Hitler v Siege

Face it: The is so starved of inspiring stories like LOTR that you ought not to be surprised that GOT (visually, pure Aryan esthetics), which was written as a response to Tolkien, became the most popular series of the decade. But since the grand finale it has come to my attention that, unlike Patrick, very few commenters add something substantial about what I have been saying about Game of Thrones.

I think that is due to a terrible way of understanding education. Except for Vig, few commenters have an artistic background. Unlike Hitler, who liked classical music, painting and the old architecture of Italy so much, the common white advocate lives under the mistaken impression that the West can be recovered using only the left hemisphere of his brain (say, the dry academic Site in a nutshell: here. articles published by MacDonald in his webzine).

Women understood: here. That could not be farther from the truth! Remember that it is the stories that galvanise the white population, like all those stories of the epics that inspired J.R.R. Tolkien and George R.R. Martin for – Donate button is located their novels. Only this explains the tremendous success of LOTR at the bottom of the and GOT in the Aryan community. Hitler also understood this by sidebar. – wanting to popularise the Germanic myths that Richard Wagner rescued for his people. What we see in the revolutionary wing of the white cause is exactly the opposite of Hitler’s spirit, and Siege’s case symbolizes it.

Before I distanced myself from because of his ignorance, I tried to Europeanise Siege a bit using, for my Daybreak Press, a cover with a painting by Spanish painter Francisco Goya.

But I was wrong: the stark illustration of the original (reproduced below) is the one that ‘The strongest trees are actually reflects the content of the book. Two days ago Krist rooted in the dark places of Krusher said in the comments section of this site: the earth. Darkness will be your cloak, your shield, your “Siege-tard” is a term I myself created to describe those who you mother’s milk. Darkness will would call crazed dogs howling at the moon [Note of the Ed.: see make you strong’. —the The Fair Race, pages 647-51]. In the past I read Siege around three-eyed crow to Bran the same time I read Ironmarch and was not very impressed. I investigated James Mason and became thoroughly unimpressed after I noticed his sudden change of personal faith: he went from Thomas Goodrich’s being an atheist to being a sucker for the Jebus myth after the Hellstorm is the most Larsson interview! Why? important book of the 21st century. Sometimes I still try to read what former Ironmarchers write these days and the current “successor” website is a shell. Ironmarch had problems but it was a decent communication center for real fascists. The present “continuation” [like James Mason, they admire too – Ed.] is an abomination. The deep-seated death- wish that seems to have “Fascist Forge” is about as fascist as taken hold of the collective Deviantart; garish web design that even the subconscious psyche of the Italian futurists would reject, hideous Aryan race after Hitler’s psychedelic imagery masquerading as art on death is I believe a one thread, degenerate stories with themes of consequence of centuries of homosex and vore on another, caricatures of Jewish brainwashing via real NS—men photoshopped to have glowing Christianity and its secular red eyes and inverted xtian symbols for user ofshoots. avatars—, it stands as a proud bastion of what Siege readers

become as a group. They even call historical fascists like Jose Once the majority of Aryans Antonio Primo de Riveria and Mosley “archaeo-fascists” and had rejected Hitler they think everything on the line of “those guys like Hitler are dead. embraced what remained of We live therefore we decide everything”! Christianity, Christian

Even on /pol/ Siege is seen as a joke. To read or write anything ethics, with a vengeance. on Siege—even regarding the merits of what it has to offer Aryans are aware of what revolutionaries—is to be seen as the dumbest of subhumans. our race is capable of becoming from the photos But it is useless to ask these people to abandon their ways and and films of NS Germany begin to make some contact with the old culture. and many of them hate and fear their own race’s I would like to confess something that happened in my mind in potential for greatness due 1996, when I got in my car and drove to the border with the United States in order to emigrate. Already on the other side (I to attachment to an passed legally), the first thought that came to me was that what I irrational morality and so saw was ‘the country of absolute Neandertalism’ in the sense that, our race is in a sort of self- compared to the old European architecture (and remember that destruct mode. that was Hitler’s inspiration for his New Europe), the US was an If the National Socialists had empty shell. That happened to me while I was already driving on won the Second World War the roads of Texas on my route to Houston. our race would not have The souls of the Siege-tards are as desolate as the landscape I saw entered into this intense from my Shadow Chrysler more than twenty years ago. And that is struggle to overcome the an endemic problem even among non-revolutionaries, who also oldest and most efective don’t make deep contact with European art. weapon of the Jews, Christianity. So this post- Before the accident that forced me to become the Three-Eyed 1945 struggle with the Raven (I don’t mean Bran, but the old man entangled in the tree mental disease of under the performance of Max Von Sydow) I had wanted to be a Christianity does serve a film director. Had I reached the peak and filmed Game of purpose in that it will either Thrones, my adaptation of Martin’s novels would not have been plagued by the feminism we saw in the HBO series. But the art destroy us for good or that can potentially captivate the white race is all there, in those make us even stronger. epic stories adapted to visual stories for the contemporary palate. Before Aryans can annihilate Something like a Wagner of the 21st century: television series that the biological Jew on the the Nazis would surely be filming if Hitler had won the war. physical level they must destroy the alien Jewish What I want to communicate is the great mind virus on the mental going astray that represents everything level by overcoming related to American psycho Charles Christian morality. Manson. I would paraphrase Jordan Peterson in the sense that the recovery of —Joseph Walsh the West must be initiated by cleaning our bedroom, yes: but emphasising that the bedroom—our soul—must be arranged based on the best art created by the fair race.

