Applications of science and engineering to quantify and control the oil spill

Marcia K. McNutta,1, Steven Chub, Jane Lubchencoc, Tom Hunterd,2, Gabrielle Dreyfusc,3, Steven A. Murawskic,4, and David M. Kennedyc aUS Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, Reston, VA 20192; bUS Department of Energy, Washington, DC 20585; cNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230; and dSandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87111

Edited by Paul G. Falkowski, Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, Brunswick, NJ, and approved September 28, 2012 (received for review August 22, 2012)

The unprecedented engagement of scientists from government, academia, and industry enabled multiple unanticipated and unique problems to be addressed during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. During the months between the initial blowout on April 20, 2010, and the final well kill on September 19, 2010, researchers prepared options, analyses of tradeoffs, assessments, and calculations of uncertainties associated with the flow rate of the well, well shut in, killing the well, and determination of the location of oil released into the environment. This information was used in near real time by the National Incident Commander and other government decision-makers. It increased transparency into BP’s proposed actions and gave the government confidence that, at each stage proposed, courses of action had been thoroughly vetted to reduce risk to human life and the environment and improve chances of success.

oil collection | science-based decision making | well control | | spill of national significance he Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil and killing the well. Science and company to solve the problem in a quick ultra-deepwater semisubmersible engineering played a critical role in that and effective manner. Toil drilling rig exploded and sank decision-making; the NIC respected From the earliest days of the oil spill, in the northern Gulf of Mexico on science and relied on scientific information the government had sent scientists and April 20, 2010, killing 11 crew members to understand tradeoffs, because scientists engineers to the Gulf region, including the and initiating the largest marine oil spill were in lead roles in numerous relevant incident command center in BP head- in US history. According to federal law agencies and scientists in academia, in- quarters in Houston, Texas. Initially, the (ref. 1 and SI Text describe the re- dustry and the Federal Government were roles of these government representatives sponsibilities of various parties), the US willing to help in ways never before used in in Houston were very specific and distinct Coast Guard (USCG) is the On-Scene such a marine disaster. A summary of all from the roles of the BP scientists and Coordinator (OSC) for maritime dis- of the important DWH events and science engineers. For example, Department of charges to ensure that the responsible applications over a nearly 5-mo period is Energy (DOE) engineers were involved in party, here including BP, takes appropri- given in ref. 1. mobilizing γ-ray imaging to determine the ate actions to limit releases and clean up DWH was unprecedented in numerous status of deployment of the BOP’s rams spills. The National Oceanic and Atmo- ways: an unknown amount of oil/gas to help resolve conflicting information spheric Administration (NOAA) provides gushing continuously from more than 1 mi about which of the rams in the BOP scientific advice to the OSC, participates beneath the ocean surface and in open, designed to cut off the flow from the well in responses executed by the OSC, and noncoastal waters was ongoing for months. had successfully been triggered. assumes significant responsibilities for Public and political interest across federal, Secretary of Energy Dr. Steven Chu led damage assessment. By day 10 (see time- state, and local governments and members one team, the Government-Led Science line, figure S1 in ref. 1), the DWH spill was of the public was intense, because the Team (GLST) (SI Text), and the members declared the nation’s first “spill of national disaster played out quite publicly for 87 d. participated in both the well integrity and significance” (SI Text), the USCG had es- BP was unprepared for source control in well kill teams and rotated in and out of tablished a National Incident Command, the eventuality that the blowout preventer BP headquarters in Houston. The GLST and President Obama named USCG Com- (BOP) would not work (2). The result was was designed to bring unconventional mandant Admiral Thad Allen as National the first loss of ultra-deepwater well con- thinking to bear on DWH problems (in Incident Commander (NIC). It became trol in US history. Without direct human this case, stopping the flow of oil). GLST apparent that our nation’s best scientific access to the well, all activities associated members were chosen for their critical and engineering advice would be required with well control required the use of to support the decisions of those people remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). with the legal responsibility and authority to Although BP took immediate action to Author contributions: M.K.M., S.C., T.H., S.A.M., and D.M.K. act on behalf of the American government. begin drilling relief wells, including a back- analyzed data; and M.K.M., S.C., J.L., T.H., G.D., and S.A.M. Although science is often conducted for up relief well, BP’s initial approach to wrote the paper. the purpose of advancing the frontiers of controlling the spill was to first try meth- The authors declare no conflict of interest. discovery, the effort in DWH had to be ods that had the lowest risk of harming This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. accomplished under the intense pressure the well or the BOP at the well head. 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: of time and public scrutiny to support Unfortunately, early methods deployed by [email protected]. 2 proximate decisions and deliver evidence- BP—the coffer dam placed over the point Retired. based results with maximum understanding of discharge and the Top Kill to force 3Present address: Office of Policy and International Affairs, US Department of Energy, Washington, DC 20585. of what error might mean for the ocean hydrocarbons back down the well with — 4Present address: College of Marine Science, University of environment and human wellbeing. mud both failed. With the relief wells South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. This paper summarizes some of the not projected to reach their target until This article contains supporting information online at science and engineering undertaken to August, these failures eroded public and www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1214389109/-/ support best decisions for collecting the government confidence in the ability of the DCSupplemental.

