USOO64.41047B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,441,047 B2 DeSantis, Jr. (45) Date of Patent: *Aug. 27, 2002

(54) COMBINATION THERAPY FOR TREATING OTHER PUBLICATIONS GLAUCOMA “Mechanisms of excitotoxicity in neurologic diseases, M. Flint Beal, The FASEB Journal, vol. 6, pp. 3338-3344, Dec., (75) Inventor: Louis DeSantis, Jr., Fort Worth, TX 1992. (US) “Excitotoxic Cell Death', Dennis W. Choi, Journal of Neu Assignee: Alcon Manufacturing Ltd., Ft. Worth robiology, vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 1261–1276, (1992). (73) “Morphology of Quisqualate-Induced Neurotoxicity in the (JP) Chicken Retina”, Sattayasai et al., Investigative Ophthalmol (*) Notice: This patent issued on a continued pros ogy & Visual Science, vol. 28, pp. 106-117, Jan., 1987. ecution application filed under 37 CFR “A quantitative analysis of the effects of excitatory neuro 1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year toxins on retinal ganglion cells in the chick”, Tung et al., patent term provisions of 35 U.S.C. Visual Neuroscience, vol. 4, pp. 217-223, (1990). 154(a)(2). “Histologic changes in the inner retina of albino rats fol lowing intravitreal injection of monosodium L-glutamate', Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Sisk et al., Graefe’s Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophtahlmol., vol. 223, patent is extended or adjusted under 35 pp. 250-258, (1985). U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. “N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced neurotoxicity in the adult rat retina', Siliprandi et al., Visual NeurOScience, Vol. 8, pp. (21) Appl. No.: 09/267,966 567–573, (1992). “Effects of monosodium glutamate on chick embryo retina (22) Filed: Mar 12, 1999 in culture”, Reif Lehrer et al., Investigative Ophthalmology Related U.S. Application Data Visual Science, vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 114-124, Feb. (1975). “Effects of Monosodium Glutamate on the Isolated Retina of (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 08/919,882, filed on the Chick Embryo as a Function of Age: A Morphological Aug. 28, 1997, now Pat. No. 5,883,108, which is a continu Study', Blanks et al., Exp. Eye Res., vol. 32, pp. 105-124, ation of application No. 08/560,055, filed on Nov. 17, 1995, (1981). now abandoned. “The role of Specific ions in glutamate neurotoxicity', Olney et al., Neuroscience Letters, vol. 65, pp. 65-71, (1986). (51) Int. Cl...... A61K 31/135 “The anti-excitotoxic effects of certain anesthetics, analge Sics and Sedative-hypnotics', Olney et al., NeurOScience (52) U.S. Cl...... 514/649; 514/913 Letters, vol. 68, pp. 29–34 (1986). “CNOX potently and selectively blocks kainate excitotox (58) Field of Search ...... 514/649, 913 icity in the chick embryo retina”, Price et al., Soc. Neuro Science Abstract, vol. 14, p. 418 (1988). (56) References Cited Involvement of excitatory neurotransmitters in the damage U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS produced in chick embryo retinas by anoxia and extracel lular high potassium, David et al., Exp. Eye Res., Vol. 46, pp. 4,540,408 A 9/1985 Lloyd ...... 604/294 4,599,353 A 7/1986 Bito ...... 514/530 657–662 (1988). 4,690,931 A 9/1987 Wicket al...... 514/317 "Large retinal ganglion cells are more Susceptible to exci 4,730,013 A 3/1988 Bondi et al...... 524/42 totoxic and hypoxic injury than Small cells', Caprioli et al., 4,797.413 A 1/1989 Baldwin et al...... 514/432 Inves Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., vol. 34, p. 1429 (1993). 4,861,760 A 8/1989 Mazuel et al...... 514/54 “Electrophysiology of Cultured Retinal Ganglion Cells to 4,911,920 A 3/1990 Jani et al...... 424/78 Investigate Basic Mechanisms of Damage”, Cummins et al. 5,093,329 A 3/1992 Woodward ...... 514/469 Glaucoma Update IV, pp. 59-65 (1991). 5,153,192 A 10/1992 Dean et al. .... 514/226.5 “Cell types using glutamate as a neurotransmitter in the 5,212,162 A 5/1993 Missel et al...... 514/54 vertebrate retina”, S. Massey, Progress in Retinal Research, 5,238,961 A 8/1993 Woodward et al...... 514/573 N.N. Osborne and G. J. 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(57) ABSTRACT FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Methods for treating perSons with glaucoma or ocular hyper EP tension with glutamate antagonists and IOP-lowering com 215,860 B1 3/1986 ...... A61 K/31/557 EP O 299 914 B1 7/1993 ... A61 K/31/557 pounds are disclosed. WO WO 94/13275 6/1994 ...... A61K/31/135 WO WO 97/30710 8/1997 ...... A61 K/31/557 8 Claims, No Drawings US 6,441,047 B2 Page 2

