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Abzug, Bella, 339 Boydstun, Amber, 281 Ackerman, Peter, 296 Bradley, Bill, 242 Adams, John, 13 Brands, H.W., 312 Adams, John Quincy, 10 Briffault, Richard, 9, 170 Adelson, Sheldon, 270 Browne, Harry, 361 Agnew, Spiro, 336 Brubaker, Jennifer, 300 Ailes, Roger, 317 Bryce, James, 34, 52 Alaska Independence Party v. Alaska, 65 Buchanan, Pat, 237, 241, 364–65 Allen, Gracie, 335 Buckley v. Valeo, 73, 75, 239, 272, 328–29, 381 American Independent Party, 363, 378 Burdick v. Takushi, 62, 75 of Texas v. White, 64, 70, 140 Burroughs v. United States, 73, 75 Anderson v. Celebrezze, 62, 74–75, 375 Busch, Andrew, 150, 156–57 Anderson, John B., 89, 285, 290, 368, 374, Bush, George H.W., 237, 286, 396 376–79, 382 Bush, George W., 242, 245–46, 293 Arizona Free Enterprise Club’s Freedom Club Bush, Jeb, 248, 250, 253–54, 324 PAC v. Bennett, 240 Buttigieg, Pete, 160 Arrow, Kenneth, 401 Cain, Herman, 249 Bachmann, Michele, 249, 341 California Democratic Party v. Jones, 60–61, Badnarik, Michael, 361 63–64, 66, 95, 139–41, 394 Baldwin, Chuck, 363–64 Camejo, Peter, 362 Barber, Michael, 263 Cameron, Don, 226–27, 229 Barr, Andy, 348 Cantwell, Maria, 7, 120, 345 Barr, Bob, 361 Carson, Ben, 245, 250 Barr, Roseanne, 337 Carter, Jimmy, 47, 50, 52, 89, 148, 160, 177–78, Bartels, Larry, 272 223, 231–33, 237, 241, 285–86, 395–96 Becker, Carl, 218 Cass, Lewis, 87, 225 Benoit, William, 282 Castle, Darrell, 364 Benton, Thomas Hart, 225 Castro, Julián, 160 Berlusconi, Silvio, 401 Ceaser, James W., 40, 146, 172 Biden, Joe, 6–7, 82–83, 85, 104, 160, 235–37, 242, Chirac, Jacques, 400 252–53, 259, 343, 347 Chisholm, Shirley, 339–40, 355 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, 246, 271 Christie, Chris, 248, 253 Blaine, James G., 225–26, 229 Citizens United v. Federal Election Bloomberg, Michael, 381 Commission, 263–65, 276 Booker, Cory, 160, 347 Clingman v. Beaver, 62–64, 140–41


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Clinton, Bill, 241, 245, 320 Edwards, John, 237, 242, 253, 319 Clinton, Hillary, 3, 6–7, 17, 51, 83–84, 105, Eisenhower, Dwight, 314–15 109–10, 113, 117–18, 120–22, 133–34, 152, 161, Eisenhower, Milton, 376 180, 192, 200, 236, 238, 242–43, 245–47, Eisner, Keith Darren, 291 249–51, 253–54, 280–81, 288–89, 296–98, Eu v. San Francisco County Democratic 302–04, 322–25, 327, 330, 337–38, 342–45, Central Committee, 60, 64, 139 355, 393, 397 Eychaner, Fred, 270–71 Cobb, David, 362 Cohen, Steve, 383 Faith Spotted Eagle, 7, 120 Collins, Susan, 7, 120, 345 Falk, Erika, 353 Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), Federal Communications Commission, 285 7, 285, 293–96, 302, 306–07, 381–82 Federal Corrupt Practices Act, 73 Communications Act, 284 Federal Election Campaign Act, 73, 294, Conkling, Roscoe, 226–28 397–98 Conservative Party of New York State, Federal Election Commission (FEC), 7, 373–74 92–93, 248, 277, 294–96, 