WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 THULQADA 24, 1438 AH Abdulredha’s Dubai magnate Facebook Stanton hits death a big tied to Trump samples China’s record 43rd loss for art: brand seeks new potential with homer, Marlins GCC actors4 ventures11 abroad sneaky22 app beat14 Giants Messila coast hit by oil Min 33º Max 46º spill, second in a week High Tide 05:05 & 19:01 Low Tide Authorities clueless on source of new oil slick 12:20 32 PAGES NO: 17307 150 FILS KUWAIT: Authorities yesterday reported a second oil slick off the state’s shores days after saying another Amir saddened over Kuwaitis killed in Burkina large spill was under control. The new slick was spotted some 60 km north of the first spill, tweeted Sheikh Talal KUWAIT: HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- Khaled Al-Sabah, spokesman for national oil conglom- Jaber Al-Sabah yesterday expressed his condolences erate Kuwait Petroleum Corp (KPC). The Environment over the death of two Kuwaiti citizens in a terrorist Public Authority said the latest spill near the Officers’ attack targeting a cafe in the Burkinabe capital Club off the Messila coast is about 1.6 km long, adding Ouagadougou. Grand Mosque Imam Dr Waleed Al-Ali it is coordinating with the oil sector, coastguards and and Kuwaiti citizen Fahd Al-Husseini were there on a the Regional Organization for the Protection of the charity mission. The Amir expressed the strongest con- Marine Environment (ROPME) to rid the seawaters of demnation of Kuwait against this terrorist act, which the new oil spill. killed more than 18 people and injured scores others. Oil Minister Essam Al-Marzouq announced that HH the Amir also sent a cable of condolences to Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) has moved a number of its Burkina Faso’s President Roch Marc Christian Kabore. vessels to the Messila coast to control the new oil spill. In the cable, Sheikh Sabah expressed his sincere con- KOC vessels and Kuwait Fire Service frigates will survey dolences over the victims killed in the attack, praying the surrounding areas for other oil spills, Marzouq, also to Allah the Almighty to bless their souls with mercy, minister of electricity and water, told KUNA yesterday. and wishing the injured speedy recovery. The Amir He added that contacts are being made with neighbor- stressed Kuwait’s condemnation and denouncement ing countries to inquire about any oil leakage or any of this “heinous crime” that targeted innocents, and information that could be related to the new oil spill. runs counter to all religions and humanitarian values. Marzouq noted that Kuwait is carrying out aerial The Amir also affirmed that Kuwait supports all and sea surveys of the territorial waters as well as con- measures taken by Burkina Faso to face such terrorist tacting international environmental organizations to acts aiming to undermine its stability and security. get satellite images of the area over the past few days Sheikh Sabah renewed Kuwait’s firm stance that in order to collect information that could lead to iden- rejects terrorism in its forms and manifestations, and tifying the source of this spill. He admitted that the backs the international community to counter this ministry does not currently possess any information phenomenon and dry up its funding. OUAGADOUGOU: Municipal workers walk past the Aziz Istanbul restaurant yesterday, the scene of a ter- regarding the source of the spill. Continued on Page 11 rorist attack late Aug 13. — AFP Continued on Page 11 News Qatar: Time needed to rebuild trust in brief Boycott adds to woes of migrant workers Saudi Arabia, Iraq to reopen border DOHA: Qatar’s foreign minister said yesterday it will Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and parties to engage in dialogue.” Despite this, Sheikh RIYADH: Saudi Arabia and Iraq plan to open the Arar bor- take a “lot of time” to rebuild any trust between sparring Egypt cut ties with Qatar on June 5 - accusing it of back- Mohammed said Qatar was still waiting to hear from its der crossing for trade for the first time since 1990, when it Gulf countries because of the region’s continuing diplo- ing extremism and fostering ties with Iran - triggering rivals. “Put up your claims and put up your evidence. We was closed after the countries cut ties following Saddam matic crisis. As the impasse between Doha and four the biggest political crisis in the Gulf for several years. told them (Saudi-led countries) anywhere you want, Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, Saudi local media reported Arab states led by Saudi Arabia entered its 11th week, Doha denies the claims and accuses the other countries whatever evidence you have, just put it on the table. Now yesterday. Saudi and Iraqi officials toured the site on Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani said of an attack on its sovereignty. The Saudi-led countries it’s been 72 days since the first day of their measures and Monday and spoke with Iraqi religious pilgrims, who for regional relations had been transformed by the dispute. have also imposed sanctions including restrictions on we have not been provided with a single document.” the past 27 years had access to the crossing only once “Qatar has always been one of the founders of the Qatari aircraft using their airspace. Experts have speculated that the diplomatic uncer- annually during the hajj season, the Makkah newspaper GCC organization and we still consider that this has a The foreign minister added that the conflict was tainty in the region will lead to the demise of the GCC. reported. The governor of Iraq’s southwestern Anbar great importance for all of us in the region,” he told unnecessary. “Such a crisis is not needed in our region, One, Andreas Krieg, a political risk analyst at King’s province, whose staff was on hand for the ceremonies, said reporters. Created in 1981, the Gulf Cooperation Council we have enough problems and enough conflict. A College London, told AFP that the GCC was “dying by the Iraqi government had deployed troops to protect the (GCC) is a political and economic union comprised of region like the Gulf region, which was considered the the day”. “The Kuwaiti Amir is a great believer in the GCC desert route leading to Arar and called its opening a “sig- Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the most stable region in the Arab world is now destabi- and will do everything he can to resolve the crisis to nificant move” to boost ties. “This is a great start for further United Arab Emirates. “This organization has been built lized because... of a crisis without a solid foundation.” save the GCC. However, realistically, the GCC cannot sur- future cooperation between Iraq and Saudi Arabia,” said on strategic security and trust. Unfortunately, what hap- However, he added that diplomatic efforts led by vive this crisis,” he said. Meanwhile, the embargo on Sohaib Al-Rawi. The announcement follows a decision by pened lately with this crisis, this factor is missing now regional mediator Kuwait were continuing. “We have Qatar is inflicting pain on foreign migrant workers strug- the Saudi cabinet on Monday to establish a joint trade and needs a lot of time to rebuild the trust again. We received a letter from the Amir of Kuwait a few days ago. gling amid an oil slump and disruption of deliveries commission with Iraq. hope that it’s restored.” And this letter is a continuous effort... to encourage the Continued on Page 11

Basra gov quits, flees Rally accelerates removal to Iran over graft probe of US Confederate statues BAGHDAD: The governor of the oil city of Basra has stepped down and gone to Iran after Iraq’s anti-cor- DURHAM, North Carolina: In Gainesville, against racism. Activists took a ladder up ruption body began investigating graft allegations Florida, workers hired by the Daughters of to the statue and used a rope to pull against him, people close to him and officials said yes- the Confederacy chipped away at a down the Confederate Soldiers terday. Majid Al-Nasrawi is the highest ranking public Confederate soldier’s statue, loaded it Monument that was dedicated in 1924. A figure to come under investigation for alleged corrup- quietly on a truck and drove away with lit- diverse crowd of dozens cheered as the tion since Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi was elected tle fanfare. In Baltimore, Mayor Catherine statue of a soldier holding a rifle fell to the three years ago, partly on a pledge to fight graft. Iraq’s Pugh said she’s ready to tear down all of ground in front of an old courthouse Integrity Commission on Monday evening issued a her city’s Confederate statues, and the building that now houses local govern- statement asking the foreign ministry in Baghdad to city council voted to have them ment offices. ask Iran to repatriate Nasrawi. A Basra-based politician destroyed. San Antonio lawmakers are The deadly white nationalist rally in close to Nasrawi said the accusations against Nasrawi looking ahead to removing a statue that Charlottesville, Virginia, is fueling another were “politically motivated” by rivals. “He can travel many people wrongly assumed repre- re-evaluation of Confederate statues in wherever he likes as long as there are no legal obsta- sented a famed Texas leader who died at cities across the nation, accelerating their cles,” the politician said, confirming that Nasrawi had A handout picture shows three ancient tombs containing sarcophagi which were dis- the Alamo. removal in much the same way that a left for Iran. Oil-rich Iraq ranks 166st out of 176 nations covered in a cemetery dating back about 2,000 years in the Al-Kamin Al-Sahrawi Some people refused to wait. 2015 mass shooting by a white suprema- in Transparency International’s Corruption Index. area in Minya province. — AFP Protesters in Durham, North Carolina, cist renewed pressure to take down the toppled a nearly century-old statue of a Confederate flag from public property. Confederate soldier Monday at a rally Continued on Page 11 Iran rejects US claims of Egypt discovers three unsafe Gulf drone flight TEHRAN: Iran’s Revolutionary Guards yesterday rejected millennia-old tombs claims that one of its drones had flown close to an American aircraft without its lights on, blaming poor US CAIRO: Egypt archaeologists have discov- four sarcophagi each sculpted to depict a identification systems. It was the latest in a spate of close ered three ancient tombs containing sar- human face. Another tomb held the encounters between US and Iranian aircraft or warships cophagi in the south of the country in a remains of two sarcophagi and six burial in the waters of the Gulf in recent weeks that have cemetery dating back about 2,000 years, holes, including one for “the burial of a sparked recriminations as relations sour. “The Guards’ the antiquities ministry said yesterday. The small child”. drone patrols... will continue in the...Gulf with precision, tombs excavated in the Al-Kamin Al- Clay fragments found at the site “date constantly and in the framework of protecting the bor- Sahrawi area in Minya province south of the tombs between the 27th Dynasty ders of the Islamic republic of Iran and regardless of the Cairo were in burial grounds constructed (founded in 525 BC) and the Greco-Roman psychological atmosphere created by alien forces,” the sometime between the 27th Dynasty and era (between 332 BC and the fourth centu- Guards drone unit said. It added that the US claims of the Greco-Roman period, the ministry said ry),” the statement said. The discovery “sug- “unsafe and unprofessional” conduct were perhaps the in a statement. gests that the area was a great cemetery result of “a weakness in their identification and recogni- The team found “a collection of sar- for a long span of time,” it quoted tion systems”. The US Navy said on Monday that an cophagi of different shapes and sizes, as Ashmawy as saying. In one of the three Iranian QOM-1 drone had flown within 300 m of an air- well as clay fragments,” the statement quot- tombs, excavators found bones believed craft based on the carrier USS Nimitz operating in inter- ed Ayman Ashmawy, head of the ministry’s to be the remains of “men, women and national waters in the Gulf the previous night. The inci- Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Sector, as say- children of different ages”, Ali Al-Bakry, DURHAM, North Carolina: A protester kicks the toppled statue of a dent followed an August 8 encounter between an Iranian ing. One of the tombs, which was reached head of the mission, was quoted as saying Confederate soldier after it was pulled down on Monday. — AP drone and an F/A-18E Super Hornet. through a shaft carved in rock, contained in the statement. — AFP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST16, 2017 LOCAL

Photo of the day

KUWAIT: Children avoid the heat of the sun by playing at Anjafa beach during the early morning hours. — KUNA

News India embassy celebrates In brief

Amir congratulates Kuwait 71st Independence Day shooters for winning gold KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah has sent a cable of congrat- Amir congratulates Indians, leaders ulations to the shooting champion Abdulrahman Al- Faihan for winning gold medals in the individual, dual and triple’s categories in the Asian Shooting Tournament, recently hosted by Kazakhstan. His Highness the Amir also sent felicitation cables to Mansour Al-Rashidi for winning a gold medal in the tripartite teams’ contest, Khaled Al-Mudhaf for earn- ing a gold in the same group, Sara Al-Hawall for win- ning the same medal in the dual, Talal Al-Rrashidi for bagging it in the individuals in addition to winning the gold medal in the two tripartite teams. He also sent such a cable to Abdulaziz Al-Saad for winning the gold medal in the tripartite group. His Highness expressed deep congratulations for earning the top medals in this Asian tournament, expressing wishes the champions would make more sports accomplish- ments to raise the dear homeland banner at regional and international athletic quarters. For their parts, His Highnesses Crown Prince and His Highness the Prime Minister also sent identical cables to the excelling athletes.

Indian Ambassador Sunil Jain hoists the national flag as embassy officials look on. —Photos by Sajeev K Peter

By Sajeev K Peter

KUWAIT: Braving the excruciating summer heat, thousands of Indians gathered yesterday at the Indian Embassy premises to cele- brate the country’s 71st Independence Day. The celebration com- menced with the hoisting of the national flag by Ambassador Sunil Jain followed by the singing of the national anthem. The ambassa- dor read out Indian President Ram Nath Kovind’s address to the nation on the occasion. Addressing the huge gathering, comprising community mem- bers from all walks of life, the ambassador emphasized that the KCCI eyes closer relations between the two countries have been historically close, ties with Sudan warm and friendly. He commended the contribution of the Indian community in Kuwait’s socio-economic development. The ambassa- KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Chamber of Commerce and dor said, His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Jaber Al-Ahmad Al- Industry (KCCI) is eager to establish better relations Sabah has high respect and love for Indians and great love for with Sudan and jointly pursue lucrative investment India, pointing out His Highness the Amir’s private visit to India in projects, its Chairman said yesterday. Speaking to June-July. the press after meeting with the President of the Minister’s visit Sudanese National Council Ibrahim Omar and his Jain said India’s Minister of State for External Affairs M J Akbar is accompanying delegation, Ali Al-Ghanim said that slated to visit Kuwait next month. “The minister’s visit is expected to Kuwait’s ties with the Northern African nation date further strengthen the bilateral relations between the two friendly back years, citing numerous development projects countries,” he added. He urged the community members to give Kuwait has undertaken in Sudan. He said that the positive suggestions if any which could be considered during the Sudanese official’s visit aims to broaden the scope bilateral discussions. Regarding the issue of non-payment of salaries for bilateral cooperation, encouraging Sudanese and indemnities by some local companies he said the issue has entrepreneurs to visit the country more often in been taken to higher levels and some solutions have been found. order to explore viable opportunities with their “We have a big project coming up on the left side of the Kuwaiti partners. Meanwhile, Omar said that his vis- embassy. That will cause some disruptions in the functioning of it was an effort to solidify ties between both the embassy. One side of the road will be closed and no parking nations, as he touted ample investment opportuni- will be allowed on the road to the embassy. The embassy is dis- ties his country has to offer. He added that cussing the matter with the foreign ministry as to how to mini- Khartoum was taking measures, including amend- mize the problem of disruption in the embassy’s functioning,” ing legislations, to ensure that it provides an envi- the ambassador said. On the occasion, the ambassador extend- ronment that would lure much-needed foreign ed warm greetings to the members of the royal family. He also investment. extended greeting to the community members. The ambassa- dor highlighted the measures taken by the embassy to improve the consular services for the community. The Bohra community band played a variety of marching tunes. Deputy FM, UN official Indian associations such as Thrissur Association, Saradhi Kuwait, discuss cooperation Indian Doctors Forum, Musiq Beats, Kaiser Ali Khan, Kalari Fitness Institute etc rendered patriotic songs. Around 950,000 Indian KUWAIT: Kuwaiti Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled nationals are working in Kuwait as businesspersons, doctors, engi- Suleiman Al-Jarallah yesterday discussed mutual coop- neers, chartered accountants, technicians in oil and gas sector, con- eration with Head of the UN High Commissioner for struction workers, nurses and domestic workers. Refugees (UNHCR) office in Kuwait Dr Hanan Hamdan. Meanwhile, His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- During a meeting, Hanan lauded Kuwait’s support and Jaber Al-Sabah yesterday sent a cable of congratulations to the the two sides also reviewed activities of the UNHCR. Indian President Ram Nath Kovind on the occasion of his coun- The meeting was attended by Assistant Foreign try’s Independence Day. His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Minister for the Deputy Foreign Minister’s Office Affairs Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Prime Ambassador Ayham Al-Omar and Assistant Foreign Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al Sabah sent simi- Minister for International Organizations’ Affairs Nasser lar cables. Al-Abdullah Al-Hain. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 LOCAL

Amir receives senior officials

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received His Highness National Guard Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al- the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah at Bayan Palace yesterday. His Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al- Highness the Amir also met Sheikh Jaber Al-Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Deputy Chairman of the Sabah. — KUNA photos

Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed Cultural Centre (JACC) Kuwait’s cultural center wins ENR Award of Merit

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed forced concrete. Some 10,000 workers were Cultural Centre (JACC) has been recognized involved in the construction. The JACC con- with the Award of Merit at Engineering sists of four buildings, with one housing the News Record (ENR)’s Global Best Projects main stage that accommodates some 2,000 Awards. The Amiri Diwan’s complex will be attendees. The drama theater and honored at a gala ceremony on 23 October, rehearsals’ spaces could house some 900 at the Sheraton hotel, Times Square, New people. The second, third, and fourth build- York. The Engineering News Record (ENR) ings consist of a 1,800-capacity musical facil- Global Best Projects Awards focus on the ity, a 1,072-capacity cinema and multi-pur- challenges, risks and rewards of designing pose space, and a 354-seats conference hall. and constructing in other countries. It is surrounded by water fountains and Last month, Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural other facilities that are very attractive to Center (JACC) was announced by visitors. The State of Kuwait, represented by International Property Award winner of the Amiri Diwan, had won MEED’s Building Arabia and Africa for best project and best Project of the Year through the country’s interior design. Inaugurated by His Jahra and Farwaniya Courts Complexes. Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Engineering News-Record is an American Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on October 31, 2016, the weekly magazine that provides the engi- JACC was designed as a venue to organize neering and construction news, analysis, and hold cultural events aimed at spread- commentary and data that construction ing arts appreciation amongst the local industry professionals need to do their jobs masses and help attract visitors from more effectively. ENR reports on the top abroad. design firms, both architects and engi- The exterior of the JACC’s headquarters - neers, and the top construction companies constructed on an area of 52,000 square as well as projects in the United States and meters - was built from titanium and rein- around the world. — KUNA

President of Arab Parliament Mishaal Bin Fahad Al-Salmi holds talks with Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim Al-Jaafari. — KUNA Arab Parliament praises Kuwait initiative for Iraq

BAGHDAD: Visiting President of Arab of the relocated to their original towns, Parliament Mishaal Bin Fahad Al-Salmi yes- deal with other challenges such as oil terday hailed Kuwait’s initiative to hold a prices’ fall and high cost of the war on ter- conference for re-constructing Iraq. Iraqi rorism, he added. Foreign Ministry quoted Al-Salmi as affirm- Iraq, which depends heavily on oil ing, during a meeting with Foreign exports, is engaged in wide-scale military Minister Ibrahim Al-Jaafari, his support for action against terror groups, namely the the Kuwaiti initiative and urged Arab states so-called Islamic State. The IS was driven to seek greater detente with the country. out of the northern city Mosul recently fol- “We stand on Iraq’s side and we are lowing full-scale heavy fighting with gov- optimistic about its future due to solidarity ernment troops and paramilitary forces. On among its political forces and standing of July 31, Kuwait officially announced that it the Arab brothers on its side,” he stated. For started contacts with world countries, the his part, Al-Jaafari affirmed that his country World Bank and Iraq to prepare for hosting needed support and contributions to re- a donors’ conference to rebuild areas liber- construction of the infrastructure. Such ated from the IS in Iraq, forecast in first help is also required to facilitate comeback quarter of 2018. — KUNA LOCAL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017

Sherif Ismail, an Egyptian artist and photographer presents his art works Egypt Embassy, Boushahri Gallery organize art exhibition ‘Egyptian artists in Kuwait’

By Faten Omar organized by the Egyptian cultural office ested in culture and arts. He thanked the organized more than 20 exhibitions in livelihoods,” he said. in Kuwait and see their commitment in Egyptian Embassy and the National 2017 for professional artists in Kuwait, “My third piece is of a girl with golden KUWAIT: The Egyptian Embassy and portraying Egypt,” he said. Council for Culture, Arts and Letters that where each artist has an experience in a hair and a gold earring that reflects the Boushahri Gallery held an exhibition titled “These artists work and help their broth- helped the artists to show their works. different field,” Sallam said. trust that we put in girls to preserve their ‘Egyptian artists in Kuwait’ yesterday at ers in Kuwait to build new generations that Sallam participated with a leather, porce- “I am participating with five paintings honor and dignity and to defend them- Boushahri Gallery in Salmiya. More than enjoy the taste of art with the ability to lain and metal piece. “My work is about that represent different topics related to selves. The fourth painting is of a queen 20 Egyptian artists residing in Kuwait par- express and be creative. We are honored mixing leather, metal strips and wire with Egypt,” said Sherif Ismail, an Egyptian that has two parts - the golden one repre- ticipated in the event. Egyptian today and through this exhibition to shed clay in an artistic synthesis,” he said. artist and photographer. Ismail merges sents her social life and the blue her Ambassador to Kuwait Yasser Atef praised light on their works and creations and wish The exhibition will be open for 15 days mixed media and digital art in his paint- secrets. My last painting describes an the effort of Boushahri Gallery and Yahia best of luck to them,” Atef added. to the public. The exhibition is part of a ings. “The home painting describes peace, Egyptian boat, which represents stability,” Swailam for organizing and hosting this Ibrahim Ali Sallam, General Coordinator, series of successive exhibitions by represented by two doves. My second Sherif explained. The exhibition includes exhibition of Egyptian artists. “I was hon- told Kuwait Times that the Egyptian exhi- Egyptian artists, which the cultural office painting represents livelihood, and I artworks by a group of Egyptian artists, ored in the past two years to know the tal- bition shows works of talented Egyptians is keen to highlight under the auspices of mixed it with calligraphy. It shows how including paintings, sculptures, ceramics, ented Egyptian artists through exhibitions who are residing in Kuwait to those inter- the Egyptian ambassador. “We have some people work hard to earn their handicrafts and ornaments.

Training halls Kuwait delivers 55 tons of for teachers healthcare aid to Mosul

By A Saleh Kheiran project will provide 1500 IRBIL: Kuwaiti medical aid weighing 55 tons poured megawatt and 125 million gallons of into the war-ravaged Iraqi city of Mosul yesterday, the KUWAIT: Director of Development water. The contract was signed in May latest in a special campaign Kuwait has created for its Department at the Education Ministry to produce 750 megawatt in Subbiya Gulf neighbor. Speaking to KUNA, Kuwait’s Consul Saad Abu Marzouq said training halls and will be carried out within three General in Irbil, the capital of the autonomous region of at Jabriya, Mubarak Al-Kabeer, years at a value of KD 160 million. Kurdistan, Dr Omar Al-Kandari, said that Kuwait’s Ahmadi and Jahra centers are ready to Consulate General and the Kurdish government were receive new teachers for the 2017- New route to Taef overseeing the aid process, where medical supplies 2018 school year. The idea is to pro- Kuwait Airways opened a new were delivered to hospitals across the region, all of vide new teachers with the technical route to Taef to make it easier to per- which suffer from a dearth of equipment. He pointed support on how to deal with students. form religious rituals in November. out that Kuwait has thus far provided 400 tons of com- They will also be told about their KAC chairman Samy Al-Rushaidan said prehensive medical aid to the northern Iraqi region. rights and duties. citizens and expats in Kuwait are Meanwhile, Director of Ninawa province’s health demanding the opening of new route department Dr Laith Abaalaziz told KUNA that the Iraqi North Zour station which is something good and indi- people were in dire need of such aid, thanking Kuwait MEW Undersecretary Eng cates the return of confidence in KAC. for the continued support. He added that the copious Mohammad Bushehri said that the When asked about the termination of aid given by Kuwait would meet the needs of medical Ministry will soon announce the sec- 1500 KAC employees, he said there centers in the region, saying that it will help save the ond stage of the North Zour station will not be any termination but some lives of many of the city’s ailing people. Similarly, which will add 1500 megawatt and employees will be transferred to other Hoshang Mohammad, the director general of the 100 million gallon of water. He said Al- companies. Kurdish regional government’s joint crisis coordination center, said that hospitals across the region have been inundated with patients, all of whom are in desperate need of the aid. Kuwait has ratcheted up medical aid to ‘Bird sound system’ Iraq in recent months, granting many Iraqis access to Kuwaiti Consul General in Irbil Dr Omar Al-Kandari meets officials from Kurdish gov- urgent healthcare. —KUNA ernment overseeing the aid process. — KUNA

By Meshaal Al-Enezi Signing ceremony Secretariat General of the Higher KUWAIT: The customs department Planning Council participated in the issued a ban on importing a “bird sound signing ceremony of the contract of system” based on several rules and laws implementing the electronic driving that protect the environment. The device license project at the UN development makes sounds that attract birds, which office in the presence of Assistant are then caught. Secretary General for Consultative Support Talal Al-Shimmari, Acting Sri Lankan delegation Assistant Undersecretary for Traffic Acting Director General of the Public Authority for Manpower Abdullah Al- Affairs Col Nasser Al-Subaie and National Mutoutah received the deputy Sri Coordinator for Comprehensive National Lankan labor employment minister and Strategy Col Salem Al-Ajmi, in addition to his delegation. Both sides discussed the acting representative of UNDP Dima issues of mutual interest. Al-Khateeb.

Emirati actor Dr Habib Ghuloom pictured and Saudi actor Abdulmohsen Al-Nemer and Kuwait artist Abdullah Bahman and Kuwaiti Kuwaiti actor Abdulhussain Abdulredha Kuwaiti actor Abdulhussain Abdulredha actor Abdulhussain Abdulredha Abdulredah’s death a ‘big lost for art’

KUWAIT: Many Gulf actors and artists has For his part, Emirati actor Dr Habib In Kuwait, artist Abdullah Bahman said the expressed sorrow over the passing of Ghuloom said that he would lead an official death of Abdulhussian is a big lost for the arts renowned Kuwaiti actor Abdulhussain delegation from the UAE’s theatrical arts asso- and cultural movements. He always focused in Abdulredha, who to them, represented a ciation to attend and participate in the burial his works on loyalty and love to this country, father figured that taught valuable life and ceremony of Abdulredah as well as offering affirmed Bahman. He left a good reputation artistic lessons. In separate statement yester- condolences. This artist deserves all the and impact for artists and people, said day, the actors said Abdulhussain Abdulredha appreciation as he has devoted his life for Bahman, adding that the departed Kuwaiti was one of the most remarkable pillars of nearly six decades to serve arts and culture, actor drew smiles for more than 50 years on Kuwaiti and Gulf culture and arts. Saudi actor he said. Meanwhile, Omani artist and cartoon- the faces of people in Kuwait and all around Abdulmohsen Al-Nemer said that ist Fahad Al-Zadjali said that he met the world. Kuwaiti actor Abdulhussain Abdulhussain Abdulredha was a very compe- Abdulhussain in Kuwait, which was a great Abdulredha, renowned for his works across tent person and he will always remain as great honor. The Omani artist said he was glad to the Gulf Arab region, has died at age 78, his role model. Abdulhussain is an important fig- have heard words of praise while he repre- family announced on Friday. The late actor ure in my life and we have worked together in sented the prolific Kuwaiti actor with a carica- had suffered complications during treatment (Al-Tendail) series, said the Saudi actor. ture as a token of gratitude. at a London hospital. —KUNA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 From the Arabic press

Crime Al-Qabas Report Kids getting drunk Value of homeland

KUWAIT: Several citizens sought the help of police after By Ahmad Al-Sarraf they noticed their children were returning home drunk. They discovered they were buying some type of aftershave any people found it strange that people cologne from a grocery store in Khaitan. Detectives rejected the idea of inviting Iraqi artistes like reviewed a video recorded by parents speaking to the gro- M Kazim Al-Saher and others to perform in cer, and found the cologne is not banned. The grocer said Kuwait, due to their stance towards Kuwait and siding he sells the cologne legally, and that youngsters buy it, with the tyrant Saddam when he occupied our coun- adding he did not know they were drinking it. Detectives try and wreaked havoc in our dear homeland. It is pos- asked the grocer not to sell it to youngsters, and he prom- sible to understand both positions, as one side says ised to do so. that we should forget and rise above our wounds after 27 years, while others say why should we forget as the Public drunkenness wound is still bleeding. Fathers, mothers, brothers and A citizen and a bedoon were arrested by Ahmadi sisters of martyrs who were killed by Saddam and his police when they were seen with a bottle of imported cronies are still alive and aware of events, so how will liquor. They were charged with driving while intoxicat- they feel when they see the person who supported ed in Abu Halaifa. The two said they were in a party, and their enemy, killed their children and displaced them the bottle they had was from that party. Both were held around the world dancing over their wounds onstage. at Abu Halaifa police station. In another development, Each side has his own reasons, and I am not here to an Indian was spotted by police dancing with a bottle in support one view over another, but I will try to take a his hand near his car in Bayan, with Indian music blaring certain stand with the following words: There is noth- from his car. The policemen arrested him along with ing more important in life than the human being’s three others. All four were charged with public drunk- belonging to a country that protects him and safe- enness and are being processed for deportation. guards his dignity, treats him if he gets sick and gives him a happy life, provides him with job opportunities, Detectives hunt for suspect helps him start a family, be productive and finally be buried in this land. A Sudanese stole money from his sponsor’s farm. He We do not realize the value of health until after we then escaped using the sponsor’s car, smashing through Al-Anbaa lose it. Similarly, we do not know what a homeland the farm’s fence, according to the sponsor’s statement to means or its importance until after it is lost, and this is Kabd police. Detectives are looking for the suspect. what happened with us when we lost our country. We lost our dignity, security and safety, apart from money, material and psychological losses. This is not unlike the tens of millions of refugees spread over hundreds of camps around the world who know what the loss of country means - that horrible feeling of not existing and being separated from a dear body that used to cradle all in security. So a person becomes within hours like being hung in a room devoid of air, with a feeling of not existing, while at the same time being worried for himself and his children! My colleague Iqbal Al-Ahmad wrote an article in which she demanded that anyone who loves other countries more than ours and prefers to live some- where else should leave our country. Some people wrote back saying that they actually do not belong to this country and do not prefer to live in it for one rea- son or another, but as they told me in their letters, they are unable to do anything, as they do not have money and no country within their reach, and no guarantee that they will succeed or will be happier outside Kuwait in the country of their choice. My answer was simple - that I, along with a few businessmen, will establish a fund to help them and anyone who wants to leave Kuwait quickly by paying for a one-way air ticket to any place they want to go, and they will be given a sum of money to help them Kuwait Finance House inks strategic with their new life until they get a job, provided that the country approves and they give up their Kuwaiti nationality! Here, they changed their tone and became agreement to support Kuwait youth hesitant and started creating excuses, as their smart- ness informed them there is no homeland like Kuwait. — Translated by Kuwait Times KUWAIT: Kuwait Finance House (KFH) inked a significant forums. They have a proven track record of international Kuwait Capital of Arab Youth event. This affirms the bank’s strategic agreement to support the youth. This agreement achievements which urges us to recognize them and commitment towards the youth and reflects its significant embodies the bank’s keenness to recognize those who appreciate them for they are our partners in success. role in supporting this vital category of the society. KFH’s contribute in raising the Kuwaiti flag high in the interna- He added that inking the agreement with them aims at participation in the “Kuwait Capital of Arab Youth 2017” tional forums and championships, while confirming its motivating them for further success in their future compe- stems from its endeavors to contribute in the strategic ini- instrumental role in the corporate social responsibility. titions, indicating KFH take pride in supporting them to tiatives of the country that raise the name of Kuwait high The agreement was inked with a group of national win new titles and medals. He explained that KFH spares on the local and world levels. champions who join KFH program under the theme “KFH no efforts in honoring the distinguished people in different Also, it reiterates the cultural contributions and the initiators”. KFH Initiators are all those who have a list of fields, be it education, sport, health, inventions and other Key role of Kuwait on the GCC and Arab levels, while awards and achievements on global levels. The initiators fields that are of interest to the society. KFH recognition allows the youth to positively take part in this event and are: Kuwaiti motorcycle rider Mishari Bu-Shaiba, Kuwaiti was not confined to its initiators, it has a proven track get acquainted with new experiences that add value to Jet-Ski Champion Mohammad Bu Rabea, Kuwaiti Jet Ski record of national names that received support from KFH them and enrich their knowledge. KFH spares no efforts champion Yousef Al Abdulrazzaq, and the Kuwaiti sky-diver in recognition of their international achievements. in supporting the government’s initiatives that develop Mohammad AlRefae. Al-Ruwaieh reiterated that KFH’s efforts in supporting the talents and skills of the youth and cater for their Executive Manager Group Public Relations and Media at and honoring the distinguished people reflects its commit- needs. Meanwhile, the champions expressed their KFH, Yousef Abdullah Al-Ruwaieh said on the sidelines of ment in the corporate social responsibility, indicating KFH thanks and gratitude to KFH for its continuing support, the signing ceremony of the partnership agreement with inked two agreements with the Ministry of State for Youth affirming that the partnership agreement with the youth the champions, that KFH initiators have contributed in rais- Affairs; one for partnership and collaboration, and the oth- confirms the bank’s pioneering role in assuming the ing the Kuwaiti flag high in a plethora of international er for supporting and sponsoring the activities of the social responsibility. Anti-Corruption Authority and Awqaf ink MoU KUWAIT: The Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs yester- day inked a memorandum with the Anti-Corruption Authority for cooperation against corruption and enhanc- ing values such as integrity and transparency. Mohammad Al-Jabri, Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Minister of State for Municipal Affairs, indicated in a statement that scholars, in Friday prayers’ sermons and other lectures, could contribute to promoting necessity of combating cor- ruption, education about integrity, transparency, renounc- ing corruption and funds’ misappropriation. The memo, in part, stipulates cooperation to guide citizens against cor- ruption and crimes, the minister said, indicating that such culture could be taught at schools, universities, clubs, youth and correction centers. Meanwhile, judge Abdulrahman Al-Nimesh, who co- signed the memo with the minister, affirmed that the memo was designed to spread such values according to the Islamic Shariaa and the Sunnah, noting that the mes- NBK launches last session of its 2017 internship program sages would be delivered at seminars and identical activ- KUWAIT: ities. He indicated that identical memos would be National Bank of Kuwait high school and college students issues and transaction are handled theoretical and practical training worked out with other State departments for the same (NBK) launched recently the fourth as an extension of NBK’s education and processed.” dedicated to providing the interns purposes. — KUNA and last session of the 2017 outreach services. The program “NBK regularly organizes and with invaluable knowledge on a Summer Internship Program. The demonstrates NBK’s long-standing designs events and packages for variety of subjects such as; the program is custom-made for high social involvement as well as its the youth of the country to famil- team work, creative thinking, school and college students aged national commitment towards iarize them with the world of means of self-expression and between 14 and 21 years. Yaqoub providing the young generations banking and make them responsi- modern banking work procedure, Al Baqer, NBK Public Relations offi- with the appropriate opportuni- ble citizens.” Al Baqer added. The in addition to helping interns to cer said, “NBK Summer Internship ties to experience firsthand how 5-hour daily sessions of two-week have greater exposure to daily Yaqoub Al Baqer Program is specially designed for the actual professional banking internship featured a mixture of banking work procedures. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 Modi urges India to reject violence Falling tree kills 12 at Catholic festival in Portugal in name of religion Page 8 Page 10

NEW YORK: Protestors near Trump Tower react as US President Donald Trump arrives on Monday. — AP Furor follows Trump home to NY Fired Scaramucci calls for Bannon’s ouster

NEW YORK: US President Donald Trump is back wake of a violent, racist rally in Charlottesville, the-cuff remarks, Scaramucci said, “That’s him stress a need for law and order, which he did. He hoped would showcase some tough talk on in the New York skyscraper that bears his name Virginia. The letter asserts their continuing pres- wearing his heart on his sleeve.” later expressed anger to those close to him China’s trade practices. as the furor over his reaction to race-fueled ence in the White House is emboldening a resur- In his initial remarks on the violence Saturday, about what he perceived as the media’s unfair But by the time he arrived at midmorning, it clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the week- gent white supremacist movement in America. Trump did not single out the groups and instead assessment of his remarks, believing he had was clear all other messages would be drowned end shows few signs of dying down. Protesters This came a day after Anthony Scaramucci, bemoaned violence on “many sides.” Those effectively denounced all forms of bigotry, out until he said more about Charlottesville. on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue tried to spoil who was fired as White House communications remarks prompted stern criticism from fellow according to outside advisers and White House Trump returned to a White House undergoing a Trump’s homecoming Monday night with signs director after a less than two-week stay, called Republicans as well as Democrats, who urged officials. Several of Trump’s senior advisers, major renovation. With the Oval Office unavail- bearing messages like “stop the hate, stop the for Bannon’s ouster. He said if it were up to him, him to seize the moral authority of his office to including new chief of staff John Kelly, had able, he worked from the Treaty Room as aides lies” and chanting “shame, shame, shame” and Bannon would be gone from Trump’s administra- condemn hate groups. urged him to make a more specific condemna- drafted his remarks. Reading from a “not my president!” tion. But, he noted, “it’s not up to me”. “The Trump’s softer statement Saturday had come tion, warning that the negative story would not teleprompter, he made a point of beginning with After two days of public equivocation and inter- Mooch,” a few weeks removed from his spectacu- as graphic images of a car plowing into a crowd go away and that the rising tide of criticism from an unrelated plug for the strength of the econo- nal White House debate, the president condemned lar flameout following an expletive-laden con- in Charlottesville were playing continually on tel- fellow Republicans on Capitol Hill could endan- my under his leadership. Then, taking pains to white supremacist groups by name on Monday, versation with a reporter, appeared Monday on evision. White nationalists had assembled in the ger his legislative agenda, according to two insist “as I said on Saturday”, Trump denounced declaring “racism is evil”. In a hastily arranged state- CBS’ “Late Show” with Stephen Colbert. Colbert city to protest plans to take down a statue of White House officials. The outside advisers and the hate groups and called for unity. “We must ment at the White House, Trump branded mem- has seen his ratings soar since Trump’s inaugura- Confederate Gen Robert E Lee, and counter-pro- officials demanded anonymity to discuss private love each other, show affection for each other bers of the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists tion with his relentless comedic attacks. testers gathered in opposition. Fights broke out, conversations. and unite together in condemnation of hatred, who take part in violence as “criminals and thugs”. Colbert showed a picture of Scaramucci and and then a man drove into the opponents of the Aides were dispatched to Sunday talk shows bigotry and violence,” he said. The groups are “repugnant to everything that we former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus white supremacists. One woman was killed and but struggled to explain the president’s position. Trump for the first time mentioned Heather hold dear as Americans,” he said. glaring at each other. Scaramucci said there was many more badly hurt. Twenty-year-old James A stronger statement was released - but attrib- Heyer by name as he paid tribute to the woman The move didn’t quiet the uproar, however. “no love lost” between the two. He said he and Alex Fields Jr of Ohio is charged with second- uted only to an unnamed spokesperson. Tougher killed by the car. At the trade event later in the The leaders of four minority House caucus Priebus got along well when he was writing degree murder and other counts. condemnations began Sunday night with Vice day, he was asked why it took two days for him groups wrote a letter to Trump calling for the checks to the Republican National Committee, President Mike Pence, traveling in South to offer an explicit denunciation of the hate removal of White House staff aides Steve which Priebus once led. Scaramucci said he Reluctant America, declaring that “these dangerous fringe groups. “They have been condemned,” Trump Bannon, Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka. The knows Trump “as a compassionate person,” while Loath to appear to be admitting a mistake, groups have no place in American public life” On responded before offering a fresh criticism of heads of the black, Hispanic, Asian and progres- reiterating that he thought the president should Trump was reluctant to adjust his remarks. The Monday, Trump had planned to interrupt his 17- some media as “fake news”. He followed with a sive caucuses are calling in the letter for the fir- have spoken more harshly than he did initially of president had indicated to advisers before his day working vacation at his New Jersey golf club tweet declaring “the #Fake News Media will nev- ings of the Trump administration officials in the the white supremacists. Of Trump’s frequent off- initial statement Saturday that he wanted to to travel to Washington for an announcement he er be satisfied”. — AP Iran threatens to boost nuke program Hotel orders ‘Jewish guests’