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1214389109 PNAS Early Edition | 1of7 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 thinking skills, broad knowledge of rele- hydrocarbon scientists observing oil on the of oil per day) ... In summary, we believe vant science and engineering, and willing- surface from planes quickly challenged this plan is responsive to your order.”] ness to be available. The rationale was that estimate, saying the flow had to be at The GLST proposed estimating the simple: BP had many specialists, but in a least 5,000 bpd, and likely, it was much, amount of flow not captured by surface crisis that involved never before encoun- much more. BP strenuously resisted the collection (escaping through relief ports tered modes of failure, fresh thinking phrase “and much, much more.” In the and gaps in the skirt where the Top Hat could bring creative solutions. absence of firm information, the USCG mated with the mounting flange) by After the failure of Top Kill, the role of announced a new flow rate of 5,000 bpd measuring the differential pressure inside this team changed. The US Government on day 9. and outside the Top Hat. The higher the and the American public wanted more Subsequently, the media announced differential pressure, the higher the flux of assurance that future well interventions several higher estimates of flow rate: the escaping flow. The calculation also had a high likelihood of success. In co- 60,000 bpd based on a number observed depended on estimating the area available ordination with the NIC, the GLST in written on a white board in the NOAA in the ports and skirt for fluid flow to Houston began participating in reviews of Office of Response and Restoration and escape. Three DOE National Laboratories proposed well interventions and proposed 20,000–100,000 bpd, which was derived performed calculations to estimate flow procedures, examining risks, proposing from analysis of the first short video clips rates, combining the escaping flow to the alternatives, asking questions, and making showing the plume of hydrocarbons es- surface collection at the time that the suggestions, alongside BP’s scientists and caping from the damaged riser (3). These pressure measurement was made. Their engineers. At the request of the GLST, estimates, although presaging higher flow estimates ranged from 72,000 to 83,000 some of the more critical interventions rates, were not officially adopted as bpd, with large uncertainty for two reasons. were reviewed by experts from other government estimates because of multiple First, the gap area in the skirt was poorly major oil companies, a very unusual de- uncertainties and the fact that the NIC known. Second, a lightning strike led to velopment (2). The result was substantial, was in the process of setting up an official a production shutdown, increasing the flow comprehensive, and independent advice team to take all approaches into account, through the Top Hat but no discernible to the President and the NIC about the resolve differences, and estimate flow change in differential pressure. This ob- risks associated with proposed well control (SI Text). servation led several experts to become actions and options to increase the likeli- Using analysis of higher-quality video concerned that the measurement point hood of success. The NIC, charged with as well as other methods, on day 37, the for the differential pressure gauge was oversight of the responsible party, had Flow Rate Technical Group (FRTG) not representative. the authority to consider and transmit (SI Text) issued its first lower bound on the The lower limit of the GLST and the formal recommendations to BP. oil discharge rate of 12,000–25,000 bpd estimates from the FRTG were merged on This new relationship between the (4). Within a few weeks, better data and day 56 and released 1 d later as the last government scientists and engineers and estimates from more methods confirmed government flow-rate estimate provided the BP team increased transparency into higher flow rates: 57,000 ± 10,000 bpd before shut in of the well: 35,000–60,000 the procedures that BP proposed, in- from Woods Hole Oceanographic In- bpd (4, 6). Although the lower bound creased confidence that risks had been stitution (5) estimated just before the riser was considered a hard minimum value, the appropriately mitigated, and provided was cut and >40,000 bpd from several of press release made clear that the upper appropriate assurance that other candidate the video analyses that used manual bound was less certain. options had been thoroughly vetted. The methods to track features (6). The particle The most definitive measurement of GLST and the BP team reached consensus image velocimetry technique for video the flow occurred just before the well was on a path forward from Top Kill onward flow-rate analysis influenced the early shut in. On day 86, collection by surface to establish well integrity through the final government estimates, especially because vessels was partially interrupted, and the well kill using the traditional methods it could be applied rapidly; multiple teams two working pressure gauges installed on of science and engineering to solve any adopted this approach (4). This method the