Interactive PDF Funding Opportunities for Coaching in the UK October 2016

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Follow us @scUKCoachFund for latest funding updates © The National Coaching Foundation, 2016 This resource is copyright under the Berne Convention. All rights are reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, no part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Enquiries should be addressed to Coachwise Ltd. sports coach UK is the brand name of The National Coaching Foundation and has been such since April 2001. Project Lead Officer: Steven Bentall Coachwise editorial and design team: Christopher Stanners and Carl Heath Cover photo © Kzenon/

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91809 Funding Opportunities for Coaching – October 2016

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Follow us @scUKCoachFund for latest funding updates Funding Opportunities for Coaching – October 2016 Top Tips

Ten Tips for Successful Funding

1 Read the pre-application guidance. Make sure you check that your application meets the criteria, and align your submission as closely as possible to the investors’ criteria. 2 Tell a story. There are so many applications for funding these days that what stands out is telling an anecdote about how your project or organisation really helps people. Detail how the funding will lead to sustainable delivery and the long-term impact the funding could have. 3 Think outside the box. Give your bid the ‘x factor’. How will you tackle a problem in a particularly creative or innovative way? Demonstrate how your project will tackle an old problem in a refreshingly new and effective way. Click here for top tips animation 4 Contact the investor to check over the application or ask questions. This shows you are keen and using initiative, offers the opportunity for valuable feedback and most importantly builds a relationship with the investor, which in 8 Do your research. Do you know about other funding and organisations in your turn gives you credibility. area? Can your project be linked to these initiatives? How will the funding you are 5 Leave plenty of time between submission and project start time. applying for complement any local priorities? This allows you to troubleshoot the project if funding isn’t received and gives 9 How will you promote what you are doing? Think about including a brief you time to make sure all key partnerships are in place and briefed to ensure statement in the bid about how you will promote the funding received, what the maximum success. communication plan is and how you will promote the investor’s brand. 6 Make it value for money. This helps to establish the viability of the project and 10 Check, recheck and check again. Make sure your spelling, grammar and maths is also an exercise that investors will expect you to go through. Include in the bid are consistent throughout the document. Specifically reference the investor by any monetary value that voluntary hours would add as this will increase their their correct and full name throughout the bid. Keep copies of the submission, return on investment. Think about this – if it was your money, would you invest especially if it is an online application. Do not leave your application until near the based on the returns expected? closing date, try to apply in good time. 7 Build relationships. Show that the funding you potentially could receive will not Remember – your organisation may be unsuccessful with your first applications, but only impact on you/your organisation but also on the wider communities and any there’s nothing to stop you trying again, and many organisations are successful with other partner initiative/programme. subsequent applications.

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UK Funding

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National Sources of Funding in

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Awards for All England £300 – £10,000 You can apply to Awards for All England if you are a community group, Open Click here not-for-profit group, parish or town council, health body or school. You do not need to be a registered charity to apply. You must have a bank account that requires at least two people to sign each cheque or withdrawal. You must use the grant within one year.

Boost Charitable Trust Up to £500 Please send or email a letter, no more than two sides of A4, detailing Open Click here the following: • the name of your organisation, what you do and who your beneficiaries are • why you need funding, details of the project and approximate funding requirements.

National Deaf 80% of Level 1 or Applicants from across the UK are encouraged to apply for financial Click here Children’s Society 2 coaching course support from NDCS to undertake Level 1 and Level 2 coaching (NDCS) Coach Bursary costs up to a qualifications. maximum of £200 While all applications to the bursary scheme will be considered, priority will be given to individuals who: • have experience of coaching or working with deaf young people • are deaf or can demonstrate British Sign Language (Level 2+) skills • can demonstrate how undertaking the coaching qualification will lead to an increase in deaf young people participating in sport.

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National Sources of Funding in England (continued)

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Peter Harrison Undisclosed This programme is nationwide, and applications are accepted from Open Click here Foundation charities throughout the UK. The trustees wish to support sporting activities or projects that provide opportunities for people who are disabled or otherwise disadvantaged to fulfil their potential and develop other personal and life skills.

Prince’s Trust Grants available Among other things, a development award can be used to: Click here Development Awards up to £500 • buy clothes for a job interview or new job • cover fees for a training course • fund childcare costs to help you attend a college course • buy equipment, materials or tools • pay for travel costs to a work placement, training course or job. You must be either: • aged 14–16, in education, and at risk of achieving fewer than five GCSEs grades A–C • aged 16–25 and not in education, training or work (or working fewer than 16 hours a week).

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Funding in Northern Ireland

For funding opportunities for coaches in Northern Ireland, click here.

Funding in Scotland

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available sportscotland UKCC Level 1: 40% of full • Applicants must demonstrate coaching activity within six months of Click here funding support for course cost, with applying for the subsidy (minimum activity supported will be once per coaches a maximum value month or an average of 12 sessions per year). of £100 • The course being attended must take place in Scotland and be Level 2: 70% of full registered with the SQA (the course organiser can confirm this). course cost, with • Applicants should provide evidence of the impact this qualification a maximum value will have on their school, club or community. of £400 • For further information, click here.