TEHRAN: Iran’s president warned yesterday that it with the United States. President Donald Trump response to US legislation passed earlier this to shower before swimming could ramp up its nuclear program and quickly has repeatedly said he wants to scuttle the accord, month imposing mandatory penalties on people GENEVA: A Swiss hotel that posted signs removed. But she was not satisfied and has achieve a more advanced level if the US continues which limited Iran’s ability to produce a nuclear involved in Iran’s ballistic missile program and telling Jewish clients to shower before using reportedly demanded “a formal condemna- “threats and sanctions” against the country, which weapon while ending most sanctions against it. anyone who does business with them. The US leg- the pool and restricting their access to the tion” from Bern. Swiss foreign ministry signed a landmark nuclear accord with world Earlier this week, Iran’s parliament voted to islation also applies terrorism sanctions to the facility’s freezer has unleashed outrage and spokesman Tilman Renz told AFP in an email powers in 2015. Hassan Rouhani’s remarks to law- increase spending on the country’s ballistic missile Guard and enforces an existing arms embargo. official complaints from Israel. The Paradies that the ministry had been in contact with makers were his most direct warning that the deal program and the foreign operations of its paramil- If Washington continues with “threats and apartment hotel in the Alpine village of Arosa Keidar and had “outlined to him that could fall apart, and risked ratcheting up tensions itary Revolutionary Guard. The move came in sanctions” against Iran, Rouhani said in parlia- in eastern Switzerland is being accused of anti- Switzerland condemns racism, anti-Semitism ment on Tuesday, Tehran could easily ramp up its Semitism after an outraged guest posted to and discrimination in any form”. nuclear activities. “In an hour and a day, Iran could Facebook a picture of a notice plastered out- return to a more advanced (nuclear) level than at side the hotel pool. ‘A mistake’ the beginning of the negotiations” that preceded “To our Jewish Guests, women, men and Paradies manager Ruth Thomann, who the 2015 deal, Rouhani said, though he under- children, please take a shower before you go signed the notices, meanwhile insisted to lined that Iran’s preference is to remain in the swimming,” it said, adding that “If you break the Swiss daily 20Minutes that she was not an anti- accord. The maneuvering around the Iran deal rules I’m forced to (close) the swimming pool Semite, and acknowledged that her “choice of comes at a time when tensions have skyrocketed for you.” A second notice, in the kitchen, mean- words was a mistake”. between the US and North Korea, which has test- while instructed “Our Jewish guests” that they She explained to the Blick daily that the ed nuclear weapons and threatened in recent could only access the facility’s freezer between apartment hotel currently had a lot of Jewish weeks to fire a ballistic missile into the waters off 10 and 11 am and between 4:30 and 5:30 pm. “I clients, and that other guests had complained the US territory of Guam. The agreement hope you understand that our team does not that some of them did not shower before between Iran and world powers two years ago like being disturbed all the time,” it said. using the pool and had asked her to do some- capped Iran’s uranium enrichment levels in return The story quickly made the rounds on thing. “I wrote something naive on that poster,” for the lifting of international sanctions. The US social media and was published by Israeli she was quoted as saying, admitting that it and other world powers fear Iran seeks the ability papers, prompting a harsh reaction from Israeli would have been better to simply address all to produce atomic weapons. Iran has long denied officials. Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi guests with the same message. that it seeks nuclear arms and says its nuclear Hotovely described the incident as “an anti- The hotel is reportedly very popular program is only for peaceful purposes. It was not Semitic act of the worst and ugliest kind”. with ultra-orthodox Jewish guests because immediately clear what Rouhani was referring to - Israel’s ambassador to Switzerland, Jacob it has been accommodating to their needs, and whether he meant Iran could restart cen- Keidar, reportedly contacted the hotel and including access to a freezer to store TEHRAN: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani arrives at his seat after a speech in a session of trifuges enriching uranium to higher and more informed Hotovely the signs had been kosher food. — AFP parliament to debate his proposed cabinet yesterday. — AP dangerous levels. — AP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 INTERNATIONAL Lebanon war adoptees abroad dig to unearth roots

BEIRUT: Dida Guigan was just two weeks old officials aiding the process by producing falsified possible in this life,” she said. “I did a lot of internal scandal. Badael tries to help in various ways, when she was whisked out of war-torn Beirut by paperwork, often for a fee. “It was easy,” Allouche work to prepare myself for the worst. So meeting including the online listings that contain frag- her new parents, one of thousands of children told AFP. “It was a gang time: no laws, no safety, her and knowing she’s alive... was one of the most ments of identifying information, and advice on adopted internationally during Lebanon’s civil and there was a kind of complicity because people beautiful experiences I’ve had.” Sophie, who asked search methods such as DNA analysis. That was war. She spent nine years looking for her thought this was a good way to save kids.” to be identified by a pseudonym, was adopted by how Sophie finally found her biological mother: Lebanese birth mother, only to find her living an Guigan’s adoptive parents collected her in 1984 a couple living in in 1966, before the war, DNA tests with several online companies uncov- hour away from the Swiss village where Guigan and she grew up mostly in Switzerland, knowing and began her search in her 40s. “I felt the need to ered a first cousin, who she searched for on was raised by her adoptive family. The process of she was adopted but with no information on her fill a profound void, to know the story of my birth,” Facebook. That led her to another first cousin who tracing her birth mother is one that many of birth family. When she was 18, her adoptive par- she told AFP. was “completely aware of my existence”, she said. those adopted abroad during Lebanon’s 1975- ents gave her a file including a “certificate of aban- Armed with her mother’s name, she went to “His father, my uncle, had helped my mother 1990 war have started. donment” from her birth mother. “This is where I Lebanon to research her roots but encountered search for me after my birth and in the years that But such searches are often complicated by got very lucky - her real name was on it,” she said. resistance. People told her “‘You already have a followed.” reams of false paperwork and secrets that many It was a lead, and more than many adoptees begin family there! You were lucky to leave here!’,” she She learned that her mother had emigrated to people would prefer remain buried. Zeina with, but it still took Guigan nine years, multiple said. “They didn’t understand why I was looking Australia and they are now communicating Allouche, co-founder of the Badael-Alternatives trips to Beirut, and the help of a Lebanese televi- and it seems to me the subject remains delicate through Sophie’s half-sister. “I’m relieved and so NGO, estimates that at least 10,000 Lebanese chil- sion crew to find her mother. and taboo in Lebanon.” happy to have finally found her,” she said. She has dren were adopted during the war. International Allouche said many adoptees encountered sim- become a strong proponent of DNA analysis and adoption began before Lebanon’s conflict but bal- ‘Delicate and taboo’ ilar responses. Some were completely rejected by hopes more birth mothers seeking their children looned during the war, with middle men and local “I really didn’t believe that this could still be birth families seeking to avoid the perception of begin using it. — AFP Israel arrests Islamic cleric for ‘incitement’

JERUSALEM: Israeli police arrested a fire- to the complex, used as a staging point for brand Islamic cleric yesterday who has the attack. been repeatedly accused of inciting vio- For nearly two weeks, worshippers lence over a sensitive Jerusalem holy site refused to submit to the checks and staged where tensions again flared last month. mass prayers in surrounding streets. Raed Salah, released from prison in January Ensuing protests and clashes left seven after serving a nine-month sentence, is Palestinians dead, while three Israelis were accused of inciting violence and terrorism fatally stabbed by a Palestinian assailant. as well as support for and participation in The crisis abated when Israel removed the an illegal organization, police said. detectors. Salah served a nine-month His group, the radical northern branch prison term after being convicted of of the Islamic Movement in Israel, was out- fomenting violent protests over the holy lawed in 2015 after it was accused of incit- site. He was convicted of having incited ing violence linked to Jerusalem’s Haram violence in a 2007 speech. He was convict- Al-Sharif mosque compound, known to ed in 2014 and his appeals were later Jews as the Temple Mount. Police said in denied. Israeli Public Security Minister yesterday’s statement that Salah, an Arab Gilad Erdan said in a statement following Israeli, is accused of having publicly sup- Salah’s arrest that he hoped “this time jus- ported violent acts against the country on tice will be done and he will be sent behind several occasions following the ban on his bars for a long time”. The compound, cen- organization. tral to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, is the It was not clear whether the accusations third-holiest in Islam and the most sacred were linked to last month’s deadly unrest for Jews. It is located in east Jerusalem, surrounding the holy site, which includes occupied by Israel in 1967 and later the revered Al-Aqsa mosque and the gold- annexed in a move never recognized by en-topped Dome of the Rock. Violence the international community. Palestinians erupted in and around the compound after fear Israel will gradually seek to assert fur- three Arab Israelis shot dead two Israeli ther control over it, though Prime Minister policemen on July 14. Israel responded by Benjamin Netanyahu has said repeatedly CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia: Matthew Heimbach voices his displeasure at the media after a court hearing for James Alex Fields Jr in front of the installing metal detectors at the entrance he is committed to the status quo. — AFP court on Monday. — AP White nationalists threaten Charlottesville just a start Supremacists buoyed by large turnout

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama: Emboldened and pro- state troopers also died Sunday when their heli- Jeff Schoep, said Charlottesville was a “really claiming victory after a bloody weekend in copter crashed during an effort to contain the good” white nationalist event that was being Virginia, white nationalists are planning more violence. overshadowed by the deaths. “Any time some- demonstrations to promote their agenda follow- The US Justice Department said it will review one loses their life it’s unfortunate,” he said. He ing the violence that left a woman dead and the violence, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions blamed the violence on inadequate police pro- dozens injured. The University of Florida said told ABC that the death of counter-protester tection and counter-demonstrators and said he white provocateur Richard Spencer, whose Heather Heyer, 32, met the definition of domes- doubts white nationalists will be deterred from appearances sometimes stoke unrest, is seeking tic terrorism. White nationalists said they were attending more such demonstrations. permission to speak there next month. And undaunted. Heimbach, who said he was pepper- Preserving memorials to the Old South has white nationalist Preston Wiginton had said he sprayed during the melee in Charlottesville, become an animating force for the white nation- was planning a “White Lives Matter” rally at Texas called the event Saturday “an absolute stunning alist movement, not because all members are A&M University in September, but the university victory” for the far right because of the large Southern, Schoep said, but because adherents later said it had been canceled. number of supporters who descended on the see the drive to remove such monuments as part TEL AVIV: Arab-Israeli Sheikh Raed Salah, leader of the radical northern branch Also, a neo-Confederate group has asked the city to decry plans to remove a statue of Lee. of a larger, anti-white crusade. “It’s an assault on of the Islamic Movement in Israel, waves as he arrives at the Israeli Rishon state of Virginia for permission to rally at a mon- American freedoms. Today it’s Confederate mon- Lezion Justice court yesterday. — AFP ument to Confederate Gen Robert E Lee in Biggest event uments. Tomorrow it may be the Constitution or Richmond on Sept 16, and other events are like- Hundreds of white nationalists, white the American flag,” Schoep said. ly. “We’re going to be more active than ever supremacists, neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan members At the University of Florida, where Spencer before,” Matthew Heimbach, a white nationalist and others were involved, by some estimates, in has asked to speak, President W Kent Fuchs leader, said Monday. James Alex Fields Jr, a what Heimbach, leader of the Traditionalist called the events in Virginia “deplorable” but Iraq jets pound IS bastion young man who was said to idolize Adolf Hitler Workers Party, called the nation’s biggest such indicated school officials might be unable to and Nazi Germany in high school, was charged event in a decade or more. Even more oppo- block his appearance. “While this speaker’s views ahead of ground assault with killing a woman by slamming a car into a nents turned out, and the two sides clashed vio- do not align with our values as an institution, we group of counter-protesters at a white national- lently. A neo-Nazi website that helped promote must follow the law, upholding the First BAGHDAD: Iraqi warplanes carried out air Lieutenant General Raed Shakir Jawdat, ist rally Sunday in Charlottesville, Virginia. the gathering said there will be more events Amendment not to discriminate based on con- strikes yesterday against Islamic State who said “armored and elite units” were Fields, 20, who recently moved to Ohio from soon. “We are going to start doing this nonstop. tent and provide access to a public space,” Fuchs group positions in Tal Afar in preparation headed for the town. The units, whose his home state of Kentucky, was held without Across the country,” said the site, which Internet said in a message on the university’s Facebook for a ground assault to retake the town number has not been specified, were bail on murder charges. He was photographed domain host GoDaddy said it was shutting page. Auburn University spent almost $30,000 in near the Syrian border, the military said. Tal “regrouping in combat positions in prepa- at the rally behind a shield bearing the emblem down after it mocked the woman killed in legal fees in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent Afar is the main remaining IS stronghold in ration for the next battle,” he said in a of the white nationalist Vanguard America, Charlottesville. Spencer from speaking on its campus in northern Iraq, after the capture by Iraqi statement. though the group denied he was a member. Two The head of the National Socialist Movement, Alabama in April. — AP forces in July of second city Mosul further Joining them is the Hashed Al-Shaabi, a east in a major blow to the militants. Shiite-dominated coalition of paramilitary “Preparations are under way pending units deployed since 2014 to halt the mili- instructions from the commander in chief tant advance. “Hashed Al-Shaabi com- (Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi)” for the manders met Saturday with army and Man planned to bomb Oklahoma bank launch of the assault, said a spokesman for police commanders to decide on the plan Iraq’s Joint Operation Command (JOC). to free Tal Afar,” spokesman Ahmed Al- OKLAHOMA CITY: A 23-year-old man who was confidential informant told the FBI in December The spokesman, Yahiya Rassul, said that Assadi said. Abadi is expected to “out for blood” when he attempted to detonate that Varnell wanted to blow up a building and although the main offensive to retake Tal announce the launch of the ground what he believed was an explosives-laden van “that Varnell was upset with the government and Afar had not yet begun, the air force was assault but there are no indications on outside an Oklahoma bank in a plot similar to the was seeking retaliation”. Officials said Varnell ini- pounding jihadist positions in the town. when it is due to start. IS militants overran deadly 1995 bombing of the Oklahoma City fed- tially wanted to blow up the Federal Reserve Plans to retake Tal Afar were announced Tal Afar in June 2014, when it had a popu- eral building, authorities said Monday. During a Building in Washington, DC, with a device similar on Monday by federal police chief lation of around 200,000. — AFP meeting with undercover FBI agents in June, to one used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing Jerry Drake Varnell of Sayre, Oklahoma, said he that destroyed the Alfred P Murrah Federal held “III% ideology” and wanted “to start the next Building, killing 168 people and injuring hun- revolution,” a reference to the “Three Percenters” dreds more. patriot movement - begun in 2008, galvanized by In a series of text messages with the FBI’s President Barack Obama’s election - and that has informant, Varnell “claimed to have a bunker for rallied against gun control efforts and pledges when the world (or United States) collapsed” and resistance to the federal government over the indicated he was trying to build a team, the com- infringement of constitutional rights. plaint states. “I’m out for blood,” the complaint Federal officials arrested Varnell early Saturday quotes Varnell’s texts. “When militias start getting in connection with a plot to detonate a vehicle formed I’m going after government officials bomb in an alley adjacent to BancFirst in down- when I have a team.” But an undercover FBI agent town Oklahoma City. Varnell is charged with Jerry Drake Varnell posed as someone who could help Varnell build attempting to use explosives to destroy a build- a bomb and the device used was actually inert, ing in interstate commerce. Varnell made an ini- Hunter says the group condemns Varnell’s authorities said. Varnell’s actions were monitored tial appearance before a federal judge Monday alleged acts. “His claim about following the III% closely for months as the plot developed. afternoon and remains in the custody of federal ideology are blatantly false as we do not con- “There was never a concern that our commu- marshals. Court records do not indicate whether done acts of terrorism,” Hunter said. On Saturday, nity’s safety or security was at risk during this Varnell is represented by an attorney. a rally by white nationalists and others opposed investigation,” said Kathryn Peterson, special US Sen James Lankford of Oklahoma, a mem- to a plan to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. agent in charge of the FBI in Oklahoma. The ber of the Senate Homeland Security and Robert E Lee from a Charlottesville, Virginia, park undercover agent met face-to-face with him on Governmental Affairs Committee, said the allega- turned violent and led to the death of a 32-year- June 1 to discuss obtaining materials for an tions are a somber reminder that Americans old woman who was struck by a car allegedly ammonium nitrate and fuel oil bomb similar to must remain vigilant about home-grown extrem- driven by a man into a crowd of people protest- the one used in the Oklahoma City bombing, the ism and radicalization in local communities. A ing the rally. A Virginia State Police helicopter complaint states. Varnell indicated at the meet- III% group said Varnell had joined their group less deployed in a large-scale police response to the ing that he had previously made homemade than a year ago but was never active and has violence then crashed into the woods outside of explosives and that he “was of the same mind MOSUL: In this Aug 12, 2017 photo, civilian men from the Iraqi town of Tal been removed from its membership rolls. In a town and both troopers on board died. with people who wanted to use explosives and Afar wait to undergo security screening at a collection point for displaced statement, III% United Patriots spokesman Dylan A federal complaint filed on Sunday says a make a statement,” the complaint says. — AP people. —AP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 INTERNATIONAL Thousands left homeless after S Leone mudslide DAKAR: Thousands of people in Sierra Leone left tor at Save the Children. “Families are trying to gath- homeless by a mudslide which killed at least 270 er their lives together but they have lost their people urgently need food, shelter and healthcare, homes, all of their possessions, their whole liveli- aid agencies said yesterday, as they raced to prevent hoods.” President Ernest Bai Koroma on Monday outbreaks of fatal diseases such as cholera and evening told residents of Regent and other flooded typhoid. A mountainside collapsed on the outskirts areas to evacuate immediately so that military per- of the capital Freetown on Monday morning, bury- sonnel and rescue workers could continue to search ing dozens of homes as people slept in one of for survivors that might be buried underneath Africa’s deadliest mudslides in decades. debris. The United Nations children’s agency Rescue workers have recovered 270 bodies so far (UNICEF) is providing trauma counselling and thera- in the mountain town of Regent and the search py to families and children in the dozen-odd com- continues for more, Freetown mayor Sam Gibson munities struck by the mudslide. said yesterday. “We estimate that at least 3,000 peo- “You can see people openly grieving ... there is a ple are homeless ... they need shelter, medical assis- lot of hurt to address,” said UNICEF spokesman John tance and food,” Sierra Red Cross Society spokesman James. Britain’s aid department said it is sending Abu Bakarr Tarawallie said by phone. “We are also assistance, having invested in disaster preparedness fearful of outbreaks of diseases such as cholera and and emergency response since the Ebola outbreak typhoid,” he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation which ravaged the former British colony from 2014 from Freetown. “We can only hope that this does to 2016, infecting 14,000 people and killing 4,000. not happen.” “From stopping the Ebola outbreak in its tracks Contaminated water and water-logging often to helping the country rebuild ?after this deadly unleash potentially deadly diseases like cholera and event - the UK continues to stand by the people of diarrhoea after floods and mudslides. Torrential Sierra Leone,” said Priti Patel, the minister of the flooding has also destroyed buildings and covered Department for International Development. homes in low-lying areas of Freetown, agencies Several aid agencies told the Thomson Reuters said. “Houses have been totally submerged and Foundation they were bracing for more heavy rain- FREE TOWN: In this Monday photo, crowds gather outside the Connaught Hospital waiting for loved washed away,” said Ramatu Jalloh, advocacy direc- fall in the coming days. —Reuters ones outside a mortuary in Freetown, Sierra Leone. —AP News North Korea holds off in brief on Guam missile plan China urges ‘brakes’ on rhetoric

SEOUL/WASHINGTON: North Korea’s leader has delayed a Pyongyang’s plans to fire missiles near Guam prompted “We will look for the US to reaffirm it defence commitment, decision on firing missiles towards Guam while he waits to a surge in tensions in the region last week, with US including the nuclear deterrent.” The Liberation Day holi- see what the United States does next, the North’s state President Donald Trump saying the US military was “locked day, celebrated by both North and South, will be followed media said yesterday, as South Korea’s president said Seoul and loaded” if North Korea acted unwisely. South Korean next week by the joint US-South Korean military drills. would seek to prevent war by all means. President Moon Jae-in said yesterday there would be no North Korea has persisted with its nuclear and missile Signs of an easing in tension on the Korean peninsula military action without Seoul’s consent and his govern- programs, to ward off perceived US hostility, in defiance of helped stock markets rally for a second day running even ment would prevent war by all means. UN Security Council resolutions and sanctions. China, as the United States and South Korea prepared for more “Military action on the Korean peninsula can only be North Korea’s main ally and trading partner, has repeatedly joint military drills, which infuriate the North, and experts decided by South Korea and no one else can decide to take urged Pyongyang to halt its weapons program and at the warned it could still go ahead with its provocative plan. military action without the consent of South Korea,” Moon same time urged South Korea and the United States to In his first public appearance in about two weeks, North said in a speech to commemorate the anniversary of the stop military drills to lower tensions. Yesterday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said the crisis was approaching a critical juncture and urged all sides in the standoff to help “put out the flames” and not add fuel to the fire. Hua said she noted comments by U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson about using diplomacy to resolve the issue, saying China hoped these words can be Emergency services move an injured person to an put into action. ambulance after a tree fell on a large crowd gathered as “We also call on North Korea to echo this in response,” part of a traditional religious festival in the outskirts of Hua told a daily news briefing. Asian shares rose for a sec- Funchal, the capital of Madeira island, Portugal. — AP ond day yesterday and the dollar firmed after Kim’s com- ments further eased tension and prompted investors to Portugal: Tree crashes move back into riskier assets after a sharp selloff last week. during festival, kills 12 Kim Dong-yub, a professor and a military expert at LISBON: A tree that fell during a popular religious festival Kyungnam University’s Institute of Far Eastern Studies in on the Portuguese island of Madeira killed at least 12 peo- Seoul, urged caution in assuming North Korea was bluffing ple, Portuguese authorities said yesterday. Regional health with its missile threats. chief Pedro Ramos said 52 others were injured in the acci- “There is no stepping back for North Korea. Those who dent near the island capital of Funchal. The tree fell while a don’t know the North very well fall into this trap every time large crowd was gathered as part of a traditional religious (thinking they are easing threats) but we’ve seen this festival. The Nossa Senhora do Monte festival is Madeira’s before.” biggest annual festivity. Held Aug. 14-15, it draws large The United States and South Korea remain technically crowds to a church on Funchal’s outskirts. RTP public tele- still at war with North Korea after the 1950-53 Korean con- vision showed images of emergency workers gathered flict ended with a truce, not a peace treaty. North Korea is under a group of tall trees on the Atlantic island. currently holding three US citizens it accuses of espionage Ambulances were shown pulling away from the site while or hostile acts but now was not the right time to discuss workers wielding chain saws cut away limbs from an enor- them, KCNA cited a foreign ministry spokesman as saying mous tree on the ground. More televised images showed in a separate report. some people attending to the injured. Others appeared SEOUL: Protesters carry a banner showing illustrations of US President Donald Trump as they march in front of the Pyongyang has in the past used detainees to extract visibly shaken. The regional government of Madeira has US Embassy after a rally demanding peace on the Korean peninsula in Seoul yesterday.—AP concessions, including high-profile visits from the United declared three days of mourning for the victims. States, which has no formal diplomatic relations with North Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa shared his con- Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspected the command of the nation’s liberation from Japanese military rule in 1945. Korea. US officials have in recent days played down the risk dolences for the victims on his Twitter account. North’s army on Monday, examining a plan to fire four mis- “The government, putting everything on the line, will of an imminent conflict while stressing their preparedness siles to land near the US Pacific territory of Guam, the offi- block war by all means,” Moon said. Speaking to his Russian to respond militarily to any attack from North Korea. Mattis cial KCNA said in a report. “He said that if the Yankees per- counterpart Sergei Lavrov, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang said on Monday the US military would know the trajectory Man killed in fall at sist in their extremely dangerous reckless actions on the Yi said it was urgent the United States and North Korea of a missile fired from NorthKorea within moments and London Stock Exchange Korean peninsula and in its vicinity, testing the self- “put the brakes” on mutually irritating words and actions to would “take it out” if it looked like it would hit the US LONDON: The London Stock Exchange says a man fell restraint of the DPRK, the latter will make an important lower temperatures and prevent an “August crisis”, China’s Pacific territory. from an upper floor balcony at the site. The City of decision as it already declared,” the report said. Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “The bottom line is, we will defend the country from London police say they are investigating the circum- The DPRK stands for North Korea’s official name, the an attack; for us (US military) that is war,” Mattis said. On stances after being called to the central London Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. In photos released Nuclear deterrent Guam, home to a US air base, a Navy installation, a Coast exchange yesterday morning. The incident is not being with the KCNA report, Kim was seen holding a baton and Japan will be seeking further reassurance from Guard group and roughly 6,000 US military personnel, treated as suspicious. The stock exchange described pointing at a map showing a flight path for the missiles Washington in meetings between Japan’s defense chief residents expressed some relief at the lessening of ten- the person as a “London Stock Exchange Group col- appearing to start from North Korea’s east coast, flying over and foreign minister and their US counterparts on sions. “I’m reading between the lines that I don’t see an league.” It said in statement that its thoughts and con- Japan towards Guam. North Korea has often threatened to Thursday. “The strategic environment is becoming harsher imminent threat,” Guam Lieutenant Governor Ray dolences are with the family. A spokesman for London attack the United States and its bases and released similar and we need to discuss how we will respond to that,” a Tenorio told a media briefing in the island’s capital of Ambulance Service says they were called at 9.56 a.m. photos in the past but never followed through. Japanese foreign ministry official said in a briefing in Tokyo. Hagatna. —Reuters (0856 GMT) to reports of a person fallen from a height at Paternoster Square. The service says it sent an inci- dent response officer, an advanced paramedic, an UK inquiry to examine ambulance crew and a motorbike responder, but that Zimbabwe’s first lady accused the “patient was dead at the scene.” Grenfell Tower fire of assault in South Africa LONDON: A public inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire in London that UK coastguard ends killed 80 people in June began yesterday with a mission to examine JOHANNESBURG: The wife of Zimbabwe’s presi- daring sea rescue the cause of and response to the tragedy, but not broader issues such dent has been accused of assaulting a young LONDON: A British rescue worker was battered by waves as social housing policy. The destruction of the 24-storey social hous- woman at an upscale Johannesburg hotel, and but still completed a daring sea rescue after three people ing block, home to a poor, multi-ethnic community, in an inferno that local media reported that she was due to appear in got into difficulty on the west coast of England, a video spread with terrifying speed in the middle of the night shocked the court yesterday. It was not immediately clear released by British coastguard service yesterday showed. nation and raised public anger over social inequalities. Grenfell Tower where Grace Mugabe was. Minister of Police Fikile Footage shot from a helicopter showed a man clinging to a was part of a deprived housing estate in the London borough of Mbalula said in a video posted by local broadcaster rock in the sea near Bude, 200 miles (321.87 km) southwest Kensington and Chelsea, one of the richest areas in the country. The eNCA that she had handed herself over to police. of London, after he became cut off by a rising tide on fire has prompted debate about the impact on poor communities of But a police spokesman, Vishnu Naidoo, later said Saturday evening. Mark Hughes, a winchman for the coast- years of public spending cuts by Conservative-led governments. no arrest had been made and police were talking guard who is known as “Spike”, was lowered from the heli- The inquiry, led by retired judge Martin Moore-Bick, was with the suspect’s lawyers. He would not name the copter to save him when he was caught blindsided by a announced by Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May to show she suspect, saying she had not yet appeared in court. wave. Hughes reached the man and was attaching him to wanted the truth about the disaster to emerge after her initial The case draws yet more attention to the the wire when both were washed into the sea by a second response was seen by survivors as slow and insensitive. The inquiry for- increasingly outspoken wife of the world’s oldest wave. They were winched quickly out of the surf, while two mally opened yesterday with the publication of its terms of reference. head of state, 93-year-old President Robert other people were also rescued from a nearby beach. Moore-Bick will start hearings in September. Mugabe. Last month she challenged her husband It will examine the cause and spread of the fire, the design, con- publicly for the first time to name a successor, posi- struction and refurbishment of the tower, fire regulations relating to tioning herself as a possibility as his advanced age Italy to host G7 high-rise buildings, whether they were complied with at Grenfell takes a toll ahead of next year’s election. Twenty- Ministers’ summit Tower, and the actions of the authorities before and after the tragedy. year-old model Gabriella Engels has accused Grace ROME: Italy will host a summit of Group of Seven inte- But Moore-Bick said the inquiry would not delve into broader issues Mugabe of assaulting her Sunday night while she rior ministers centered on security issues in the fall. such as social housing policy and the relationship between the com- was visiting Mugabe’s sons in a hotel room in an Italian Interior Minister Marco Minniti says the meeting munity and the authorities, even though many local people wanted it upscale Johannesburg suburb. She claims the first is being organized at the request of Italy’s G7 partners: lady’s bodyguards stood by and watched as In this photo provided by Debbie Engels and to. That drew immediate criticism from the local member of parlia- taken on Monday, Gabriella Engels is seen with Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan ment, Emma Dent Coad of the opposition Labour Party, who said it Mugabe attacked her. and the United States. Italy currently holds the rotating Engels posted several photos on social media an injury to her forehead in Johannesburg, was precisely what the community had feared. South Africa. —AP helm of the G7 industrialized nations. Minniti said at a “We were told ‘no stone would be unturned’ but instead are being showing a gash in her forehead, which she called a news conference yesterday that while the terror alert presented with a technical assessment which will not get to the result of the alleged encounter. “She flipped and registered “a case of assault with intent to do griev- level remains high in Italy, there is “no trace of an heart of the problem: what effects if any the lack of investment into just kept beating me with the plug. Over and over,” ous bodily harm” on Monday, but said the suspect imminent threat” or attack. He said that since the start social housing had on the refurbishment project,” she said in a state- Engels told local news channel News24. “I had no could not be named as she had not yet appeared in of 2015, Italy has expelled 199 foreigners suspected of ment. Moore-Bick said it would take too long to fully examine social idea what was going on. I was surprised . I needed court. “The investigation into this case has already being security threats after showing initial signs of rad- housing policy issues when there was a need for the inquiry to quick- to crawl out of the room before I could run away.” reached an advanced stage,” a police statement yes- icalization but “not reaching the attack plan stage.” ly identify safety problems that may be putting lives at risk in other Engels told local radio station 702 that “I had no terday said. It was unclear whether Mugabe would Minniti says the G-7 summit would probably be held in tower blocks. — Reuters clue who this woman was when she started beating qualify for diplomatic immunity in South Africa if October. —AP me.” Police confirmed that a 20-year-old woman charges are brought against her. —AP

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 INTERNATIONAL Top US military officer notes ‘difficult issues’ with China

BEIJING: The top US military officer told going to make some progress over the his Chinese counterpart yesterday that the next few days.” US and China have “many difficult issues” to This is the highest-level meeting work through, during a visit that comes between the two countries’ militaries since amid tensions over North Korea’s missile Trump and Xi met in Florida in April. The US program, Taiwan and China’s claims in the delegation will be flying to the northeast- South China Sea. Marine Corps Gen. Joseph ern city of Shenyang today to observe an Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs exercise staged by the People’s Liberation of Staff, made the remarks at the opening Army’s Northern Theater Command. Fang of a meeting with Fang Fenghui, chief of cited the event as being among the meas- the People’s Liberation Army’s joint staff ures aimed at building mutual trust and department. understanding. US officials say Dunford’s visit aims to While the sides agreed several years ago create a mechanism for improving commu- to establish a hotline between the nication between the sides, especially on Pentagon and China’s defense ministry, sensitive issues such as North Korea. that mechanism has never gone into oper- Dunford and Fang signed an agreement ation. US officials say they’ve attempted to committing the sides to that goal, with the use it, but that the Chinese side has never details to be discussed during talks in answered their requests. The Chinese and Washington in November. US militaries have joined in naval exercises Fang said Dunford’s visit was a key part off the coast of Hawaii and other limited of efforts to expand dialogue between the multinational drills mainly aimed at dealing US and China as agreed by President with humanitarian disasters. They’ve also Donald Trump and his Chinese counter- tried to improve mutual trust through part, Xi Jinping, when they met earlier this agreements on dealing with unexpected year. To that end, China has arranged a encounters at sea. series of important meetings and visits to Despite those, China deeply resents the help Dunford “know more about our mili- presence of the US Navy in the South China tary, (boost) our cooperation and build up Sea, which Beijing claims virtually in its our friendship,” Fang said. entirety. Last week, China expressed its Dunford responded that the US consid- “strong dissatisfaction” with the US over the ered the meetings important to making Navy’s latest freedom of navigation opera- progress on areas of disagreement, with- tion in which a warship sailed past one of out citing any specific examples. “I think China’s man-made islands. Dunford is visit- here, we have to be honest - we have ing South Korea, Japan and China after a many, many difficult issues where we don’t week in which Trump said he was ready to necessarily share the same perspective,” unleash “fire and fury” if North Korea con- Dunford said. tinued to threaten the US. “I know we share one thing: We share a In a phone call with Trump on Saturday, NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the nation on the country’s Independence Day from the ramparts of commitment to work through these diffi- Chinese President Xi said all sides should the historical Red Fort in New Delhi yesterday. — AP cult issues,” he added, saying that with the avoid rhetoric or action that would worsen Modi urges India to reject guidance of political leaders “we are tensions on the Korean Peninsula. — AP violence in name of religion Indian PM addresses nation on 70th anniversary

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi fort and a huge television audience. Modi next general election, due by 2019. urged India yesterday to reject religious vio- made much of the progress India has made Strong growth and economic reforms have lence, after a series of attacks against minorities since independence from British rule in 1947. bolstered Modi’s popularity and helped his par- sparked debate about whether a surge of Hindu But he also expressed pain over the death of at ty sweep state elections in recent years, leaving nationalism is undermining the country’s secu- least 60 children in a state-run hospital last the opposition severely weakened. lar ideals. In a speech from the ramparts of week amid shortages of supplies - a reminder Still, to keep up with the demands of India’s Delhi’s Red Fort marking the 70th anniversary much remains to be done on India’s journey to 1.3 billion people, the government needs to of India’s independence, Modi also listed his development. create millions more jobs a year, which it is government’s achievements, including a fight struggling to do. against corruption. ‘AURA OF PROGRESS’ “A certain level of triumphalism ... brought The speech was light on foreign policy, mak- Since coming to power in 2014, Modi has Modi to power,” analyst Ajai Shukla told NDTV. ing no mention of arch-rival Pakistan or of found it difficult to balance the competing “Now he realizes people are expecting answers. China.India has for nearly two months stationed demands of groups from his nationalist Hindu He felt the need to convey an aura of progress.” hundreds of troops along its northern border power base and those Indians striving to build a Modi was conciliatory towards the Muslim- with China because of a territorial dispute. modern, secular country befitting its growing majority Himalayan region of Kashmir, where Modi has spoken out against attacks by economic influence. Manoj Joshi, a fellow at the violent protests against Indian rule have erupt- right-wing Hindus, many of whom back his Observer Research Foundation think-tank said ed over the past year, saying neither “name-call- Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Modi was playing “good cop, bad cop” by con- ing nor bullets” would be enough to pacify the against minority Muslims and lower-caste demning communal violence but doing little to region. Hindus accused of killing cows, considered holy rein in elements of his ruling party. What was needed, he said, were “hugs” for by the majority Hindus. “There is an obvious gap between slogan Kashmiris. Kashmir has been divided But the setting of his denunciation of vio- and implementation. It’s a deliberate gap and between Pakistan and India, and a source of lence yesterday was significant. it’s just for the record,” he said. Modi also spoke conflict between them, since their creation “We will not tolerate violence in the name of at length about delivering a “new India” by upon the partition of British-ruled India in BEIJING: Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen Joseph Dunford reviews a Chinese honor guard faith,” Modi said before a teeming crowd at the 2022, underlining his confidence of winning the 1947. — Reuters during a welcome ceremony at the Bayi Building in Beijing yesterday. — AP

Ousted Pakistani PM Sharif seeks review of court ruling 16 found locked in Texas rig EDINBURG, Texas: Police in Texas acting on a tip tractor-trailer required medical attention. He said connection with the case but that the agency is ISLAMABAD: Ousted Pakistani Prime but it ordered further investigations found 16 immigrants locked inside a tractor-trail- they were hungry and thirsty and were given working with state and local officials and talking Minister Nawaz Sharif yesterday sought into his family’s wealth. er parked at a gas station about 30 km from the food and water at the scene. Those found locked to witnesses. a review of a Supreme Court decision The judges in July alleged Sharif did border with Mexico, less than a month after the in the tractor-trailer included eight people from El The discovery comes three weeks after 10 that disqualified him from office over not declare a small source of income deaths of 10 people who were packed in a hot Salvador, six from Mexico and two from Romania, people died who were in a sweltering rig parked undeclared assets, an official from his that the veteran leader disputes receiv- truck in San Antonio. Edinburg Assistant Police said Manuel Padilla, US Customs and Border at a Walmart in San Antonio. Immigration officials ruling party said yesterday. ing. Achakzai said the appeals sought a Chief Oscar Trevino says the immigrants may have Protection’s Border Patrol sector chief for the Rio say survivors estimated 100 people had been Sharif, 67, resigned during his third review of the disqualification on the been locked inside the 18-wheeler in Edinburg for Grande Valley at Texas’ southernmost point. packed into the back of the 18-wheeler at one stint as prime minister shortly after the basis that two of the five judges, who at least eight hours before being freed by officers A man and woman who Trevino said are point. Officials said 39 people were inside when Supreme Court ruled on July 28 that he had already given a dissenting note in late Sunday morning. He had earlier said there Cuban nationals were in charge of the rig and rescuers arrived, and the rest either escaped or should be disqualified and ordered a April’s verdict, were not supposed to sit were 17 immigrants locked in the tractor-trailer have been detained. US Immigration and hitched rides to their next destination. Nearly 20 criminal probe into his family’s wealth. on the panel that gave the final ruling. before correcting the number on Monday to 16. Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Nina of those rescued from the rig were hospitalized in Jan Achakzai, a PML-N official, told Sharif has kept a grip on the ruling Trevino said none of the people inside the Pruneda said no one has been charged yet in dire condition, many suffering from extreme Reuters Sharif had filed three separate PML-N party, which has a solid majori- dehydration and heatstroke. The driver of that rig appeals in the Supreme Court. “It is ty in parliament, and elected one of remains in federal custody, charged with illegally our right to seek a review,” he said. his loyalists, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, as transporting immigrants for financial gain, result- “People of Pakistan haven’t accepted his replacement within days of the ing in death. the decision.” court decision. On Sunday, Edinburg police went to the gas Achakzai said the same five-judge Critics say Sharif remains in control station, a popular stopover for commercial truck panel that decided on the disqualifi- of the country through Abbasi and is drivers traveling through the region, after receiv- cation would likely hear the review trying to undermine the judiciary. ing an anonymous call from someone saying a petitions. Sharif’s aides say he shows no signs of relative was trapped inside the tractor-trailer. Sharif’s disqualification stems from leaving politics and he recently called Officers began knocking on the sides of trailers the Panama Papers leaks in 2016 which the Supreme Court ruling against him parked at the station and eventually received appeared to show that Sharif’s daugh- “an insult to the mandate of 200 mil- return knocks from the one holding the immi- ter and two sons owned offshore hold- lion voters”. grants, police said. ing companies registered in the British Last week he started a so-called The San Antonio incident demonstrated how Virgin Islands and used them to buy homecoming “caravan” procession smugglers regularly use big rigs in an elaborate properties in London. across the Punjab region where he network of foot guides, safe house operators and In April, the Supreme Court ruled derives his voter base, from the capital drivers. The immigrants discovered in San that there was insufficient evidence to Islamabad to the eastern city of Antonio had been divided into groups and remove Sharif from office - by a split 2- Lahore, drawing large crowds along marked with color-coded tape. Six black SUVs 3 verdict - over the Panama revelations the way. — Reuters EDINBURG, Texas: In this Aug 13 photo, US Border Patrol officers escort a group of immigrants were waiting at one transit point to take some to to a van after a group was found in the tractor-trailer. — AP their destinations. — AP Roadside bomb blast kills Militants preparing chemical 8 soldiers in SW Pakistan

QUETTA, Pakistan: A roadside bomb brations on Monday as Pakistan celebrated attacks nabbed: Indonesia killed eight soldiers in a remote district 70 years since independence from British inPakistan’s southwestern province of colonial rule. BANDUNG, Indonesia: Indonesian police said The couple, a 20-year-old man and his 24- linked to terror acts.” Baluchistan, a government official said yes- “Our resolve won’t succumb to any chal- they arrested five suspected Islamic militants year-old wife, were arrested in Bandung’s Yunus said the group planned to launch the terday, the second attack within days in the lenge,” Bajwa said in a statement the army yesterday and seized chemicals that were to be Kiaracondong neighborhood, not far from the attacks at the end of August, with targets troubled region. media wing posted on Twitter. Separatist used for attacks on several locations, including rented house of a man believed to be the donor including the presidential palace in Jakarta, as The blast late on Monday in Harnai dis- militants in Baluchistan have waged a cam- the presidential palace. West Java police and bomb maker, Yunus said. He added that well as headquarters of the police’s elite force in trict was some 160 km (100 miles) east of paign against the central government for spokesman Yusri Yunus said the militants arrest- police discovered a chemical liquid in various Jakarta and Bandung. Indonesia, the world’s the provincial capital, Quetta, where a sui- decades, demanding a greater share of ed in the city of Bandung were members of containers at the house. most populous Muslim nation, has carried out a cide bomber rammed his motorcycle into resources in the gas-rich province, which is Jemaah Anshorut Daulah, a network of about He identified the two other suspects as a 30- sustained crackdown on Islamic militants since an army truck yesterday, killing eight sol- a key part of a $57 billion Chinese econom- two dozen Indonesian extremist groups that year-old from the East Java town of Kediri and a the 2002 bombings on the tourist island of Bali diers and seven civilians. The separatist ic corridor through Pakistan. formed in 2015 and pledges allegiance to 28-year-old Bandung resident. killed 202 people, mostly foreigners. Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) group The province, which shares border with Islamic State group leader Abu Bakr al- “They learn to make bombs from Bahrun The arrests of hundreds of militants and the claimed responsibility for the bombing in Afghanistan and Iran, was rocked by a Baghdadi. Naim’s blog,” Yunus said, referring to an killings of leading figures have neutralized the phone calls made to media in Quetta. series of attacks late last year that raised Yunus said among those arrested were a Indonesian fighting with the Islamic State Jemaah Islamiyah militant network, which was Islamic State said it carried out Saturday’s concerns about a growing militant pres- husband and wife who were deported about group in Syria who has instigated several responsible for the Bali bombings, but new bombing. Army chief General Qamar Bajwa ence, including fighters affiliated with three years ago from Hong Kong on suspicion attacks by Jemaah Anshorut Daulah in threats have emerged in recent times from said the attack was an attempt to mar cele- Islamic State. — Reuters of spreading radical ideology. Indonesia. “This arrest opened a new discovery Islamic State group-inspired radicals. — AP NEWS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 Rally accelerates removal of US...