307, 365, 373, 382 Constitution Party, 359–60, 363, Fein, Steven, 301, 304 378 Feinstein, Dianne, 232 Cook, Rhodes, 156 Ferraro, Geraldine, 337, 342–43 Coolidge, Calvin, 311 Fiorina, Carly, 248, 250, 341–42, 345 Corbyn, Jeremy, 400 Flowers, Gennifer, 320 Cousins v. Wigoda, 68, 70 For the People Act of 2019 (H.R. 1), 259 Cowan, Geoffrey, 41 Forbes, Steve, 241–42, 245 Coxey, Jacob, 378 Ford, Gerald R., 177, 241 Crowley, Candy, 301 Fulani v. Brady, 293 Cruz, Ted, 100–01, 109, 115–16, 134, 245, Fulani, Lenora, 293–94, 336–37, 378, 398 249–50, 253–54, 282, 322, 342 Gabbard, Tulsi, 160, 345 Daley, Richard, 16, 45 Garfield, James A., 223, 226–29 Dattner, Joyce, 336 Gilens, Martin, 272 Davis, John W., 311 Gillibrand, Kirsten, 345, 347 De La Fuente, Roque, 371, 379–80 Gingrich, Newt, 248–49, 253–54, 265 Dean, Howard, 249, 319 Giuliani, Rudy, 242 Democratic National Committee (DNC), 49, Glazier, Rebecca Anne, 281 52, 68, 70–71, 77, 147, 152, 192–95, 202, 206, Goethals, George, 301, 304 211, 213, 252, 394 Goldwater, Barry, 43, 339 Democratic National Convention, 3, 46, 68, Goode, Virgil, 364 89, 110, 113, 119, 139, 174, 176, 180–81, 200, Goodman, Lee, 277 205, 214, 218–21, 223, 229, 231, 340, Gore, Al, 237, 242, 293, 344 377, 391 Gorman, Joseph, 167 Democratic Party of the United States Grant, Ulysses S., 34, 225–27, 229 v. Wisconsin ex rel. La Follette, 70, Green Party, 290, 293, 296, 337–38, 345, 138–39 359–63, 372, 375, 382 Democratic Party, passim Devine, Tad, 325 Hagelin, John, 365–66 Dewey, Thomas E., 313 Hansen, Glenn, 282 Dodd, Christopher, 242, 253 Hanson, Gary, 300 Dole, Bob, 237, 241, 245 Harder, Heather, 340 Douglass, Frederick, 333 Harris, Kamala, 82, 160, 345–47 Dukakis, Michael, 294, 396 Harrison, William Henry, 87 Duke, David, 378 Hart, Gary, 47, 237, 241, 320, 397

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Haskell, John, 156, 164 Law, Steven, 271 Hayes, Rutherford B., 225 Le Pen, Jean-Marie, 400 Hayward, Allison, 277 Le Pen, Marine, 400 Heberlig, Eric, 273 League of Women Voters, 284–85, 290 Hersh, Eitan, 184 Lemert, James, 282 Hicks, John, 311 Level the Playing Field v. Federal Election Hoar, George F., 227 Commission, 296 Hoefling, Thomas, 373 Libertarian Party, 335–36, 359–63, 376, Holbook, Thomas, 283 378–79 Hospers, John, 336 Lincoln, Abraham, 34 Huckabee, Mike, 242, 250, 253 Lloyd-Duffie, Elvena, 340–41 Humphrey, Hubert, 16, 45–46, 176, 223, 230–31, Lockwood, Belva, 334, 355 286, 316–18, 391 Lopez Obrador, Andres Manuel, 357 Huntsman, Jon, 248, 254, 265 Lowenstein, Daniel, 169–70 Lucey, Patrick, 376 Jackson, Andrew, 10, 14, 34, 87, 221 Jackson, Jesse, 47, 237, 241, 297, 396 MacArthur, Douglas, 378 Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, 282, 303 MacBride, Roger, 335–36 Jenness, Linda, 336 Macron, Emmanuel, 357, 400 Jindal, Bobby, 248 Magarian, Gregory, 292 Johnson, Gary, 83, 89–90, 290, 361, 378–79, Malbin, Michael, 254 382 Marshall, Thomas, 183 