Funding in Wales

For funding opportunities for coaches in Wales, click here.

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Governing Body of Sport Funding

6 Follow us @scUKCoachFund for latest funding updates Funding Opportunities for Coaching – October 2016 Governing Body of Sport Funding

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Bowls 50% of total cost Any individual affiliated member of Bowls England may apply for Click here Bowls England Coaching of any Coach financial assistance for up to 50% of the cost of the course. Applicants Bursary Bowls course must be at least 17 years old, and for Coach Bowls Level 2 courses and above, applicants must hold a recognised coaching certificate. Each application must be supported by the applicant’s club and the appointed administrator of the relevant county association that is affiliated to Bowls England.

Exercise, Movement Up to £100 The bursary is available to anyone wanting to take an exercise, Click here and Dance towards short movement and dance qualification or course. Exercise, Movement and courses and To be eligible for funding, you must be: workshops and up Dance Academy Open • actively teaching or want to start teaching within three months of Bursary Scheme to £150 towards recognised completing your training as per the full bursary terms and conditions qualifications • able to demonstrate how the training will increase participation in Maximum grant exercise, movement and dance (ie starting a new class) no more than 50% • using a recognised style, of acceptable quality of cost • using the bursary for teaching or instructing, not for activities such as tutoring, quality assurance or mentoring.

Gymnastics 50% fee Must either live in or be affiliated to a club in the region where the Ongoing Click here British Gymnastics reduction on course is being held. Coach Development selected UKCC Qualification prerequisites must be met for Level 2 courses. Fund Level 1 and 2 course places

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Bedfordshire and

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available Borough Generally £50 – Ward funding is available through each local authority. For example, Deadlines vary Bedford: Council/Central £2000 has a Community Chest supporting local – please check Click here Council/ community groups with funding for projects of up to £1000, and Luton websites for : Borough Council distributes funding into wards through the Your Say further details Click here Your Way fund. Luton: Click here

Bedfordshire and Luton £1000 – £7500 A variety of different funds periodically become available with specific Six meeting Click here Community Foundation predominantly detail available via the website. The vast majority of awards tend to be dates a year revenue-based revenue- rather than capital-based. Deadlines are Funding schemes also differ dependent on your location. The London not published Luton Airport Fund and London Luton Airport Operations Fund focus Applications on projects in Luton and Central Bedfordshire, with the largest funding can be schemes currently available in Luton. submitted at New opportunities do become available on a regular basis so it is always any time worth keeping up to date with funds available.

Houghton Regis Town Generally £50 – Each of the town councils within the county periodically releases Deadlines vary Funding criteria and Council and other £1000 funding for community and voluntary organisations to bid into to – please check deadline dates for Bedfordshire-based improve and enhance their community. For example, websites for submissions vary so town councils has small grant funding for projects needing funding up to £500 and further details please check your town a large grant fund for projects exceeding this value. Town council’s website Council has a fund for 2015–2016 that will provide funding of up to £1000. Luton Sports Network Maximum amount Grants are provided to support individuals, clubs and organisations Open Click here £250 and no more from Luton for the promotion and development of sport. In order to application than 50% of total be eligible to apply, applicants must be resident in Luton or play/coach process cost of the project regularly in Luton, and be involved in a sport that is recognised by Sport England.

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Bedfordshire and Luton (continued)

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available Sport Bedford Coaching There is normally Grant funding is available to help develop talented sportspeople, Open For further information, Bursary Funding a limit of £250 or coaches/officials and disadvantaged sportspeople living or representing a application please email Mr J Lloyd: 50% of the total club based in the Borough of Bedford. process [email protected] costs (whichever is smaller) A full breakdown of costs must be provided

Steel Charitable Trust £1000 – £25,000, The trust invests circa £330,000 in Bedfordshire and Luton on projects There are no Click here capital projects that focus on improving health, well-being and the life chances of deadlines, but supported disadvantaged people. Investments are made to charitable organisations the trustees or those that are considered to have general charitable purposes. generally meet in March, June, September and November teamBEDS&LUTON Up to £500 per The aim of the teamBEDS&LUTON Coaching Bursary is to support the May 2016 Click here Coaching Bursary person or club development of new and existing coaches in Bedfordshire. Grants of up October 2016 to £500 are available to help applicants achieve a Level 2 qualification or above in the sport of their choice. Clubs can apply for funding of up to £500 towards at least two becoming qualified coaches in Level 1 and/or Level 2 qualifications. Successful applicants will attend a meeting where a post-course delivery programme will be agreed.

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Bedfordshire and Luton (continued)

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available Wixamtree Trust £1000 – £10,000 The trust supports projects based in Bedfordshire that benefit the Four trustee Click here per annum people of the county. Support is provided directly to those meeting dates organisations that are either registered as a charity or whose activities a year, Capital grants are are considered to be charitable in nature. provided generally in January, April, July and October Applications must be received no later than 21 days before the next meeting date

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Cambridgeshire and

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Cambridgeshire Various A library of local funding pots for local projects. Various Click here Community Foundation

Living Sport Community Up to £200 A grant to provide funding for new projects to be delivered – aiming to No closing date Tel: 01487-841 559 Small Grant engage those who are inactive in sport and physical activity. Email: info@livingsport.