A grim vision like the one on the book-cover that appears within Krusher’s quote will never captivate the race. It’s time to leave Siege in the bookshelf and order a copy of Hitler’s Table Talk. After all, ‘The sign of the times is degeneracy. This term— degeneracy—sums up all that is happening to the West’.


The above book is about perpetrated Forgive Game of Thrones by the Allied forces on the Germans (here).

When I left the cinema when I was ten after seeing 2001: A Space

Odyssey in the Latino D-150, perhaps the best movie theatre in Here: an SS pamphlet the town, I told my dad that they spoiled the ending: an ending I explaining National did not understand. He immediately corrected me but, over time, Socialism. upon hearing his talks with the most intelligent of my uncles, I gradually came to understand the profound message.

Exactly the same I can say now, more than half a century after having seen 2001 on the big screen. No one except Yezen, a YouTuber, has understood the message of George R.R. Martin: on whose novels a television series is based that this year disappointed most of the fans, Game of Thrones (GoT).

In several entries on this site I have talked about the message of GoT in the final episode: the power of stories. After all, it is a story that has been exterminating the white race: a story out of the pen of some first-century audacious Semites who dared to write the holy books for the white race! And it is precisely the repudiation of “1945 was the year of the that story and embracing the Aryan one—Leonidas, Hermann, total inversion of Aryan Hitler—what could save the Aryans, as with red letters I explained: values into Christian Jesus of Nazareth [the story that is killing whites] never values.” —Joseph Walsh existed.

Catholicism was imposed on the white race not through the “With the death of Adolf peaceful message of the fictional Jesus, but through anti- Hitler in the close of the Germanics holocausts. 2nd World War in 1945 Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the inversion of Western civilization, as it Aryan values into Semitic values for white consumption— had existed and is still Christian ethics—has been the primary cause of the white perceived DIED once and for man’s ethno-suicidal behaviour. all. The only thing that was I am not surprised that the most staunch GoT fans still fail to left now was a gene pool.” understand the moral of GoT that we saw when Tyrion Lannister —James Mason proposed Bran Stark to be appointed as king after the apocalypse caused by Daenerys Targaryen’s dragon in King’s Landing. ( Daenerys Targaryen = the Allies. Think of Dresden “The fall of Stalingrad is the and other allied bombings in Germany.) In this GoT video, for finish of Europe. There was example, no matter how scholarly were these three staunch fans of a cataclysm. The core of it Martin’s novels and the HBO series, over four hours they didn’t all was Stalingrad. There understand what Yezen wanted to say about the moral (for you can say it was finished example, after 3:21). On the contrary: these three fans, despite and well finished, the white their erudition, were left with the impression that there was no civilisation.” —L.F. Céline moral in Martin’s mind but that the end was the purest nihilism.

It didn’t take me long to realise the whys of such un-circumcision of the heart: they are all fans of the American junk culture, not of the history or real culture of the West. And how are they going to know the real history of the West if not even white nationalists know it, at least not as profoundly as Bran?

To unplug yourself from the Matrix you really need to In yesterday’s article in The , ‘The ABC’s of undemonize Adolf Hitler, the Alt-Right: A Guide for Students’, among other things the , National author’s bibliography strives to challenge the so-called Holocaust. Socialism and the Third However, as we know, it is not enough to do so if we lack the Reich. Click here to hit ten framework of the whole history of the white race as Pierce put it in articles on vital info about Who We Are. Without the story of Who We Are there is no the Second World War that salvation. It is as if the Night King had killed Bran (which did not the controlled media happen in GoT, although he was about to do so). Isn’t it incredible concealed from you. that even white nationalists start from a Semitic story that is equivalent, in symbol, as if the Night King had killed Bran? In The Occidental Observer article, for example, a typical ethno-suicidal white, who mistakenly believes he is defending his race, commented:

I agree with being neutral on religion. You don’t need religion in Gens alba conservanda est order to defend . But steeping yourself in (“The white race must be Nietzsche is not “being neutral on religion.” And it is bound to preserved”) alienate the majority of Americans who still consider themselves Christian. Not all Christians believe that their God is Jewish.

Not Jewish? Really? Following the GoT metaphor, this kind of whites are only possible in a world where Bran was killed and, according to the plot, the Night King achieved his goal: the ‘perpetual night’ in Westeros. These purportedly anti-Semitic commenters are as clueless as millions of GoT fans who didn’t get the moral of the final episode. Although, throughout the TV seasons, on this site I harshly criticised GoT because of its feminism, I now forgive Martin because of the great insight of the final. (The purpose of my compilation in The Fair Race is precisely to replace the Semitic story that’s killing whites for the Aryan story that might save them.) Worldly gain at the expense PUBLISHED IN: GAME OF THRONES WHO WE ARE (BOOK) ON DECEMBER 9, 2019 AT 10:44 PM COMMENTS of the Volk is the main (2) cause of the ongoing destruction of the white race.

