Neurotherapeutics: The Journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics

Traumatic Injury and Aging: Is a Combination of and D a Simple Solution to a Complex Problem?

Milos Cekic and Donald G. Stein

Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia 30322

Summary: Although progress is being made in the develop- research on the role of hormone and vitamin D ment of new clinical treatments for traumatic brain injury deficiency in older subjects, and on the interactions of these (TBI), little is known about whether such treatments are effec- factors with progesterone, the only treatment for TBI that has tive in older patients, in whom frailty, prior medical conditions, shown clinical effectiveness. Progesterone is now in phase III altered , and changing sensitivity to medications all multicenter trial testing in the United States. We also discuss can affect outcomes following a brain injury. In this review we some of the potential mechanisms and pathways through which consider TBI to be a complex, highly variable, and systemic the combination of may work, singly and in synergy, disorder that may require a new pharmacotherapeutic approach, to enhance survival and recovery after TBI. Key Words: Trau- one using combinations or cocktails of drugs to treat the many matic brain injury, aging, frailty, progesterone, vitamin D, mor- components of the injury cascade. We review some recent phological and functional recovery, systems.

INTRODUCTION other factors. Given this added layer of complexity, it is not obvious that the injury itself or putative treatments traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a notoriously for it will behave in the same way in older subjects as complex and heterogeneous disease process.1,2 From the they do in young adults. This population might therefore initial insult to the highly destructive secondary damage require not only special research consideration, but also cascade to eventual reorganization and recovery,3,4 each a different treatment paradigm, which could potentially phase of the injury cascade involves a different set of involve combination treatments designed specifically to processes, which sometimes overlap and sometimes do address an age-altered physiology. not. At least in part because of this complexity, most drugs designed as monotherapies to modulate single re- ceptors or related groups of mechanisms have failed in TBI IS A MULTIORGAN SYSTEMIC clinical trials for TBI, despite showing preclinical prom- INFLAMMATORY DISORDER ise.5,6 In addition to the complexity inherent in the injury process itself, the systemic and extraneuronal effects of Acute phase events with the greatest import for survival trauma need to be considered, because these are often the after TBI appear to be those related to inflammatory pro- actual causes of death in brain-injured patients.7 cesses, especially the production of inflammatory cyto- A variety of additional factors such as age and age- kines, which is a well-recognized aspect of the physiolog- 8 associated systemic alterations can also affect both sur- ical response to trauma. Levels of inflammatory vival and recovery from severe injury. These include are the most consistent prognostic markers of outcomes in changes in hormonal and drug metabolism, nutritional patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome, status, immune function, and increased frailty, among sepsis, multiorgan dysfunction syndrome, and multiorgan failure,9 all of which are commonly the proximate cause of death after CNS trauma7,10,11 and generally result from an imbalance between pro- and anti-inflammatory responses to Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Donald G. Stein, 10 Ph.D., Emory University, 1365 B Clifton Road NE, Suite 5100, Atlanta severe injury. We therefore support the view that TBI GA 30322. E-mail: [email protected]. should be considered a systemic and not just a focal prob-

