THE HERALD: OSKALOOSA MAHASKA COUNTY. IOWA. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1898. LAFAYETTE. OUR SOLDIER BOYS. OUT 1 WASHINGTON MURDER WILL OUT. 1 •* Wholesome ss it la Delicioua.” X V _ PSKFKCT JFOOD— MS Miss Crookham Describes Their O. R. Gaskill Writes Entertain- James MoDonongh Arrested Af* & A Worthy Composition by a 6th O WALTER BAKER CO.'S 0 Departure for ingly of the Coast. ter Binding the Law for Ward School Girl. Two Years. a child, Baa- San Francisco Nov. 10.- When Dayton, Wash , Not. It—Data Old Below la given e oomposition written I remember my geography said that alb:—l received the first copy of ths Wan- James MeDonough was arrested In FSSIjCASTORIA 8 § states In the 87, We . For Infants and Children. COCOA dated October by Large, e 7th grade pupil of lowa exoeUed all other LX to-day, this city Monday by Officers McOaol V m «HlKl MHm Stood the test of more then too years’ use among alt X Memie m unequalled.” raising hogs. With the loyalty and have much trouble retting, mall here. A a |Vh rl»t»T*i and forpurity and honest worth ia the Fifth ward. It to e composition of and Airy. Be to wanted in Des Moines wK. B lCemle prepared for Lafayette dey patriotism so natural, with children I change of poetaiMten to making loti of for a crime committed In 1696. trouble, bnt wo hop# the now P. M. will be Costs less than ONE CENT a Cup. (> waa observed, in the school a not took much pride even in this special MdDonongh wm an employee The Kind You Have X¦! lira which all right eooa. of the ftSTORji P] Trade-Mark on Every Package. >< subject, mention of my native state, though I Savery House in Des X Bl I F- long ago.: Ia reference to Myself, Cy Matthews, Wn, Holmes, for- Moines. He had capitalis- could not help wtohlngthat oar leading always borne a good V WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD., X matter, and its arrangement, merly of BddyTiUo,lowa,nnd Lytle Baynes, reputation and ing, paragraphing, etc., It to given as product were something more attrac- np had been pat to discharge responsible Y K DORCHESTER, formerly of Marshalltown, lowa, went MdUkAtfaluiilf- X nuMUK. Established 1780. MASS. many similating andßegula- # Q she prepared it. tive. on the river Taehld fourteen miles between duties times. He wm lent to tbs tteTood , LaFayette, long ago. In 1896 lowa the fishing ting the Stomfl£hs and Bowels of “Marqnto de a French- That wss moantains,;tront Mr. Holmes bank to deposit 6800 In cMh one day J}BB.rS tuo g \ man, was also one of the best of Amer- comes to the front and proves to the and Mr Baynee oaught 101 fine mountain and he never came back. He canght He was; born at world that she excels In the production trout. They gave them all to me to eat, ns an outgoing train, went to and icans. Chavanlaoln I Denver the anolent of Anverne Sept. of soldtere! Oregon, Minnesota and Iam called emigrant .here; so yon see eluding the polloe. In ~ provlcoe enlisted the Signature /%$ had plenty of fish to eat. _i They were the other states have made a fine showing, United itatea navy. He came to hto Digestion,Cheerful- M _ / ly* 6, 1767. finest fish 1 scenery la fine. Promotes if name was Motier. He but the lowa regiment has won the home near Oikaloosa on a furlough ness and Rest. Contains neither i> / )f,r What Miracles? Bis Gilbert We waded the river with gnm boots. The Not peo- place In the hearts of the nor Mineral. AIT The great Four-C Remedy is doing work vherever introduced as nearly miraculot' was left an orphan at the age of thir- warmest water Is dear nnd,ahallow,..bvt very swift and was reoogntoed. Communication Opium,Morphine U 1 #f\ Their morality, as it ever falls to the lot of any human agency to do (1 willesteem ita teen. ple of San Franolsoo. and lee river beds of rook with Dea Moinaa developed the fact Not Narcotic. IU.It appear- odd as water; favor for any one interested to write the persons whose names He was married at the age of sixteen, manliness, Intelligence and fine and very slippery, i The trails ever the that he wm a till wanted, ao he wai everywhere commented on, steep It you testimonials.) wedding the daughter of Dake D. ’Ayen anoe were mountains are so that makes placed In Jail to await the arrival of ammoTOidIrSMUELPtrCBUI among these the easy for they were feel like getting out and walking safety. ' 1 cwytm one of the most important and oldest and in all contests Sheriff McNutt, of Polk oonnty, who Pumpla* Smd 1 ¦ illhti ttt pelllc »| sincerity of the tree merits shoot, we safe and aound and felt * 1 If Ml of and ofthis remedy. families in the kingdom. winners. They won in the prise But returned will take prlaoner to Dm Moloea this Mx.Jmnm |/A the juuiusj*- I Mi better for trip. MLI _ A great fortune came to him, and a in the prise drill, at base ball, and, vic- evening. JF THE RACE. UNBROKEN REST AT NIGHT. Ican atand in the eourt house door and SKNEFACTOR9 J. B. I do which he tories, of victories, they beat both Stan- flcuie. Manager, good opp<~ rtunity to good look away and see the moun- Offloe of“Knsnun Tons.” I Office Commercial Printing Co., V ford and Berkeley >t foot bill! Be eixteen.xtllee ijn* The Kingfisher. Ok la.. Dec. 12, VS f 19« South Clark St. f Improved. tains covered with enow, yet i am comfort- f\ __ „ _ Chicago, 24, remembered, the regi- OnnntH -1 believe Itmy duty to write you . Nov. '94 have become a man very •ides, be it lowa j . R R. Phelps, Esq., City, He seems to able in my shirt .sleeves Myself and EARLY JA ft tine in regnrd to the beneficial effect of Phelps' FIRE. T* Dxab Sib;— mental band to the best;that has been |#j •Four C Remedy," so far xs I am personally con- l wish to hear testimony to th early; be was sent to oollcge at Paris brother in law, Cy Matthews, started for mgo great efficacy ofyour “Four C”remedy in throa of the dally forCons'ipa- I U leraed. A week iut Thursday, Iwsa taken luii;! al the age of and was chosen one of heard in this city, and one Mr. Carl Ogden’s, up on the Two Canon W Another Victory Aperfectßemedy (V IV 11111 vith a severe attack of la grippe and in a abort and ailments. As a rule Ihave been ikep 12, Spanish I l I tical of the merits of medicines, of not Two Canon d. F. Thornton Grocery Destroy- don. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. I laK Ime became ao boano Icould not apeak above 1 proprietary bn queen's pages at 16 papers in speaking it attributed river, situated between the * have to confess that of your Worms bisper The night previous I had coughed a test “Four C" i of to mountains, miles away. It took a .Convulsions .Feverish- 1 Ip aha the night; lust I convincing that at least one ready made reined; He was not quite nineteen years old a little the regiment's popularity twenty ed Monday Morning. V#%t* II Marly entire before retiring took My and Loss of Sleep. t teas the as is worthy of use. children all take it with of Its whole day to make the.trip, 'ourteen miles ness pool, ful.and slept entire night sweetly out least objection, the Americans declared their In- the excellence band. may war, lull fiuVu fts ever 1 did in my life, not coughing I the from oldest to younges when Z You be disappointed in in politics, or Z was particularly i writing facts fs not alto- of the way being heavy up grade. We intireiyrelieved before taking one boti.e Phelps' and it is noticeable that benefit dependence of E igland; he at once re- Tbe of these The M. F. Thornton grocery 717 High Tac Simile Signature of 'lough. Cold and Croup Cure should be in every almost immediate. A single dose will checl »pleasuie, stopped at the home of J. M Ogden and X in business, but you will never be disappointed most coughs in their it gives an un solved the and help gether fraught with since W west destroyed fi'eabont Household la the had. Isend you this wholly beginning; to cross ocean oar hi* daughter Mary had a splendid dinner avenue was by id broken rest at night. In my family “Four C’ those who say: “Bosh, as sol ted by anyone, for you are benefactors of is forefathers in the fight for their liber- there may be will “ two o’clock thia morning. The lames he raoe in giving IIthe antidote for some ofthe sjmpTy indispensable and I recommend it un and ready for us at Bp. m. After dinner we Always writer native lowan, pre- Bought. •weft ÜboUoosto whiohit is heir. ties. the Is a started down the,grade forthe eanon. You originated in the ware room north of Vay Truly Tours, J. B. Hulims. judiced." only the weather beaten C. J. Mubitt, Editor. His determination to cjme was so may talk about your hills and cliffs, but to the grooary and were well under way ACUTE LARYNGITIS. with Indiffer- Chicago, Sept. 25, '95 great that he came against the wishes politician who oan state look down ftotu the cliffs where we drove | when discovered by Night Polloeman For years back each winter I have suffered A MIRACLE. ence that whioh he thinks may he doubt- in a wagon on a single ao narrow that Airy - with aoute Laryngitis. Last winter was so bad of his parents, even Benjamin Frank- trail BatfieAXfc Wm. He turned It the alarm and ffHlfllUrtl p pAOTfIRIA ffumi City, Dec. 84, *9l Icould not leave or speak Ho , shall overcome my pass,;ana above the I Hsneen. my room for two weeks wevs I teams can cot so high PLUG z company lin advised him not to come, (Franklin ed. I the fire responded quickly. Aset Friday. Deo. 19, my attending physician above a whisper. 1 tried every known cougL CXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. I r< ; facts—as makes you wish you were back on llvVlj tated unless I was bettor by morning be oould preparation from oough drops up and down with being minister to Franoe at that time) timidity and cord these river, They handled the fire nicely; but not be UllI to for my night oom- desperation was to passed chewing nothin? relief. That I no relief, then in I induced wrote his poetry —for the the level prairies of lowa. But we Z It is the one tobacco in the world that Z 111 —THI aenoed Pbelp*» “Four C" remedy, to try Phelp’s “FourC." The first dose relieved and the king told him he should not Wordsworth fore It had burned through into the luMlPWTfc——¦ CCNTAUN COMHNV. NCW YORK CITf. taking stopped over and arrived.safely at our destination U 1 other medKunea. Tbe first dose stopped ray my cough, giving me the first night's rest for come. futnre. Then, when oar boys return X is always the same good chew —and the largest X ma ! n store and damaged by jougfa: slept and rested well; a few more dosls weeks. Half the bottle eured me. I have nevet with our spirits high for fish and pame. I the. stock my lungs; seconp been without this wonderful remedy had his mind to fight laden with trophies and hearing the heat, smoke and water will be ¦emuved ell eocenes# from tbe 6ince. It it But be madejup will mention no namee, for the fish and m at the lowest Try it to-day. W a com- lay I was up; tbe third day I was out on the as different Tom other like remedies as molasses lion's share of the honors of one piece price. x>roh and today was np town purchasing holiday from vinega' «r sugar from sand. for American independence so he ran game law is In force since November l. plete lo*a. There was every chance Mies Jznnix Basset, Mbs. Joseph E Grubb. dare say they not merited, foods. away and bonght a ship with his own are We were called the next morning ac.d on favoring a spread o£ the flamei to the Washington Ave. and Summit SL 5313 Madison Ave. light that the money, and Invited friends to sail with It was with hearts lowa looking out we saw one