OTHER PUBLICATIONS “Glutamate in CNS Disorders as a Target for Drug Devel opment: An Update', Parsons et al., Drug News Perspect, “N-methyl-D-aspartate Antagonists Prevent Kainate Neu vol. 11, No. 9, pp. 523-569 (Nov. 1998). rotoxicity in Rat Retinal Ganglion Cells in vitro”, Sucher et “A Novel Ocular Hypotensive Lipid TM: Initial Safety and al., The Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 11, No. 4, pp. Efficacy of AGN 192024, VanDenburgh, et al., Abstract 966–967, Apr., 1991. “Action of the anti-ischemic agentifenprodil on N-meth 1177–B58, IOVS, Mar. 15, 1998, vol.39, No. 4, p. S258. yl-D-aspartate and kainate-mediated excitotoxicity', “ Hydrochloride' Scatton, et al., Drugs of the Zeevalk et al., Brain Research, vol. 522, pp. 135-139 Future, vol. 19(10):905–909, (1994). (1990). * cited by examiner US 6,441,047 B2 1 2 COMBINATION THERAPY FOR TREATING icity in the chick embryo retina,” Soc. Neurosci. AbSt., GLAUCOMA 14:418 (1988); David et al., “Involvement of excitatory neurotransmitters in the damage produced in chick embryo This case is a continuation in part of U.S. Ser. No. retinas by anoxia and extracellular high potassium, Exp. 08/919,882, filed Aug. 28, 1997 now U.S. Pat. No. 5,883, 5 Eve Res., 46:657–662 (1988); Caprioli et al., "Large retinal 108, which is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 08/560,055, ganglion cells are more Susceptible to excitotoxic and filed Nov. 17, 1995. hypoxic injury than Small cells Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., The present invention relates generally to the field of 34(Suppl): 1429 (1993); Cummins et al., “Electrophysiology ophthalmology. In particular, the invention relates to the of cultured retinal ganglion cells to investigate basic treatment of glaucoma using a combination of a glutamate mechanics of damage,” Glaucoma Update IV, 59-65 (1991); antagonist to preserve Visual field and an intraocular pres and Sucher et al., “N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonists pre Sure lowering compound. vent kainate neurotoxicity in rat retinal ganglion cells in vitro,” J. Neurosci., 11(4):966–971 (1991). BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION EAA receptorS have been characterized as metabotropic Although the underlying causes of glaucoma are not well 15 or ionotropic. Activation of a metabotropic receptor affects understood at this time, glaucoma is characterized by dam cellular processes via G-proteins, whereas ionotropic recep age to the optic nerve, accompanied by a decrease in the tors affect the translocation of mono- and divalent cations normal visual field. One early warning Sign of possible acroSS the cell membrane. There are at least three ionotropic glaucomatous visual field loSS is elevated intraocular pres receptors that have been named for the agonist that prefer sure (“IOP”). In fact, glaucoma has historically been treated entially Stimulates the receptor. These receptors have been by medically and for Surgically lowering elevated IOP, for classified as: N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA); kainate; and example, by the administration of IOP-lowering agents Such AMPA (2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazol-4-yl) pro as miotics, C. and C/B adrenergic agonists, beta-blockers, and panoic acid). These EAA receptors are differentially distrib carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. However, factors other than uted to specific cells in the retina. (See, for example, Massey, IOP may play a role in the occurrence of visual field loss. 25 S., "Cell types using glutamate as a neurotransmitter in the Degeneration of retinal ganglion cells may be related to vertebrate retina,” N. N. Osborne and G. J. Chader (Eds.) ischemia or mechanical distortion of the nerve fibers as they Progress in Retinal Research, Ch. 9, Pergammon Press: exit through the optic nerve head or from pathological Oxford, 399–425 (1990); and Miller et al., “Excitatory