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1> Which professional tennis player became the girlfriend of LMFAO's Redfoo in 2012?

a. Caroline Wozniacki b. c. d.

2> Vodka, Galliano and orange juice make up which cocktail?

a. Manhattan b. Screwdriver c. Harvey Wallbanger d. Bucks Fizz

3> Sildenafil citrate is better known by what name?

a. Panadol b. Viagra c. Celexa d. Prozac

4> Often an ingredient of sushi, "unagi" is what type of fish?

a. Eel b. Snapper c. Trout d. Halibut

5> The inland taipan, possessing the most toxic venom of any snake in the world, is native to which continent?

a. South America b. Asia c. Africa d. Australia

6> Who stars as Princess Diana in the 2013 film Diana?

a. Jessica Chastain b. Diane Kruger c. Naomi Watts d. Keira Knightley

7> Which US state is the only one to form by seceding from a Confederate state?

a. Arkansas b. New York c. Indiana d. West Virginia

8> The Great Blue Hole is a large submarine sinkhole off the coast of which Central American country?

a. Guatemala b. Belize c. Costa Rica d. El Salvador

9> The Territory of Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean belongs to which country?

a. Kenya b. China c. Australia d. Madagascar

10> In The Simpsons, what is Sideshow Bob's last name?

a. Smith b. Snyder c. Terwilliger d. Gunderson


1> Victoria Azarenka - Azarenka finished the 2012 season as world number one. 2> Harvey Wallbanger - The Harvey Wallbanger is reported to have been invented by three-time world champion mixologist Donato 'Duke' Antone. 3> Viagra - The drug is sometimes sold under other trade names such as Revatio. 4> Eel - Unagi is freshwater eel, whereas saltwater eel is known as anago. 5> Australia - The inland taipan seldom comes into contact with people. 6> Naomi Watts - The film is about the last two years of Diana's life. 7> West Virginia - West Virginia is one of two states to form during the Civil War, the other being Nevada. 8> Belize - The hole is about 1000 feet in diameter. 9> Australia - This island is sometimes confused with Kiritimati or Christmas Island in the Pacific Ocean, which belongs to Kiribati. 10> Terwilliger - Sideshow Bob's middle name is Underdunk.

Source: General Knowledge Trivia Questions E62 -