Your City Your Space Online Youth Forum Outcomes

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Your City Your Space Online Youth Forum Outcomes COUNCIL REPORT Agenda Item 5.4 27 April 2010 YOUR CITY YOUR SPACE ONLINE YOUTH FORUM OUTCOMES Committee Future Melbourne (People and Creative City) Presenter Cr Kanis Purpose 1. The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval to allocate funds in 2010-11 to implement various youth-safety project options based on suggestions received from young people through the forum. Consideration at Committee 2. As a result of consideration at Committee, the following part of the recommendation endorsed by Committee was dealt with under delegation: 2.1. “endorse the draft Your City Your Space Online Youth Forum Report and endorse the public release of the report; and” 3. The remaining part of the recommendation is presented to Council for approval. Recommendation 4. That Council allocate sufficient budget (up to $95,000) to implement options 1, 2, 4 and 5 detailed in the attached Committee report for the 2010 – 2011 financial year. Council Report Attachment: 1. Future Melbourne Committee, Agenda Item 9.1, 13 April 2010 1 of 24 FUTURE MELBOURNE COMMITTEE REPORT Agenda Item 9.1 13 April 2010 YOUR CITY YOUR SPACE ONLINE YOUTH FORUM OUTCOMES Portfolio People and Creative City Division Community Development Presenter Colleen Lazenby, Manager Community Safety and Wellbeing Purpose 1. To provide Committee with information regarding the outcomes of the Your City Your Space Online Youth Forum, and to present five youth-safety project options based on suggestions received from young people through the forum for consideration. Recommendation from management 2. That the Future Melbourne Committee: 2.1 endorse the draft Your City Your Space Online Youth Forum Report and endorse the public release of the report; and 2.2 determine which option(s), based on suggestions made by young people on the Your City Your Space Online Forum, Council wishes management to implement in the 2010- 2011 financial year. Background 3. On 3 October 2008, the City of Melbourne hosted the City Safety Summit that included eighty key stakeholders. The aim of the summit was to canvass opinions about safety issues in the city and discuss potential solutions to problems identified. One of the key recommendations arising from the summit was to engage young people in discussions about safety to better understand their needs and concerns. 4. On 25 March 2009, a meeting was held with eleven young people and the CEO Dr. Kathy Alexander to identify effective ways of engaging young people in discussions of safety. The young people suggested that engaging youth through an online forum (e.g. using the Dell Ideas Storm Model - would enable young people to identify issues of safety, prioritise issues in terms of importance and suggest possible solutions in relation to identified issues. 5. A youth safety committee comprising ten young people from various youth organisations including Step Back Think Campaign, National Union of Students (NUS), Australian Federation of International Students (AFIS), Victorian Indigenous Youth Advisory Council (YIYAC) and the Youth Disability Advisory Service (YDAS) was established in June 2009 to work with City of Melbourne to develop an online safety forum and associated marketing campaign for young people. 6. Your City Your Space Online Forum ran for ten weeks from 21 September 2009 to 7 December 2009. The forum provided young people aged 12 to 25 years who lived, worked, studied and/or visited the city with the opportunity to identify issues of safety through the use of blogs (online commentary), to prioritise identified issues through a thumbs up/down rating system and to identify possible youth-lead solutions. 1 2 of 24 7. The name for the online forum was: “Your City, Your Space – Making your City Safer” with a URL for the forum being Key issues 8. In total, there were 164 young people who became members of the forum. Usage totalled 2,493 unique views (individual or new site visits) and 4,426 views (i.e. the number of pages visited in the site). 9. Of the people who visited the site, over a quarter (26 percent) actively participated in the forum by making a post. In total, 134 posts were made. The posts were categorised into eleven key themes and young people were invited to make posts to the forum in relation to these key themes. The themes included drugs and alcohol, motor vehicle safety, pedestrian and cyclist safety, personal safety, policing and security, public transport, sexual harassment, sports safety, venues and space and violence. 