perturbations of the retina. amino acid receptors in the Vertebrate retina, in Retinal There has been a growing interest in retinal dysfunction as Transmitters and Modulators: Models for the Brain, (W. W. a contributor to the glaucomatous process. Retinal Morgan, Ed.) CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, II: 123-160 dysfunction, and hence pathology, may be related to (1985).) The localization of such receptors would account ischemia or excitotoxicity. Excitotoxicity is neuronal injury for the pathologies associated with glaucoma or inner retinal due to excessive excitatory amino acid (“EAA) stimulation. ischemia. For example, death of the retinal ganglion cell has In the inner retina, glutamate is the major EAA that permits 35 to a large part been attributed to the NMDA receptor. (See, the bipolar and amacrine cells to communicate with the for example, Sucher et al., “N-methyl-D-aspartate antago ganglion cell. In the central nervous System, excitotoxicity nists prevent kainate neurotoxicity in retinal ganglion cells results from hypoxia, ischemia, hypoglycemia or trauma. in vitro,” J. Neurosci., 11(4):966–971 (1991).). Thus, (See, for example, Beal, M. F., “Mechanisms of excitotox antagonists of the NMDA receptor are neuroprotective; icity in neurologic diseases,” FASEB J., 6:3338-3344 40 however, not all antagonists of the diversely distributed (1992); and Choi, D. W., “Excitotoxic cell death,” J. EAA receptors are neuroprotective to the inner retina Neurobiol., 23:1261–1276 (1992).) Toxicity to the inner through antagonism of the NMDA receptor, Zeevalk et al., retina has been observed following intravitreal injection of “Action of the anti-ischemic agentifenprodil on N-methyl EAAS following application of EAAS to the isolated animal D-aspartate and kainate-mediated excitotoxicity,” Brain retina or from exogenously applied glutamate to retinal 45 Res., 522:135-139 (1990)), and many of these EAA antago ganglion cells in culture. See generally, Sattayasai, et al., nists have significant CNS side-effects and are therefore not “Morphology of quisqualate-induced neurotoxicity in the Suitable for treating these degenerative diseases of the eye. chicken retina, Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 28:106-117 (1987); Tung et al., “A quantitative analysis of the effects of SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION excitatory neurotoxins on retinal ganglion cells in the chick, 50 Visual Neurosci., 4:217-223 (1990); Sisk et al., “Histologi The present invention is directed to the use of a glutamate cal changes in the inner retina of albino rats following antagonist and an IOP controlling agent, dosed separately or intravitreal injection of monosodium L-glutamate,” in combination for the treatment of perSons Suffering from Graefe’s Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol., 223:250–258 glaucoma or ocular hypertension. (1985); Siliprandi et al., “N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced 55 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE neurotoxicity in the adult rat retina,” Visual NeuroSci., INVENTION 8:567-573 (1992); Reif-Lehrer et al., “Effects of monoso dium glutamate on chick embryo retina in culture,” Invest. The present invention involves the use of two types of Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 14(2):114-124 (1975); Blanks, J. C., agents to treat glaucoma and ocular hypertension. One agent “Effects of monosodium glutamate on the isolated retina of 60 is an IOP-lowering agent directed at preventing the damage the chick embryo as a function of age: A morphological to retinal ganglion cells brought on by mechanical, study.” Exp. Eye Res., 32:105-124 (1981); Olney et al., “The circulatory, and other poorly understood factors related to role of Specific ions in glutamate neurotoxicity, NeurOSci. elevated IOP. The Second agent is a glutamate antagonist Lett., 65:65-71 (1986); Olney et al., “The anti-excitotoxic used to prevent further damage to ganglion cells and optic effects of certain anesthetics, analgesics and Sedative 65 nerve fibers from excitotoxicity. hypnotics.” Neurosci. Lett 68:29-34 (1986); Price et al., AS used herein the term glutamate antagonist means an “CNOX potently and selectively blocks kainate excitotox antagonist