The collapse of the dollar that is Toxic commenters coming will mark In the early hours of the morning a the beginning of the end of commenter called my attention to a America’s economic and discussion thread about Hitler in Unz cultural hegemony over Review. As soon as I leafed through it, I Europe. realised that idiots are still staining Hitler’s image—as if the eighty-year defamation campaign of a controlled press by Jewry was not enough!

If there is a triad of Western heroes throughout the history of the West they are Leonidas (times of Greece), Hermann (times of Rome) and Hitler (times of Germany). The ‘white nationalist’ who doesn’t want to see this is not really on the side of white preservation.

Until yesterday I used to visit the comments section of Unz Review to see what Robert Morgan was saying. From today on I’ll discontinue that practice. All I can add is that the morals of many English-speaking white advocates are a real disgrace. “The sign of the times is

PUBLISHED IN: ADOLF HITLER WHITE NATIONALISM ON DECEMBER 9, 2019 AT 1:44 PM COMMENTS (8) degeneracy. This term— degeneracy—sums up all that is happening to the West.”

CONTACT: Karma cesartort (at) yahoo

Regarding Friday’s Pensacola shooting, no white man should have joined the United States military until ZOG is dismantled. Taking also into account the terrorist attack in the United Kingdom, these events move me to paraphrase what a commenter said:

Sooner or later the world will recognise that Hitler was right and that until the West accepts this fact, they will continue their ongoing self-destruction—especially in the US and the UK. Either way, massive destruction is unavoidable because, after the Second World War, the Allies must pay a massive Karmic Debt.


On the origin of the word “racist”

The word “racism” from the Nietzschean Britain is gone! viewpoint

Probably you have already watched ’s latest video…

Read this section from Wm. Pierce’s Who We Are about the West’s darkest hour.

Most horrifying is that not even after the recent murder of his own son by the Muslim terrorist the English father questioned his neo- Franciscan ideology about those who are raping English girls and killing English boys.

Postscript of 11:00 am. I am cutting and pasting my response to one of the comments below:

This situation is horrifying indeed, something is biologically wrong with the brains of White leftists. For a couple of articles on Richard Wagner and LOTR I would blame the ‘software’ rather than the ‘hardware’, although click on pics below: if I remember correctly Richard Dawkins once said that memes could be as biological as genes.

Since I lived with my two grandmas in the 1970s and 80s, I have told myself many times that when they were young the meme ‘racist’ didn’t exist, as it was coined in the 1920s. That’s why my grandmas never used the word—never—, as their were wired up before the 20s.

Later generations are doomed. We live in a meme society where, for most folks, it’s impossible to see that they’re trapped in a matrix of memes, of which ‘racist’ is the central one that, like a virus of the mind, is destroying the white race.

It would be possible to try to transvalue the value, claiming that ‘racism’ is a badge of honour and invoke NS Germany. But that would mean rejecting Christian ethics and the ethics of The Jewish Problem Christianity’s bastard son, the secular liberalism imposed (Jewish authors): throughout the West after the French Revolution, something that most whites are unprepared to do. Larry Auster’s unpublished chapter In my opinion, only the facts presented in sites like The West’s Darkest Hour could potentially disabuse whites from their ethno- Excerpts of Esau’s Tears suicidal memes: the real history of Christianity and the real history of WW2 (which is why I’ve chosen Bran under the Heart

Tree as the symbol of this site). But reading real history is The Jewish Problem something that the overwhelming majority of white nationalists (non-Jewish authors): are uninterested. Not even Kevin MacDonald or Greg Johnson are interested, in spite of the fact that both have published book Definition of anti- reviews of Hellstorm some years ago. Jews would be hammering Semitism on such lachrymose story day and night, but most white advocates don’t even want to ponder about a brief summary of the book The Culture of Critique’s Demolish Them by Vlassis Rassias. Preface

Even in today’s article, Wallace claims that his religion is compatible with racialism. Like other white advocates, he continues to fail to address what we can read in Rassias’ book: that, while destroying the statues, temples and burning the libraries, these Semitic or philo-Semitic terminators used the word ‘gentiles’ to refer to the advocates of Greco-Roman civilisation.


Christianity and the West History of Jewry: by Robert Griffin The saga of the European Editor’s note: Below, part of ‘William Gayley Simpson on Jews Christianity and the West’ by Robert S. Griffin, an article published last year on The Occidental Observer. Jew vs. White: More than 3,000 years of conflict

______ ______

We are a physical organism, a part of nature, at a particular point in the evolutionary process, argues Simpson. Church dogma and practice obscure those realities, and that does us a disservice. Christianity does not concern itself enough with strength, vitality, distinctions based on blood and breeding, and aristocratic excellence, which support the qualitative advancement of the race.

