North Council


Plann i ng Ap plicat ions for consideration of Planning and Environment Committee

Committee Date : 19th January 2000


Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with the permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 19TH JANUARY 2000

Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation

6 N/99/01075/FUL Bryant Homes Erection of 65 Dwellings (145 Grant Ltd Dwellings in Full - Area 2, Site within and ) Area 2, Former Colliery Site, Cardowan Road, .

14 N/99/01128/FUL Gerald Wright Renewal of Temporary Consent for Grant Taxi Office - 10 Larchfield Road,

17 N/99/01289/FUL Mr & Mrs Ian Andrew Erection of Two Storey Rear Extension - Grant 34 Glen Moriston Road, Craigmarloch,

20 N/99/01331 /FUL The Clanranald Trust for Medieval Fort Reconstruction - Grant Scotland Site within Forest, Carron Valley by

Mr & Mrs G Craig Extension to Dwelling to form Grant *8 N/99/01339/FUL “Granny Flat” 15 Balcastle Gardens, Kilsyth.

34 N/99/01380/FUL Mr Mahmood Alterations to and Change of Use from Grant Shop to Hot Food Takeaway - Unit 2, Station Buildings, South Carbrain Road, Carbrain, Cumbernauld.

38 N/99/01384/FUL Mr & Mrs Scott Change of Use of Farm Storage Area to Refuse Caravan Winter Storage Area - South Broomknowes,

43 N/99/0 1428FUL Crowwood Grange Landscaping Works Associated with Grant Estates Ltd Redevelopment - Former Colliery Site, Cardowan Road, Stepps.

N/99/01459/FUL Mr Fraioli Change of Use from Industrial Unit to Grant Hot Food Preparation and Home Delivery Facility - 30 Tannoch Drive, Lenziemill Cumbernauld.

51 N/99/01510/FUL Mr Hugh Pollock Erection of Garage Grant 12 Belhaven Park, Muirhead

56 N/99/01511/FUL A & J Neilson Change of Use of Public Open Space Grant to Private Garden Ground 20 Rosemount, Westerwood, Cumbernauld.

61 N/99/0153 1RUL David & Margaret Paterson Extension to Dwelling and ErectionGrant of Double Garage - 36 Arden Grove Kilsyth

64 N/99/01543/OUT Mr Hugh McCann Erection of 9 Dwellings (In Outline) Refuse Craigmarloch Paper Mill, Kilsyth


Page No. Application No. Applicant DevelopmentILocus Recommendation

69 C/99/00604/NID North Lanarkshire Council Construction of rear service area & Grant (P) parking facility between Bank St, Buchanan St, Graham St & Hallcraig St, Airdrie

73 C/99/00846/FUL George Wilson Erection of 29 No. Dwellinghouses Grant (Stonehouse) Ltd 1.922 Ha. of Land to the East of Glenwell Street, , Airdrie,

82 C/99/01149/FUL Mr John McNamee Erection of Building For After School Grant Play Area - 2 Grahamshill Street, Airdrie,

87 C/99/01259/FUL John Walker Use of Land as Garden Centre Grant Including Access and Parking 414 Road, Greengairs, Airdrie.

92 C/99/01283/OUT Tom Shanks Engineering Change of Use of Land for the Grant Erection of an Engineering Workshop (In Outline) - Land to Rear of 139-143 Greengairs Road, Greengairs, Airdrie,

98 C/99/01375/FUL Atlantic Telecommunications Erection of 25M Telecommunications Grant Ltd Mast & Ancillary Equipment Cabinet - Wernick Hire Ltd, Dundyvan Industrial Estate, .

104 c/99/01 39 1/FUL Mr & Mrs S Lamb Erection of 2 Storey Dwellinghouse - Grant Plot 9, Gowan Brae, , Airdrie

110 C/99/01490/AMD Alan Adams Amendment to Condition No. 3 of Grant Planning Permission No. 99/00116/FUL For Revised Driveway Location - Y 10 Glen Terrace, Caldercruix, Airdrie

116 C/99/01494/FUL Mr John McNairn Use of Warehouse for Storage of Grant Coaches - Vacant Depot, Northburn Road, Coatbridge

119 C/99/01498/FUL Kelvin Homes Ltd Erection of 92 Dwellinghouses and Grant 10 Flats including Demolition of Existing Flats and Formation of Access Roads - Kelvin Homes Ltd Development Site at Highcross Avenue, Coatbridge

124 c/99/01537/FuL James Lennon Extension of Existing Garage - Grant 47 Hyslop Street, Airdrie APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 19TH JANUARY 2000

Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation

128 C/99/01545/FUL Mrs E Greenaway Siting of Mobile Hot Food Van - Land Grant Adjacent to the Western Side of The Jet Filling Station, Road, Airdrie

132 S/99/01021/OUT B Rutherford Residential Development and Alterations Grant to Ground Levels - Viewfield House East Main Street Harthill

137 S/99/0 1231 /FUL Mr & Mrs D Currie Extension to Dwellinghouse Refuse 45 Harvest Drive

142 s/99/0 1403muL Bank of Scotland Alterations to Shop Front and Grant Installation of ATM 120 - 122 North Road

147 s/99/0 142o~uL Imex Enterprise Ltd Change of Use From Carpet Refuse Distribution to Distribution and Retail Outlet Unit 11, Traction House Tinkers Lane Motherwell

152 s/99/01421/FuL Imex Enterprise Ltd Change of Use of Workshop Unit Grant to Form Cafeteria and Hot Food Carryout Facility Block 1, Traction House Tinkers Lane, Motherwell

155 s/99/0 1423muL Brake Bros Ltd Construction of Cold Store and Chill Grant Store, Offices, Plant Room Gatehouse and Associated Facilities Inchinnan Road 0 Bellshill Industrial Estate Bellshill

159 S/99/01430/FUL Sher Mohammed Single Storey Rear Extension Grant to Form Store Area 22 Ochill Street

164 S/99/01473/FUL Bell Cars Ltd Change of Use from Office to Taxi Grant Radio Base and Erection of Mast 457B Main Street Bellshill

167 S/99/0148 1/FUL Roman Road Hall Formation of Car Park Grant (P) Land South West of 14 Roman Road Motherwell

173 S/99/01503/FUL M Aslam Formation of Hot Food Takeaway Refuse 1 Hillcrest Avenue Wishaw APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 19TH JANUARY 2000

Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation

178 S/99/01504/FUL TDG Logistics Construction of Warehouse Extension Grant Cross Docking Facility and Extended Rail Link - Condor Glen, Eurocentral, Motherwell

181 S/99/01528/FUL NLC Housing Change of Use of Public Footpath to Grant Private Garden Ground 25/27 Carrick Place Bellshill

(P) C/99/00604/NID If Approved, Referral to Scottish Ministers required

(P) S/99/01481/FUL If Approved, Referral to Scottish Ministers required I , Application No: N/99/0 1075/FUL

Date Registered: 11 August 1999





Ward No: 70 Grid Reference: 266999668230

File Reference: MD

Site History: P/PPA/SL/84 1: Residentialnight Industrial Development (Outline) - Approved on appeal April 1993. TP/94/268 (94/00420/PL): Construction of access road from Colliery Site to the M80 Crowwood Roundabout - Approved November 1998. TP/96/114: Time Extension for residential / light industrial development (Outline) - approved August 1996. N/97/00334/FUL: Residential Development (Erection of 76 Dwellings at Phase 1 and 60 Dwellings at Phase 2); Formation of revised Access onto Cardowan Road; Related Decontamination / Consolidation Earth Works; and Related Drainage Works - approved September 1998. N/98/01727/AMD: Removal of Predetermined Upper Limit of 60 Dwellings per Year - Refused February 1999.