Vol. 7, 81–90, January 2010 © The American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, Inc. 81 82 CEKIC AND STEIN lem, especially in the context of inflammation and short- sized by oligodendrocytes in the brain, where it then acts term survival. on membrane-bound and classical nuclear recep- Systemic effects are also evident in response to oxi- tors.36 Progesterone can also affect water channel prot- dative stress. Shohami et al.12 reported that TBI induces eins (aquaporins) to modulate both vasogenic and cyto- a cascade of highly reactive oxygen species that can toxic edema,37,38 reduce glutamate , mediate damage brain tissue and other organs throughout the toxic influx by its antagonist effects on sigma body. Using sophisticated methods to measure the ability receptors, upregulate GABAA receptors to reduce exci- of tissue to scavenge free radicals as a measure of oxi- totoxic damage, and reduce apoptosis and necrosis.29,36 dative stress, the investigators found that closed head It is likely that the pleiotropic and systemic nature of P4 injury in male rats led to widespread changes in brain, is responsible for its effectiveness in the treatment of , lung, , , and intestine within 24 h of the TBI. As one recent review suggests, “given the multi- insult. More recently Moinard et al.13 found significantly factorial nature of the secondary injury process, it is altered metabolism and mitochondrial activity in the unlikely that targeting a single factor will result in sig- liver triggered by the TBI-induced inflammatory cascade nificant improvement in outcome. Conversely, targeting in the brain. Histological examination of liver tissue several injury factors may be the most likely therapeutic showed that the TBI caused immune cell infiltration, 4 edema, fibrosis, and necrosis that helped to block normal approach to improve outcome” (p. 29, emphasis added). liver metabolism and homeostasis. Progesterone is just such a multifactorial agent. Inflammatory markers are not just causally related to The preclinical findings on neuroprotective effects of P4 mortality after TBI, but also appear to be a good index of have been confirmed in in a recently completed 9,14 the extent of injury and reliable independent predic- phase IIa single-center for P4 in the treatment 39 tors of injury outcome.15–18 Although the levels of the of moderate to severe adult TBI (N ϭ 100). Mortality cytokines tumor necrosis factor-␣ (TNF␣) and interleu- among patients given P4 intravenously for 3 days after the kin-1␤ (IL-1␤) increase after severe injury, it is the level injury was less than half that of controls provided standard- of IL-6 that is considered the most accurate prognosti- of-practice care but no hormone (13.6% vs 30.4%). Func- cally, because it is the chief regulator of acute hepatic tional outcomes at 30 days were significantly better for 19 response and correlates with systemic inflammation moderately injured patients given P4 than for the placebo and outcome.9 There is also evidence that early increased group, and a data safety monitoring board appointed by levels of IL-6 can be a marker of high risk of complica- the U.S. National Institutes of Health found no serious tion and failure.20 Although it has been argued that adverse events attributable to P4 treatment. This was the systemic inflammation is so complex that it defies tradi- first successful clinical trial for the treatment of TBI in tional reductionist definitions and may not be useful in more than 30 years of research. 21 predicting system behaviors, modulating the produc- A second independent, randomized double-blind study tion of inflammatory cytokines during the acute phase from China examined P in 159 patients with severe TBI could be of benefit in reducing mortality and improving 4 given an intramuscular course of P4 treatment over 5 the prognosis for better functional outcomes. For exam- days. Similar beneficial outcomes on morbidity and mor- ple, there is recent evidence of sex differences in patients tality were observed at both 30 days and 6 months after with multiple trauma, with premenopausal women show- injury, again without any serious adverse events caused ing significantly lower plasma cytokines and less multi- by the treatment.40 organ failure and sepsis, compared with age-matched 22 A phase III, 17-center, double-blind, randomized clinical men. It is possible that these sex differences in re- sponse to injury are attributable to higher circulating trial for TBI will start enrolling about 1000 patients in 23,24 January 2010 (NCT00822900; http://www.clinicaltrials. levels of progesterone (P4) in female subjects, an gov). intriguing hypothesis, given the success of P4 in treating TBI. One specific reason for increased survival in P4-treated TBI patients may be the ability of P4 to substantially reduce systemic acute-phase inflammation and so pre- PROGESTERONE AND BRAIN INJURY vent multiorgan dysfunction syndrome and multiorgan TREATMENT failure. In support of this idea, Chen et al.41 found that A number of recent publications have demonstrated contusion injury to the cerebral cortex in rats induced ␤ ␣ effectiveness of P4 treatment in experimental models of expression of IL-1 and TNF in the intestinal mucosa, TBI.25–29 It has been consistently shown that post-injury followed by apoptosis in the intestinal mucosa. A 5-day administration of P4 can attenuate the cytological, mor- course of treatment with P4 reduced both the cytokines phological, and functional deficits caused by traumatic and cell death in the intestine, demonstrating the sys- 27,30–35 injury. Unlike other sex , P4 is synthe- temic benefits of P4 administration.