of the NMDA receptor channel complex. NMDA US 6,441,047 B2 3 4 receptor antagonists include channel blockers (agents that They may be combined with ophthalmologically acceptable operate uncompetitively to block the NMDA receptor preservatives, Surfactants, Viscosity enhancers, penetration channel); receptor antagonists (agents that compete with enhancers, buffers, Sodium chloride, and water to form NMDA or glutamate at the NMDA binding site); and agents aqueous, Sterile ophthalmic Suspensions or Solutions. Oph acting at the coagonist Site or any of Several modu thalmic Solution formulations may be prepared by dissolving lation sites (e.g., , , redox, or polyamine the compound in a physiologically acceptable isotonic aque Sites). ous buffer. Further, the ophthalmic solution may include an Glutamate antagonists which have been found to be ophthalmologically acceptable Surfactant to assist in dis particularly effective have the following Structure: Solving the compound. The ophthalmic Solutions may con tain a thickener, Such as, hydroxymethylcellulose, hydroxyethylcellulose, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, methylcellulose, polyvinyl-pyrrollidone, or the like, to improve the retention of the formulation in the conjunctival Sac. In order to prepare Sterile ophthalmic ointment 15 formulations, the active ingredient is combined with a preservative in an appropriate vehicle, Such as, mineral oil, liquid lanolin, or white petrolatum. Sterile ophthalmic gel A = R2-- formulations may be prepared by Suspending the active y-4 S ex ingredient in a hydrophilic base prepared from the combi R3 R1 nation of, for example, carbopol-940, or the like, according N - to the published formulations for analogous ophthalmic preparations, preservatives and tonicity agents can be incor O porated. N ex R1 If dosed topically, the compounds are preferably formu R3 25 lated as topical ophthalmic Suspensions or Solutions, with a o 5 pH of about 4 to 8. The compounds will normally be y R contained in these formulations in an amount 0.001% to 5% B = \ / by weight, but preferably in an amount of 0.01% to 2% by R3 Y weight. Thus, for topical presentation, 1 to 2 drops of these (CH2) formulations would be delivered to the surface of the eye 1 NC 2 N to 4 times per day according to the routine discretion of a (CH2) -R skilled clinician. Y 21 The preferred compound, eliprodil, is orally bioavailable, demonstrates a low incidence of adverse effects upon 35 administration, and effectively crosses the blood-brain bar YX=OH.H rier (Drugs of the Future, 1994, 19,905–909) indicating that m=0-3 effective concentrations are expected in the target tissue, the np=1,2 retina. The compound is described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,690, R=H, halogen, trifluoromethyl, C1-4 alkyl, OH, C1-4 931, the contents of which are incorporated herein by alkoxy, benzyloxy, C1-16 alkanoyloxy, benzoyloxy or 40 reference. when R=OH or methoxy in the 4-position and R=H The IOP-lowering agents useful in the present invention then R'=hydroxymethyl, carbamoyl, or C1-4 alkoxy include all presently known IOP-lowering pharmaceuticals, carbonyl, including, but not limited to, miotics (e.g., pilocarpine, R=H, halogen, C1-4 alkyl, OH, C1-4 alkoxyl; carbachol, and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors); C. and C/B R, R = H, C1-4 alkyl; and 45 adrenergic agonists (e.g., epinephrine, dipivalylepinephrine, R=H, halogen, trifluoromethyl, C1-4 alkyl, OH, C1-4 para-amino clonidine and brimonidine); beta-blockers (e.g., alkoxy, benzyloxy, C1-16 alkanoyloxy, benzoyloxy. betaxolol, S-betaxolol, levobunolol, carteolol, and timolol); These compounds include all isomers and pharmaceuti prostaglandins and their analogues and derivatives, Such as, cally acceptable Salts. compounds disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,599,353; 5,093, Other preferred compounds include: , 50 329; and 5,321,128 and in European Patent Nos. 0215 860 budipine, , cerestat (CNS-1102, ), B1 and 0 299 914 B1; and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors , , ADCI, araxins, CNS-5161, (e.g., acetazolamide, methazolamide, and ethoXZolamide, B111-277CL, WAY-126251 (see Drug News Perspect 11(9), and compounds disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,153,192; November 