capping stack were able to record disagreements: collect more information, was later shown to underestimate flow a reliable change in the pressure in the conduct simulations, and reduce rates for this particular application (6). capping stack that was coincident with uncertainties. The GLST used an opportunistic shut- the change in flow. This record allowed the The Federal Government had also down in oil collection on day 48, 2 d after GLST to make a simple calculation that established a number of other science the Top Hat was installed, to estimate was largely insensitive to details of the teams to assist with aspects of the spill; a lower limit to the flow. The GLST noted capping stack geometry. The flow of the work on flow rate and oil budget (i.e., that ROV video records of oil leaking from hydrocarbon mixture was also insensitive to where the oil went) is described here. (The the skirt (bottom) of the Top Hat during the gas/oil ratio (other than the assumption work of other scientific teams is detailed oil collection of 15,600 bpd and when that the ratio was constant before and in ref. 1, and a description of teams is in collection was 0 bpd were indistinguish- after the change in flow). In addition, SI Text.) able. Assuming that one could discern by several DOE laboratories made detailed eye a change of at least one-half to one- calculations to interpret the pressure Flow Rate third of the oil leaking from the Top Hat, readings as a function of flow through the An accurate assessment of flow rate was they established a lower bound on the capping stack before and after the well important for predicting the likelihood for flow rate of 30,000–45,000 bpd. Based on was shut in on day 87 (July 15, 2010). success of various well intervention strat- this estimate, the NIC ordered BP to The result of these analyses produced an egies, planning containment capacity to increase containment capacity to 60,000 accurate flow rate, yielding consistent capture the flow while relief wells were bpd. [On June 8, day 50, BP presented results that, at that time, the rate was drilled, applying the proper amount of a plan to Secretaries Salazar and Chu, 53,000 bpd ± 10% (6, 7). This latter dispersant, and helping satisfy the need for documented in a letter on June 9, to calculation depended on the gas/oil ratio, the public to understand the scale of the contain “40–50,000 barrels of oil per day. which was well-determined by this time (8). crisis. The flow rate was first publicly es- In addition, the Quantification of the integrated flow timated on day 5 by BP to be ∼1,000 barrels would remain in the field and could pro- from the time of the blowout benefitted per day (bpd). Experienced NOAA vide additional capacity (15–18,000 barrels from more detailed knowledge of the

2of7 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1214389109 McNutt et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 reservoir condition and the effect of possible 8,000 psi, the well most likely was not fl BOP restrictions on the ow. Information Capping damaged. If the pressure was found to be on the former was obtained during the less than 6,000 psi, the low pressure would well integrity test. Modeling by Oldenburg Stack Broach to Sea indicate that the well was significantly et al. (9) on the phase interference of BOP damaged and would have to be opened ascending oil and gas in the well suggested quickly. Between 6,000 and 7,500 psi, the that restrictions in the BOP would not result would be ambiguous, but the well have a large effect on oil flow rates. could be left shut in for 24 h based on the assumption that flow through ruptured Well Integrity Test disks of 20,000 barrels could be tolerated Complete collection of oil through the Top 2. Oil without irreversible harm (Fig. 2). Hat was impossible, because the system 18” fractures The well was to be shut in with the was only designed to accommodate Shoe formaon proviso that multiple surveillance methods 15,000 bpd oil and associated natural gas. beneath would be used to search for a leak on or An additional ∼9,000 bpd of oil and as- shoe and beneath the seafloor: multichannel seismic sociated gas were produced through the propagates surveys, water column sonar, visual ROV choke line of the damaged BOP to the to ocean camera surveys, and acoustic listening at semisubmersible drilling platform, Q-4000, the wellhead (10). Previously directed Rupture disks but the total collection through the two in 16” liner operations by BP to increase oil recovery routes to the surface was inadequate. capacity were stopped as necessary while Deployment of a smaller BOP (capping critical seismic and acoustic runs were stack) on top of the Lower Marine Riser 1. Macondo oil made through the area near the wellhead. Package, the top of the damaged BOP, enters well under It is noteworthy that this very compli- would allow the collection of more than Possible high pressure cated set of activities was accomplished 80,000 bpd from the combination of the flow paths Macondo without accident. valved ports in the capping stack and Reservoir On day 87 (July 15), the final (choke) additional lines from the BOP. Outer casing/liner strings valve in the capping stack was closed in The deployment of the capping