Development Plan: Strathkelvin District (Southern Area) Local Plan 1983: Zoned as Industrial Site (IND 4), Greenbelt (E.PR02) (part site), and unaffected by specific proposals (E.PR06) (part site) W Northern Corridor Local Plan Consultative Draft 1998: Housing development opportunity (HG 1/24)

Contrary to Development Plan: Yes


Objection: -, No Objection: Glasgow City Council, West of Scotlahl Water, Conditions: The Coal Authority, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Scottish Natural Heritage, Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive. No Reply:


Neighbours: None Newspaper Advert: Not required (existing outline permission) 1


Produced by Plannlng and Development Department Norhem Mvlsion PLANNING CONSULTATIONS FROM GLASGOW CITY Bron Way CUMBERNAULD COUNCIL RE DEVELOPMENT AT FORMER COLLIERY 067 1DZ SITE, CARDOWAN, STEPPS RBPmdUmd horn me Ordnmm Survey mapping wth Telephone 01236 3616400 Fax 01236 616420 NS6769 A me p~rnissimof the COntmllerOf hwMejety$ SiabO"ery0Omm ocrwn mpynght : I_^ ___^ 2ooo i -.--...--.. 4.- ..&__.^- -_ COMMENTS: The application is for the erection of 65 dwellings within the North Lanarkshire section of Residential Area 2 at the former colliery site, Cardowan Road, Stepps. The full Area 2 development has 145 dwellings and straddles the boundary between North Lanarkshire and Glasgow.

Careful consideration has been given to the details of the residential development with a number of amendments having been made to ensure that it is acceptable in its own right and relates effectively with adjacent lands uses.

There are no objections to the proposal from local residents or from consultees including the Education Department. It should be noted that the applicants are seeking a permission with no limitation on the annual building rate and that this is considered acceptable.

There are no planning objections to the Area 2 housing development and it is therefore recommended that planning permission be granted.

@ RECOMMENDATION: Approve Subject to the Following Conditions:

1 That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To incorporate the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997

2 That house building at the application site shall not start prior to the completion to adoptable standard of the road link from the site to the M80 Crowwood Roundabout.

Reason: To ensure the early completion of the link road from the site to the M80 Crowwood Roundabout.

3 That the development shall comply with the terms of planning permission N/97/00334/FUL for development at the Cardowan Colliery site in relation to land gas, decontamination and consolidation requirements. (Copy attached)

Reason: In the interests of public safety and amenity, in relation to gas, contamination and consolidation.

That before the residential development hereby permitted starts, full details and/or samples of all external materials to be used in construction, including walls, roofs, windows, doors, gutters and downpipes, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

5 That before the residential development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and location of all fences and features to be erected on site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

6 That before any of the dwelling houses hereby permitted, situated on the site upon which a fence or wall is to be erected are occupied, the fence, or wall as approved under the terms of condition 5 above, shall be erected.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the future residents. 7 That notwithstanding the provisions to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992, integral garages shall not be altered for use as habitable rooms without the consent of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control and to ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the plots.

8 That residential development shall not commence until a scheme of landscaping for all Cardowan land, (land comprised in application N/97/00334/FUL) a habitat and species survey, and nature conservation proposals are submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and the landscaping scheme shall include:-

a) details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, grass seeding and turfing; b) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted; c) an indication of all existing trees, hedgerows and other habitats and species plus details of those to be retained, and measures for their protection, in the course of development. d) details of footpaths/.cycleways. e) a roadside landscaping strip in front of Plot I. f) details of the phasing and timings of these works.

Reason: In the interests of the landscape setting of the site and the wider Cardowan area.

9 That all planting, seeding, turfing and earth moulding included in the scheme of landscaping and planting approved under the terms of condition 8 above shall be completed and any trees, shrubs or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged or become diseased shall be replaced within the following year with others of a similar size and species or such other scheme as is to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority; -for landscaping within the application site the above shall take place within one year of the occupation of the last dwelling house within the application site, - for landscaping within the general Cardowan development site the above shall take place within the time period approved under condition 8(f) above.

Reason: In the interests of the landscape setting of the site and the Cardowan area.

10 That before the residential development hereby permitted starts, a scheme, for the provision of equipped play areas within the application site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning e authority, including any modification as may be required, as this shall include:- a) details of the type and location of play equipment, seating and litter bins to be situated within the play areas; b) details of the surface treatment of the play areas, including the location and type of safety surface to be installed; c) details of the fences to be erected around the play areas; d) details of the phasing of these works.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate play facilities within the site.

11 That before the occupation of the last 5 dwelling houses within the application site hereby permitted all the works required for the provision of the equipped play area in Area 2 included in the scheme approved under the terms and condition 10 above shall be completed.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate play facilities within the site.

12 That residential development shall not commence until a management and maintenance scheme within the full Cardowan development site is submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as my be required, and it shall include proposals for the continuing care, maintenance and protection of-

a) the proposed footpaths; b) the proposed parking areas; c) the proposed play areas; d) the proposed grassed, planted and landscaped areas; e) the proposed fences to be erected along the boundaries; f) the proposed watercourse and ponds.

Reason: To ensure effective future maintenance.

13 For the avoidance of doubt, the management and maintenance scheme approved under condition 12 above shall be implemented concurrently with the timing and phasing of landscaping works finally approved under condition 8 (f) above.

Reason: To ensure effective future maintenance.

14 That all accesses, roads and parking areas shall be designed and constructed to an adoptable standard to the satisfaction of North Lanarkshire Council as Planning and Roads Authority.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory and safe vehicular and pedestrian provision.

15 That no dwelling house shall be occupied until the access roads and footways leading from the existing public road to that dwelling house have been constructed to base course level.

Reason: In the interests of traffic safety and to ensure satisfactory road circulation within the site.

16 That before the last dwelling house permitted is occupied all roads and footways referred to within condition 14 and 15 above shall be completed to final wearing course.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory vehicular and pedestrian access facilities to the dwellings.

17 That drainage works shall be to the satisfaction of Planning Authority, West of Scotland Water and the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency.

Reason: In the interests of amenity and public health in relation to drainage.

18 That before the residential development hereby permitted starts full details of works to the watercourse, including ponds, within the full Cardowan development site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required; no works shall take place which will alter the quality and quantity of the waterflow draining from the full Cardowan site.

Reason: In the interests of water habitat amenity and water quality,

19 That any alterations to statutory undertakers apparatus shall be carried out to the satisfaction and requirements of the respective statutory undertakers.

Reason: To protect statutory undertaker's apparatus.

20 That before the residential development hereby permitted starts amended details of that section of plots 9 and 10 within North Lanarkshire shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required; the amended details shall be such that the dwellings properly front on to the adjacent road.

Reason: In the interests of the proper planning of the area and to ensure that all dwellings contribute effectively to the streetscape.

I:\SS\TRUDWDEAN.PD901075F.DOC List of Background Papers

Application form and plans Strathkelvin District Southern Area Local Plan 1983 Northern Corridor Local Plan consultative Draft 1998 Consultation Letters from The Coal Authority, Glasgow City Council, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Scottish Natural Heritage, Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Consultation memos from the Director of Education and the Head of Parks and Catering

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Martin Dean at telephone number 01236 616459. APPLICATION NO: N/99/01075/FUL


The application is for the erection of 65 dwellings within the North Lanarkshire section of Area 2, Cardowan Colliery site by Stepps. The full Area 2 development is for 145 dwellings with there being a separate planning application to Glasgow City Council for the remaining section.

The development consists of detached dwellings fronting onto a looped road system with one large internal road and 8 small culs-de-sac in the full development area. Two play areas are proposed. Joint negotiations between North Lanarkshire and Glasgow planners with the developers have resulted in significant improvements to the layout.

There are large areas of public open space immediately adjacent to the residential area which are covered by a separate planning application (N/99/0 1428FUL)


Outline planning permission exists for the residential development under the terms of appeal permission (Ref P/PPA/SL/841) granted in April 1993 and renewed in August 1996 (Ref TP/96114).

Planning permission N/97/00334/FUL was granted in April 1998 for basic ground works plus limited residential development. The residential development covered by this permission is not now being pursued and has been superseded by planning permission N/99/00712/FUL granted in August 1999 for Housing Area 1 and by the current application for Housing Area 2. It is anticipated that there may be 4 or 5 housing areas in the full development along with the industrial and business park which is mainly within Glasgow.


