$1.39 Leuentttg 1
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1961 f AGB EIGHTEEN llanrlifHtfr lEwfning l^walii T h d W M t i M r Avaram Daily N tt FV b m R n a Fw tbs Week EnIM reraeaat a< U. •. Waathaa — aaan Unne Indge, KMghU of Py AngZMt n , 1N6 IViday’s PoIImi Count thias, will have Its first meet No Trask Pickup Monday ■omy, ptenanat tsday, ndUv About Town 28.0 ing of the faU season Tuesday 13,806 lEuentttg 1 toalglit, tow 6 6 -dBt maatljr andagr at 8 p.m. at Orange Hall, The tomormw. Ugh 64-66. OnboM Aiwmbly, OathoHc meeting night has besn changed Today’s count Is the high Last Long Summer Weekend M am bar ot the AndH LadiM oi Oolumbui, will apon- i Bmeau of Clroulatlaa to the flnit Tuesday of each est so far this year. A eetmt m oiiciiewer— ym 0 1 * 7 u / w m aor m bua trip to th« World's month Instead of the second of about 7 Is considered like Fair flaMirday, Oct. S, for mem- Highways, air terminals^ busi^bualneaaes. Including supermar- Wednesday. ly to eUrt hay fever symp bata and frlanda. Raaervatlona toms In the average person depoU and.rallway stations wers ICGtGt The towna three libraries will MANCHES'TER, CONN., SATTURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1965 (Claasiftod Advettlsfaig on Pago 8) PRICE SEVEN CENTS may ba made with Mrs. Ralph ■eneltive to ragweed pollen. clogfsd wMh people today, all YOL. LXXXIV, NO. 286 (TWELVE PAGE8—TV SECTION) Hooka, 40 Hartland Rd., or Mrs. Mlspah-Bpencer C i r c l e of be closed as will be the ttrse Frad Barrett, a« Bowen St.
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