of our party with fruit stand and market place east of IT IS A MIRACLE. camp to the name f CROUP CURED. Conductor Eckard, the Railroad Correspon The king stopped him, shat him regiment broke and. marched three red salmon longer than Geo. Baugh’s f the grooary, bnt the fire lads ohecked DEPARTMENT STORE. /gi^Coxawk him. Remember ft''® « mmmm, Oough, Register, Yor h One does of Phelps' Cold and Croup dent of the Neodasha Kansas has this and orders have thedoek, where thousands of the best arm, all caught for breakfast. • 1 • this with bnt the Jure, gave my child instant relief when attacked to say of “Four C." “Phelps is having a won- np In prison, sent to v when you buy again. slight damage to fruit with the croup. derful sale of bis Cough and Cold Remedy. We the ship seised. people of Sin Franclsoo had gathered Everything was confusion then with us stand from smoke. W E. Mooes, of Moore Bros., Grocers. personally kiow it is just what it is represent- tenderfoot emigrsnts and breakfast was The Frankel Brothers Decide on Arkansas City, Kansas. ed to oe. Too much cannot be 6aid in its praise. But LaFayette slipped ont of prison to see them off. Books, lunches, fruits, Mr. Thornton was lneared with J. It is a mirac.e. soon over with me. We started to tbe Two Boßinefs In man's clothes, the ship was flowers, etc., were showered upon them L. Nelson for 61,600. The stook and a Big Venture. another Canon river close by, which is a small gotten offto and Its went by the hospitable inhabitants, and the is valned 62,000, and NOTICE TO DRUOOISTS AND THE PUBLIC. , owner stream but clear, swift and very rocky and fixtures at>bove are authorized in Cases landed safely at George- ever faithful Bed Cross Society distri- to loss The Frankel all natives aod Contract.—Druggists All to Refund the Pur- on board and water iee cold The salmon are on the rif- a total Brothers, chase Price, if the Four-C Remedy (Phelps’Cough, Croup buted postal cards among them and Cold and Cure) fails town, S. Carolina, In April 1777. On fell laying their eggs and the speckled trout The building which Is considerably well known residents of this city have to give satisfaction in Croup, Bronchitis,As thma,LaGrippe,Coughs and Colds, no served them with hot ooffee and sand- SCHOOL NEWS. AN AWFUL BLUNDER. damaged arriving Congress was in session at eat all the egge they can get. I shot sev- la owned by John Shannon, decided to bnlld and operate a large de matter how long standing, or deep seated, in fact I guarantee in all manner of offered as a wiches before they went on board the times with my shot gun at the 441 North Market partment Bronchial or Lung trouble, not as a Cure-All,but to give unbounded saDgtaction. Phil. He at onoe himself eral large Items of Interest to Patrons and street and there wm store in Dea Moines, which transport. Among those who took a salmon but could not kill any. Whlx! went lQsnranee Give it a *?ial on the above conditions. I take al. chances. 9 volunteer without pay, a more gener- An Mistakes Blasting Pow- no on It. will be the largest retail business estab- Is a positivecar lowa soldiers swift,dear Ohioan ELY’S CREAM BALM ous act* was never know a. personal Interest in the my partner’* spear in tbe water Papils of the City Schools. Mr. Thornton Is at a loss to account lishment In lowa. Their new building Applyinto the nostrils. Itis quickly absorbed. E. R. 118 530 .Street, CHICAGO, ILL, which der for Coal. DrnsrgiaU by "eampfes by PHELPS. Pros He was at onoe presented to Washing- was Judge Henry N. Clement, a former and he drew out a nice red ealmon for the fire. Officer Airy passed the will be six stories In height, will front OeotS tt or mail; 10c. IMfL high place would weigh from 1& to 20 pounds. You KLY BBOTHERS. 66 Warren Su. New Yack a* ton and won the great man’s heart lowan, who has won a in the [This column is conducted by Principal plaoa at midnight and says there was ninety feet on Walnnt street and 132 of osn Imagine how I felt. After he speared & Bentley Drug Company, took him in as one of his confidence and esteem of the people J. P. Dodds of the Whittier ] no of a feet on S xth avenue, will have an in- Green Washington few fish he gave the spear to me. I Building sign fire at that time. this community. The boys con tinnod a more HE TRIES TO BUILD A FIRE WITH IT. mod- family, LaFayette at onoe accepted. He made several thrusts before I was on to it. side court modeled and finished in Wbolenl* and Retail Agaatt. In joyous mood to the very last, and A HUusing . Mr. R. F. was proud to be with the greatest sol- Distance and depth of water are dee iving. Principal Athern of the Delta schools ern aDd attractive style, and all sur- the spoken In eheerfnl, Wood, of raston. Pa., was a great suffer- fits the Correctly. dier of the century. good*byes were Finally l speared a fine, large red ealmon was transacting tuslneas in the city In the Explosion Which Follows Two er from Organic never mounted by a dome. It ts expected the happy I Heart Disease. He Their friendship became as brothers tones. Bat as I watched it ail and pulled him out on the graveled ahore. Saturday. of His Chlldorm Are Killed, An- expected to be well again, but Dr.Aqnew’s Dnilding will be com >leted and the W. W. EBY, for and always so great was oonld not help thinking how different I thought him the finest fish I ever saw; other Is Dlellvnred, and the Mu Cure the Heart was his good angel,and More opened by Angnat remained so; Miss Lizzie Sheahan, after a two be lives to day to tell it to ethers, hear 1,1899 F. J. Page, Washington LaFay- the parting had parents and loved ones but Iscon had five more alongside of him. and His Wlte Injured. a Snndsy morning’s Register says: * Ulli IIMUICi at BUI Ulltt #¦ it that educated