1998), , and other compounds dis 5,240,923; 5,378,703; and 4,797.413) and ocular hyperten closed in WO94/13275 to the extent they are suitable for 55 Sive lipids, Such as those compounds (neutral replacement of chronic administration. the carboxylic acid group of prostaglandin F2C, e.g. AGN In general, at least one of the compounds of this invention 192024) described in IOVS, Mar. 15, 1998, Vol.39, No. 4; are administered orally with daily dosage of these com WO 97/30710, U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,238,961; 5,262,437; 5,328, pounds ranging between 0.01 and 500 milligrams. The 933; 5,352,708; 5,312,842; 5,552,434, 5,545,665; 5,688, preferred total daily dose ranges between 1 and 100 milli 60 819. The preferred IOP-lowering agents are: timolol, grams. Non-oral administration, Such as, intravitreal, topical betaxolol, S-betaXolol levobunolol, carteolol, pilocarpine, ocular, transdermal patch, parenteral, intraocular injection, carbachol, epinephrine, dipivalyl epinephrine-O-methyl or Subconjunctival routes may require an adjustment of the dipivalylepinephrine, brin Zolamide, dor Zolamide, total daily dose necessary to provide a therapeutically effect unoprostone, latanoprost, travoprost, apraclonidine, and bri amount of the compound. 65 monidine. The compounds can be incorporated into various types of One or more IOP-lowering agents will be administered ophthalmic formulations for topical delivery to the eye. Systemically, or if in a topical formulation, at a concentration US 6,441,047 B2 S 6 of between 0.001 and 5.0 wt %, preferably, 0.01 to 2.5 wt %, The present invention is also directed to methods of but preferably 0.001-0.005 for prostaglandins. treating perSons with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. At The IOP-lowering compositions of the present invention least one glutamate antagonist will be administered Systemi may additionally include components to provide Sustained cally and at least one IOP-lowering composition described release and/or comfort. Such components include high above is applied topically to the affected eye(s) of the molecular weight, anionic mucomimetic polymers, gelling patient. The frequency and amount of dosage will be deter polysaccharides and finely-divided drug carrier Substrates. mined by the clinician based on various clinical factors. The These components are discussed in greater detail in U.S. Pat. methods will typically comprise topical application of one or Nos. 4,911,920; 5,403,841; 5,212,162; and 4,861,760. The entire contents of these patents are incorporated herein by two drops (or an equivalent amount of a Solid or semi-solid reference. dosage form) to the affected eye one to four times per day. In addition to the above-described principal ingredients, The invention has been described by reference to certain the IOP-lowering compositions of the present invention may preferred embodiments; however, it should be understood further comprise various formulatory ingredients, Such as that it may be embodied in other specific forms or variations antimicrobial preservatives and tonicity agents. Examples of thereof without departing from its Spirit or essential char Suitable antimicrobial preservatives include: benzalkonium 15 acteristics. The embodiments described above are therefore chloride, thimerosal, chlorobutanol, methyl paraben, propyl considered to be illustrative in all respects and not paraben, phenylethyl , edetate disodium, Sorbic acid, restrictive, the Scope of the invention being indicated by the Polyguad(R) and other agents equally well-known to those appended claims rather than by the foregoing description. skilled in the art. Such preservatives, if utilized, will typi I claim: cally be employed in an amount between about 0.001 and 1. The method for treating a perSon Suffering from glau about 1.0 wt %. Examples of suitable agents which may be coma or ocular hypertension which comprises, administer used to adjust the tonicity or oSmolality of the formulations ing at least one glutamate antagonist wherein the glutamate include: Sodium chloride, potassium chloride, mannitol, antagonist has the Structure: dextrose, glycerin, and propylene glycol. Such agents, if utilized, will typically be employed in