JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 64, 2018 (1): 1–8 doi: 10.17221/130/2017-JFS

The prospect of micropropagating bancanus (Miq.) Kurz, a tropical timber through tissue culture technique – Review

Akeng Grippin 1*, Ab Shukor Nor Aini 1,2*, Mahmud Nor Akhirrudin 3, Abdul Hamid Hazandy 1, Muniandy Sures Kumar 1, Parlan Ismail 4

1Laboratory of Sustainable Bioresource Management, Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products (INTROP), Universiti Putra , Serdang, Malaysia 2Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia 3Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 4Natural Forest Programme, Forestry & Environment Division, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong, Malaysia *Corresponding authors: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract Grippin A., Nor Aini A.S., Nor Akhirrudin M., Hazandy A.H., Sures Kumar M., Ismail P. (2018): The prospect of micropropagating (Miq.) Kurz, a tropical peat swamp forest timber species through tissue culture technique – Review. J. For. Sci., 64: 1–8.

Gonystylus bancanus (Miquel) Kurz is one of the most valuable timber species in tropical peat swamp forest. Its tim- ber is widely used for , decorative cabinets and interior decoration. Due to its higher demand, G. bancanus continues to be harvested which leads to its disappearance in the wild. This is worsened by the fact that germination rates in the wild are very poor due to rapid insect and fungal infestation. Even though vegetative propagation via stem cuttings has been successful, proper protocols on tissue culture need to be explored as a viable way of mass production of a large number of planting stock in a relatively shorter time for forest rehabilitation and enrichment planting purposes.

Keywords: leaf segment; nodal stem segment; organogenesis; shoot induction; somatic embryogenesis; sterilization

Gonystylus bancanus (Miquel) Kurz is a medium could affect the growth and survival of nearby to fairly large , which can reach up to 40 m smaller . in height with approximately up to 120 cm DBH Tissue culture technique offers a viable alterna- (Kartiko 2002). It appears to have irregular flow- tive to micropropagate G. bancanus as it offers ering and fruiting habits, also referred to as ‘supra- mass production of in a shorter time (Ku- annual’, when it flowers once in two to three years mar, Reddy 2011). It involves the use of small (Ismail 2009). A question is being raised whether pieces of tissue (explants) which are cultured timber harvesting activities in peat swamp forest, in a nutrient medium under sterile conditions even though carried out strictly in a sustainable to rapidly produce new shoots, using appropri- manner using reduced impact logging techniques, ate growing conditions for each explant type, and could put pressure on G. bancanus, which grows with the addition of suitable hormones new roots in clumps and any attempt to take out bigger trees would be initiated. These plantlets can be divided