Claims Simpson, Christianity has had a weakening, emasculating effect on Western civilization, as it has enslaved us to ideals and ways that vitiate our vigor as a people. Christianity is characterized by “soft” values: unselfishness, charitableness, forgiveness, patience, humility, and pity. The church has focused too much, Simpson holds, on “the poor, the sick, the defeated, the “Racism” is just an lowly, and sinners and outcasts” and not enough on “the well- expression of evolution. constituted, and healthy, and beautiful, and capable, and strong, All species go through and proud.” racial separation on their Simpson believes that people will become what they most value path to speciation. No and what they most attend to, and Christianity points us in exceptions. precisely the wrong direction. Christianity places too great an In humans racist is just a emphasis on one’s subordination to an external deity and the person who loves his transference of responsibility and power to this higher authority. race, for example the Simpson points out that prior to the dominance of Christianity, nymphs on this sidebar. Europeans stretching back for three thousand years of their history believed most in the individuals who were noble and But in today’s mad West excellent. They expected people to stand on their own two feet and the term “racist” de facto make something of themselves and looked to leadership from means someone who those who proved themselves to be truly superior. loves the white race to the point of wanting to Christianity’s sentimentality and otherworldliness has undercut preserve it. man’s belief in his innermost self. It has taken away his struggle, without which there is no growth, no fulfillment. It has not encouraged man to get his roots deep down in the soil, to food and drink, and to force his tender shoots up to the sky, to sun and air. To the contrary, it has told man that all this costly and painful labor has been done for him by another, and to accept this fact and rest in it, and eventually he will be transplanted to another garden (heaven) and be miraculously transformed into a full- grown and perfect flower. There simply isn’t any other garden, says Simpson, and to live as if there is will result in this garden on earth, our garden, the only one there is, remaining—or becoming —barren.

Simpson looks upon Christianity as a Semitic religion and foreign to the European spirit. […] He envisions a bible that holds up our own ideals and traditions, that is the record of our supreme achievements and triumphs, that tells the story of our saints and On racial IQ studies: heroes, and that contains the admonitions of our great wise men and guides and the vision of our own hopes and dreams and The new enemies of purposes pushed deep into a distant future. science

Why, Simpson asks, cannot Aristotle be our Moses, Homer or The roots of civilisation some of the Icelandic sagas our Exodus and Judges? Why cannot […] Goethe take the place of Job? Why cannot Blake supplant the Revelation of St. John and Shakespeare replace Ecclesiastes? Why cannot the Psalms be superseded by the record of some ones of us, in the past or now or yet to come, whose lives and teachings are most inspiring to our collective soul?

______ ______

Editor’s note: Most articles published on The Occidental Observer are more sympathetic to Christianity, as can be seen in the site’s articles dealing with Christianity. In the comments section of TOO’s Wednesday article, ‘Jews, White Guilt, and the Death of the Church of England’ by Andrew Joyce, a Vespasian said (I’ll take the liberty to correct the spelling of the commenter): Who am I?: “Jewish aggression against Christianity is, of course, nothing new” [a phrase in Joyce’s piece]. See an excerpted translation from the I would not only dispute your assertion but argue to the German article contrary, as Christianity has atomized its populations to the about me. point of powerlessness in the face of Jewish collectivism.

I didn’t get a chance to comment on Dr. MacDonald’s last article, but the individualism inherent in Christianity has had HUMAN SKIN COLORS: the effect of individualizing populations (the personal savior concept is a psychological divide and conquer strategy), created a false worldview (militarism is the correct worldview), and misdirecting focus into the absurd idea of an afterworld (Jews don’t believe in an afterlife).

The fact of the matter is Christianity is, and has been the reason for Jewish domination over our societies for centuries and if ARCHIVES Christianity didn’t exist, the Jews would invent it because it has Select Month been such a disorientating, confusing, disarraying and atomizing effect on western man.

You’re too wrapped up in it to see it. It’s not whether something is true or not, only the effect it has on behavior, and that behavior has been extremely destructive.

An idiot responded to Vespasian with wishful thinking: ‘…a new Counter-Reformation which would include a Tridentine revolution against contemporary Rome. I would call that progress’. In that same thread, another idiot commented: ‘A true Christian understands that Christianity was never a Jewish religion, that Jesus was not a Jew, and that the Israelites were not CATEGORIES Jews’. 14 words Sometimes I wonder how long it will take American racialists to 2001: A Space Odyssey shake off the monkey of Christianity from their backs… (movie)


Abraham Lincoln

Achilles What’s wrong with these guys? Adam Smith

In the abstract of the YouTube video ‘The Death of Europe, with Adolf Hitler Douglas Murray’ we can read: Adversus Christianos (book) In this episode of Uncommon Knowledge, Peter Robinson is joined by author and columnist Douglas Murray to discuss his Africa new book The Madness of Crowds: Race, Gender and Identity. Against the Fall of Murray examines the most divisive issues today, including Night (novel) sexuality, gender, and technology, and how new culture wars are playing out everywhere in the name of social justice, identity Agamemnon politics, and intersectionality. Is European culture and society in a death spiral caused by immigration and assimilation? Alaric Robinson and Murray also discuss the roles that Brexit and the Albert Lindemann rise of populism in European politics play in writing immigration laws across the European Union. Albert Schweitzer

