USA Today·S Kelly Whiteside Becomes President of FWAA
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86$7RGD\·V.HOO\:KLWHVLGH EHRPHVSUHVLGHQWRI):$$ )HEUXDU\ 9RO 1R The Football Writers Associa- was appointed in Los Angeles as tion of America has completed an- well and appears on Page 2 in ,QVLGH WKLV LVVXH other successful year, and the fin- the new masthead. ish is chronicled in this issue of Winners of the Volney Meece 1HZ 3UHVLGHQW .HOO\ The Fifth Down. Schlolarship, the Bert McGrane :KLWHVLGH·V FROXPQ In early January, the FWAA Award, Grantland Rice Trophy held its annual meeting in Los An- and the FWAA/Eddie Robinson 0DU\ODQG·V 5DOSK geles in conjunction with the Rose Coach of the Year Award also )ULHGJHQ QDPHG Bowl, the Bowl Championship Se- were announced in January. ):$$(GGLH 5RELQVRQ ries’ 1-2 game. Miami (Fla.) won the Grantland &RDFK RI WKH <HDU For the first time in the organi- Rice Trophy, presented to the na- zation’s 61-year history, a woman tional championship team. *UDQWODQG 5LFH 7URSK\ was named president of the Patrick Davis, the son of FWAA JRHV WR XQEHDWHQ 0LDPL RI )ORULGD FWAA. Kelly Whiteside of USA member Ken Davis was named Today assumed the presidency. the winner of the Volney Meece Her first column appears on Page 2UYLOOH +HQU\ ZLQV %HUW Scholarship Award. Orville Henry, 2. long-time FWAA member and Ar- 0F*UDQH $ZDUG Kelly succeeds Dave Sittler of kansas sports writer, won the the Tulsa World. Moving into the McGrane Award. His named will 3DWULFN 'DYLV VRQ RI first vice president’s position is be added to the FWAA plaque at .HQ 'DYLV RI WKH +DUW IRUG &RXUDQW ZLQV Wally Hall of the Arkansas De- the College Football Hall of Fame 9ROQH\ 0HHFH 6FKRODU mocrat-Gazette. Dick Weiss of the when in August. VKLS New York Daily News was ap- Maryland coach Ralph pointed second vice president. Friedgen claimed the FWAA $ PHPEHU VHQGV KLV We all need to give Dave a Coach of the Year Award on Jan. WKDQNV round of thanks for the excellent 10 in Scottsdale, Ariz.. And on the year he put in as president of the same day, Miami (Fla.) offensive organization. tackle Bryant McKinnie received &DOO IRU HQWULHV %HVW :ULWLQJ &RQWHVW UXOHV The FWAA’s board for 2002 the Outland Trophy in Omaha. SURFHGXUHV 3DJH %+( ,)7+ 2:1 President Kelly Whiteside USA Today 3UHVLGHQW·VROXPQ First Vice President Wally Hall Over a few cold which will give us a chance to dis- Arkansas Democrat-Gazette beverages and a cuss those issues with sports in- Second Vice President warm fire at the formation directors. Dick Weiss New York Daily News Eddie Robinson My thanks go to Dave Sittler Executive Director Coach of the who did a wonderful job this past Steve Richardson Year banquet year. I only hope to continue his Dallas Morning News with executive fine work. Thanks, too, to Mark 2002 Directors director Steve Blaudshun and Tom Shatel who Shelly Anderson Richardson and led the way for both of us. It's cer- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette David Teel Ted Gangi and tainly an honor to follow this Daily Press, Newport News .(//< Cody Monk, who group. I'm also proud be the first (Va.) manage the woman to serve as president in Kurt Caywood :+,7(6,'( Topeka Capital-Journal FWAA website, the FWAA's 61-year history. Ken Acee ideas for this It's been an enlightening first San Diego Union-Tribune year kept flowing. month. During the course of the Stewart Mandel CNN/SI How can we improve the BCS season, we get so wrapped up in Eric Crawford mess? How can we ensure equal our jobs that it's easy to forget all Louisville Courier-Journal access for our members writing that FWAA does. We know that Wright Thompson New Orleans Times- online? How can we improve the the FWAA gives out the Eddie Picayune diversity of our membership? Robinson, the Nagurski, the Out- Brian Landman Over the next few months, we land and the Bert McGrane St. Petersburg Times Ted Miller plan to tackle these issues, the awards, the Grantland Rice tro- Seattle Post-Intelligencer substantial ones that is. But, we phy, the writing awards, the All- Rob Biertempfel need to hear from you. Please call American team and the Volney Tribune Review (Pa.) Darryl Richards or write with your concerns and Meece scholarship. But witness- suggestions. We will continue to ing my first awards ceremony was Andy Bagnato focus on improving the press op- eye-opening. For Ralph Friedgen Chicago Tribune Ken Davis erations at the BCS games. This too. Hartford Courant year's site, the Fiesta Bowl, has A few days before the Eddie Chris Fowler been excellent in the past. We Robinson Coach of the Year ban- ESPN Herb Gould should also look ahead to future quet, Friedgen had asked me Chicago Sun-Times sites