J. FOR. SCI., 64, 2018 (1): 1–8 1 further, usually at the shoot induction stage and Costa, Lundoh 1994), Hopea odorata Roxburgh subcultured into a medium with new plant growth (Aminah 1991), Madhuca motleyana (de Vriese) J.F. hormone to produce large numbers of new plant- Macbride, Anisoptera marginata Korthals, Stemon- lets. The new plantlets could then be acclimatized urus secundiflorus Blume, Calophyllum spp., Durio to soil conditions and grown in the nursery. This carinatus Masters, Santiria spp., Pometia pinnata paper highlights and discusses the importance of J.R. Forster & G. Forster and platycarpa tissue culture study, research achievements and Heim (Ismail, Shamsudin 2003). endeavours as well as challenges hindering the practical application of tissue culture in some earlier works on G. bancanus and of some other Micropropagation of some tropical forest important tropical timber species as a prospect tree species via tissue culture of further improving tissue culture protocols for G. bancanus. Micropropagation of forest tree species especially those with commercial timber values via tissue cul- ture was said to be a viable method for producing Conventional propagation of G. bancanus plants for reforestation, conventional breeding and mass propagation (Ortiz et al. 2000). If compared Since the implementation of sustainable forest with the rapid progress of the breeding programmes management practices in Peninsular Malaysia to for two popular exotic genera such as Acacia Miller manage permanent forest reserve, reforestation and L’Héritier de Brutelle, breeding via activities of logged-over forest and enrichment tissue culture of indigenous tropical timber species planting depends very much on seedlings collected in particular the peat swamp forest species such from the wilds, mostly from the surrounding areas as G. bancanus is well behind. This is partly due so as to maintain species composition in the area, to the fact that there is no plantation area of the even though natural grown seeds were reported to indigenous species as yet, in contrast to the exotic grow fairly slowly (Shamsudin 1996). Even though species, which have been planted on over millions vegetative propagation was seen as an alternative of hectares and it is by far mainly for enrichment as it saves time and can produce uniform plant- planting and forest rehabilitations purposes. ing stock continuously throughout the year from Earlier summary on tissue culture of some nota- selected parental stock, this technique has its own ble tropical timber species has been compiled and disadvantages such as the homogenization of the detailed out by Vaario (1996), where it was point- planting material which could increase vulnerabil- ed out that the earliest tissue culture works on dip- ity of planting material to both existing and novel terocarps were reported by Smits and Struycken pests and pathogens, as reported in some crop spe- (1983) in their work on three Shorea Roxburgh ex cies (Zhu et al. 2000). Contrary to the case of the C.F. Gaertner species vis Dyer ex neighbouring country like where the ma- King and Shorea obtusa Wallich ex Blume as well jority of enrichment planting uses planting materi- as grandiflorus Blanco. Since then, als produced from vegetative stem cuttings (Wein- few other works have been carried out on various land 1998), vegetative propagation in Malaysia dipterocarp species such as H. odorata (Scott et has remained largely experimental (Kettle 2010). al. 1987), Shorea robusta Roth (Jain, Chaturvedi No forest rehabilitation activities such as replant- 1991), Dipterocarpus alatus Roxburgh and Dip- ing on the open areas, degraded and encroached terocarpus intricatus Dyer (Linington 1991), forest areas. S. leprosula (Vaario et al. 1993), and Vatica dio- Vegetative propagation techniques through stem spyroides Symington (Srisawat, Jongkraijak cuttings were reported to be possible for G. banca- 2013) with various degree of success. It is interest- nus with various degree of success as reported by ing to note