weeks’ vacation, resumed her school him: *‘l was for fifteen year« great suf- stood in the places of those strangers! We went to d’nner with nine of those beau- ferer from heart disease, had siuo'herins’ M and Mr. Henry OFriOIAN. North Side Bqr. ette’a sons. for pain “Mr Frankel to loan at 5 per cent. tiful salmon strung on a pole, as much as duties a three months and a half spells, palpitat'on. in left side, and Money He went In the army private aol I hope no one will mention it, bat Columbus, 0., Nov. 81. —APortsmouth ankles, Llebbe left last night for the «ut to in- a 3 a * two of us could carry. We also caught term on Monday She Is teaching near swelled Twenty physicians treated A. Devitt. Office over Frankel Bank, Oaka- dler and waa soon In tbe bloody battle several of the lowa boys have improved (O.) special to the State Journal say*: me, but 1 got no relief. 1 used Dr. Ague w’s spect large department stores and to se- Walter C. Burrell. Jas. twenty mountain trout weighing from 15 to Fremont. an accidental explosion of bleating Cure for rhe Heart. One dose relieved me of Brandywine, Sept, 1777. He was thesammer by falling in love. For By cure modern and new ideas for the big & loosa, lowa. 4tf CXOCOI^TLS ; tO pounds; butter fish, bull head trout, 113 Sunday morning George W. Fer- inside of thirty minutes. Seven bottles Burrell Devitt 1 blood flow these, of coarse, bitter tears were shed Miss Floy Crickett, after an absence powder me,” 21 establishment. They will return dar- FOR EATING ORINKING. 'jj shot in the leg and saw bis pheasants and squirrels. So you see we guson, a quarryman, ia dying, two of cured at particg. of more than a month, because of her by A Bentley Drug 103 Attorneyset-Law. COOKING. BAKING lj lag for so good a oanse. lived well. We got perfectly tired of see hie children are dead and hi* wife and Sold Green Co., ing the month. Plans will be made at yjj,{X/tfU sister’s illness, returned to her school H'tib Ate West Grocery, southeast The army was delighted with Its brll The sailing of the Fifty-first lowa ing fish and so quit fishing On Saturday another child are disfigured for life. once. C Sice over N eagle’s I. O. R. M. t Purify of Material and V i work on Monday. <-r er of the square. 4-0-tf j 11J) jh liant hero Washington;was proud of Regiment Is a sight to remembered. as I was crossing a drift dragging three Fergu*on waa hunting for wood to The Frankel tiompany will own and Meets the first and third Tneadaya and OeticiMSMss • Flavor UtextefiM', SHOWS IMPROVEMENT C One does not often see a boat loaded fish so that I could hardly lift them, The “Oakaloosa Times” has as ably & and found a oan ap- operate the store the second and fourth Saturday nights of him; the whole country praised him. large build fire powder department The TOR SALE A! OUR passengers, broke and I at- to JACKSON, each month in their hall, 101-103 High ave- STOWS His manner was such .hat Washington with 1,084 all dressed alike. the log fell, striking on my written and well conducted an educa- parently full of coal. When he All Liut-s of Trade Are Ke|iurted B« company is composed of Aneelm Frank- DR. J. H. nue east. (4Ctf) H. N. riNYDXJt, C. of B. Congress About 4 o'clock the boat began to move. back and side, which laid me np forrepairs tional column as any paper in the state tempted to start a fire with this a loud Enjoying a Very Fair-Sixed recommended him to to give el, president; Manatee Frank'd, vice* CHICAGO, i>rdclrs forth 1 was pretty badly bruised and had to nde explosion followed, which knocked one LATE OF him a command of troops, whioh th«y The lowa band ; .poared noblest The column is edited by John Meissner, llooni. president; N»te Frankel, secretary,and home twenty miles over the mountains. It entire aide of the house out. At the did, they made him Major General. strains, bnt they were all lost amid the principal of the Leighton schools. Mr. Meyer Roeenfeid,treasurer. The presi- MISS LACEY, wi’l stop my fun for awhile You lowa time Ferguson, hla wife and baby in & Homoepathic Specialist BERTA wild oheerlng incident to the departure. Meissner’s column shows that he Is an New York, Nov. 18—R G Dun Co.’s is engaged LaFayette came of a military race aporte can talk about your fishing, but you arms and four little daughters were weekly review of trade says: "The situa- dent In the banking busi- Every point of vantage on the vessel observer and a and soon showed he coaid manage the ought to come out here and have a chase thicker. grouped about tha stove. All were tion Is clearer and the Improvement In ness at Oukaloosa Manasee Frankel In Chronic and Complicated Teacher o* Piano. IN lit- business which was expected after the LADIES CHARGE. men well amid danger was made use of. The rigging was over these riffels after fine trout, with half What professional man gives more r f knocked down by the force of the ex- condocts the big clothing establishment Diseases. In uniforms. election has begun. Payments through He was very generous withnis money erally fall of boys The the fish sticking out of the water; and you his time to the public than does Prof. plosion. Iva, aged six, and Cynthia, clearing houses are far the largest ever in this city. Nate Frankel has charge lltf 418 First Avenae Fast. Associated Charities Have Nam- In helping feed and clothe the soldiers. life boats were loaded, and the decks have to be quiek on your feet and good WilliamSolomon! aged 11, died olmoet instantly from In- known, for the week 37.3 per cent larger of tbe Oikaloosa store. This establish 25 Tears Experience. than last year, and 33.0 per cent, larger reminded one of swarms of bees. We with the spear if you get them. juries and Ferguson was so terribly in- ed their After the revolutionary war waa over