2000 PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY HEATS THE FROM THE EDITORS’ DESK GENESEO Scarily enough, we’re back. The irrepressible College REVIEW Republicans of Geneseo have returned from their brief hiberna- tion period to bring you tidings of mud-slinging and name call- A publication of ing. Yes, it’s primary season, and our dueling columnists have the Geneseo the lowdown on the Republican contenders. We also bring you College up to speed on the situation in Chechnya and tell you how you Republicans can get involved in the Republican campaign. Our new and improved format and exciting design make Editor-In- us easier and more fun to read than ever. That’s because we’re Chief the newspaper that cares. We know you do too, so tell us how Charlie much or how littlebywriting in to voice your opinions. Besides, writing to us will help you to get your mind off of the loss of Big Giudice Pun. Why do the good have to die so young? So have a good semester, stay involved,stay informed and Asst. Editor if you don’t like what we have done, just remember that “It’s Karl Thaesler tricky to rock and Rhyme.” Peace out for now!

Review Staff Dave Austin TABLE OF CONTENTS How John McCain is Changing the Face of American Politics By Darren Eustance Page 3

John McCain is a Disaster Waiting to Happen By Eric Siudut Page 3

Russia’s War in Chechnya By Chris Swain Page 4

The Geneseo Review welcomes all comments and sugges- tions. We will print selected Letters to the Editor in each issue. You can write to the editor at College Union Box 113, e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our home page at

The Geneseo Review. February 16, 2000. Page 2 Senator John McCain Governor George W. Bush How John McCain is Chang- John McCain is a Disaster ing the Face of American Waiting to Happen By Darren Eustance By Eric Siudut In 1996, John McCain gave the introduc- Since John McCain’s 18-percentage point tory speech for at the 1996 Republican victory over George W. Bush in New Hampshire, National Convention. It is a growing possibility there has been a lot of noise in the national that in a few months, someone will give the media concerning the supposed shattering of introductory speech for John McCain. While he the frontrunner’s inevitability. McCain has his is still nothing more that a long shot to win the face on the cover of three major news magazines Republican nomination, John McCain is looking this week (TIME, Newsweek, and U.S. News and more and more like the candidate that people want World Report). He has received tens of millions to see as their next president. It has nothing to do of dollars in free advertising from pundits on all with politics, because John McCain is relying on major networks. Despite all of this, the McCain his personality to win votes. So far, it seems to boom has peaked and is fading: Bush’s recent be working. While GW Bush is out cultivating win in Delaware and Forbes’ decision to drop out his money trees and waiting for his throne to signal a shift in the race. A Bush victory in South be built, John McCain has slowly but steadily Carolina will wrap up the nomination, as McCain built a strong base of grassroots support. While is relying on momentum from individual states GW Bush is receiving support from otherwise (New Hampshire with its Independents, South unknown politicians just waiting for him to Carolina with its veterans) in his bid for the appoint them to something, John McCain has Presidency. been shunned by the Washington insider crowd, McCain won in New Hampshire simply only to be adored by the American public. The because he spent all of his time there: he briey contrast between McCain and Bush is striking in visited Iowa and did not set foot in Delaware. He that it is truly a battle between big money politics will not have that luxury as the primary season and grassroots politics. So it is almost ironic kicks into high gear. Bush’s strong grass-roots that McCain finds himself in a situation like support garnered eleven delegates in Delaware, Continued on Page 5 Continued on Page 5 The Geneseo Review. February 16, 2000. Page 3 Russia’s War in Chechnya