10. As outlined in Attachment 1, the top five issues of importance identified by young people on the forum were: 10.1 lack of commonsense of young people; 10.2 issues relating to lack of late night public transport options; 10.3 chromers on trains and trams; 10.4 violence on public transport; and 10.5 boredom and lack of alcohol-free activities in the city. 11. Young people were also invited to suggest possible solutions to the safety issues identified. There were thirty-five solutions identified. Users of the site were invited to vote on the solutions that were important to them via a thumbs up/thumbs down rating system. The top five solutions identified were: 11.1 more allocated bike parking; 11.2 implement an education campaign for motorists and cyclists; 11.3 youth-lead education campaign and action in relation to combating violence in the city at night; 11.4 increase the number of officials patrolling public transport particularly in the afternoons and at night; and 11.5 run drug and alcohol free low cost and/or free activities and events for young people at night. Proposed Options 12. Five potential project options have been developed in relation to the top five solutions identified by young people on the Your City Your Space Forum. Four of the proposed options are informed by, and enhance, work currently being undertaken, while one option relates to new work. 2 3 of 24 13. The table below provides the options in terms of the cost to the 2010-2011 budget and potential benefits. Project Options Benefits 2010/2011 Budget Costs Option 1: In partnership with - Aligns with the Bicycle Plan $35,000 Engineering Services and Strategic 2007 – 2011. Planning undertake new research to identify the short, medium and long- term bike parking requirements within the City of Melbourne. The research would map current bike parking locations, bike paths networks, and forecast population, visitor and city user data to identify short, medium and long- term strategic solutions. This research aligns and builds on the strategic directions outlined in the Bicycle Plan 2007 – 2011. Option 2: Develop a local area motorist - Reduction in cyclist injury and $10,000 and cyclist education campaign fatalities (currently City of that incorporates safe cycling messages Melbourne is ranked 1st out of and promote understanding on the roads 79 municipalities in terms of for both motorists and cyclists within cyclist road deaths and serious the municipality. This initiative builds injury); on, and is informed by the learnings - Better understanding of road from two projects implemented in 2009: safety for young motorists and the 'Road Harmony' Project undertaken cyclists; in partnership with Bicycle Film Festival and ‘A Metre Matters’ Project - Improvements to public health implemented in partnership with Amy encourage people to take up Gillet Foundation. This new campaign cycling as a safe, healthy and would focus on areas of high risk and sustainable transport option. injury in City of Melbourne that have been identified by Vic Roads. 3 4 of 24 Option 3: Work in partnership with The - Integrated community $85,000 Salvation Army and Australian Hotels approach to reducing youth Association to develop and deliver a anti-social behaviour, violence Youth Street Team program to operate and crime in the city; on Friday and Saturday nights in the - Unique and innovative public city. This is a new initiative that would safety service that supports be implemented in partnership with traditional enforcement and Salvation Army and Australian Hotels community education Association strategies; - Builds capacity, volunteering experience and leadership skills of young people; - Young people have better understanding of social support options at night; - Uses a peer education model which encourages young people to make a commitment to share responsibility for safety. Option 4: Continue to advocate to State - Partnership approach to the Nil Government to review the current reduction of violence on public public transport service and to explore transport; ways of reducing violence on public - Improved services, including transport and at stations especially at more effective night time night and at weekends through CEO public transport options; and Council contacts and meetings. - Reduction in anti-social behaviour, violence and crime on public transport Option 5: Work with private, public and - Provides an innovative, safe $50,000 not for profit organisations to deliver a and inclusive means of program of drug and alcohol free activating the city; activities and events for young people - Opportunity to change the throughout the city that aims to counter culture of alcohol that is the culture of alcohol and violence in currently prevalent among the city at night. This initiative aligns young people; with the City of Melbourne Policy for a 24 Hour City by offering a diverse - Reduction in anti-social and range of activities (i.e. cultural, arts- violent behaviour at night; based, recreational and social events) - Enhances the provision of for young people that promotes a vibrant and safe night time vibrant and safe night-time culture. This economy; option could be undertaken across branches such as Events, Community - Enhanced social and Safety and Wellbeing and Arts and community wellbeing. Culture. 4 5 of 24 Time frame 14.
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