Now is the time when great numbers than In 1693. The glass workers have re- ment will be removed here, and the ty Prompt attention given to calls for Committees. watched the boat till It passed through You ought to see the genuine mountain jured that he oannot live. The mother output ts of bat sukusby and he knew America waa safe. He of boys and girls are studying history sumed. the anthracite coal heavy whole commercial business will be con- acute attacks Sickness, NO and good children terribly burned and much beyond the present capacity of OB OBBTBTBICS went home to France. the Golden Gate, Into ths bine waters girls. They are stoat, hearty and other are solidated in this city in tbe new depart- and civil government, and they, per- and bruised and may not lire. Ittrans- markets, the troubles in Illinois coal mines Diseases of Women cured without any The following ladle* have been eho* of ocean, where Itlooked looking. Will ride a horse .bare-back np obstinate Loflaxd, Franoe had no other man so honored the Pacific an haps wish to know names mem have been settled and the new strike of ment establishment. local treatment The most W. H. Kalbach, C. a and down the steep mountain trails where the of pired that the oan wm partially filled shoe workers In Marlboro, Mass., Is now cured Homoepathy President Cashier. en m the officer* and oommlttee* to at LaFayette, ha waa trusted by indistinct figure on the hortoon. about The Frankel olothlng house opened eases readily by was Iwould fear to go on foot. Three of them bersofthe president’s cabinet. They with blasting powder. the only labor hindrance of consequence. strictly adhered to Weakness and ner- serve for the aaaoeiated oh art tie* dar- this time a vessel moved up to be load- years ago and has be- all friends of Freedom. were at our place one day: Mieses May are as follows: It is noteworthy that Inspite of all changes here about three vous diseases of Men cured and general —THS— ing ensuing year: and the looked at the price of spot wheat has but slightly chronic diseases. the He freed and educated all the negro ed, policeman ns as Winnie Donahue and Alders. come famous in lowa. Ita success has a Norris, Bsta Secretary of State, 001. John Hay. VETERAN OF TWO WARS. changed. Ma- President—Mrs. R. Oppenhelmer, bequeathed to him his mnoh as to say: Yon had better go." been phenomenal. This hai been dne Office Bouthwest Cor. Square, over ¦laves after Iproposed that they shoot for a prise and Secretary of the Treasury, Lyman J. "Iron is in bigger demud all the time haska County Bank. 863d-*9wlyr Bail, Secretary—Mr*. 8. Baldanf. mother's death. The transport Pennsylvania Is a very offered a pocket kerchief for closest shot Gage. Gen. Don Carlos Bnell Passes Away and yet production steadily Increases and to the m dern business methods strlot iiikaloon national £ at Pittsburgh bessemer pig Is slightly low- Treasurer—Mr*. C. Lofland. He proved to be such an exoellent fine boat, and thanks to the criticism with rifle forty steps off heud. The first at LouIst111«, Kr-—Brief Ao- f the promoters. For the new enter- DIRECTORS: Mrs. Bass, 602 North C street. department, no pains were spared to won the prize and went home well pleased. precedent, including material for cars, prise naoght ” Attorney-at- Law, ed a good man to lead in the work of Long. sorts, there is bnt snocets wIiAS. JL Loflaxd, J. W. McMullix, High They are nice girls, friendly and eociable, Louisville, Ky., Nov. 81. —Gen. Don bridges, vessels and work of all and LOKIHO, Mrs. L. Blattner. 421 West getting out the orneltiee of their nation make it ssfe.healthf al and comfortable. of structural work la seasonably quiet, Huber & Kalbach Co’e Hard- J. H. (jrKXKX, D. W. vieit each other after night and fear neither Secretary the Interior, Cornelius Carlos Buell, whose fame on the battle- Over C. B. McCulloch li. L spkhckr, avenue. and building it np, they called LaFay- One word of prophecy. We are though the mills have much ahead, while man nor beast. They are stout robust, A. Bliss. field of both the Mexican and oivll wars, In bars the demand is considerably better Relief in Six Honrs. ware Store, Oskaloosa, lowa. W. H. Kalbaoh, Mrs. Hedden, 905 C avenue west. tanght that a good result of the Ora and ette. just as God created them, and enjoy life Secretary of Agriculture, James Wil has given luster to American soldiery, at Pittsburgh, with orders for material of Distressing Kidney and dis- DENTS: SECOND WARD. make the Eas; and West 6,000 at Chicago. Some the Bladder PRACTICE IN ALL t OURTB. COKKKSPON The troubles of the land threatened, sadei was to and goed health. soo. disd at his home, four miles from Rock- care works at eases relieved In six hoars bv the “New York. Mr*. WillRiley, 515 South B street. with acquainted with each other. W hen the Ky., Saturday. The end had been east are short of orders and prices are 52tf First National Bank, New the multitude grew wild the new Dayton is the county seat of Columbia postmaster Oeneral, Charles Emory port, held back. The expectation Is that the Great South American Kidney Cure." Gilman, Son A Co., New York. Long. SCB 6th avenue boys great Mrs. John life of universal rights. Order and lowa oome back from Manila county and has a population of about 2,500, nlth. numbers. The victors have probably proposed rail association will meet an ex- This new remedy is a surprise on First National Bank, Chicago, S tremely heavy demand for the next year, of its exceeding promptness In 1 Dee we«t. in another year swept many will not return to ilve in the good schools, plenty of churches of all de- before this sacked the town. aooount Delesoaille, Citizens N at’ Bank, Moines. reason were Attorney General, John W. Griggs. especially for trolley lines, but