By Chris Swain has told Putin that she greatly but more like a state. The situa- Although it is true that desires that the war come to tion in Chechnya could be paral- many presidents’ foreign pol- a peacefully negotiated end, leled to that of South Carolina icies are far from perfect, and requested an international seceding from the Union in the the Clinton administration’s monitoring force be sent in to American civil war. Would the approach toward the war in make sure of no human rights have been very Chechnya is absolutely wrong. violations. All of these state- willing in the 1860s to allow an After a recent meeting with ments are indirectly challenging international monitoring force President Vladimir Putin of the Russian sovereignty at a time to enter its sovereign territory Russian Federation, Madeline when the nation is going through and possibly become involved Albright made a statement about a tumultuous period in its in its internal affairs? her concern over the situation transition from Communism. Also, after the first in Chechnya. She even went Altogether, although it’s Chechnyan war where they so far as to say that the OSCE a noble cause to have concern for attained de facto independence (Organization of Security and the plight of Chechnyan refugees from Moscow as a result of Cooperation in Europe) of which in the breakaway republic, it is a cease-fire, certain Chechen both the US and Russia are a inherently important to consider militants attempted to spread part of, has recently changed the motivation of the Russian the war into the neighboring its policy toward not only estab- internal policy in the rst place. province of Dagestan, and create lishing stability between coun- The terrorist attacks on inno- a fundamentally Muslim state tries but also within them. cent Russian civilians living in out of Russian territory. Any state This statement follows apartment complexes far from forcibly attempting to spread a long series of American and Chechnya are one reason why revolution within another is European protests toward Rus- the Russian military is so con- grounds for military action, in sian handling of the situation cerned about crushing the rebel- order to preserve union and hold in the breakaway republic of lion. It is widely believed that a country together. The United Chechnya. Certain European these attacks were carried out by States should in no way criticize leaders have accused Russia of Islamic militants operating out Russian action in Chechnya, serious human rights violations, of Chechnya. To wipe out the because it is only an attempt and a refusal to come to a politi- threat of a potentially dan- by the Russians to maintain peace cal and negotiated settlement gerous terrorist state on a and security within their own bor- to the war. Many western lead- country’s border, is often a ders, as they are legally allowed ers almost allude to a parallel valid cause for going to war. to do under international law. between the war in Chechnya, Furthermore, Chechnya In addition certain lead- and what went on in Kosovo, was, and still is considered a part ers especially within Europe threatening strained relations of the sovereign territory of the have likened Chechnya to the with Russia if the war was Russian Federation. Unlike the situation in Kosovo. The two not resolved peacefully. Even breakaway Soviet republics of civil wars are fundamentally Madeline Albright, at a recent Ukraine and Kazakhstan, it was different, and while one may summit in the Middle East, never a separate political entity, warrant international involve- Continued on Page 6 The Geneseo Review. February 16, 2000. Page 4 John McCain is Changing the Face of American Politics, Continued from Page 3 this, after years of supporting the In fact, in New Hampshire, Bush to spend time listening to him or McCain-Feingold Bill, which outspent McCain 3-1. McCain, her, rather than bombarding them was designed to help take money meanwhile, spent his time going with sound bites. Who knew? out of the political process. John to town meetings and listening McCain’s smashing victory in McCain, the reformer who has to the people. He traveled all New Hampshire showed that railed against big money’s inu- around the state in an attempt to voters could care less about ence in politics for most of the share his ideas. And on election money when picking a candi- past decade, now nds himself night, he was rewarded by abso- date. They care about the mes- ghting for the presidential nom- lutely plastering Bush 49%-30%. sage, the ideas, and the man. ination against the poster boy of All this leads to a conclusion that When money is taken out of big money politics, GW Bush. opponents of campaign nance politics, it forces people to actu- Don’t let the Bush people reform have not gured out yet: ally walk down Main Street and fool you. Their candidate is all It’s not the money, it’s the man campaign. It forces parties to about money. They think if you and his ideas. The moment you pick someone who can do a bit spend enough of it, you probably bring up New Hampshire, any more than read a cue card during do not even need any ideas to Bush supporter will immediately debates. Who knows, it might go along with your commercials say something like: “McCain even force candidates to debate and billboards. Maybe all you spent all his time there. Of course real issues of real importance, need is a lame tag line like, he won”. Imagine voters actually instead of proclaiming truths “Compassionate Conservative.” voting for someone who wants from your TV screen everyday.