Johnson, Haynes, 319 May, Theresa, 401 Johnson, Lyndon B., 45, 229, 391 Mayer, Jane, 303 Johnson, Richard M., 219 Mayer, William, 4, 53, 150, 156–57 Johnson, Sonia, 336 McCain, John, 50, 237, 242, 244, 246, 249, 253, 298, 342–44 Kaine, Tim, 7, 120, 281 McCarthy, Eugene, 16, 230–31, 313, 319, 391 Kamarck, Elaine, 76 McConnell, Mitch, 271 Karabell, Zachary, 313 McCormack, Ellen, 340 Karpowitz, Christopher, 184 McCutcheon v. Federal Election Kasich, John, 100, 122, 249, 254, 282 Commission, 276 Kefauver, Estes, 43, 390–91 McGovern, George, 47, 50, 52, 148, 185, 286, Kennedy, Edward M., 231–33, 241, 396 395–96 Kennedy, John F., 43, 176, 284, 315–17 McGovern-Fraser Commission, 16, 46, 48, 150, Kennedy, Robert, 45, 230, 319, 391 176–77, 192 Kerry, John, 242, 244–45, 319, 344 McGrath, Amy, 348 Keyes, Alan, 363, 378 McKinley, William, 87 Kirkland, Lane, 395 McKinney, Cynthia, 337, 362 Klobuchar, Amy, 82, 160, 300, 345, McKinney, Mitchell, 283 347 McMullin, Evan, 84, 88–89, 373 Kucinich, Dennis, 243 Mickelson, Sig, 314 Kugler, Matthew, 301, 304 Mikva, Abner, 293–94 Mill, John Stuart, 25 La Follette, Robert, 89, 382 Mink, Patsy, 339–40 La Raja, Raymond, 263, 275, 277 Mitchell, Charlene, 335 La Riva, Gloria, 373 Mondale, Walter, 301, 342–43, 396–97 LaDuke, Winona, 7, 120, 337, 345, Morley, Michael, 110 362 Morse v. Republican Party of Virginia, 58 Lamm, Dick, 364 Moseley Braun, Carol, 341 LaRouche, Lyndon, 378–79, 398 Mott, Lucretia, 332–34

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Nader, Ralph, 84, 89, 290, 293, 337–38, 362, Reagan, Ronald, 89, 177, 237, 241, 286, 301, 318, 364, 368 343, 377 Nathan, Theodora, 335 Reform Party, 360, 364–65, 382 National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, Rehfeld, Andrew, 21 383–84 Rehnquist, William H., 263 National Voter Registration Act, 75 Reid, Harry, 270 Natural Law Party, 360, 365–66 Republican National Committee (RNC), 111, Nelson, Michael, 167 211–12, 226–27 New Alliance Party, 293, 336, 378, 398 Republican National Convention, 3, 109, 114, New York State Board of Elections v. Lopez 206, 214, 223, 225, 339 Torres, 64 Republican Party, passim Nixon, Richard, 16, 284, 317–18, 336, 391, Ribicoff, Abraham A., 233 396 Roberts, John G., 263 Norrander, Barbara, 172 Robinson, David, 326 Rockefeller, Nelson, 318 O’Brien v. Brown, 68 Romney, Mitt, 88, 111, 222, 237–38, 242, 246, O’Malley, Martin, 243, 253 248, 253–54, 265, 301, 344, 397 O’Neill, Tip, 20 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 32, 311 O’Rourke, Beto, 82 Roosevelt, Theodore, 40–42, 87–90, 100, 159, Obama, Barack, 50, 124, 152, 174, 190, 200, 237, 235, 252, 309–10, 312, 377–78, 390 242, 245–49, 252–54, 297–98, 301, 323–24, 343, Root, Wayne A., 361 363, 397 Rubio, Marco, 100–01, 246, 248, 250, 253–54 Page, Benjamin, 272 Russo, Aaron, 361 Palin, Sarah, 337, 342–43 Ruwart, Mary, 361 Panagopoulos, Costas, 187, 189 Parshall, Lisa, 152, 158, 167–68 Sanders, Bernie, 