Summaries of consultation responses are as follows,

The Coal Authority: The property is within the likely zone of influence on the surface from 3 seams of coal the last date of working being 1955. Ground movement from these past workings should by now have ceased. There is one mine entry within 20 metres of the site. A prudent developer would seek appropriate technical advise before works are undertaken on site.

Glasgow City Council: No objections.

Scottish Environmental Protection Agency: No objections provided due regard is taken of SEPA’S requirements for the treatment and disposal of surface water from the site.

Scottish Natural Heritage: No objection subject to conditions relating to landscaping and protection of appropriate sections of the local natural environment.

Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive: Suggestions are given concerning the locations of bus stop and the footpath connections to them.

West of Scotland Water: No objections.

Director of Education: The development area is currently split between Stepps Primary and Primary in the non-denomination primary sector and between St Joseph’s Primary and St Margaret’s Primary in the Roman Catholic primary sector. Both Chryston Primary and St Margaret’s Primary have sufficient accommodation to cope with the increase in pupils however, Stepps Primary and St Joseph’s Primary are operating very close to capacity. There is a possibility that some pupils may not be accommodated within this school which would result in the Authority having to transport children to neighbouring schools with available accommodation. The

I:\SS\TRUDY\MDEAN.P\9901075F.DOC secondary schools associated with the development are Our Lady’s figh and Chryston High both of which have sufficient accommodation to cope with the projected pupil increase.

Head of Parks and Catering: The residential development needs to be integrated into adequate open space provision, Effective play areas to an appropriate standard are required. Landscape details should be submitted.

There are no objections from the Transportation Manager subject to certain minor changes which can be pursued at the road construction consent stage.

No objections have been submitted by local residents or others.


There are no objections to the detached 2 storey house types. The layout, as amended, takes account of such requirements as landscape strips, footpath links, equipped play areas and links to adjacent open space.

An application (N/99/01428/FUL) has now been submitted for landscaping and footpaths in the general Cardowan redevelopment site and it is now possible to ensure that housing developments properly relate to the @ immediately surrounding environment.

The applicants are seeking a residential permission without a planning condition restricting the annual construction rate as was originally imposed on the outline permission granted on appeal by the Secretary of State. It is not considered that there is now any need for a limitation on construction as the development will have less impact on Cardowan than was originally anticipated as house building is commencing at the east of the development site rather than immediately adjacent to the existing settlement. The main integration concern relates to local overcrowded schools but the Director of Education has pointed out that much of the development area is in the Muirhead school catchment area where there is primary school capacity. It is also considered that the need to create an early strong residential environment out of the wasteland area will need relatively high initial construction rates. Taking account of these arguments it is not proposed to impose a limitation on annual construction rates.

It is considered that the layout as amended is acceptable and this is also the view of the Glasgow Planning Department for that section of the site Within the Glasgow. As such it is recommended that planning permission be granted.

I:\SS\TRUDWDEAN.P\90 1075F.DOC Application No: N/99/0 1 128lFUL

Date Registered: 1 September 1999





Ward No: 67 Grid Reference: NS 269843 670959

File Reference: AF

Site History: Previous temporary renewals TP/95/272; IT19315 17; TP/9 1/23 1; e TP/88/34 Development Plan: Strathkelvin District Council Southern Area Local Plan Environmental Protection (Policy E.Pro 617) Protect and Enhance Existing Local Shopping Centres (Policy SCl) and Improvements to Existing Local Shopping Facilities (Policy SC2) policies within Northern Comdor Local Plan (Consultative Draft) 1998.

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: Conditions: No Reply: Housing and Property Department, N.L.C. a REPRESENTATIONS: Neighbours: None Newspaper Advert: None

COMMENTS: The proposal is for the renewal of temporary consent for the location of a taxi office at 10 Larchfield Road, Moodiesburn. The application site is located to the rear of shop units at Larchfield Road and is on land owned by North Lanarkshire Council. The existing taxi office is a portacabin style building.

The present taxi office use extends back to 1988 with the approval of this use by the former Strathkelvin District Council. Since this date a taxi office use has been approved in three subsequent temporary consents. The application site is not within a residential area and no objections have been received as a result of neighbour notification. In addition the proposal has been advertised as a bad neighbour development. No representations have been made. The application site is within an area designated for the enhancement and protection of existing shopping facilities. MO12

No objections to the proposal have been received following consultation with the Housing and Property Department.

The proposed renewal of temporary consent for a taxi office is considered to be acceptable on the grounds that the use fulfils an established need and has operated successfully for more than 10 years without objection. In view of the length of operation of the existing use and the lack of objections from the Housing and Property Department it is considered appropriate to recommend the approval of this application for an extended temporary period of 5 years.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant Subject to the Following Conditions:-

1) That the permission hereby granted is for a temporary period only and shall expire on 31 December 2004; the building shall be removed and the use will cease on or before 31 December 2004 unless the building and use has the benefit of renewed planning permission.

@ REASON: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control.

List of Background Papers

Application form and indicative plans dated 1 September 1999.

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact officer at telephone number 01236 616465

wrt2012 Application No:

Date Registered: 30 September 1999


Agent: RGB Design, 8 Farm Court, Bothwell, G71 8BU



Ward No: 56 Grid Reference: 273787 675595 File Reference: IE Site History: Development Approval granted to Maclean Homes for the erection of 71 Dwellings on 24 November 1994 under Ref: PA/94/083

@ Development Plan: Cumbernauld Local Plan: Policy HGSA - Sites for New Housing Development

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: Conditions: No Reply:


Neighbours: Two anonymous letters of objection have been received from people claiming to be neighbours Newspaper Advert: Not required c COMMENTS:

It is proposed to erect a full width two storey extension onto the rear of the existing two storey dwelling on the site. It is, however, only 3.6m deep, will be finished in facing bricks to match the existing house and will have a pitched roof, the ridge being lower and at right angles to the existing roof ridge all of which I find satisfactory. The design also incorporates a balcony feature on the upper floor.

Two letters of objection have been received from persons claiming to be neighbours. The grounds of objection can be summarised as follows:

- the extension will block views towards and from neighbouring house; - the extension will reduce the aesthetic quality of the estate and make neighbouring properties difficult to sell;

And20 12 Produced by Department of Planning and Environment MR & MRS ANDREW N Northern Division Bron Way 34 GLEN MORRISTON ROAD CUMBERNAULD CRAIGMARLOCH A 087 1DZ CUMBERNAULD IA Telephone 01235 616400 Fa.01236 616420 ALTERATIONS & TWO STOREY REAR EXTENSION 1:1250 This copy has been produced specifically for Planning and Butldlng Control purposes Only I OS Licence LA 09041L No further copies may be made - the extension will overshadow a neighbouring garden; and - construction traffic associated with the formation of the extension will cause a danger to children who play in the area.

The proposed extension will incorporate a pitched roof, set below the existing ridge height, will be finished in materials which reflect the existing house and will leave adequate garden ground.

In view of the limited scale of the extension, and as its design reflects the appearance the existing house I do not consider that the grounds of objection are sufficient to justify refusing the application, and I therefore recommend that the application be approved.

RECOMMENDATION:-Grant, Subject to the following conditions:-

1 That the development hereby permitted shall be started within 5 years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and County Planning (Scotland) Act 1997

2 That the facing materials used for the external walls and roof shall match in colour and texture those of the existing adjoining building.

Reason: In order to ensure that the resulting building on the site will be of satisfactory appearance.

List of Background Papers;

Application forms and plans Cumbernauld Local Plan Two anonymous letters of objection received on Wednesday 13 October 1999 ,

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Iain Ewart at telephone number 01236 616472

And2012 Application No: N/99/0133 l/FUL

Date Registered: 12 October 1999





Ward No: Grid Reference: 65

File Reference: MD

Site History: None

Development Plan: Kilsyth Local Plan 1999: Regional Scenic Area (NE1 1)

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: Historic Scotland, West of Scotland Water Conditions: East of Scotland Water, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency No Reply: Scottish Natural Heritage, Stirling Council, West of Scotland Archaeology Service REPRESENTATIONS:

Neighbours: Four (including letter with seven signatures) Newspaper Advert:

COMMENTS: The application is for the reconstruction of a medieval style ‘motte and bailey’ fort in a clearing in the Carron Valley Forest just east of the Carron Reservoir. The proposal is by the Clanranald Trust who advise that their primary function is to educate the general public in Scotland’s Heritage.

