naturely nature - Gemeinde

Naturally nature

from 0 to 3.751 m

We are not in the Alps, but with the many meters in altitude you can also work up a sweat. This is the total height of the 4 table mountains around the Sehmatal, which invite you to hike and explore. The Erzgebirge was formed as the Pollenschollengebirge and the individual peaks protrude powerfully like panels. The view from them is fantastic. Gipfel ragen wie Tafeln noch einmal mächtig daraus hervor. Der Ausblick von ihnen ist fantastisch.

(Kopie 4)

10/2/21 - 7:44 AM (C) Gemeinde Sehmatal, 2019 1/5 naturely nature - Gemeinde Sehmatal

(Kopie 4) The Scheibenberg 807 m Pöhlberg 831 m NHN NHN

The Pöhlberg mining landscape also belongs to the World The Scheibenberg is one of the Heritage of the associated objects of the World / Krušnohoří region, even as a Heritage Montanregion main element. As with the Erzgebirge / Krušnohoří. Since Scheibenberg, we quote here we really cannot describe it the description of the World better, we would like to quote Heritage Montanregion the text from the World Erzgebirge e. V .: “On the Heritage Montanregion eastern side of the Pöhlberg, in Erzgebirge eV at this point: the middle of a rural area, “Uncovered by the extraction of there is a mining area that has sand, gravel and basalt, the been occupied since the 15th imposing basalt pillars of the century. Above all, the heaps of Scheibenberg up to 30 meters numerous small tunnels and high served as a reference the underground mines testify object around 1800 in the to the extensive mining on famous science dispute silver-containing copper ore. (plutonist-neptunist dispute) After the introduction of the about the formation of the Saiger process, silver was earth. The dispute (...) also led extracted from the copper ore to conclusions about the mined here in the Saigerhütte formation of deposits and thus Grünthal. (…) The underground had a direct influence on the mines from the 15th to the development of geology as 18th centuries and the original science on the one hand and remains of artifacts from the on the development of mining 18th century are unique for in the Ore Mountains on the mining in the Ore Mountains. other. The Scheibenberg is one ”(Quote) of the most important geological monuments in You can also ski and see the today. ”(Quote, distance from the restaurant November 7th, 2019) on the summit!

Who would have thought that! The basalt columns are also called organ pipes.

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(Kopie 6) The Bärenstein 898 m The Fichtelberg 1215 m NHN ... NHN

Here on the highest mountain in , with the highest town in Germany, is also the ... is something like the local largest ski area in Saxony, mountain of the Sehma Valley, together with the Klinovec even if it belongs to the place (Keilberg) located in the Czech of the same name. There are Republic. Go up with the cable many hiking trails at and car and the chair lifts and down around his feet. A fantastic with the skis. The physical well- view of the dam - maybe even being is also taken care of with an unforgettable sunset - here. In good weather you can what more could your heart even see the Monument to the desire? Battle of the Nations up to Leipzig!

 

the forrest, the forrest

10/2/21 - 7:44 AM (C) Gemeinde Sehmatal, 2019 3/5 naturely nature - Gemeinde Sehmatal

the forrest, the forrest

Half of the municipal area consists of forest. One already thinks at the word of rest and relaxation, of wonderful smell and mushrooms - go into the sponge, as the Erzgebirge says. The forest is our great treasure. It is one of the reasons why the community has become a resort. In snowy winters with heavy snow loads, the forest paths are blocked by the state enterprise Sachsenforst. You can see whether paths can be walked here on the outdooractive map or ask the tourist information.

We are part of the Erzgebirge / Vogtland Nature Park. Information and events from the nature park can be found here.

The Dörfel Nature Conservation Center provides first-hand information on flora and fauna. Events relating to our nature and nature conservation take place for all age groups. If you are interested, you will find more information here.

The raised bog on the Siebensäure There is good news for everyone who stands in front of the closed moor path: the “Erzgebirge / Vogtland” nature park has the moor path repaired and then hands it over to the State Forest of Saxony in spring 2020. Then the bog can be safely visited by large and small explorers on the oak walkway.

Until then, we would like to urgently ask all curious people to refrain from careless visits, we assume no liability for visiting the construction site!

Find out more about bog

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