3, 17, 51–52, 81–85, 88–90, Pataki, George, 248 109, 111–13, 117–22, 133–34, 160, 180, 200, Patterson, Thomas, 327 238, 243, 245, 249–53, 300, 322, 325, Paul, Newly, 299–300 344, 347 Paul, Rand, 242, 249–50 Santorum, Rick, 111, 248–49, 253–54, 265 Paul, Ron, 110–11, 222, 378 Saunders, Romulus, 224 Pence, Mike, 281 Scalia, Antonin, 169 Perot, Ross, 89, 364, 381–82 Schaffner, Brian, 263, 275, 277 Peroutka, Michael, 363 Schattschneider, Elmer, 28 Perry, Rick, 248, 254 Schatz, Brian, 383 Phillips, Howard, 363 Schultz, Howard, 84–85, 381 Pietryka, Matthew, 281 Schumpeter, Joseph, 25 Pildes, Richard, 9, 268–69 Shaap, Milton, 398 Polk, James K., 223, 225 Shafer, Byron, 46, 49 Polsby, Nelson, 52 Shapiro, Walter, 5 Pope, Jeremy, 184 Sharpton, Al, 398 Potts, C.S., 225 Sherman, John, 225–26, 229 Powell, Colin, 7, 120 Simons, James, 271 Progressive Party, 88, 159, 377, 382 Smith v. Allwright, 57, 59, 67 Pulley, Andrew, 336 Smith, Al, 311–12 Putnam, Josh, 197 Smith, Margaret Chase, 338 v. Federal Election Raddatz, Martha, 302 Commission, 263–64, 276 Randall v. Sorrell, 276 Spock, Benjamin, 336 Ranney, Austin, 4, 47 Stahl, Lesley, 328

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Stans, Maurice, 318 Van Buren, Martin, 14, 39, 86–87, 89, 221, Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 333 223–25 Stassen, Harold, 313 Voting Rights Act, 58, 297 Stein, Jill, 84, 89, 290, 337–38, 363, 375 Walker, Scott, 248, 250 Stevenson, Adlai, 43, 314, 317, 391 Wallace, George, 382, 396 Steyer, Tom, 270 Wallace, Henry, 382 Stow, Marietta, 334 Warren, Elizabeth, 7, 82, 99, 103, 120, 160, 345–47 Swain, Fay Carpenter, 339 Washington State Grange v. Washington State Republican Party, 63–64 Taft, William Howard, 41, 87, 90, 100, 159, Washington, George, 23, 87, 226 309–10, 377 Weinrib, Eric, 337 Tashjian v. Republican Party of Connecticut, Weld, William, 195 59, 63–64, 139–40, 394 White, Theodore, 45, 316–17 Taylor, Zachary, 87 Whitener, Bryan, 199 Terry v. Adams, 58–59, 67, 70 Wildavsky, Aaron, 52 Thurmond, Storm, 89 Wilentz, Sean, 186 Timmons v. Twin Cities Area New Party, Williams, Edward Bennett, 232–33 62–64 Williamson, Marianne, 160, 345–46 Treleaven, Harry, 318 Willkie, Wendell, 361 Truman, Harry, 313, 390 Wilson, Woodrow, 42, 88, 159, 390 Trump, Donald, 3, 6, 10, 45, 51, 78, 82–84, 88, Winneg, Kenneth, 282 99–101, 105, 109–11, 115–16, 132, 134, 153, 161, Wirt, William, 389 192, 195–96, 236, 238, 245, 250, 253–54, 262, Woodhull, Victoria, 333–34, 355 268, 280–82, 288–90, 303–04, 321–33, 326–29, Wright, Gerald, 190 338, 344, 346, 364, 397 Wright, Hendrick, 224 Tsongas, Paul, 241 Wright, Jeremiah, 323–24 Turcotte, Jason, 299–300 Wright, Margaret, 336 Tyler, John, 223 Zagarell, Michael, 335 United States v. Classic, 57, 72 Zaller, John, 267 Unity Reform Commission, 192 Zelensky, Volodymyr, 358 Republican Party v. Cox, 65 Zelizer, Julian, 186

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