It is considered that this is an innovative project which will attract visitors to the area. The proposal complies with the local plan policy framework for the area and may have some educational advantages.

There are a number of objections fiom local residents who are concerned that there will be an adverse affect on the existing quiet and attractive setting and that local roads cannot cope with the significant additional traffic.

Notwithstanding the objections it is considered that the proposal will have minimal impact on the landscape setting and will complement existing Forestry Commission attempts to open up this area to visitors. There are no objections to the proposal and it is recommended that planning permission be granted.


RECOMMENDATION: Grant subject to the following conditions:

1 That the development hereby permitted shall be started within 5 years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) 1997.

2 That before the development hereby permitted starts full details of footpath and car parking improvements shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

In the interest of accessibility to the site and for avoidance of doubt.

3 That before the development hereby permitted starts a scheme of landscaping, including boundary treatment, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, includmg any mdfications as may be required and it shall include:

a) a scheme of tree and shrub planting incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted (this should be aimed at establishing and sustaining appropriate native species trees and shrubs in the vicinity of the fort), b) details of the phasing of these works c)..details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, grass seeding (appropriate wild flower seed mix) and turfing,

Reason: In the interest of the landscape setting of the fort area.

4 That within one year (or such other period as may be approved in writing by the Planning Authority) of the completion of the development hereby permitted all planting, seeding, turfing, and earth moulding included in the scheme of landscaping and planting approved under the terms of Condition 3 above shall be completed any trees, shrubs or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged, or become diseased within 2 years of the completion of the development shall be replaced within the following year with others of a similar size and species.

Reason: In the interest of the landscape setting of the fort area.

5 That exhibitions in the designated exhibition area must relate solely to the reconstructed medieval fort or to activities associated with the fort: exhibitions must have prior written approval from the Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that exhibitions do not detract from the landscape setting of the area or cause undue nuisance to visitors or local residents.

6 That battle re-enactments shall only take place at and adjacent to the fort as shown on the approved plan.

Reason: To ensure that battle re-enactments do not cause undue nuisance to visitors or local residents

Clan22 12 7 That there shall be no artificial lighting at the reconstructed medieval fort after 9pm (or such other time as may be might agreed in writing by the Planning Authority).

Reasons: To ensure that artificial lighting does not detract from the landscape setting of the area.

8 That no permanent signage shall be erected without the benefit of advertisement consent.

Reason: To protect the landscape setting of the area and to avoid advertisement clutter.

9 That no temporary signage shall be erected without the prior written approval of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect the landscape setting of the area and to avoid advertisement clutter.

10 That sewage disposal shall be to the satisfaction of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, East of Scotland Water and North Lanarkshire Council as planning authority.

Reason: In interest of amenity and public health.

That any alterations to statutory undertakers apparatus shall be carried out to the satisfaction and requirement of the respective statutory undertakers: it is advised that a water culvert rum under the site which must be protected to the satisfaction of East of Scotland Water.

Reason: To protect statutory undertakers apparatus.

List of Background Papers Application form and plans Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 Letters from applicants dated 1 October, 26 November and 1 December 1999 Consultation letters form East of Scotland Water, Historic Scotland, The Scottish Environment Protection Agency and West of Scotland Water Consultation memo from Head of Parks and Catering Letters or representation from Mr W G McDonald MBE BEM, ;Glencoe’, 14 Carron Valley, Carron Bridge, FK6 5JL; J M Buchanan and A Wregor, Esterton, Carron Bridge, Stirlingshire, FK6 5JL; M Mr R L Irwin, 6 Muirmill Cottage, Carron Valley, By Denny, FK6 5JL; Mr J Lewkowicz, on behalf of seven signatories, 7 Carron Bridge, Carron Valley, Stirlingshire, FK6 5 JL

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Martin Dean at 01236 616459

Clan22 12 APPLICATION NO: N/99/01331/FUL


The application is for a medieval fort reconstruction at the Carron Valley Forest, Carron Bridge by Kilsyth. The main part of the site is currently a raised ledge clearing surrounded on all sides by mature forestry planting.

It is proposed to reconstruct a medieval ‘motte and bailey’ fort incorporating a surrounding 2 metres deep ditch with a 5 metre high raised mound topped with a 1.8m high reinforcement timber fence. A section of existing forestry will require to be cleared to allow the formation of the southern section of the fort. Within the fort it is proposed to erect a clan meeting hall, workshops, craft rooms, livestock shelters, crop barns and a forge. An internal tower on a raised embankment is also proposed. The existing car park, approximately 350 metres to the north, is to be used with footpath links from the car park being improved. Adjacent disabled parking and visitor drop off facilities are proposed. A small toilet block is to be erected adjacent to the car park on the site of a previous toilet block. Appropriate materials are to be used for all works with these including wood, turf, gutskin, stone, slate and wattle and daub.

The applicants state that the fort buildings are based on Historic Scotland advice notes and from their general e research of such buildings. It is intended that the fort buildings be used as living exhibitions with demonstrations and displays of the crafts and trades of the early medieval period, including leather working, pottery, metalsmithing, jewellery making, wood turning, weaponry, etc. Within the main fort it is stated that there may be demonstrations of farming and animal husbandry typical to those rural communities. It is fbrther stated that these activities and the construction itself will be developed into education programmes for schools while also providing a possible working experiment for television documentaries. The applicants hope that the fort will be used as an exhibition area for battle re-enactment’s and displays and will be advertised as a suitable site for period film production.

Under the terms of the Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 the site is covered by Regional Scenic Area policy NE 11. This states

‘Within the Regional Scenic Area, there will be a presumption against any development which is not directly related to rural land uses, and which may have an adverse impact on the landscape setting and rural character of the area”.

The application was advertised in the Kilsyth Chronicle and the Stirling Observer as being potentially contrary to the development plan. As covered in section 3 below it is not however considered that the proposal is contrary to 6 the local plan zoning for the area.


Consultations responses are as follows:

East of Scotland Water: The developer will require to liaise with East of Scotland Water to agree protection measures to the large diameter pipe work which crosses the site.

Historic Scotland: There are no scheduled monuments affected by this application.

Scottish Environmental Protection Agency: No objections subject to appropriate safegaurd concerning a sewage disposal soakaway and subject to appropriate precautions during earth works

Stirling Council (Verbal): There is concern that local roads may not be able to cope with any significant increase in vehicle traffic associated with the proposed development.

Clan2212 West of Scotland Archaeology Service (Verbal): There is no objection to the proposal although it is disputed that the fort is an accurate historical representation.

West of Scotland Water: No objections with there being no apparatus adversely affected.

Head of Parks and Catering: This is an exciting project which could, if well executed, be an attractive addition to the area and which would cover a period in history not interpreted by North Lanarkshire Council at present. There are however concerns about the viability of the project and about the ability of local roads to cany heavy volumes of traffic. Simple and subtle landscape treatment would effectively give authenticity, maturity and credibility to the development and would restore some of the original, native wildlife diversity to the locality. There is some concern about site security due to the sites remoteness and it being out of site from any public area.

There are no objections from the Transportation Manager.

One letter of representation and 3 letters of objection (1 letter with 7 signatories) have been submitted.