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AGING AND BRAIN INJURY activation and neuroinflammation.62–65 Microglia them- selves also appear to respond to stimulation with an Although the incidence of TBI has decreased in most amplified inflammatory response in aged animals.66 This age groups because of improved primary prevention neuroinflammatory priming can significantly affect the (such as seat belt and safety helmet use), it has increased 42 development of neurological dysfunction. Under normal by 21% in people over the age of 65. Age is itself an independent predictor of mortality due to TBI, which in conditions these inflammatory changes are temporary, the geriatric population is twice that of younger age and the microglia return to a dormant state as soon as the groups.43 The age distribution of hospitalizations due to immune challenge is resolved. Aging, however, creates a TBI has the most pronounced peak late in the eighth brain environment in which microglial sensitivity to im- decade,44 and the highest mortality rates from TBI, rang- mune activation is increased and microglial activation does not resolve, which can lead to the pathogenesis of ing from 60.9% to 86.8% depending on the study, occur 66 in people 75 to 80 years old.45 Given the magnitude of neurological disease. This situation is likely to exacer- the problem, it is important to address the effectiveness bate secondary injury in older subjects after TBI, in that of any treatment specifically in aged subjects. trauma can lead not only to a severe systemic immune response,67 but also to immune factor release from the Old animals are fatter, more sedentary and irritable, 68 and (like most old people) have sensory, cognitive, and damaged cells within the brain itself. motor deficits that can exacerbate injury-induced impair- Exaggerated neuroinflammation can also interfere with ments and impede functional recovery. Old rats and old neuroplasticity during the recovery phase, and inflam- matory cytokines such as TNF␣, IL-1␤, and IL-6 appear people also metabolize drugs differently than young 69–71 ones, so doses and agents that work in younger subjects to directly interfere with long-term potentiation, memory consolidation,72 neurite outgrowth,73 and hip- might not work in older animals, or could even aggravate 74 the injury. A number of systemic physiological changes pocampal neurogenesis. These data suggest that con- associated with the aging process could also alter drug tinued presence of reactive microglia in the aged brain effectiveness, such as altered metabolism and endoge- creates an environment permissive to a prolonged and 46–50 amplified neuroinflammatory response that can lead to nous hormonal milieu, impaired immune func- 66 tion,51–53 increased levels of systemic inflammation,54 subsequent complications, especially after TBI. and reduced physiological reserve or frailty.55,56 Addi- Systemic effects of aging and immunosenescence tional changes within the CNS, including reduced plas- In addition to alterations in the CNS, age-related ticity57 and more subtle chemical, structural, morpholog- changes in the are also common and ical, and network alterations,58,59 can also significantly have been implicated in virtually all age-associated dis- affect the ability of an older animal or person to survive ease processes.53 Aging is associated with a general ac- and recover from severe injury. tivation of the inflammatory response, which, because of CNS effects of aging the chronic antigenic stress on innate immunity experi- Although it is established that there is no overt loss of enced over a lifetime, becomes the basis for the onset of neurons in the brain with normal aging, a number of inflammatory diseases51 and an increasing inability to more subtle structural, chemical, and metabolic changes mount an appropriate immune response to antigenic occur,58,59 both at the level of individual neurons and in stimulation.53 With aging there is also a decrease in the medium-scale neuronal networks, that can significantly production of anti-inflammatory hormones,75 as well as a affect the ability of the CNS to adapt to internal and general tendency toward production of elevated amounts environmental changes. Other changes in the CNS in of proinflammatory cytokines by peripheral blood mono- response to aging are similar to the changes that occur in nuclear cells.54 other cells, and include increased oxidative stress, altered The fulminating inflammatory state associated with protein accumulation, nucleic acid damage, and dysfunc- increasing age has been dubbed inflammaging.54 This tion of energy homeostasis.59 The cellular changes dur- condition is systemic but also has specific effects within ing normal aging make neurons increasingly susceptible the CNS.66 Given the importance of inflammatory cyto- to excitotoxic damage59 through the impairment of ion kines such as TNF␣, IL-1␤, and IL-6 in both behavioral pumps,60 dysregulation of Ca2ϩ homeostasis,59 and de- modulation and the evolution of traumatic injury, it is creased mitochondrial function.61 Given that all these likely that an increased neuroinflammatory re- processes are involved in the evolution of the injury after sponse in the elderly patient can disrupt neuronal synap- traumatic insult, the process of aging itself could signif- tic plasticity, establishing a CNS environment predis- icantly increase vulnerability and impair the potential for posed to long-lasting complications, as well as a reduced recovery from TBI in aged individuals. ability to recover from trauma.66 In fact, the aged brain There is evidence that the of aged animals ex- appears to exist in a chronic state of inflammation that is hibit profiles characteristic of microglial associated with increased immune reactivity and contin-