Continued from Page 1 relocate it.” Trevino said Monday. “We do think that history is important so we’re looking for an appropriate location for it.” “We should not glorify a part of our history in front of our St Louis dismantled its Confederate Monument in Forest buildings that really is a testament to America’s original sin,” Park in June, giving it to the Missouri Civil War Museum after Gainesville Mayor Lauren Poe said Monday after the statue years of debate. known as “Old Joe” was returned to the United Daughters of In Baltimore, Pugh announced Monday that she would the Confederacy, which erected it in 1904. move forward with the removal of Baltimore’s statues of A county spokesman said he did not know if the statue Roger B Taney, a Marylander who wrote the 1856 Dred Scott was removed because of the events that killed one person supreme court ruling that denied citizenship to African- and injured dozens more Saturday in Charlottesville. But Americans, and a statue of two Virginians, Confederate gen- many officials who were horrified by the confrontation soon erals Robert E Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. Pugh began publicizing plans to take down statues. said she was making plans to send the statues to cemeteries The Southern Poverty Law Center last year counted more with Confederate dead outside the city. But hours later, the than 1,500 things around the country named after city council voted unanimously to have the statues Confederate figures or dedicated to the Confederacy, destroyed instead of moved. It was unclear whether any- including holidays, statues, flags and the names of cities, thing would happen to the statues immediately. counties, schools and parks. Nearly half are monuments, Seconds after the monument fell in Durham on Monday, which are in 24 states. Most of the dedications are in the protesters began kicking the crumpled bronze monument. South, but 24 are in the North and 21 in states that did not In response, Democratic North Carolina Gov Roy Cooper exist at the time of the Civil War. tweeted: “The racism and deadly violence in Charlottesville In Jacksonville, Florida, City Council President Anna is unacceptable but there is a better way to remove these Brazilian superstar and world’s most expensive footballer Neymar shoots a ball on the monumental wood Brosche ordered an immediate inventory of all of the monuments.” Back in May, New Orleans Mayor Mitch sculpture “Broken Chair” during an event organized by NGO Handicap International yesterday at the Place Confederate statues in her city in preparation for their Landrieu moved his city’s four main Confederate statues, des Nations in Geneva. Neymar has been appointed as new goodwill ambassador for Handicap removal. “These monuments, memorials and markers repre- including a statue of Lee, at night after threats of violence International, an NGO aiming to help disabled and vulnerable people in situations of poverty and exclusion, sent a time in our history that caused pain to so many,” she from Confederate sympathizers and white supremacists. conflict and disaster. — AFP said Monday. Lexington, Kentucky, Mayor Jim Gray moved Pugh said she is consulting with Landrieu, now head of the up his announcement by a day in reaction to the weekend US Conference of Mayors, about the removal of Baltimore’s bloodshed. Memorials to John C Breckinridge and John statues and the cost. Dubai magnate seeks Hunt Morgan are perched outside a former courthouse that The violence in Charlottesville will probably speed up was the site of slave auctions before the Civil War. efforts to do away with the monuments, experts said. The San Antonio Councilman Robert Trevino is promoting a convergence of white nationalists and neo-Nazis with measure that would remove the Confederate statue at the Confederate imagery in Charlottesville will make it difficult new ventures abroad center of Travis Park, where for years people have mistakenly for government agencies to defend having Confederate identified the figure as being that of Col. William Travis, a statues on their property, Boston University history profes- Texas hero who died at the Alamo. sor Heather Cox Richardson said. “The idea that this some- DUBAI: During recent trips to Croatia and Malta, a Dubai- major US ally that hosts some 5,000 American troops and is “This is not an important art piece, but a monument to how is about Southern heritage, I think that ship sailed,” said based billionaire and business partner of the Trump the US Navy’s busiest foreign port of call. power. It was put in to remind people of that power. It is an Richardson, who teaches and writes about the Civil War, Organization looked more like a head of state himself - In February, Trump’s sons Eric and Donald Jr opened the unfortunate message of hate, and we think it’s important to Reconstruction and Southern politics. — AP mingling with government dignitaries, receiving a presi- Trump International Golf Club in Dubai, the first of two to dential reception and visiting the glittering Mediterranean be built in the sheikhdom by Sajwani. DAMAC share prices Sea. Hussain Sajwani met with leaders in the two European have nearly doubled from 2.17 dirhams (59 cents) a share Messila coast hit by oil spill... nations and addressed local journalists, many of whom on the day of the US election in November, to a high of referred to his ties to President Donald Trump or simply over 4 dirhams ($1.09). That made Sajwani, who owns over called him “the Donald of Dubai.” 70 percent of DAMAC stock, even richer. Continued from Page 1 tamination. The source of the crude spill has not yet Sajwani’s trips, as well as a recent deal in Oman, show However, economies overall have slowed across the been determined but officials said samples were sent that Trump’s business partner in Dubai wants to expand his Middle East amid a glut in global oil prices. An ongoing Private environmental group Kuwait Green Line said abroad for examination. development empire beyond the Mideast and a tower diplomatic dispute between Arab nations and Qatar has yesterday that new oil slicks had been spotted and the Kuwaiti media on Sunday quoted local oil experts as under construction in London. Enter Sajwani’s DAMAC likely also affected DAMAC, as 6 percent of all its customers spill was spreading. Last week, a large oil spill hit saying the spill came from an old 50-km-long pipeline Properties, which launched a new effort this week to sell from 2014 to 2016 were Qataris, according to an April filing Kuwait’s southern coast near Saudi Arabia and close to from Al-Khafji. The experts estimated that as many as Trump-branded villas at the golf course bearing the by the company on the Nasdaq Dubai. DAMAC announced the joint Saudi-Kuwaiti offshore oilfield at Al-Khafji. Oil 35,000 barrels of crude may have leaked into the waters American president’s name. “My dream is as we have put results Monday that put its second-quarter earnings at 704 officials had said emergency workers managed to off Al-Zour. Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, located south of our major, iconic tower in London, that we do repeat that million dirhams ($191.6 million), down from 864 million clean up most of the spill and that the situation was Kuwait along the Gulf coast, said slicks from the spill in major gateway cities around the world,” Sajwani said in a dirhams ($235.2 million) in the same period last year. under control. had not reached their waters. The KPC said teams from July online video. “Tokyo, Toronto, New York, , I don’t Facing that sluggish market, Sajwani has begun to look Precautionary measures were taken around vital Saudi Arabian Chevron and Oil Spill Response Limited know. But that would be a dream - to grow DAMAC with its abroad. In Oman, he signed a deal in June with the state- installations in Al-Zour where a huge $30-billion oil (OSRL) had joined the coastal clean-up operations. iconic brands around the world.” run Oman Tourism Development Co for DAMAC to help complex including a 615,000-barrel-per-day refinery is OPEC member Kuwait pumps around 2.7 million barrels Sajwani’s dream for a global expansion - as well his redevelop Port Sultan Qaboos in Muscat, a project valued being built. The area also has two power and water per day of crude oil, providing around 85 percent of its growing online presence among social media videos and overall at $1 billion. Then in July, Sajwani visited Croatia desalination plants which were declared safe from con- public revenues. — Agencies posts - received a major boost with Trump taking the White and met with President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic. Sajwani House. It also raised the public profile of a billionaire also visited tourist towns along the coast of the Adriatic Qatar: Time needed to rebuild trust whose fortune grew in part out of contracting work his Sea, according a DAMAC statement at the time. The local companies did in supplying US forces during the 1991 Gulf branch of Colliers International, a commercial real estate Continued from Page 1 buoyed by vast natural gas reserves, can weather years War that expelled Iraqi forces from Kuwait. firm headquartered in Toronto, said it organized the three- of sanctions, officials say. But any pause in the flow of DAMAC Properties declined an AP interview request day trip for Sajwani, trying to pitch him on developments for large construction projects linked to the 2022 construction materials could delay projects and leave with Sajwani. In a statement, DAMAC spokesman Niall on the Istria peninsula and Central and Southern Dalmatia. football World Cup. To get around the boycott, Qatar has migrant workers vulnerable to exploitation, said Gulf McLoughlin said the company is “exploring opportunities DAMAC “continues to look at the investment opportuni- flown in food from Turkey and Iran and chartered ships labor researcher Mustafa Qadri. “The impact could in major gateway cities across Europe and the US, hence ties” in Croatia, primarily along the Adriatic, said Vedrana via Oman to bring in construction materials needed for reverberate to South Asia, the Philippines and East the numerous and ongoing meetings over the past many Likan, the managing partner of Colliers’ Croatian arm. World Cup projects. Africa where migrants’ families depend heavily on years” by Sajwani. Sajwani then traveled to Malta, an archipelago nation off But the feud is making life harder for some foreign remittances.” Sajwani wholeheartedly embraced Trump, even as the Italy in the Mediterranean Sea, and met with Prime workers in Qatar, already faced by layoffs caused by low At an Indian restaurant near Doha’s airport on US presidential candidate’s campaign saw him call for a Minister Joseph Muscat. Both Croatia and Malta are mem- oil prices and a work-sponsorship system that restricts Monday, Japesh Afsal, a waiter serving fish curry to “complete shutdown” of Muslims coming to the United bers of the European Union, which Emirati citizens have their movement. Fresh vegetables usually trucked laborers, said rising prices had hurt business. “Fish States. Once reaching office, Trump’s travel ban on six pre- been able to travel to without visas since 2015. across Qatar’s land border with Saudi Arabia, a route prices are up. If we raise our prices this will be hard for dominantly Muslim countries avoided naming the UAE, a That can drive business for any possible DAMAC project now blocked, have increased in price. That is indebting customers,” he said. Raji, a Bangladeshi crane-operator, some workers from places like India and Nepal who typ- said his manager told him that his pay could be delayed ically earn 800 rials ($219.78) a month and who make next month because the company was running out of Amir saddened over Kuwaitis killed... up about 90 percent of Qatar’s 2.7 million population. steel, previously imported from the UAE. South Asian workers have been left stranded on A work-sponsorship system widely enforced in the Continued from Page 1 they were martyred in the restaurant, he said. Upon Qatari farms in Saudi Arabia without food after their Gulf and known in Qatar as “kafala” requires foreign receiving the news from its non-resident embassy to Qatari employers fled to Doha in June, according to a workers to get their employer’s consent to change HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al- Burkina Faso, the ministry sent a diplomat to follow up Human Rights Watch report. Last week dozens of Indian jobs or leave the country. Qatar says it has ended Jaber Al-Sabah and HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber the investigations into the incident and speed up the air- and African workers at hotels in Doha were told to take kafala but some migrants still work without proper Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah sent Burkina Faso’s lifting of the bodies of the two victims to Kuwait. extended unpaid leave and return to their countries access to water or shelter from sun, rights groups say. President similar cables. While condemning this repugnant attack, Kuwait because of a drop in occupancy caused by the embar- The crisis may bring change. Last Wednesday, Qatar Late on Monday, the foreign ministry said HH the reaffirms its principled rejections of all forms of terror- go. “Our rooms were filled with Saudis on weekends but announced a plan to allow Indians and dozens of oth- Amir instructed sending a plane to Ouagadougou to ism, the source stressed. they don’t come to Qatar any more. We can’t have work- er nationalities to enter Qatar on arrival without a visa. bring back the two Kuwaiti victims. With shock and grief, He expressed sincere condolences to the families of ers cleaning empty rooms,” said a Doha hotel manager, Qatar’s emir in a rare public address last month the ministry received the news of the death of the two the two philanthropists and prayed to God Almighty to declining to give his or his company’s name. thanked the country’s foreign residents for their con- citizens as well as several other innocent people in the lodge their souls in paradise. At the behest of the Amir, Qatar has denied reports of lower hotel occupancy tributions. “Foreigners built this country. Qatar knows heinous terrorist attack, a senior diplomat said. The two the two martyrs will be brought back to Kuwait soon, he rates and said its preparations for the World Cup have it cannot survive without them,” said Marie Trichia, a Kuwaiti nationals were on a charitable mission when affirmed. — KUNA not been affected. The tiny Gulf state’s economy, barista at Doha’s Gate Mall. — Agencies WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 ANALYSIS


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Focus To launch or not? Either way, North Korea may gain

f, after all the fanfare, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un doesn’t actually launch missiles toward IGuam, many may write the whole episode off as another of the North’s seemingly endless bluffs. But from Pyongyang’s perspective and in the eyes of some US military experts, Kim and his generals have already won this round. Launch or not, Pyongyang has caused great drama and angst, riled US President Donald Trump and alarmed America’s allies in Tokyo and Seoul. It could also set a precedent for more aggressive brinkmanship ahead. It comes as no surprise then that yesterday, as North Korea’s state media released photos of Kim and his military officers examining the launch plan, replete with photos of the missiles’ flight path and White nationalists flourish under Trump a big satellite image of the US territory’s Andersen Air Force Base, it also offered a seeming out. Kim, it he violent protests that left a woman 2007, became the media hub of the sprawl- invited were openly neo-Nazi and white the notion that the war was about slavery, said, wants to “watch a little more” before making a dead in Charlottesville, Virginia ing movement, his support eventually ren- supremacist, such as Vanguard America, and are fighting the elimination of symbols shocked many Americans with TV dering Trump a default figurehead. As “alt- whose members chanted “blood and soil,” of that racist legacy, like the Confederate decision. The North’s plan is to launch four missiles T footage of an estimated 1,000 neo-Nazis and right”, the movement has touted itself as echoing the “blut und boden” cries of Hitler’s flag of the Lee monuments. into the waters around the US Pacific territory: One white supremacists, guarded by “militiamen” just a louder, consciously provocative but followers in the 1930s. To Jason Kessler, a Charlottesville organiz- to the north, one to the south, and one each east brandishing semi-automatic rifles and wear- legitimate force in conservative politics. But They also included Identity Evropa, an er of the rally, the statue’s removal represents and west. Pyongyang is calling it an “enveloping ing body armor. Encouraged by President the Southern Policy Law Center, an anti- “identitarian” group that promotes white “white genocide”. Also taking part was the fire” demonstration, but in military jargon it’s more Donald Trump and buoyed by social media, a extremist research group, insists the alt- superiority and separatism, and the League of the South, which encourages commonly called “bracketing”. It was calculated to new generation of extremist startups has right “is pretty much the same thing as the Traditionalist Workers Party, which marries a white families to “secede” from “post- touch off a storm of anxiety region-wide. taken root, mostly created by angry young old white supremacist right - even if it does Nazi-like logo with a Christian whites-only Christian culture in America,” and But firing missiles into Guam’s exclusive eco- white men anxious to exploit fears of Latino favor suits and ties over Klan robes or faux ideology. Both are stridently anti-Semitic. Confederate Riders of America, a biker group nomic zone, as the North threatened, would be an immigration and radical Islam, the shrinking Nazi uniforms.” that says southern culture is “under attack.” extremely risky move. “If they fire at the United white share of the US population and the SPLC counts scores of such groups under Defending white southern heritage States, it could escalate into war very quickly,” US cultural shifts of globalization. the alt-right umbrella, many of which were The Charlottesville rally ostensibly Skinheads and militiamen Defense Secretary James Mattis said Monday. “Yes, Analysts say these groups may have present in Charlottesville. Saturday’s rally focused on the planned removal of a statue Alt-right rallies increasingly attract that’s called war, if they shoot at us.” So, from the members in the tens of thousands and tacit was led by Richard Spencer, whose of Robert E Lee, the general who led the groups determined to pick fights, including start, Pyongyang gave itself big exit ramps. The supporters in the hundreds of thousands. Washington-based National Policy Institute south in the 1860s Civil War. That attracted the Proud Boys and the DIY Division, also North has never said it would attack Guam itself. To They have supplanted the old hotbeds of think-tank is “dedicated to the heritage, another alt-right type, southerners commit- called the Rise Above Movement. Both make its intentions crystal clear, it provided an racist, anti-government and fascist activism, identity and future of people of European ted to preserving an idealized, heroic - and allegedly have roots in the violent neo-Nazi extremely detailed account of the planned trajec- including the notorious Ku Klux Klan, which descent in the United States”. Groups he white - tradition of the South. They reject skinheads of the 1980s and white nationalist tory of the launch, which Japanese prefectures it has dwindled to a few thousand members. prison gangs. But also taking part in would go over, the duration of the flight - right Until now, even with the alliance of powerful Charlottesville were so-called patriot-militia down to the second - and the distance of the Trump advisor Steve Bannon, the so-called groups. There are some 165 of these across “splash areas” from Guam’s coast. “alt-right” movement and its violent fringes the country, according to the SPLC, well- More importantly, it never committed to a has been deeply fragmented, unable to coa- armed but focused more on grudges with launch date. Or, for that matter, to launching the lesce around common ideologies, goals and the government, regulations and taxes and missiles at all. “The regime composed the threat in tactics. less concerned about issues of race. Some such a way as to allow Kim to back down without However, this could change. “They are actively seek members from minorities, and losing face,” said Adam Mount, a nuclear strategy acting in concert right now,” said Spencer disdain neo-Nazi ideas as anti-American. The specialist with the Center for American Progress. Sunshine of Political Research Associates, most prominent of these groups is the Oath “North Korea’s Guam threat was more sophisticat- which specializes in research on right-wing Keepers, formed by former members of the ed, credible, and coercive than any of the vague groups. “The rising tide of Trump-ist racism is military to “defend the Constitution” with a warnings Trump made last week.” raising their boats.” Sunshine pointed to the strongly libertarian ideology. Yet the pres- Of course, Pyongyang could blow past its own Charlottesville “Unite the Right” protests. ence of militia at alt-right rallies is worri- fail-safes. It may still want to try its missiles out at some. Some clearly have white-power lean- an angle closer to the “battle trajectory” they would Against multiculturalism ings. In 2014 and 2015, they appeared heavi- fly in a real attack, rather than the “lofted” trajecto- The alt-right rues the loss of an idealized ly armed at anti-police rallies in Ferguson, American identity, espousing white national- Missouri, appearing to many as a self- ries they’ve been using to avoid flying over neigh- ism and “traditional” euro-centric culture as appointed force ready to repress African boring countries. If pushed further, or possibly as a the foundation of US culture. It rejects “multi- American protesters. high-profile protest to US-South Korean military culturalism” that gives more prominence to In Charlottesville, they came well- exercises that will begin next week, it could also non-white groups and elevates the equal armed, in camouflage fatigues, wielding want to use the launch to show the world what it rights of women, gays and minorities. Its pol- AR-15 assault rifles, also seemingly to pro- can do and see what it can get away with. itics connect to traditional conservatives and tect the other hardline rightists. Yet, accord- libertarians, and are likened to the “identitari- This Aug 12, 2017 while photo shows white nationalist demonstrators hold- ing to Sunshine, they took no part in the Win-win an” movement in Europe. ing their ground as they clash with counter demonstrators in Lee Park in violence, and moved away when fighting But many experts who follow North Korea think Bannon’s Breitbart News, launched in Charlottesville, Virginia. —AP broke out. —AFP Kim isn’t in any big hurry. “It seems to me they plan to draw this out, perhaps expecting Trump to lose interest,” said Jeffrey Lewis, an arms control expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies In Iran, IS fans militancy among minorities in Monterey, California. “It’s not an empty threat, but it’s also fairly high stakes. I imagine that the slamic State is seeking to radicalize disaffected ethnic and calling on young Iranians to rise up and launch jihad in linked to Al-Qaeda on condition that they shunt their violence North Koreans would skip it if the rhetoric was minorities in majority Shiite Iran to encourage attacks their country. The group has often showcased its global reach beyond Iran’s borders towards Americans in Iraq and toned down.” Iintended to avenge Tehran’s offensive against the group by airing testimonials from its polyglot foreign followers Afghanistan. Pyongyang has suggested Kim’s decision is con- across the Middle East. Sunni Islamic State, in decline in Iraq online. But its heaviest propaganda swipe at Iran came with a “Forces linked to Daesh were publicly collecting money in tingent on B-1B bomber flights from Guam to and Syria, claimed responsibility for an unprecedented 40-minute documentary in March which attacked Supreme some mosques in Iranian Kurdistan and the regime was clear- Korean airspace. The B-1B, though no longer capa- attack on June 7 in which suicide bombers and gunmen Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as a friend of the West and fea- ly turning a blind eye to these actions,” Hijri of the KDPI said. ble of carrying nuclear weapons, is one of the most attacked the Iranian parliament and Ayatollah Khomeini’s tured Baluchi, Persian and Ahwazi fighters urging attacks Iran’s Interior Ministry declined to comment. advanced bombers in the Air Force and mausoleum in Tehran, killing 18 people. The attackers were inside Iran. Washington has frequently ordered such missions - Kurdish Iranian Sunnis. The video was released as Iranian-backed Iraqi forces and Iranian Arabs over South Korea but near the DMZ - as a show of In interviews, dissidents and representatives of Iran’s militias recaptured major areas from Islamic State territory in Mokhtar Hooshmand, a Kurdish activist jailed in Iran on force against Pyongyang. If Washington were to minority Kurds, Baluchs and Arabs said that decades-old liber- Iraq and Syria. “We tell you, O Zoroastrian apostates,” said a national security charges from 2010 to 2012, described the halt the flights, Kim could claim a victory. If it were ation movements are evolving into sectarian-tinged strug- fighter called Abu Mujahid Al-Baluchi, naming Iran’s pre- rise of Sunni militants in Kurdish areas and meeting dozens of to order the B-1Bs into the air, Pyongyang would gles, spurred on by geopolitical rivalries in the region. They Islamic faith. “Our hands won’t be far from you. As you tasted the militants behind bars. “They started preaching in 2004 in have an excuse to launch. Or it could claim it mag- told Reuters some Iranian separatist groups, several of which our strength in Iraq and the Levant, by God’s will we will con- mosques. They made no secret of forming morality enforce- nanimously refrained from doing so, while reserv- have pursued armed insurgencies for their nationalist or civil quer Persia and make it Sunni.” ment squads, attacking female hairdressing shops, weddings ing the right to do so at a later date. movements, increasingly see themselves as part of a struggle After the Tehran attack, Iran was quick to blame Saudi and cafes. Many Iranians have joined IS, have been trained in For Kim, in the convoluted world of military between Sunnis and Shi’ites in the region. Arabia, pointing to a statement by Crown Prince Mohammad Syria or Iraq and are now back in the country. Daesh has deterrence, that’s a win-win. “I think at some point Some activists side with Shiite Iran’s increasingly assertive bin Salman in May that the kingdom would make sure any influence in all Sunni provinces of Iran,” he added. Reuters they’re going to say, ‘Look, this is not anything dif- rival, Sunni Saudi Arabia, to show their anger against what future struggle between the two countries “is waged in Iran”. could not independently verify his statements. ferent than your flying B-1 bombers over Korea,’” they see as oppression by the Iranian theocratic state, in Tehran offered no evidence to back up its charge, and Riyadh Apart from Kurdish regions, potential flashpoints center said Robert Carlin, a contributor to the respected which up to 10 percent of the population is Sunni. Other radi- denied the accusation. Reacting to the Tehran assault, the on Sunni Baluchis or residents of the poor area of Sistan- 38 North website and former State Department calized Iranians go even further by joining Al-Qaeda and kingdom said it condemned terrorist attacks everywhere. Baluchestan in Iran’s southeast, and ethnic Arabs of oil-rich and CIA analyst. “We’re going to put our missiles 25 Islamic State, enemies of both Iran and Saudi Arabia, to wage Iran has arrested at least 100 people linked to IS since the southwestern Khuzestan province. Minorities in Iran say they or 30 kilometers offshore. Your bombers come war on Shiites on the battlefield. The Erbil-based head of the attack. Critics say the Iranian government has used the June are deprived of decent living standards and civil rights. While within tens of kilometers of the Demilitarized Zone. Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) - a secular armed attack in Tehran to crack down on minorities. The government majority Shi’ite, many Arabs of the area they call Ahwaz see If you can ‘reach out and touch’ us, we can ‘reach group which launches periodic attacks into Iran - said reli- declined to comment. Earlier this month, the Iranian state themselves as under Persian occupation. Their struggle for out and touch’ you.” —AP gious extremism was rapidly gaining traction among “emo- news agency said that security forces had broken up a group independence or autonomy has taken on a religious bent. tional, poorly educated youths.” linked to Islamic State which was planning attacks on religious Iran has accused Saudi Arabia of providing material or centers. Intelligence ministry agents arrested “a terrorist group financial support to Ahwazi militants, a charge denied by the Threatening Video linked to Daesh (Islamic State) that intended to carry out ter- Saudi government. Some privately-owned Gulf religious TV All articles appearing on these pages are the “If the Islamic Republic of Iran does not change its policies ror operations in religious cities,” IRNA said. They were trying networks have advocated the Ahwazi cause. “In Ahwaz, thou- personal opinion of the writers. Kuwait Times towards Sunni Muslims in Iran and in the region, more people to bring weapons and ammunition into Iran and 27 people sands of Shiites have converted to Sunni Islam after 2005, but takes no responsibility for views expressed will be inclined to organizations like Daesh,” Mustafa Hijri said, were arrested, it added. not all to extremist Sunni groups like Al-Qaeda,” said using the Arabic acronym for Islamic State. The Iranian gov- Days earlier, Iranian media said Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Mohammed Majid Ahwazi, a political activist and journalist in therein. Kuwait Times invites readers to voice ernment declined to comment. Sunni militant groups have had killed two people in clashes with a group of militants in Sweden, who was also jailed in Iran for two years for dissent. their opinions. Please send submissions via long carried out periodic attacks on military and civilian tar- the northwest of the country, where shootouts with Iranian “Before the Syrian crisis, Arab countries were indifferent email to: [email protected] or via snail gets, in protest against what they say is discrimination against Kurdish militant groups based in Iraq are common. In June, to the internal affairs of Iran,” he said, adding: “But after the mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. The editor Iran’s Arab minority and Sunni ethnic groups. Iran stepped up Iran announced the arrests of members of a group linked to Syrian crisis, Bahrain unrest, war in Yemen and the pres- reserves the right to edit any submission as its crackdown against members of such networks in recent Islamic State which was planning suicide attacks. It did not ence of the Revolutionary Guards in Iraq - Arab countries necessary. years, with arrests and death sentences. elaborate. Anti-government Kurdish activists told Reuters that have put Ahwaz, Baluchistan and the Kurds issue on their On Aug 9, IS issued a video threatening new attacks in Iran authorities for years tolerated Salafi preachers and militants agenda.” —Reuters WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 SPORTS

Buffon joins Messi and Judge won’t reinstate girls Llorente ready to Ronaldo on UEFA shortlist after boys’ basketball dispute play for Swansea PARIS: Veteran Italian goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon has been named as NEWARK: A judge in New Jersey has refused to overturn a Roman LONDON: Spanish international striker Fernando Llorente could be ready one of three nominees for the 2016/17 UEFA Men’s Player of the Year Catholic school’s decision to deny re-enrollment to two sisters after to play for Swansea City against Crystal Palace on Saturday week after Award alongside Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, European football’s a dispute over one of them wanting to play on the boys basketball returning to training, manager Paul Clement said. The 32-year-old governing body announced yesterday. The 39-year-old Buffon was a key team. “The court does not have the authority to meddle in this deci- Spaniard — who has been linked with a reunion with his former Juventus member of the Juventus side that reached last season’s Champions sion,” Superior Court Judge Donald Kessler said in his ruling on boss Antonio Conte at champions Chelsea — has recovered from the League final, but he missed out on a first winner’s medal as Monday. Kessler lashed out at the girls’ parents for making the dis- broken arm he suffered on a family cycling holiday in Italy in the Italians were beaten 4-1 by Ronaldo’s Real Madrid in pute public, and said the family did not cite any law that would July. However, Clement said Llorente, whose 15 goals Cardiff. The shortlist was decided by the 80 coaches of have allowed the court to interfere with the religious school’s deci- played a crucial role in maintaining Swansea’s Premier the clubs that played in the Champions League and sion. Cardinal Joseph Tobin testified that he decided not to allow League status last season, would not be ready for the Europa League group stages, as well as 55 journalists. 13-year-old Sydney Phillips and her younger sister, Kaitlyn, to re- visit of Manchester United this weekend as he had lost a Five-time Ballon d’Or winner Lionel Messi has won the enroll because their parents’ behavior was not in the best interest of lot of upper body muscle. “Crystal Palace is a possibility. award twice, as has Portuguese forward Ronaldo. Since St Theresa School in Kenilworth. The dispute began when Sydney We will see,” Clement told the club website about its inception in 2011, unlike other similar individual Phillips was not allowed to play on the boys basketball team. When Llorente, who cost the club £5 million ($6.4m, 5.4m awards, the UEFA accolade has not been totally dominat- asked about the decision, the girls’ father, Scott Phillips, said he dis- euros) from Sevilla last year. “Because of the nature of the ed by Ronaldo and Messi. —AFP agreed with the judge. —AP injury to the arm, he lost a lot of upper-body bulk. —AFP

Kuwait shooting champion returns home By Abdellatif Sharaa champions, and was able to top many Amir and HH the Crown Prince to the arrival from Kazakhstan. Sabah, as well as Youth Affairs Minister countries like China, India along with shooters, adding that there are direct and Meanwhile, President of Kuwait and Khalid Al-Roudhan for receiving the KUWAIT: Minister of Commerce and many others.” He said “we are used to clear instructions to support the shooters Arab Shooting Federations Eng Duaij champions who won the first place in Industry, Acting State Minister for Youth Kuwait shooters raising Kuwait’s flag in and that they remain on top with Kuwait’s Khalaf Al-Otaibi thanked HH the Amir Asia during the 7th Asian Shooting Affairs Khalid Al-Roudhan said “We con- many arenas.” He thanked the KSF admin- name always in prominence. Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- Tournament in Kazakhstan. Al-Otaibi gratulate Kuwait’s champions and the istration as well as shooters who exerted Minister Al-Roudhan made his state- Sabah and HH the Crown Prince Sheikh hoped that thesee champion continue Shooting Sport Federation for their their utmost efforts. ment during the reception of Kuwait Nawaf Al-Ahmad and Premier HH to make their achievements and hoist achievement, as Asia’s top shooting He conveyed the greetings of HH the shooters at Kuwait airport upon their Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al- Kuwait’s flag high.

How the schedule was made: RUGBY NBA taking hard look at metrics MIAMI: Larry Bird made his plea years ago. regular season to start Oct. 17 - the league’s His request to the NBA was not unique: Bird earliest start since 1980 - was an obvious After bad year for Australia, wanted the league to eliminate the dreaded help. But schedule makers went further, tak- stretches of four games in five days. What ing a deeper-than-usual look at arena avail- made Bird’s pitch memorable was that it ability around the league and trying to mini- didn’t just cite the demand of so many mize the nights where a weary team will here come the All Blacks games in such a short amount of time, but face a well-rested opponent. also pointed out how the anxiousness In other words, NBA fans, meet FTE. The SYDNEY: Australia’s once-mighty rugby scene this weekend. The Wallabies have won just three games against New Zealand opposition, while caused by such tests can hurt a team metric - an acronym for Fresh, Tired and has reached a low ebb after a year of problems of their last 29 Tests against the formidable New the ACT Brumbies qualified for the play-offs as beforehand and how the fatigue lingers Even - is a major part of the NBA schedule on the pitch and off it — and things look unlike- Zealanders, and often have been on the end of Australian conference winners despite losing long afterward. process. It’s a way the NBA has charted how ly to improve this week when New Zealand some on-field humiliations. more games than they won. “What he said to me has been ringing in tired one team will likely be when facing come to town. As one pundit put it: “An average (unimpres- my head ever since,” said Tom Carelli, the another. FTE has been part of the NBA’s While there is perhaps never a good time to ‘DARKEST DAY’ sive) Brumbies outfit were only there (in the NBA’s senior vice president for broadcast- internal charting for years, but wasn’t often face the world-beating All Blacks, Saturday’s There was outrage over the Australian Rugby finals) because the other four Australian teams ing. Carelli and the rest of the NBA sched- discussed openly or with teams. Bledisloe Cup opener in Sydney does not come Union’s decision last week to cull the Western were considerably worse and the victims of ule-making gurus were unable to make “If a team plays the night before and its at an opportune moment for the Wallabies. Force from next year’s Super Rugby competition, inept play, hazy game plans, sub-standard Bird’s request reality - until now. With an opponent didn’t, then one team is tired and The two-time world champions come togeth- which prompted calls for the ARU board of coaching, poor preparation plus a lack of spirit.” extra week of days to play with, along with its opponent is fresh,” Wasch said. “That er at a time of civil war in Australian rugby, after directors to follow departing CEO Bill Pulver out some much deeper looks at arena availabili- fresh-tired ratio will be lower than ever. It’s a lamentable Super Rugby season was followed of the door. ‘LOST’ AUSTRALIA ty and ways to try to help competitive bal- hard to measure and track when you build a by the contentious axing of one of its teams, The national body earned widespread oppro- Embattled ARU chairman Cameron Clyne told ance, the NBA believes the schedule schedule manually, but it’s easy to track Perth’s Western Force. brium when they made their long-awaited deci- reporters: “We have to face reality. Our teams are released Monday should be the most user- when building one with optimization soft- The fall-out for the Australian Rugby Union is sion to discontinue the Force’s Super Rugby not winning on a regular basis. friendly in the league’s history. The four- ware.” Instead of asking teams for 50 possi- stark, with its chief executive Bill Pulver licence, moving from five teams to four as the “And that is keeping fans, who have a lot games-in-five-days challenges? Eliminated ble home dates for their respective build- announcing his resignation and more changes sprawling competition slims down to 15 fran- more entertainment options, saying that they for the first time in NBA history. ings - the past standard - schedule makers likely to follow. chises in 2018. are not going to make that investment and that Back-to-backs? Only 14.4 per team on like Carelli, Wasch, Chris Boghosian, Gene Li A legal battle also looks in prospect after the The Rugby Union Players’ Association con- has a direct impact on revenue. average, an all-time low for the third straight and Hao Meng instead checked every avail- Force, who enjoy the heavyweight backing of demned the Force’s axing as “the darkest day in “Even notwithstanding the fact that we’ve year. Single-game road trips, average miles able date and tried a much broader look at mining billionaire Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest, the history of Australian rugby”, while former made a decision to cut a team, we will still traveled and time zones crossed? All down a how the puzzle might fit. applied to appeal against their removal from Wallaby hooker Brendan Cannon called on the expect two or three of the (remaining) teams to bit as well. “I think at this point, and frankly Their work might be particularly Super Rugby. ARU board to resign in the wake of its “ill-con- lose money next year.” the minute we got the extra week, we could noticed on ABC games this season. Last Meanwhile Australian crowds and televi- ceived decision”. He added that crowd numbers across all conclude the schedule is really, undebatably, season, when stars like LeBron James, Kyrie sion ratings for the southern hemisphere com- Australian rugby has been in freefall this sea- Australian Super Rugby franchises “were actually the best basketball schedule we’ve ever Irving, Kevin Love, Stephen Curry, Klay petition have fallen off a cliff, with the once- son, with fans’ interest plunging to new lows. unsatisfactory”, even with teams not under had,” said Evan Wasch, the NBA’s senior vice Thompson, Draymond Green and Andre popular code now wallowing behind rugby Crowds tumbled at Super Rugby matches as threat. president for basketball strategy and analyt- Iguodala all were given nights off when league, Aussie rules and soccer in this sports- Australian teams struggled, from 643,790 in As appetite for Super Rugby diminishes, ics. “That’s what the week affords you, the the Cavaliers or Warriors were playing mad nation. 2015 to just over 400,000 this year, while the Fairfax Media journalist Paul Cully lambasted its opportunity to focus on all these different nationally televised games on ABC, there The discontentment comes ahead of the host broadcaster reported a decline of more administrator SANZAAR “not to underestimate metrics.” The extra week, which allows the was no shortage of scorn. —AP impending showdown with the Wallabies’ trans- than 800,000 viewers from the previous year. the anger among the Australian rugby public, Tasman nemesis, the world champion All Blacks, Australian Super Rugby teams were 0-26 in and not just in Perth (Western Force)”. —AFP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16 ,2017 SPORTS

Kasparov rolls back the years in competitive return ST LOUIS: Twelve years after trading chess CENTER OF ATTENTION taking it lightly. “I realize that it’s serious. I for politics, Garry Kasparov proved Spectators were thrilled. “It was a won- will be the most desirable prey in the his- Monday that time hadn’t dulled his edge derful game. Kasparov has been showing tory of chess,” he said in a Facebook post as he battled to a draw three times with a confidence, he has been very dramatic,” on Sunday. In a clear sign that Kasparov fellow Russian half his age in the opening said 33-year-old Christopher Doty, a long- remained the center of attention, most of game of a keenly anticipated comeback. time Kasparov fan who traveled here from the 10 other competitors took a few sec- The 54-year-old Kasparov, whose Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to see his hero. onds off from their games to come and genius has left a wide mark on the history “Will he win? Of course not. But if see the man once dubbed the “Beast of of chess, has briefly come out of retire- Kasparov beats these kids, it will be an Baku” in action. ment “kicking and fighting” to compete embarrassment for them.” Since his March this week at the Rapid and Blitz tourna- 2005 withdrawal from a tournament in ‘UNPARALLELED’ ment in St. Louis. It remains to be seen Linares, Spain, Kasparov’s absence from “It was one of my dreams to play whether he can beat a new generation of the game has left many chess fanatics against him,” Karjakin said before their players or if he will instead pass the torch. feeling orphaned. match, praising Kasparov as “one of the In a fitting turn of events, his first So there was considerable surprise greatest players ever.” encounter against compatriot Sergey when he agreed to play in the event in St Kasparov’s long and “unparalleled” Karjakin had shades of Kasparov’s own Louis, which follows closely after the dominance of the chess world made him breakthrough moment in 1985 when, annual Sinquefield Cup competition, a “a cultural icon,” said Alejandro Ramirez, a aged 22, he defeated the legendary major stop on the world tour, in the same US Open champion who coaches the Russian grandmaster Anatoli Karpov to city on the Mississippi River. chess team at Saint Louis University. “His become the youngest champion in histo- The years have grayed his temples, but contribution to chess theory and our ST LOUIS: Grandmaster chess player Garry Kasparov (L) shakes hands with ry. This time around, it was Kasparov who Kasparov still exudes the aura of a winner understanding of the game resonate still grandmaster Sergey Karjakin of Russia after their opening match ends in a represented the old guard against — and the trademark gestures that today,” said Ramirez. draw on the first day of the Grand Chess Tour at the Chess Club and Scholastic Karjakin the young pretender, who nar- defined his heyday in the 1980s and 1990s Kasparov is nevertheless not expected Center in St Louis on Monday. Kasparov and other chess Grandmaters are in St rowly lost last year’s world championship were all present on Monday. He took off to win the tournament, which includes Louis to compete in the Grand Chess Tour.—AFP to Magnus Carlsen, the top-ranked player his watch, placing it to the left of the four of the world’s top 10 players, accord- who is not in St Louis this week. Three board. He placed his pieces on the board, ing to French world number two Maxime as he takes on much younger players who off, said Vachier-Lagrave, who played games of speed chase between Kasparov one by one, in a meticulous and deliberate Vachier-Lagrave, who beat Carlsen last specialize in that approach. Kasparov in a friendly match — an and Karjakin ended in a draw each time. manner. The death stare was there too — week at the Sinquefield Cup. The man himself sought to “manage encounter won by the Russian — and “I’m quite pleased. The plan was to sur- Karjakin got one from Kasparov before the The high-pressure, speed-chess format expectations,” quipping ahead of the remembers “his willingness to fight on vive to day one. I had to adjust myself to battle began. of the St Louis tournament, where players game that “at the age of 54, I would have every turn.” Though the winner’s purse in this new reality, to this atmosphere. I’m Despite making clear the tournament are forced to make their moves far more as much hope of returning to my chess St Louis is a not-too-shabby $150,000, happy with these draws. I will be more represents a five-day “hiatus” from his rapidly than during normal competitions, form of age 40 as to my hairline of age 20!” Kasparov said he would donate any win- aggressive tomorrow,” Kasparov said. political career, Kasparov said he wasn’t could be tough on the graying Kasparov, Still, it would be foolhardy to write him nings to promote chess in Africa. —AFP

