The Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark Newsletter
ISSUE 6, AUGUST 2017 The Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark Newsletter Welcome to the sixth edition of our newsletter, your guide to what the Geopark is all about, with updates on the GeoparkLIFE project, events, education initiatives and much more…. Launching four new trails during Heritage Week This Heritage Week, (19th-27th Au- footprint signs along the route ensure gust) will see the launch of four ad- you are on the right path. ditional heritage trails to the exist- Guided walks for Heritage Week: ing Geopark Heritage Trail series. The new trails at Fanore, Doolin, Fanore, 22nd August 2.00pm Kilinaboy and Carron will bring the Patsy Carrucan of Fanore will tell his Killinaboy, 24 August, 7:30pm total number of Heritage Trails in stories of the heritage of Fanore on a Join Frank O'Grady and explore the the Geopark to nine. walk from Craggah to Fanore Beach. fascinating history of the village of Meeting point: Outside O’Donohues The new trails have been designed pub, Craggah, Fanore Kilnaboy along the Kilnaboy Geopark to celebrate the cultural and built Heritage Trail. heritage of the communities and Cusack to Cahercommaun, 24 Meeting Point: Old Killinaboy church will be launched by Geopark Geolo- August, 11am. Agnes O'Loughlin of the Doolin, 26 August, 10:30am gist Dr. Eamon Doyle with local heri- Michael Cusack Centre will guide a tage experts. The Intriguing story of the history of walk to the ancient stone fort of Ca- Doolin as told by archaeologist Joe A trailhead map is the start point for hercommaun along the Cusack - Ca- McCooey in a walk along the Doolin each of the self-guided trails.
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