WE Inter-Phones and Accessories 1915
• ,..--·~! l ? -/ t F .L_:"""; ..... ~ 1915 , . / -, iEl1@~;t!?ll~ ," cMQ)JNIE~ TCI Library: www.telephonecollectors.info Page 1 }H1sll'rn #.£/,rlrit COMPANY Inter-phones and Accessories "INTER-PHONE" is the trade name adopted by the Western Electric Company for what is commonly known as Intercommunicating Telephone Apparatus. On the following pages will be found much information of value. "e have avoided, as far as possible, the use of general or descriptive information, and have endeavored to condense all data given. Wiring diagrams are also shown. Three general types of Inter-phones-\\all, desk, and hand-set types-are furnished. Under each system are listed the types adapted for the service described. INTER-PHONE SYSTEMS The various systems for which Inter-phones are adapted are as follows: HOUSE TELEPHONE SYSTEM. Multi-station, one or two-way service. Two to three line wires. System No. 16, list on page 3. ___ TWO STATIONS ONLY. Two line wires. Batteries at each station. System No. 14, listed on page 6. TWO TO SIX STATIONS. Code ri"gings-common talking. Three to foUl' line wires. Batteries at one station only. ,-,ystem No. 15, listed on page 7. THREE TO NINE STATIONS. Selective ringing. Common talking. Batteries at one s a ion only. System TO. 11, lis on page 11. MASTER STATION and not more than twelve outlying stations. Batteries at mas er s ation only. System Ko. 12 lis~ed on page 13. NOT MORE THAN TWENTY-FOUR STATIONS. Selective ringing and talking be tween all stations. System :;\0. 1, listed on page 18. A SYSTEM ALLOWING SECRET CONVERSATIONS between certain stations, being a modification of System No.
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