
Living -Free

Wheat is commonly used by food manufacturers in a wide range of food products. But a small percentage of individuals have a true allergy to this valuable staple of the American diet. Proper diagnosis should be done by a qualified physician as intolerance or celiac disease is often confused with . The majority of young children will outgrow their wheat allergy. But adults who develop the allergy will probably have to remove wheat from their diet indefinitely. Because it is so difficult to purchase ready-made foods that are completely wheat-free, the following information offers tips to making the task of living wheat-free easier.

Allergy Versus Intolerance Look for the following terms listed in The difference between wheat the ingredient label if you have a wheat allergy and wheat intolerance is how allergy. These terms should be the body reacts to the ingestion of avoided: , crumbs, , wheat. A true food allergy causes the extract, , meal, immune system to recognize the , , gluten, graham , offending-substance in the wheat as high gluten flour, high flour, foreign and begin to produce , , vital gluten, wheat antibodies to halt the invasion. bran, wheat germ, , Swelling of the lips, stomach cramps, wheat malt, wheat , and whole vomiting, diarrhea, hives, and/or wheat or enriched flour. wheezing or breathing problems are Other ingredients that may indicate the most common reactions. As a the presence of wheat protein include: result, wheat and wheat-containing gelatinized starch, hydrolyzed foods must be avoided altogether. vegetable protein, kamut, modified Wheat Intolerance is usually a food starch, modified starch, natural hereditary disorder of the immune flavoring, soy sauce, starch, vegetable system itself. The eating of a protein gum, and vegetable starch. known as gluten in wheat causes Although there are products on the damage to the digestive tract. This market catering to the wheat-free results in malabsorption of nutrients lifestyle, home may be your best which may lead to deficiencies. alternative.

Reading Labels Because is so common in prepared foods, it is important to read labels. Amazingly enough, even some hot dogs, catsup, ice cream, and supplements may contain wheat!

Baking Substitutes Toasted oats make good substitutes Barley, buckwheat, rice, rye, oat, for bread crumbs, crumb toppings, and potato starch or a mixture of wheat germ, or unprocessed bran. these provides satisfactory substitutes. Bake 1 to 2 cups of uncooked rolled Some of these flours may only be oats on a nongreased sheet at available from specialty stores and may 350° F for 20 minutes or until lightly cost more than all-purpose flour. browned. Cool and store for up to six However, the nutritional content may months in the refrigerator in an airtight be higher because these flours are less container. refined. Sauce Substitutes Soy flour is oily and Gravies, sauces, soups, stews, and has a strong flavor but puddings, can be thickened successfully blends well with using homemade ground oat flour as a potato flour. Other substitute. To grind the oats, use a flours may also have different blender or food processor. Grind 1½ characteristics than wheat flour. Using cups of uncooked rolled oats for about a combination of other flours will allow one minute or until the oats are the you to make products more like wheat consistency of cornmeal. Store the oat flour products. You will need to do flour in an airtight container for up to some experimentation, so expect a few six months. One tablespoon of oat failures! flour is equal to one tablespoon of In general, products made with wheat flour. other flours tend to be drier, coarser, Gravies, sauces, and soups made and heavier. The gluten-free flours rise with ground oat flour will taste the well, but adding one teaspoon of same as those made with white flour. xanthum gum per cup of flour along The color will be darker and the texture with the amount of baking powder or will be slightly grainier because the oats soda called for in the recipe, may are . improve the texture. The addition of If you cannot use oat flour because fruits, nuts, or vegetables (carrots, of oat allergy or gluten sensitivity, the pumpkin, ) when appropriate following equivalencies are equal to will improve the moisture content and one tablespoon of wheat flour: texture as well. 1½ teaspoon potato starch flour Try these flour substitutes in baking. 1½ to 3 teaspoons rice flour One cup of wheat flour equals: 1½ teaspoons arrowroot starch 1 cup of rye meal 2 teaspoons tapioca flour 1 to 1¼ cups rye flour 1 cup potato flour Resources 11/3 cups rolled oats or oat flour -Food Allergy Network, www.foodallergy.org. ½ cup potato flour + ½ cup rye flour -WebMD Medical Reference, “Living with 5/8 cup potato starch Wheat Allergy,” http://my.webmd.com -Food & Allergy Anaphylaxis Network, 7/8 cup rice flour “”Common Food Allergens,” 5/8 cup rice flour + 1/3 cup rye flour http://www.foodallergy.org/allergens.html 1 cup soy + ¼ cup potato starch flour 1 cup corn flour Written by Sandra Bastin, PhD, RD, LD Extension Food & Nutrition Specialist August 2005

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