stack Producon casing string a sequence of steps. The pressure rose Cement (approximate) also allowed the possibility of shutting off stepwise to 6,600 psi, squarely in the middle the flow by closing the valves. The well Fig. 1. Schematic of the Macondo well (11) and of the ambiguous zone (Fig. 2). Some could not be left shut in unless the well capping stack showing a possible broach situation members of the GLST advocated that the passed an integrity test (10) that showed through rupture disks in the 16-in liner after shut in risk of inducing an uncontrolled release that all rupture disks in the well casings with the capping stack. Although sand layers were into the Gulf was too great and that BP and casing shoes had remained intact, present above the 18-in shoe, geologic analyses by should return to collecting oil until a relief the Well Integrity Team indicated that such layers despite the explosion. If it had not, were too thin or laterally discontinuous to be well was completed. BP was reluctant to shutting in the well would risk release of counted on for arresting or significantly delaying reopen the capping stack and argued hydrocarbons to surrounding geologic vertical fracture growth to the seafloor (10). that the low pressure was a sign of well formations and potential blowouts to the depletion. The GLST leadership recom- seafloor (Fig. 1), a much worse situation mended that the shut-in test continue. than the single point of exit through the the seafloor through liquefaction of sur- The BP/NIC path chosen was to allow damaged BOP. If the well passed the test, rounding sediments by broaching oil the WIT to continue initially for 24 h (the with the upward flow turned off, it would (Fig. 1). Either situation might mean that agreed-on guidance) and redouble the be possible to statically kill the well by the full flow of the Macondo well would surveillance efforts. injecting drilling mud down the well bore. discharge into the Gulf until the relief US Geological Survey team members The capping stack and BOP had to with- wells killed the well. The expert view of transmitted a cell phone photograph of the stand the overpressure that would be geologists from academia, government, pressure changes vs. time when the capping generated by the Macondo well when the and industry was that the former scenario stack was closed to Paul Hsieh at US well was shut in and any additional pres- would not be irrecoverable: if an incipient Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Cal- sure that would be needed in the static kill. ifornia. Working through the night, Hsieh leak to the seafloor was detected within The GLST’s independent structural anal- interpreted the data in terms of their hours and the well was quickly reopened, ysis raised concerns about the mechanical implications for well integrity. In parallel, the ductile seafloor sediments would heal stresses that the capping stack would put fl BP conducted a similar analysis. These on the flex joint of the BOP. The flex joint fractures in the sea oor. The second analyses were crucial in providing a plau- had been bent to its maximum tilt range by scenario was viewed as unlikely after ex- sible argument for allowing the WIT to the drifting DWH before it sank. In part amining the details of well design and rock continue beyond the original 24 h. because of detailed GLST/DOE calcu- formation but given the high conse- The decision to keep the well sealed was lations of the elastomer vulnerabilities, BP quences, had to be avoided at all costs. made every 8 h, but as the understanding of restored the flex joint to vertical alignment The GLST recommended that the well the well increased, the decision point was fi before attaching the capping stack. be shut in for speci ed intervals depending lengthened to 12 h and then, 24 h. By mid-June, hurricane season was on the observed pressure on gauges in- Both Hsieh and BP plotted the time slowing the build-out of additional collec- stalled at their request. The original res- dependence of the pressure in a Horner tion capacity and progress on the relief ervoir pressure with a static head of well plot, where pressure is plotted vs. the log fl wells. Government and BP experts were uid would have yielded an estimated [(tP + dt)/dt](tP is the duration of the weighing whether to proceed with the well pressure of about 9,000 psi. Accounting for spill, and dt is the time since the well was integrity test (WIT) (10). Risks identified some well depletion since the beginning sealed) (Fig. 3). On day 88, BP presented included (i) broaching of hydrocarbons to of the blowout, if the pressure was above the first plot in a series of Horner plots the seafloor through multiple subsea floor 7,500 psi, the well could be shut for 48 h showing a straight line trend of data up vents and (ii) sinking of the BOP into with low risk, and if the pressure was above to 0000 h (7/16/2010). On the same day,

