dressing muro lllnes. cull is In excess ot the ready supply. d the morning ho starts out with his co- - the woman had been kept on hot twelve mile an hour upatream Is hurriedly than usual alio hurried to hor Poplar has done hotter this season thnt coanut-shel- l cup and his donkey-tal- l ashos for olght hours. Tho headman a very fast eraft and there are grnnddnuhliter'R room. "Alice," alio WHAT THE LAW DECIDES, than for years, and the demand Is still brush and bottle. It Is never any of the village deposed that such moth-od- s low Htich nu the river. The new boat called softly, a she knocked on door. well maintained, while prices are firm to nnd an empty Porto ot treatment were often employod, will traval at the rate of from fifteen to no answer she went In. The right of a city to maintain eject- il.SO to S3 a thousand higher than trouble bottle lu There was and rt Itlco, Cuba, Jamaica, or almost any ot nnd wero always successful. Tho court eighteen mile an hour upstream and "Alice," she aotd again, peaking a ment for a street ot which It doe not a year ago." twenty-tw- o twenty-fou- r the larger West India islands, even In found the priest guilty, and sentenced from to mile little louder, but thero was no answor. own tho fee Is sustained In San Fran-clse- o will remote spots In the mountains. At least him to deprivation of all his civil nn hour dawnstream. llark heat 'Alice," she said a third time, and at vs. Orote (Oal.), 41 U It. A. 335. fltuily Character In Feeding. of 3O0 twenty generations ot thirsty people rights and to one year's Imprisonment. fa steel bulletl. with a length laet waa sleepy response. Pol f an electric railway, It prop- ot the Minnesota ex draught there a Prof. Haecker have lived there and thrown away the The husband would havo been alio and M feet beam. Their "Alloe. dear." she said, "don't think of erly placed, are held, In Snyder vs. slutlou says: "Thero Is no fet light Inches pertinent bottles. Tho man carries no mirror; tried, but thnt his wlfo declared that will be at Inebe and U getting up this morning. You were Fort Madison Street Hallway Company one rule ot feeding that has led astray will them to run he is too poor to own such n luxury. sho forgavo him. loaded. ThU enable out so very late last night you need (Iowa), 41 It. A. 345, to give no so considerable a number of our Amer- Is Its taweal !. Not one house in twenty in Porto Itlco ven when the water at the Hleep." All this time she was strok- right of action to the abutting owner, ican experimenters, and destroyed tbo be furnished has oven th very cheapest looking- - For ittage. Their holds will ing the runlet) head on the pillow nml whether he owns the fee ot the street practical value of their work, so often Japtn' 4rr. compartment, like tltnee glass, llut sonorously rich nature pro Japan Is keeping shipyards In sev- with airtight by the "rae she had finished speaking or not. as the one declaring thnt animals faf steamer, rendering them vides tbo mirror, as well as tho soap, eral countries busy with orders for netan It owni' was wide awake, but not A Injured by contact should be fed according to tbclr size." estimated lineman with a Tho man goes to sorae convenient pool new war vossels. tho present time-tw-o ipraetlenlly unalnkable. It la quite ot whnt had been said. If we had been where wo could hear At steam-- r coiiiuiis span wlro charged by a trolley wlro In the mountain stream where the wa protected cruisers ot the second that the eoat of each fMsaenger "Oh, yea. grandma," she answered, "i hlru say that wo would havo respond- - fSOO.000. I have ten which had a broken Insulator Is ter Is Quite still there Is his mirror. class aro being built In this country, will be ami will get right up." and the did, for she ed with a real, Metho- pledged by mer- right ot action, in Anderson vs. broaks hTs bottle on n stone and for Japan, and Franco and Oennany times that amount had so thoroughly wakwned that dist 'Amen." says American Cultiva- lie overy town from Bt.Paul been Inland Telegraph and Transportation deftly picks out a sharp piece ot suit are oach building ono armored chants In river she rould not go to sleep again. tor. It Is not truo of nny species of cruiser prom- Company (Wash.) 41 U. It. A. 410, first-clas- s. third-clas- s to Now Ol'twna. Including many any more tho human able site. Then bo lathers his face of tho One where he failed to test the Insulator, animals than begins to scrape away inent IiUtsans. rare, and least ot all Is it true ot the profusely, and cruiser and two torpedo gunboats are it Sllpliluut. although that was his duty. pleco of glass, "The saving of time will not be en The I'Utit milch cow. With all and every ono with bis which, In his on the stocks In Japanese yards, and for overeharge by bands, works as well as the best tlrely due to the speed of the boat. The latest number of Janus, n jour Flues an express amount ot food required must de- steel In Urltlsh hands the biggest orders ot company tho A or even a light Vorty naphtha tender will be operated nal which Is upen to contributors from are held, lu Southern Express pend In part upon tho nervous energy, razor. cut scratch all aro being carried out. vs. Com., extremely rare as a In ooaiieetlon with the line, to obviate nil parts of the world lu dlvor tonguia Company Walkor (Va.). 41 the force required to keep up the sys- Is result of this al England Is the principal purveyor for tba ueeeMlty of making landing to on subjects relating to the history of L. It. A., not to be within tho con- tem to tbo work It has to do. Dut this fresco form ot shaving. Japan's navy. Shu Is now building for take on passengers and freight. Thoee medicine and medloal geography, eon-tai- n stitutional provision setting apart as sgaln must be modified by the diges- It four battleships ot tho first class, tenders will patrol the river, collecting an Interesting and well-writte- n a literary fund "all fines collected tor tive powr. Somo animals, men al- Cruae. five armored cruisers of the first class, freight, express matter and pewengor artlele on medical archaeology, deal offense committed against the state." ways Included, cannot digest and as We hear many stories ot educated saoh ot 10.000 tons displacement, and' and will meet the steamer In mid- ing with the significance ot the plant Interstate property wanted tor distri- ilmllate food enough to sustain them animals and birds that have been caro-full- y several torpedo-boa- t destroyers. Two stream. There will bo a short atop allpblum and It therapeutic valu bution Is held, In Chamberlln's appeal it "telr work. They may take more educated, bu a story told In tho years honco Japan's navy wilt rank 'when paseenger are taken on. Freight among the ancients. Dr. Kronflrld or (Conn ), 41 U It. A. 304, to be assets U they need for a time, and then Cornblll Magazine Is somowhat novel among the most Important ot th end itxpre matter ran be taken on Vienna Is the writer, and he has Illus- for the administrator de bonis non, Ihw aust break dowu and bare a sea Inasmuch as the crane ot whose doings world. (while tVe boats are running at full trated bis article by a reproduction under the Connecticut statutes, even ion to recuperate. It tells educated Itself, and became a speed, the result being a great saving of the well-know- n dish ot ArkMllaoi, It the property has been "administer- very accomplished bird without any Speaking generally, the superior race The tenders are being built now In "Cabinet de Medallle" of ed" within the oorarwu-U- w (waning Insects, to bo fought properly, must outside assistance. la the race which has sufficient powsti et time. the 1 Madison, Ind., and the upper struc- - the National library In Paris, tlrapkle of that tsrta be assailed at certain seasons, when It lived with Its mate In a rjerman to take what It wants. at they are most exposed.