Points of representation and objection are as follows

- The B818 is hardly adequate for existing traffic (such as timber lorries) and there is concern about further usage/; there would be a particular roads problem with the single track roads from Stirling and Kilsyth in the vicinity of the application site/ a 30 mph limitation or traffic calming would be advisable as the B8 18 is a fast and busy road which is subject to numerous accidents. - The car park can be full on occasions and may be not be able to cope with extra use. - The proposal will have a major impact on the natural environment with extra noise and litter (what are the proposals for litter collection?) potentially spoiling a very peaceful area/ there will be particular disturbance to walkers and recreational forest users during construction works which may take longer than normal due to the proposed use of voluntary labour/ there will be a need for security due to the potential attraction of the site to undesirables at night and this may lead to intrusive security fencing and lighting/ the potential adverse affect on the local environment will be worsened when development expands through later phases with toilets, eating facilities, play areas etc. - Adverse affects on the local environment and on traffic safety will be greatly worsened during proposed battle re-enactment’s and during television and film production/ during these periods there will be a need to provide ambulance, fire brigade and police personnel. - Any failure of the enterprise will leave a dilapidated eyesore in this sensitive area. - There is doubt as to whether the proposal is an accurate historic reproduction and may simply be a visitor attraction.

The applicants have made the following points in support of the application and in response to certain points of objection

- The proposals are based on similar historic settlements such as one at the opposite end of the Carron Valley Reservoir but without physically infringing on any important archaeological site . - The development is backed by Forestry Enterprise with the landscaping and tree felling being planned in conjunction with FE. Once operational the fort will coincidentally provide improved access to existing rural leisure pursuits within the surrounding forest and countryside. - The applicants primary function is to education the general public in Scotland’s heritage. - There will be no sigmficant noise or disruption from battle re-enactments as the period is before cannon and muskets. The applicants are not a ‘re-enactment’ group or society. - Litter would be cleaned up by the applicants. - There should be little or no disruption from exhibition, craft fayres etc and the applicants would be prepared to accept any planning condition limiting the frequency ie to 2 or 4 events each year. - As re-enacted battles would only be a very minor part of the development proposal it is not anticipated that there would be any sigruficant call on local emergency services.


It is considered that the key issues are road safbty, affect on the local environment and local plan policy for the area.

Road safetv: Objectors have stated that the proposed development would be a roads danger by increasing traf€ic on inappropriate local roads. It has been stated verbally that Stirling Council may object as local members are concerned at traffic implications.

There are no objections to the proposal from the Transportation Manager who has no concerns about the only relevant road in North Lanarkshire, Tak-Ma-Doon Road, having an inappropriate amount of additional traflic relating to the development. It should be noted that Tak-Ma-Doon Road and the single track road fiom Carron Bridge to Stirling are both 2 kilometre from the road junction into the site and as such are not considered relevant to the application.

Access to the development is via the existing junction from the B8 18 into the established car park and picnic area at Carron Valley Forest. The B8 18 is subject to the national speed limit with sections of the road being subject to bends of various degrees of severity. In this respect the B8 18 is a relatively normal rural road. Clearly however access to a rural development, such as proposed, via a road with rural characteristics is to be expected and is not considered to raise any overriding road safety issues. The junction with the B8 18 has good sight lines.

Affect on the local rural environment: The site is surrounded by mature conifers and is only visible from the top of hills to the north. The fort itself therefore will have no impact on the local environment or rural character of the area. Increased visitor numbers and increased use of the car park will have some affect on the local environment but it should be noted that this area has been earmarked for local rural recreational pursuits through the provision of a car park and picnic area. Extra usage of the car park and local trails associated with the proposed development is therefore in line with general visitor objectives for the area .

There is a danger that inappropriate security lighting or obtrusive activities on the more prominent exhibition area could have some adverse effect on the local landscape setting. Planning conditions are however recommended to prohibit lighting after 9pm, to limit the type of exhibitions staged, to ensure that re-enactment battles are only in the fort area and to limit signage. These conditions should ensure that any adverse effect on the local environment is kept to a minimum.

Kilsyth Local Plan 1999: To comply with the Regional Scenic Area zoning (NE1 1) the development needs to relate to a rural land use and not to have an adverse affect on the landscape setting and rural character of the area.

It is accepted that a reconstructed medieval fort is best located in a rural environment which would replicate its original setting. It is also known that there were such forts in the immediate area.

As covered above there would only be a minimal effect on the local landscape setting with the fort itself having no adverse affect due to it being surrounded by mature trees.

It should be noted that this area has been earmarked for local rural recreational pursuits with the provision of a car park and picnic area. Further usage of this area associated with the proposed development is in line with general visitor objectives contained within the Kilsyth Local Plan. Countryside Recreation and Tourism policy CT 1 states

‘the Council will seek to enhance and expand tourism through the improvement of existing visitor attractions and intkastructure, such as sign posting and interpretation facilities, identify potential sites, Clan2212 and by encouraging and promoting new visitor attractions within the Plan area, provided that these proposals are sympathetically designed and that there is no significant loss of amenity to the surrounding area and are consistent with appropriate local Plan Policies’

It is considered that the proposed reconstructed medieval fort complies with the relevant policies relating to the Regional Scenic Are&and to Countryside Recreation and Tourism.


It is considered that the proposal accords with relevant development plan policies and that there will be no overriding amenity or road safety problems. It is therefore recommended that planning permission be granted, subject to conditions.

Clan2212 Application No: N/99/01339/FUL

Date Registered: 11th November 1999


Agent: Mr Ian M. Denny 2 Melbourne Avenue East Kilbride G75 8DT



Ward No: 65 0 Grid Reference: 270841678482

File Reference: PW

Site History: None

Development Plan: Kilsyth Local Plan 1983 Within area identified as existing residential Kilsyth Local Plan Finalised Draft 1996 Residential policies HG3-HG5 for existing residential areas

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: Conditions: West of Scotland Water, East of Scotland Water and Scottish Gas * No Reply: REPRESENTATIONS Neighbours: 3 letters of representation Newspaper Advert: None

COMMENTS: This application seeks approval for the erection of a single storey extension to the rear of 15 Balcastle Gardens, Kilsyth, an end terraced dwelling. The applicant proposes to erect a single storey hipped roof extension onto the rear elevation of the property to provide additional ‘granny flat’ accommodation with an internal link through the original back door of the property. Three letters of representation have been received objecting to the proposal. All the letters represent the neighbouring property at 16 Balcastle Gardens and express concern that rear access to no 16 will be severely effected if the proposed ‘granny flat’ is erected. It is considered that the objection relating to rear access is a legal matter which must be dealt with separately through the appropriate legal process and as such is not a material planning consideration when assessing this proposal. '\ High Balmalloch

roduced by NORTH lanning and Development Department I lorthern Division PLANNING APPLICATION NO: N/99/01339/FUL LANARKSHIRE ~~ '-S.CUUNCIL^^I ..I^., ~ ronUMBERNAULD way 15 BALCASTLE GARDENS, 167 ID2 KILSYTH Reprodused from the Ordnance Survey mapping With the pmlrsion of the COntiOller of her Majeap elephone 01236 3616400 Fax. 01236616420 NS7078 Statlonew Ofioe. B Crown copyrighi ~ ' 250 Unauthorised IeprodUCtion infringes Crown oopyiight This copy has been produced specifically for Planning and Building Control purposes only. and may lead to pro~ec~ilonor wii proceedingb. IS Licence LA 09041L No further copies may be made i The neighbouring residents at no 16 also expressed concerns that the proposed ‘granny flat’ would significantly reduce the amount of daylight to the rear of their house. However, it is considered that the positioning of the proposed ‘granny flat’ in conjunction with the orientation of the terraces would mean that the levels of daylighting to the rear of no 16 would not be significantly reduced. It is considered that the proposed extension is acceptable in terms of scale and design and will be capable of acceptable reincorporation into the main dwelling after its intended use as a’granny flat’ is no longer required. This application is therefore recommended for approval subject to the appropriate conditions.


Grant, subject to the following conditions:- * 1, That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission,

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That the additional residential accommodation hereby approved shall not be occupied at any time other than for purposes ancillary to the residential use of the main dwelling and shall not be let or sold separately from the main dwelling.

Reason: To ensure that the property remains as one dwelling in the interests of surrounding residential amenity.

3. That the additional residential accommodation hereby permitted shall be incorporated fully within the existing dwelling within 5 years of the date of this permission, or such other time as may be approved in writing by the planning authority.