McNutt et al. PNAS Early Edition | 3of7 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 BOP/capping stack was estimated by BP to rise from 6,900 to ∼7,400 psi, within the 48 hours limit of 8,000 psi developed by GLST. If the static kill was successful, BP proposed to follow the static kill by forcing a plug of Pressure at shut in cement into the bottom of the well and partially into the reservoir. Hours The discussions with BP and the GLST 24 hours on whether to proceed with the static kill and cementing intensified soon after 6 hours Tropical Storm Bonnie had passed. There was diversity of opinions within the GLST and outside industry experts over whether to proceed with a static top kill or take Pressure, psia a more conservative approach of waiting for the relief well to be completed (2). Fig. 2. Pressure ranges agreed to by the government-led science team and BP that would prompt The possibility remained that a static kill different actions after well shut in as described in the text. Squares are a National Labs analysis of the would allow the well to be killed in the allowable time for shut in using estimated flow rates at varying BOP pressures assuming 20,000 barrels central casing but not the annulus, the fl of oil is the maximum allowable ow into formation. The red line shows the shut in pressure, ap- space between the central well casing and proximately 6,600 psi on July 15, 2010. the outer double wall. One of the flaws in the design of the Macondo well was that fl Hsieh presented his model of a square riser was cut off. The integrated flow was there was an unobstructed ow path from reservoir, predicting that the data would calculated to be 4.9 million barrels (mb) the bottom of the annulus (the 9.875-in follow the same straight-line trend but of oil released from the well (7, 12), and shoe) to the hanger seal in the BOP. Only would begin to saturate 2 d after shut in. ∼0.8 mb were collected by the Top Hat, a few hundred feet separated the reservoir from this shoe, and if the intervening The linear trend continued for another choke/fill flow, and the Riser Insertion rock was fractured anytime during the day, but on day 90, the first hint of Tube Tool. drilling or blowout, oil could flow up the departure was seen. By 1900 h on day 91, annulus. Normally, this flow is prevented BP presented data showing that the Killing the Well by a hanger seal that isolates the annulus departure was unmistakable. Instead of As confidence grew that the well had from the central casing. However, the saturating, the pressure line curved up. retained integrity, attention turned to locking mechanism for the hanger seal had Hsieh immediately revised his reservoir possibly killing the well by injecting drilling not been installed before the blowout. If model from a square reservoir to a chan- mud to force the hydrocarbons in the the blowout lifted the hanger seal up and well column back into the reservoir. The nel (rectangular) reservoir. BP had made it did not reseat properly, hydrocarbons the same deductions, and in an 1100 h deeper of the two relief wells was still could leak from behind the hanger seal. meeting the same day, BP and Hsieh weeks away from reaching the base of fi However, mud pumped in the static kill presented their combined analysis that Macondo. Until the nal well kill from would be less likely to enter the annulus the data were consistent with a channel below, the risk of additional oil spilling because of impedance differences for the reservoir with no aquifer drive having an could be reduced if pressure could be taken mud pathways. aspect ratio of roughly 8:1. off the capping stack by injecting mud fi Although there were manageable risks to Con dence was growing that the well from above. a hydrostatic balancing of the drill mud, casings were intact, such that when Tropical This method of killing the well was a cement procedure from the top that Storm Bonnie came through on day 95, the similar to the approach that had failed failed to fully seal the well from the NIC allowed the well to remain shut in during Top Kill, but the well had been reservoir was viewed as an irreversible fl ∼ without monitoring for the duration of the actively owing at that time at 60,000 bpd. problem. A botched cement job might storm. After the storm passed, the GLST The likelihood of killing the well under isolate hydrocarbons in the annulus that used the increased understanding of the static conditions was greatly improved would not be hydrostatically balanced with fl reservoir to calculate the pressure depletion compared with a dynamic kill of a owing the drilling mud when the relief well en- in the well since the beginning of the well, where substantial upward hydrocar- tered the Macondo, interfere with access blowout. The shut-in pressure at the cap- bon fluid momentum had to be overcome. to the reservoir for the cement from a ping stack, by this time, was approaching A strong argument for proceeding with bottom kill, and prevent fishing the drill 6,900 psi. Assuming no leak from the well the static kill was that it would greatly re- pipe from the hole. Before proceeding and correcting for the static density of the duce the internal pressure on the capping with cementing, it was agreed that the hydrocarbon fluid in the well, the static stack and require less monitoring as peak pressure–volume response during the kill pressure at the reservoir was estimated to hurricane season approached. BP argued operation had to strongly favor that the be ∼10,000 psi, roughly 1,800 psi lower that the static balancing of exploratory flow path of