it Is stated relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, Peter Davenport Nat’l Bank, Davenport THIRD WARD. state, bnt will homes In nominations, all secret societies Spanish Cruisers Raised. away, and Instead of freedom came de Hawkeye find and most Tie U. 3. Senators are WilliamB. that prices will not be advanced above baok and every part of the urinary pas- watchmakkb and KBPAIEBB. Mrs. A. M. Haggard, 305 North Bth Colorado, Utah or somewhere on the are repre seuted here. i Lave vleited our Manila, Nov. 81. The Spanish |2O at the east and 331 al Chicago. In iron sages in the male or female. Itrelieves ¦traction. Allison and John H. Gear. the next probably be a rec- ?1! kinds of watch, clock and jewelry a H. VxBNOH, H. S. Howard, coast, and If they do as well In comrades of theG. A. B. Poet. They have cruisers Isla de Cuba and Isla de Luzon, products will of water and pain In V.-Pres. street. Because he was at the head of this Paciflo ord breaking year. retention passing repairing; all work guaranteed. Watches President. done in a nice hall and are very sociable. Quite an effort hvs been made by dif- which were sunk during the battle of almost If yon Musical repaired. John K. Bahnks, Cashier. Mrs. 0. H. Hare, 516 3d avenue east. in 1792 he foroed to the civilian’s dress as they have "Failures for the week have been 233 in It Immediately. want for sale. instruments great reform; was This county has always been populist in bodies and organizations to docked against year relief and cure this is your remedy, (Vest 2d w2oyl 87doawly Parry, East Ist avenue. brass buttons, they will prove a desir- ferent Manila, have been floated and the United States, 267 last and 813 averue. Mrs. H. 302 flse from Franoe for his life. The politics, bat at the election on November 8 36 In Canada, against 32 last year." old by Green & Bentley .druggists, Os- able acquisition to any state. bring about a reform in the spelling of at Cavite. 3ulok Mrs. J. B. Wroughton, 605 West 4th Austrians selzsd him,and east him into the republicans elected everything in city revenue cutter Bradstreet’s nays: “Evidence accumu- kaloosa. la wlyr many words. Some of the educational The United States lates that the good results flowing from avenue. EUCLID E CROOKHAM. her See Robert Newbanks, 312 N. prison, where he had to stay five long and county except school superintendent associations have decided that they McCulloch has left Manila on way the recent elections are no longer confined Mahaska Co. State Bank FOURTH WARD. years, 111 fed, and ill-treated. 8o I decorated Cy Matthews’ horse with home. entirely to improvement in tone and con- Spring; Creek. Market, Oskaloosa, about your will spell the following words as fol- fidence, though the active feeling influ- £. Napoleon 1797 NO GRIPING OR PAINS. the national colors trimmed with the gold The Philippine provinces have suf- Buckeye iA, IOWA. Mrs. Levi, 824 North 8d street. He was released by In io*s: ences dealings in both financial and mer- Bio mfield and schools are Mason and Cement work, wtf standard,which looked odd,as Cy is a pop- fered from the aevereat typhoon in develop- j >ylng Mrs. S. Baldauf, 328 North 3d street. In the summer of 1824 great was th-> Airowsmith, 111., Jan. 21,1897. !. Programme spelled cantile lines. Several substantial <*r a vacation. ulist. shall be pro- Malalos, the headquarters of present Mrs. Frank Sheppard, 320 North 8d Joy of the Amerloau people. The glor- Dear Sirs:—l have been bothered for year*. ments themselves this week, no- Rev. Ken worthy took dinner at I met one of White Oak’s old cltlsene to- gram. Aguinaldo, has been damaged and table among which are a number of ad- SIOO,OOO street. ious LaFayeite, now aged and gray, re 15 years with cons* lpatlon and I have prices, exceptionally few de- Joseph Hoskins last Suudwy. Capital day,—Wm. Wallace. He looks natural. 2. Though shall be spelled tho. many villages have been destroyed. vances in PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Mrs. M. £. Bennett, 602 A avenue. visited the land he had so generously tried many preparations during that have de- clines thereof, growing strength in the pig Albert Stanton and wifeare rejoicing All yoa have to do when yon meet a man 3. Although shall be spelled altho. The merchants of this city iron situation, unprecedentedly large week lines per year 00 $ freedom. time. I using Dr. aver a girl baby that to stay Five or less, $6 Surplus 15,000 FIFTH WARD. fought for, Its commenced Cald- here ia to aak him what part of lowa he 4. Thorough shall be spelled thoro. cided to establish a chamber of com- bank clearings, and remarkably good re- ha 9 come Each additional 1ine...... 1 00 well’s in the fall of 1895 trade, *ttheir home. Mrs. F. D. Reid, 412 North C street He was greeted by the honored pa- Syrup Pepsin came from. 5. Thoroughfare shall be spelled tho* merce, which, by Spanish law, they ports as to export not only in the and unhesitatingly. Bay it is the best from doing. lines of foreign products, but in enlarged J m Graham and family, of Illinois, ATTOECTrih DIRECTORS: Mrs. Chas. Sandvos, 301 North A triots he ha 1 foaghtbyso many years It anowed about two inehea deep here were previously precluded trade in manufactured products. Distri- rofare. aie visiting at the Sant Graham and 8. JB. H. Gibbs, W. A. Seevers, W. B ago. remedy I have ever found for my and about fifteen inehea on the mountaina. Fatal Row at Manila. bution of merchandise shows but little W. LAFFERTY. &. Redman, street. 