that some of the species such as D. ala- Mohamad Lokmal et al. (1993), Hendromono tus, D. intricatus (Linington 1991) and V. diospy- (1999) and Nor Aini et al. (2010). The techniques roides (Srisawat, Jongkraijak 2013) are actually were also used to propagate other commercial tropi- yet to show promising organogenic response from cal timber species such as Shorea parvifolia Dyer meristematic explant sources such as the shoot tips and Dyer (Nor Aini, Ling 1993), and nodal segment as compared to embryonic ex- Miquel (Aminah et al. 1997), Sho- plants, even though the meristematic tissue used rea macrophylla (de Vriese) Ashton (Yen-Nyuk as explant was considered an area of active plant 1985) and Dryobalanops lanceolata Burck (Moura- growth where undifferentiated cells divide and

2 J. FOR. SCI., 64, 2018 (1): 1–8 form new, specialized cells. This evoked perception acid (NAA) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid that tropical forest trees were indeed recalcitrant in were used for callus induction and eventually so- nature and any attempt to manipulate their growth matic embryogenesis. especially in vitro requires modification of proto- cols such as pre-treatment during sterilization and addition of a higher concentration of plant growth Direct organogenesis regulators to stimulate cell differentiation. Organogenesis can be described as a process by which a cell or group of cells differentiate to form Micropropagation of G. bancanus and some other organs. Tomar and Gupta (1988) defined organ- peat swamp forest species via tissue culture ogenesis as the reflection of the intrinsic genetic constitution of a taxon, of which equally refers to The first peat swamp forest timber species to be the formation of roots or shoots. Organogenesis is micropropagated through tissue cultures was Sho- commonly induced by manipulation of exogenous rea albida Symington, an important peat swamp phytohormone levels and occurs directly either forest timber species in the island of . The from explant tissue or through callus. Practically study reported swelling and callusing of shoot tip any plant part can be used for organogenesis, but explants but no further development was attempt- the most commonly used for woody species are ed (Ishii, Mohsin 1994). As for G. bancanus, the shoot tip, nodal segment, ovular tissue, inflores- first attempt was reported by Rosilah et al. (2006) cence section, cotyledons and embryos (Thorpe when they successfully initiated callus from stem 1994). These explants were also considered direct explants. Since then few other studies have re- pathway for plant regeneration and usually the first ported successful direct organogenesis using shoot to be attempted with, of which were reported to be tip explants (Yelnititis, Komar 2011; Chieng et successful for G. bancanus to produce shoot both al. 2014a) and callus induction (Yelnititis 2012; from shoot tip (Chieng et al. 2014a; Putri 2015) Chieng et al. 2014b; Yelnititis 2014; Putri and nodal segment explant (Yelnititis, Komar 2015) (Table 1). The most commonly used medium 2011; Chieng et al. 2014b). The explant sources in the work with this species was full-strength Mu- used in all the studies were obtained both from rashige and Skoog (MS) medium with other me- aseptically germinated and wild seedlings. Similar dia preferences such as Gamborg’s B5 and Woody explant types (shoot tip and nodal stem) were re- Plant Medium (WPM) were reported with various ported to be used in other earlier work on tropical degree of success. These media were supplemented timber species such as Foxwor- with various types of plant growth regulators de- thy (Vaario 1996) and S. leprosula (Vaario et al. pending on the desired type’s development. Plant 1993) where they were reported to be producing growth regulators such as 6-benzylaminopurine shoots successfully. (BAP) were the most commonly used cytokinins It is interesting to note that except for the work for shoot proliferation while naphthaleneacetic by Chieng et al. (2014a), who used WPM, previ-