the mud was through the than the static pressure of 11,800 psi wells is done routinely in normal oper- casing or casing/drill pipe only. If there measured by BP before the blowout. The ations, and an injectivity test (how much was any indication that flow was going reservoir model of Hsieh indicated that pressure is needed to overcome the skin into the annulus, cementing would be the pressure and flow had decreased impedance at the reservoir/well interface) unacceptable. linearly since the time of the blowout. would provide valuable information in After numerous discussions, the NIC Because the flow was determined to be preparation for the bottom kill. authorized the static kill. On August 3 53,000 bpd on day 87, the GLST de- The greatest risk to the well would occur (day 106), base oil was injected into the termined the flow rate at the beginning of during the initial pumping, when additional well as the first part of the injectivity the incident to be 62,000 bpd ± 10% after pressure would be added to the capping test. The pressure rise was only 35 psi, the ∼5% step increase in flow after the stack and BOP. The pressure at the hundreds of psi below the most optimistic

4of7 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1214389109 McNutt et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 from the riser pipe or choke line). An oil budget attempts to quantify these fates with the sole purpose of enabling response efforts to be targeted to recoverable oil. Flow rate = 50,000 stb/day An oil budget represents the amounts fl Reservoir width of oil estimated to be owing or already fl = 3,000 ft owed into the environment, the amount that has been recovered or degraded, and the remaining amount that could be dt = 20 days 5,000 ft recovered (13). It is typically developed for use by responders and updated fre- 7,000 ft dt = 1.3 days quently as new information is available. Estimating amounts of oil in various categories entails varying degrees of un- certainty. For example, calculating direct capture and burning has the least un- certainty, because these processes are measured on scene. At the other end of the spectrum are calculations of dispersion, which are based on limited data, theoretical considerations, and expert knowledge based on previous spills. Throughout the process, calculations and assumptions err Fig. 3. Horner plot of measured pressure (publicly announced daily values–government team in Houston had more extensive proprietary data) from the Macondo well (diamonds; psi) plotted as on the side of achieving a conservative answer to avoid underestimating cleanup a function of (tP + dt)/dt,inwhichtP is the duration of the spill (86 d) and dt is the time since the well was shut in. Horizontal axis is log scale. Arrow at dt = 1.3 d indicates data trend 1.3 d after the well requirements. In most spills, the oil budget wasshutin.Arrowatdt = 20 d shows how the modeled pressure (solid line) predicts that, for a res- is not publicly available; it is simply a re- ervoir that is 5,000-ft wide, the pressure would stabilize (flatten) 20 d after shut in. Flattening of the sponse tool. The DWH oil budget began pressure in the Horner plot is predicted to occur sooner for a 7,000-ft-wide reservoir and much later with the methodologies developed during for a 3,000-ft-wide reservoir. Models assume porosity of 21%, thickness of reservoir of 90 ft, and area numerous previous spills (primarily in of reservoir of 85.3 million ft2. Permeability, compressibility, and location of the well in the reservoir fi shallow waters) and adapted them for are tted parameters. This plot was presented to BP and the GLST on July 26, 2010 (11 d after shut in) DWH conditions. by Paul Hsieh. By this time, it was clear that a narrow, long reservoir that would trend to a higher eventual shut-in pressure was a better fit to the data. Industry proprietary seismic images of the During DWH, the frequently updated oil Macondo reservoir confirmed this interpretation. budget calculator was maintained by the NIC. In response to public interest and support of the Administration’s commit- expectations of the lowest pressure rise nails in the coffin” of a well that had been ment to transparency, after determination needed to stop and then reverse the hy- trouble from the start, and on day 153 of the discharge as 4.9 mb (±10%), the drocarbon flow. As the amount of base oil (September 19), 5 mo after the initial NIC released a preliminary oil budget on injected into the well increased, the rate of explosion, President Obama declared the August 4 (day 107) (Table 1). Doing so pressure decrease increased proportion- well to be dead. After the intersection and proved highly controversial for multiple i fi ally. When the injection stopped, the cementing from the relief well, the NIC reasons. ( ) Administration of cials in- pressure flat-lined. This result meant that transferred the command authority back advertently mischaracterized conclusions from the estimated oil budget (saying oil lurking in the annulus, ready to spring to the Minerals Management Service (now “ back when injection stopped, was essen- the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management more than three-quarters of the oil is fl gone”), whereas in fact, the