Living Sport Give Up to £100 A bursary for those with a BME background aiming to take their first No closing date Tel: 01487-841 559 Coaching a Go bursary steps into coaching. Email: info@livingsport. Can fund any coaching course up to and including Level 1 qualifications.

Living Sport Let’s Coach Up to £100 A bursary for women and girls aiming to take their first steps into No closing date Tel: 01487-841 559 Girls bursary coaching. Email: info@livingsport. Can fund any coaching course up to and including Level 1 qualifications.

Living Sport Level 2 £250 A bursary to upskill coaches within Cambridgeshire and No closing date Tel: 01487-841 559 Coaching Bursary Peterborough from Level 1 to Level 2. Email: info@livingsport.

South Cambridgeshire Up to £1500 Available to community or voluntary sector groups setting up projects No closing Click here District Council that are in/and or benefit the community. date – funds Community Chest can be applied Grants for at any time during the financial year

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Active Coaching Club: £500 Funding for Level 2 qualifications and above. Ad-hoc review Click here Bursary Individual: £250

District funding: See individual district funding criteria. Ongoing Basildon: • Basildon Click here • Braintree Braintree: Click here • Brentwood Brentwood: • Chelmsford Click here • Chelmsford: Click here Harlow Recreation Trust: Click here

Essex Community Potential to match some volunteering/coaching with one of their Ongoing Click here Foundation numerous funds.

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Essex (continued)

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Ford Britain Trust • Small grants Projects focusing on children, disabled people, youth activities and See website Click here for amounts projects that provide clear benefits to the local communities close to up to £250 our UK locations. The Ford Britain Trust is open to all, provided that available four the qualifying organisations meet our selection criteria. times each year • Large grants for amounts over £250 and usually up to a maximum of £3000 considered twice a year

Jack Petchey Foundation Can apply for an individual, coaching with a local club. Ongoing Click here

Police and Crime Not specified A fund launched by the Essex Police and Crime Commissioner that See website Click here Commissioner for Essex provides financial support for schemes that aim to make communities safer. It is open to voluntary and community groups and can include the cost of coaching qualifications.

Women and Girls’ Dependent on • Group, organisation or club working to increase participation for Ongoing Click here Community Funding project women and girls in local community. • Holding an event that will increase profile of women’s sport. • Volunteer or coach looking to improve your skills to meet needs of women and girls. • Group/club must be operating across one of the 14 local authorities in Essex.

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Active Coach Up to 75% of Any individual who resides in Norfolk who is looking to obtain funding 31 March 2017 Click here Bursary the agreed to complete a coaching qualification that enables them to lead on the Email: Aaron Roberts qualification delivery of sporting activity, and will be using their qualification within aaron.roberts@ac- the county. Please note we will not fund personal trainer qualifications. Priority will be granted to those applying to lead coaching qualifications and those applicants from under-represented groups (female, BME, disability and low socio-economic). Grants cannot be given retrospectively. We therefore ask that you make your application a minimum of four weeks before the course is due to start.

Alive Leisure Coach Up to 50% of Residents in West Norfolk can access funding towards the costs of 31 March 2017 Sports Development Education Grants course costs attending governing body of sport coach qualification courses from Unit the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk’s Sports Tel: 01553-818 015 Development Unit. Email: sports.develop- [email protected] Click here

South Norfolk District Applicants can The Community Coach Development Bursary Scheme aims to provide 31 March 2017 Click here Council Coach apply for up to volunteer coaches aged 16+ within ’s communities with Education Grants £300 or 75% of financial assistance to undertake governing body of sport Level 1, 2 and total course costs 3 coaching qualifications. (whichever is lower) Please note grants are paid on successful completion of training

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East Midlands

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Coaching Derbyshire The following information identifies the amount that In order to apply for a Coaching Rolling funding Click here Bursary Fund coaches can apply for: Derbyshire bursary, coaches Level 1 – 50% (up to a maximum of £100) will need to fit into one of the categories below: Level 2 – 50% (up to a maximum of £250) • coaching within a community Level 3 – 50% (up to a maximum of £400) sports club CPD for Level 3 or above – 50% (up to a maximum of £100) • coaching on Sportivate Club allocation limits: programme Clubs/organisations should be aware of the maximum • coaching adults (16+) amount coaches at their club can receive per year per level: • supporting talented athletes Level 1 – £200 • supporting young leaders. Level 2 – £500 Coaches must live or coach Level 3 – £400 within Derbyshire.

