Guyon Is New Tiger Coach

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Guyon Is New Tiger Coach GUYON IS NEW TIGER COACH ,- . 0*0^ HE ROARS FOR CLEMSCN cO',tf* VOL. XXIII. CLEMSON COLLEGE, S. C. February 22, 1028 No. 18 y JOE OUYGN, ALL-AMERICAN GRIDIRON STAR, ANNOONCE HONOR OXIN m DEFEATS GEORGIA IN 4 OF 7 IS SIGNED ON CODY'S COACHING STAFF PERMIT LIST FOR BOOTS IN MAKING FIRST HOME APPEARANCE Famous Georgia Tech Back- Exciting Match Staged With field Star is Here to Head JOHN W. COX SPEAKS LAST SEMESTER CLEMSON BASXEETERS Robinson Breaking Tie in Baseball Staff and Assist To the Comandant: Expended Bout in Other Sports As directed by the President I ENTER SOUTHERN CON- TO ENGINEERING MEN submitting herewith the Honor In the first intercollegiate boxing Permit list for the second semester. Joe Guyon, former Tech and Car- match ever staged here, Clemson A very interesting and instruc- Students are reminded that absence won from Georgia by a score of lisle star, has been secured as as- from class on Honor Permits does FERENCE TOURNAMENT sistant coach for the Bengal grid tive talk was given last Wednes- 1-3. There were seven bouts Df squad. This announcement was day to the Junior and Senior En- not excuse any student from meet- three two minute rounds each. gineers by Mr. John W. Cox Jr., ing the requirements of the instruc- There were no knock-outs during made Saturday night by James G. tors ("Mutt") Gee, director of athletics chairman of the textile division of Tigers Draw Auburn For First the tourney, all decisions being ren- Joe Guyon first gained distinction the American Society of Mechanical yours very truly, Battle in Southern Cage dered by the judges. Two" bouts with the Carlisle Indians, where he Engineers and also a consulting W. H. Washington, Registrar. ended in draws at the end of three played tackle and half. Later at engineer of New York City. His Sub-Group I Title Contest rounds and an extra round eacli Georgia Tech he won all-American talk was centered around the tex- Houghston, T. L. Jones M. A., Ethics had to be fought to settle the and all-Southern honors, and was a tile industry and. the possibilities Philpot, C. P. matches. running mate of Everett Strupper. in this field 'for the mechanical Sub-Group II J. H. McCauley, 117 1-2, Clem- The addition of this man will be and other engineers. Albergotti, J. C, Anderson, R. son, won the first match of the N., Barron, W. H., Brogdon, W. J. Sixteen of the twenty-two South- a great aid and. distinction to the His talk was divided into four ern conference institutions will day in the hantam weight class already great coaching staff which major topics, the improvement of Burriss, L. J., Carroll, G. H., Cor- from W. B. Carroll, Georgia. Mc- ley, S. R., Gillesple, D. D., Hane, meet in Atlanta Friday to battle we now have. fabrics, the chemical development ifor the bas"ketball" championship Cauley had the advantage from For years Joe Guyon has been in the industry, design and con- A. W., Hanner, T. G., Harrington, the opening gong, punishing Carrol R. C, Hightower, R. E., Hudson, crown, it was announced by the ranked among the country's great- struction of textile plants, and the tournament committee which met with blows to the head, and jabs est grid products. He is expected design of textile 'machinery. In G. E., Levin, J. D., Macfie, W. H.', to the body. In the second roun ! Marvin, H. W., Maxwell, J. A., the first part of the week, and to report either Tuesday or Wed- the discussion oif each of the a"bove paired the teams for the first he floored the Georgia boy with a nesday, and soon after his arrival topics he outlined briefly the possi- Moore, L. B., Parker, G. F., Pick- right to the jaw, and in the thi 'd Coach Cody will begin spring prac- ens, R. C, Sanders, H. I., Smith, round of play. It was announced round he had him very groggy. bilities and probable advancement that only fifteen institutions 'would tice. In addition to assisting Josh M. G., Thomason, G. L., Tindal, L! In the feather tihat will be made in each of the enter the contest, this was due, with the football squad, Guyon will four fields In the first two there N., Truesdale, E. V., Walsh, A. A., J. C. Jester, 129. Georgia, defeated also aid in the coaching of the however, to Alabama's late applica- C. M. Wells, 126, Clemson. The is practically unlimited fame and Whetstone, G'. B., Wiliams, H. T. tion for entry, hut inasmuch as a