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uous low-level production of central inflammatory cyto- the problems associated with advanced age, especially kines.68 those with an inflammatory component.103,106 There is Endocrine effects of aging also evidence that the level of serum vitamin D is a key marker of frailty,83,88 and that it is associated with ele- In addition to structural and immune decline, human 118 aging is associated with decreased activity in a number of vated levels of IL-6. systemic hormones, including hormone,47 sex ste- It is worth noting here that vitamin D is in fact not a roids,46,49,76 ,48 -like growth factor vitamin, but rather a secosteroid hormone with the same 48 77,50,78 backbone as other steroids (including P ) and type 1 (IGF-I), and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. Espe- 4 cially intriguing is the relationship between endocrine with its own class of nuclear steroid receptors and sig- decline and the change in immunological function. Some naling mechanisms.119,120 In its biologically active form, research suggests that proinflammatory cytokines may 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (vitamin D hormone, or downregulate the physiological responses to a variety of VDH) is a hormone with sites of action throughout the hormones, including insulin, growth hormone, IGF-I, CNS; it can be considered a neuroactive steroid, because thyroid hormone, and .79 it is both synthesized and has actions in the nervous TNF␣, IL-1, and IL-6 can specifically modulate the system. Vitamin D hormone is also a known and potent release of growth hormone, growth hormone releasing modulator of the cell cycle, immune function, and calcium 80 hormone, and , and are known to reduce homeostasis. As such, it may be in important compound not 81 concentrations of IGF-I and increase the concentrations only as an endogenous hormone, but also as a treatment in of glucocorticoids82 in the serum of human patients. its own right, especially in combination with P4. Lower serum IGF-I and sulfate levels were found in frail (compared with nonfrail) el- 56 derly individuals, and an inverse correlation between AGING, BRAIN INJURY, AND serum IL-6 and IGF-I was noted only in frail individu- NEUROSTEROIDS als.56 Elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines83–86 and the development of frailty in older adults87,88 have also Progesterone in aged rats been associated with vitamin D deficiency (D-deficiency). Given the promising results with progesterone in These data can be taken to suggest that the immune young adult animals, we sought to determine if it would system and its age-associated dysfunction may be inti- work as well in aged animals.121 The working hypothesis

