Labor Scarcity, Finance, and Innovation: Evidence from Antebellum America∗ Yifei Mao Jessie Jiaxu Wang SC Johnson College of Business W. P. Carey School of Business Cornell University Arizona State University March 9, 2018 Abstract This paper establishes labor scarcity as an important economic channel through which access to finance shapes technological innovation. We exploit antebellum America, a unique setting with (1) staggered passage of free banking laws across states and (2) sharp differences in labor scarcity between slave and free states. We find that greater access to finance spurred technological innovation as measured by patenting activities, especially in free states where labor was relatively scarce. Inter- estingly, in slave states where slave labor was prevalent, access to finance encouraged technological innovation that substituted for free labor, but discouraged technologi- cal innovation that substituted for slave labor. Keywords: antebellum America, free banking laws, finance and innovation, labor scarcity ∗We thank conference participants at WAPFIN@Stern, and brownbag participants at Arizona State Uni- versity and Cornell University for helpful comments. Contact information, Mao:
[email protected]; Wang:
[email protected]. 1 Introduction While technological innovation is important for economic growth (Solow, 1957) and firms’ competitive advantage (Porter, 1992), it is difficult to achieve. Pioneered by Schumpeter, a large literature has established a well-functioning financial market as a driver of technological innovation (King and Levine, 1993; Brown, Fazzari, and Petersen, 2009; Hall, 2010; Hsu, Tian, and Xu, 2014; Kerr and Nanda, 2015). However, the role of finance is rarely examined in connection with the fundamental incentive of innovation|reducing production costs.