Reason: To ensure that the ‘granny flat’ hereby permitted is incorporated into the main dwelling after e its original purpose becomes redundant, in the interests of residential amenity. 4. That the proposed external finishes shall match those of the existing dwelling.

Reason: In order to protect the visual amenity of the surrounding area.

5. That any diversion or alterations to Statutory Undertakers apparatus which may be required, shall be carried out to the requirements and satisfaction of the relevant Statutory Undertaker and the planning authority.

Reason: In order to protect Statutory Undertakers apparatus

List of Background Papers:

Application Form and Plans Kilsyth Local Plan 1983. Kilsyth Local Plan Finalised Draft 199 Letters of objection from :- Mr J Whyte dated 20.10.99 Councillor J Jones dated 20.10.99 Mathie Lennox Solicitors dated 1.11.99 Consultation responses from East and West of Scotland Water and Scottish Gas

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Paul Williams at 01236 616464. APPLICATION NO. N/99/0 1339/FUL


1.1 The application proposes the erection of a single storey extension to the rear of 15 Balcastle Gardens, Kilsyth, in order to provide ‘granny flat’ accommodation. The dwelling lies in a predominantly residential area and is therefore covered by the relevant existing residential use policies in the Kilsyth Local Plan Finalised draft 1996.

1.2 The dwelling in question is an end terrace and the proposed extension has a hipped apex roof and would be built directly onto the rear elevation of the property with a direct internal link through the original back door of the property. The applicant proposes to use external finishing materials that match the existing dwelling.

1.3 The applicant requires the extension to accommodate an elderly incapacitated relative in order to provide sufficient levels of care and supervision in a family context.


2.1 The neighbouring residents at 16 Balcastle Gardens have objected to the proposal on the grounds that the proposed extension will be built over the existing rear access path, which they have a right of access over. As a middle terrace, the property has a legal right of access over the ground in question and as pointed out by Mathie Lennox solicitors in their letter of 1.11.99. the owners of no16 have a half share in the footpath. A letter from the local Member for the area was also received which expressed concerns about possible implications for the existing rear access to no 16. The residents of no 16 have also expressed concern that the proposed extension will significantly reduce the level of daylight enjoyed from the rear of their property.

2.2 The Housing Manager has been consulted as acting feudal superior for the properties in question and has objected to the proposal on the grounds that it will restrict rear access to the neighbouring property at no 16. It has also been confirmed that no superiors consent has been applied for and also that if an application was made it would be unlikely that consent would be forthcoming.

2.3 Both West of Scotland Water and Scottish Gas have indicated that their underground service connections lie within the rear garden of no 15 in close proximity to the application site. They have therefore advised that diversion work may be required in order to accommodate the proposal and that all associated costs must be met by the applicant.


3.1 The applicant has provided independent medical background information relating to the intended occupant of the ‘granny flat’ who is in fact the elderly aunt of the applicant.

3.2 The proposed ‘granny flat’ is considered to be an acceptable extension of the existing dwelling in terms of both scale and general design.

3.3 Although the applicant has made a written undertaking to ensure that an alternative access path will be formed for the use of no 16, it is recognised that any alternative path will be less direct and convenient for no 16 as it will have to go around the external walls of the proposed extension. However, it is considered that the existing right of access enjoyed by no 16 and as described in the properties feu disposition is a legal matter, and as such, must be dealt with separately between the two parties involved through the appropriate legal process. The Head of Legal Services has also pointed out that the applicants will require Feudal Superiors Consent to alter the route of the existing rear access. 3.4 The residents of no 16 also objected on the grounds that the proposed extension would significantly reduce the amount of daylight currently enjoyed through their rear windows. However, it is considered that daylight to the rear of no 16 will not be significantly reduced as the proposed extension is single storey with a hipped roof, 2.5 metres from the mutual boundary with no 16 and the rear elevation of the terrace is orientated to the east.

3.5 The proposed ‘granny flat’ extension is considered to be acceptable in terms of design and also capable of satisfactory reincorporation into the existing dwelling after the intended ‘granny flat’ use becomes redundant. It is therefore recommended that this application is approved subject to the application of the appropriate conditions. Application No: N/99/01380/FUL

Date Registered: 2 November 1998


Agent: Lamb Architecture Ltd 66 Woodside Drive Waterfoot Eaglesham



Ward No: 60 e Grid Reference: 276308673828 File Reference:IE Site History: None

Development Plan: Cumbernauld Local Plan Policy HG4 - Mainly residential areas, existing residential character amenities to be protected.

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: Conditions: No Reply:


Neighbours: No Response Newspaper Advert: Two letters of objection, one, anonymous, from a house in Greenfaulds Road, the second on behalf of a similar business.

COMMENTS: This application is for the change of use of a shop to a hot food takeaway. The property is located in a small group of shop units to the south-east of the Station Garage on South Carbrain Road. The premise are currently vacant and have not been in use for a considerable time. My comments on the proposal and on the objections received are contained in the accompanying report.

RECOMMENDATION:-Grant subjection to the following conditions.

1) That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission.

Reason:To accord with the provisions of the Town and Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2) That the shop unit shall be altered and finished in accordance with approved drawing number 99.09.01. LENZIEMILL \\ Reason:/

Reason:To ensure that the shop unit is improved to a satisfactory condition as a result of the implementation of this consent.

List of Background Papers

Cumbemauld Local Plan. Application form and plans. Letter from Ruthven Keenan, Pollock & CO, Solicitors and Notaries, 2 The Cross Court, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow G64 2RD dated 10 December 1999. Anonymous letter of objection dated 10 December 1999. Consultation reply from Roads dated 8 December 1999 Consultation reply from Protective Services dated 26 November 1999

Any person wishing to inspect any of the above background papers should contact Iain Ewart on 01236 616472. APPLICATION NO: N/99/1380/FUL


1.1 The applicant’s premises is a vacant run down shop unit last previously used as a TV repair shop. There is a licensed grocer and hot food takeaway on the ground floor unit next door and two flats currently vacant and under renovation above. The block is isolated facing a blocked off section of the former A73 to the front and backs on to a transport yard and petrol station.

1.2 It is proposed to convert the shop into a hot food takeaway involving the erection of a metal flue up the gable of the building terminating at ridge height.

1.3 The site is subject to Policy HG4 of the Cumbernauld Local Plan in that it is in a mainly residential area where the existing residential character and amenity are to be protected.


2.1 Roads have confirmed that they have no objections to the proposal.

In addition to the normal neighbour notification procedure the proposal was advertised as e 2*2 a potential bad neighbour development in the Cumbemauld News. 2.3 In response to this two letters of objection have been received, one from the proprietor of a Chinese Takeaway at the Station and one from an anonymous resident supposedly of Greenfaulds Road. The grounds of objection can be summarised as follows.

- The area is already saturated with food outlets and this could damage the business of the Chinese Takeaway; - The premises are 50 yards from a gas cylinder storage area at a petrol station and this could be a safety hazard; - Increased traffic and parking could compromise pedestrian safety; - The anonymous resident does not want the smells, noise and litter left in gardens which the proposed use would cause.


3.1 With regards to the grounds of objection I would comment in turn

- It is not appropriate for the Planning Authority refuse consent on the grounds that a development would harm another existing, and similar business, - The appellant does not specify how there could be a safety hazard and as the proposal is for the operation of a hot food shop I do not consider that this can represent a danger to the neighbouring petrol stationktorage area; - The immediate locality is lightly trafficked and no objections have been received from the Department’s Roads Engineers consequently I foresee no traffic problems; - The homes on Greenfaulds Road are to the rear of the proposed takeaway, and over 60 metres away to the South West (ie, upwind of the site). The unoccupied properties being converted above the shop are located in a building which contains commercial units, one of which is already occupied by a hot food shop. In view of this I do not believe that It would be appropriate or reasonable to refuse consent on the grounds that the development would adversely affect these properties

3.2 In conclusion I do not consider that the change of use of the unit to a hot food takeaway is going to have any significant impact on the residential character or amenity of the area and as such, the proposal complies with the Local Plan and I therefore recommend approval. Application No: N/99/0 1384/FUL

Date Registered: 19 November 1999





Ward No: 69 Grid Reference: 266813 670361 e File Reference: MT Site History:

Development Plan: Strathkelvin District (Kirkintilloch Area) Local Plan 1982 Policy EPRO 2 Greenbelt Northern Corridor Local Plan (Consultative Draft) 1998 Policy ENV 8-14 Greenbelt Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 Policies GB 1, GB 1A Contrary to Development Plan: Yes


Objection: No Objection: Conditions: No Reply:

REPRESENTATIONS: Neighbours: Newspaper Advert: No Response

COMMENTS: The application under consideration proposes the change of use of an area of ground to allow caravan storage adjacent to South Broomknowes Farm, Auchinloch.