oil budget tially ruled out. The impedance to ow at and the Bureau of Safety and Environmen- — the well–reservoir interface or elsewhere tal Enforcement). The GLST continued to indicated and the press release and press conference announcing it made clear— into the lower rock formation was very be engaged with the Minerals Management that roughly only one-half was gone small. Mud injection would carry little risk, Service until the final steps of the plug and (recovered, burned, skimmed, evaporated, and observations of the volume of mud abandonment operations that were largely or dissolved) (Table 1), with another injected during the static kill helped nar- over by day 106 (November 11, 2010). one-quarter in the water column and one- row down likely mud paths that informed quarter unaccounted for—with consider- the decision on whether to cement the Oil Budget fl able error bars around each component well. Permission to cement the well was The efforts detailed above to quantify ow estimate. (ii) There was considerable given on the next day. Although the ce- rate and total discharge of the Macondo confusion about flow rates and subsurface menting job did not go exactly as planned, well were the starting point for estimating oil—key parameters in the oil budget it passed rigorous and extended an overall oil budget for DWH. Oil and that, although accurate in the end, had pressure tests. gas released from a deep wellhead had not yet been generally accepted. (iii)It i After the successful static kill, attention numerous possible fates: ( ) dissolution was difficult—especially after seeing daily turned to the relief well. A review had or dispersion and eventual decomposition video images of oil gushing from the riser previously been held on day 71 that was in the water column either naturally or pipe and beaches and birds covered with attended by government and industry chemically with the aid of dispersants; oil—for the public, policy-makers, the experts in Houston. BP followed many of (ii) accumulation at the surface; (iii)re- press, and most people to understand how the guidance recommendations, thereby moval, skimming, or burning at the surface; even one-half of the oil could possibly mitigating the risks in the bottom-kill (iv) evaporation into the atmosphere; have disappeared so quickly. procedures. The bottom kill, at this (v) deposition along the shore or the sea- Initial calculations in the oil budget were point, was simply to “hammer the final floor; or (vi) direct recovery (in this case, dependent on parameters only poorly

McNutt et al. PNAS Early Edition | 5of7 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Table 1. Comparison of August and November of 2010 (13) oil budgets intended to able throughout the event, and what target response efforts to potentially recoverable oil based on the estimated release of strategies were likely to be successful in 4.9 mb oil stopping the flow. Each of the three Final oil budget (technical report science teams described above included Oil budget as of August of 2010 November 2010) individuals from academia, government, and industry. Each team was created de Percent Percent novo to meet a specific need. Teams ad- Category of total Category of total Change (%) vised the NIC, who made decisions about response efforts, including directing BP to Direct recovery 17 Direct recovery 17 None take certain actions. Burned 5 Burned 5 None The ability of government and BP Skimmed 3 Skimmed 3 None scientists and engineers to work together Chemically dispersed 8 Chemically dispersed 16 8 and provide government scientists access to − Naturally dispersed 16 Naturally dispersed 13 3 BP’s proprietary information took time but − Evaporated or 25 Evaporated or 23 2 eventually, produced results. The GLST (i) dissolved dissolved independently validated the range of well − Other 26 Other 23 3 pressures that might arise at shut in and Direct recovery is oil recovered from the wellhead. Other is oil not accounted for after estimation during static kill operations, (ii) thoroughly of other categories and includes oil that is potentially recoverable (still on or just below the surface as assessed the structural integrity of the cap- light sheen and weathered tar balls, washed ashore or collected from the shore, or buried in sand and ping stack and BP’s assertion that the sediments). Response operations removed 25% of the oil (direct recovery and burned and skimmed). The pressure inside the capping stack would be 29% dispersed (in November budget) was either still in the water column or consumed by bacteria, but limitedto9,000psi,(iii) independently an- in either case, it was not amenable to restoration efforts. alyzed the design of the WIT, and (iv) produced flow-rate information by means of understood at the onset of the spill, in- by NIC-directed BP efforts and the federal methods that were used in conjunction with cluding the oil/gas mixture and the com- response (SI Text). those methods used by the FRTG. position of the crude oil, which affects its Since release of the final oil budget BP pursued options for oil containment, volatility and the rate of microbial degra- estimates, published research on the fate well control, and kill, under the govern- dation. A final, extensively