John McCain is a Disaster Waiting to Happen, Continued from Page 3 and will earn him the nomination most of the projected budget The McCain-Feingold bill shreds in many states (such as South surplus in Washington does not the First Amendment and is Carolina) where McCain’s brand appeal to scal conservatives. unconstitutional, which is why of sorta-conservatism does not Bush realizes that money left in campaign nance reform is voted resonate. McCain’s image as a Washington is as good as spent, down every time McCain brings “maverick” will not shield him while McCain naively hopes that it to the oor of the House. from the inevitable questions as President he can veto every Were John McCain to about his membership in the “pork-barrel” bill that passes his capture the Republican nomi- Keating Five. He will never desk. And the solution to all this nation, he would fare poorly be able to erase the stain of government waste? Campaign against his likely opponent, Al involvement in the savings-and- nance reform, John McCain’s Gore. McCain simply does not loan scandal, and no matter how answer to everything from tax have the funds to conduct a much he complains about special cuts to the debate over abortion. protracted campaign in the fall interests and lobbyists, he still Since the McCain-Feingold bill against Gore, who has labor ies around in a jet donated by eliminates corporate contribu- and teachers’ unions in his back a constituent. tions but leaves individual limits pocket. Worse, the media is Steve Forbes’ decision in place, labor union contribu- likely to abandon him in a to drop out of the race can only tions and the blessing of the general election: McCain is, help Bush in his fight for the media (perhaps the biggest spe- after all, still a member of Republican nomination. Forbes’ cial interest groups in the coun- the Republican Party. Gore supporters will flock to Bush, try) will have an unprecedented destroyed Bradley’s candidacy since McCain’s proposal to leave impact on American elections. with the help of the media, and Continued on Page 6 The Geneseo Review. February 16, 2000. Page 5 John McCain a Disaster, Continued from Page Chechnya, Continued from Page 4 there is no reason to believe the same would not ment, the other certainly does not. In Kosovo, the happen to McCain. Al Gore’s strategy of lying Serbians were ethnically purging Kosovo of the about his opponents’ records would be brutally ethnic Albanians. They systematically killed and effective against McCain, since he supplies a lot forcibly relocated massive amounts of civilians of ammunition himself. His war hero status is not in order to create a Serbian-dominated state. In the bulletproof shield his aides would have you Chechnya, the Russians in no way discriminate believe. For all these reasons, a Bush comeback upon ethnicity. They do not condone the slaughter in South Carolina is essential for the future of or Chechens, and never conducted massacres or the party. Bush has the money and the grass-roots anything like relocations. All they are attempting to do is reunite a breakaway republic with Elian Gonzlaez its mother country to defend their own territorial integrity. The Chechens’ ethnicity Controversy has absolutely nothing to do with this situation. “Do you have any idea why a little boy Finally it is imperative that the United named Elian Gonzalez is plastered all States tries to deal with Russia as diplomatically over the news? If not and you are curious, as possible. The tenuous position of one of the or if you know about Elian and you are most powerful countries on Earth, and the only interested in hearing the opinions of the country that can wipe out this country in half professors at Geneseo, then look forward an hour, should be gravely understood. Only to the debate coming up on the Elian with mutual good will and a friendly United Gonzalez custody battle! Sponsored by States can Russia eventually bring itself fully into the International Relations Club, The democracy. Therefore, it is very important for , and the College the Clinton administration to stop criticizing an Democrats, the debate will take place on internal Russian political matter thus straining rela- February 28th. Professors of Geneseo, tions, and start thinking about how to more fully including Edward Drachman and Robert facilitate Russia’s transition to a democratic and Goeckel from the political science stable state. department and Rose-Marie Chierici from the anthropology deptartment will be participating in the debate.Time and place

Any students interested Any students interested in in volunteering for John volunteering for George W. McCain may contact Bush may contact Dave Jeremiah Thompson at Austin at [email protected] [email protected] The Geneseo College Republicans meet every Tuesday at 6:30 in the College Union. New members are welcome! The Geneseo Review. February 16, 2000. Page 6