The site falls within the designated greenbelt within the Strathkelvin District (Kirkintilloch Area) Local Plan of 1982 which remains, for the present, the adopted local plan.

The proposed replacement, the North Lanarkshire Council Northern Corridor Local Plan (Consultative Draft) of 1998 also recognises the greenbelt characteristics the site possesses and maintains the site’s designation. N

Reproduced from the Ordnance SuWV mapping Wlth the pmlsslon of lhe ConlrOller Of her Malestys NS6670 Slalionely Office. a Crown copyright Telephone 01236 3616400 Fax 01236 616420 1:5000 Unaulhorlsed rcproductlon infringes Cmwn copyrlghl This copy has been produced specifically For Planning and Building Control purposes only and may lead IDpr~sBCUlbn or ElVil proceedings. OS Licence LA 09041 L No further copies rney be made Certain limited types of development are acceptable in the green belt but in all cases it is also necessary to ensure that there will be no damage to rural amenity. Caravan storage is not a use that is regarded as compatible with a green belt designation. Additionally, the proposal would also adversely affect rural amenity. The application site is clearly visible from both the adjacent road and from the surrounding roads and the presence of a number of caravans would be wholly incongruous, detracting from the character and amenity of the countryside and green belt in the vicinity of the site to an unacceptable extent.

The proposed change of use is contrary to green belt policy. Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 requires that the decision on any application be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations dictate otherwise. The development plan position in this instance is clear cut and the applicant has failed to demonstrate why the plan should not prevail. Accordingly, it is recommended that the application be refused.


Refuse, for the following reasons:-

1. The site of the proposed caravan storage area is located within the green belt as defined in the Strathkelvin District (Kirkintilloch Area) Local Plan. The proposal is therefore contrary to the provisions of policy E.PRO 2 of the local plan which states within the green belt “ there shall be an absolute prohibition on all new developments or changes of use unless shown the be in the interests of agriculture, forestry or outdoor recreation.”

2. In the interests of amenity, in that the caravan storage area would be an unacceptably prominent and visually intrusive development, to the detriment of the overwhelmingly rural character of the location. The applicant has not provided any relevant justification for overriding the local plan policy referred to in the foregoing reason for refusal.

3. In the interests of public safety, in that the site is served by a standard of road which is inappropriate for the type of development proposed being a remote, rural road having very e restricted width and with sub-standard horizontal geometry. 4. The proposal is contrary to policy GB 1 of the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 and cannot be justified in terms of GB 1A.

5. The proposal, if approved, would be likely to encourage further applications for non-conforming uses and developments within the designated green belt in an area of continual development pressure.

Background Papers: Application Form and Plans. Strathkelvin District (Kirkintilloch Area) Local Plan 1982. North Lanarkshire Council Northern Corridor Local Plan Consultative Draft 1998. Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995.

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Moray Thomson at 01236 616463 APPLICATION NO. N/99/01384/FUL


1.1 The application proposes the change of use of an area of ground adjacent to and south of the farm steading to provide winter storage for caravans. The area of ground involved extends to approximately 2800 square metres. roughly rectangular , the site has a frontage to the adjacent road which links Auchinloch Road, and Burnbrae Road.

1.2 The Strathkelvin District (Kirkintilloch Area) Local Plan provides detailed planning policies and proposals. The entire site falls within the designated green belt. Policy E.PR0. 2 applies and states that “Within this area there shall be an absolute prohibition on all new developments or changes of use unless shown the be in the interests of agriculture, forestry or outdoor recreation and providing that no damage to rural amenity results.”

1.3 Strategic guidance is contained within the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995. Policy GB. 1 applies and

states that “ The spread of built up areas and the encroachment of development into the countryside within a green belt... . shall not accord with the regional development strategy. Where proposals for development in the green belt are submitted, the Structure Plan requires an assessment in terms of 0 economic benefit, specific locational need, infrastructure implications and environmental impact.


2.1 Summaries of consultation responses are as follows:-

Transportation Manager: Any intensification of the use of the road cannot be encouraged in the interests of public safety. The application site is served by a remote, narrow rural road with substandard horizontal geometry, which normally would only cater for farm traffic. It would be difficult for two vehicles towing caravans to pass each other without significant improvements along its length.


3.1 The Kirkintilloch Area Local Plan which remains, for the present, the adopted local plan against which the application must be assessed. The application site is located within the designated green belt at this * location. The wording of Policy E.PRO 2 is clear and requires two tests to be satisfied before the presumption against development may be overcome. The first is that the proposal is in the interests of agriculture, forestry or outdoor recreation, the second refers to the impact upon rural amenity.

3.2 Clearly the wording of the policy leaves the onus on the applicant to show why the proposed development is in the interests of one of the specific exceptions deemed to be appropriate greenbelt activities. Certain limited types of development are acceptable in the green belt and, even then, it is necessary to ensure that there will be no damage to rural amenity. Caravan storage is not a use that is regarded as compatible with green belt designation. Additionally, the question of rural amenity must be addressed with respect to any development. The application site is clearly visible from both the adjacent road and from the surrounding roads. At present the site makes a contribution to the setting of the farmhouse contiguous with it and to the open undeveloped appearance of the area in general.

3.3 The potential visual impact of the proposal could be mitigated to some extent through screen planting however It would take many years for trees to grow to a sufficient height to provide an effective screen. In addition, to be effective any trees would require to be coniferous and as such may appear as a prominent and intrusive feature in their own right. The physical intrusion resulting from the change of use, the adverse visual impact and the intensification of vehicle movements which would result are factors which individually and cumulatively are scarcely consistent with the characteristics of the objectives of green belt policy. 3.4 The Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 provides the strategic planning context within which the application must be considered. Through Policy GB 1 the plan seeks to prevent the spread of built up areas and the encroachment of development within the greenbelt. Proposals for development shall require to be justified against all of the criteria set out within Policy GB1 A.

3.5 In relation to Policy GBIA, in terms of criterion (a) there would be no economic benefit at this green belt site that could not apply to sites outwith the green belt. In terms of criterion (b), there is no specific locational need for the storage of caravans at this site which could not be met at others. In addition, criterion (d) requires that the environmental impact of the proposal must be acceptable. In this case however, a significant adverse environmental impact would be likely to result from the storage of caravans. Finally, although criterion (c) which requires that any proposal must have no adverse infrastructure implications may be satisfied, overall the proposals cannot be justified in terms of Policy GBIA.

3.6 The North Lanarkshire Council Northern Corridor Local Plan (Consultative Draft) of 1998 maintains this designation for the site and restates the policy within the adopted Local Plan.

3.7 Circular 18/1987 addresses the issue of development involving agricultural land. The guidance recognises that as the need to maximise agricultural output declines, so the need to encourage diversification of the rural economy into other kinds of activity, both on and off the farm increases. The (I) guidance is however explicit in its recognition that the requirement to protect the countryside from inappropriate development remains as strong as ever, particularly where developments are likely to have an adverse visual impact. The guidance cannot therefore be seen as supporting the application proposals.

3.8 National, regional and local planning policy is very clear on the need to protect the green belt from development. Consistent application of green belt policy is vitally important if the continued and significant development pressure is to be resisted and the public’s faith and confidence in both the permanence of green belts and the development control system is to be maintained. To grant planning permission for the proposal within the application site, would undoubtedly put green belt policy at risk and create a most concerning precedent.