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Lincolnshire Coaches Varies depending For up to date information on the round, click here. Varies Click here Bursary on funding round depending on the funding round

Lincolnshire Community Varies depending For up to date information on the round, click here. Varies Click here Foundation (manages on funding round depending on funding from Comic the funding Relief, Playing Fields round Fund)

West Lindsey District The maximum For up to date information on the criteria, click here. This scheme Click here Council Community grant available is is open to Grants £500 applications at The minimum any time grant available is Applications £50 will be We will fund up to submitted to 80% of the total the next project costs available review panel There are monthly review panels throughout the year The scheme will run until March 2018 but may close earlier if funds are all awarded 18 Follow us @scUKCoachFund for latest funding updates Funding Opportunities for Coaching – October 2016 East Midlands


Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Northamptonshire Up to 50% of Individuals who are actively coaching but do not hold the relevant This is a Click here Sport Coach qualification costs, governing body of sport coaching qualification. rolling funding Scholarship Scheme to a maximum Coaches who have identified a need to progress to a higher governing scheme, and of £300 body of sport qualification. applications are accepted all Scholarships may Coaches must live or coach within Northamptonshire. be limited to a year round maximum of £500 Coaches must either: per organisation • be actively coaching activities that will benefit local communities, per year support the development of governing body of sport player pathways or sports development programmes (eg within a sports club, on a governing body of sport intervention programme or on a talent development programme) • have an agreed placement in place that will benefit local communities, and support the development of governing body of sport player pathways or sports development programmes. Both paid and voluntary coaches are eligible to apply for funding. However, the following guidelines apply: • Where a coach works for a private coaching business, there is an expectation that that business contributes towards the coach’s qualification and training costs. • If receiving payment, a coach must demonstrate how their coaching work provides benefits to local communities, development of governing body of sport player pathways or sports development programmes.

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North East

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Club Durham Up to 50% Must be registered to Club Durham and meet the criteria. 31 March 2017 Click here towards governing body of sport Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications Higher qualifications will have to be individually assessed Generic CPD workshops can also be subsidised

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North West

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Active Cheshire Active Cheshire supports the development of Matt Walton (Strategic Lead for Sport) front-line coaches and activators in a variety of ways. Email: [email protected] If you would like to discuss how you can contribute to getting more people more active more often, Tel: 01606-330 212 please contact Matt Walton, Strategic Lead for Sport at Active Cheshire.

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

New Balance Workforce There will be an The bursary is open to constituted groups and 1 January 2017 For further details, application form Education Bursary expectation that delivery organisations to develop a workforce to Monitoring and and discussion, please contact all applications will address the imbalances in the coaching population, evaluation will [email protected] have a minimum to target: need to take of 50% matched • female coaches place before funding attached. March 2017 However, this is • coaches from BME backgrounds negotiable. This • disabled coaches could be: • coaches from low socio-economic backgrounds • pr ogramme/ to enable the organisation to achieve DCMS and delivery funding Sport England national and local priorities. • in-kind funding DCMS outcomes for subsidised qualifications, • Physical health – decrease in the % of inactive people venue hire, tutor • Mental well-being fees, resource • Individual development fees • Social/community development – levels of social • individual trust and cohesion workforce • Economic development – employability. contribution • club or venue Sport England contribution and KPIs contribution. • More people from every background regularly and meaningfully taking part in sport and physical activity • A more productive, sustainable and responsible sport sector. What can be funded? Options for funding with learning outcomes that will directly impact on DCMS or Sport England

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Cumbria (continued)

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

New Balance Workforce objectives may include: Education Bursary • developing community activity champions and (continued) activators • coaching qualifications • activator training and qualifications • leader training and qualifications • mentor training and support • referee, official and umpire training • club leader courses • volunteer training to expand delivery and provision (ie groundsperson course) • training a local tutor workforce to allow for future local training delivery.

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Greater Manchester

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Greater Sport Coach Coaches can access Coaches should be affiliated to their governing body of sport. Coaches 13 September Nick Lowden Bursary up to 75% of the who receive a bursary will be expected to deliver six voluntary 2016 Nick@greatersport. governing body coaching hours to a group of participants in the sport they completed of sport coaching the qualification in. 07765 407 978 course cost, capped These sessions must follow the Sportivate guidance and be targeted at at a maximum of one of the following groups: Click here £200 for a Level 1 qualification and • females aged 11–25 £300 for Level 2 • males or females aged 19–25. qualifications and above

Isle of Man

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Enquiries for coach Initial contact should be made to Gianni Epifani, Senior Sport Email: Gianni.epifani@ funding on the Isle of Development Officer Man Tel: 01624-688 556 Mobile: 07624 482 942

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South East

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Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes (Leap)

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Aylesbury Vale District Up to £500 per Must coach in the AVDC area. Ongoing Click here Council (AVDC) Coach coach Grant

Aylesbury Vale Sport Up to £500 Must be living and/or coaching in the Aylesbury Vale district. Click here and Physical Activity per coach Network Bursary

Leap Coaching Fund Up to £400 Must live and/or coach in Bucks or Milton Keynes and be willing to 28 February Click here per coach deliver six hours of delivery over consecutive weeks. Focus is on 2017 coaches working with athletes in the Talent Pathway, coaches from or working with under-represented groups, and coaching delivering within Satellite Clubs and Sportivate projects.