Table 1. Applications of in vitro cultures for Gonystylus bancanus (Miquel) Kurz and other peat swamp forest species

Species Morphogenic Medium Plant growth regulators Explants Reference (local name) response shoot tip swelling Gamborg’s IBA, BAP + NAA Ishii and Mohsin (1994) Symington (Alan) nodal stem callus MS BA, kinetin, TDZ nodal stem shoots Yelnititis and Komar (2011) MS 2,4-D + TDZ leaf callus Yelnititis (2012) shoot tip MS BAP shoots Chieng et al. (2014a) G. bancanus nodal stem (Ramin melawis) MS NAA lamina callus Chieng et al. (2014b) WPM 2,4-D MS 2,4-D leaf callus Yelnititis (2014) MS BAP, NAA, kinetin auxiliary shoot shoots Putri (2015)

MS – Murashige and Skoog, WPM – Woody Plant Medium, IBA – indole-3-butyric acid, BAP – 6-benzylaminopurine, NAA – naphthaleneacetic acid, BA – 6-benzyladenine, TDZ – thidiazuron, 2,4-D – 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid

J. FOR. SCI., 64, 2018 (1): 1–8 3 ous work on G. bancanus mainly used MS medium The progress and the advancement of somatic (Murashige, Skoog 1962) for either shoot initia- embryogenesis in tropical forest timber species in tion, callus induction, somatic embryogenesis or general can be considered as problematic depend- rooting process. The reasons for these preferences ing on a lot of factors such as explant types and age, were not pointed out but it is well-known that MS media and plant growth hormone. Earlier attempts medium, which has a very high concentration of ni- to initiate somatic embryogenesis on G. bancanus trate, potassium and ammonia as well as inorganic by Yelnititis (2012) and Chieng et al. (2014b) nutrients, was preferred over other commonly used have reported successful production of somatic media for woody species such as WPM and Gam- embryos directly or through embryogenic callus borg’s B5 medium. Earlier tissue culture works on phase. The callus produced was friable and yellow- most tropical timber species such as H. odorata ish in colour. However, no further plantlet devel- (Scott et al. 1995), G. Don (Na- opment was reported in both studies. A study on kamura 1996), V. diospyroides and S. leprosula V. diospyroides also reported unsuccessful regen- (Vaario et al. 1993) were also reported to use MS eration of plantlets from embryogenic calli once medium. they were transferred onto regeneration medium Plant growth regulators play vital roles in the (Srisawat, Jongkraijak 2013). These warrant growth and differentiation of plant tissues. Differ- further refinement in the tissue culture protocols ent plant growth regulators have different effects employed in those studies especially in under- and they vary with the type and quantity to be ap- standing the requirements for efficient regenera- plied. A higher level of cytokinin to auxin ratio pro- tion of somatic embryos, which sounds impossible, motes shoot formation, while a higher auxin to cy- without any callus pathway and also improve the tokinin ratio favours root differentiation (Kataria low conversion frequencies in embryogenic calli. et al. 2013). It is not clear whether the application Basically, any plant parts can be used to induce of cytokinins such as BAP and kinetin (6-furfu- somatic embryogenesis in most tree species and rylaminopurine) could have favourable effects on most have been tried with various degree of suc- shoot proliferation of G. bancanus but in other cess on immature zygotic embryos of Acacia man- tropical forest species such as H. odorata (Scott gium Willdenow (Xie, Hong 2001) and Acacia et al. 1995) they were reported to have a positive nilotica (Linnaeus) Willdenow ex Delile (Garg influence on shoot initiation when applied singly at et al. 1996), cotyledons of Acacia catechu P.S.H. a lower concentration (0–5.0 mg·l–1). On the other Hurter & Mabb (Das et al. 1996) and leaf explant hand, combinations with other cytokinins such as of Acacia sinuata (Loureiro) Merrill (Vengade- kinetin (Chieng et al. 2014b) or auxins such as san et al. 2002) while Eucalyptus globulus Labill NAA (Putri 2015) were reported to be successful was reported to produce somatic embryos directly in initiating shoot proliferation in G. bancanus. from cotyledons (Nugent et al. 2001), leaf (Cor- redoira et al. 2015) and zygotic embryo explants (Pinto et al. 2002). However, the explants must be Somatic embryogenesis from juvenile sources when they are having highly differentiated cells that are capable of undergoing Plant regeneration from somatic embryogenesis embryogenesis. These immature plant parts, also has been considered to be important and gained referred to as meristems, are where cells proliferate attention in forestry biotechnology for two rea- and partition into layers that eventually differenti- sons. Firstly, the system offers the capability to ate to form various tissues and organs of the plant produce unlimited numbers of somatic embryo like in organogenesis. derived propagules and artificial/synthetic seeds. MS and WPM media were reported to be equal- Secondly, the embryogenic culture system could ly successful in callus induction and regeneration also be used efficiently for genetic transformation procedures in most woody species. For specific studies (Giri et. al. 2004). However, the most no- purposes such as maturation and germination of table aspect of somatic embryogenesis is that it has the somatic embryos, MS basal medium or half- a single cell origin as opposed to other multicellu- strength MS medium were also widely used. Addi- lar events such as organogenesis and micropropa- tion of other media components such as casein hy- gation. Somatic embryogenesis from non-gametic drolysate and glutamine was reported to improve cells can produce a bipolar embryo with similar somatic embryogenesis in Eucalyptus citriodora developmental stages that occur in the normal zy- Hook (Muralidharan et al. 1989), however, it gotic embryo. did not improve somatic embryo production with

