Facilitate conversations to help others live the life died and rose for them to live. Create a safe place, encourage authenticity, celebrate breakthroughs, and lead the way! SERMON QUESTIONS:

“Before starting, let me pray for us.”

SCRIPTURE: :1-8; Genesis 3:8; Revelation 21:2-3

Q1 � What does it mean to abide in ?

Q2 � What other things keep you from abiding in Him? What things consume your mind and attention?

DISCUSS: “Jesus has no intention of letting you become whole apart from His moment to moment presence and life within you.” - John Eldridge

Q3 � What does the branch do? What is the significance of US being the branch, CHRIST being the vine, and GOD being the gardener?

Q4— What fruit do you see in your life?

Q5 � What truth about Jesus do you want to transform you?

DISCUSS: Spend time discussing the statements: the bread of life – fasting the – telling the gate for the sheep – confessing the – praying the resurrection + the life – worshiping the way, the truth, + the life – studying the true vine – resting

DISCUSS: “Let what’s true about Jesus transform what’s true about you.”

Q6 — How have you experienced transformation by simply abiding in Christ?

DISCUSS: “Transformation is not rooted in your ability, it is rooted in Christ’s identity.” ACC Prayer Team would love for you to join us in praying:

— Pray that the Church would see radical transformation through abiding in Christ.

— Pray that you would stop relying on your ability to be transformed, but that you would be rooted in Christ’s identity.

— Pray that you would let Jesus transform you by staying close to Him.