baseball team. Sub-Group II first round was about even. In fortune to be won by some engi- hye for Virginia existed the com- The mention of baseball reminds neer with foresight enough to go Allison, L. D, Avent, J. J., Bea- the second round the Georgia boy as of the fact that Guyon has also mittee agreed to accept the Tusca- ■was the aggresor. In the third ahead and 'make the necessary im- son, J. T., Barton, L. S., Bell, loosa entry as it was mailed before had much experience in affairs of provements and discoveries. The J. L. Boseman, J. C, Britt. C. E., round Jester pursued his advantags the diamond. At the present time the final date for application elaps- and won the decision. two latter fields are more or less Bryce, G. T., Campell, M. M., ed. All conference teams are en- he Is a member of the Louisville limited because of their nature. The Clarke, J. H., Clarke, W. H., Crook, The most hotly contested battle club of the American Association. tering the tournament with the ex- of the day came in the lightweieht design of machinery .has not chang- M. D., Cunningham, J. W., Cuttino, ception of Vanderbilt (last year He will report to the Colonels this ed much since the industry first B. H. Cuttino, D. S., Cuttino, W. fracas between J. B. Rogers, 139, year, but has obtained permission champions), Tennessee, Virginia Clemson and J. R. Cummings, 139, started and there is not much H., Davis, R. iR., Durst, W. P., Poly, Tulane, Maryland, and Se- to enter upon his work at Clem- rooim 'for improvement at present Early, E. B., Ellis, E. S., Fishhurn. Georgia, and was won by Georgia. son and will get a recess from wanee In the first round Rogers had the unless some new principles are dis- J. G., Fogle, J. L.', Fowler, B. R., Don't overlook the fact that Josh spring training. Guyon has also covered. Gan/tt, J. H., Gault, H. S., Garri- Athens lad down for the count. played baseball in the International Cody had Vandy in charge last During the chapel hour Mr. Cox son, J. C, Geddings, E. N., Glaze, He injured his hind, however, in and Southern legues. year, that probably has a great the process and Cummings had him Guyon is to take the place of gave an illustrated lecture to the G. H., Godfrey, A. B. Hair, J. C del to do with why they were entire eonps showing the different Hane, H. T., Harris,' S. P., Hart, down {or the count of one at the Dizzy McLeod, who will return _ to chmpions in '27. "Josh's" Tiger hell in the second. Cumminss his alma mater, Furman, as assist- steps in the manufacture of cloth. L. W., Heller, J. N., Herring, W. team is going strong just now, hav- With the aid of the pictures he H., Hicks, J. O., Humphreys, C. J., maintained his lead in the third ant coach. Dizzy will serve under ing won the last if our conference for the decision. Dad Amis, Furmans recently elect- was ahle to show in an interesting Hudgens, W. W., Husbands, H., games they played, and feel pretty way the manner in which the cot- Hutchins, W. C, James, w'. C, R. S. Howard, 142, snatched the ed head coach. We, the Tiger?, confident about the last game of ■welterweight bout for Clemson hate to see Dizzy go, for in hU ton is first drawn into the thread Jeter, E. C., Jones, J. G., Jones, S. the season this week which will from M. E. Sheyensiky, 14R, Geor- and later woven into cloth. E., Jordan, J. A., King, J. L.„ leaving we lose not only a fine be with Carolina. gia. Howard had the re<>ch and' coach, but also one who is much Mr. Cox stated that during the Klugh, G. F., Knobloch, L. G., Clemson's opponent in the first greater boxing ability. • The two admired and liked by the entire last few years the textile industry Latham, C. G., Link, A. C, Lips- round is Auburn, and Auburn has mixed it nn fine in the second and corps. During his brief stay here has heen steadily moving South- comb, R. W., Lomas, C. H., Mc- one of the strongest teams in the third rounds, but in these-: fierce Dizzy has been a true Tiger and ward and in a few years practically Connell. R. E., McCutchen, G. H., conference so it's <a sure -fact we mixnps Howard was clearly the that' is the highest tribute that we all the larger mnufcturers will have McDowell, H. B., Major, S. M., have got to fight to win any laurels victor. can pay to anyone. moved their plants nerer the center "^aner, W. F., Mercer, C. W., Mid- this year, however, Coach Cody In the mi,,/'lewpi<rht division R.
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