This pair asks questions but their answers are deeply Albert Speer mistaken. What is wrong is that they speak as civilians instead of Albrecht Dürer speaking as soldiers. In the darkest hour of the West, the Aryans should speak as soldiers, even if the fire is so intense outside the Alcibiades trenches that they can never go out to shoot a single shot. But they Alcman don’t talk like soldiers. Like Jared Taylor and others, they speak like gentlemen in peacetime. Aldous Huxley

Something wrong with the interviewee, Douglas Murray, is that he openly declared himself ‘gay’ (Newspeak for homo). This Briton Alexander Alekhine outside the closet complains about the sexual suicide of the West in his second book, without realising that his community played a Alexander the Great role in the folie en masse that degenerated in gender ideology. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn Peter Robinson, the interviewer, compared the situation of the Alexandria death of Europe with what a late British journalist said about the 5th century, and referred to St. Augustine and the Vandals. Alexis de Tocqueville Robinson didn’t realize that Roman civilisation was already fatally corrupted due to Augustine and other Christians, and that the Alfred Rosenberg Germanic tribes represented the liberation of a degenerative stage Alice Miller of Semitic inspiration. (Later Justinian would perpetrate a true Holocaust of Germans, as I have been insisting in recent entries.) American civil war

Neither Robinson nor Murray realised that the madness of Americanism importing non-white masses into the West began as a religious Amerinds crusade after the denazification of Germany, as a YouTuber explained in a censored video which transcript I later rescued for Ammianus Marcellinus The Fair Race. An Eye for an Eye It is curious to listen to this pair of completely clueless pundits (book) about what has happened in the West. If we use my metaphor, it is Ancient Greece similar to that, as soon as they stepped on the first stepping-stone away from Normieland, they are afraid to continue stepping on Ancient Rome other stones that lead to our side of the river. Robinson did well Anders Breivik when comparing our century with the 5th century. But although Part I of The Fair Race perfectly answers his questions, including the essay of Judea against Rome, just as the white nationalists the pair is forever stuck within the river. Andrew Hamilton Angela Merkel The final minutes of the video represented the weakest part of the interview. If Robinson asked me what should we do, I would Anti-German answer: ‘The Aryans must amalgamate their minds with The exterminationism Turner Diaries’, something like the new Koran that inspires them Anti-white to re-conquer the West. But for a non-soldier that is unimaginable exterminationism and highly sinful, including white nationalists like Greg Johnson who hate Pierce’s novel. Antichrist (book)

Today’s secular people prefer racial suicide before abandoning Antiochus IV their beloved Christian ethics, or recognising that the West has Epiphanes been catastrophically wrong about Hitler. Aphrodite



Arcadius Two JFG podcasts Archeology Archimedes





Update of 11: 45 pm Aristophanes Aristotle Below I mentioned yesterday’s podcast of Jean-François Gariépy. In his podcast today JFG interviewed Richard Spencer, who Art despite his imperfections is a much more mature figure than to lead racialist Americans. Artemis Arthur C. Clarke JFG and Spencer touched on topics that interest us on this site, such as Judeo-Christianity—a term used by both—and the need to Arthur de Gobineau change the moral paradigm about the Third Reich, instead of believing that pure revisionism about the Holocaust will make a Arthur Kemp difference. Arthur Schopenhauer

Artificial Intelligence ______ ______(movie)

Aryan beauty

In the recent ‘blood sport’ of Sargon of Akkad vs. Vaush, the latter Asia brought out his anti-white ideology when saying he cares about a Athanaric damn that some UK schools are 70 percent non-white. A YouTuber commented yesterday: ‘Just needed to get this off my Atheism and chest after watching what is possibly the most insufferable debate secularism I’ve ever seen’. Athena

People like Vaush exemplify what I have said a lot of times: the Athens Aryan problem is more serious than the Jewish problem, as it means betrayal of the white race by whites. And there are many, Attila many whites like Vaush. Audios

If there were no countless people like him, who claims to have Augustus Polish and Irish ancestry, the Jews would find themselves isolated in their anti-white campaign. It is traitor whites who empower Australia them. Austria

If Vaush tells the truth about his Polish and Irish ancestors, that Autobiography means he was one of those typical Catholics who, when distancing themselves from the church, become ultraliberal. In the country Axiology where I live I have met many former Catholics who embrace Aztec people ultraliberalism, which includes feminism, that not only affects Creole whites but mestizos and all the gamut between them ¿Me Ayudarás? (book) (castizos, harnizos, etc.). Barack Obama Fortunately, Jean-François Gariépy did a good job yesterday Bartolomé de las Casas debunking Vaush. Baruch Spinoza As a side note I would like to say that a commenter has been complaining that I am not letting his comments pass. I do not Battle of Poitiers have time to answer them. And it irritates me that, instead of complaining about my antichristianism, he doesn’t digest what Battle of Thermopylae was said in previous articles about the millions of Aryans Bayreuth Festival holocausted by Justinian. Beauty