such as the Orange Bowl, what kind of an affair it would be. Brian Higgins where there have been problems He was weary from so much Oakland Tribune Natalie Meisler in the past. travel. But when he arrived in Denver Post As always, we will continue be Phoenix, he was treated to a first- Dan O'Kane vigilant about the game day is- class event, held at a resort, Tulsa World Tim Peeler sues that mean so much to us — sponsored by America West and Greensboro News & Record enough phones in the press box, the Fiesta Bowl and televised by Greg Pogue timely postgame access, final Fox Sports Net. Daily News Journal (Tenn.) Tim Stephens stats within an hour after a na- "What could be better than Herald-Dispatch (W.Va). tional championship game (Rose this?" Friedgen said after winning Ex-Officio Bowl, that means you). Please let the award. Jim Daves us know when you encounter My thoughts exactly. University of Washington problems. This summer I will at- Maxey Parrish CoSIDA tend the CoSIDA convention, %+( ,)7+ 2:1 3DJH )ULHGJHQQDPHGRDKRI\HDU SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – Mary- land's Ralph Friedgen claimed the 2001 FWAA/Eddie Robinson Coach of the Year Award on Jan. 10 during a banquet and Fox Sports Net televi- sion show from The Phoenician Re- sort. The Football Writers Association of America Coach of the Year Award is named after the legendary Robin- son, who has won more games than any coach in college football his- tory — all at Grambling State. The FWAA has presented a Coach of the Year Award since 1957. Washington State coach Mike Price, the 1997 FWAA Coach of the Year, and Illinois Coach Ron Turner were the other finalists. The winner was selected by vote of FWAA DU\ODQG FRDFK 5DOSK )ULHGJHQ DFFHSWV WKH ):$$(GGLH 5RE members. Friedgen led Maryland to its first LQVRQ &RDFK RI WKH <HDU $ZDUG DW 7KH 3KRHQLFLDQ 5HVRUW LQ ACC title and bowl berth since 1985. 6FRWWVGDOH$UL] 7KH HYHQW ZDV EURDGFDVW RQ )R[ 6SRUWV 1HW Friedgen is the first coach from Maryland to win the award and the of the Year honors in his first season time in school history. first ACC coach to capture the award at his school. Friedgen was an assistant for 32 since Georgia Tech's Bobby Ross in Friedgen led Maryland to its first years before he became coach of 1990. He is also just the second ACC title in 16 years during the 2001 the Terrapins a year ago. He came first-year head coach to win the season. In his first year as a head to Maryland from Georgia Tech, award. Tom Cahill was the FWAA coach, Friedgen guided his alma where he served for four years as Coach of the Year in his first season mater to a 10-1 record and a berth in the offensive coordinator. Friedgen as a collegiate head coach at Army the Orange Bowl where the Terra- also served as Bobby Ross' offen- in 1966. Friedgen is also just one of pins lost to Florida. The Terrapins sive coordinator at Maryland from eight coaches to earn FWAA Coach notched 10 victories for only the fifth 1982-86. ):$$&2$&+2)7+(<($5:,11(56 1957 Woody Hayes, Ohio State 1972 John McKay, USC 1987 Dick MacPherson, Syravuse 1958 Paul Dietzel, LSU 1973 Johnny Majors, Pittsburgh 1988 Lou Holtz, Notre Dame 1959 Ben Schwartzwalder, Syracuse 1974 Grant Teaff, Baylor 1989 Bill McCartney, Colorado 1960 Murray Warmath, Minnesota 1975 Woody Hayes, Ohio State 1990 Bobby Ross, Georgia Tech 1961 Darrell Royal, Texas 1976 Johnny Majors, Pittsburgh 1991 Don James, Washington 1962 John McKay, USC 1977 Lou Holtz, Arkansas 1992 Gene Stallings, Alabama 1963 Darrell Royal, Texas 1978 Joe Paterno, Penn State 1993 Terry Bowden, Auburn 1964 Ara Parseghian, Notre Dame 1979 Earle Bruce, Ohio State 1994 Rich Brooks, Oregon 1965 Duffy Daugherty, Michigan St. 1980 Vince Dooley, Georgia 1995 Gary Barnett, Northwestern 1966 Tom Cahill, Army 1981 Danny Ford, Clemson 1996 Bruce Snyder, Arizona State 1967 John Pont, Indiana 1982 Joe Paterno, Penn State 1997 Mike Price, Washington State 1968 Woody Hayes, Ohio State 1983 Howard Schnellenberger, Miami 1998 Phillip Fulmer, Tennessee 1969 Bo Schembechler, Michigan 1984 LaVell Edwards, BYU 1999 Frank Beamer, Virginia Tech 1970 Alex Agase, Northwestern 1985 Fisher DeBerry, Air Force 2000 Bob Stoops, Oklahoma 1971 Bob Devaney, Nebraska 1986 Joe Paterno, Penn State 2001 Ralph Friedgen, Maryland 3DJH 4 %+( ,)7+ 2:1 *UDQWODQG5LH 7URSK\JRHVWR XQEHDWHQ0LDPL LOS ANGELES – The Miami Hurricanes, capping a perfect 12-0 season with a 37-14 victory over Nebraska in the Rose Bowl, were named the 2001 winners of the Grantland Rice Trophy. Football Writers Association of America president Kelly Whiteside of USA Today made the presentation to Miami coach Larry Coker at a news conference the morning after Miami’s Rose Bowl victory.