6. Through shall be spelled thru. weeks, Barber homes. Lacey, John Bash, 0. H. throughout griping pains after tak- The weather ia pleaaaat in the valley. Manila, Nov, na- change from recently preceding but Q_EO. R. Bar nee. Mrs. £. Barnard, B His journey the oountry trouble. No or be thru- 21. Three Filipino growth Vernon, A. B. Prlne, John H. C. 508 North thie finda 7. Throughout shall spelled the in confidence Is reflected In Mr. of your city, is improv- Attorney-at-Law, Crookbam, triumph. alone, ing. Your, etc., Wm Hurt. Hoping a rousing republican vio- a carriage and afterwards reports Leathers, S. Howard, H. Wesley Shoe- ¦treat, was a When he stood out. tives hired very general of improved collec- ing bis pleoe by putting by Bantley Drug tory in lowa and Hon John F. Lacey re- became engaged in a dispute with the tions on past business. a new oover on And Notary Public. make. by the side of Wsshlngton’s grave, It For sale Green A Co. 8. Catalogue shall be spelled catalog. ala house la this vicinity. turned to oongreaa, I remain driver regarding the fare. Some mem- "First and foremost in the line of for- Special attention given to damage An Enterprising Druggist. was a solemn and sacred moment. The spelled eign trade extension are the returns re- Satetv Oeoosit Boies For Root. Youra truly, O. R. Qaskill. 9. Prologue shall be prolog. bers of the American military police at- The writer should have said in last ana land claims. Office: Rooms 3 ana 4 patriot of France stood over the dust cently made for October, pointing to ex- building, square, There are few men more wide awake 10. Deoalogue shall be spelled deoalog. tempted to arrest the natives, but the ports for that month larger than the writing, James Lougbrldge's brother Evans south east corner great dead; wept. in Oskaloosa, lowa X.DMBIB, and enterprising.than Green A Bentley of the and 11. Demagogue shall be spelled dem- latter resisted and Sergt. Price, of the corresponding month of any preceding was vlai ing him instead of his mother. him hundred SEVERAL RAIDS. Two Millions a Year. year, second only to those of December Drug Co, who spare no pains to secure Cingress voted two agog. Minnesota regiment, was stabbed and Ed Edria and wife were oallers in TXT W. HASKELL, and township of people buy, try end buy again, last year, and chargeable not so much this neighborhood recently. They the best of In their line for thousand dollars a When killed and three other American sol- to enlarged exports ex ” • everything ” 12. Pedagogue shall be spelled peda- as formerly of farm “ it means they’re satisfied. The people Maher, Montgomery and Hoyt, products, but to heavily export* pect to start to Salt Lake City soon. Attorney-at-Law, BU « g~- their many customers. They now have land. Constables Make A Cleanin’ diers, increased of the United States are now buying go*. of finished products of American industry. May auooess attend them. Office in Phoenix block,Oskaloosa, lowa, the valuable agency for King’s In Sspt. of 1825 ne gave a final good- were wounded to. Dr. New Saturday and Sunday Nights. Casearets Candy Cathartic at the rate Calvin Burtohby, a pupil of the fifth native dead, In this connection specially good report* Business promptly attended Coughs by to the people who had entertained Maher shot one come from the iron and steel Industry, W. G. Anderson sold 40 head of Discovery for Consumption, of two million boxes a year and It will room of this ward, while on his way last week Arnold, © him LaFayette. be million before New Year's. It others were arrested which has thereby been rendered mor« steers to of Fremont. W. R. LACEY. fc g M and Oolds. This Is the wonderful rem- as their beloved three nearly They F. A I*lI On Information filed before Esquire means merit proved, that Casearets are horns from sohool Wednesday noon, in independent than ever before oi averaged 1400 pounds. From Btandy edy that is producing suoh a furor all The frigate wine—a name suf- SITUATION PANA. fluctuations in domestic demand. The Chloago they go England. JOHN warrant serv- the most delightful bowel regulator attempting to turn on an Iron railing, AT to Attorneys-at-Law, 9 9 fell % over the country by Its many starting ficient for him—at bis departure was Weaver a was issued and strength in values of all cereals (all the a everybody the All drug- vicinity w « ed Sunday night by for year round. felland broke his arm. Calvin Is quite leading breadstuffs are higher this week) Qu te a number from this over 107 High Avenae West. ¦cq 5 Asthma, prepared to bear him away. Constables Bate- More Troopa Are Sent There hr Got. Office flfai cures. It absolutely cures gists itio, 250, 60c a box, cure guar an- he broke his In the is of course due to the constant foreign de- have been attending Bev. Kaylor’s Oskaloosa, lowa. attention given man and again it room occupied unfortunate, for arm Capt. large gains Prompt and LaFayette was always cheerful even Carver tWd • Tanner, and Untler Re- mand more than effecting very meetings In yonr city and are well to collections. Probate business will re- Bronchitis, Hoarseness all affeo- same place less than a year ago. domestic supplies, which, however, are “5 of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. in prison he was never known to do an by Elmer Mendenhall, on High avenue moved from Command. in pleased with Mr. Kaylor, who is a very ceive careful attention. Business attend- ««¦>!! tions high sohool commences the les- below any corresponding period for years able speaker. ed to In the U. S. and State courts. Oall at above store and get trial aot or barm any one. west. They found seven men there Tfffe past. Comparisons of four months’ ex- drug a unkind 21. for Mendenhall, 2 sons In this Bpringfield, 111., Not. —Notwith- ports. July to October inclusive, point to bottle free or a regular slae 50 oents He died beloved by all In two nations. besides Mr. and secured musio week. C. M. Boggess lost about SO tons of MIDIOAI. s and to cure or prioe 829 poker 4 of standing the declaration by Capt. E. aheat and flour shipments little below hay by He !! 