SEATTLE: Jarrod Dyson #1 of the Seattle Mariners is tagged out by Tim Beckham #1 of the Baltimore Orioles after trying to make it to second base on a center field flyout by Jean Segura #2 in the fifth inning at Safeco Field on Monday in Seattle, Washington. — AFP]]]

BASEBALL Stanton hits team-record homer, Marlins beat Giants

MIAMI: Giancarlo Stanton hit his team-record Inciarte led off with a triple, but he was thrown DIAMONDBACKS 2, ASTROS 0 Stadium. Sanchez started the Yankees’ comeback out for his first career leadoff homer, Manny 43rd home run, connecting in his fifth straight out trying for an inside-the-park home run. Zack Greinke struck out nine in six-plus with a sacrifice fly in the fourth against starter Machado launched his sixth grand slam an game and sending the Miami Marlins over the San Colorado scored three times in the eighth off Rex innings to bounce back from his first home loss of Rafael Montero. Two innings later, Judge hit his inning later and Baltimore routed skidding Francisco Giants 8-3 on Monday night. Stanton Brothers (2-3), who relieved starter Julio Teheran. the season, lifting Arizona over Houston. Greinke AL-leading 36th home run - just his sixth since Seattle. The Orioles scored double-digit runs for broke the club mark of 42 homers set by Gary The Rockies are tied with Arizona for the top NL (14-5) took his first home loss last week against the All-Star break. Hicks, who returned last week the second time in three games and the sixth Sheffield in 1996. Stanton has homered 22 times wild card. Mike Dunn (5-1) got the win and Greg the Dodgers and followed with a dominant per- from an oblique injury, homered against Hansel since the All-Star break. Beckham got them start- in his last 34 games. Stanton set another club Holland closed for his 35th save. Holland had formance against the majors’ top-hitting team to Robles (7-4) leading off the eighth, his career- ed with his 16th homer, but it was Machado’s record for most consecutive games with a home blown his previous two save chances. help the Diamondbacks win for the third time in best 12th of the season. Sanchez connected two slam that broke the game open as part of a six- run when he tagged Ty Blach (8-8) for a two-run nine games. The NL All-Star struck out AL batting batters later against Erik Goeddel. With 20 run second. Trey Mancini hit his 21st homer and drive in the first inning. The All-Star slugger later INDIANS 7, RED SOX 3 leader Jose Altuve three times and held the homers, Sanchez matched his total in his rookie Seth Smith added his 12th to turn it into a had an RBI single as Miami won its fourth in a row. Edwin Encarnacion homered twice to help AL Astros to five hits in 6 2/3 innings. Fernando season last year. David Robertson (6-2) pitched a blowout. That was plenty for starter Kevin Marcell Ozuna also homered for the Marlins. Dee Central-leading Cleveland earn its fourth straight Rodney got his 27th save. Ketel Marte hit a run- hitless eighth, and Dellin Betances finished the Gausman (9-8), who stumbled early before set- Gordon had three hits, scored twice, and drove in victory by beating East-leading Boston. In a scoring double off Collin McHugh (0-2) in the sec- six-hitter for his seventh save. tling into a groove. Gausman allowed one a run to help back Adam Conley (5-5). rematch of last year’s ALDS, which Cleveland won ond and J.D. Martinez had another off the right- earned run in seven innings, the fifth time in his in a three-game sweep, Trevor Bauer (11-8) struck hander in the sixth. The AL West-leading Astros BLUE JAYS 2, RAYS 1 last six starts that the right-hander gave up one ROCKIES 3, BRAVES 0 out 11 over 6 2/3 innings for his fourth consecu- have lost six of seven. Greinke had been domi- Josh Donaldson hit a two-run homer in the earned run or less. Meanwhile, Seattle’s sudden Chad Bettis drew a standing ovation when he tive win. He allowed three runs - all on solo nant at Chase Field prior to his last start, going first inning for the second consecutive game, fade from the AL wild-card race continued. The took the mound for the first time since cancer homers by Red Sox rookies. Rafael Devers had 10-0 for the best home start in franchise history. Nick Tepesch won for the first time in almost Mariners lost their fifth straight - all at home - treatment, then threw seven impressive innings two and Andrew Benintendi one. The Indians three years and Toronto edged slumping Tampa coming off a 6-3 road trip that had helped them as Colorado blanked Atlanta. Bettis scattered six improved to a season-high five games in front of CUBS 15, REDS 5 Bay. The last-place Blue Jays have won 10 of 14 at hold the league’s second wild-card spot. Yovani hits, walked none and struck out two. He hadn’t second-place Minnesota. The Red Sox lost for just Kris Bryant and Anthony Rizzo hit back-to- home. Wilson Ramos homered in the second to Gallardo (5-8) was tagged for eight runs and pitched in the majors since being diagnosed with the second time in 12 games. The quick visit to back homers to cap a five-run fourth inning, and provide the only run for the offense-starved failed to get an out in the fifth inning. testicular cancer in November. Bettis had surgery Fenway Park by the Indians was to make up an Chicago continued its recent dominance of Rays, who lost their fourth straight. Tampa Bay for the condition, but tests in March showed the Aug. 2 rainout that came two days after Doug Cincinnati. Bryant went 2 for 4 with a walk and arrived in Toronto on the heels of a 2-7 homes- ROYALS 6, ATHLETICS 2 cancer had spread to his lymph nodes. He later Fister (2-6) shut out Cleveland into the eighth has reached safely in 16 of his last 20 plate tand in which the team totaled 11 runs and was Cam Gallagher hit a grand slam for his first underwent chemotherapy. The Braves’ best inning. But this time he allowed five runs on sev- appearances. Rizzo was 3 for 5 with a season- shut out five times during an eight-game span. career home run and second big league hit, lead- chance to score against Bettis came when Ender en hits and four walks in 4 1/3 innings. high five RBIs. Jon Jay had three hits with an RBI Tepesch (1-2) had not won since Sept. 16, 2014, ing Kansas City past Oakland. Gallagher’s shot in and finished a home run shy of the cycle as the for Texas. The right-hander allowed one run and the sixth inning marked the first slam by a Royals Cubs extended their NL Central lead to 1 1/2 four hits in six-plus innings. Roberto Osuna got rookie since Paulo Orlando connected against games over idle St. Louis. Jose Quintana (3-2) four outs for his 30th save in 37 chances. Making Tampa Bay on July 7, 2015. Jake Junis (5-2), MLB Results/Standings allowed two runs, one earned, and four hits in his second start after missing more than two recalled for his seventh stint with Kansas City this five innings to snap a three-start winless stretch. weeks with a sore lower back, Jake Odorizzi (6-6) season, allowed two runs and four hits in six Baltimore 11, Seattle 3; Kansas City 6, Oakland 2; Arizona 2, Houston 0; Colorado 3, Atlanta 0; Chicago Cubs 15, Chicago has 25 wins in its last 32 games against allowed three hits in six innings. innings. The Royals are five games back of AL Cincinnati 5; Texas 6, Detroit 2; Miami 8, San Francisco 3; Toronto 2, Tampa Bay 1; NY Yankees 4, NY Mets 2; the Reds. Scooter Gennett hit a two-run homer, Central-leading Cleveland. Jharel Cotton (5-10) Cleveland 7, Boston 3. his 20th, in the eighth for the Reds, who have five RANGERS 6, TIGERS 2 gave up six runs and eight hits in six innings and American League National League players with at least 20 home runs to tie a club Joey Gallo hit his 33rd home run and Texas has an 8.71 ERA in four starts since coming off Eastern Division Eastern Division record. Gennett also mopped up on the mound also played some small ball in a victory over the disabled list July 30 from a right thumb blis- WLPCT GB Washington 70 46 .603 - after beginning the game at second base. Joey Detroit. Martin Perez (7-10) had a second straight ter. His winless stretch reached five starts and he Boston 67 51 .568 - Miami 57 60 .487 13.5 Votto went 3 for 5 to set a Cincinnati mark by solid start for the Rangers. The lefty made it is 0-3 since a victory at the White Sox on June 23. NY Yankees 62 55 .530 4.5 NY Mets 53 63 .457 17 reaching base at least twice in 19 consecutive through six innings without giving up any more Baltimore 59 60 .496 8.5 Atlanta 52 64 .448 18 games. It’s the longest streak in the majors since runs after trailing 2-0 only three batters into the PADRES 7, PHILLIES 4 Tampa Bay 59 61 .492 9 Philadelphia 43 73 .371 27 Barry Bonds did it in 20 straight in 2004. Reds game. The Rangers led for good when Delino Jose Pirela’s two-out, two-run single high- Toronto 57 61 .483 10 Central Division starter Asher Wojciehowski (3-2) appeared to set- DeShields executed a safety squeeze to make it lighted the four-run sixth inning that carried San Central Division Chicago Cubs 62 55 .530 - Cleveland 64 52 .552 - tle down after a rough first inning, but couldn’t 3-2 in the second. Rougned Odor had three hits, Diego past Philadelphia. Cory Spangenberg hit a St. Louis 61 57 .517 1.5 get the final out in the fourth. including a double, and scored three times. It leadoff homer in the eighth to finish with three Minnesota 59 57 .509 5 Milwaukee 61 59 .508 2.5 Kansas City 60 58 .508 5 was Odor’s second consecutive multihit game hits and three runs. Pirela, Austin Hedges and Pittsburgh 58 60 .492 4.5 Detroit 53 65 .449 12 YANKEES 4, METS 2 after going 0 for 17 the previous five games. Carlos Asuaje each had two hits, and Hedges also Cincinnati 49 70 .412 14 Chicago White Sox 45 70 .391 18.5 Aaron Judge hit a tying home run in the sixth Justin Upton hit a two-run homer for the Tigers drove in two runs. Phillies rookie Rhys Hoskins hit Western Division Western Division inning, Aaron Hicks and Gary Sanchez went deep before a spectacular catch by center fielder Drew his first two major league home runs. The teams Houston 72 46 .610 - LA Dodgers 83 34 .709 - in the eighth and the New York Yankees rallied to Robinson ended the top of the first. Michael swapped the lead three times, with the Padres LA Angels 61 58 .513 11.5 Colorado 66 52 .559 17.5 beat the Mets in the first of four Subway Series Fulmer (10-10) gave up five runs in five innings. going ahead for good in the sixth on three hits Seattle 59 61 .492 14 Arizona 66 52 .559 17.5 matchups this week. Curtis Granderson and and two walks off Ricardo Pinto (1-1). Jose Torres Texas 57 60 .487 14.5 San Diego 52 66 .441 31.5 Yoenis Cespedes homered in the third off Luis ORIOLES 11, MARINERS 3 (7-3) got the last out of the sixth and Brad Hand Oakland 52 67 .437 20.5 San Francisco 47 73 .392 37.5 Cessa to give the Mets a 2-0 lead at Yankee Tim Beckham hit the first pitch of the game pitched the ninth for his 10th save. — AP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 SPORTS Indian great spinner Ashwin joins Worcestershire

LONDON: Indian spinner Ravichandran for the second-tier side. The county will tional cricketer who is currently in terrif- eter for us to have at a crucial point in and has scored 2,004 Test runs at an Ashwin will play for Worcestershire for hope Ashwin, ranked number three in ic form with his game,” purred our season. “It is a really important last average of 32.85 with four centuries and the rest of their County Championship the bowler’s Test world rankings and Worcestershire’s chief executive Steve few games in the Championship and to 11 fifties, and had been an opening campaign, it was revealed yesterday. second in the all-rounder lists, propels Rhodes in a statement released by the have someone of his class is a huge batsman before turning to off-spin. The 30-year-old — who took 17 wick- them to promotion in their final four club. “He is ranked in the top three as a boost for the club.” Worcestershire presently occupy ets on the recent tour of Sri Lanka as matches. Ashwin will be the first Indian bowler in Test cricket, is a wonderful all- Ashwin has taken 286 wickets in 51 the second and last spot for promotion India completed their first three-Test player to play for Worcestershire since rounder who can bat six and scores hun- Tests, including five wickets in an to the first division, 15 points clear of series sweep on foreign soil on Monday Zaheer Khan resurrected his internation- dreds in Test cricket. innings on 26 occasions, 150 ODI wick- third-placed Northamptonshire, whilst — will replace Australian John Hastings al career after a superb season with “It is unlucky for John Hastings with ets and 52 in T20Is. Sussex and Kent are a further two as the county’s overseas player in a coup them in 2006. “Ravi is a fantastic interna- his injury but Ravi is a wonderful crick- Ashwin is also a force with the bat points adrift. — AFP Five incredible sulks

LONDON: Diego Costa’s stand-off with Tevez played up to his nickname of ‘Apache’ English champions Chelsea by refusing to warm up to potentially go on is just the latest in a long line of disputes as a substitute for Manchester City in the between players and their employers. last moments of a Champions League Here AFP Sport picks out five such infa- match in September 2011 against Bayern mous examples: Munich. Manager Roberto Mancini said Tevez, then 28, would never play for City FRENCH WORLD CUP SQUAD’S again. But a combination of his massive ‘BUSMAN’S HOLIDAY’ wages and the huge fee City were asking Probably the most spectacular and meant there were no takers. Tevez holi- humiliating spectacle experienced by a dayed in Argentina and considered retiring national side as the entire squad — cap- before eventually returning to the first tained by Patrice Evra and including icon team in March 2012. He was to leave in Thierry Henry — refused to get off the bus 2013 for Juventus. for a training session at the 2010 World Cup. Their fury at unpopular coach VAN HOOIJDONK LIGHTS FOREST FIRE Raymond Domenech had been provoked Dutch international striker Pierre Van by the sending home of the player nick- Hooijdonk’s goals had been instrumental in named ‘The Incredible Sulk’. Nicolas Anelka Nottingham Forest returning to the had launched a foul-mouthed tirade at Premier League at the first time of asking in Domenech at half-time over his tactics in the late 1990s but he went on strike at the the first-half of the opening loss against beginning of the 1998/99 season because Mexico, and was duly punished. he was furious key players had been let go. Unsurprisingly given the venomous atmos- He then trained at his old club NAC Breda phere, France went out in the first round. and demanded a move, which was reject- Evra, Anelka and others were severely disci- ed. He eventually yielded and then-manag- plined on their return whilst little has been er Dave Bassett felt compelled to play him. Olivier Ntcham with the ball heard of Domenech since. But the depth of antipathy at the club was reflected when he scored his first goal on SOCCER BLAME IT ON THE BOGARDE his return and the players congratulated Costa will have to go some to outdo Scott Gemmill for creating the chance and Dutch international Winston Bogarde in not the goalscorer. Forest were relegated causing as much trouble for Chelsea. and he left, Vitesse Arnhem buying him for Celtic looking to French Signed aged 30 and apparently without the £3.5 million. knowledge of then Blues manager in the 2000/01 season, the ‘GODFATHER’ JUST THE latter’s successor disliked SPUR FOR BERBATOV connection against Astana him so much that he wanted the player to Moody Bulgarian international striker leave just weeks later. Bogarde dug his Dimitar Berbatov tested the patience of the heels in and stayed for four years, despite Tottenham Hotspur hierarchy and manager : Olivier Ntcham is aiming to emulate being dropped first to the reserves and Juande Ramos as he looked to engineer a Moussa Dembele by becoming the latest French then the youth team. He justified his multi-million pound “dream” move to import to make an impact at Celtic. Broad backs Anderson behaviour by declaring in his : Manchester United at the beginning of the The 21-year-old followed in the “This world is about money (he was on a 2008/09 campaign. Appropriately for a footsteps of his under-21 international team- reported £40,000 a week), so when you are player who learnt English by watching the mate as he made a £4.5 million ($5.8 million) to fire in Ashes offered those millions you take them. Few Godfather films, he awaited an offer Spurs move from Manchester City to the Scottish champions in the summer. The firm friends’ people will ever earn so many. I am one of couldn’t reject. He refused to play in the LONDON: Stuart Broad is “very confident” Anderson and Broad are already estab- fledgling careers have followed similar paths the few fortunates who do. I may be one of Premier League game with Sunderland and longstanding new-ball partner James lished as one of England’s greatest new-ball the worst buys in the history of the was threatened with demotion to the since the pair from the suburbs of Paris met when they turned out together for the France Anderson will play a “big part” in England’s pairings, having taken a combined 720 Premiership but I don’t care.” reserves. Spurs complained to the Premier upcoming Ashes defence in Australia. wickets in 94 Tests together. League about United ‘tapping up’ the strik- under-16 side. While Dembele’s arrival in Glasgow came via Anderson recently turned 35 and there Asked about the possibility of extending TEVEZ REFUSES WALK-ON PART er but eventually sold him on September 1 are concerns a five-Test series ‘Down Under’, that figure to 1,000 wickets, Broad said: “It’d Argentinian international striker Carlos that season for £30 million. — AFP a spell at English second-tier Championship side Fulham, Ntcham started out kicking a ball about which starts in November, could be a tour be pretty special, but we’d have to see how the streets of Longjumeau — a commune in the too far for England’s all-time leading Test long the old bloke (Anderson) wants to go southern suburbs of the French capital — before wicket-taker. The Lancashire paceman has on for. “I’ve been lucky to bowl at the other turning out for Le Havre’s under-23 side. A move taken 487 wickets at 27.90 apiece in 126 end to him and I know if I hadn’t done, I Five teams to watch to English giants City materialised, but Ntcham Tests but his 43 on Australian soil have wouldn’t have as many wickets as I have failed to break his way into the first team and come at a more expensive average of 38.44, got.” Broad himself is now just five away out for this season spent the last two seasons out on loan to Italian although Anderson was a key member of from surpassing Ian Botham’s mark of 383 side Genoa. His impressive displays in the England touring side that won the Test wickets and so becoming England’s caught the eye of Hoops manager Brendan BERLIN: Five teams to keep an eye on in the LEIPZIG 2010/11 Ashes. second-most successful Test bowler. Rodgers, who persuaded him to make the move Bundesliga, which starts Friday. Leipzig took the rest of the Bundesliga by And Broad, speaking ahead of England’s “Obviously he (Botham) is the biggest to Glasgow — with a little help from Dembele. surprise by finishing second and earning an home three-Test series against the West player English cricket has ever had proba- “Moussa told me the club was good, it’s big BAYERN MUNICH automatic Champions League qualification in Indies, had no doubt the swing specialist bly,” said Broad. “Anyone who’s done what fun here,” Ntcham revealed. “I was 16, maybe Few expect anything other than Bayern its debut season in the top division. Leipzig, could be a central figure once again, what- he has against Australia I’ve got a lot of even before, 14, when we first played together Munich extending its Bundesliga record to six however, only had the Bundesliga to contend ever the conditions. respect for,” added the 31-year-old, whose for the French national team. We always stay straight titles. That promoted side Leipzig with last season after an early exit from the “I’m very confident,” said Broad at an father Chris, an opening batsman, starred together.” Dembele had a dream debut season in pushed the defending champions the hardest German Cup, so things will get harder for this alongside Botham during England’s victori- Scotland. The striker bagged 32 goals — includ- event staged by England-West Indies series last season says much about the gap in quali- time. ing a hat-trick against Old Firm rivals Rangers sponsors Investec on Monday. “The last cou- ous Ashes tour of Australia in 1986/87. ty between Bayern and the rest. Bayern won Leipzig has managed to hold onto its top and a trio of Champions League goals — as he ple of years he’s averaging 14 or 15 with the “He (Botham) has been an inspiration to by 15 points last season and expects to main- performers from last season. Emil Forsberg was an integral part of the Celtic side that com- ball in England, so we know how dangerous me in how to take on Australia,” said Stuart tain its dominance this season as well. and Naby Keita are still with the club and pleted an unbeaten season on the way to col- he is when the ball’s moving around like Broad, whose childhood years coincided The pressure is on Bayern coach Carlo French forward Jean-Kevin Augustin arrived lecting a domestic treble. that. “But when we go to Australia, the with a prolonged English Ashes ‘drought’. Ancelotti to do better in his second season from Paris Saint-Germain to replace David And Ntcham, who watched as his friend’s wobble seam he bowls is a great weapon to “I grew up in our era from 86/87 to 2005 after claiming “only” the league title in his Selke, who joined Hertha Berlin. Portugal impressive form saw him linked with a number have in Australia-take (Australia’s) Stuart when it was horrible watching the Ashes. first. Borussia Dortmund ended Bayern’s winger Bruma was also signed from of top clubs across Europe, revealed it was the Clark as an example. “We’re certainly fortu- “That was an influence on me because it German Cup hopes, and Real Madrid elimi- Galatasaray. lure of silverware and the chance to test himself nate to have him going strong and I certain- made me very determined that if ever I got nated the team from the Champions League. Sporting director Ralf Rangnick has been in the Champions League that led him to It’s in these competitions, particularly the lat- canny with his acquisitions so far and further ly expect him to play a big part in Australia.” the chance to play against them (Australia) Parkhead. “It’s a nice feeling to be here at Celtic ter, that Ancelotti will be deemed a success or additions could not be ruled out before the There was even talk Anderson could we’d have to win.” While Broad stressed he and I want to win everything at Celtic as I have a failure. end of the month. double up as England bowling coach if the wasn’t motivated by statistical landmarks, never won a trophy before,” the 21-year-old said. “Carlo Ancelotti is under observation,” for- current incumbent, Ottis Gibson, takes over West Indies fast-bowling great Joel Garner- “I’m most looking forward to the derby and mer Bayern goalkeeper Oliver Kahn told HOFFENHEIM as head coach of South Africa. who played alongside Botham at Somerset- playing in the Champions League. Not every Kicker magazine on Monday. The Italian Hoffenheim, which faces Liverpool in a was not convinced. club gets to play in this competition, so I’m hap- coach has been boosted by the arrivals of playoff for the Champions League, out-mus- BOTHAM INSPIRATION “He’s modest when he says he isn’t think- py to have the chance to play there with Celtic.” French midfielder Corentin Tolisso for a cled more established teams like Schalke and “That was suggested really sarcastically ing as far as getting past the record but I The pressure of being Celtic’s most expensive Bundesliga-record 41.5 million euros from Bayer Leverkusen for a top-four position last by Jimmy in the changing room,” said can tell you he’s looking at it,” said Garner, signing of the summer hasn’t hindered Ntcham. Lyon and Colombia forward James Rodriguez season. Most of the credit goes to the 30- Broad. “It would be a tough one for him now the West Indies team manager. The France under-21 star has enjoyed a good from Real Madrid, while defenders Niklas year-old Julian Nagelsmann, the youngest because he’d have to mit to himself in the Garner, whose 259 Test wickets cost just start to his Celtic career with the midfielder Suele and Sebastian Rudy arrived from coach in the Bundesliga and the German soc- catching the eye as he grabbed his first goal for mornings which wouldn’t be easy! Jimmy is 20.97 apiece, added: “To get past the land- league rival Hoffenheim. cer federation’s coach of the year. Since his the club in their 1-0 win at Glasgow rivals Partick almost a bit of a bowling coach anyway mark is a good thing and it sets the stan- The new arrivals will try to make up for the appointment in February 2016, he has Thistle last Friday. with his great experience.” dard for the next person coming up.” —AFP retirements of captain Philipp Lahm and brought Hoffenheim from a relegation scrap The French playmaker’s impressive perform- Spanish playmaker Xabi Alonso. Douglas to European soccer. ance against Thistle could not have been more Costa has also departed for Juventus, while The team will have to cope without timely, with the Scottish champions preparing to new signing Serge Gnabry has been sent out defenders Niklas Suele and Sebastian Rudy, host Astana at Celtic Park on Wednesday in the on loan again. He isn’t needed as long as who were snapped up by Bayern. Germany first leg of their Champions League play-off tie. Robert Lewandowski keeps scoring. striker Serge Gnabry came from the defending Ntcham admits he is desperate to help steer champions, however. Despite the changes, the Hoops past the side from Kazakhstan to BORUSSIA DORTMUND another stellar campaign is expected. book their place in the lucrative group stage of Dortmund was the last team to win back- Europe’s elite competition for a second consecu- to-back league titles in 2011 and 2012 before HAMBURGER SV tive year and says missing out is almost unthink- Bayern, but years of rebuilding make that a Hamburg, the only founding member of able. “Do Celtic belong in the Champions tall order for coach Peter Bosz in his first sea- the Bundesliga still remaining since 1963, has League? Yes, they do. If Celtic don’t go into the son. The Dutchman takes over from Thomas been flirting with relegation in recent seasons Champions League, it will be a strange feeling,” Tuchel, who reinvigorated the young side and Sunday’s German Cup loss to third-divi- the midfielder, whose friend Dembele will miss after a collapse under previous coach Juergen sion club Osnabrueck - a team that played out on Wednesday through injury, said. Klopp. Tuchel fell out with club management nearly the whole game with 10 players - sug- “I hope to play and I hope we are going to do and some players, and departed under a gests another fraught campaign. well. “It’s very important to play in the cloud after winning the German Cup. A clock in the corner of Hamburg’s stadi- Champions League but if I don’t play it’s not bad. Bosz, who worked with young players at um counts the years, days, hours, minutes The most important thing is the team.” —AFP Ajax, is expected to do the same again, but and seconds that the side has been in the his season preparations have been overshad- Bundesliga, but instead of inspiring, it seems owed by the furor over Ousmane Dembele’s to weigh on the players, amplifying the pres- potential move to Barcelona. The France for- sure as the team’s struggles continue. ward was suspended for missing training Osnabrueck’s victory brought all the old Matches on TV after Barcelona made a huge bid and his fears back to the surface, and the team is far (Local Timings) future remains unclear. Barcelona, which is from settled before Saturday’s league-opener searching for a replacement for Neymar, was at home against Augsburg, with questions SPANISH SUPER CUP expected to make another offer. over players like Nicolai Mueller, Douglas Also, striker Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang Santos, Walace, Aaron Hunt and Lewis Holtby. Real Madrid v Barcelona 0:00 NOTTINGHAM: This file photo taken on July 14, 2017 shows England’s Stuart Broad during has been far from committal. The loss of The only positive is that a lack of German Abu Dhabi SPORTS 1 HD either player would seriously impact on the Cup soccer allows the team concentrate play on the first day of the second Test Match between England and South Africa at Trent Abu Dhabi SPORTS 2 HD team’s prospects. exclusively on the league. —AP Bridge cricket ground in Nottingham, central England. — AFP Kuwait shooting Broad backs champions Anderson to return home fire in Ashes

WEDNESDAY,13 AUGUST 16, 2017 15 Stanton hits team-record homer, Marlins beat Giants Page 14

MADRID: Real Madrid’s Portuguese forward Cristiano Ronaldo (L) takes part in a training session at Real Madrid sport city in Madrid yesterday, on the eve of the Spanish SuperCup second leg football match Real Madrid CF vs FC Barcelona. —AFP Zidane angered by five-game Ronaldo ban

MADRID: Real Madrid coach Zinedine annoyed,” said Zidane. ipation in the Confederations Cup with of the season against Deportivo la Coruna, Zidane expressed his anger yesterday at a “When you look at everything that hap- Portugal. Valencia, Levante and Real Sociedad. five-game ban handed to Cristiano Ronaldo pened, to think Cristiano won’t play five He made a huge impact with a stunning However, Zidane insisted he is not des- for pushing a referee after being sent-off games with us... it is infuriating.” strike to put Madrid into a 2-1 lead 10 min- perate to add to his forward line before the against Barcelona in the Spanish Super Cup. Madrid’s appeal against the red card, utes from time, but unwisely picked up his transfer window closes on August 31, Madrid hold a 3-1 first leg lead going into which could reduce the ban from five games first yellow card for removing his shirt in cel- despite selling strikers Alvaro Morata and the second leg against their fierce rivals to four, will be held before the game today. ebration. And two minutes later he was dis- Mariano Diaz this summer. today (2100 GMT), but will have to do with- “The (appeals) committee will meet and I missed as he fell inside the area under pres- Real have been linked for months with a out Ronaldo. hope they look well upon it,” added Zidane. sure from Samuel Umtiti. “Cristiano’s ban is move for Monaco’s 18-year-old sensation The World Player of the Year was contro- “Cristiano is annoyed because he wants to excessive,” added Madrid defender Dani Kylian Mbappe, but look set to be beaten to versially shown a second yellow card for div- play and when he doesn’t play, he isn’t hap- Carvajal. “It is a frustrating feeling for him. the Frenchman’s signature by free-spending ing on Sunday and handed an extra four- py.” Ronaldo was on the field for just 24 Hopefully the committee will reduce it by a Paris Saint-Germain. “Anything can happen game ban for a light push on referee Ricardo action-packed minutes on Sunday as he was few games.” between now and August 31, but what I can de Burgos Bengoetxea after being shown only introduced as a second-half substitute Should Ronaldo’s appeal not be upheld, say is that I am very happy with the players I the 10th red card of his career. “We are very after a curtailed pre-season due to his partic- he will miss Madrid’s first four games have,” said Zidane. — AFP Zinedine Zidane Pliskova, Halep fight for top ranking Federer out of Cincinnati CINCINNATI: With sidelined Serena Williams It never happened to me before, not like that.” and Pliskova out before the semi-finals to reach about to have a baby, five players have a Svitolina, 22, has won titles this year in Taiwan, number one. “I know this but I try not to put so with bad back, Nadal # 1 chance to grab the world number one ranking Dubai, Istanbul, Rome and Toronto. much pressure on myself. Of course to be num- at this week’s US Open tuneup event in She credits Dubai with inspiration but ber one is a goal of mine. The important thing Cincinnati. improved in her Canada title run last week. is to play well,” Svitolina said. “I know it’s very MASON: Wimbledon champion Roger 6-0 victory over wild card Stefan Kozlov. Federer withdrew Monday from the Mischa Zverev also advanced with a Williams, a 23-time Grand Slam champion “The title in Dubai really gave me that push. close for everyone. I’d prefer to play well at big Western & Southern Open because of a straight-set win, 6-4, 6-4 over Fernando who announced her pregnancy and the end of I played great,” Svitolina said. “But this tourna- tournaments. Then the ranking will be there.” back injury. He has won the Masters series Verdasco. Zverev lost just nine points on her season in April, owned the top spot for 186 ment in Toronto showed me I can go there not Kerber and Wozniacki need Pliskova to crash tournament seven times. The move was serve. In women’s first-round action, 15th- consecutive weeks through last September, playing my best and fight back and still be able out in her opening match to have a chance at announced on the first full day of matches. seeded Madison Keys held off unseeded matching Steffi Graf for an Open Era record, to win the title. “It’s one more step in a good number one this week. And while Spain’s sixth- This US Open warmup has now lost five of CoCo Vandeweghe for a 6-4, 3-6, 6-3 win. and traded the spot with Germany’s Angelique direction.” ranked Garbine Muguruza, can’t overtake now, the top six players in the men’s rankings. Vandeweghe fought off three match in the Kerber earlier this year. she would be a threat to do so at the US Open. Federer, a 19-time major champion, final game before hitting a forehand into Defending Cincinnati champion Karolina ‘IT’S GOING TO BE A BATTLE’ “It’s going to be a battle,” she said. “I like that said in a statement he “tweaked” his back the net for an unforced error on Keys’ Pliskova took over the top spot five weeks ago Svitolina’s hot season has inspired her to aim I’m part of it and it’s going to be a big thing. last week at the Rogers Cup in Montreal, fourth match point. but will lose points from her title run, opening big. “It’s very special. It gives me more energy Now I feel like I’ve got to play. I can’t miss a where he lost Sunday’s final to Alexander Earlier, 2016 Olympic singles gold the door for rivals to overtake her. to go for more,” Svitolina said. She needs a title tournament. If I do I’m gone.” —AFP Zverev. The Swiss star, ranked No. 3, is medalist Monica Puig lost to fellow qualifi- Romania’s second-ranked Simona Halep, sidelined along with No. 1 Andy Murray, er Taylor Townsend, 6-3, 3-6, 6-2. Other’s world number three Kerber, Ukraine’s fourth- No. 4 Stan Wawrinka, No. 5 Novak Djokovic men’s matches saw wild card Frances rated Elina Svitolina and fifth-ranked Dane and No. 6 Marin Cilic, the defending cham- Tiafoe beat qualifier Maximilian Marterer Caroline Wozniacki could claim the top spot. pion. Only No. 2 Rafael Nadal, the top- 6-3, 7-6 (2), and qualifier Joao Sousa “Nothing has changed. I have a big responsi- seeded player, remains in the draw. defeat Kyle Edmund 6-3, 2-6, 6-3. bility. I’ll do everything as I have before,” Tournament officials tweeted that 21st- Richard Gasquet and wild card Tommy Pliskova said. “I do think it’s a huge thing but I ranked Gael Monfils also is out because of Paul advanced in straight sets. Gasquet don’t want to do anything just because of the an undisclosed illness. All the missing eased past qualifier John-Patrick Smith 6- rankings. “I don’t try to behave differently. I try players except Cilic are 30 or older. “It’s just 4, 6-4, and Paul beat fellow American coincidence,” said Nadal, 31. “We’re not 20 Donald Young 6-4, 7-6 (4). Ivo Karlovic not to see the pressure.” years old anymore. We’re not playing all ousted Jiri Vesely 6-3, 3-6, 7-5. Pliskova has won titles this year at Brisbane, the weeks. It’s part of our sport. I’ve been Also advancing in straight sets were Doha and Eastbourne but anything short of a in their position lots of times. I’ve missed Fabio Fognini, a 7-6 (5), 6-4 winner over repeat gives Halep a chance to reach number more events than the other players. It’s Daniil Medvedev; qualifier Mitchell one by winning the title. “To be number one in part of the game. I wish them all a speedy Krueger, 6-2, 6-1 over Benoit Paire; and the world is a big thing. It shows you have been recovery. We need them in the game. I Feliciano Lopez, 7-6 (5), 6-1 over Hyeon consistent. You have won the place. If I deserve hope they get back soon.” Chung. In other women’s matches, the place, for sure I will win it,” Halep said. The Federer’s withdrawal means Nadal, Roberta Vinci knocked out Time Babos 7-5, Romanian however remains haunted by a who lost in the third round at Montreal, 7-5; Camile Giorgi ousted Katerina French Open finals loss to Jelena Ostapenko in will return to No. 1 when new ATP rank- Siniakova 6-2, 6-2; Yulia Putintseva outlast- which she was up a set and a break before ings are released Aug. 21. The Spaniard ed Veronica Cepede Royg, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3; squandering a chance at her first Grand Slam will be No. 1 for the first time since July 6, and Daria Kasatkina rushed past qualifier title and number one. 2014. Nadal has spent 141 weeks at No. 1 Aliaksandra Sasnovich, 6-4, 6-2. Also, 14th- “I still have bad dreams about that,” Halep since first ascending there after reaching seeded Petra Kvitova rallied past Anett said. “I still suffer.” She’s also trying to forget a 6- the Western & Southern semifinals in Kontaveit 1-6, 7-6 (2), 6-3; Beatriz Haddad 1, 6-1 loss to Svitolina in the Toronto semi- 2008. “It’s been tough to get back to No. 1,” Maia topped Lauren Davis 6-3, 6-2; and finals, one for which she apologized to specta- he said. “I’m happy to have the chance to Lesia Tsurenko defeated Anastasia tors on Monday. “I was really disappointed. It be in that position.” Pavlyuchenkova 5-7, 7-6 (6), 6-0. Kristina was a horror match for me,” Halep said. “I could- MASON: Karolina Pliskova of Czech Republic fields questions from the media during Day 3 of the American Sam Querry became the first Mladenovic, seeded 13th, became the first Western & Southern Open at the Lindner Family Tennis Center on Monday in Mason, Ohio. — AFP n’t feel the ball. I can’t say I wasn’t ready to play. seeded player to advance. The 15th seed seeded player to lose, beaten by Daria cruised into the second round with a 6-3, Gavrilova 6-0, 7-6 (6).— AP Solid German growth gives Merkel election tailwind Page 19

Wall St opens flat as North usiness Korea tensions fade B Page 20 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 Warba Bank, Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer & Sons Greenspan worries, the markets not so much sign biggest Toyota deal Page 18 Page 21

NEW YORK: Window seating in the Eataly restaurant offers a view of One World Trade Center (right) in New York. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York issued its Empire State manufacturing index for August. — AP US sanctions hit Russian investment hopes ‘Trump bump’ a damp squib; sanctions may last long

MOSCOW: New US sanctions on Moscow have forced saw fit to levy sanctions on Russia sends at the least an ment there.” The sanctions in place since 2014 directly The fate of the partial privatization since then reflects Russian business chiefs to accept that Donald Trump’s rise amber light to Western business-be careful in your deal- restrict a narrow range of business dealings. Their biggest the importance of the new sanctions to investor sentiment. to power is not about to produce a “Trump Bump” in for- ings with Russia.” The United States initially imposed finan- effect, according to investment bankers and corporate No one involved in the Sovcomflot deal has publicly com- eign investment. cial and travel restrictions on Russia in 2014, after Russia lawyers in Moscow, is that they create the risk of more mitted to a date for the sale but two financial market After Trump became US president, some investors said annexed the Crimea region from Ukraine following the fall sanctions being added. sources told Reuters late in May that the deal was expected they would be prepared to contemplate new deals with of a pro-Moscow president in Kiev. Under that scenario, a deal signed outside the scope of in early June. Russian firms if they saw signs that US-Russian ties were The latest measures allow Congress to block any effort the sanctions could quickly fall under sanctions. If that The plan later changed again because of deteriorating improving and US restrictions on business with Russia by the president to ease or lift the existing sanctions, tight- happened, investors would be likely to lose money and few market conditions, a source familiar with the situation said were being relaxed. ens some of those sanctions, and imposes new restrictions want to take that risk. in June-the same week that the Russian stock index But the new sanctions, signed onto law by Trump on in some sectors. Executives in Russian banks and energy On the other hand, if investors believe the sanctions will slipped on concerns that Washington would impose new Aug. 2, add new measures and codify six orders signed by companies, the main targets of the US sanctions, told not be expanded, they can conclude deals with some con- sanctions on Moscow. President Barack Obama, making them harder for Trump to Reuters their compliance departments were still going fidence, even while existing measures remain in place. Later in June, a senior Russian government official told revoke. through the fine print of the new law to understand the Reuters the deal might happen in July. But after the new For the business community in Moscow, the message is practical impact. Already clear, though, was the message SHIP HASN’T SAILED US sanctions, Moscow’s tone on the deal became more clear-there is no immediate prospect of Washington soft- about the duration of the sanctions. Trump’s election triumph last November led many in cautious though officials declined to say whether the new ening its stance towards Moscow. “Russia faces the codifi- “This is obviously for a long time,” said a source in a the Russian business community to believe that the worst sanctions would alter the government’s decision about cation of sanctions which suggests they will be hellishly major Russian oil company, who spoke on condition of of the sanctions was over. It was at this time that a long- when the sale happens. “It’s clear that the USA’s toughen- difficult to take off and are likely to remain in place for the anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to planned deal to privatise a stake in Sovcomflot, a state- ing of the sanctions regime right now will hardly make the very long term,” said Tim Ash, a strategist at BlueBay asset the media. owned shipping company with a fleet of modern vessels investment climate for this asset more attractive on inter- management in London. Moody’s rating agency said in a note to clients that the and lucrative energy sector contracts, was put back on the national financial markets,” Transport Minister Maxim “The mere fact that the US and Western governments ... new sanctions on Russia “are likely to further deter invest- government’s agenda. Sokolov told reporters on Aug. 3. — Reuters