Sport Milton Keynes Up to £500 Affiliated to Sport Milton Keynes. Meet monthly Click here Start-up Grant

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Hampshire and

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Basingstoke and Deane £100 • Up to 50% of the cost. Ongoing Click here Borough Council • Applicants must live in Basingstoke and Deane or be taking the Scheme administrator: Bursaries for Sport course to benefit one of the borough’s leagues/clubs/organisations. amy.sambell@basing- Courses • Voluntary or part-time coaches only. • Only available for formal Level 1 or equivalent governing body qualifications. • Applications must be received seven days in advance of course. • Applications can be received from individuals but must be endorsed by a local club.

Basingstoke and Deane £800 • Amount available is per club/league per annum. Ongoing Click here Football Development • Up to 90% of the cost. Scheme administrator: Council Football • Applications can be received from any football club/league provided amy.sambell@basing- Education Reimbursement Scheme that it is: – non-profit-making (including charities) and is operated with no undue restriction on membership – registered/operates in the borough of Basingstoke and Deane – affiliated to Hampshire FA. • Priority given to clubs/leagues with Charter Standard status or that are actively working towards or renewing status. • Applications required at least one month prior to course. • Each individual attending a course must make a commitment to utilise this qualification within the club/league for at least two years after funding is received.

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

City of £500 • Up to 50% of the cost (awarded at council’s discretion). Ongoing – Click here Sports Council Grant • Individuals must live in Portsmouth City (Postcodes PO1 to PO6). applications Scheme administrator: Aid considered • Clubs must be based in Portsmouth. david.evans@ports- quarterly

Eastleigh Borough £1000 Clubs only can apply though can make an application for contribu- Ongoing Clubs to contact local Council Sports Clubs tions towards coaches. ward councillor (for Grant details, click here), stating case for funding.

Hampshire County Up to 75% of the • Level 2 qualifications and above. Application Click here Council Coaches, cost of a • Level 1 available for Project 500 coaches. forms are Officials and Volunteers qualification – accepted Scholarships Level 2 and above • Must be a Hampshire resident (this no longer includes , throughout qualifications only Portsmouth or Isle of Wight). the year, but • Lead Officer endorsement from a governing body of sport officer awards are required. made quarterly in • Course must start after panel date (retrospective applications not June, supported). September, December and March

Rushmoor Sports £300/£700 • Amounts available shown are for individuals/clubs respectively. Ongoing Click here Forum Grants • Rushmoor residents/Rushmoor-based club. Scheme administrator: • Evidence of applications to other funding sources/sponsorship. communitydevelop- [email protected] • Endorsement from club, league or association. • DBS certified. • Clubs only – adequate safeguarding and insurance policies.

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Short Breaks for Up to £5000 To support projects that provide opportunities for disabled young Ongoing Click here Disabled Children people. This can include training for sports coaches. Applications must highlight impact on Hampshire residents (excluding Southampton, Portsmouth and Isle of Wight).

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Kent County Council 50–75% of the Full guidance available, but should link to governing body of sport whole Open process, Click here Coach and Official cost of the sport plans, supporting excellence or adult participation. assessed Scholarship development monthly by opportunity Scholarship Panel

Kent Sport Administers additional funding pots that can be used to support Click here coaching activity.

Kent Sport Project 500 Up to £150 for • Female coaches registered with Project 500. Open process, Click here Level 1 • Live or deliver in Kent (KCC boundaries). assessed monthly by Up to £250 for • Any level of coaching CPD. Level 2 Project 500 Panel Up to £350 for Level 3

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Community Initiative Maximum £2500 The Community Initiative Fund has provided vital funds to community Ongoing Click here Fund groups and organisations across West Sussex since it was started in 2006.

SPARK – Skill Share Up to £500 The Skill Share Training Bursary scheme is open to all voluntary and Ongoing Click here Training Bursary community groups, and organisations working with children, young people and families in East Sussex. Groups and organisations can apply for up to £500 to help their staff and volunteers attend training courses and events or to gain a qualification.

Steve Bernard £100 – £1000 Supporting youngsters in disability, elite, schools, clubs and Ongoing Click here Foundation disadvantaged sports. £10,000 is available for Sussex-based projects. Grants of £100 – £1000 are available.

Sussex Community £1000 – £5000 Awards granted to small community and voluntary groups whose work Ongoing Click here Foundation benefits people across Sussex.

Sussex County Netball Case by case basis Individual applications open four times a year, offering financial support Ongoing Click here Association for netball qualifications.

Sussex Police and Crime £5000 – £10,000 There are two funding streams available – Community Fund – grant 4 November Click here Commissioner Grants awards up to £5000 – and Victims’ Services Fund – grant awards up 2016 to £10,000.