peer-reviewed of various oil components has generally ment’s oversight. Some political leaders estimated oil budget was released in No- confirmed the final oil budget results. had suggested that the government take vember (Table 1) (13). With the exception Because of the relatively light composition over responsibility for stopping the oil of the amounts of oil dispersed naturally of the Macondo oil (e.g., enriched in rel- spill after the failure of Top Kill. Given ’ (16% as of August 4 vs. 13% in Novem- atively low molecular-weight components) BP s skill at executing exceptionally fi ber) (Table 1) vs. chemically (8–16%), (13), a substantial portion of the oil was dif cult and complex operations in ex- most of the oil budget released in August evaporated into the atmosphere (14, 15), treme environments, it would have been was later confirmed as accurate. Changes dispersed as a result of the physical prop- a mistake to remove BP from the in the naturally vs. chemically dispersed erties of the oil jet entering the ocean response effort. categories reflected increased under- under extreme conditions of pressure and The FRTG used the full spectrum of approaches to resolve the raging contro- standing of the dynamics of dispersion temperature (16), dispersed through the versies about the flow rate, be explicit about at deep depths and additional measure- addition of chemical dispersants at the pros and cons of different approaches, ments taken during the interval. Across wellhead and surface (13), or consumed by bring credibility to final estimates, and all categories, the final estimates had the bacteria able to metabolize gas and lighter components of the oil (17–21). provide guidance to response efforts that benefit of significantly more information Oil budgets are predicated on the esti- depended on knowledge of flow rate. (extensive documentation is given in ref. mates of daily and cumulative oil flow, During the process, new methodologies for 13). This final tally indicated that around which were difficult to estimate for DWH estimating flow rates were developed one-quarter of the oil was unaccounted for (such as quantifying hydrocarbons in the “ ” initially. An important constraint on the as of November of 2010. This Other final oil budget was the estimated total air above the ocean surface) that may well category includes oil on beaches, in tar release of oil from the Macondo reservoir: be useful in the future. balls, in shallow subsurface mats, and in 4.9 mb ± 10% (4, 12). This estimate is The Oil Budget Team’s primary con- — deep-sea sediments all of which are independent of the details of the flow rate tribution was assisting the response by fi dif cult to measure with any precision on any particular day of the spill. calculating where cleanup efforts should or estimate with much confidence. be targeted. The fact that later infor- Skimming and burning activities were Conclusions mation confirmed most of the estimates conducted primarily in offshore waters The need for scientific information to released in August is a tribute to the north of the wellhead. Both removal guide decision-making by federal officials efforts of the team. methods require sufficient oil to be present charged with the legal responsibility of In all, the combined efforts of govern- in an area to be effective. The patchy safeguarding environmental and personal ment, academic, and industry scientists nature of surface oil and the dynamic safety during the DWH oil spill mobilized were essential to the response effort. day-to-day movement (see animation in an unprecedented effort of government, ref. 1, SI Text) made accurate intelligence academic, and industry scientists and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The authors thank Admiral Thad Allen, National Oceanic and Atmospheric about surface conditions essential. In the engineers to answer questions never Administration General Council Lois Schiffer, and end and despite considerable effort, only before encountered. The teams tackled members of the science teams that delivered timely about 8% of the oil was skimmed or questions of critical importance to helping analyses, insights, and articulation of trade-offs fi burned. According to the final oil budget the NIC oversee BP’s response efforts by that enabled decision-making under dif cult fl conditions. Jon Kolak provided helpful comments. estimates, around 25% of the oil was re- answering how fast the oil was owing We thank Paul Hsieh and Steve Hickman for help moved (recovered, burned, or skimmed) from the well, how much oil was recover- with figures. G.D. acknowledges support from the

6of7 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1214389109 McNutt et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 American Association for the Advancement of Science and Education. The scientific results and do not necessarily reflect the views of USGS, the Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy conclusions, as well as any views or opinions Department of the Interior, NOAA, the Department Fellowship program and the Oak Ridge Institute for expressed herein, are those of the authors and of Commerce, or the Department of Energy.

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