STATECoUNClLFoRTECHNlCALEDUCATloNANDvocnrWr-T el e -0 67 4 -239291 3 I 239 1 632 (F AX\. VIII, NEAR RAJ BHAWAN, , -12.

No 60t{Ll tr, >Vlt/f NOTIFICATION.

The Government lndustrial Training lnstitutes of the State as per list enclosed are hereby declared as Trade Testing Centres for conducting AITT (Craftsmen)-January-2015 under Yearly Pattern and 2nd Semester-February-2015. All the trainees of Private lndustrial

Training lnstitutes of different districts shall appear the above examination in the

Government lndustrial Training lnstitutes/Polytechnics mentioned against each. 6l^ ot,fi'.r ,onroU@ t Memo No \CIIS r Dd l2/1Ll Copy-lo t6e rrincipals of"+l 'r(t Cor"inment & Private Industrial Training lnstitutes for information and necessary action. ^ : controrerffi

Copy forWdrded to the Director of Technical Education and Training, Odisha & chairman, centre selection committee for favour of kind information.

Controller Memo no 6 0 t,Dtdz-Crylf Copy forwarded to the Additional'secretary to Government, E&TE&T Department for favour of kind information.

contro,er ",@" List of rrade Testing centres for Alrr(supplementary), January'2 o|s L 2n > SEt Name of the -.l.No. I Trade Testing Centres I r\dllte ul t.r,* l 1 Govt. lTl, AII the trainees of Private lTls of .

2 Govt ITl, All the trainees of Private lTls of Balassore District

J Govt. Polytechnic, Jajpu r All the trainees of Private lTls of & Distncl

4 Govt. lTl,Bolangir All the trainees of Private lTls of Bolangir District

5 GandhamardanGovt. lTl, Bolangir All the trainees of own institution

o Govt. lTl, All the trainees of Private lTls of .

7 Govt. lTl, All the trainees of Private lTls of .

8 Govt. lTI, All the trainees of Private lTls of . o Madhusudan Govt. lTl, Cuttack. All the trainees of Private lTls of District.

10 Govt. lTl All the trainees of Private lTls of

11 Govt. lTl, Chandragiri Ail the trainees of Private lTls of

12 Govt. lTl, AII the trainees of Private lTIs of District. '13 Govt. lTl, AII the trainees of own institution.

14 Govt. lTl, All the trainees of own institution '15 IJES, All the trainees of Private lTls of .

16 lGovt. ITl, All the trainees of Private lTls of

17 Govt. lTl, (Kandhamat) All the trainees of Private lTls of . ,18 SIPT Govt. lTl, All the trainees of Private lTls of District.

19 Govt. lTI, All the trainees of Private lTls of Keonjhar District.

ZU Govt lTl, All the trainees of own institution.

21 Gapobandhu Govt lTl, Ambaguda All the trainees of Private lTts of District

22 Govt. lTl, Bhubaneswar All the trainees of Private lTls of Khurda District.

Z5 Govt. lTl, Malkanagiri All the trainees of Private lTls of Malkanagir District.

24 TTI , Takatpur, Mayurbhanj All the trainees of Private lTls of

)E, Govt. Polytechnic, , All the trainees of Private lTls of . zo Govt. lTl, All the trainees of Private lTls of Nawarangpur District. 27 Govt. lTl, Road, . All the trainees of Private lTls of

28 Govt. lTl, All the trainegs of Private lTls of .

29 UGMIT, All the trainees of Private lTls of

30 Govt. lTl, All the trainees of Private lTls of District.

31 Govt. lTI, Sonepur All the trainees of Private lTls of Sonepur District

32 Govt lTl All the trainees of Private lTIs of Sundargarh & Deogarh District.