Ben Klassen


Benito Mussolini The eleven books Benjamin Disraeli To be perfectly honest, I think the collapse of the dollar will surprise me before I finish translating Benjamin Franklin my eleven books. Beowulf

Some chapters of the second, fourth and sixth Berlin books are already translated in Day of Wrath. But in Day of Wrath I omitted most of the Bernal Díaz del Castillo autobiographical narrative: the axis of the eleven Bernardino de Sahagún books. Bible One might believe that the hybrid autobiographical genre that I want to inaugurate has nothing to do with the preservation of the Bill Clinton Aryan race that is currently in a state of assisted suicide with the Biography Jewish quarter. Blacks Nothing further from the truth. Bob Whitaker The 1956 film Forbidden Planet describes how an advanced extraterrestrial civilisation succumbed to the ‘monsters of the Id’, Book of Revelation that is, the demons of one’s own subconscious. This is precisely Brazil what has been happening in the West in the wake of World War II. Brenton Tarrant Whoever does not believe it must wonder how it is that even many American anti-Semites who apparently want to save their race Brigade (novel) continue to obey the New Testament commandments of the god of Brutus the Jews. And exactly the same can be said of secular racists, who are still cajoled by suicidal Christian ethics, as I explain in the first Buddhism essay of Day of Wrath, ‘Dies Irae’. Caligula

The only way to understand such a bizarre phenomenon is to dive Camp of the Saints into the bottom of the abyss of one’s mind in search of those (novel) monsters of the Id. Canada Whoever gets to the bottom realises that the idea of God is linked to our internalised parents. If this is so, there is no way to Cannibalism apostatise from Judeo-Christianity unless we put our parents on Carl Gustav Jung the dock of the defendants, especially if they behaved abusively when we were kids. Carl Sagan

For that reason I will begin tonight the translation of my books Carl Schmitt beginning, of course, with the first one, Carta a mamá Medusa Carlo Collodi (Letter to mom Medusa) which I started more than thirty years ago. Carolyn Yeager


Catholic Church

Catholic religious orders Tuesday’s comment Cato by Haas Celsus You’re not talking to yourself. The work Celts you are doing is fantastic. I thought I was “redpilled” before I found this website a Charlemagne few months ago. Now I know that I was still asleep (or better yet, in a coma). Charles Darwin Charles Dickens In fact, this website made me realize that there isn’t just one redpill but many. For example, it was through Charles Martel this website that I discovered the truth about Christianity. Before, I was a stupid White Nationalist who thought Christianity was a Charles V White religion. But reading the texts and watching the videos you Chess recommend was like being hit by a bolt of lightning. After watching the Richard Carrier videos, I felt like a total idiot. The Child abuse whole thing is just so obvious and staring at us in the face. Childhood’s End I’ve also really enjoyed these past few articles about women. What (novel) an eye opener! For someone used to the White Nationalist sex China egalitarianism of , this was really refreshing. Christian art Lately, I’ve been having a lot of success redpilling normies with what I learn here. My strategy is to plant a seed in their minds that Christian question (CQ) will make them doubt the garbage they’ve been fed their whole lives and then they come back to me asking for more. I’ve realized Christian views on Hell that it’s better to make them come to the conclusions themselves than to just feed them everything. Christianity Christopher Columbus You’re right, this website is unique. Please continue. Cicero

City of God (book) ______ ______Civil war

Civilisation (TV series) Editor’s response: Interestingly, I just saw Episode 3 of the last season of Game of Thrones and I thought that all the normies are Claudius like the zombies of the Battle of Winterfell. According to Sam in Clement of Alexandria the previous episode, the target of the Night King is Bran as he represents the memories of his race. Those blue-eyed zombies Colin Ross fighting for the Night King are nothing else, I thought, than blue- Color of crime eyed whites who have completely forgotten their past: empty shells fighting for ZOG. Committee for Skeptical Inquiry It doesn’t seem to occur to white nationalists that they should read Pierce’s book about their own history. Or don’t we return to the Commodus world of the living when introducing basic info such as that a 6th- Communism / century emperor of a mud empire committed a holocaust of Bolshevism millions of Aryans? Conservatism The fact is that all whites, including those who fancy themselves as fighting the bad guys in WN forums, live in that perpetual night Conspiracy theories that Bran was talking about. Constans

But the real world is worse than Episode 3. It’s as if, after WW2, Constantine the Night King had killed everyone except the Three-Eyed Raven and his pupil, Bran, as no one wants to see the remote past of their Constantine II race… Constantinople



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David Duke

David Friedrich Strauss

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Day of Wrath (book)

Daybreak Publishing

De Jesús a Hitler (book)

Death in Venice (movie)



Degenerate art






Der Ring des Nibelungen (opera)

Destruction of Greco- Roman world



Dominique Venner

Don Quixote (book)

