FLORIiDA -*="' MU,tUM L-ri. · OF NATURAL HISTORY™ SOME LANDSNAILS OF THE GENUS HUMBOLD TIA ATA FROM CHIHUAHUA AND WESTERN TEXAS Fred G. Thompson Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 61-98 2006 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA GAINESVILLE The:FLORIDA MUSEUM OF:NATURAL, HISTOR¥is F16ritirs Biate·museuin' 6ftbalital histbs *dieated, to ufltler$tamdi~g,-Bfekrving;sand interpreting biological diversity'and ctil#fral»fitage. The BULLETIN OF THE FLORI-DA MUSEUM OFNATURAL HISTORY is.a pe¢r-reviewed publicafion that publishes the'results,~rof o_Iiginil,f#Sta-feh ib zoology; batany, pafieontdiogy, archaeology, and museum scfence. Address aft, inquiries to th© Managing Editvr of'the. Bulletin. Nimibets oftthe Bulletin 'afe published at iffegulaf intervals. Specffie volumes are not nedly completed M any one year. The end of a polu-me: Will be, noted atfihev foot * of the first page,ofthe last issue in that v.elu.mel Riclied *tanz; ·AYangging .Editor Cathleen, L. Bester, Production Bulletin C6mmittee Richard Franz, Chairperson .Ahn,Cordell Sarah Fa2enbaker RiehardtHulbert William,Mar4uardt Susan Milbrath Iryy R. Quitmyer Scott Robinson, Ex q#icio Member ISSN: 0071-6154 Publication Date:, September 30,2006 Sbrid cumiaddications *cunce~ning purchase or exchange of the iftililitatib-* Ellid ibdnuiclfipt quefies t6: M#naging'Editor ofthe ]311LETIN Florida Museum-ofNaturalr History Uni*ersity ofFlorida PO Ba 119]800 Gainesv,ille. FL326,114?80»US.A. Phone: 312.3924721 · - Kax: 352-846-0287 e-mail6 el#
[email protected] SOME LANDSNAILS OF THE GENUS HUMBOLDTIANA FROM CHIHUAHUA AND WESTERN TEXAS Fred G Thompsoni ABSTRACT Humboldtiana. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicoidea, Humboldtianidae) is endemic to higher elevations of central and northern Mdxico, and southwestern Texas.