Sterling at 10-month low vs euro as bears US retail sales post biggest tighten grip increase in seven months LONDON: Sterling tumbled to a 10-month low against the euro yesterday as weak inflation data and concerns about pro- WASHINGTON: US retail sales recorded their biggest Consumer spending, which accounts for more than The acceleration in consumer spending in the second tracted negotiations with eurozone authorities prompted increase in seven months in July as consumers boosted two-thirds of US economic activity, increased at a 2.8 per- quarter came at the expense of savings, a trend that investors to pile negative bets against the British currency. purchases of motor vehicles and lifted discretionary cent annualized rate in the second quarter. That boosted economists say is unsustainable. Annual wage growth The pound fell 0.13 percent against the euro to 91.02 cents, spending, suggesting the economy continued to gain GDP growth to a 2.6 percent rate in the April-June period. has struggled to break above 2.5 percent. — Reuters its lowest level since October 2016, on growing concerns that a momentum early in the third quarter. struggling economy would force the central bank to stick to a Retail sales for June and May also were revised high- dovish policy stance in the coming months. “The weak data er, which should help to assuage concerns about con- and the negative headlines around Brexit negotiations is sumer spending, But persistently sluggish wage growth weighing on sterling and if we get through the 92 cents against has pushed Americans to dip into their savings to fund the euro line, then we are well into uncharted territory,” said spending. Economists say wage growth has to pick up Viraj Patel, an FX strategist at ING in London. to sustain consumer spending. Britain outlined plans for a future customs agreement with “American shoppers flocked to the malls and even the European Union on Tuesday and an interim deal to ease department stores in July, suggesting consumers are companies’ Brexit concerns, proposals one senior EU official well-positioned to propel the economy forward in the described as “fantasy”. Against the dollar, sterling slipped to second half of the year,” said Sal Guatieri, a senior econ- one-month lows due to the dollar’s rebound against a broad omist at BMO Capital Markets in Toronto. basket of currencies. The Commerce Department said yesterday that British consumer price inflation unexpectedly held steady retail sales jumped 0.6 percent last month, the largest last month, bucking market expectations for a renewed rise, gain since December 2016. June’s retail sales were after fuel prices fell and the effect of the pound’s tumble after revised to show a 0.3 percent gain instead of the previ- last year’s Brexit vote started to fade. ously reported 0.2 percent drop. Economists had fore- “The political cycle picks up in September and until then cast retail sales increasing 0.4 percent in July. May’s sterling is likely to remain sidelined, broadly tracking the dollar retail sales were revised to show no change instead of and other factors,” said Adam Cole, chief FX strategist at RBC in the previously reported 0.1 percent dip. Retail sales London.The pound fell 0.8 percent to $1.2859, its lowest since increased 4.2 percent in July on a year-on-year basis. July 20, on track to break below a 50-day moving average. Excluding automobiles, gasoline, building materials The pound reached $1.3267 per dollar on Aug. 3 on a brief and food services, retail sales surged 0.6 percent last surge in expectations that the Bank of England could raise month after an upwardly revised 0.1 percent gain in interest rates over the next year. June. These so-called core retail sales, which corre- But the Bank’s latest meeting and minutes quashed much of spond most closely with the consumer spending com- that talk in the market and a retreat in pricing on rates has ponent of gross domestic product, were previously weakened the pound since. Sterling has fallen nearly 3 percent reported to have dipped 0.1 percent in June. since then. Wage numbers today should offer more clues on Prices of US Treasuries extended losses after the data how the economy is performing. — Reuters while the dollar gained against a basket of currencies. In this May 16, 2017 photo, a shopper pushes a cart inside a HomeGoods store, in Salem, N.H. Yesterday, US stock index futures were trading higher. the Commerce Department released retail sales data for July. — AP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 BUSINESS Greenspan worries, the markets not so much

NBK REPORT ON INTERNATIONAL MARKETS KUWAIT: World growth is on track. The Fed is pro- serious numbers), Alan Greenspan’s warning seems ceeding with tightening or “normalizing”, if one somewhat premature. Also, bear in mind that the prefers. Other central banks are getting ready to fol- central banks have been and are (since 2008) low suit, but in a long while. OPEC is attempting to exceedingly cautious. Whenever they mention balance oil markets. The Trump administration “higher rates” or “buying fewer assets”, they always appears, or is, in disarray. How are markets reacting quickly add the proviso: we will stop and reverse to all this? Fairly well, thank you very much. course if something goes “wrong”. Equities, the only asset market performing in line Other surprises this year came from the USD and with consensus expectations from earlier in the from oil prices, and both ended up being further year, advanced further in July. The equity markets in “pluses” for equities. Both the USD and the price of the US are in fact making new historic highs (Dow oil fell, against strong and widespread consensus, Industrials 22,000). This US performance is predicat- and by doing so added to the positive overall mar- ed on strong US earnings, steady growth, a Fed ket sentiment. The weaker USD was seen as a boon tightening very gradually, deregulation, and poten- to US exports and to US companies, many of which tial tax reform ahead. have significant business overseas. The weaker dol- All these equity “positives” spilled over into other lar was also seen as removing the threat of outflows equity markets (Europe, EMs). The US, of course, from emerging markets (EMs). As to the weaker remains a crucial factor in the world economy, and a On the unexpected side, surprises were plentiful ble, as opposed to market talk of an equity bubble. price of oil in 1H17, it was further supportive of low crucial member of the synchronized growth club: this year. Coincidentally, they all seemed to add to Greenspan worried that rapidly rising rates (or the inflation (low interest rates) and positive, at least for the notion that, currently, all major economies are the bullish sentiment for stocks. One surprise, lower end of the bond bubble) could occur and would, oil importers. growing at a moderate or good sustained clip, very inflation, means the Fed does not have to be then, impact equity markets. Greenspan did not put So far, the expected and unexpected factors are much at the same time. The Eurozone economy aggressive in raising rates, the ECB can dilly-dally a time frame on his warning. He did mention unfolding in favor of equities at large, and are keep- edged the US last year, for the first time since 2011 on tapering and other “tighter” money measures, though that things could unfold quickly once the ing interest rates in check, at least in the longer (GDP 1.7 percent to 1.5 percent). And in 1H17 the pressure on the BoE eases, and the BOJ needs to process got underway, which is not atypical of mar- maturities. The Fed has signaled recently that it is two economies were running neck-in-neck at 2.0 keep pumping liquidity beyond forever. kets or bubbles. about to start unwinding its massive balance sheet percent growth. Lower interest rates and available liquidity con- Nonetheless, the markets have heard these in September, starting with a measly $10 billion per In fact, the IMF just released its July update of tinue to bolster stocks. In fact, by some measures types of warnings several times since 2008, regard- month. This amount will rise by $10 billion per the World Economic Outlook (WEO), which kept financial conditions, even in the US with higher Fed ing both bonds and equities, and continue on their quarter. Thus, the current $4.3 trillion Fed balance world growth at 3.5 percent and 3.6 percent for policy rates, have eased. The US 10-year note yield merry way. While it is certainly true that interest sheet, will take three years to go down to $2.9 tril- 2017 and 2018, while tweaking its US numbers low- is off 20 bps on the year (when the Fed has been rates are at record lows, barring an unforeseen lion, which would still leave it three times larger er (2.1 percent, 2.1 percent), and its EU (1.9 percent, raising its policy rates), and the USD is down more jump in inflation it is difficult to see Greenspan’s than its size prior to the 2008 financial crisis. And, 1.7 percent) and China (6.7 percent, 6.4 percent) than 10 percent versus the euro, among others. This warning materializing in the medium term. for now, the ECB is still buying and hinting it may forecasts higher. is somewhat reminiscent of Alan Greenspan’s bond slow its purchases next year (currently euro 60 bil- conundrum argument of 2005. Then, the Fed was Bond markets lion per month). Expectations tightening and yields on long-dated securities The major central banks are today’s large buyers The Bank of Japan is showing no sign of ending Stocks were expected to do well this year, and would decline, the USD fall, and equities rise. Part of bonds who have supported the bond markets its purchases of government bonds. So yes, have delivered, so far, beyond expectations in many of it was, of course, one huge buyer of US worldwide and kept interest rates very low. Sure, Greenspan’s warning will come due at some point. cases. US stocks are up over 10 percent ytd (S&P 500), Treasuries, China. During 2004-2006, the Fed raised the Fed is getting ready to shed some of its assets, However, the financial markets are likely to fret and European stocks are up 5 percent in local curren- the federal funds rate 425 bps, versus a meek 30 presumably this September, but that will happen at more about Alan Greenspan once inflationary cy (Euro Stoxx, much more in USD terms). Emerging bps rise in the yield of 10-year note. a snail’s pace initially. Furthermore, the ECB and the pressures shows up in the data or once central markets are up 23 percent ytd (MSCI EM) while the In fact ex-Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan was BoJ are still on their buying spree. Before all major banks, in concert, start shedding assets in signifi- GCC lagged in 1H17 (MSCI GCC +0.6 percent). back in the news recently, warning of a bond bub- central banks start “selling” at the same time (and in cant amounts.

All UK jobs should Surge in Sweden’s offer flexible inflation adds hours to close pressure for rate rise pay gap: Watchdog STOCKHOLM: Underlying inflation topped the Swedish central LONDON: All British employers should offer flexible bank’s target in July for the first time since 2010, putting the cen- hours to both sexes to make life fairer for working par- tral Riksbank under pressure to tighten its ultra-loose monetary ents, the country’s equality watchdog said yesterday, as policy. Negative rates and a hefty bond-buying programmer are part of a push to close gender, ethnicity and disability looking increasingly at odds with an economy that expanded 4.0 pay gaps. percent in the April-June period on an annual basis. After flirting Job shares and working from home are key to boost with a Japan-style downward price-spiral, inflation is back on track women’s salaries, the Equality and Human Rights with the July core reading at 2.4 percent, the highest since Commission (EHRC) said, as British women earn 18 per- February 2010. cent less than men for the same job. It was last above the 2.0 percent target in December of that “We need to overhaul our culture and make flexible year. “This strengthens our view that the Riksbank will hike in April, working the norm - looking beyond women as the pri- which is earlier than they themselves say currently,” said Anna mary caregivers and having tough conversations about Breman, chief economist at Swedbank. The central bank has fore- cast it will start hiking rates from the current -0.50 percent in mid- the biases that are rife in our workforce and society,” 2018 and, having missed its inflation target for years, it will be cau- Caroline Waters, EHRC’s deputy chairwoman, said in a In this June 6, 2015 file photo, heavy machines move imported iron ore at the dock in Rizhao in east- tious. Most analysts see inflation falling back later this year as the statement. ern China’s Shandong province. China announced on Monday, it will cut off imports of North Korean effects of a stronger crown and a lower oil price begin to weigh. Men and women should be encouraged to share coal, iron ore and other goods in three weeks under UN sanctions imposed over the North’s nuclear July’s figures were also affected by temporary factors, including childcare duties and fathers should be offered well-paid and missile programs. —AP a change in the calculation method for package holidays. But “use it or lose it” paternity leave to relieve the pressure Sweden’s economy is growing at one of the fastest rates in the on mothers to stall their careers to take care of their chil- European Union and the developed world. Earlier in August, the dren, EHRC said. The report comes a month after National Institute of Economic Research increased its 2017 growth Britain’s public broadcaster, the BBC, revealed that its May to lead business projections to 3.0 percent. [nL5N1KQ1F8# This compares with top male star was paid five times more than its best- Organisation for Economic Co-0peration and Development projec- paid female presenter, prompting public criticism. tions for 2.1 percent in the United States and 1.8 percent for the In April, large firms in Britain were required by law to delegation to Japan eurozone. report pay discrepancies between male and female As important is the stance of the European Central Bank. While employees. The pay gap for ethnic minorities is 5.7 per- LONDON: British Prime Minister Theresa May will also meet Emperor Akihito, the spokesman said. European rate-setters have dropped their easing bias, analysts still cent and 13.6 percent for the disabled, EHRC said. “The visit Japan this month for talks with her Japanese Since voting to leave the EU last June Britain has see a chance the ECB will extend its quantitative easing program pay gaps issue sits right at the heart of our society and is counterpart Shinzo Abe to discuss Brexit, trade and trumpeted decisions by Japanese carmakers Nissan into next year. Hikes in the ECB’s policy rate are seen even further a symbol of the work we still need to do to achieve defense, her office said yesterday. and Toyota to continue production in the country off. Speaking at the last rate-setting meeting, Ricksbank Governor equality for all,” Waters said. May will lead a business delegation drawn from as a sign that Brexit will not scare off international Stefan Ingves said he did not want to get too far ahead of the ECB. “While there has been some progress, it has been a range of different sectors on the trip, which investors. That would boost the crown, undoing years of hard work on infla- painfully slow. We need radical change now otherwise comes as her government looks to strengthen its But both those investments came after the tion by pushing down import prices. “It is not a scenario that we we’ll be having the same conversation for decades to relationship with key international investors ahead government wrote letters to ease the firms’ con- are talking about,” Ingves said. come.” Women’s rights group the Fawcett Society agreed of Britain’s exit from the European Union. “The dele- cerns, drawing criticism that May was making The crown gained around 6 ore after the inflation figures that flexible working should be the default for all gation will showcase the strength of British busi- secret deals and giving firms privileged informa- standing at around 9.48 to the euro. “The Riksbank can’t relax employers to tackle the pay gap. “Taking these steps will ness, the shared confidence in the UK-Japan eco- tion on Brexit. Britain said the letters were com- yet,” said Torbjorn Isaksson, economist at Nordea. “It needs main- be good for employees but also good for business,” said nomic relationship as we leave the EU, and the mercially sensitive. May and Abe, leaders of the tain a relatively soft tone so that the crown does not strengthen Jemima Olchawski, head of policy at the Fawcett Society. potential for future growth,” a spokesman from world’s fifth and third largest economies, met last too fast.” Overall Swedish consumer prices rose 0.5 percent in July “Without it we risk excluding talented people from our May’s office said. month on the sidelines of an international summit from the previous month and were up 2.2 percent from the same workforce and underperforming as an economy.” Women The three-day trip begins on Aug 30. Japanese in Germany, and in April she hosted him at her month last year, the statistics office (SCB) said yesterday. from almost every minority ethnic group earn less than companies including carmaker Nissan and con- English country residence. Underlying inflation, which strips out interest rate effects, was 0.6 white British men, the charity found in March. glomerate Hitachi have invested more than 40 bil- After Abe’s April visit, he expressed concerns percent on the month and 2.4 percent on the year. The Riksbank Closing Britain’s gender pay gap could add 150 bil- lion pounds ($52 billion) in Britain, and Japanese about possible overnight changes in regulations forecast headline inflation of 1.64 percent and underlying infla- lion pounds ($193 billion) to the country’s annual gross companies employ a total of 140,000 people in the when Britain withdraws from the EU in March 2019 tion of 1.79 percent. The Riksbank publishes its next rate decision domestic product by 2025, according to consulting firm country. May’s office did not give details of which - the latest in a series of unusually strong declara- on September 7. — Reuters McKinsey Global Institute. — Reuters businesses would be travelling to Japan. May will tions about the risks of Brexit from Tokyo. —Reuters EXCHANGE RATES

Chinese Yuan Renminbi 45.779 Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. Swiss Franc 316.020 Indian Rupee 0.004221 0.004909 Australian Dollar 240.230 Thai Bhat 10.082 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000018 0.000024 US Dollar Buying 301.550 Turkish Lira 86.247 ASIAN COUNTRIES Japanese Yen 0.002667 0.002847 Japanese Yen 2.759 GOLD Korean Won 0.000256 0.000271 Indian Rupees 4.746 BAHRAIN EXCHANGE COMPANY WLL 20 Gram 249.070 Malaysian Ringgit 0.067407 0.073407 Pakistani Rupees 2.870 10 Gram 127.450 Srilankan Rupees 1.971 Nepalese Rupee 0.002991 0.003161 5 Gram 64.570 CURRENCY BUY SELL Nepali Rupees 2.981 Europe Pakistan Rupee 0.002624 0.002914 Singapore Dollar 223.020 Philippine Peso 0.005894 0.006194 Hongkong Dollar 38.695 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd British Pound 0.386197 0.396197 Bangladesh Taka 3.737 Czech Korune 0.005562 0.017562 Singapore Dollar 0.216485 0.226485 Philippine Peso 5.988 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001598 0.002178 Rate for Transfr Selling Rate Danish Krone 0.043659 0.048659 Thai Baht 9.127 Taiwan 0.009886 0.010066 US Dollar 302.350 Euro 0. 349637 0.358637 Norwegian Krone 0.033856 0.039056 Thai Baht 0.008737 0.009287 GCC COUNTRIES Canadian Dollar 238.735 Saudi Riyal 80.787 Sterling Pound 393.881 Romanian Leu 0.077712 0.077712 Qatari Riyal 83.207 Euro 357.792 Slovakia 0.009023 0.019023 Arab Omani Riyal 786.772 Swiss Frank 295.188 Swedish Krona 0.032899 0.037899 Bahraini Dinar 0.796057 0.804557 Bahraini Dinar 804.440 Bahrain Dinar 801.788 Swiss Franc 0.306164 0.317164 Egyptian Pound 0.015566 0.021474 UAE Dirham 82.482 UAE Dirhams 82.699 Iranian Riyal 0.000084 0.000085 ARAB COUNTRIES Qatari Riyals 83.925 Australasia Iraqi Dinar 0.000190 0.000250 Australian Dollar 0.230046 0.242046 Egyptian Pound - Cash 21.200 Saudi Riyals 81.517 Jordanian Dinar 0.422401 0.431401 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 16.972 Jordanian Dinar 427.010 New Zealand Dollar 0.214874 0.224374 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.000000 1.000000 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.216 Egyptian Pound 17.045 Lebanese Pound 0.000150 0.000250 Tunisian Dinar 127.210 Sri Lankan Rupees 1.974 America Jordanian Dinar 427.490 Moroccan Dirhams 0.020832 0.044832 Indian Rupees 4.720 Canadian Dollar 0.232975 0.241975 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 2.018 Omani Riyal 0.779944 0.785624 Syrian Lira 2.159 Pakistani Rupees 2.869 Georgina Lari 0.125021 0.125021 Morocco Dirham 32.414 Bangladesh Taka 3.742 US Dollars 0.298650 0.303070 Qatar Riyal 0.078868 0.083808 Philippines Pesso 5.911 US Dollars Mint 0.299150 0.303070 Saudi Riyal 0.079647 0.080947 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Cyprus pound 17.991 Syrian Pound 0.001283 0.001503 US Dollar Transfer 302.750 Japanese Yen 3.759 Asia Tunisian Dinar 0.121912 0.129912 Euro 356.940 Syrian Pound 1.589 Sterling Pound 395.540 Bangladesh Taka 0.003321 0.003905 Turkish Lira 0.080747 0.091047 Canadian dollar 239.710 Nepalese Rupees 2.946 Chinese Yuan 0.043717 0.047217 UAE Dirhams 0.080958 0.082658 Turkish lira 85.890 Malaysian Ringgit 71.323 Hong Kong Dollar 0.036652 0.039402 Yemeni Riyal 0.000984 0.001064 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 BUSINESS Etihad statement Solid German growth gives on airberlin Merkel election tailwind e have been informed that tion for all parties. airberlin has filed for “We expect airberlin operations to GDP growth rate of 0.6% q/q in Q2, annual 2.1% “Wadministration. continue during administration. We have “This development is extremely dis- a commercial relationship with airberlin BERLIN: Strong household and state spending lion euro ($2.7 trillion) asset purchase scheme, a stronger euro, weaker-than-expected U.S. appointing for all parties, especially as across a range of areas, including code- consolidated Germany’s role as the eurozone’s referring the case instead to the European Court growth and Brexit uncertainty could take some Etihad has provided extensive support to share operations, and we will support growth engine in the second quarter, helping of Justice. wind out of the sails without bringing exports to airberlin for its previous liquidity chal- airberlin’s management during these dif- Chancellor Angela Merkel to burnish her eco- a halt,” Brzeski said. lenges and restructuring efforts over the ficult times. nomic credentials less than six weeks before an Domestic demand past six years. “Germany is an important market for election. Tuesday’s data are the last major Second-quarter growth was mainly driven by Europe’s engine “In April this year, Etihad provided Etihad and Abu Dhabi, and we remain growth figures to be published before the Sept. domestic demand as households and state Unadjusted data showed the economy grow- EUR 250 million of additional funding to committed to providing comprehensive 24 vote, in which Merkel is seeking to win a authorities increased their spending and firms ing by 0.8 percent on the year in the second airberlin as well as supporting the airline air links as a key enabler of trade and fourth term. boosted investment in buildings and equip- quarter. Easter fell in April this year while it was in to explore strategic options for the busi- tourism.” Etihad Aviation Group (EAG) is a Merkel’s conservatives enjoy a comfortable ment, the Statistics Office said. German con- March last year. The Statistics Office provided ness. However, airberlin’s business has diversified global aviation and travel lead over the Social Democrats (SPD), their cur- sumers are benefiting from record employment, only a qualitative assessment of the main growth deteriorated at an unprecedented pace, group comprising four business divisions rent coalition partner; an INSA poll yesterday put rising real wages and low borrowing costs. State drivers in the second quarter. A more detailed preventing it from overcoming its signifi- - Etihad Airways, the national airline of their support at 37 percent to the SPD’s 25. authorities are also spending billions of euros on breakdown will be published on Aug. 25. cant challenges and from implementing the United Arab Emirates, Etihad Yet while neither party wants another grand accommodating and integrating more than one The data underlines the continued strength alternative strategic solutions. Engineering, Hala Group and Airline coalition, a fractured political landscape could million refugees who have arrived since the start of the German economy compared with its “Under these circumstances, as a Equity Partners. The group has minority make it hard to form another viable alliance. In of 2015, many from war zones in Syria and Iraq. European peers. The French economy, the sec- minority shareholder, Etihad cannot offer investments in seven airlines: airberlin, the second quarter, Germany’s seasonally adjust- In addition, a growing population, increased ond-largest in the eurozone, grew 0.5 percent in funding that would further increase our Air Serbia, Air Seychelles, Alitalia, Jet ed gross domestic product (GDP) was up 0.6 per- job security and record-low interest rates are the second quarter, helped by stronger exports, financial exposure. We remain open to Airways, Virgin Australia, and Swiss- cent from the previous quarter - just below the fuelling a construction boom in Europe’s biggest according to preliminary data. helping find a commercially viable solu- based Darwin Airline, trading as Etihad consensus forecast of 0.7 percent in a Reuters economy. Growth in the second quarter was In Italy, the third-biggest economy in the 19- poll, but still the 12th consecutive quarterly dampened, however, by net foreign trade, since member bloc, the national central bank expects growth reading. exports rose less strongly than imports, which a quarterly expansion roughly in line with the In addition, first-quarter growth was revised the vibrant domestic economy sucked in at a first quarter’s increase of 0.4 percent. Preliminary Despite delay, US expected up to 0.7 percent from 0.6. Annual growth in the higher rate. data are due today. second quarter, adjusted for calendar effects, “Germany’s economic success story goes on The Spanish economy keeps powering to impose steel tariffs rose to 2.1 percent from 2.0. and on and on,” ING Bank analyst Carsten Brzeski ahead, however, with a growth rate of 0.9 per- “The German economy is proving its staying said, adding there was very little reason to fear a cent in the April-June quarter. This was well LONDON/WASHINGTON: US President players still anticipate a US tariff move, power, the upswing continues,” Bankhaus Lampe sudden end to the current performance. above the euro zone average of 0.6 percent, Donald Trump is still expected to impose steel import permit applications fell 12 per- economist Alexander Krueger said, adding that He cautioned, however, that the main drivers according to preliminary estimates released by steel import tariffs on national security cent in July from June, making up 28 per- the European Central Bank’s low interest rates supporting the domestic economy, such as ris- the European Union’s statistics agency this grounds despite the delay of a probe into cent of the market, according to US and bond-buying program kept on boosting ing employment, rising wages and increased month. Outside the eurozone, Britain’s eco- the matter and pursuit of multilateral talks Commerce Department data compiled by domestic demand. government spending, could lose some momen- nomic output grew by 0.3 percent on the quar- to reduce excess capacity, industry players AISI. Trump’s planned steel restrictions are Germany’s Constitutional Court said it had tum in the coming quarters. ter, edging up from 0.2 percent in the first and trade experts say. mostly aimed at persuading China, produc- declined to hear a challenge to the ECB’s 2.3 tril- “The same holds for the export sector, where three months. — Reuters US steel stocks have fallen nearly 10 per- er of more than half the world’s steel, to cut cent since Trump delayed the release of the excess production capacity, but direct so-called “Section 232” review of the US imports from China into the United State steel industry last month, partly reflecting have already fallen dramatically due to pre- fears that his promises to protect the indus- vious anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties. try may not materialize. But industry ana- Instead, critics say broad new steel lysts say the falls might be overdone, and restrictions would hit US allies such as there is reason to think that import relief South Korea, Japan, Germany and Turkey may still happen. much harder, prompting warnings of retali- “Based on (Commerce Secretary Wilbur) ation against unrelated US products. Ross’s recent statements and our discus- Diplomats also say “232” duties risk under- sions with trade lawyers engaged in sec- mining the global trading system if nation- tion 232, we still expect measures that will al security becomes an accepted excuse to have a positive impact on U.S. steel prices,” erect trade barriers. Trump during his elec- said Seth Rosenfeld, a steel industry analyst tion campaign promised supporters in rust- at Jefferies in London. belt states such as Pennsylvania and Ohio “The most likely outcome is tariff rate that he would restore steel and coal jobs. quotas where the level of tariff changes US-based trade analysts say Trump may dependent on the volume of imports. This still turn to steel import restrictions structure serves as something of an upside because he can invoke them without con- cap on steel pricing so they do not get out gressional approval after suffering recent of control,” Rosenfeld added. Trump legislative setbacks. “The healthcare bill launched the probe into whether steel went down, that’s a big loss. What is Trump imports compromise US national security going to do to shore up his base? He sees in April, boosting US steel stocks, but said tough action on trade as a political winner. in July a final decision might have to wait I think he’ll return to the matter before the until other top-priority issues are end of the year,” said Gary Hufbauer, a sen- addressed. ior fellow at the Peterson Institute for Ross said he would defer to Trump’s lead International Economics. and also cited multi-lateral talks to reduce The steel investigation has also been excess capacity, fuelling concern in the caught up in Trump’s efforts to secure steel industry that the “232” review, initially China’s cooperation to impose sanctions on scheduled to conclude in late June, might North Korea. Trump has promised easier In this June 12, 2017 file photo a passenger passes an Air Berlin counter at Tegel airport in Berlin. Struggling German carrierAir Berlin says it’s be scrapped or substantially watered trade terms to Beijing if China helps rein in filing for bankruptcy after its main shareholder, Abu Dhabi-based Etihad, said it would make no more financing available. — AP down. A Trump administration official told North Korea’s nuclear and missile testing. Reuters, however, that the steel probe But on Monday, Trump was pressing ahead remains active and “is still under the final with a separate trade probe into China’s stages of review within the administration”. intellectual property practices, a sign that Zain announces second He declined to comment on the possible the link between China trade and North timing of its release. By law, Ross has until Korea may be softening. week winners of ‘Win mid-January 2018 to conclude his review. Steel users in the United States who Trump would then have 90 days to act. rely on cheap steel, oppose steel import “Our hope and expectation is that there restrictions, which they say would cost Cash Daily’ campaign would be action on (section 232) sooner, jobs in their industries. The US steel sec- rather than going the full time,” said Tom tor employs 147,000 people while manu- KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecommunica- sidered the largest in the country. The cam- Gibson, president of the American Iron and facturing and construction employs 12.8 tions company in Kuwait, announced the paign runs for four weeks, where draws will Steel Institute. In a sign that some market million. —Reuters winners of the second week draw of its lat- be held on a daily basis. The prizes include est “Win Cash Daily” campaign, which offers a daily cash prize of KD 350, a weekly cash postpaid customers a chance to win daily prize of KD 1000, and a grand cash prize of Nissan Al-Babtain’s new campaign and weekly cash prizes as well as a grand KD 5000 at the end of the campaign. cash prize of KD 5,000 at the end of the Customers who subscribe to any of Zain’s Mark Carney ‘Brand Trust’ stresses on campaign. main postpaid plans starting at KD 23 and UK inflation lower Zain announced the winners of the KD choose either a Samsung S8 or S8+ device safety through authenticity 350 daily cash prize: Ahmad Eid Almubayia, will get a chance to win one of the daily KUWAIT: In its ongoing quest to inform considered the prime factor during owner- than expected, easing Meshal Hadi Aldhafeeri, Mohammad Saleh prizes, weekly prizes, or the grand prize at customers on the importance of purchas- ship period. As Nissan’s customers grow in Ahmad Muhana, Sanabel Abdulkhudur the end of the campaign. In addition, cus- ing genuine spare parts for safety and com- size, the brand strengthens its commitment rate hike prospects Alsaleh, Faisal Kana Kunnumal, Altaf tomers who subscribe to the KD 40 post- Rahsed Alraqum, and Emhala Mezel Meshel paid plan and choose two Samsung S8 or fort, Abdulmohsen Abdulaziz Al-Babtain Co towards quality assurance and emphasizes LONDON: Consumer price inflation in Britain unex- Al-Sarheed. The company also announced S8+ devices will get TWO chances to win (AABC), the sole authorized dealer of on safety implications by exposing harms pectedly held steady in July at an annual rate of 2.6 the winner of the KD 1000 weekly cash one of the valuable cash prizes. Nissan vehicles and spare parts in the State of imitators and counterfeit products. In percent, official figures showed yesterday, in a develop- prize: Yousef Waleed Yousef Bourisly. Today’s announcement is a testament of of Kuwait, has reignited its nationwide line with the ‘Brand Trust’ campaign, Nissan ment that may ease pressure on the Bank of England Zain launched this new campaign in Zain’s tireless efforts in rewarding its cus- campaign, ‘Brand Trust’. The latest cam- Al-Babtain has conducted regional and to raise interest rates at a time when the economy has partnership with Samsung Al-Babtain as tomer base, further reinforcing its leader- paign comes as part of Nissan Al-Babtain’s international educational seminars to safe- slowed amid uncertainty over the country’s exit from part of its strategy to reinforce its relation- ship position. The campaign further responsibility towards quality assurance guard consumer safety through compre- the European Union. The reading from the Office for ship with its postpaid customers. The com- demonstrates Zain’s pivotal role in Kuwait’s safety and wellbeing of Nissan vehicle hensive PR efforts and nationwide online National Statistics was short of economists’ expecta- telecom sector, sparing no effort in intro- owners on the road. campaigns, in collaboration with the traffic tions for 2.7 percent, largely because lower fuel costs pany is keen on offering the biggest cam- The ‘Brand Trust’ campaign seeks to raise department and General Administration of helped offset a wide array of price increases. The news paigns and promotions along with the lat- ducing exceptional offerings for technolo- awareness about the dangers of using Customs. saw the pound fall as traders priced in a lower likeli- est technologies to its customer base, con- gy and smartphone enthusiasts. counterfeit and fake parts, as road acci- Nissan Al-Babtain and its parts network hood of any imminent increase in rates. By midday in dents are on the increase due to usage of or authorized dealers can provide cus- London, it was down 0.6 percent at $1.2883, while the unreliable counterfeit spare parts which tomers with the entire range of Nissan gen- euro rose 0.3 percent to 0.9114 pound. could lead to serious consequences. uine parts at very competitive prices. Homeowners on flexible mortgages and consumers Counterfeit or fake parts may look similar in Nissan Kuwait has the largest Aftersales with increasing debt have been on guard for a possible appearance, however their performance Service and Parts Network in the State of rise in interest rates as inflation has risen above the and quality differ exponentially, placing all Kuwait with 9 Service Centers and 14 Parts Bank of England’s target of 2 percent. A minority of at high risk. The ‘Brand Trust’ campaign outlets in key locations with easy accessi- rate-setters at the bank have in the past few months reflects Nissan’s keenness to guarantee bility to provide best in class service to all voted in favor of raising the benchmark interest rate vehicle longevity and durability as safety is Nissan owners. from the record low of 0.25 percent to keep a lid on price increases. Higher rates could be an unappetizing prospect for an economy that’s slowed down this year and has to steer the choppy Brexit waters ahead. Inflation in Britain has risen sharply over the past year since the country voted to leave the EU, a decision that caused a fall in the pound of about 15 percent and pushed up prices for imports like oil and food. Inflation, which hit 2.9 percent in May, was barely positive when Britons cast their votes in the June 2016 referendum. The rise in inflation has hurt living standards as price increases outstrip annual wage rises, which are running at below 2 percent. The worry is that consumers will either respond by further reining in spending or opt instead to pile up on credit, leaving them more vulnerable in the event interest rates rise or if unemployment increases due to Brexit. “While inflation has plateaued in recent months, cur- rent levels are nonetheless placing significant pressure on consumers,” said Jack Coy, economist at the Centre for Economics and Business Research. The fact that inflation is not rising further could prompt some cheer both among policymakers at the central bank and con- sumers. Among rate-setters, it could strengthen the hand of those urging to not raise interest rates. — AP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 BUSINESS Wall St opens flat as North Korea tensions fade

NEW YORK: US stocks opened flat yesterday been benefiting from the global economic motor vehicles as well as discretionary spending. Advance Auto Parts touched near four- dollar positive, particularly against safe- after North Korea’s leader delayed a decision on expansion. For the first time in many years, The data helped the dollar touch its highest year low after the company lowered its haven rivals.” firing missiles towards Guam, pointing to reced- you’ve got a lot of economies throughout the level against a basket of major currencies in 2017 comparable store sales forecast. July’s reading showed the largest gain in ing tensions between the United States and world doing better,” Spellman added. nearly three weeks. Among stocks, Home Depot Synchrony Financial rose 3.4 percent after the retail sales reading since December North Korea. At 9:42 am ET (1342 GMT), the Dow Jones was down 2.6 percent, despite the US home Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway said it 2016 and followed June’s upwardly revised Pyongyang’s plans to fire missiles near the US Industrial Average was up 29.01 points, or 0.13 improvement chain reporting quarterly profit had added a 17.5-million share stake in the 0.3 percent gain. “The number showed Pacific territory prompted a surge in tensions in percent, at 22,022.72, the S&P 500 was up 1.17 and comparable sales that topped estimates. credit card issuer. broad-based strength, it beat forecasts the region last week, with President Donald points, or 0.05 percent, at 2,467.01. The stock weighed the most on the Dow and the both on the headline and the core and Trump saying the US military was “locked and The Nasdaq Composite was up 1.12 points, or S&P 500. Dollar hits highs what was also encouraging was how the loaded” if North Korea acted unwisely. 0.02 percent, at 6,341.35. Coach was off more than 6 percent after the The dollar rose to its highest level against number for June got revised from the red “I think it is a bit of a follow through on North Six of the 11 major S&P sectors were lower, handbag maker issued full-year sales forecast a basket of major currencies in nearly three back into positive territory,” Manimbo said. Korea that has stepped back, things are back to with telecom sector’s 0.70 percent fall leading that missed analysts’ estimates. Dick’s Sporting weeks yesterday after US retail sales data The dollar had earlier been supported somewhat normal”, said Mark Spellman, portfo- the decliners. Data showed US retail sales Goods hit near seven-year lows after the sports- showed the largest gain in seven months. by an easing of tensions around North lio manager at Alpine Funds in New York. recorded their biggest increase in seven months wear retailer’s quarterly same-store sales and Consumers boosted purchases of motor Korea that last week drove capital towards “US companies and the markets have also in July as consumers boosted purchases of profit missed estimates. vehicles as well as discretionary spending, safe-haven currencies. The yen and the increasing the Commerce Department’s Swiss franc had both surged as Washington reading on sales by 0.6 percent. and Pyongyang ramped up military threats The dollar rose by more than 1 percent following the imposition of new sanctions against the Japanese yen, touching its on North Korea through the United highest in more than a week and on pace Nations. for its largest daily rise against the yen Currency market strategists also pointed since June. The euro fell to its lowest to a general recovery by the dollar after its against the dollar since Aug. 9. There were worst four months since 2011 against the two factors that helped push the dollar to euro and the basket of currencies used to its highs, said Joe Manimbo, senior market measure its strength. analyst at Western Union Business The dollar index was last up 0.7 percent Solutions in Washington D.C. to 94.061. It earlier touched its highest level “One was that the consumer had been a since July 26. Sterling also slumped after no-show in recent months, and two was UK inflation numbers came in marginally just the tailwind the dollar enjoyed before below forecast, pushing the pound the data,” he said. “The specter of cooler through key levels against both the euro heads prevailing on the geopolitical front is and dollar. — Reuters WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 BUSINESS

Deal signing ceremony Warba Bank, Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer & Sons sign the biggest Toyota deal Successful partnership exceeds expectations

KUWAIT: Warba Bank, the best bank in finan- cial services for corporate and investment banking services in Kuwait, revealed fruitful cooperation with Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer & Sons EST CO.W.L.L., the exclusive agent of Toyota in Kuwait following the signature of the biggest deal of its kind since the Bank entry into the Kuwaiti market. The deal was signed at Al-Sayer Group headquarters locat- ed in the free zone in the presence of Shaheen Hamad Al-Ghanem, Warba Bank are pleased to sign the biggest deal with Al- footprint on Islamic banking sector for auto financ- CEO and Mubarak Naser Al- Sayer, Al-Sayer Sayer Holding Group to enhance cooperation ing solutions. Our previous cooperation with the Holding Group CEO. The KD 9,702,250 million between the two institutions. The previous Bank witnessed great success that increases our deal will allow Warba Bank to buy stock of deals achieved profitable returns to the Bank desire to strengthen our relation with the ambi- Toyota - Land Cruiser. The new deal is in line and contributed towards strengthening auto tious Warba Bank that we expect will bring about with the two partners’ prime objective to financing sector as Toyota Vehicles are witness- new era in the Islamic Banking Sector.” Warba Bank has been on the forefront in boost their successful partnership. Warba ing robust demand in Kuwait due to its relia- Al-Sayer Group CEO Warba Bank CEO bility, durability and adequate options meeting designing unparalleled auto financing solu- Bank total Toyota-Land Cruiser stock purchas- Mubarak Naser Al-Sayer Shaheen Al-Ghanem ing deals with Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer & customer needs and requirements whether tions; the Bank has recently launched a series Sons EST CO.W.L.L., have exceeded KD 20 mil- having limited or high income.” of promotions on several car models, under These offers were carefully designed to cater to ed by Warba Bank. Nowadays, Warba Bank is lion till now. Mubarak Naser Al-Sayer, Al-Sayer Holding the slogan “Installment at cash price” without customers’ needs to own their dream cars recognized as the most trusted financial Commenting on the deal, Shaheen Hamad Group CEO said: “We are glad to partner with any profits, which continue to witness a huge according to a convenient financing scheme Islamic institution and the customers’ first Al-Ghanem , Warba Bank CEO said : “Today, we Warba Bank and appreciate the efforts boosting its traffic amongst customers and non-customers. most appropriate for different incomes provid- choice to have flexible credit facilities.