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South West

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Bag4Sport Foundation £500 Organisations can apply for a small grant of up to £500 to assist with Email: foundation@ the costs of coaching, equipment, kit, travel expenses etc. Click here

Biffa Award Funding of An online expression of interest form must be completed first. Click here Main Grants Scheme between £10,000 Tel: 01636-670 051 and £50,000 is available for Email: rmaidment@ sports facilities and play areas

Biffa Award Between £250 Projects must fit one of the four themes – Community Buildings, Click here Small Grants Scheme and £10,000 for Recreation, Cultural Facilities, Rebuilding Diversity. Tel: 01636-670 051 projects within 10 miles of a Biffa Email: rmaidment@ Waste Services operation and a landfill site (not necessarily owned by Biffa Waste Services)

Clare Milne Trust Grants up to This fund supports small, well run disability projects in , Tel: 01566-779 333 (Cornwall Community £1000 are especially for adults, with a strong support from volunteers. Email: grants@cornwall- Foundation – CCF) available Click here

Community Foundation CCF administer a variety of small grants focusing on geographic areas Tel: 01566-779 333 Grants (CCF) in Cornwall, young people, mental/physical health and communities. Email: grants@cornwall- Click here

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Cornwall (continued)

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Cory Environmental £135,000 is The trust operates under the umbrella of the Landfill Communities Click here Trust in Cornwall available per Fund. Tel: 01736-793 213 annum Sports projects could be eligible for Object D – Public parks and Email: Cornwalltrust@ amenities.

Dan Maskell Tennis Trust The trust grant aids individuals, disability groups and programmes, clubs, Click here schools and associations to help with the purchase of wheelchairs, tennis equipment and grants for coaching.

Podium Partners Crowd Opportunity for people to support local sporting causes through a Tel: 01872-323 344 Funding (Cornwall unique crowd funding platform. Anyone can start a campaign by Email: nhoward@ Sports Partnership) completing the online application form. Once approved, you will be given a page on our site and can start promoting your cause. Click here

Redruth Charity Trust Up to £1500 per Supplying kit, equipment and coach bursaries for youth sports clubs Tel: 01209-218 581 Youth Sports Award club with a venue in the TR15 and TR16 postcode areas. Chris Hailey 14 Trevingey Close Redruth TR15 3BX

Sita Cornwall Trust Grants of up to Support community improvement projects around landfill sites owned Click here £35,000 are by the waste management company SITA UK and the Environment Tel: 01579-346 816 available Agency throughout Cornwall. Email: wendyreading@

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Cornwall (continued)

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Sportivate (Cornwall Aimed at supporting projects working with inactive young people aged Click here Sports Partnership) 11–25 by providing six weeks of coaching at a local venue. The focus for Tel: 01872-323 344 this year is males aged 19–25 and females aged 14–25. Email: lesanders@

Sports Foundation for £1000 Support physically disabled individuals and groups from South West Email: sportsfoundation- the Disabled England and Wales. £1000 is available to contribute towards sporting forthedisabled@gmail. activities, sporting equipment or costs towards achieving a physical com challenge. Click here

Tesco Local Community Grants up to The money raised from the 5p bag charge is available for projects Tel: 0121-237 5780 Scheme £12,000 to improve green spaces in communities. Sports projects funded will Email: tescoinfo@ include open access sports facilities within public parks and recreation grounds. Groundwork will administer the grant distribution into local communities. Click here

West Cornwall Aims to give disadvantaged youngsters (aged 10–21 years) the chance Tel: 07837 067 585 Youth Trust to experience activities. West Cornwall residents are described as living Email: Info@westcorn- west of a line approximately joining St Austell to Newquay.

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Borough of Up to £250 per Grants are available to athletes who are residents of the Borough of N/A Email: leisure@poole. individual and Poole and demonstrate a high level of attainment in their sport. Funding £500 per club is available to Poole-based sports clubs towards the cost of developing Click here new sessions/events and equipment. Tel: 01202-261 306

Borough of Poole £500 – 1500 Grants are available for activities that support Leisure’s objectives for N/A Email: recreation.devel- Leisure Service Grant the promotion of sports and active healthy lifestyles. [email protected]

Christchurch Borough Up to £1000 Grants are offered to clubs that can demonstrate a commitment to Click here Council Grant If above that, a developing sporting opportunities for the local community. grant agreement must be established with the council

Free Access to National Free access to A scheme designed to provide support to and Poole’s N/A Email: leisure@poole. Sportspeople (FANS) participating local leading talented sports performers by reducing the financial burden of authority leisure training costs. Email: and sports facilities at designated times Tel: 01202-436 805 for personal training and development

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Dorset (continued)

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Sports Clubs Variable Grants will be awarded towards capital projects, particularly those that Click here and Organisations allow and encourage increased participation, new equipment, festivals Tel: 01202-886 201 and tournaments.

Steve Bernard Variable Funds sporting projects in Bournemouth and surrounding area. Email: enquiries@steve- Foundation

West Dorset District Council

Small Grants For Sports £50 – £250 Grants to help support new and existing clubs. Tel: 01305-252 263

West Leisure Up to £5000, To help support sports projects and events. Click here Development Fund based on 20% of total project costs

Section 106 Grant Fund Variable Organisations can apply for a share of money secured from developers Email: leisure@westdor- from various planning permissions.