4 J. FOR. SCI., 64, 2018 (1): 1–8 a higher number of abnormal somatic embryos in Chauhan (2010) reported that sodium hypochlo- E. globulus Labill (Pinto et al. 2002). In another rite was a better sterilant than calcium hypochlorite study on Quercus rubra Linnaeus (red ), Sán- due to bleaching effects of the latter and hence it chez et al. (2003) reported that sucrose was used has been extensively used for studies on plants such as a carbon and energy source, as it enhances so- as potatoes that have direct contact with soils. This matic embryo maturation by causing osmotic technique was employed by studies on various oth- stress when supplied at higher concentrations. Ac- er tropical forest trees such as Azadirachta excelsa cumulation of food storage, such as sucrose usually (Jack) Jacobs (Jainol 1997), Canarium odontophyl- converts translucent embryos into white-opaque lum Miquel (Chai et. al. 2010), S. parvifolia (Aziah embryos as reported by Cerezo et al. (2011) and et al. 2013). Jainol (1997) reported that washing Martínez et al. (2014). Earlier attempt to initiate with 15% sodium hypochlorite was effective in re- somatic embryogenesis in G. bancanus reported a ducing a contamination rate up to 75% in her study rather interesting outcome as a higher concentra- with nodal stem segments of A. excelsa while Chai tion (40.0 mg·l–1) of NAA was used with success. et. al. (2010) reported that the sterilization tech- This is in contrast to most of the work with A. cate- nique using 70% ethanol for 60 s and 25% sodium chu (Das et al. 1996) where a lower concentration hypochlorite added with Tween 20 for 15 min can of NAA (2–3.0 mg·l–1) was applied. This might be reduce a contamination rate up to 33% in their study due to the recalcitrant nature of G. bancanus tis- on C. odontophyllum. Aziah et al. (2013) reported sues to somatic embryogenesis of which was also washing with 20% (v/v) sodium hypochlorite nodal reported for gymnosperms like (Cocos nu- segments excised from nursery-grown seedlings of cifera Linnaeus) (Verdeil et al. 1994). S. parvifolia for 18 min was effective in reducing a Therefore, it is difficult to point out what is the best contamination rate to only 39%. In studies involving level of plant growth regulator to be recommended tropical peat swamp species such as G. bancanus as different plant types respond differently in differ- (Chieng et al. 2014a) and S. albida (Ishii, Mohsin ent conditions. 1994), sterilization techniques of submerging ex- plants in 75% ethanol for 1 min followed by steriliza- tion with 0.3 mol mercuric chloride for 5 min failed Contamination problem to eliminate fungus contaminations. It is interest- ing to note that, even though some experiments Contamination presents a major challenge in may give comparatively highly clean culture when tissue culture work of G. bancanus (Chieng et al. tested using a particular technique, these results are 2014a) and other peat swamp forest timber species not usually replicable on other tissue culture work such as S. albida (Ishii, Mohsin 1994) as a higher and so the expected results are usually elusive (Bar- contamination rate was reported. According to Lei- rett, Cassells 1994). In many cases anti-micro- fert and Cassells (2001), contaminants in tissue bial treatments only inhibit contaminants and low cultures vary in a wide range of microorganisms in- levels of contamination persist even though some cluding filamentous fungi, yeasts, bacteria, viruses, researchers incorporated the use of antibiotics and viroids, mites and even thrips. While the fungus fungicides to overcome the contamination prob- may arrive from the explant or airborne, contami- lem (Leifert, Cassells 2001). Another problem nation by bacteria was believed to originate from that affects tissue culture work of most tropical endogenous bacteria that escape initial disinfection tree species is browning. It occurs as a result of the or by microorganisms introduced during tissue cul- exudation of phenolic compounds. This problem ture manipulations such as subculture to fresh me- was reported for Acacia species such as A. catechu dia. Both types of contaminants may survive in the (Das et al. 1996) and A. sinuata (Vengadesan et plant material for several subculture cycles for over- al. 2002). Some species such as E. globulus were re- extended periods of time without expressing symp- ported to release more phenolic compounds as the toms in the tissue or visible signs in the medium. level of sucrose in the media was increased. The ac- Generally, the sterilization technique involved pre- cumulations of phenolic compounds were believed treatment using ethanol (concentration between 70 to influence the production of somatic embryos in and 95%) followed by washing with various con- this species (Pinto et al. 2002). Activated charcoal centrations of sodium hypochlorite (commercial has been widely used to control and prevent brown- Clorox) for a certain period of time and has been ing. Srisawat and Jongkraijak (2013) reported employed with various levels of success to some that the incorporation of activated charcoal was not tropical species. On the other hand, Badoni and only effective in absorbing harmful compounds and

J. FOR. SCI., 64, 2018 (1): 1–8 5 exudates but also able to suppress the exudation of pelargonii (Brown) from Pelargonium × domesticum cv. phenolic compounds in V. diospyroides culture. ‘Grand Slam’ explants in vitro. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 36: 169–175. Cerezo S., Mercado J.A., Pliego-Alfaro F. (2011): An efficient Conclusions regeneration system via somatic embryogenesis in olive. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 106: 337–344. The use of in vitro technique for the propagation Chai K.L., Dayang A.W.A., Lau C.Y., Sim S.L. (2010): Control of G. bancanus was reported to be possible with of in vitro contamination of explants from field-grown dabai particular attention to be given to the fine tuning (Canarium odontophyllum Miq.) trees. Asia-Pacific Journal of most effective sterilization techniques as higher of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, 18: 115–118. contamination rates were reported in all earlier Chieng L.M.N., Chen T.Y., Sim S.L., Goh D.K.S. (2014a): studies especially if field grown materials were to Shoot Induction of Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz be used as explant sources. In terms of media pref- (Ramin) in . Kuching, Sarawak Forestry Corpora- erence, MS basal medium was found to be the most tion & ITTO: 20. effective when supplemented with various concen- Chieng L.M.N., Chen T.Y., Sim S.L., Goh D.K.S. (2014b): trations of BAP for shoot induction and NAA for Induction of Organogenesis and Somatic Embryogenesis rooting and initiation of somatic embryogenic calli. of Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz (Ramin) in Sarawak. It is also worth noting that more efforts should be Kuching, Sarawak Forestry Corporation & ITTO: 28. placed on the establishment of field trials of the mi- Corredoira E., Ballester A., Ibarra A.M., Vieitez A.M. (2015): cropropagules produced in vitro. 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