Partnership agreement between Al-Sayer and Warba Bank. Warba and Al-Sayer team members. VIVA launches ‘Vanity Number Challenge’ with valuable prizes Premium number 56565656 worth KD 40K

KUWAIT: VIVA, Kuwait’s fastest- tomers by transforming communi- growing and most developed cation, information and entertain- telecom operator, launched the ment experiences. The company groundbreaking draw campaign has rapidly established an unri- “Vanity Number Challenge” for 90 valled position in the market days, from 19 July until 16 through its customer centric October, 2017. approach. VIVA’s quest is to be the Joyalukkas signs Bollywood With a grand prize premium mobile brand of choice in Kuwait number 56565656 worth KD by being transparent, engaging, actress Kajol Devgan 40,000, this new interactive serv- energetic and fulfilling. VIVA con- ice allows customers to win via tinues to take a considerable as brand ambassador draw valuable prizes including 10 share of the market by offering an gold coins weekly and iPhone7 innovative range of best value KUWAIT: Joyalukkas, the world’s favourite Kajol Devgan. Joyalukkas is a global jew- gold with gold SIM card monthly, products, services and content jeweller, has signed up one of the most ellery retail chain with over 140 show- throughout the whole campaign. propositions; a state of the art, successful and admired actresses in Indian rooms across 12 countries, India, UAE, This campaign is the second in nationwide network and world- cinema as the brand’s ambassador. UK, USA, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, a row that VIVA shares with its cus- class service. VIVA offers internet “Kajol is a perfect fit for Joyalukkas,” Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain & tomers. First one received signifi- speeds of more than 100 Mbps, said Joy Alukkas, Chairman and Managing Kuwait. A massive advertising campaign cant feedback and the big prize due to the implementation of the Director of Joyalukkas Group. “She is one featuring Kajol Devgan is currently in was premium number 56666665. most advanced fourth generation of the most iconic beauties in the industry production and expected to roll out Customers can subscribe by free trial day and enjoy the daily telecom operator in Kuwait. (4G LTE) network in Kuwait result- and is an unconventional actress who across the Group’s network in the last sending “WIN” to 52600 and infotainment content. Launched in December 2008, VIVA ing in superior coverage, perform- shines in the most challenging roles, yet quarter of the year. answering the questions, with a VIVA is the fastest-growing makes things Possible for its cus- ance and reliability. she is vibrant & her down to earth person- “It is a privilege to work with someone ality well loved by her legion of fans. All who has the same values and passion for these qualities resonate with our brand. excellence as all of us at Joyalukkas,” says ABK offers ‘Freedom Prepaid Card’ We are very happy to have her as the face John Paul Alukkas, Executive Director of of Joyalukkas for years to come.” Joyalukkas Group. “We are delighted to Kajol Devgan is a multi-award-winning welcome Kajol as our newest brand free of charge on occasion of Hajj actor, holding the record for the most ambassador and look forward to a fruitful number of Filmfare Best Actress Awards. and lasting relationship with her.” KUWAIT: Al-Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) is offering its cus- the nearing of Hajj season. The card is free of charge She is known for her versatility and out- Joyalukkas Group operates its various tomers the ABK ‘Freedom Prepaid Card’ free of charge until 30 September, and can be requested at any ABK standing performances. She is signed up business operations across India, UAE, UK, on the occasion of Hajj and will cancel card issuance branch. ABK customers and non-customers from age 18 to be the Joyalukkas Brand Ambassador USA, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Oman, fees for each customer and donate the same amount to and above are eligible to apply. with the brand’s extensive expansion Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain & Kuwait. The Kuwait Red Crescent Society. One of the major benefits of the ABK Freedom pre- plans which include entering new territo- Group’s businesses include jewellery, The ABK Freedom prepaid card is a multi-currency paid card is that it locks in exchange rates to protect ries with the aim to “ornament the world.” money exchange, fashion & textiles, luxury cash passport solution for frequent travelers, which against any future fluctuation rates. Users of the ABK “I have been an admirer of the air charters, malls and realty. Joyalukkas offers security, convenience and total freedom. The Freedom Prepaid Card can enjoy a variety of offers and Joyalukkas brand for some time now. employs over 8,000 professionals across card includes 10 currencies namely: The Kuwaiti dinar, promotions from MasterCard, free travel insurance of Joy Alukkas’s success story is also very the world, and is one of the most awarded US dollar, British pound, euro, Emirati dirham, Bahraini up to $250,000, purchase and fraud protection and last inspiring, I am very excited to be part of and recognized jewellery retail chains in dinar, Qatari riyal, Swiss francs, the Canadian dollar and but not least, 24/7 access to the account with the Bank’s the world’s favorite jeweller’s family.” says the world. the Saudi riyal; an important currency to consider with simple, fast and secure e-banking channels. technology WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017

GCC’s premium home appliance market to thrive with LG signature

DUBAI: According to market reports, ing recognition across the globe from way to express themselves, they are the home appliances and home enter- cosmopolitan consumers since its suc- searching for unique pieces in the range tainment market is currently undergo- cessful debut. of well-known brands and they are ing a significant change where con- By combining LG’s most forward- more receptive towards less known sumers are starting to shift from tradi- thinking innovations, LG SIGNATURE designs. tional products towards more intuitive, represents the pinnacle of design, per- LG SIGNATURE products highlights elegant and appealing products. The formance and usability in home appli- the true extent of LG’s innovation lead- increase in purchasing power and ances. LG SIGNATURE was developed ership and the company’s passion for improving lifestyles are fostering the under the full support of the company’s consumer-centric insights that drive the demand for smart home appliances vision through continuous efforts to evolution of life. Leading experts have around the world, especially across the understand the needs of the consumers carefully created the exquisite products GCC, where the residents embrace a who want the very best out of life. by undergoing a strict in-depth evalua- premium standard of living making it a LG SIGNATURE is all set to open up tion process to make every product feel way of life for many. new opportunities for the luxury seg- like an extension of every individual in Luxury lifestyle across the GCC has ment of the electronics industry that order to help them create some excep- caters to the premium consumers of been a fast-paced journey, fuelling the tional experiences. the region. SIGNATURE products is created with a tive first impression. With a stylish touch evolution of luxury and retail across the “The rise in demand for luxury goods region, according to some market ana- Commenting on LG Electronics plans striking design that is practical and visu- that allows the collection to blend is a standard that LG can foresee across lysts. LG Electronics has long been a key for a stronger foothold in the premium ally appealing to communicate elite sta- seamlessly into any environment, this the region,” added Mr Cha. “It is the right driver and an active participant in this market segment, Kevin Cha, President, tus while opening the doors to a new premium collection signals a shift in the phase of evolution with innovation, ana- LG Electronics, Middle East & Africa, said, era in home appliance and home enter- role of technology in everyday life. time to invest in a new category for lytics-driven application and insights to “With strong ambitions for the region, tainment segment.” Conceptualized to exude a sense of ele- home entertainment and home appli- its appliances and technology to pro- GCC has always been active in taking a The LG SIGNATURE products exempli- gance and sophistication, the LG SIGNA- ances especially since more and more duce a unified consumer experience prominent role on the world stage. The fy LG’s commitment to creating stylish, TURE products were not just designed people within the GCC are beginning to that is as intuitive as it is effortless. resilient dynamics of the region are all sophisticated products that seamlessly with the most exquisite materials that adapt and embrace newer technology Keeping up the legacy of innova- set to accentuate the luxury goods seg- blend in to any setting while performing are aesthetically beautiful to touch and for productivity, efficiency and premium tion, is the birth of a new brand and ment and the region has all the attrib- at the highest levels. LG’s innovative feel, but engineered with the most lifestyle.” The official launch of the LG LG’s first ultra-premium brand with a utes to be well-known for not only luxu- designs and products have always advanced technological systems that SIGNATURE products will take place on new art of essence for the most dis- ry consumption but also luxury creation. raised the bar across the appliances heighten performance whilst enhancing 22 August 2017 and the products will be cerning consumers in the region - the With the GCC consumers being not only industry by seamlessly combining the overall experience. available for purchase at the LG brand LG SIGNATURE. passionate about luxury but also being latest in efficiency-boosting technology Within the GCC, studies have shown store and leading electronics and home LG SIGNATURE brand has been gain- demanding and assertive, our latest LG with stylish elements that create a posi- that consumers are using luxury as a appliance dealers across the GCC.

LGV30 to elevate smartphone camera to new heights

DUBAI: LG Electronics (LG) will incorpo- sion to adopt glass in the V30 camera is rate an F1.6 aperture camera and glass specifically because this has traditionally lens in the dual camera of its upcoming been the realm of DSLRs,” said Juno Cho, V30 flagship smartphone, introducing president of LG Electronics Mobile industry-leading innovations that bring a Communications Company. “For the users new level of photographic innovation to for whom the V series was designed, this the mobile industry. kind of innovation is significant.” Excellence in smartphone cameras has In all areas, the camera in the LG V30 is long been a core competency of LG’s superior to the camera of its predecessor, mobile devices and the dual camera let alone other smartphones. The camera module in the upcoming LG V30will in the V30cutsedge distortion by a third include the world’s largest aperture and compared to the V20 when capturing clearest lens ever to be featured in a wide angle shots, making it ideal for smartphone. LG’s first F1.6 lens is also the group wefies, spacious interiors and largest aperture among existing smart- expansive landscapes. phone cameras, delivering 25 percent Even with all these improvements, the more light to the sensor compared to an rear camera module of the LG V30 still F1.8 lens. The glass Crystal Clear Lens also manages to remain svelte,30 percent delivers greater light-collecting ability smaller in size compared to than a plastic lens as well as better color theV20.Paired with LG’s specialized UX reproduction. This makes the V30 partic- featuring laser detection AF, optical VERTOU: This file photo taken on December 28, 2016 shows logos of US online social media and social networking service Facebook in Vertou, ularly well suited for photography and image stabilization and electronic image western France. — AFP videography. stabilization, shutterbugs will find the “LG boasts an unrivaled heritage in V30 as easy and convenient to use as its Facebook samples China’s smartphone photography and our deci- predecessor. potential with sneaky app

SHANGHAI: Facebook’s sneaky launch of a pho- the China market. It may not be effective, but it mation service and software development. to-sharing app in China, where its social network is certainly a nice try,” said Zhang Yi, head of Shortly after the company was registered, is banned, gives it a small taste of the massive mobile-internet consultancy iiMedia Research Facebook’s China representative Wang-Li Moser market’s potential, but it may have to settle for Group. “But it will be difficult for Facebook to had a meeting with Shanghai’s commerce com- just that for now. enter the Chinese market as a whole because it mission director Shang Yuying in May to talk The US tech giant acknowledged last week is unlikely China will change its policies and laws about setting up a Facebook subsidiary in the that it was behind the Colorful Balloons applica- any time soon.” city, according to the commission’s website. tion, which is similar to its Moments app but The app has icons and features similar to Facebook is among the several global inter- omits any mention of Facebook’s brand name. Facebook’s Moments application. Chinese users net giants that are blocked in China, whose Facebook has strived to breach the “Great must register with a local mobile number and security services closely monitor the web for Firewall” — which tightly controls China’s inter- the app will sort through the images stored on sensitive content within the Great Firewall. net content — ever since its flagship social their phones based on dates. The government has implemented new media platform was banned by Beijing in 2009. The app is not linked to Facebook accounts, cybersecurity measures this year to further Facebook chief executive and co-founder so users can’t post pictures to their Facebook police the internet. Mark Zuckerberg has made high-profile visits to pages or view content from Facebook through China and met with political leaders. He is even the app. “If the app can’t cross the Firewall and Too big to pass up studying Mandarin. (can) only be used in China, what’s the use of it,” “China is not banning Facebook the compa- “We have long said that we are interested in one person commented on China’s Twitter-like ny. Only its social networking platform is not China, and are spending time understanding Weibo social media network. allowed,” said Fu Liang, an independent technol- and learning more about the country in different ogy analyst based in Beijing. Setting your data center ways,” a Facebook representative said last week Shanghai subsidiary talk “As long as this app does not go where it after the app’s origin was revealed by The New Colorful Balloons was released in May by a shouldn’t and stays as an innocent photo shar- York Times. But analysts voiced doubts that company called Youge, according to Apple’s App ing app, China’s regulators won’t give it a hard migration strategy Facebook will fully enter the Chinese market any Store and one of the Android app stores. time,” said Fu. Zhang Yi of iiMedia said Facebook time soon, and the app has had a humble begin- A company named Youge Linking Internet could afford to try out an app that is limited to DUBAI: Change, even one for the better, ning since it emerged in May. Technology was registered in Beijing in March, China’s huge market and not available elsewhere comes with risk. Migrating to a Colocation According to San Francisco firm App Annie, with a capital of one million yuan ($150,000), in the world. “China is too big a market for Data Center - or any new Data Center- should Colorful Balloons ranked 46th in the photo and according to the National Enterprise Credit Facebook to pass up,” Zhang said. “And I think it be accompanied by careful supervision and a video category for iPhone apps in China and a Information Publicity System. is worth it to put down some chips in the game well devised and executed strategy. Data and lowly 758th among all apps. While the app is not mentioned in the system now, as long as it does not affect the operation IT functionality are a critical element of any “Facebook threw a curve ball in getting inside it says the firm’s business covers internet infor- of the parent company itself.” —AFP modern enterprise. While adopting a new Data Center strategy holds the promise of efficiency and leaner ongoing costs, the tran- sition can also result in negative disruptive outcomes - if it is enacted badly. AI: What does it mean to you? Migrating a Data Center can be a formida- ble task at the best of times. While its advan- tages may be readily apparent as a strategy, More than just a voice assistant the transition itself needs to be conducted with due process and proper planning. Data DUBAI: Technology has taken great enhances your life.”Speculation is rife Centers, especially ones that are optimized to strides over the last ten years. One of that Huawei will soon be introducing the requirements of the business they serve, its most notable innovations is artifi- a Huawei AI Chip, with reports indicat- are a central pillar of functional efficiency. cial intelligence - the ability for com- ing that this announcement could be However, most legacy Data Centers are sub- puter systems and machines to per- made alongside the launch of the optimal in one way or another. The fact of the form tasks normally requiring human company’s all-new processor, the Kirin matter is that, as the role of Data driven busi- Sachin Bhardwaj intelligence. The invention of AI has 970. Could this be the beginning of a ness processes evolves rapidly, most legacy provided us the potential to extend move from the information revolution technology - both hardware and software - Data Centers are found wanting in either are likely to be components in an existing sys- our capabilities, empowering us all to to the intelligence revolution? capacity, computational power or other limi- achieve more. As a leading technology compa- tem. Their interplay and codependence is a tations on throughput. The concept of AI is not new. Over ny, Huawei is also one of the top complex system that should be understood the past few years, different tech com- spending companies in research and and accounted for prior to any migration. Elements of best practices panies have introduced their own development capabilities, investing ● Creating a Strategy for the Migration: forms of proprietary AI tools. Chinese a significant amount of its annual in data center migration A task as complex and multifaceted, as Different enterprises have different functional tech giant, Huawei, is rumored to be sales revenue to research and devel- priorities. A careful and detailed strategy not next on the list to introduce its own AI opment efforts, and has established Data Center migration, requires a compre- hensive and detailed plan for successful exe- only reduces the chance of a nasty surprise, it technology. Richard Yu, Huawei 16 research centers around the also helps to identify the basic elements that Consumer Business Group CEO, is world.In 2016, Huawei continued to cution. A rollout of any new IT technology or the new system needs to address as a priority, expected to reveal the AI based assis- invest in the future, with the compa- approach is fraught with unexpected out- tant of Huawei during his keynote ny’s annual spending on research comes. As a rule, IT professionals expect some so that the least amount of disruption is expe- speech at IFA, taking place in Berlin in and development reaching CNY76.4 unforeseen elements to any such change. rienced and the migration can be measured September this year. But, will Huawei billion (US$11 billion). This is especially true for a restructuring as against expectations on an ongoing basis. be just another smartphone manufac- Huawei recently announced its fundamental as a Data Center migration. It is, ● Identify risks and have a risk manage- turer to include AI based voiced assis- 2017 first half year business results, therefore, of the utmost importance that a ment plan: Nearly any modern-day IT infra- tants to its devices? reporting strong growth with sales good transition plan is devised and adhered structure is complex. Identifying likely Recent teasers imply that the com- revenues for the first six months of to. Some essential elements and best prac- sources of risk and making sure to create pany is working on taking a major 2017 increasing by 36.2% year-on- tices, that can help mitigate the possible strategies to minimize and mitigate them is step forward in the realm of AI, going year to CNY105.4 billion. According large part by its consumer electron- just a voice assistant remains to be downside to Data Center migration, are: essential to any Data Center Migration. While beyond just being a voice assistant. to industry analysts IDC, Huawei’s ics division. The introduction of an seen. All eyes are on Huawei as the ● Inventory of resources and analysis of it is likely to prove very difficult to identify According to the brand, it wants to market share rose to 9.8 percent of AI Chip could help boost the compa- company gears up for its expected existing system: It is important that the lega- every vulnerability, the process of listing likely focus on what AI means to people - the global smartphone market in Q1 ny’s promising performance in the announcement at IFA, driving the new cy system being replaced is thoroughly risks does help in focusing the migration “what it does, where it lives and how it 2017, a growth contributed to in coming years. Whether or not AI is ‘smart era’ forward. assessed and tabulated. Several layers of strategy. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 HEALTH & SCIENCE

Novo Nordisk provides genuine, quality products

By Abdellatif Sharaa staff, and supplies half of the world’s something strange at the time because that obesity has to do (besides some insulin. Over 28,000,000 individuals use our experience was with insulin which genetics) with some simple calculation KUWAIT: I was privileged to visit a dedi- Novo products. Along with other col- creates weight gain. So almost every drug of caloric intake and output, and if the cated pharmaceuticals company that leagues, we toured the Novo Nordisk at the time which reduces HbAIC ought intake is more than the output, then plays a vital role in the society as it pro- facilities in Kalundborg, Denmark. to increase weight”, Executive Vice one becomes obese,” he said. He said vides genuine and quality products. Besides being a leading research and President, International Operations that Novo Nordisk has a product called Novo Nordisk came into existence about innovative company, Novo Nordisk is Maziar Mike Doustdar explained. Semaglutide, which is taken once 90 years ago. The idea came out of the environmentally responsible as it gears “Victoza acted otherwise - and actual- (weekly). It is a glucagon-like peptide -1 love a husband has for his beloved wife towards renewable energy. Officials ly to the level where we went into the (GLP-1) that is used in the treatment of as he sought ways to make - and admin- there are working on “ensuring that one notion that this would be a good drug type 2 diabetes. For now, it is in an ister insulin so that his wife would live a company’s waste is another company’s for even non-diabetic patients. Many injectable form. normal life. raw material.” people were prescribing if off label, so it Responding to a question about dia- Novo Nordisk has become a global Diabetes, which affects more than 415 was necessary to create the right dose betes awareness program - in Kuwait, he healthcare company that has been focus- million people around the world today, is for obese people. Sexenda will most like- said that there are 15 health personnel ing on innovation and leadership in dia- expected to hit 642 million by 2040. It is ly be launched next year, and it is some- in Kuwait. He said that there are 400,000 betes care. The President & CEO Lars estimated that 86,000 children develop thing we’ve been waiting for a long time. patients with diabetes according to IDF; Fruergaard Jorgensen said “the heritage Type 1 diabetes every year, while 90% of I see the whole Gulf region as a huge 300,000 of them are diagnosed which has given us experience and capabilities people with diabetes have Type 2. It is potential,” he added. means that the awareness and the diag- that also enable us to help people defeat noted that 70% of Type 2 diabetes cases Doustdar said that one does not nostics are more advanced now. That is other serious chronic conditions: such as can be prevented by adopting healthier need to ask a research company to carry really good, but in terms of those haemophilia, growth disorders and obe- lifestyles. out a market research on obesity. “There 400,000, there are only 50,000 who are sity. Novo Nordisk products are marketed “The idea behind (Saxenda) came after are many people who are suffering from living a normal life. “We need to put in 165 countries. The company has the introduction of Victoza. When clinical obesity, and if you can support them more emphasis on making sure they research and development centers in studies were being made on Victoza prior early enough, hopefully the progression have the best medicine, and I am very China, Denmark, UK and US. to launching it, we realized a big side of Type 2 diabetes will be reduced, happy with Trisba, which was recently Novo Nordisk employs over 42,000 effect which is weight loss. This was which is our ultimate goal. We know launched,” he added. WHAT’S ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017

Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel Elite Kuwait Company becomes & Spa appoints new GM exclusive agent to Mad wave umeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Beverage in Cairo, as well Food & he Elite Kuwait Company is now the exclusive agent of the Russian Company Mad Wave Ltd products, which was Spa, Kuwait’s idyllic resort, has Beverage Manager in London and established in 2003. Mad Wave Ltd is one of the major pioneering companies in the file of swimming accessories. announced the appointment of Assistant Food & Beverage Manager in Elite Kuwait CEO Mushari Rzouqi said Mad Wave will also be the official sponsor of Elite Swim Team Kuwait. J T Savino Leone as the hotel’s new General Dubai. His passion for local knowl- Manager. Savino Leone, a French edge and different cultures has national, joins the Jumeirah Group after helped him achieve recognition for his position as General Manager of supporting diversity and his empow- InterContinental Osaka, in Japan. Prior ering approach to leading, educating, to this, he worked as the General inspiring, and engaging his team. Manager of Crowne Plaza Doha - The In his new role, Leone, who speaks Business Park, Qatar, for four years fluent French, English, and Italian, will where he led the pre-opening team. be responsible for running the With a focus on exceeding guest Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa expectations and instilling a Culture which offers 316 rooms & suites, 79 of Service Excellence, Leone’s expert- residential suites, Royal Suite, 12 pri- ise of over 20 years in the luxury hos- vate luxurious villas, Talise Spa, and 7 pitality spans Asia, Europe, Middle unique restaurants. The luxury resort East, and Africa. Leone held the role of is situated in the secluded area of several senior management positions Messilah along the shores of the in InterContinental properties, such as Arabian Gulf, with easy access to Resident Manager of InterContinental Kuwait’s Central Business District, air- Doha, Executive Assistant of Food & port, and major attractions. IHG achieves ‘2017 Aon Global Best Employer’ accreditation HG (InterContinental Hotels Group), one of the world’s and loyalty of our people and being named “Aon Global Best leading hotel companies, has announced its “Aon Global Employer” in the industry is a huge testament to that. X-cite gathers Kuwait’s gamers IBest Employer” accreditation by Aon Hewitt. The Achieving the “Aon Best Employer” status in so many coun- acclaimed accolade comes in the company’s first year of par- ties in which we operate in our first year of participation is ticipation in the global survey and is complemented by also a great achievement and we will continue to invest in in famed Tekken 7 Tournament country-level accreditation in 46 out of the 64 our people and towards building a great work- countries assessed by the professional services place culture across both our corporate offices firm, representing 97 percent of its workforce. and our hotels.” ith the great success of the The Tournament comes as part of @xcitealghanim, or Facebook, The accreditation is part of the “Aon Best IHG places strong emphasis on growing, July tournament, X-cite by X-cite’s commitment to engage with XcitebyAlghanim, or visit their online Employers” program which evaluates an developing, and retaining its people by creat- WAlghanim Electronics, customers and create bonds in com- store employer’s effectiveness in creating a work- ing an inclusive culture where people are Kuwait’s largest electronic retailer, mon activities and hobbies. With X-cite by Alghanim Electronics has place environment that engages and enables encouraged to be true to themselves. In prepares to host the August edition of Tekken 7gaining worldwide populari- 19showrooms spread across Kuwait, its people to deliver competitive advantage. recent years, the company launched indus- its monthly Gaming Tournament, ty and bringing gamers together, X- while it also offers the comfort of Assessment is done from survey data collected try-leading programs to help colleagues where gamers compete for a chance cite has created a fun and safe envi- shopping from home with X-cite’s directly from colleagues based on four indices: grow in their roles and develop personally to win prizes worth $15,000. ronment to hold these tournaments free-to-download app as well as the Engagement, Leadership, Performance and professionally. The first Tekken 7 Tournament was in Kuwait and allow local gamers to brand’s official website Culture and Employer Brand. IHG participated These include the IHG Future Leaders pro- held on July 20 and 21, and received play, network and leave with great Customers can also in the global survey for the first time this year, gram where young individuals with potential great turnout from gamers and sup- memories. Gamers can visit X-cite’s enjoy many of X-cite’s convenient contributing more than 126,000 responses to be leaders are trained to lead a function in porters, gathering 128 participants Instagram account @XciteAlghanim to services including Easy Credit, shop- from colleagues around the world. The survey the hotel within two years; and the GM Express and over 400 supporters. Winners’ register for upcoming tournaments ping at any of X-cite’s select stores results were then benchmarked amongst the program which focuses on accelerating the prizes included the 225-gram solid every month. that are open 24/7, extended and industry by Aon Hewitt to determine whether Deborah Woollard development of individuals with potential to gold PS4, PS4 20th Anniversary To stay updated on the latest accidental warranty programs; in it qualifies for the “Aon Best Employer” accreditation. be a General Manager of a Holiday Inn Express hotel within Limited Edition, the PS4 Gold and events, product launches, monthly addition to the free delivery and Deborah Woollard, Vice President, Human Resources, Asia, 18 months. Amongst the 46 countries IHG achieved country- Silver Limited Edition. Spectators also promotions and offers, customers are installation services. X-cite also pro- Middle East and Africa, IHG, said: “At IHG we always say our level accreditation in, more than half sit in the company’s received prizes, consisting of PS4 invited to subscribe to the daily vides its customers with a full-fledged brands represent our promises to our guests, but it is our Asia, Middle East and Africa region. In the Middle East, IHG games like Horizon: Zero Dawn, newsletter on, follow X- service center that operates six days a people who deliver on those promises. And we are absolute- was named “Best Employer” in 8 countries including Kuwait, Uncharted Collection, Call of Duty: cite’s social media channels on week, and a professional field techni- ly committed to helping our colleagues grow into their full UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan and Infinite Warfare and Steep. Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, cian team. potential. It is this commitment that has earned us the trust Lebanon.

Indigenous atmosphere at Sheraton Restaurants in the Avenues

ince its inception in 1966; the heritage of Al-Hambra Palace in Spain Sheraton Kuwait, a Luxury and a tribute to the generosity of Kuwait SCollection Hotel has been offering and the taste of its people. Le Tarbouche everything innovative and seeks to satis- Restaurant, with its originality and tradi- fy the desires of all guests with their dif- tional title, provides the spirit of ferent tastes by providing the highest Lebanese cuisine through the tastiest standards of service and culinary experi- cold Mezza, Hot Mezzaanda variety of ence for its trustworthy people of delicious grills. Kuwait. For the Indian food fans, our visitors Since the opening of the Sheraton can enjoy Bukhara Restaurant, with its Kuwait restaurants at the famous charming designs and typical condi- Avenues mall and being the distinctive ments. The Persian restaurant Shahrayar location that gives the atmosphere of joy provides you the utmost experience of to spend the most beautiful times, the traditional Iranian cuisine with the culinary team provide distinguished famous Iranian mix grills. For more tran- services starting from Al-Hambra restau- quility, the English Tea Lounge is the ide- rant which offers a new concept through al place beside many luxurious brands the various dishes of the Kuwaiti - which provided instinctive English Tea Middle Eastern cuisine inspired by the and scones. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 TV PROGRAMS

