THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, 10th OCTOBER 1967 805 within the area designated as the site of the New Town of Bowyers (Wiltshire) Ltd., Stallard Street, Trowbridge. Livingston and being the subjects disponed by and particu- Britax (London) Ltd., Proctor Works, Chertsey Road, By- larly described in the Disposition granted by National fleet, Weybridge. Commercial Bank of Scotland Limited with consent of William Kilgour Pettigrew Jackson in favour of Humphrey British Electrical Repairs Ltd., Church Road, Perry Barr, John Spurway dated the Twenty-seventh day of July and Birmingham. recorded in the Division of the General Register of Sasines British Sealed Beams Ltd., Rockingham Road, Corby. applicable to the County of Midlothian on the Nineteenth British Sugar Corporation Ltd., Ipswich Road, Sproughton, day of August both in the year Nineteen Hundred and Ipswich ; Foley Park, Kidderminster; Beet Sugar Factory, Sixty-six. Queen Adelaide, Ely and West Marsh Road, Spalding. Dated this 28th day of September 1967. Buchan potato Growers Ltd,, Commerce Street, Fraser- JAMES KELLY, burgh. Secretary and Legal Adviser, Burton's Gold Medal Biscuits Ltd., Vicarage Lane, Black- duly authorised officer of the Corporation. pool. Butler and Tanner Ltd., The Selwood Printing Works, Livingston Development Corporation, Caxton Road, Frome. Livingston, West Lothian. Calibra Engineering Co. Ltd., Caernarvon Road, Pwllheli, Caerns. Calverts Pies Ltd., Lonsdale Bakery, Lonsdale Street, Nelson. COMPANIES ACT, 1948 Campbell's Soups Ltd., Hardwick Road, King's Lynn. NOTICE is hereby given in terms of Section 353(3) of the Companies Act, 1948 (11 & 12 Geo. 6, Cap. 38) that, at the Carreras Ltd., Christopher Martin Road, Basildon. expiration of three months from the date hereof, the names Chapman and Co., (Balham) Ltd., Canterbury Mills, Canter- of the under-mentioned Companies will, unless cause is bury Road, Croydon.
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