9100. Guaranteed liberty remains cheer tables, chips ,and decks A cent, reoently Ore had been buro- to the ROUGH HOUSE. only ten While hose of last year, and per m I 5 s refunded. cards. the The Newer Catechism. C. Butler, in command of the national lng the weeds offof a potato patch and G. TURNER, M, D., men were strangers, 1&91, the ©f west, the name of LaFayette will be Two of at to uuow those of heaviest evei made Got. Tanner while guards Pana, Known.’’ at dinner the fire spread and soon M the other five being well known young 1. Parent or patron are you doing i.-- Jaok” Shoe make, hallowed. Old Excelsior a Fight Saturday night that he felt able to reached the hay. Physician and Surgeon. men of the city. They will likely all the Seene of all la your power to assist the teaoher the happy and good natured lieutenant Our glorious Lafayette,a Frenchman, cope with the ocoasion with the troops Beauty is Blood Deep. Cali.a Lilt. Office in lowa Life and Endowment a titled foreigner, .who was bom, and be arrested for gamhllng. on Sunday. In developing and cultivating correct at his command, a delegation of about building, over 206 High Ave. East. *ia«m of the mail carriers of this city, Is put- deux blood meuu a oiean akin. No Residence 2 blocks south and 2 blocks who died under the rule of a king, was habits of thinking and acting In your 60 business men of Pana, headed by ting In his moments off duty In erect* Booms over the Green Tree saloon, on beauty without It. CMoareta Gandy west ofthe Herald office. yet noble American. Martin Jaokson, of Old Ezeelsior, boy and girl? former Mayor Huber, visited the Everybody Says So. ¦* ing a chicken coop at his plaoe on 3rd a true and High operated by Cathartic dean your blood and keep It would that every avenue west, Mrs. was in town Monday morning and 2. Do you consider Itamong the first governor at the executive mansion Sun- oiean, by stirring up the lasy liver and Oaaoarets Gandy Cathartic, the most avenue The move has*a suspicious It seem Ameiloan was W. Holland Sarbaugh, 2|ltiP east. Brown-Sulllvan, were also raided by swore out warrants before Esquire duties and of the highest importance day and informed him that Pana driving all Imparities from the body. wonderful medical disoovery of the age, would say yes,we should build a monu- flavor about it Whether **Jaek” is go- warrants Issued by Esquire in a state of terror and that Capt. But- Begin to day to banish pimples, bolls, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, ment beautiful LaFayette Weaver. Weaver for the arrest of Pete Martin that your child •should be regular and n. D, log Into the business or will Just keep as as our of 14 bottles of beer ler appeared to be inadequate to the blotchee, blackheads and sickly bilious act gently and positively on kidneys, -jifiii Here a case and a and Ebeneser George. Mr. Jaokson puuetual In his attendance at school ? livery cleansing the Physician and Snrgeon, was bowels, entire s fowls does not yet appear, but natural- good. found. occasion, and asking that the gov- complexion by taking Cascarets,— and tray offilled glasses were Seat charges then you system, Mamie Labor. them with assault with intent 8. If so, are not among ernor send more troops to Pana and beauty for ten oents. All druggists, dispel oolda, core headache, WRIGBT, IOWA. ly his acquaintance over the city gives ed around the table were three girls number who so yes, some guaranteed, feverJiabitual constipation and billons- s liirr to oommlt great bodily injury. The that often, take stringent measures to preserve the satisfaction 10c. SSe, BOe. All calls answered promptly, day or him a knowledge of the looatlon of the nees. Please and try a and five boys,—all members of leading story he tells Is that upon returning very often, write ezouses for their boy peace. Accordingly, Gov. Tanner or- bay box of G. night. 37tf various roosts. Have Yon a Skla Disease? —Tetter families,—drinking O. O. to-day; IK, SO oents. Sold Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Ec- Oskaloosa and hav from churoh he found a number of or girl to remain out of school, are dered company C, Fifth Illinois infan- BIG JOB GN HAND. and guaranteed to eura by ail druggists zema Itch, B«rber’s Itch, Ulcers, Blotches, lng a high time. As the warrant was house drinking you? try, to proceed to Pana. The governor C. GRUWELL & SON TRUST THOSE WHO men at his and oarous- B. HAVE TRIED. Chronic, Erys pela*, Liver Spots, Prurigo, for liquor only the oocupants of do not, that also superseded Capt. Butler, who has Adnilral Dewey Will Hare Three — the lng. He ordered them away but tbey 4. Yon believe this, you Indiana (uuniuu Trouble. BOARDS! I Suffered from cstarih of the worst Psonasis, or other eruptions of the s’un Spanlah Ship* Abstracts, Loans and Real Estate at Mattie Sonic for core, for room were not disturbed, but the boys to children should be made to understand been in command Pana, with Lieut. 21. kind and sever hoped but Ely’s what Dr. Agnew’s Ointment has done refused go. Martin struok Jaokson Manila Cheyenne. Wyo., Nov. lndian A complete and thoroughly others can you. Col. Frank P. Wells, Fifth infantry, of at Raised. Nickerson, tested Thick, Thin, Longhand Cream Balm seems to do even that.—Oscar it do for »ou--cure One sneaked out lnstanter. lnflleting % that going to sohool Is their business, Agent of the .Shoshone res- Chicago. application gives cents, 19 withafenoe rail bad wound Decatur. set of Abstract books to all Beal Estate Ostrooi, 45 Ave., IIL. relief. 35 not to go when they ervation. received a telegrmn from (be In Mahaska in Short t I Suffered from catarrh, it got so bad sold by Oreen