13:35 Austin & Ally 14:15 Future-Worm! 19:00 Command Decisions 03:00 Harvey Beaks 12:45 Seinfeld 00:55 Food Factory 14:00 Jessie 14:40 Kirby Buckets 20:00 Missing In Alaska 03:24 Harvey Beaks 13:10 The Middle 01:20 Secrets Of The Underground 14:25 Lolirock 15:05 Lab Rats 21:00 Ancient Aliens 03:48 The Loud House 13:35 The Middle 02:10 Sci-Trek 14:50 The Zhuzhus 15:30 Walk The Prank 22:00 True Monsters 04:12 The Loud House 14:00 George Lopez 03:00 Kings Of Construction 15:15 Whisker Haven Tales With 15:55 Right Now Kapow 04:36 Breadwinners 14:25 Suburgatory 03:48 Mythbusters 00:30 Line Of Duty 00:45 Treehouse Masters The Palace Pets 16:25 K.C. Undercover 05:00 Breadwinners 14:50 Mom 04:36 How Do They Do It? 01:25 In The Dark 01:40 Preposterous Pets 15:20 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug 16:50 Kirby Buckets Warped 05:24 Get Blake 15:15 Great News 05:00 Food Factory 02:20 Maigret 02:35 Gator Boys And Cat Noir 17:15 Mech-X4 05:48 SpongeBob SquarePants 15:40 Great News 05:24 Secrets Of The Underground 03:50 Holby City 15:45 Elena Of Avalor 17:40 Gravity Falls 06:12 SpongeBob SquarePants 16:05 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 06:12 Sci-Trek 03:25 Project Grizzly 04:45 The Coroner 16:10 Liv And Maddie 18:05 Disney Mickey Mouse 06:36 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 17:00 Seinfeld 07:00 How Do They Do It? 04:15 Guardians Of Rescue 05:30 EastEnders 16:35 Descendants Wicked World 18:10 Milo Murphyʼs Law 07:00 The Loud House 17:30 Seinfeld 07:26 Kings Of Construction 05:02 Mutant Planet 06:00 Father Brown 16:40 Girl Meets World 18:35 Disney11 07:24 Rabbids Invasion 18:00 The Middle 08:14 Mythbusters 05:49 Untamed & Uncut 00:20 Mountain Men 06:45 The Coroner 17:05 Stuck In The Middle 19:00 Disney11 07:48 Get Blake 18:30 The Middle 09:02 Sci-Trek 06:36 Swamp Brothers 01:10 Alone: Lost And Found 07:35 Death In Paradise 07:25 Gator Boys 17:30 Bunkʼd 19:25 K.C. Undercover 02:00 Swamp People 08:12 Harvey Beaks 19:00 The Last Man On Earth 09:50 How Do They Do It? 17:55 Bizaardvark 19:50 Marvelʼs Ant-Man 08:36 Sanjay And Craig 19:30 The Last Man On Earth 10:14 Food Factory 08:30 Doctor Who 08:15 Treehouse Masters 02:50 09:15 Father Brown 09:10 Preposterous Pets 18:20 Disney Mickey Mouse 19:55 Milo Murphyʼs Law 03:15 American Pickers 09:00 Rank The Prank 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 10:38 Secrets Of The Underground 18:25 Alex & Co. 20:20 Mech-X4 09:24 Henry Danger Jimmy Fallon 11:26 Kings Of Construction 10:05 Holby City 10:05 Mutant Planet 04:05 Pawn Stars 11:00 Death In Paradise 11:00 Gator Boys 18:50 Best Friends Whenever 20:45 Kirby Buckets Warped 04:30 Pawn Stars 09:48 100 Things To Do Before 21:00 Seinfeld 12:14 Mythbusters 19:15 Sunny Bunnies 21:10 Walk The Prank High School 21:30 Seinfeld 13:02 How Do They Do It? 11:55 Doctor Who 11:55 Project Grizzly 05:00 Mountain Men 12:45 Father Brown 12:50 Guardians Of Rescue 19:20 Liv And Maddie 21:35 Marvelʼs Ant-Man 06:00 Lost In Transmission 10:12 Game Shakers 22:00 Difficult People 13:26 Food Factory 19:45 Mako Mermaids 21:40 Disney Mickey Mouse 10:36 Regal Academy 22:30 Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll 13:50 Sci-Trek 13:30 The Coroner 13:45 Preposterous Pets 06:50 14:20 Holby City 14:40 Mutant Planet 20:10 Jessie 21:45 Lab Rats: Bionic Island 07:15 Duck Dynasty 11:00 Winx Club 23:00 The Big C 14:38 Kings Of Construction 20:35 Cracke 22:10 Lab Rats: Bionic Island 11:24 SpongeBob SquarePants 23:25 Late Night With Seth Meyers 15:26 Secrets Of The Underground 15:15 Death In Paradise 15:35 Untamed & Uncut 07:40 Counting Cars 16:10 Doctor Who 16:30 Treehouse Masters 20:40 Alex & Co. 22:35 Phineas And Ferb 08:05 Counting Cars 11:48 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 16:14 Mythbusters 21:05 Austin & Ally 23:00 Programmes Start At 6:00am 12:12 The Loud House 17:02 Sci-Trek 17:00 Father Brown 17:25 The Bronx Zoo 08:30 Pawn Stars 17:50 The Coroner 18:20 Insane Pools: Off The Deep 21:30 Stuck In The Middle 08:55 Pawn Stars 12:36 Breadwinners 17:50 Kings Of Construction 21:55 Tsum Tsum Shorts 13:00 School Of Rock 18:40 Mythbusters 18:35 EastEnders End 09:20 Storage Wars Miami 19:05 Death In Paradise 19:15 Preposterous Pets 22:00 Bunkʼd 09:45 Storage Wars Miami 13:24 Hunter Street 00:40 Training Day 19:30 Invent It Rich 22:25 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug 13:48 Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn 01:30 Marvelʼs Agents Of 20:20 How Do They Do It? 20:00 Poldark 20:10 Gator Boys 10:10 American Pickers 21:00 Last Tango In Halifax 21:05 The Bronx Zoo And Cat Noir 11:00 Gold Hunters: Legend Of 14:12 Henry Danger S.H.I.E.L.D. 20:45 Food Factory 22:50 Lolirock 14:36 The Thundermans 02:20 Blindspot 21:10 Sci-Trek 21:50 Prime Suspect: Tennison 22:00 Insane Pools: Off The Deep The Superstition... 22:35 New Blood End 11:50 Duck Dynasty 15:00 100 Things To Do Before 03:20 The Flash 22:00 Invent It Rich High School 22:50 Kings Of Construction 23:30 Death In Paradise 22:55 Mutant Planet 00:50 WAGs Miami 12:15 Duck Dynasty 04:10 Quantico 15:24 Rabbids Invasion 23:40 Mythbusters 23:50 Untamed & Uncut 01:50 E! News 12:40 Counting Cars 05:00 Good Morning America 15:48 SpongeBob SquarePants 02:50 Celebrity Style Story 13:05 Counting Cars 07:00 The View 16:12 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 03:20 Celebrity Style Story 13:30 Ice Road Truckers 07:45 The Chew 16:36 The Loud House 08:30 Training Day 03:50 So Cosmo 14:20 Mountain Men 00:00 Marvelʼs Agents Of 00:00 Henry Hugglemonster 17:00 Regal Academy 09:20 The Flash 04:40 So Cosmo 15:10 Lost In Transmission S.H.I.E.L.D. 00:15 Calimero 17:24 Winx Club 10:10 Quantico 05:30 Celebrity Style Story 16:00 Storage Wars Miami 01:00 Blindspot 00:30 Art Attack 17:48 Hunter Street 11:00 Blindspot 06:00 EJ NYC 16:25 Storage Wars Miami 01:50 American Horror Story: 00:00 The Jail Atlanta: 00:55 Zou 18:12 Henry Danger 11:45 Royal Pains 07:00 EJ NYC 16:50 Pawn Stars Roanoke 01:00 Babies Behind Bars 01:05 Loopdidoo 18:36 Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn 12:30 The View 08:00 E! News: Daily Pop 17:15 Pawn Stars 02:40 Training Day 02:00 When Life Means Life 01:20 Henry Hugglemonster 19:00 School Of Rock 13:15 The Chew 00:20 My Giant Life 08:55 WAGs Miami 17:40 Mountain Men 03:30 Marvelʼs Agents Of 03:00 Evil Up Close 01:35 Calimero 19:24 Game Shakers 14:00 Live Good Morning America 01:05 Body Bizarre 09:55 WAGs Miami 18:30 Swamp People S.H.I.E.L.D. 04:00 The Jail Atlanta: 60 Days In 01:50 Zou 19:48 The Thundermans 16:00 Quantico 01:50 Monsters Inside Me 11:45 Celebrity Style Story 19:20 Mountain Men 04:20 Blindspot 05:00 Babies Behind Bars 02:05 Art Attack 20:12 SpongeBob SquarePants 17:00 The Flash 02:35 The Undateables 12:15 Keeping Up With The 20:10 American Pickers 05:20 The Flash 06:00 It Takes A Killer 02:30 The Hive 20:36 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 18:00 Blindspot 03:20 Our Little Family Kardashians 21:00 Counting Cars 06:10 Quantico 08:00 02:40 Loopdidoo 21:00 The Loud House 19:00 Rosewood 04:05 Toddlers & Tiaras 13:10 Keeping Up With The 21:25 Counting Cars 07:00 Good Morning America 09:00 Homicide Hunter 02:55 Henry Hugglemonster 21:24 Sanjay And Craig 20:00 Royal Pains 04:50 Your Style In His Hands Kardashians 21:50 Forged In Fire 09:00 The View 10:00 Crimes That Shook Britain 03:10 Art Attack 21:48 Rabbids Invasion 21:00 Famous In Love 05:35 Say Yes To The Dress 14:05 Keeping Up With The 22:40 Forged In Fire 09:45 The Chew 11:00 Crimes That Shook Britain 03:35 Loopdidoo 22:12 Breadwinners 22:00 The Americans 06:00 Obsessive Compulsive Kardashians 23:30 American Pickers 10:30 Training Day 12:00 Crimes That Shook Britain 03:50 Calimero 22:36 Harvey Beaks 23:00 Blindspot Cleaners 15:00 E! News: Daily Pop 11:20 The Flash 14:00 The First 48 04:05 Art Attack 23:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 23:50 American Horror Story: 06:45 Oprah: Where Are They 15:55 WAGs Miami 12:10 Quantico 15:00 04:30 Henry Hugglemonster 23:24 SpongeBob SquarePants Roanoke Now? 16:45 WAGs Miami 13:00 Blindspot 16:00 Crimes That Shook Britain 04:45 Zou 23:48 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 07:30 Belief 17:35 WAGs Miami 13:45 Royal Pains 17:00 Crimes That Shook Australia 05:00 Art Attack 08:15 Our Little Family 18:30 Celebrity Style Story 14:30 The View 18:00 It Takes A Killer 05:30 Henry Hugglemonster 09:00 Cake Boss 19:00 E! News 09:25 Toddlers & Tiaras 15:15 The Chew 18:30 It Takes A Killer 05:45 Loopdidoo 20:00 Revenge Body With Khloe 19:00 The First 48 06:00 Zou 00:15 Wineroads 10:10 Obsessive Compulsive Kardashian 00:45 Fish Of The Day 20:00 Homicide Hunter 06:15 Calimero 00:20 The Parent Trap Cleaners 21:00 Life Of Kylie 01:10 Sinful Sweets 21:00 Cold Case Files 06:30 Loopdidoo 02:30 Charlotteʼs Web 10:55 Married By Mum And Dad 21:30 Life Of Kylie 01:40 Bondi Rescue Outback 22:00 My Haunted House 06:45 Henry Hugglemonster 00:02 Max & Ruby 04:10 The Haunted Mansion 11:40 Outdaughtered: Busby 22:00 Famously Single Adventure 23:00 Psychic Kids: Children Of 07:00 Sofia The First 00:25 Ben & Hollyʼs Little Kingdom 05:40 Kim Possible: So The Drama Quints 23:00 Hollywood Medium With 02:35 Charlie Luxtonʼs Homes By The Paranormal 07:25 Goldie & Bear 00:36 Ben & Hollyʼs Little Kingdom 06:55 The Parent Trap 12:25 The Undateables 00:00 WWE 205 Live Tyler Henry The Med 07:50 The Lion Guard 00:46 The Day Henry Met 09:05 Charlotteʼs Web 13:10 Katie Priceʼs Pony Club 01:00 FIA World Rallycross 23:55 Hollywood Medium With 03:30 Testing The Menu With Nic 08:15 Mickey And The Roadster 00:51 The Day Henry Met 10:45 Gnomeo & Juliet 13:55 Toddlers & Tiaras Highlights Tyler Henry Watt Racers 00:57 Blaze And The Monster 12:10 The Haunted Mansion 14:40 Our Little Family 02:00 WWE Afterburn 03:55 Delinquent Gourmet 08:40 Doc McStuffins Machines 13:40 Tinker Bell And The Lost 15:25 Married By Mum And Dad 03:00 Live WWE Smackdown 04:25 Fearless Chef 09:05 Jake And The Never Land 01:20 Blaze And The Monster Treasure 16:10 Love, Lust Or Run 05:00 Red Bull Air Race Highlights 05:20 Valentine Warner Eats 00:30 Lost & Found With Mike & Pirates Machines 15:00 Treasure Planet 16:35 Cake Boss 06:00 FIA World Rallycross Scandinavia Jesse 09:30 PJ Masks 01:42 Zack & Quack 16:40 K-9 Adventures: Legend Of 17:00 Oprah: Where Are They Highlights 05:45 Valentine Warner Eats 01:20 Driving Me Crazy 09:45 Miles From Tomorrow 02:04 Team Umizoomi The Lost Gold Now? 07:00 WWE 205 Live Scandinavia 02:10 Worldʼs Funniest 10:10 Little Mermaid 02:26 Olive The Ostrich 18:20 Because Of Winn Dixie 17:50 Obsessive Compulsive 08:00 WWE Raw 06:15 Places We Go 03:00 Finding Bigfoot 10:35 Mickey And The Roadster 00:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 02:31 Olive The Ostrich 20:10 Tom And Huck Cleaners 10:30 Snowboarding - Skiing China 06:40 Sinful Sweets 03:50 Guinness World Records Racers 00:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 02:36 Paw Patrol 21:50 Treasure Planet 18:50 Your Style In His Hands 11:00 Formula-E Championship 07:10 Bondi Rescue Outback Smashed UK 11:00 PJ Masks 01:00 Man Fire Food 02:59 Little Charmers 23:35 Because Of Winn Dixie 19:40 Say Yes To The Dress Highlights 04:40 How Itʼs Made 11:25 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 01:30 Man Fire Food Adventure 03:11 Ben & Hollyʼs Little Kingdom 20:10 Cake Boss 12:00 Formula-E Championship 05:30 Lost & Found With Mike & 11:50 Goldie & Bear 02:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 08:05 Charlie Luxtonʼs Homes By 03:23 Dora The Explorer 20:35 Cake Boss Highlights Jesse 12:15 Sofia The First 02:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives The Med 03:45 Max & Ruby 21:00 My 600lb Life: Where Are 13:00 WWE Main Event 06:20 Mythbusters 12:40 Miles From Tomorrow 03:00 Man Fire Food 09:00 Testing The Menu With Nic 04:07 Nella The Princess Knight They Now? 14:00 Arena Esports 07:00 Kenny The Shark 13:10 Jake And The Never Land 03:30 Man Fire Food Watt 04:30 Shimmer And Shine 21:50 The Day I Almost Died 14:30 X Games Xtraordinary 07:25 Adventure 8: Zoo Games Pirates 04:00 Chopped 09:25 Delinquent Gourmet 04:53 Dora And Friends: Into The 22:40 Botched Up Bodies 15:00 WWE Smackdown 07:50 Dogs/Cats/Pets 101 13:35 PJ Masks 05:00 Guyʼs Grocery Games 09:55 Fearless Chef City! 01:25 Compadres 23:30 90 Days To Wed 16:30 Snowboarding - Skiing China 08:40 How Itʼs Made 14:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 06:00 Barefoot Contessa 10:50 Valentine Warner Eats 05:15 Zack & Quack 03:25 Twister 17:00 WWE Vintage 09:30 What Could Possibly Go 14:30 The Lion Guard 06:30 Barefoot Contessa Scandinavia 05:28 The Day Henry Met 05:25 Star Wars: The Force 18:00 Formula-E Championship Wrong? 14:55 Harry And Bip 07:00 The Kitchen 11:15 Valentine Warner Eats 05:33 The Day Henry Met Awakens Highlights 10:20 Mythbusters 15:00 Sheriff Callieʼs Wild West 08:00 The Pioneer Woman Scandinavia 05:38 Blaze And The Monster 07:45 Survivor 19:00 Formula-E Championship 11:10 Dogs/Cats/Pets 101 15:30 Mickey And The Roadster 08:30 The Pioneer Woman 11:45 Places We Go Machines 09:25 Harlock: Space Pirate 12:00 Finding Bigfoot Racers 09:00 Sibaʼs Table 12:10 Sinful Sweets 06:00 Rusty Rivets 11:20 Road Wars 12:50 How Itʼs Made 16:00 Sofia The First 09:30 Sibaʼs Table 12:40 Bad Trip 06:12 Paw Patrol 12:55 Twister 13:40 Lost & Found With Mike & 16:25 Goldie & Bear 10:00 The Pioneer Woman 13:35 Charlie Luxtonʼs Homes By 06:37 Dora The Explorer 14:50 Survivor 00:00 Xtreme Waterparks Jesse 16:50 Doc McStuffins 10:30 The Pioneer Woman The Med 07:00 Zack & Quack 16:30 Grosse Pointe Blank 00:30 Xtreme Waterparks 14:30 Testing The Menu With Nic 14:30 Kenny The Shark 17:15 The Lion Guard 11:00 The Kitchen 07:21 Bubble Guppies 18:20 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. 01:00 Bikinis & Boardwalks 00:30 UFC Top 10 14:55 Adventure 8: Zoo Games 17:40 Jake And The Never Land 12:00 The Pioneer Woman Watt 07:44 Blaze And The Monster 20:20 Judge Dredd 02:00 Top Secret Beaches 14:55 Delinquent Gourmet 01:00 Idemitsu Asia Talent Cup 15:20 Guinness World Records Pirates 12:30 The Pioneer Woman Machines 22:00 Hardcore Henry 03:00 Top Secret Swimming Holes 03:00 FIA World Touring Car Smashed UK 18:05 PJ Masks 13:00 Sibaʼs Table 15:25 Fearless Chef 08:07 Paw Patrol 23:40 Sanitarium 04:00 Xtreme Waterparks 16:20 One Man & His Campervan Championship Highlights 16:10 What Could Possibly Go 18:35 Mickey And The Roadster 13:30 Sibaʼs Table 08:30 Shimmer And Shine 04:30 Xtreme Waterparks 03:30 FIA World Touring Car Wrong? Racers 14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 16:45 My Restaurant In India 08:53 Nella The Princess Knight 05:00 Xtreme Waterparks 17:15 Places We Go Championship Highlights 17:00 Worldʼs Toughest 19:05 Sofia The First 14:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 09:15 The Day Henry Met 05:30 Xtreme Waterparks 04:00 UFC Unleashed Expeditions With James Cracknell 19:35 Sheriff Callieʼs Wild West 15:00 Chopped 17:40 Places We Go 09:22 Paw Patrol 06:00 Mysteries At The Museum 18:10 Sinful Sweets 05:00 MotoGP Rookies Cup 17:50 Zoltan The Wolfman 20:05 The Lion Guard 16:00 The Kitchen 09:45 Rusty Rivets 07:00 House Hunters International 07:00 Idemitsu Asia Talent Cup 17:00 The Pioneer Woman 18:35 Cruise Ship Diaries 18:40 Mythbusters 20:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 09:57 Bubble Guppies 01:10 Big Mommaʼs House 08:30 Boat Buyers 09:00 V8 Supercar Series 17:30 The Pioneer Woman 19:05 Fearless Chef 19:30 How Itʼs Made 21:00 Goldie & Bear 10:20 Fresh Beat Band Of Spies 02:55 Cops And Robbersons 09:00 Lifeʼs A Beach Highlights 18:00 Chopped 20:00 One Man & His Campervan 19:55 How Itʼs Made 21:25 Doc McStuffins 10:40 Zack & Quack 04:30 Hope Springs 09:30 Island Secrets 10:00 V8 Supercar Series 19:00 Iron Chef America 20:30 My Restaurant In India 20:20 Guinness World Records 21:50 Minnieʼs Bow-Toons 10:52 Team Umizoomi 06:10 Sister Act 2: Back In The 10:00 Hotel Impossible Highlights 20:00 Chopped 21:00 Places We Go Smashed UK 22:00 Little Mermaid 11:15 Shimmer And Shine Habit 11:00 Flippinʼ RVs 11:00 FIM Speedway Grand Prix 21:00 Food Network Star Kids 21:10 Worldʼs Toughest 22:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 11:38 Shimmer And Shine 08:00 Cops And Robbersons 12:00 Guiding Alaska Highlights 22:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives Expeditions With James Cracknell 22:55 PJ Masks 12:01 Max & Ruby 09:35 Hope Springs 15:00 The Treehouse Guys 12:00 MotoGP Highlights 22:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 22:00 Animal Nation With Anthony 23:20 Henry Hugglemonster 12:25 Ben & Hollyʼs Little Kingdom 11:10 Sister Act 2: Back In The 16:00 Lake Life 13:00 TCR International Series 23:00 Chopped Anderson 23:35 The Hive 12:36 Ben & Hollyʼs Little Kingdom Habit 16:30 Lake Life Highlights 12:47 The Day Henry Met 13:00 Junior 17:00 The Vanilla Ice Project 13:30 Indy Car Highlights 12:52 The Day Henry Met 14:55 Clifford 17:30 The Vanilla Ice Project 00:10 Alaska Fish Wars 12:57 Blaze And The Monster 16:30 Oscar 18:00 Guiding Alaska 01:00 Machines 18:25 The Butcherʼs Wife 18:30 Guiding Alaska 02:00 Air Crash Investigation 13:19 Blaze And The Monster 20:15 Big Mommaʼs House 2 19:00 Hotel Impossible 00:30 Vanity Fair Confidential 03:00 Explorer Machines 22:00 Get Hard 20:00 Texas Flip And Move 01:20 Jonben?t: An American 04:00 Alaska Fish Wars 13:41 Zack & Quack 23:45 Drunk Wedding 21:00 Mysteries At The Museum 01:30 PGA European Tour Murder Mystery 00:20 Wheeler Dealers 00:00 Donʼt Tell The Bride 05:00 Remote Survival 14:03 Team Umizoomi 22:00 Expedition Unknown Highlights 02:10 Your Worst Nightmare 01:05 Kings Of The Wild 01:00 Emmerdale 06:00 Terror In The Skies 14:25 Olive The Ostrich 23:00 Booze Traveler 02:00 Asian Tour Highlights 03:00 Evil Lives Here 01:50 Treasure Quest: Snake 01:30 Coronation Street 07:00 Dog Whisperer 14:30 Olive The Ostrich 03:00 European Challenge Tour 03:48 Deadly Affairs Island 02:00 Coronation Street 08:00 Dog Whisperer 14:35 Paw Patrol Highlights 04:36 Deadly Affairs 02:35 Legend Of Croc Gold 02:30 Masterpiece With Alan 09:00 Remote Survival 14:58 Little Charmers 04:00 Europro Tour 07:00 Nowhere To Hide 03:20 Fast Nʼ Loud 15:10 Ben & Hollyʼs Little Kingdom 06:00 Asian Tour Highlights Titchmarsh 10:00 Surgery Ship 01:15 Goodfellas 10:20 The Locator 04:05 Running Wild With Bear 03:25 Martin Clunes & A Lion 11:00 Diana: In Her Own Words 15:22 Dora The Explorer 07:00 Golfing World 10:45 The Locator Grylls 15:44 Max & Ruby 03:45 Young Ones 08:00 Chronicles Of A Champion Called Mugie 13:00 Terror In The Skies 05:35 No God No Master 11:10 Missing In Maui: A 04:50 Gold Rush 04:20 Doc Martin 14:00 Dog Whisperer 16:07 Nella The Princess Knight 00:05 David Spade: My Fake Golfer Disappeared Special 05:35 How Do They Do It? 16:31 Shimmer And Shine 07:15 Healing Problems 08:30 Europro Tour 05:15 Couples Come Dine With Me 15:00 Dog Whisperer 09:20 Still Alice 12:00 Deadly Affairs 06:00 Deadliest Catch 16:54 Dora And Friends: Into The 00:55 South Park 10:30 Golfing World 06:05 Donʼt Tell The Bride 16:00 Surgery Ship 11:05 5 Flights Up 15:20 The Locator 06:45 Wheeler Dealers City! 01:20 South Park 11:30 Challenge Series Golf 07:05 Masterpiece With Alan 17:00 Fidel Castro: The Lost Tapes 12:45 No God No Master 15:45 The Locator 07:30 Fast Nʼ Loud 17:17 Zack & Quack 01:45 Another Period Highlights Titchmarsh 18:00 Challenger Disaster: Lost 14:25 Chariots Of Fire 16:10 Women In Prison 08:15 Running Wild With Bear 08:00 Martin Clunes & A Lion Tapes 17:29 The Day Henry Met 02:10 Tosh.0 12:00 European Challenge Tour 17:00 Betrayed Grylls 17:34 The Day Henry Met 16:35 Brooklyn Highlights Called Mugie 19:00 18:30 Hard Eight 02:35 Tosh.0 20:20 Deadline: Crime With Tamron 09:00 Storage Hunters 09:00 Doc Martin 20:00 Surgery Ship 17:38 Blaze And The Monster 03:00 The Daily Show With Trevor 13:00 World Golf Championships Hall 09:25 How Do They Do It? Machines 20:20 Spotlight Highlights 10:00 Couples Come Dine With Me 20:50 Fidel Castro: The Lost Tapes 22:30 The Informant Noah 21:10 Evil Online 10:10 Kings Of The Wild 10:50 Donʼt Tell The Bride 21:40 Challenger Disaster: Lost 18:00 Rusty Rivets 03:25 Disorderly Conduct: Video 14:00 Golfing World 22:00 Evil Online 10:55 Treasure Quest: Snake 11:50 Masterpiece With Alan Tapes 18:13 Paw Patrol On Patrol 15:00 European Challenge Tour 22:50 Murder Comes To Town Island Titchmarsh 22:30 Nazi Megastructures 18:37 Dora The Explorer 04:15 Lip Sync Battle Highlights 23:40 Your Worst Nightmare 11:40 Legend Of Croc Gold 12:45 Emmerdale 23:20 Dog Whisperer 19:00 Zack & Quack 04:40 Ridiculousness 16:00 Europro Tour 12:25 How Do They Do It? 13:15 Emmerdale 19:21 Bubble Guppies 05:05 Disaster Date 18:00 Golfing World 12:47 Storage Hunters 19:44 Blaze And The Monster 19:00 Inside The PGA Tour 13:45 Coronation Street 00:35 Song Of The Sea 05:30 Catch A Contractor 13:10 Gold Rush 14:10 Donʼt Tell The Bride Machines 06:20 Framework 19:30 Chronicles Of A Champion 13:55 Running Wild With Bear 20:07 Paw Patrol 02:15 Memory Loss Golfer 15:10 Masterpiece With Alan 03:40 Egon And Donci 07:15 Disorderly Conduct: Video Grylls Titchmarsh 20:30 Shimmer And Shine On Patrol 20:00 PGA European Tour 14:40 Deadliest Catch 05:05 Cher Ami 16:00 This Is England ʻ90 20:53 Nella The Princess Knight 08:05 Disaster Date Highlights 15:25 Fast Nʼ Loud 06:35 Poohʼs Heffalump Halloween 17:20 Catchphrase 21:15 The Day Henry Met 08:30 Disaster Date 20:30 This Is PGA Tour 16:10 Wheeler Dealers 00:20 Dark Side Of Crocs Movie 17:50 Couples Come Dine With Me 21:22 Paw Patrol 08:55 Ridiculousness Latinoamerica 17:00 How Do They Do It? 01:10 Monster Fish 21:45 Rusty Rivets 07:45 The Heart Of The Oak 18:45 Emmerdale 09:20 Key And Peele 21:00 Golfing World 00:00 Hank Zipzer 17:50 Storage Hunters 02:00 Amazoniaʼs Giant Jaws 21:57 Bubble Guppies 09:05 Weʼre Back! A Dinosaurʼs 19:15 Emmerdale 09:45 Lip Sync Battle 22:00 Challenge Series Golf 00:25 Alex & Co. 18:50 Running Wild With Bear 02:50 Monster Fish 22:20 Fresh Beat Band Of Spies Story 19:45 Coronation Street 10:10 Ridiculousness Highlights 00:45 The Hive Grylls 03:45 Shark vs Predator 22:40 Zack & Quack 10:20 Micropolis 20:10 Masterpiece With Alan 10:35 Disaster Date 22:30 Inside The PGA Tour 00:50 Evermoor Chronicles 19:40 How Do They Do It? 04:40 Natural Born Monsters 22:52 Team Umizoomi 11:55 Song Of The Sea 23:00 European Challenge Tour 01:15 Sabrina Secrets Of A Titchmarsh 05:35 Amazoniaʼs Giant Jaws 13:35 Memory Loss 11:00 Urban Tarzan 21:00 Blowing Up History 21:00 This Is England ʻ90 23:15 Shimmer And Shine Highlights Teenage Witch 21:50 Strip The City 06:30 Monster Fish 23:38 Shimmer And Shine 15:00 Operation Arctic 11:25 Tattoo Disasters 02:05 Binny And The Ghost 22:20 Catchphrase 07:25 Shark vs Predator 16:35 Weʼre Back! A Dinosaurʼs 11:50 Lip Sync Battle 22:40 Made By Destruction 22:50 Emmerdale 02:55 Hank Zipzer 23:05 Made By Destruction 08:20 Natural Born Monsters Story 12:15 Catch A Contractor 03:15 The Hive 23:30 Fast Nʼ Loud 09:15 Cougar V. Wolf 17:50 Ethel & Ernest 13:05 Disorderly Conduct: Video 03:20 Hank Zipzer 10:10 Tiger Man 19:30 Mamma Moo And Crow On Patrol 03:45 Alex & Co. 11:05 Shark vs Predator 13:55 Sweat Inc. 20:55 Operation Arctic 00:00 The Rugby Championship 04:35 Sabrina Secrets Of A 12:00 Salmon Wars 22:30 The Heart Of The Oak 14:45 Lip Sync Battle Teenage Witch 12:55 Crocs Of Katuma 15:10 Lip Sync Battle Highlights 00:15 The Middle 23:50 Micropolis 05:25 Binny And The Ghost 13:50 Monster Fish 15:35 Disaster Date 01:30 World Rugby Special 00:40 The Middle 05:45 The Hive 00:00 Decoding The Past 14:45 The Invaders 16:00 Ridiculousness 02:30 AFL Premiership Highlights 01:05 Difficult People 05:50 The 7D 01:00 Command Decisions 15:40 Natural Born Monsters 16:30 Impractical Jokers 03:00 HSBC World Rugby Sevens 06:00 Milo Murphyʼs Law 01:30 Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll 06:00 Jessie 01:30 Command Decisions 16:35 Blood Rivals: Hippo V. Lion 16:55 Lip Sync Battle Highlights 06:25 Supa Strikas 01:55 The Big C 06:25 Jessie 02:00 Missing In Alaska 17:30 Worldʼs Deadliest Animals 00:25 Black Snake Moan 17:20 Ridiculousness 03:30 HSBC World Rugby Sevens 06:50 Mech-X4 02:25 The Tonight Show Starring 06:50 Tsum Tsum Shorts 02:50 Ancient Aliens 18:25 Wild Colombia 02:25 Rise Of The Planet Of The 17:45 Ridiculousness Arabia Highlights 07:15 Right Now Kapow Jimmy Fallon 06:55 Lolirock 03:40 Hangar 1: The UFO Files 19:20 The Invaders Apes 18:10 Key And Peele 04:00 NRL Premiership 07:40 Gravity Falls 03:10 Late Night With Seth Meyers 06:00 Watersports World 07:20 Elena Of Avalor 04:30 Million Dollar Genius 20:10 Natural Born Monsters 04:10 Win A Date With Tad 18:35 Impractical Jokers 08:05 Marvelʼs Ant-Man 04:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:00 Gillette World Sport 07:45 Bunkʼd 05:20 Decoding The Past 21:00 Blood Rivals: Hippo V. Lion Hamilton! 18:59 Disaster Date 08:10 K.C. Undercover 04:50 George Lopez 08:10 Stuck In The Middle 06:10 The Universe 21:50 Worldʼs Deadliest Animals 05:50 Last Action Hero 07:30 State Of Origin Highlights 08:35 Milo Murphyʼs Law 05:15 Suburgatory 19:22 Ridiculousness Arabia 08:35 Bizaardvark 07:00 Command Decisions 22:40 Wild Colombia 08:00 Rocky III 09:00 Trans World Sport 09:00 Star vs The Forces Of Evil 05:40 Great News 19:48 Ridiculousness Arabia 09:00 Austin & Ally 07:30 Command Decisions 23:30 Salmon Wars 09:40 The Invention Of Lying 10:00 Mitre 10 Premiership Final 09:25 Supa Strikas 06:05 Great News 20:11 Lip Sync Battle 09:50 Good Luck Charlie 08:00 Missing In Alaska 11:20 Spectre 10:30 The Rugby Championship 09:50 Supa Strikas 06:30 Mom 20:33 Lip Sync Battle 10:15 Good Luck Charlie 09:00 Ancient Aliens 13:50 Reign Over Me Highlights 10:20 Kickinʼ It 06:55 Breaking In 21:00 The Daily Show With Trevor 10:40 Alex & Co. 10:00 Hangar 1: The UFO Files 15:55 The Blind Side 12:00 NRL Full Time 10:45 Kickinʼ It 07:20 Late Night With Seth Meyers Noah 11:05 Lolirock 11:00 The Universe 18:05 Air Force One 12:30 World Cup Of Gymnastics 11:10 Mighty Med 08:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 21:30 Another Period 11:30 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug 12:00 Decoding The Past 20:10 Sahara 16:00 The Rugby Championship 11:35 Mighty Med 09:00 The Tonight Show Starring 22:00 Broad City And Cat Noir 13:00 Command Decisions 22:15 He Got Game Highlights 12:00 Lab Rats: Bionic Island 00:12 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Jimmy Fallon 22:25 Kroll Show 11:55 Disney Mickey Mouse 13:30 Command Decisions 17:30 World Rugby Special 12:30 Lab Rats: Bionic Island 00:36 Rabbids Invasion 09:50 George Lopez 22:50 John Oliverʼs New York 12:00 Welcome To The Ronks 14:00 Missing In Alaska 18:30 Gillette World Sport 12:55 K.C. Undercover 01:00 Rabbids Invasion 10:15 Suburgatory Stand Up Show 12:15 Hank Zipzer 15:00 Ancient Aliens 19:00 Trans World Sport 13:20 K.C. Undercover 01:24 Sanjay And Craig 10:40 Mom 23:15 John Oliverʼs New York 12:40 Dog With A Blog 16:00 Hangar 1: The UFO Files 20:00 The Rugby Championship 13:45 Gamerʼs Guide To Pretty 01:48 Sanjay And Craig 11:05 Breaking In Stand Up Show 13:05 Star Darlings 17:00 The Universe Highlights Much Everything 02:12 Winx Club 11:30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 23:40 The Daily Show With Trevor 13:10 Good Luck Charlie 18:00 Decoding The Past 20:30 The Rugby Championship 14:10 Disney Mickey Mouse 02:36 Winx Club 12:20 Seinfeld 00:30 How Do They Do It? Noah Highlights stars26 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

You have great internal strength and tend to be independent, preferring Fate sends opportunity your way if you listen to your instincts and give your to lean on yourself more than on others. You may find opportunities to be self-motivat- natural sense of curiosity a free rein. Travel and education can help uncover some of the ing-certainly no dependency here. This afternoon you may decide to sign up to work in answers that will give you the power or advantage you seek. Allow yourself these experi- a trade-day activity or a festival of sorts for this next weekend. You look forward to earn- ences. Mass communications can be financially rewarding in some way-think about adver- ing a little extra money. Any activity that pulls in a little extra cash will also create an tising, broadcasting, publishing, etc. Something as simple as owning a computer and opportunity for you to show off your talents so also consider displaying your own tal- belonging to a network would be what puts you into a new and rewarding business. The ents. Family matters are enjoyed most of the late afternoon. Being more involved with way in which you respond to change and maintain your independence is a major focus family now may involve some picture taking, social get-togethers, etc. Communicating now. A young person in your family wants more independence-give this person responsi- ideas, experiences and current affairs with loved ones is most important today. bilities and independence will come.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You are very communicative-not just a little curious. You enjoy talking and Mysterious or mystical information fires your imagination and you may find writing skills. If you are in a job that calls for a creative expression, you can excel in your there could be more imagination than knowledge for now. Keep an open mind and learn presentation. Working with another person speeds the work along to a completion this all you can, but do not take everything you hear for gospel. You may take action today, afternoon. At home you may become involved in much letter-writing or phone conver- when an issue dear to your heart comes to your attention. Your theories are good but sations with family members you do not get to see very often. You could be most per- facts will get you support for what you want to accomplish. Work on research and creating suasive with others and moving in speech and communication. Study, research and a plan that will develop some positive outcomes. Patience is a key word when it comes to investigations of all kinds appeal to you as well. If you are not traveling now, you will be dealing with people-timing is essential. You may be pleasantly surprised with a call or let- thinking about it soon. The best places to visit, names of bed and breakfast places and ter you receive this afternoon. Contacts with an old neighbor or friend bring about good the popular restaurants are topics of conversation this evening. memories from the past.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Situations and people you thought you could rely on might not be so solid You can be peaceful, calm and undisturbed regardless of what is going on today. These are the ways we learn about people. It is very important that around you. You are a genius at bringing out the best in others and this is you do not hold grudges and you learn from your experience with others. Look for the something you take great pride in for today. Teaching, translating and conducting a tour truth in all of your affairs. There is a feeling that things will work out in positive ways. You ACROSS 8. An inflated feeling of pride in your or an orchestra are just a few of the things you could excel in today. An elderly couple or should be able to improve your security now. This is a time of independence when you 1. Young of any of various canines such superiority to others. other people show their gratefulness to you for some help or advice you shared recently. may try new and different things. This is also a time during which you may be able to Ideas-philosophy and religion-are what make your life stimulating. Travel opportunities as a dog or wolf. 9. Deeply moved. speed up your pace to reach your goals and acknowledge your life’s purpose. You could may come to your attention this afternoon and you can make future plans with your 4. Something that interests you because 10. A luminance unit equal to 1 candle receive unexpected help from someone older or from authority figures. Accept the good mate or loved ones. Before you relax this evening, you spend some time caring for ani- advice that somebody older gives you today-you won’t go wrong. it is important or affects you. per square meter measured perpendicu- mals or children. Tonight is for relaxing with bubbles, music and your heart’s desire. 11. A member of an Algonquian people lar to the rays from the source. living in central Canada. 11. A warning against certain acts. 15. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish 12. Having been read. Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) gods. 13. Any of several related languages of 16. The slender spear of the Bantu-speak- the Celts in Ireland and Scotland. A talent of yours is required in the business place. There might be a con- Your physical vitality, psychological or spiritual goals are highly emphasized ing people of Africa. 14. Opinion or judgment. vention in which your company is preparing to be represented or perhaps now. If there is something in your life that works against your progress-now there is a new opening of a branch company. Whatever the case, it could be that you will 17. Characterized by lightness and insub- 19. A blind god. is the time to weed through and eliminate or in some way divert or control the problem. play the piano or greet people or help in some other way. You might set aside some time This means an abundance of old clothes or too many animals or not enough time for a stantiality. 23. United States playwright (1906-1963). to visit with a past friend that appears on the scene. The prospects for a spectacular day good night’s rest, etc. This is not a favorable time for establishing new life directions, but is 18. A hidden storage space (for money or 24. Any culture medium that uses agar as are promising. You help make the day a positive one for others. You manage to spend a a good time for creating a healthy balance. Stay away from arguments and possible hard provisions or weapons). the gelling agent. lot of time in the spotlight. With family or friends this evening, there is talk of a vacation. feelings at this time. After the workday is over consider inviting a friend or loved one to 20. Choose and follow. 26. A radioactive element of the actinide There is a love of the sea and a great desire to take some time off for a while. Travel may enjoy a movie with you. You are a master of applied psychology and will be able to apply be possible before the middle of next month. There is talk about the types of travel. 21. An open jar of glass or porcelain used series. a subtle influence on a young person in your family tonight. as an ornament or to hold flowers. 28. Small common sandpiper that breeds 22. Any physiologically active internal in northern or arctic regions and winters Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) secretion especially one of uncertain clas- in southern United States or sification. Mediterranean regions. You could find yourself feeling rebellious and independent regarding your The idea of how you want your day to go and the plans of those around current situation. Some difficult employee may bring opposition to a you may be in conflict with others today. With communication, compromise and the will- 25. An informal term for a father. 29. Socialist who wrote The Communist ingness to share, today can turn out to be one of your best family or friendship days. The 27. United States swimmer who in 1926 Manifesto with Karl Marx in 1848 (1820- group, or just strain relationships. There is the possibility of new visions or sudden insights into your ability to solve problems and others take your lead. Progress in the people or person you live with may agree to share or trade some book, equipment or became the first woman to swim the 1895). workplace is a miraculous thing this day as there are unusual circumstances. You natural- chore with you today. Your eagerness to work or play with others and to be helpful will English Channel (1903- ). 30. An account describing incidents or ly gravitate toward positions of power. Others see in you a great practical ability and will create some bonds that will last forever. This is an important time to be patient and tread 35. A woman religious. events. easily accept you as a leader. This could be a very political time for you. It certainly is a lightly when it comes to indulgence and overextending yourself. Whether your relation- time in which you can accomplish much for the workplace or your community. A short ships at this time are partnerships, work and social or personal, they are very important 36. Constituting the full quantity or 31. The inner and longer of the two and can have a very strong influence on your career and private life. extent. bones of the human forearm. story has a beginning this evening and you will be pleased with the ending. 38. Any of various dark heavy viscid sub- 32. A soft cotton or worsted fabric with stances obtained as a residue. an open mesh. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) 39. French classical painter (1780-1867). 33. A public building for gambling and 42. Bulky grayish-brown eagle with a entertainment. It’s important to keep your perspective with a close relationship. Although work is accomplished with little or no problems, there is a feeling short wedge-shaped white tail. 34. Nicaraguan statesman (born in 1945). Something you thought was resolved may, once again, come to your attention. Cool logic of low energy. This will pass but you can use the afternoon as an opportuni- 44. An appearance of reflected light. 37. Type genus of the Tetraonidae. will help you communicate. Learn from past experiences and agree to disagree. This way, ty to clear away some unfinished business. Those old books you would like to read again may better serve you as a gift to the library. Keep your favorites, but make room for the 47. A unit of atmospheric pressure equal 40. English courtier (a favorite of there is forward movement. You have the mental drive that is necessary for political assignments and may find yourself enjoying the tasks. Put your artistic talents to work new books that will be coming into your life. You may want to dedicate one room of your to one thousandth of a bar. Elizabeth I) who tried to colonize Virginia. improving your home this afternoon. Colorful accents will brighten the scene and the living quarters as a library or hobby room. Now is the time to be creative-perhaps after you 49. Typical geese. 41. An independent ruler or chieftain psyche. Consider an herb garden in a bright and sunny corner of a room. Consult those remove the old newspapers or magazines and as your energy returns you could create an 50. A dull persistent (usually moderately (especially in Africa or Arabia). that share your space so that everyone is able to give some input. New ways of appreciat- indoor herb garden that will be relaxing as you read. Education in law and philosophy intense) pain. 43. The face or front of a building. ing and loving may be possible now. A loved one shows off a new talent tonight. impacts your lifestyle now. You may find a way to work for the school. 52. Small buffalo of the Celebes having 45. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. small straight horns. 46. An intensely radioactive metallic ele- Wordsearch Puzzle Yesterday’s Solution 55. (Babylonian) God of storms and wind. ment that occurs in minute amounts in 57. In a ruggedly tough manner. uranium ores. 61. A worker who installs and repairs 48. A tricycle (usually propelled by ped- electric wiring. alling). 65. Any of various plants of the genus 51. A state in the United States in the Althaea. central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands. 68. A loose sleeveless outer garment 53. Tropical American tree grown in made from aba cloth. southern United States having a whitish 69. The basic unit of money in Romania. pink-tinged fruit. 70. Pertaining to or containing or similar 54. A trivalent metallic element of the to ammonia. rare earth group. 72. Having leadership guidance. 56. Any of several tall tropical palms 73. The act of slowing down or falling native to southeastern Asia having egg- behind. shaped nuts. 74. A river in northeastern Brazil that 58. Evergreen trees and shrubs having flows generally northward to the Atlantic oily one-seeded fruits. Ocean. 59. (Sumerian) Sun god. 75. An agency of the United Nations affili- 60. A collection of objects laid on top of ated with the World Bank. each other. 62. A landlocked republic in northwest- DOWN ern Africa. 1. Large burrowing rodent of South and 63. In bed. Central America. 64. A quantity of no importance. 2. Relatively small fast-moving sloth. 66. A United States unit of weight equiva- 3. A written agreement between two lent to 2000 pounds. states or sovereigns. 67. A nucleic acid that transmits genetic 4. Of or like a cecum. information from DNA to the cytoplasm. 5. A mouth or mouthlike opening. 71. A form of address for a man.75. After 6. An anti-inflammatory drug that does noon. not contain steroids. 76. A silvery ductile metallic element 7. A can for storing tea. found primarily in bauxite.

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Arrival Flights on Wednesday 16/8/2017 KAC 662 Abu Dhabi 13:15 Departure Flights on Wednesday 16/8/2017 KAC 511 Mashhad 12:45 Airlines Flt Route Time KAC 672 Dubai 13:55 Airlines Flt Route Time KAC 513 Tehran 12:45 THY 772 Istanbul 00:10 IRC 6521 Lamerd 14:00 AIC 988 Hyderabad/Chennai 00:05 IAW 158 Al Najaf 13:00 JZR 513 Sharm el-Sheikh 00:15 QTR 1078 Doha 14:10 JZR 1540 Cairo 00:20 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 KAC 786 Jeddah 00:30 KNE 231 Riyadh 14:10 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:30 JZR 786 Riyadh 13:10 JZR 267 Beirut 00:35 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:15 MSC 406 Sohag 00:30 THY 767 Istanbul 13:45 KAC 102 London 00:55 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:15 FDB 072 Dubai 00:30 FEG 932 Alexandria 13:55 DLH 635 Doha 01:00 KAC 364 Colombo 14:15 THY 773 Istanbul 01:40 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 WAN 806 Sarajevo 01:10 FDB 059 Dubai 14:20 KAC 363 Colombo 01:55 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:15 KAC 618 Doha 14:20 DLH 635 Frankfurt 02:00 CLX 792 Hanoi 14:30 JZR 539 Cairo 01:20 KAC 540 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:35 KAC 677 Dubai 02:15 WAN 805 Sarajevo 14:35 MSR 618 Alexandria 01:35 JZR 357 Mashhad 14:50 IRC 6512 ABD 14:50 UAE 853 Dubai 01:40 KAC 788 Jeddah 14:55 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:35 MSR 619 Alexandria 02:35 KAC 673 Dubai 15:00 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 KAC 692 Muscat 14:55 KNE 382 Taif 15:00 THY 1464 Istanbul 01:50 KAC 304 Mumbai 14:55 THY 765 Istanbul 02:50 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:00 KKK 6506 Istanbul 01:55 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 15:05 KKK 6505 Istanbul 02:55 FDB 060 Dubai 15:05 KLM 446 Bahrain 02:05 KNE 683 Madinah 15:05 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 03:05 QTR 1079 Doha 15:15 PGT 830 Istanbul 02:10 OMA 645 Muscat 15:10 AEE 943 ATH 03:15 KAC 563 Amman 15:40 QTR 1086 Doha 02:10 KAC 562 Amman 15:10 UAE 854 Dubai 03:30 SVA 501 Jeddah 15:45 JZR 553 Alexandria 02:10 KAC 502 Beirut 15:25 KLM 446 Amsterdam 03:30 JZR 188 Dubai 15:50 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:15 KAC 412 Bangkok 15:30 RJA 645 Amman 03:55 KAC 619 Doha 16:00 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 02:15 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:35 THY 753 Istanbul 04:00 KNE 684 Madinah 16:00 AEE 942 ATH 02:25 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 OMA 644 Muscat 04:05 KAC 775 Riyadh 16:05 THY 1404 AYT 02:30 SAW 705 Damascus 15:50 QTR 1087 Doha 04:10 OMA 646 Muscat 16:10 KAC 418 Manila 02:50 RJA 640 Amman 16:00 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:10 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 THY 752 Istanbul 03:05 SVA 504 Madinah 16:00 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 16:20 OMA 643 Muscat 03:05 AAG 147 IQA 16:00 PGT 831 Istanbul 04:20 KAC 615 Bahrain 16:30 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:10 MSR 575 Sharm el-Sheikh 16:10 KAC 417 Manila 04:20 SAW 706 Damascus 16:50 RJA 644 Amman 03:10 FDB 051 Dubai 16:15 MSR 576 Sharm el-Sheikh 16:50 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 QTR 1072 Doha 16:15 JZR 560 Sohag 04:45 KAC 103 London 05:00 SVA 505 Madinah 16:55 FDB 069 Dubai 03:15 JZR 535 Cairo 16:20 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 KAC 382 Delhi 03:15 KAC 118 New York 16:25 RBG 550 Alexandria 05:00 THY 3905 TZX 05:00 FDB 052 Dubai 17:05 QTR 1076 Doha 03:45 JZR 359 Mashhad 16:35 KAC 791 Madinah 17:10 KAC 544 Cairo 03:50 JZR 787 Riyadh 16:35 QTR 1091 Doha 05:05 QTR 1077 Doha 05:30 JZR 266 Beirut 17:15 KAC 796 Madinah 03:55 NIA 361 Alexandria 16:50 KAC 503 Beirut 17:15 QTR 1090 Doha 04:00 KAC 542 Cairo 17:05 KAC 303 Mumbai 05:50 QTR 1073 Doha 17:25 THY 3904 TZX 04:00 KAC 514 Tehran 17:10 FEG 954 Asyut 05:55 JZR 240 Amman 17:30 RBG 559 Alexandria 04:10 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 THY 1465 Istanbul 06:00 JZR 1442 Doha 17:30 KAC 346 Ahmedabad 04:15 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 UAE 874 Dubai 06:15 KAC 361 Colombo 17:35 UAE 873 Dubai 04:15 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:35 RJA 643 Amman 06:25 KAC 358 Kochi 04:50 KAC 357 Kochi 17:40 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 THY 771 Istanbul 06:25 UAE 858 Dubai 17:40 FEG 931 Alexandria 05:00 QTR 1080 Doha 18:10 GFA 212 Bahrain 06:50 KAC 784 Jeddah 05:00 MSR 620 Cairo 18:30 KAC 381 Delhi 17:50 JZR 238 Amman 07:00 NIA 362 Alexandria 17:50 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 JZR 483 Istanbul 18:30 FDB 070 Dubai 07:05 THY 770 Istanbul 05:25 KAC 512 Mashhad 18:40 KAC 283 Dhaka 18:00 KAC 344 Chennai 05:30 UAE 875 Dubai 19:05 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 KAC 343 Chennai 18:00 JZR 529 Asyut 05:35 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 KAC 501 Beirut 07:50 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 KAC 332 Trivandrum 05:40 FDB 063 Dubai 19:10 KAC 171 Frankfurt 07:50 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 KAC 362 Colombo 05:50 ABY 123 Sharjah 19:20 KAC 613 Bahrain 07:55 JZR 184 Dubai 18:25 BAW 157 London 06:05 KAC 154 Istanbul 19:30 BAW 156 London 08:20 JZR 538 Cairo 18:30 KAC 1802 Cairo 06:35 KAC 616 Bahrain 19:40 KAC 741 Dammam 08:30 KAC 785 Jeddah 18:45 KAC 284 Dhaka 06:35 KAC 674 Dubai 19:40 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 QTR 1081 Doha 19:15 KAC 206 Islamabad 06:40 KAC 776 Riyadh 19:50 KAC 773 Riyadh 08:35 JZR 124 Bahrain 19:20 KAC 678 Dubai 06:55 FDB 057 Dubai 19:50 KAC 539 Sharm el-Sheikh 08:40 MSR 621 Cairo 19:30 KAC 302 Mumbai 06:55 KAC 104 London 20:00 KAC 661 Abu Dhabi 08:45 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 KAC 156 Istanbul 07:05 OMA 647 Muscat 20:05 JZR 356 Mashhad 09:00 FDB 064 Dubai 19:50 ABY 124 Sharjah 20:00 JZR 1541 Cairo 07:10 KAC 620 Doha 20:05 KAC 101 London 09:00 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 KNE 381 Taif 20:10 FDB 058 Dubai 20:30 KAC 117 New York 09:15 KAC 331 Trivandrum 20:35 KAC 384 Delhi 08:00 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:15 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:15 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 KAC 671 Dubai 09:15 KAC 353 Bangalore 20:55 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 08:55 JZR 189 Dubai 20:25 JZR 534 Cairo 09:30 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:00 QTR 1088 Doha 20:40 KAC 1543 Cairo 21:00 IRC 6511 ABD 09:10 KAC 564 Amman 21:00 KAC 691 Muscat 09:30 DLH 634 Doha 21:00 QTR 1070 Doha 09:25 KAC 172 Frankfurt 21:05 KAC 561 Amman 09:30 OMA 648 Muscat 21:05 IRA 665 Shiraz 09:25 JZR 1443 Doha 21:05 JZR 482 Istanbul 09:40 KNE 232 Riyadh 21:10 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:10 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:40 JZR 554 Alexandria 21:15 IRM 1188 Mashhad 09:55 KLM 445 Amsterdam 21:15 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 MSC 415 Sohag 10:15 ALK 229 Colombo 21:15 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:00 KAC 301 Mumbai 21:40 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 IRC 6522 Lamerd 10:00 KAC 203 Lahore 21:45 MEA 404 Beirut 10:55 THY 764 Istanbul 21:30 KAC 541 Cairo 10:00 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 SYR 341 Damascus 11:00 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:50 KAC 617 Doha 10:15 QTR 1089 Doha 21:50 QTR 1074 Doha 11:00 KAC 792 Madinah 21:55 IRA 664 Shiraz 10:25 KAC 205 Islamabad 21:55 AXB 889 Mangalore/Bahrain 11:05 QTR 1082 Doha 22:00 KAC 153 Istanbul 10:30 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:00 JZR 561 Sohag 11:10 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:10 QTR 1071 Doha 10:35 KAC 155 Istanbul 22:15 KAC 614 Bahrain 11:15 JZR 125 Bahrain 22:15 FDB 056 Dubai 10:35 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 KAC 742 Dammam 11:45 AIC 975 Chennai/Goa 22:25 JZR 358 Mashhad 10:45 KLM 445 Bahrain 22:25 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 BBC 043 Dhaka 22:40 AAG 146 IQA 11:00 THY 1413 TZX 22:25 IAW 157 Al Najaf 12:00 KAC 383 Delhi 22:35 JZR 241 Amman 22:55 IRM 1189 Mashhad 11:10 JZR 239 Amman 12:25 RBG 551 Alexandria 23:00 UAE 860 Dubai 22:35 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 JZR 185 Dubai 23:00 MSC 416 Sohag 11:15 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:50 KAC 774 Riyadh 12:45 RBG 555 Alexandria 23:25 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:00 THY 766 Istanbul 12:50 MSR 2614 Cairo 23:30 MEA 405 Beirut 11:55 JZR 528 Asyut 23:05 FEG 953 Asyut 12:55 FDB 071 Dubai 23:35 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:00 KAC 783 Jeddah 23:10 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 PIA 239 Sialkot 23:40 SYR 342 Latakia 12:00 QTR 1083 Doha 23:20 WAN 954 GYD 13:00 AXB 890 Mangalore 12:05 RBG 552 Alexandria 23:40 CLX 792 Luxembourg 13:15 QTR 1075 Doha 12:10 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 l i f e s t y l e GOSSIP Jolie and Pitt have

