17.2 Weight Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials 245 en, g 2 0 for all n Z. From the above convergence result we deduce, for all⟨ f ⟩ =1([0, 2π]), ∈ ∈ C N

f , g 2 lim cn(f )en, g 2 0. ⟨ ⟩ = N ⟨ ⟩ = →∞ n N !=− Since 1([0, 2π]) is known to be dense in L2([0, 2π], dx) it follows that g 0, by CorollaryC 17.2, hence by Theorem 17.2, this system is an orthonormal basis= of L2([0, 2π], dx). Therefore, every f L2([0, 2π], dx) has a Fourier expansion, which converges (in the sense of the L2-topology).∈ Thus, convergence of the Fourier series in the L2-topology is “natural,” from the point of view of having convergence of this series for the largest class of functions.

17.2 Weight Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials

Not only for the interval I [0, 2π] are the Hilbert spaces L2(I,dx) separable, but for any interval I [a, b=], a