Rate Relief 80% mandatory Sports clubs are now required to apply through the CASC scheme. rate relief

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

SASP Bursary Scheme Up to £150 Must be approved by governing body of sport as supporting Somerset Open all year Tel: 01823-653 990 per applicant Coaching Plan. Email: enquiries@sasp.

SASP Bursary through Up to £150 50% of retained participants of Sportivate project must affiliate to Tel: 01823-653 990 Sportivate per club the club. Email: enquiries@sasp.

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West of England

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Bath and North East Up to 50% of the • Increasing the number of qualified and active coaches working in Bath Ongoing Click here Somerset Council cost of training and North East Somerset. Sustainable Coaching • Raising the number of high quality community coaching hours Programme delivered each week. • Contributing directly to the amount of physical activity per week taken by young people and adults at a time of an anticipated excitement in sport and physical activity generated by The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. • Promotion of personal excellence through professional development.

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West Midlands

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Sport Birmingham Clubs or Courses eligible for funding include governing body of sport coaching Ongoing until Contact: Sportivate and Satellite organisations can qualifications, entry level coaching courses (eg activators) and relevant March 2017 Adam Warden Club Coach Bursary apply for up to coach development courses (eg first aid). Email: adam.warden@ £500 for a coach Coaches must: development project, as per the • be linked to a club or organisation able to receive the coaching Tel: 0121-285 0186 Sportivate/Satellite bursary on their behalf Club Bursary form • be committed to supporting their club or organisation in the delivery/sustainability of a Sportivate and/or Satellite Club project • agree to provide all necessary KPI information to Sport Birmingham for the duration of their project • be able to pay the cost of the course in advance and receive payment following completion • provide evidence of attending and completing a coaching course to Sport Birmingham • ha ve an identified opportunity to use their new skills or qualification to coach in the community (a deployment opportunity).

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Black Country

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Black Country BeActive Flexible based Need and added value: Open all Click here on quality of Partnership Inspired • Why is the coach undertaking that CPD or qualification? year round – Coaches deployment: contact • Activator/ • Will the CPD or qualification enable the coach to meet the needs of workforce lead Multi-skill their participants? qualification • Will the coach be working with the mass market or core market, and with appropriate is the CPD/qualification appropriate for them? deployment Quality of deployment: • Contribution towards Level 1 • How will the coach use the CPD or qualification? qualification with • Who will the qualification benefit? an appropriate deployment • What are the outcomes of enabling the coach to access the CPD or qualification likely to be? • Contribution towards Level 2 Monitoring: qualification with • Is the coach open to monitoring and wider CPD, or is the coach just an appropriate deployment chasing funding for a specific qualification? • Contribution towards Level 3 qualification with an appropriate deployment • Contribution towards any CPD course sport/ non-sport sector that will enable greater access to sport for either core or mass market

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Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Engaging Young People Clubs or CSW Sport has created a fund that supports individuals to gain a Ongoing Click here into Sport organisations can coaching/leadership qualification contributing to making sessions apply for 90% (up unmissable for young people aged 11–25 years to participate in sport to a maximum of through the Satellite Club initiative (a Sport England programme). £500) and the final Clubs or organisations can apply for funding for an individual to amount available undertake a coaching or leader qualification, provided the club is to be confirmed by delivering a Satellite Club project or has had an application approved CSW Sport and the club is due to commence.

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Herefordshire and Worcestershire

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Sports Partnership 50% up to a Applicants must: Open all year Email Chris Corke – and maximum of £200 • meet the minimum age to complete the qualification or CPD that the [email protected] Worcestershire bursary will be supporting (SPHW) Coach Bursary • be actively coaching or volunteering at a community club, activity or SPHW programme within Herefordshire and/or Worcestershire, or be able to demonstrate that a deployment opportunity will be available once qualified. Additional priority will be given to applications made by coaches working with the following under-represented groups: females; disability; BAME; and lower socio-economic.

SPHW Governing Variable – As above, plus: Open all year Email Chris Corke – Body of Sport Bursary negotiated with • applications must be made by a governing body of sport officer, linked [email protected] Scheme governing body of to governing body of sport local development plans sport directly • currently, or once qualified, coaches must lead/assist a governing body of sport programme within Herefordshire and/or Worcestershire.

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Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Women Make Coaching Decided on an Female only Open all year Click here – Energize STW individual basis round

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Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Sport Across Up to £250 Applications can include coaching qualifications. Clubs are expected to Ongoing Click here Staffordshire and utilise the funding to gain governing body of sport club accreditation. Stoke-on-Trent Sports Club Accreditation Funding

Sport Stafford Borough Up to 50% of cost Local sports clubs, sports coaches and talented performers can apply. Ongoing Click here of course

Staffordshire Moorlands Grants are Individual applicants must be amateur and living in the Staffordshire Click here Sports Grants available to both Moorlands. The sport in question must also be recognised by sports clubs and Sport England. individuals Clubs must be: (coaching or travel costs up to £500) • voluntary, not-for-profit and open to all • a member of the Biddulph, Cheadle or Leek Sports Advisory Councils • based in the Moorlands, with membership mainly resident in the district. Grants for up to 90% of total cost, with a maximum of £500, will be considered for aspiring coaches working with clubs in the Moorlands.