he couple - whodelayed split in September 2016 after two years todivorce heat magazine: “The other problem is custody arrange- of marriage and a decade of dating - were recently ments. “Brad is still pushing for shared custody but Ange says Trevealed to have put their separation on hold, but insid- she wants to see a year of sobriety before she will let that hap- ers insist they won’t be getting back together, but are simply pen.”Angelina recently admitted she’s thankful the pair can delaying the process while they sort out their assets. A source remain civil for their kids’ sake and insisted their home life was- said: “A reunion is incredibly unlikely... “First and foremost, it’s n’t “negative” at all. She said: “[Our lifestyle] was not in any way about money. They have so many properties and so many areas a negative. That is and will remain one of the wonderful oppor- their pre-nup doesn’t cover. “For instance, Brad wants to keep tunities we were able to give our children ... We’re all just heal- their estate in France and keep up their wine brand, while Ange ing from the events that led to the filing ... They’re not healing wants to sell the property and use it all for charity. “Also, Brad from divorce. They’re healing from some ... from life, from has a collection of early 20th century furnishings that’s worth things in life.” In May, Brad admitted his drinking became “a about $10 million, and Angelina wants that sold too. “The list problem”, but he has now quit alcohol. He said: “I can’t remem- goes on and on and the lawyers are in staltemate.” Though it ber a day since I got out of college when I wasn’t boozing or was previously reported Brad had got sober in a bid to “win had a spliff, or something. Something. And you realise that a lot back” the ‘Maleficent’ star, the 42-year-old actress only wants to of it is, um-cigarettes, you know, pacifiers. And I’m running see that he has quit alcohol so she can consider joint custody from feelings.” of their six children, Maddox, 16, Pax, 13, Zahara, 12, Shiloh, 11 and nine-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne. The source added Perry and Bloom are back together he couple - who split in March after 10 months - have fuelled specula- Ttion they are an item again in the last few days after they were spotted kissing and cuddling at an Ed Sheeran show and riding the actor’s motorcycle together, and insiders have insisted they are in a relationship after “really good talks”. A source confirmed to E!: “They have never cut communication since they broke up. They just took a break because it was the best thing for them at that time, [but they] are seeing each oth- er again. “Katy and Orlando want this to work this time, so they are working on mending their relationship. They’ve had some really good talks and have a better understanding on their needs. Time will tell at this point, but [things are] looking very positive. “When they went out in public, they were aware that people would start speculating that they were back on, and they are OK with that. “They love each other and never stopped.” It was previously claimed the pair called time on their relationship because Orlando, 40 - who has son Flynn, six, with Moore ‘confident as brand ex-wife Miranda Kerr - wasn’t ready to settle down. A source said: “Katy and Orlando had a great time together. “It was a great healing process for Orlando following his divorce from Miranda. But Katy and Orlando discovered they were ambassador for L’Oreal on different pages. “Katy wants children and to get married, while Orlando has he 56-year-old actress has joined fellow movie icon those working in the laboratories to create various skincare been there and done that. “At 32, Katy Dame Helen Mirren as a representative for the cos- and make-up products are open to her hear suggestions, doesn’t want to waste any more time. It Tmetics giant, and the star has admitted she feels hon- although she is not the scientist. She explained: “The peo- became a strain.” Katy married comedian ored to have partnered with the label above any other ple who work at the labs work so hard and truly believe is Russell Brand in 2010, but he filed for company because she likes everything the brand stands what they are doing but they also welcome our suggestion divorce in 2011. for. Speaking to Hello! magazine about her partnership, and do listen to what all of the ambassadors have to say. she said: “I genuinely feel confident with the brand That said, they are a huge company and we are spokemod- because it represents people all over the world - every eth- els, not scientists.” However, the ‘Still Alice’ star has admit- nicity, every culture, and every age. I love its aesthetic - it is ted although she has appeared in campaigns she doesn’t attainable and inspirational and doesn’t have to be compli- think she was not an ideal candidate to boast a successful cated and mysterious. And I like that it has all of these [dif- career as a model because she is “too short”. Rihanna and Bullock ferent] representations of beauty.” And the red headed beauty has hinted she has a slight input in the products as ‘bonded’ over their love of hot dogs he ‘We Found Love’ singer stars with the Oscar-winning actress in the upcoming heist movie ‘Ocean’s Eight’ and Tthey love nothing more than sitting down to a meaty NE-YO MAKES IMPROMPTU treat together. Rihanna would like her fans to see pictures of her and her new pal enjoying a sizzling sausage because she wants to promote a healthy approach to food. She said: “On APPEARANCE ON STAGE the set of ‘Ocean’s Eight’, Sandra and I bonded over our love he 37-year-old star headed up to the main area of The Good Nite bar in of hot dogs. “Those are the pictures that I want fans to see, of North Hollywood on Sunday morning to collaborate with a supporter who us stuffing our faces so they know it’s OK to eat what you Twas in the middle of a rendition of the singer’s 2007 hit ‘Because of You’. A want.” The 29-year-old singer was recently mocked on social video on gossip website TMZ shows Ne-Yo duet with the surprised fan, who can media for gaining weight, and while Rihanna insists she does- be seen dancing alongside the ‘Miss Independent’ hitmaker. Other Ne-Yo fans n’t care about the cruel comments, she worries about the can be heard screaming and clapping in excitement as he comes from nowhere message it sends to her impressionable fans. She told the to take to the stage. The star was dressed casually in a baseball cap, top and a new issue of Britain’s Grazia magazine: “It’s important young pair of trousers for the surprise performance as he sang lyrics including: “I can girls know that it’s OK to eat they like and that’s why body barely move, but I like it; So, then it’s all because of you.”Another thing Ne-Yo shaming makes me so angry.”It doesn’t really worry me per- recently revealed he liked was Jennifer Lopez’s Los Angeles house after the star sonally, but I hate the message it sends. “It is absolutely OK to spent some time at the ‘Shades of Blue’ star’s home while filming NBC competi- enjoy your food. I love fast food and you are never going to tion show ‘World of Dance’ alongside their fellow judge Derek Hough. He said: hear me apologize for that. “Burgers, fries, hot dogs, pizza, “[We] hung out a couple of times at J.Lo’s home. It’s insane. I’m telling you it’s a you name it. “I am not saying I eat it every day, but when I am compound. Here’s the house; up this hill and around the corner, here’s the on tour or filming, it’s quick and easy and I know I am going dance studio. It’s like J.Lo world behind the gate. “[It] was embarrassing. You to burn a good lot of it off.” look at J.Lo’s house and it just makes your house look like, ‘What am I doing with my life? Jeez.’ It’s impressive to say the least.” Ne-Yo - who is married to 27-year- old Crystal Renay and has six-year-old daughter Madilyn and five-year-old son Mason with his former partner Monyetta Shaw - recently heaped praised his wife, saying he can discuss “anything” with her. He said: “My wife Crystal. She’s the one person on the planet I can talk to about anything and everything. She’s the person I know will never judge me.” Tiera Skovbye engaged to longtime boyfriend he ‘Riverdale’ actress - who plays Polly Cooper in the US teen drama took to her Instagram to show off a series of images with her fiance Henson urges women to TJameson Parker, and admitted she was taken completely by sur- prised at his proposal. Tiera shared several pictures of the pair and revealed he popped the question in his childhood bedroom. She added the caption: “This weekend was something out of a dream. The love of ‘eat with confidence’ my life surprised the crap out of me and asked me to marry him in his he ‘Empire’ star - who plays outspoken mother Loretha ‘Cookie’ Lyon in the US drama TV series - believes ladies need to stop spending so much time a day childhood bedroom (not planned, I’m really hard to surprise). We got to Tdeciding what is best for them to eat and have fewer “feelings of guilt” about spend the rest of the weekend hanging out on the lake with both of our what they consume on a regular basis. The 46-year-old actress wrote on Instagram: families and it was absolutely wonderful. I’m over the [moon emoji] hap- “statistics have shown that it takes the average woman 61 mins per day to make smart py (sic)” In one snap the 22-year-old actress can be holding up her food choices. That is 15 days that we waste our energy on deciding what’s best for us engagement finger in the air during an embrace with Jameson, who is to eat or have feelings of guilt about what we ate. Transfer the negative to positive pointing his middle finger to the camera. Another more romantic shot and take the guess work out when on the go grab “Women we spend way too much sees the hunk planting a kiss on the side of his lover’s head as she smiles time doubting our food choices!!! Shout out to @SpecialK for rallying women to eat at the camera. She also shared a group shot with pals and a picture of with confidence and #OWNIT.” It’s not the first time Taraji has helped people with their her and Jameson both lying out on a float in the water. Tiera had other lifestyle choices. Her fellow ‘Empire’ star Terrence Howard - who plays Cookie’s ex, reasons for celebration over the weekend as ‘Riverdale’ scooped nine Lucious Lyon - admitted earlier this year that he lost 40lbs after the star was teasing Teen Choice Awards at the ceremony at the Galen Center in Los Angeles, him about his weight. He said: “Taraji was making so much fun of me at work about California on Sunday night. The accolades included Choice Drama TV gaining weight. She was like, ‘Do you really want to look like this the rest of your Show and Choice Breakout TV Show, and lead stars Cole Sprouse and Lili career?’ “The actor started running five miles every morning and went on a “no carbs, Reinhart took home the Choice Drama TV Actor and Choice Breakout TV no salt, no sugar” diet. Star prizes respectively. lifestyle WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 GOSSIP Gomez’s younger sister is her spirit animal

he 25-year-old singer has credited her four-year-old sibling Gracie as the most inspi- rational person in her life, because she believes the youngster is “cooler” than her. TWhen asked in a Q&A on Twitter as part of a 30 minute #StreamWithSelena session, one social media user asked who her “spirit animal” was, to which the brunette beauty - who also has three-year-old sibling Tori - replied: “My little sister Gracie. She’s 4 and cooler than me. (sic).” And the ‘Kill Em With Kindness’ hitmaker - who is currently dating The Weeknd, whose real name is Abel Makkonen Tesfaye - has revealed she equally enjoys staying in at home and talking about “everything and nothing” with her friends just as much as she enjoys a night out. When asked to choose what her favourite past time is she replied: “Depends on my mood! #streamwithselena “Eat and talk about everything and nothing [with my friends].” The Texas born star - whose mother, Mandy Teefey, is from Italian decent, whilst her father Ricardo Gomez has Mexican ancestry - has admitted she wished she was fluent in Spanish and French. When asked what language she yearned to be an expert speaker in, she said: “French (sic).” But she swiftly changed her mind and explained: “Spanish would be my top but then French (sic).” Although Selena does already speak Spanish with her family, she has hinted she hasn’t “perfected” it yet. When asked if she converses with family members in another tongue, the ‘Spring Breakers’ actress said: “Sometimes I have to even if it’s not perfected (sic).”

Cruise will need months to recover after MI:6 he 55-year-old actor was filming the latest movie in the ‘Mission: Impossible’ franchise - in which he plays IMF agent Ethan Hunt - over the weekend when The was injured during a stunt which involved jumping from rigging onto a nearby building rooftop. Now, it has been reported that the star has suffered two broken bones in his ankle, and his expected recovery time has left the production of the movie halted for four months. A source told The Sun newspaper: “The injury is worse than was at first feared. Tom did serious damage and will need months to recover. “He is the film’s biggest star and everything revolves around him. The movie’s bosses had no choice other than to postpone the filming.” At the time of writing, it has not been confirmed as to whether or not the scheduled July 2018 release date for the movie will need to be altered in order to meet with the delay in filming caused by the incident. News of Tom’s on-set mishap was first reported by TMZ, who obtained video footage showing the ‘Top Gun’ star attempting to jump from a rigging to a building but he appeared to miss his mark and hit the side of the structure. Tom, who was attached to safety wires, was able to climb up onto the roof of the building but he was limping and the actor called to the production crew for assistance. He then made his way back to the scaffolding he originally jumped from and could be seem walking away with the crew. Meanwhile, producer David Ellison previously revealed that Tom has been “training for a year” for his role in ‘Mission: Impossible 6’. He said: “What Tom is doing in this movie I believe will top anything Dwayne Johnson that’s come before. It is absolutely unbelievable - he’s been training for a year. “It is going to be, I believe, the most impressive and unbelievable thing that Tom Cruise has done in a movie, and he has been working on it since right after ‘Rogue Nation’ ‘so proud’ of his came out. It’s gonna be mind-blowing.” ‘baby girl’ Simone he 45-year-old actor has taken to social media to gush about his 16-year-old daugh- Prince set to get his ter - who he has with his former partner Dany Garcia - on her birthday, which saw Thim reflect on the day his oldest child was born and clasped onto his hands. Alongside an image of the former professional wrestler - who was known as The Rock - with Simone by his side when she was a child, which was shared on the star’s Instagram own shade of purple account, he wrote: “And just like that my baby girl @simonegjohnson turns 16. Feels like he late musical icon - who passed away in April last year at the age of 57 just yesterday I held her tiny body in my hands the day she was born as I whispered “I’m after an accidental fentanyl overdose - has become synonymous with the gonna love and take care of you for the rest of my life”. She of course cried, which in new- color since the release of his hit single and album ‘Purple Rain’ in 1984, and born lingo translates to, “you’re the best damn daddy on the planet”. True story.” The ‘San T it has now been revealed that The Pantone Color Institute have teamed up with Andreas’ star has admitted he loves the “awesome young woman” Simone has developed the late star’s estate to develop a new shade of the color in his honor. The color, into. The muscular hunk’s post continued: “Happy Birthday honey! I’m so proud of the awe- entitled ‘Love Symbol #2’ after the star’s famous name change to an unpro- some young woman you’ve become.” Dwayne - who also has 19-month-old daughter nounceable symbol known as the Love Symbol in the late 1990s, was “inspired Jasmine with Lauren Hashian - only hopes his daughter will continue to stay focused and by his custom-made Yamaha purple piano.” In a press release, The Pantone work hard. He said: “Keep your eyes on that prize, keep working hard (sic).” But Dwayne has Colour Institute said: “We are honoured to have worked on the development of vowed to always support Simone “every step of the way” throughout her future. He con- Love Symbol #2, a distinctive new purple shade created in memory of Prince. A cluded: “And I got your back every step of the way. Now go have fun! musical icon known for his artistic brilliance, Love Symbol #2 is emblematic of #FatherDaughterBond #OurSnapPhilosophy.” Prince’s distinctive style. “Long associated with the purple family, Love Symbol #2 enables Prince’s unique purple shade to be consistently replicated and main- tain the same iconic status as the man himself.” Meanwhile, it was previously revealed that a musical based on the works of the ‘Little Red Corvette’ hitmaker is in the works in memory of the late icon. The creators behind the Michael Cabello feels ‘comfortable’ now Jackson themed musical ‘Thriller Live’ are the creative minds behind the show, and it is set to showcase Prince’s most famous work including tracks such as ‘Raspberry Beret’, ‘Kiss’, and ‘When Doves Cry’. Director Gary Lloyd said in a state- after leaving Fifth Harmony ment: “Prince’s music and constant reinvention is legendary, so to get the he 20-year-old musician parted ways with the girl group in 2016, and has said opportunity to bring that and all his colourful characters to the theatrical stage that she’s enjoying the newfound freedom she has, especially when it comes is a dream. “There is also a real appetite for live music shows that showcase the Tto wearing the clothes she feels the most comfortable in, rather than having to musicians as part of the performance. Prince was all about this. Prince was a match a theme with her four former band mates. She said: “As a solo artist, I don’t consummate, theatrical artist, but in our show his music is the star.” have to worry about matching a group look, which can be quite challenging because you have to fit with everyone else.” And as a result, the ‘Crying In The Club’ hitmaker has found her style has “evolved” because she’s “comfortable in [her] own skin.” She added: “I think my style has evolved because I’ve evolved as a person. I’m always growing and recreating myself, and because style is an expression of how you feel, my style has changed like I have. I’m more comfortable in my own skin now Khloe ‘fortunate’ to be and I don’t feel like I have to do as much to feel good. I could wear jeans and a T-shirt with no makeup and feel just as good as when I’ve been in hair and makeup for two hours and wearing a fancy dress. It’s all about feeling comfortable and feeling like yourself.” Camila - who is set to release her debut solo record ‘The Hurting. The dating Tristan Thompson Healing. The Loving.’ in September - admits she “put everything” into her forthcom- ing album, and says her music comes “from [her] heart”. She told People magazine: “I he 33-year-old reality star struck up a relationship with the Cleveland just want to keep living experiences and then writing about them. I’ve put every- Cavaliers basketball player last year, and has said she is lucky to be dat- thing into this album. I’ve opened myself up to this music and I think when you hear Ting someone she has so much in common with, especially when it it you can see that this is all really coming from my heart.” — Bangshowbiz comes to being “organized”. Writing in a new post on her app, the ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ star wrote: “I love myself an organized man. I am so fortunate that Tristan is so similar to me. “He’s a Pisces and Pisces men are pretty much like that. My father and my brother are both Pisces, and we all have a crazy need for everything to be perfect, neat, overly clean and organ- ized at all times. “I definitely like to oversee his organizational style. But how lucky am I that he thinks my crazy is cute?! “I also truly enjoy helping him and making things as stress-free as possible. Trust me, when you keep an organized and clean life, it definitely helps de-stress in the life areas that just don’t need the headache. (sic)” Khloe’s blog post comes just days after she described her romance with Tristan, 26, as “the best relationship [she’s] ever been in”, and said she would be willing to tie the knot with him in the future, although she isn’t putting a time frame on it. The star - who was previously married to fellow basketball player Lamar Odom - said: “I’m in the best rela- tionship I’ve ever been in and it doesn’t take a ring for me to feel that way. I believe in marriage and I want to be married again one day but I don’t have a time frame. “Why do people think that marriage equates to happiness? There are a lot of people in unhealthy marriages.” And Khloe also admitted she “definitely” wants to have children one day and thinks Tristan - who has eight-month-old son Prince with former girlfriend Jordan Craig - is a “great dad”. She added: “I definitely want a family, but I don’t feel any pressure. “Tristan is a great dad and he definitely wants more children, but we both feel that it will happen when the time is right. We’re still in a new relation- ship and I love us having time together. Once you have kids you can’t get back your non-kid years.” LIFESTYLE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 Taylor Swift hopes verdict inspires assault victims heard,” she said, promising to make unspecified donations to groups that help victims of sexual assault. Nancy Leong, a law professor at the University of Denver, said the verdict is important because “we are getting to the point in society that women are believed in court. For many decades and centuries, that was not the case.”

Gender studies Leong, who also teaches in the university’s gender studies program, said the verdict will inspire more vic- tims of sexual assault to come forward. “The fact that she was believed will allow women to understand that they will not automatically be disbelieved, and I think that’s a good thing,” Leong said. Swift and her mother initially tried to keep the accusation quiet by reporting the inci- dent to Mueller’s bosses and not the police. But it inevitably became public when Mueller sued Swift for up A police officer examines a motorcycle after a female stunt driver working on the movie “Deadpool 2” died to $3 million, claiming the allegation cost him his after a crash on set, in Vancouver, BC. — AP $150,000-a-year job at country station KYGO-FM, where he was a morning host. “I’ve been trying to clear my name for four years,” he said after the verdict in explaining why he took Swift to Stunt driver dies while court. “Civil court is the only option I had. This is the only way that I could be heard.” On ABC’s “Good Morning ‘ ’ America” yesterday, Mueller he might appeal and insisted filming Deadpool 2 he did nothing wrong “and I can pass a polygraph.” After Mueller sued, Swift countersued for assault and battery, eadpool 2” star Ryan Reynolds is mourning the trians before disappearing from his view, Kramchynski and during an hour of testimony blasted a low-key charac- death of a motorcycle stunt driver killed during said. “She lost control really quickly. It happened in a terization by Mueller’s attorney, Gabriel McFarland, of what Dproduction Monday. Reynolds released a state- split second,” he said. “She was going full throttle and happened. While Mueller testified he never grabbed Swift, ment on Twitter a few hours after the accident near the then there’s a building there.” she insisted she was groped. waterfront in downtown Vancouver. “Today, we tragi- Another witness, Sharmina Kermalli, said she had “He stayed attached to my bare ass-cheek as I lurched cally lost a member of our crew while filming just walked into a Starbucks next door to where the In this Feb 4, 2017 file photo, Taylor Swift performs at away from him,” Swift testified. “It was a definite grab. A Deadpool,” the actor wrote. “We’re heartbroken, accident happened when she heard a loud crash. She the DIRECTV NOW Super Saturday Night Concert in very long grab,” she added. Mueller emphatically denied shocked and devastated ... but recognize nothing can ran outside and saw glass still falling on the body of the Houston, Texas. — AP reaching under the pop star’s skirt or otherwise touching compare to the grief and inexplicable pain her family motorcycle driver. The name of the stunt woman was her inappropriately, insisting he touched only her ribs and and loved ones must feel in this moment.” not immediately released. Police said WorkSafeBC, the mmediately after a jury determined that Taylor Swift may have brushed the outside of her skirt as they awk- Reynolds, a native of Vancouver playing the Marvel British Columbia provincial workplace safety agency, had been groped by a radio station host before a con- wardly posed for the picture. That photo was virtually the Comics superhero Deadpool in the 20th Century Fox and the coroner’s service were investigating. Trish Icert in Denver, the singer-songwriter turned to one of only evidence besides the testimony. movie, said his heart “pours out to them - along with Knight Chernecki of WorkSafe BC said some investiga- her closest allies - her mother - and later said she hoped In the image shown to jurors during opening state- each and every person she touched in this world.” The tors are looking at any possible occupational health the verdict would inspire other victims of sexual assault. ments but not publicly released, Mueller’s hand is behind motorcycle crash happened near the Shaw Tower office and safety issues while others examine the cause of the Swift hugged her crying mother after the six-woman, Swift, just below her waist. Both are smiling. Mueller’s building, where a crumpled motorcycle was seen lying crash and prevention in the future. two-man jury said in US District Court on Monday that for- then-girlfriend is standing on the other side of Swift. Swift on its side and a window was smashed. The last stunt death in British Columbia was in 1996, mer Denver DJ David Mueller had groped the pop star dur- testified that after she was groped, she numbly told Nathan Kramchynski, who works on the seventh when a person jumped from a helicopter and a para- ing a photo op four years ago. Per Swift’s request, jurors Mueller and his girlfriend, “Thank you for coming,” and floor of the building, said he watched rehearsals for the chute failed to open, she said. In March 2016, actor awarded her $1 in damages - a sum her attorney, Douglas moved on to photos with others waiting in line because stunt outside the Vancouver Convention Centre. The Dylan O’Brien suffered injuries on the British Columbia Baldridge, called “a single symbolic dollar, the value of she did not want to disappoint them. But she said she stunt woman had been riding the motorcycle down a set of the latest installment of the “Maze Runner” film which is immeasurable to all women in this situation.” Swift immediately went to her photographer after the meet- set of stairs from the center and had stopped when she series. WorkSafe BC said Fox Productions Inc didn’t released a statement thanking her attorneys “for fighting and-greet ended and found the photo of her with Mueller, reached the street, he said. But on the occasion when rehearse a stunt sequence properly, but Fox said the for me and anyone who feels silenced by a sexual assault.” telling the photographer what happened. — AP the accident happened, the driver appeared to pick up stunt was thoroughly rehearsed. — AP “My hope is to help those whose voices should also be speed, crossed the street and swerved to avoid pedes- MTV, record label debate ‘Despacito’ video TV says the uber-popular video for “Despacito” didn’t earn a nomination at its Video Music Awards because it wasn’t submitted for consideration, but MUniversal Music Latin Entertainment says MTV didn’t ask the label to sub- mit the video until last week - two weeks after the network announced its VMA nominees. “Despacito” has not aired on MTV or MTV2, but it is being played on MTV Tres, the company’s Latin channel. As for the VMAs, MTV said “the ‘Despacito’ video was not submitted for consideration” in a statement to The Associated Press on Monday. “Until last week, MTV hadn’t solicited UMLE to submit the video for con- sideration,” a spokesperson for the record label said in a statement to the AP after it published a story on the reason for “Despacito’s” exclusion from the awards show. It is unclear why the network solicited the label for a submission after the nomi- In this April 18, 2017, file photo, Oprah Winfrey attends the nations had already been announced. MTV did not immediately respond to a mes- premiere of HBO Films’ “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” sage seeking comment Monday afternoon. MTV announced its VMA nominees on at the SVA Theatre in New York. — AP July 25. The network said Monday that “Despacito” - the song not the video - will be acknowledged at the VMAs as a nominee in its song of summer category. That category and its nominees will be officially announced the week of Aug 21. The label said it hopes MTV will air the video at some point. Oprah lets go “UMLE is surprised and happy to learn that MTV plans to recognize ‘Despacito’ in the VMA’s ‘Song of Summer’ category,” the label said. “We hope the nomination of ‘emotional will lead to MTV airing the full video on their main channels.” MTV did not explain why it has not played “Despacito” on its main channel when asked by the AP. Luis This April 27, 2017, file photo shows singers Luis Fonsi, left, and Daddy Fonsi and Daddy Yankee’s hit song has become YouTube’s most viewed clip of all- Yankee during the Latin Billboard Awards in Coral Gables. — AP burden’ of weight time, surpassing 3 billion views. “We’re proud to work with MTV to expose new audiences to our artists’ music and we would welcome MTV’s decision to recognize “Macarena” in 1996 and has sold more than 7.7 million tracks based on digital t 63, Oprah Winfrey isn’t apologizing for anything, especially Spanish-language videos on its main channel and the Music Video Awards pro- sales, audio streaming and video streaming. The song, released in January, got a her weight. The media mogul and former talk show host tells gram,” the label said. The VMAs will air live on Aug. 27. boost when Justin Bieber appeared on its remix, helping it soar from the Top 40 to AVogue magazine that the high-profile fluctuations in her the Top 10, and later No.1. The remix version does not have an official video. weight over the years were “a physical, spiritual, emotional burden” Massive success “Despacito” missed out on VMA nominations such as video of the year, best collab- for her. But she says that when you hit 60, there are no more apolo- MTV, which mainly airs reality shows like “Teen Mom” and “Catfish” throughout oration, best editing and other more. In an interview with the AP, Fonsi said he did- gies. Winfrey also discussed the 2011 end of her talk show. She says the day, rarely plays music videos on its main channel. MTV2, MTV Classic and oth- n’t notice the video wasn’t nominated for the VMAs and he’s happy with the song’s she misses her connection to the audience, but knew it was time to er spin-offs air videos regularly. “Despacito” is the rare Spanish track that has massive success. “Awards are very important but what bigger award (is there) than end the show because the way people consume media was chang- become a massive success in the US and around the world. The hit song, which having the most watched video in the world in history? It doesn’t really get any ing. Winfrey opened up about her relationship with longtime part- recently became the first video to hit 3 billion views on YouTube, has become the bigger than that,” Fonsi said, referring to the song’s YouTube record. “Hopefully it’ll ner Stedman Graham. She says if she and Graham had married long most streamed track of all-time and is spending its 14th week at No.1 on the win some awards down the line, down the road, but I think I got the biggest one so ago, they wouldn’t be together. She explains that she wouldn’t Billboard Hot 100 chart. far, straight from the people.” have been able to fit into a traditional marriage role. It is the first mostly Spanish song to top the Hot 100 since Los del Rio’s Home Centre brings movie magic to kids’ rooms his summer, as children gear up for the premieres of Spider Man: nation in every child. The meticulously crafted collection brings iconic Homecoming and Disney’s Cars 3, Home Centre, the largest home characters to life through vibrant products such as table lamps, cushions, Tretailer in the Middle East, has launched an exclusive movie-themed rugs, mugs, clocks, posters and more. The exclusive movie-themed collec- line as part of its back-to-school collection. The exclusive range comprises tion is available across all Home Centre stores located at Al Rai, Shuwaikh, of bright and playful children’s room accessories featuring Spider-Man, The Avenues, Kuwait City, Fahaheel and Sama Mall (Fintas). Cars and Disney Princess themes that are sure to spark wonder and imagi- LIFESTYLE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2017 FEATURES

Liam Williams, an expert painter for Colossal Media, paints an ad on the side of Colossal Media’s office Will Krieg, an apprentice for Colossal Media, organizes paints at Colossal Media’s office. building. — AFP photos NY goes back in time with revival of hand-painted ads nce outdated relics in a digital world, paint- It was slow,” he concedes. “I didn’t know if there was world, agrees — even if the growth still accounts for ed advertisements are flourishing once a future in it at that point. I just knew that I loved it.” a fraction of the overall market. Oagain in New York, putting a dose of hip atti- Thirteen years later, his company has 70 employ- “We’re seeing more around the city. It’s a unique tude into 21st century commercial art in the city ees, paints 450 to 500 murals a year in major US product that advertisers are asking for now. In the that never sleeps. Toiling under the blazing sun of a cities and is eyeing sales of $24 million in 2017. Even past, it’s been something a little more difficult to heat wave, Justin Odaffer puts the finishing touches though painted ads take longer and cost more, they sell,” he says. Lamar does not work with Colossal. to a Ray-Ban ad he has spent several days painting offer advertisers a unique opportunity to set them- Lindahl attributes the growth to multiple factors — on the facade of an East Village building in down- selves apart. Seeing painters in action can generate luck, timing, the “do-in-yourself” trend and the town Manhattan. For the past seven years, Odaffer buzz on street corners. “People are astonished,” says enduring popularity of street art. Colossal secures its — who has a degree in fine art — has painted ads Odaffer. “That’s why this company has done so well. own walls and real estate, which means it can sell a on walls in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago for It’s because people can actually watch the process.” package to advertisers with space and the painted Colossal Media, which has risen from nowhere to ad without having to depend on another advertis- become the leader in painted advertising. But is it art? ing company. But are commercial ads really art? “Basically we created a revival,” says Odaffer. That buzz carries over onto social media, fueled Odaffer says definitely. Without the company he works for, he believes by photographs and videos which enhance brand “It’s still the same process as other street art,” he painted ads would be hanging “by a very thin visibility and advertising, says Lindahl. “That brings said, adding that many of the painters started out in thread.” But setting up the company in 2004 was a value to what we do. What we realized along the some form of street art. “I see nothing wrong with it,” leap of faith, admits Paul Lindahl, co-founder of way is yes, this thing takes longer than a digital ad says graffiti artist BG 183, a member of the oldest Colossal, which is based in Brooklyn’s hipster hub of or print ad but that’s part of the benefit. It’s per- New York graffiti collective that is still active, Tats Williamsburg. “Technology was taking over and formance art. People stop and they wonder and Cru. “The quality of the painting has improved a lot,” there was really no need for hand painting at the they’re intrigued.” Chris Cockerill, general manager says Cockerill. “It stands out better than it has in the time. Nobody cared,” says Lindahl, who comes from of the New York office for Lamar Advertising, one of past. It makes them (advertisers) feel like it’s more of A freelance pattern maker for Colossal Media burns a pattern to paper at a family of Hungarian immigrants. “It was expensive. the largest outdoor advertising companies in the a hip-looking kind of ad.” — AFP Colossal Media’s office building.

Santa Fe Indian Market fuses tradition with contemporary art or nearly a century, American the market is based on methods and Indian jewelers, potters and other styles used by tribes for generations, Fartists have been gathering in the more modern narratives have been find- heart of northern New Mexico to show ing their way into the pieces and the off their creations at one of the nation’s work has been evolving. Maybee point- most prestigious art markets. The annual ed to pottery designs and changes in Santa Fe Indian Market begins Saturday textiles. “I think the perception was that as organizers push ahead with raising we were always a traditional show and the bar for showcasing what they say are that’s just not the case,” he said. “We do the best examples of art that has have art forms that are very old in terms evolved from centuries-old traditions. of techniques and materials but for Some artists and their families have decades and decades our artists have participated for years, but this marks the been exploring new ways of presenting A statue of Elvis Presley fronts a tourist gift shop at the corner of Hollywood Elvis tribute artist Ede Danna of Brazil performs during first time organizers have shifted entirely those things.” In 2015, the market started Boulevard and Highland Avenue on August 14, 2017 in Hollywood. — AFP photos the preliminary round of the “Images of the King” con- to a juried application process that has the Edge Contemporary Show for those test at the New Daisy Theatre. resulted in fierce competition. Native artists focused on fine art with a Organizers say the result is more fair more modern flair. Acknowledging the than the system that used to exist, said popularity of the contemporary work, he The fraternity of tribute Dallin Maybee, chief operating officer of said: “We’ll keep moving in those direc- the Southwestern Association for Indian tions. I think there’s room and space for Arts, which presents the market each all the different types of art forms to find year. “The process allows us to jury and a place at Indian Market.” artists keeping Elvis alive select people simply based on the weight and competitiveness of their Film and fashion atthew Boyce feels like a superhero when he zips himself into a work. Tribal affiliation, age, medium - it In conjunction with the market, the spangly Elvis Presley jumpsuit and sprints on stage to blast doesn’t factor in anymore,” he said. Smithsonian’s National Museum of the Mthrough a hip-thrusting, pulsating track by the King. “I just think if About 935 artists were selected this American Indian will present its annual you’re going to play a character, it might as well be your inspiration,” he year. Many are from pueblos through- Native Cinema Showcase throughout says, perfecting his hair, make-up and sideburns in an hour-plus transfor- out New Mexico and the Navajo Nation the week, highlighting more than 50 fea- mation from 21st century teen about to go to college to 35-year-old super- while others are traveling from as far as ture-length and short films created by star at the prime of his life in the 1960s. Alaska, Montana, South Dakota and Native artists. The Haute Couture Matthew is one of thousands of Elvis Tribute Artists or ETAs who bring Wisconsin. Events related to Native Fashion Show on Saturday will include to life on stage the icon that was Presley’s 1954-77 career, either as full- film, literature and fashion are sched- work inspired by the diverse back- time professionals or enthusiastic amateurs. At 18 he is younger than the uled throughout the week leading up grounds of designers across Indian Rock ‘n’ Roll legend was when he cut his first record, but Matthew says he to the market. Here are some more Country. That will be followed Sunday by was “bit by the bug early,” under the influence of his grandmother and things to know: a clothing competition in which models aunt who were huge Elvis fans. He started performing at seven, did his will show off traditional and contempo- first paid performance aged eight and has been singing with a band since Tradition rary styles. — AP he was 13 or 14. While much of the art showcased at Now to mark the 40th anniversary of Presley’s death, he’s taking part in an ETA contest in Memphis where prizes range from $50 to $5,000 across three divisions: youth, non-professional and professional. On stage at the New Daisy Theatre on Beale Street in downtown Memphis, he wows an enthusiastic crowd of older women with his pelvic contortions and dash- ing performance in a tiger-embellished jumpsuit. But it’s an obsession that has not always endeared him to his peers. While close to his younger brother Spencer, 12, who performs on stage alongside him, Matthew says he was “severely bullied” from the sixth to ninth grade. Elvis tribute artist Matthew Boyce performs during the preliminary round of the “Images of the King” contest at the New Daisy Theatre on Superhero August 12, 2017 in Memphis. “That was a low point,” he says. “I’d come home and the Elvis records would always be there to help me feel better.” The ETA world is a tight-knit but the jumpsuits alone can cost up to $5,000. “You feel like a superhero support group, or “family,” as Matthew likes to put it. But so great is their when you’re wearing them,” he enthuses showing off a matching, embel- admiration for Presley, they never use the word “impersonator,” believing lished cape. no one can ever fully recreate the unique magic that was his looks, voice Many of his competitors are considerably older-men in their 50s, even and presence. 70s paying tribute to a legend who died at just 42 in August 1977. Some of the best tribute artists have become famous in their own right Matthew can zip around stage the way those battling middle-age spread in the Presley fan world. Some even conduct weddings. The best tribute or cranky joints cannot. Going to college in the fall to study music industry concerts are serious affairs, undertaken with reverence. But it’s also an and education, he dreams of a full-time career. “I’ve still got a good 15 This Aug. 23, 2015, photo shows Male and Female Adult, Youth and Child cate- expensive business. Matthew flew to Memphis from his home in upstate years left,” he reckons. — AFP gory winners in the 2015 Santa Fe Indian Market Fashion Challenge of the New York with his parents and brother. Gigs can earn him $300 to $5,000, Native American Clothing Contest at the Santa Fe Indian Market. — AP Van Gogh ‘Sunflowers’ reunited online

ive versions of a Vincent van Gogh masterpiece are being “We’re at a moment in time where new kinds of experience are In this Friday, Jan 24, reunited for the first time Monday in a “virtual exhibition.” Van becoming possible for art galleries and museums all around the 2014 file photo, twins Gogh painted his “Sunflowers” series in the south of France in world,” Chris Michaels, the National Gallery’s digital director, said. Edgar, left, and Gabriel, F 1888 and 1889. Five versions of the work reside in five different London’s version of “Sunflowers” is one of the museum’s most pop- aged 10, arrange them- museums on three continents. On Monday, they all will be ular paintings. It’s famous for its blue and yellow swirls, textured selves to pose for pho- streamed to a global audience in a Facebook Live broadcast. The 1 surface and rare glimpse into the happy times of Van Gogh’s life in tographers beside two hour and 35 minute broadcast begins in London’s National Gallery Arles, France. versions of Dutch-born at 1650GMT (12:50 p.m. EDT.) It then continues at Amsterdam’s Van More than 50,000 viewers watched a preview for Monday’s painter Vincent van Gogh Museum, the Neue Pinakothek in Munich, the Philadelphia event online. Michaels is hopeful his team will bring more of the Gogh’s “Sunflowers”, Museum of Art and Tokyo’s Seiji Togo Memorial Museum of Art. National Gallery’s famous pieces to online audiences. It’s an added the left one from 1888 A curator from each museum will describe, in 15-minute seg- attraction and a way to connect with other galleries. “But it’s not a and the right one from ments, what makes their version unique. The museums launched a replacement,” he said. “It’s another type of thing that art museums 1889, during a photo- virtual-reality experience last week that shows viewers all five can do and an amazing one for us to explore in the future, in part- call at the National “Sunflowers” in one room. The paintings are so treasured and such nership with amazing museums around the world.” — AP Portrait Gallery in big draws it would be difficult to bring them together in real life. London. — AP Stunt driver dies while filming ‘Deadpool 2’


Indian girls wear tri color bangles practice prior to take part during Independence Day celebrations in Secunderabad, the twin city of Hyderabad, on August 15, 2017. Indian Independence Day is celebrated annually on August 15, and this year marks 70 years since British India split into two nations — Hindu-majority India and Muslim-majority Pakistan — and millions were uprooted in one of the largest mass migrations in history. — AFP India opens its first Partition museum

CEO of India’s new partition museum Mallika Ahluwalia looks at a steel A worker looks on from atop a wall with a banner for the Partition Workers stand around a giant saw installation that is cutting through a trunk, black, which was among items donated by the relative of a person Museum. — AP photos brick wall at the Partition Museum. who had migrated to India during partition in 1947.

n the 70 years since India and Pakistan were The idea, Ahluwalia said, was to have visitors day all you have left of your things is a small created from the former British Empire, there participate in the “greening” of the tree and to suitcase,” Ahluwalia said. The personal experi- Ihas never been a venue focused on the sto- think of peace and reconciliation between the ence led her to believe it was important to set ries and memorabilia of those who survived torn nations. “You end up feeling so grateful to up the museum, “especially as we saw that gen- that chaotic and bloody chapter in history - that generation who, I think, helped rebuild the eration leaving us.” until now. A new museum on the Partition of nation, despite having suffered such trauma,” The fact that it will be India’s first Partition the Indian subcontinent opens this week, as the Ahluwalia said. museum makes it even more crucial, she said. two South Asian giants mark seven decades as She said she wanted to create the museum Tickets are priced low at 10 rupees (25 cents) This July, 21, 2017 independent nations. after years of hearing her 83-year-old grand- for Indians and 150 rupees ($2.30) for foreign- photograph, shows “If you look at any other country in the mother’s tales of the subcontinent before it was ers to encourage more visitors. The museum is a pocket watch of world, they’ve all memorialized the experiences divided, before she had to flee her Pakistani a nonprofit trust that has raised money from Indian man Pandit that have defined and shaped them. Yet this home as a 13-year-old girl. individuals such as Indian ad guru Suhel Seth Devi Dass, who was event that has so deeply shaped not only our “What must it have felt like for her, to one and companies including Airtel and the killed in mob subcontinent but millions of individuals who day come from, you know, a relatively affluent Hindustan Times. The Punjab government violence in Pakistan were impacted has had no museum or memori- family, have a normal background, and the next donated the space. which was later al 70 years later,” said Mallika Ahluwalia, CEO of donated by his son the Partition Museum. to the Partition The exhibitions, housed in the red-brick Museum. Town Hall building in the north Indian border city of Amritsar, include photographs, newspa- Foundation of history mutuality of violence. There is no one truth. No per clippings and donated personal items While the bloody events of Partition became one victim.” The museum is located in the heart meant to tell the story of how the region’s a foundational part of India’s history and identi- of Amritsar, best known for its famed Sikh struggle for freedom from colonial rule turned ty, sparking countless works of art, literature Golden Temple, because the Punjabi city was into one of its most violent episodes, as com- and film, there has been no official expression one of the first points of arrival for millions of munal clashes left hundreds of thousands of of regret, and India’s leaders have been cautious refugees to India. Dozens of people donated Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs dead and another 15 in mentioning the communal violence that items to the museum, including 81-year-old million displaced from their ancestral homes. coincided with the country’s earliest days. There Sohinder Nath Chopra, who included an autobi- are no memorials to those who perished. On ographical novel set in his old village near ‘So grateful’ Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made Gujranwala in Pakistan. An antique pocket watch that belonged to no mention of Partition itself while regaling the His family had been warned by a Muslim someone killed in mob violence in Pakistan. country’s freedom fighters in his annual cleric to flee the village as weaponized mobs Woven fabrics from craftsmen of the time. A tra- Independence Day speech to the nation. went on killing sprees against Hindus and Sikhs ditional rope cot carried by a refugee across the Sociologist Shiv Visvanathan suggested the in the newly declared Islamic republic. He was border. And many old black-and-white family topic has simply been too painful for many to 12 years old as they crossed the border into snapshots. Screens show video interviews with dwell on, and that reconciliation would need to India, and remembers “big arches welcoming the now-elderly survivors. The last of the muse- be two-sided to work. Even the museum, he the refugees.” um’s 14 galleries is called the Gallery of Hope, said, should reflect realities on both sides. “If a “Hindi film songs were being played loudly,” where visitors are invited to scribble messages nation-state becomes the repository of memo- Chopra said. “There were people standing on of love and peace on leaf-shaped papers before An old newspaper clipping from of India before the division of British India, ry, it becomes a one-sided memory,” both sides, holding bread, vegetables, water. hanging them on a barbed-wire tree. hangs on the wall of the Partition Museum. Visvanathan said. “We have to acknowledge the And everybody started crying.” — AP