an amount between 25 X about 0.1 and about 10.0 wt %. As will be appreciated by those skilled in the art, the B compositions may be formulated in various dosage forms Suitable for topical ophthalmic delivery, including Solutions, R4 Suspensions, emulsions, gels, and erodible Solid ocular R1 inserts. The compositions are preferably acqueous Suspen \ S-1 (CH), N Sions or Solutions. The compositions of the present invention may also A = R-tA4 S 2. comprise non-aqueous formulations Such as: Substantially R3 R non-aqueous liquids Substantially non-aqueous Semi-Solid 35 S compositions and Solid compositions or devices. The first class, Substantially non-aqueous liquids, com O N ex prise an IOP-lowering agent and a second agent ("drug R1 combination') dissolved or Suspended in one or more of the R3 following: vegetable and mineral oils, Such as, liquid 40 o 5 petrolatum, corn oil, castor oil, Sesame oil, and peanut oil; B = y R triglycerides, Such as the capric/caprylic triglycerides com l, \ / monly used in foods and cosmetics, liquid lanolin and R Y lanolin derivatives, and perfluorohydrocarbons. N1 (CH2) N 5 The Second class, Semi-Solid compositions, comprise an 45 IOP-lowering agent dissolved or Suspended in one or more Y(CH3); -R of the following: Various types of petrolatum, Such as white, Y 21 yellow, red and So on; lanolin and lanolin derivatives, gelled mineral oil having a hydrocarbon base, Such as Plastibase(g; Y,X=OH, H petrolatum and ethylene carbonate mixtures, petrolatum in 50 combination with Surfactants and polyglycol, Such as poly m=0-3 oxyl 40 Stearate and polyethylene glycol. n, p=1.2 The third class, Solid compositions or devices, include R=H, halogen, trifluoromethyl, C1-4 alkyl, OH, C1-4 non-erodible devices which are inserted into the conjuncti alkoxy, benzyloxy, C1-16 alkanoyloxy, benzoyloxy or Val Sac of the eye and later removed, Such as the Alza-type 55 when R=OH or methoxy in the 4-position and R=H diffusion or osmotic pressure controlled polymer mem then R'=hydroxymethyl, carbamoyl, or C1-4 alkoxy branes; and bioerodible polymers which do not have to be carbonyl, removed from the conjunctival Sac, Such as essentially R=H, halogen, C1-4 alkyl, OH, C1-4 alkoxyl; anhydrous but water Soluble polymers and resins (e.g., R, R = H, C1-4 alkyl; and celluloses, polycarboxylic acids, and So on). Especially 60 R=H, halogen, trifluoromethyl, C1-4 alkyl, OH, C1-4 preferred are the bioerodible inserts described and detailed alkoxy, benzyloxy, C1-16 alkanoyloxy, benzoyloxy in U.S. Pat. No. 4,540,408 (Lloyd) and U.S. Pat. No. and all isomers and pharmaceutically acceptable Salts 4,730,013 (Bondi et al.), wherein drug combinations of the and at least one intraocular pressure lowering agent. present invention would be entrained in a non-aqueous 2. The method of claim 1 wherein the IOP-lowering agent matrix consisting essentially of polyvinyl alcohol. The entire 65 is Selected from the group consisting of miotics, C. and C/B contents of these two patents are incorporated herein by adrenergic agonists, beta-blockers, prostaglandins, and car reference. bonic anhydrase inhibitors. US 6,441,047 B2 7 8 3. The method of claim 2 wherein the IOP-lowering agent -continued is betaxolol or S-betaxolol. y R5 4. The method of claim 2 wherein the IOP-lowering agent B N " is brimonidine. \ / 5. The method of claim 2 wherein the IOP-lowering agent 5 R3 Y is latanoprost. N1 (CH2) 6. The method of claim 2 wherein the IOP-lowering agent N(CH3), -R is travoprost. Y 2 7. The method of claim 2 wherein the IOP-lowering agent is timolol. 1O 8. A composition comprising a glutamate antagonist with Y,X=OH, H the following structure: m=0-3 X n, p=1.2 B 15 R=H, halogen, trifluoromethyl, C1-4 alkyl, OH, C1-4 A. alkoxy, benzyloxy, C1-16 alkanoyloxy, benzoyloxy or R4 when R=OH or methoxy in the 4-position and R=H R1 then R'=hydroxymethyl, carbamoyl, or C1-4 alkoxy \ S-1 (CH), N- 2O carbonyl, A = Rit l x R=H, halogen, C1-4 alkyl, OH, C1-4 alkoxyl; A4 1. R1 R, R = H, C1-4 alkyl; and N - R=H, halogen, trifluoromethyl, C1-4 alkyl, OH, C1-4 O 25 alkoxy, benzyloxy, C1-16 alkanoyloxy, benzoyloxy ex and all isomers and pharmaceutically acceptable Salts R1 and at least one intraocular pressure lowering agent.

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