mately related to the functioning of the neuroendocrine in our aging studies was that P4 would be effective in system, and that this relationship may further contribute treating TBI in aged rats. We measured levels of inflam- to the development of systemic insufficiency and vulner- matory proteins, cell death, edema, and behavior during ability to injury. the acute phase of injury (24–72 h after TBI) in aged rats (20 months old, approximately equivalent to 60 years in Aging and vitamin D deficiency humans) to determine the potential of P in reducing Of all the endocrine and nutritional disruptions that 4 affect the elderly population, D-deficiency has recently mortality after TBI. Injured animals treated with 8 mg/kg received considerable attention, partly because an esti- and 16 mg/kg P4 beginning within the first hour after mated 1 billion people worldwide exhibit D-deficiency surgery showed decreased expression of cyclooxygen- ␬ ␬ or insufficiency.89 In the northeastern United States, ase-2, IL-6, and nuclear factor B (NF B) at all time studies show a prevalence from 32% in healthy adults90 points examined, indicating a reduction in the acute in- to approximately 50% for adolescents and preadoles- flammatory process compared with the aged rats given cents.91–93 The most dramatic statistics for D-deficiency, vehicle. The 16 mg/kg P4 group also showed reduced however, come from studies in the elderly population, neuronal apoptosis at all time points, and decreased which show that 40 to 100% of community-dwelling edema and improved locomotor outcomes. Although the American and European older men and women are D- lowest P4 dosage used in previous studies in younger deficient. Even higher averages are seen in the ill and animals (8 mg/kg) was effective in the aged animals, institutionalized.94–102 overall it was not as effective as 16 mg/kg, suggesting Vitamin D-deficiency has been associated with many potentially altered P4 kinetics and metabolism in the systemic disorders, including infectious, inflammatory, older animals. and autoimmune conditions,103–109 cardiovascular dis- We also observed an association between increased ease,110,111 and atherosclerosis,112 neuro- levels of P-glycoprotein and reduced edema, suggesting 113 114 muscular function, , neurodegenerative dis- that P4 may reduce cerebral edema both through its anti- eases,115,116 and neuropsychological and functional inflammatory effects on cytokine levels and through di- outcomes in the elderly population.117 In fact, D-defi- rect effects on the integrity of the blood–brain barrier. ciency appears to be correlated with many if not most of P-glycoprotein is regulated through the pregnane X re-

Neurotherapeutics, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2010 BRAIN INJURY, AGING, AND NEUROSTEROIDS 85 ceptor (PXR)122,123 and plays a critical role in removing deficiency. The elevation in IL-6 was most evident in our toxic products from the cell. Progesterone has been data comparing D-deficient and D-normal animals after shown to exert neuroprotective effects through the TBI and P4 treatment. Most of the other cytokines were PXR.124 This raises the intriguing possibility that some elevated in D-deficient animals twofold or threefold, but of the post-TBI benefits of P4 may be effected through IL-6 was increased nearly fivefold by 72 h after injury. this relatively novel signaling mechanism. Management of VDH deficiency

Consequences of D-deficiency for TBI and P4 Given the data from human studies showing that the treatment level of IL-6 is the most accurate prognostic indicator of