Stoke-On-Trent City Up to £2000 As part of the European City of Sport celebrations, £100,000 has been October 2016 Click here Council City of Sport allocated to help local groups fund programmes that increase sport and Community Grants active recreation in their community. The money is available in one-off Programme cash grants of up to £2000.

Tamworth Community Up to 50%, not Applications must be submitted via a sports club and must be actively Ongoing Click here Sports Network Coach/ exceeding £300 involved in developing sport opportunities in Tamworth Official Education Grant

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Yorkshire and Humber

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North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire Sport Coach Funding Contact Robin Lavin [email protected] Tel: 01423-813 039 Mob: 07780 571 570

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Ryedale District Council Up to £200 for Ryedale District Council offers the Sports Volunteer Support Ongoing Robin Lavin, Coaching equipment and Sports Equipment Grant schemes in return for six sessions Development Manager Up to 50% off of KPIs. Tel: 01423-813 039 governing body of Email robin@northyorkshires- sport courses Up to 100% off minimum standards workshops

Scarborough and Up to £250 for Funding can be used for equipment, travel costs, coach education, Ongoing Telephone Matt Hewison, District Sports Council individuals sports events and volunteer development. Sports Development Officer, Up to £500 for Scarborough Borough Council, member clubs on 01723-501 984 or email matt.hewison@scarborough. Click here

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North Yorkshire (continued)

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Sportivate Dependent on North Yorkshire Sport encourages Sportivate applications to include Ongoing For more details or size of Sportivate coach education funding. Sportivate is aimed at supporting projects to discuss a potential project total engaging young people aged 11–25 years old in sport, providing 6–8 Sportivate bid, contact weeks of coaching at a local venue. Damien Smith (Head of Development) on 01423-831 031 or email Damien.Smith@northy-

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West Yorkshire

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Calderdale Council Up to £3000 For voluntary and community sector projects that help achieve the 3 May Click here Small Grants council’s ambition of making Calderdale a clean, safe, attractive and 1 September thriving area for people to live in, work in and visit. 1 February

Disability Sport Varies DSY currently runs a comprehensive leadership and training None specified Amy Johnson Yorkshire (DSY) West programme targeting young adults with a disability aged 16–24 (at risk Tel: 01924-372 382 Yorkshire sport-based of becoming NEETs). training programme Email: ajohnson@fdso. The programme, initially being rolled out in the West Yorkshire area, enables people to access a variety of generic training courses that will give individuals qualifications and make them more employable. Additionally, individuals will be offered courses specific to their personal interests, volunteer opportunities, and the opportunity to become a trained DSY Inclusive Activity Ambassador.

Kirklees Council Coach If no other suitable The scheme is open to all voluntary sports clubs and organisations At any time Click here Education Support funding is available, in the Kirklees District that meet the following criteria: during the Tel: 01484-234 093 Scheme clubs applying • affiliated to either their local or national overningg body of sport council’s for individual financial year: volunteers can apply • hold a constitution 1 April – for a maximum of • show annual accounts 31 March £150 or 50% of the • ha ve policies for health and safety, equal opportunities, and For a decision course fee safeguarding to be made Where a club relating to • have valid insurance has more than a specific one candidate, a • carry out DBS checks on volunteers/coaches. course, please decision will be In addition: apply early – made depending on at least one Individuals will have to show their commitment to develop sport the funding available month before in the community in Kirklees. at that time and the course whether priority The grant can support the cost of governing body of sport coach commences criteria are met education courses at Levels 1 and 2.

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West Yorkshire (continued)

Funding Source Amount Criteria Closing Date Application Available

Kirklees Council Sport The maximum The grant aid is available for projects and events involved in Ongoing Tel: 01484-234 093 in the Neighbourhood amount is £1000 promoting/developing sporting opportunities for people in the in a financial year. community. (Priority will be given to those projects /programmes that Any match funding encourage participation by children and young people, older people, will be looked upon women of child-bearing age, people with disabilities, those at risk of or favourably. For with long-term health conditions, and young people living in the most coach education, deprived areas of Kirklees.) the contribution It can be used for most things that you need to develop your project will be up to a including a contribution towards coach education (eg contribution maximum of £150 towards course fees, equipment, venue hire). Exceptions include per candidate. rates and ongoing operating costs. You will need to demonstrate that your project can be sustained once the grant aid has been spent. Who can apply? Sports clubs/any voluntary organisation involved in the promotion/development of sport and/or physical activity in Kirklees.

Recruit into Coaching Varies WYSport’s Recruit into Coaching programme supports governing Flexible Email: west@yorkshire- Programme bodies of sport to develop their coaching workforce by recruiting, training and placing coaches who will be delivering increased Tel: 0330-202 0280 participation in line with the sport’s whole sport plan. Opportunities for coaches through this programme are advertised on our website funding pages.

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