Donald Trump



Dwight D. Eisenhower

Dylann Roof

Eastern Orthodox Church


Edmund Burke

Edward Gibbon

Edward I of England




Elizabeth I

Emperor Julian

Energy / peak oil



Enoch Powell


Esau's Tears (book)


Essay on the Inequality of Human Races (book)

Ethnic cleansing




European Union



Evropa Soberana (webzine)


Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book)



Feminized western males


Final solution

First World War


Francis Galton

Francis Parker Yockey

Francisco Franco

Franco Zeffirelli

Frankfurt School

Franklin D. Roosevelt


Franz Boas

Frederick the Great

Free speech / Free press

French Revolution

Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Schiller


G.W.F. Hegel


Galileo Galilee

Game of Thrones



Genghis Khan

Genrikh Yagoda

Genuine spirituality


George Lincoln Rockwell

George Orwell

George Washington

Germanic People


Giorgio de Chirico

Giselher Wirsing



Gone with the Wind (movie)

Gore Vidal



Greg Johnson

Guillaume Faye

Gulag Archipelago (book)

Gustave Doré


Hamlet (1948 film)


Hans F. K. Günther

Harold Covington

Harry S. Truman


Heinrich Himmler

Hellstorm (book)

Helmut Stellrecht

Henry VIII


Hermann (Arminius)

Hermann Göring

Hermann Samuel Reimarus

Hernán Cortés

Herod the Great



Hieronymus Bosch



History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire (book)

Hitler Youth

Hitler's table talk (book)

Hojas Susurrantes (book)





Honorius (emperor)


Human sacrifice


Hunter (novel)

Hypatia of Alexandria



Iliad (epic book)

Immanuel Kant

Immigration laws

Impeachment of Man (book)



Indo-European heritage

Industrial Revolution



Intelligence quotient (IQ)


Isaac Newton

Isabella I of Castile

Isaiah (prophet)


Islamization of the West



James Mason

James Watson

Jane Austen


Jared Taylor

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Jefferson Davis

Jeffrey Masson

Jeremy Bentham



Jewish hate groups

Jewish question (JQ)

Jewish–Roman wars

Jez Turner

Johannes Gutenberg

Johannes Kepler

John Calvin

John F. Kennedy

John Locke

John Milton

John Modrow

John of Patmos

John Stuart Mill

John the Evangelist

John Tyndall

José María Morelos

José Vasconcelos

Joseph Goebbels

Joseph Stalin





Julian (novel)

Julius Caesar

Julius Firmicus Maternus


Justinian I


Karl Marx

Karl Popper

Karlheinz Deschner

Kenneth Clark

Kevin MacDonald

Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Ku Klux Klan


Latin America

Lawrence Auster

Leon Trotsky

Leonardo da Vinci




Library of Alexandria



Lord of the Rings

Lothrop Stoddard

Louis XIV of France

Louis-Ferdinand Céline

Luke the Evangelist



Madison Grant

Mainstream media



Manu Rodríguez (blogger)

March of the Titans (book)

Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Eli Ravage

Mark the Evangelist

Mark Twain

Mark Weber


Martin Bormann

Martin Luther


Materialism / capitalism

Maternus Cynegius

Matt Koehl

Matthew the Evangelist

Matthias Grünewald

Maxfield Parrish

Maya civilization

Mein Kampf (book)


Metaphysics of race / sex


Michael O'Meara


Middle Ages

Middle East

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla



Moctezuma II






Morgenthau Plan


Moses (Hebrew lawgiver)


My pinacoteca

Name of the Rose (novel)


National Socialism



New Spain

New Testament

New York


Niccolò Machiavelli

Nick Fuentes

Nicolaus Copernicus

Non-white immigration


Norman Rockwell

North America




Occam's razor

Occidental Observer (webzine)

Odysseus / Ulysses

Old Testament

Oliver Cromwell

On the Genealogy of Morality (book)

On The Historicity of Jesus (book)


Oracle of Delphi



Oswald Mosley

Otto von Bismarck

Ottoman Empire

Out-group altruism





Parsifal (opera)


Passing of the Great Race (book)




Percy Bysshe Shelley




Peter Schiff


Philippe Rushton



Philosophy of history



Pliny the Elder






Pope Francis (Francisco I)

Pope Gregory I

Pope Theophilus of Alexandria

Porphyry of Tyre


Pre-Columbian America


Pride & Prejudice (2005 movie)

Pro-white exterminationism








Quotable quotes

Racial studies

Rape of the Sabine Women


Real men



Red terror


Reinhard Heydrich




René Descartes

Republic (Plato's book)

Revilo Oliver


Richard Carrier

Richard Spencer

Richard Wagner

Richard Walther Darré

Rising Tide of Color (book)

Robert Jay Mathews

Roger Devlin


Rome vs. Judea (book)


Ronald Reagan


Russian Revolution


Satyricon (novel)

Savitri Devi


Schutzstaffel (SS)


Second World War


Sense and Sensibility (movie)

Sexual "liberation"

Siege (book)