Given the effectiveness of P4 in aged rats after TBI and survival in the acute phase after TBI, our findings could the prevalence of D-deficiency in the elderly population, have significant implications in the clinical setting. We we asked whether D-deficiency would affect the out- suggest that elderly people be screened for potential D- come of a brain injury and whether it would interfere deficiency and provided with supplementation therapy with the benefits of P4 treatment in aged rats. Based on after TBI, because they could be more frail and thus the current literature, we hypothesized that D-deficiency more likely to die from their injuries. Powner et al.129 would exacerbate inflammation and reduce or eliminate point out that, during rehabilitation from severe TBI, as the benefits of P4 treatment after TBI in aged animals. many as 40% of patients suffer from endocrine dysfunc- Because early onset of inflammation is taken as a reliable tions associated with sickness behaviors such as chronic prognostic indicator of mortality in human patients with fatigue, decreased libido, amenorrhea, increased , significant trauma, we measured acute inflammatory pro- memory failure, , and , among others. teins, cell death, DNA damage, and short-term behavior Although for some of these symptoms it is speculative as indicators of inflammation and secondary damage in that vitamin D could be a helpful treatment, the costs of D-deficient aged animals after TBI. vitamin D supplementation are minor and it is easy to In general, we observed increased inflammation in give, and the implications for the treatment of a number aged rats with D-deficiency, whether our subjects were of disease conditions could be important for clinical uninjured, injured but untreated, or injured and trea- practice. 125 ted with P4. Our results confirmed previous stud- Although it seems reasonable that supplementation ies103,106,126 suggesting that D-deficiency establishes a with vitamin D in a deficient state would be equivalent to higher baseline level of inflammation, in effect priming ongoing vitamin D sufficiency (i.e., acute correction of the system for an increased immune–inflammatory re- deficiency should be equivalent to no deficiency), there is sponse after brain injury. This elevated acute-phase re- no a priori reason to make this assumption. At 24 h after sponse correlated with increased cell death and DNA injury, we observed no differences in inflammatory cy- damage, indicating a more severe secondary injury pro- tokines between VDH-treated deficient and D-normal cess. Vitamin D deficiency also affected sickness behav- animals. By 72 h after injury, while there was still no iors, such as movement and grooming, which strongly difference with TNF␣ and IL-1␤ was still lower than in correlated (by general linear models) with the expression D-normal animals, levels of IL-6, NF␬B p65, and cell of TNF␣ and IL-6. death were all higher in VDH-treated deficient than in Our data can be taken to indicate that short-term al- D-normal animals. These findings can be taken to sug- terations in locomotor behavior could serve as a rough gest that, at least with reference to IL-6 levels, acutely behavioral indicator of brain inflammation in the acute correcting D-deficiency is not as good as maintaining phase after injury. Our models also indicated that both D-normal status. In other words, prevention could be TNF␣ and IL-6 were significantly increased by D-defi- better than acute treatment. ciency and that both cytokines showed deficiency–treat- Vitamin D deficiency as a public health issue has ment interaction effects. We take this to mean that the received much attention recently in the popular press, as increased expression of these inflammatory cytokines well as in the medical literature. Now we can add another may play an important role in the cascade of toxic benefit to maintaining a normal vitamin D status: it is not mechanisms underlying the attenuation of P4 benefits just good for the arteries and protective against cancer, it in D-deficiency. Also notable is the fact that, although can also be a primary intervention against TBI—in some most of the variability in TNF␣ was accounted for by ways, the equivalent of wearing a seatbelt. Although injury, the level of IL-6 was affected primarily by D- further research needs to be done on this issue, we sug- deficiency. This fits with other independent data connect- gest that the findings are likely to apply across the de- ing IL-6 levels with D-deficiency, frailty, and inflamma- velopmental spectrum and not just to the elderly popu- tion88,118,127,128 and suggests to us that IL-6 may be the lation (where it might be exacerbated because of key cytokine involved in the detrimental effects of D- complications from other health-related factors).

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COMBINING P4 WITH VDH IN TREATING p53) in all cases by 72 h after injury was the combination TBI IN THE AGED POPULATION of P4 and VDH (5 mg/kg in a single dose) compared with vehicle or either compound given alone. The combina- Rationale for combinatorial therapy in treating TBI tion treatment was also the only one that dramatically Combination therapy is somewhat new to the area of improved behavioral parameters, which our statistical brain injury, but it is a well-established pharmacological models again showed to be strongly correlated with sys- approach to a number of other diseases, such as HIV– temic inflammation and levels of TNF␣ and IL-6. Should AIDS or , although most drug development these results be translatable to humans, the clinical im- still focuses on individual drugs targeting one or at most plications are obvious: a combination treatment of P and a few specific mechanisms. Two issues are involved: 4 VDH given to elderly patients with TBI should improve drug combination and target promiscuity, or pleiotropy. survival over P given alone to the same population. Rationales for combining drugs include targeting mul- 4 Briefly summarized, we conclude that 1) in aged rats tiple divergent mechanisms and overcoming single-drug with brain injury, P is effective in reducing acute in- limitations such as receptor kinetics, pharmacology, and 4 flammation, a key indicator of survival in human pa- signaling pathways.130,131 This idea has recently gained tients; 2) D-deficiency increases acute-phase inflamma- ground in the treatment of TBI.5 Because both P and 4 tion and attenuates the benefits of P treatment in aged VDH are pleiotropic and multifunctional, it is difficult to 4 rats with TBI, suggesting that such a deficiency could predict specific mechanisms of interaction, but both increase mortality after brain injury in human patients; 3) could be used to target cell death after TBI, for example, a combination of P and VDH partially reverses the as one of the many mechanisms by which a brain injury 4 effects of D-deficiency and reduces post-TBI acute in- evolves. On the one hand, P would reduce cell death by 4 flammation in aged rats, suggesting that, should these preventing release of cytochrome c from the mitochon- results translate to the clinic, a simple vitamin D injec- dria, upregulating the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 protein, and tion combined with P could help save many human downregulating the proapoptotic Bax protein.1,26,132 Vi- 4 lives. Vink and Nimmo4 address this theme directly: tamin D hormone, on the other hand, would prevent the reactivation of cell cycle machinery,133–135 which is a The brain is the most complex organ in the body, common step toward apoptosis in terminally differenti- and significant gaps still exist in our understanding of ated neurons,136,137 and would upregulate nerve growth normal brain function and how it is affected by acute factor (NGF), providing a strong external prosurvival injury. Unlike other organ systems, we cannot readily signal.138,139 The two compounds would thus act in syn- relate cellular function to the function of the organ as ergy and provide benefits greater than either compound a whole....Nonetheless, we do understand that acute alone. brain injury is a heterogeneous type of injury, made

Combining P4 and VDH, pleiotropic drugs that work up of immediate and delayed anatomic, molecular, primarily through intracellular receptors and transcrip- biochemical and physiological events that are both tion factors likewise merits serious consideration, as complex and multi-faceted. So complex are these meeting the criteria posited by Vink and Nimmo4 in their interactions that the concept of a single magic bul- review of multifunctional drugs for head injury. We let is no longer accepted by the research commu- strongly agree that a combinatorial approach to treatment nity, and the focus has now turned to interventions is not only reasonable but may be essential, given the that can modulate a number of independent injury complexity and heterogeneity of human TBI and the fact factors simultaneously [p. 37]. that, of the 130 preclinical monotherapy drugs that have Potential mechanisms of action shown promise in treating brain injury, all have failed Although P acts through a number of mechanisms to when taken to clinical trial.5 4 reduce cell death and improve functional recovery after 36,141 Effectiveness of P4–VDH combination after TBI in TBI, here we propose that a key process in its aged rats ability to reduce inflammation after injury is the ability to We recently demonstrated effectiveness of a combina- inhibit proinflammatory Th1 and also stimulate anti-in- tion of P4 and VDH in both in vitro and in vivo models. flammatory Th2 immune responses. Although the Th1/ 142 Combining VDH and P4 was shown to be effective in Th2 paradigm is not unproblematic, it is useful in vitro in increasing the survival of primary cortical neu- understanding the role of the in rons under glutamate challenge, with the combination inflammation. Our explanatory model is based on the fact showing more neuroprotection than either compound that Th1/Th2 differentiation marks a decisive event very alone at best dose.140 We applied the same treatment much like a phase transition in the development of ex- concept to D-deficient aged rats with TBI and showed tended inflammation after severe injury. that the only treatment that reduced proteins measured As suggested earlier, this reduction in systemic inflam- ␣ ␤ ␬ (TNF , IL-1 , IL-6, NF B p65, activated caspase-3, and mation may be one of the key mechanisms by which P4

Neurotherapeutics, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2010 BRAIN INJURY, AGING, AND NEUROSTEROIDS 87 significantly increases survival after TBI in human pa- addition, the author serves as consultant to BHR and receives tients.39,40 With age, the general response of the immune compensation for these services. The terms of this arrangement system moves toward a proinflammatory condition54,66 have been reviewed and approved by Emory University in accordance with its conflict of interest policies. that is associated with frailty and the increased suscep- tibility of aged organisms to external insult.55,56,143 This fact of increased inflammation and decreased immune REFERENCES flexibility with age could explain why we needed a larger 1. Schumacher M, Guennoun R, Stein DG, De Nicola AF. Proges- dose of P4 in older animals to obtain similar effects on terone: therapeutic opportunities for neuroprotection and myelin acute-phase reactants. In other words, anti-inflammatory repair. 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