Sigmund Freud

Silvano Arieti


Sleeping Beauty (1959 film)




South Africa

Soviet Union


Sparta (Lacedaemon)


St Ambrose

St Athanasius

St Augustine

St Cyril of Alexandria

St Francis

St Ignatius of Antioch

St Irenaeus

St Jerome

St John Chrysostom

St Paul

St Peter

St Thomas Aquinas

Stefan Zweig



Struggle with the Daimon (book)

Sturmabteilung (SA)


Summer, 1945 (book)






Temple of Artemis

Temple of Jerusalem

Temple of Serapis




Theoderic the Great

Theodore Lidz


Theodosius I

Theodosius II


Third Reich

Thomas Cole

Thomas Goodrich

Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Szasz


Thus spoke Zarathustra (book)



Tom Sunic


Transvaluation of all values

Trauma model of mental disorders

Turin Shroud

Turner Diaries (novel)

Twilight of the idols (book)

Two Hundred Years Together (book)



Uncle Tom’s Cabin (novel)

United Kingdom

United States



Valentinian I

Valentinian II

Valentinian III







Vincent van Gogh

Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Putin

Vlassis Rassias


W.B. Yeats

Ward Kendall

WDH radio show

Welfare of animals

West's darkest hour

White nationalism

White-slave trade

Who We Are (book)


Wilhelm Sieglin

Will Durant

William Blake

William James

William Pierce

William Shakespeare

Winston Churchill

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Wuthering Heights (novel)


Yearling (novel)



Zweites Buch

The greatest of the “conservative” thinkers, Joseph de Maistre, pointed out long ago that the French Revolution led the revolutionaries rather than was led by them. For he believed that certain Providential forces rule our lives. These forces he saw in Christian terms, but others, like Heidegger, for instance, saw them in terms of Being, over which humans have no control.

In either case, the force of Providence or Being or has a power that has often made itself felt in our history. For this reason, I have little doubt that Europeans will eventually throw of the Judeo-liberal system programming their destruction. I’m less confident about we Americans, given the greater weakness of our collective identity and destiny. But nevertheless even we might be saved from ourselves by this force—as long as we do what is still in our power to do.

—Michael O’Meara


David Irving’s Website


La hora más oscura

From Guillaume Faye's "Mars & Hephaestus":

The twenty-first century will be a century of iron and storms. It will not resemble those harmonious futures predicted up to the 1970s. It will not be the global village prophesied by Marshall MacLuhan in 1966, or Bill Gates’ planetary network, or Francis Fukuyama’s end of history: a liberal global civilization directed by a universal state.

The Third Age of European Civilization commences, in a tragic acceleration of the historical process, with the Treaty of Versailles and end of the civil war of 1914-18: the catastrophic twentieth century. Four generations were enough to undo the labor of more than forty. Europe fell victim to its own tragic Prometheanism, its own opening to the world and universalism, oblivious of all ethnic solidarity.

The Fourth Age of European civilization begins today. It will be the Age of rebirth or perdition. The twenty-first century will be for this civilization, the fateful century, the century of life or death.

Let us cultivate the pessimistic optimism of Nietzsche. “There is no more order to conserve; it is necessary to create a new one.” Will the beginning of the twenty-first century be difcult? Are all the indicators in the red? So much the better. They predicted the end of history after the collapse of the USSR? We wish to speed its return: thunderous, bellicose, and archaic. Islam resumes its wars of conquest. China and India wish to become superpowers. And so forth. The twenty-first century will be placed under the double sign of Mars, the god of war, and of Hephaestus, the god who forges swords, the master of technology and the chthonic fires. This century will be that of the metamorphic rebirth of Europe, like the Phoenix, or of its disappearance as a historical civilization and its transformation into a cosmopolitan and sterile Luna Park.

The beginning of twenty- first century will be the despairing midnight of the world of which Hölderlin spoke. But it is always darkest before the dawn. Let us prepare our children for war. Let us educate our youth, be it only a minority, as a new aristocracy.

Today we need more than morality. We need hypermorality, the Nietzschean ethics of difcult times. When one defends one’s people, i.e., one’s own children, one defends the essential. Then one follows the rule of Agamemnon and Leonidas but also of Charles Martel: what prevails is the law of the sword, whose bronze or steel reflects the glare of the sun.

T A G S:

4 words

For Spanish-speakers: an autobiography of the editor of this site in two volumes is available: here and here.

He who has not read Day of Wrath has not looked at the admin of this site in the eyes. A hard copy is available: here. For an introduction see: here.

______㶦 ______

“Hate is not some useless organ like the appendix. It’s there for a reason.

Why does Christianity do all it can to talk us out of necessary and functional drives?

Well, the answer is that it’s a bit of software meant to disable our enemy recognition module. Christianity preaches blind love, and that love is murdering the West”. – Alex Linder

“Why were you so ungrateful to our gods as to desert them for the Jews?” —Emperor Julian to the Christians

Regarding the sticky post see esp. post #37. For the context of the Christian problem see: here.

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When you forbid your enemy to hate, you’ve disarmed him.


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