3.9 The terms of N.P.P.G. 1- The Planning System clearly indicates that only if there are compelling reasons should detenninations depart from the provisions of relevant and up to date structure and local plan policies. Paragraph 39 states that

“ An applicant who proposes a development which is clearly in conflict with the structure or local plan 4 would need to produce convincing reasons to show why the plan should not prevail.”

3.10 No evidence has been submitted by the applicant to show that the proposal is consistent with development plan policies or why material considerations might justify an exception to policy.

3.11 Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 requires that the decision on any application be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations dictate otherwise. In this instance policy justifies a refusal of the application.

3.12 Taking account of all the above comments, it is recommended that the application be refused. Application No: N/99/0 1428FUL

Date Registered: 15th November 1999


Agent: The Scottish Greenbelt Company Ltd 375 West George Street Glasgow



Ward No: 70 0 Grid Reference: 267075 6683 17

File Reference: MD

Site History: P/PPA/SL/841 : ResidentiavLight Industrial Development (Outline) - Approved on appeal April 1993. TP/94/268 (94/00420/PL): Construction of access road from Colliery Site to the M80 Crowwood Roundabout - Approved November 1998. TP/96/114: Time Extension for residential / light industrial development (Outline) - Approved for August 1996. N/97/00334/FUL: Residential Development (Erection of 76 Dwellings at Phase 1 and 60 Dwellings at Phase 2); Formation of revised Access onto Cardowan Road; Related Decontamination / Consolidation Earth Works; and Related Drainage Works - Approved September 1998. N/98/0 1727/AMD: Removal of Predetermined Upper Limit of 60 Dwellings per Year - Refused February 1999.

@ Development Plan: Strathkelvin District (Southern Area) Local Plan 1983: Zoned as Industrial Site (IND 4), Greenbelt (E.PR02) (part site), and unaffected by specific proposals (E.PR06) @art site) Northern Corridor Local Plan Consultative Draft 1998: Housing development opportunity (HG 1/24)

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: Scottish Environmental Protection Agency Conditions: No Reply: Scottish Natural Heritage


Neighbours: One Newspaper Advert: Not Required

COMMENTS: The application is for landscaping, nature conservation and footpath works in the Cardowan Colliery redevelopment area by Stepps.

The proposals are welcomed as these matters must be progressed as well as the more remunerative housing developments.

There are no objections to the proposals subject to appropriate conditions and it is recommended that planning permission be granted.

RECOMMENDATION: Approved subject to the following conditions:-

That the development hereby permitted shall be started within 5 years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To incorporate the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland Act) 1997.

That before the landscape/fmtpath development hereby e2 permitted starts hll details of the following shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modification as maybe required;

a) Planting in the area shaded blue on the masterplan b) Retention of existing trees with potential bolstering by new woodland planting in the area shaded brown on the masterplan c) Formation of a footpath link between the eastlwest right of way and the north/south link road to Crowwood Roundabout d) Retention of the Lane embankment with appropriate planting as shown coloured purple on the masterplan e) Consideration of Ash (Fraxinus/excelsior) within the woodlandroadside planting specification 0 A habitat and species survey of the Cardowan redevelopment area g) Future woodland structure planting adjacent to the showhouse complex on residential Area 2 h) Phasing details of the approved landscaping/fmtpath works.

Reason: In the interest of amenity and nature conservation, and for the avoidance of doubt.

3 That that section of the existing east-west right of way running adjacent to the railway and within the control of the applicants shall be included within the footpath constructiodupgradinghahtenance specification approved under this permission.

Reason: To ensure an appropriate standard and effective maintenance of the right of way.

4 That within twelve months of the grant of permission (or such other time as maybe approved in writing by the Planning Authority) landscape details of the Nature Study Area (including the drainage ditch) shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as maybe required. Reason: In the interest of amenity and nature conservation and for the avoidance of doubt.

5 That planting, maintenance, aftercare and nature conservation shall be as detailed in the approved plans, the approved “Landscaped Works, Play Areas, Maintenance Specification” and the details approved under the planning conditions attached to this permission.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt.

6 That within the phasing period approved under the terms of condition 2 above all planting, seeding, turfing, earthmoulding and fwtpath construction included in the relevant section of landscaping shall be completed and any trees, shrubs or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged or become diseased within two years of the completion of the relevant section of landscaping shall be replace within the following year with others of a similar size and species.

To ensure a continuing high quality of landscaping provision. e Reason: 7 That recycled peat from within the application site shall be used in preference to imported peat.

Reason: To protect existing peat resources from unnecessary use.

8 That any alterations to Statutory Undertakers apparatus shall be carried out to the satisfaction and requirements of the respective Statutory Undertakers.

Reason: To protect Statutory Undertakers apparatus.

List of Background Papers:-

Application form and plans Strathkelvin District Southern Area Local Plan 1983 0 Northern Corridor Local Plan Consultative Draft 1998 Consultation Letter from the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency Consultation memo from The Conservation and Greening Manager Letter of representation from Mr D Ross, 16 Drimnin Road, Cardowan, Stepps G33 6 AT

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Martin Dean on 0 1236-616459. APPLICATION NO: N/99/01428/FUL


The application is for landscape, planting, footpath and nature conservation works associated with the redevelopment of the former colliery site of Cardowan Road, Stepps. The full landscaping proposals extend into both Glasgow and North Lanarkshire with a related application having been submitted to Glasgow City Council.

Proposals include woodland structure planting, woodland boundary planting, strategic roadside planting, amenity grass areas, wildflower areas, appropriate retention of existing shrub and woodland and the formation of a network of 2.5metre wide footpaths. One area is to be retained as a nature study area with an input from local primary schools. Aquatic based wildlife is catered for through a drainage ditch and a settling pond located just within the Glasgow planning area.


Outline planning permission exists for residential, light industrial and landscape development under the terms of appeal permission (Ref P/PPA/SL/84 1) granted in April 1993 and renewed in August 1996 (Ref TP/96 114).

Planning permission N/97/00334/FUL was granted in April 1998 for basic ground works plus limited residential development. The residential development covered by this permission is not now being pursued and has been superseded by planning permission N/99/00712/FUL granted in August 1999 for Housing Area 1 and by the current application (N/99/010 17/FUL) for Housing Area 2.


Summaries of Consultations responses are as follows.

Scottish Environmental Protection Agency: There is no objection provided any work on the pond and associated water courses is carried out following full consultation with SEPA. Conservation and Greening Manager: In general this appears to be a very well worked out scheme and the maintenance specifications are of a high standard. It is recommended that peat from the site be used in preference to imported peat for sustainability reasons and that some Ash be included within woodlandhoadside planting.

A letter of representation has been submitted from a neighbouring proprietor commenting on issues relating to potential drainage problems, retention of existing mature vegetation, the need to ensure that the landscape proposals accord with North Lanarkshire Council's aim to sustain and protect wildlife, the advantage of having effective boundary screen planting, the advisability of deterrent planting adjacent to an electricity pylon, the advisability of removing existing Japanese Knotweed from part of the site and doubt that local colliery waste and peat will be able to sustain long term healthy growth.


The points of representation have been forwarded to the applicants. Where appropriate, planning conditions have been imposed covering matters raised in the letter of representation and the consultation response from the Conservation and Greening Manager.

The proposals are to be welcomed as a commitment to establishing an attractive landscape environment with a footpath network outwith the builtup areas. The proposals will assist the regeneration of local wildlife.

There are no obiections to the atltllication and it is recommended that tllannine tlermission be granted. .I .. "1 Y Application No: NI9910 1459lFUL

Date Registered: 8 November 1999

APPLICANT: W G FRAIOLI 10 Kirkfield View Livingston EH54 7BP

Agent: None



Ward No: 61 Grid Reference: 275965 673264 File Reference: IE e Site History: None Development Plan: Cumbernauld Local Plan Policy IB 1 - Existing industriallbusiness areas to be retained

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: East of Scotland Water West of Scotland Water Conditions: No Reply:


Neighbours: No Response 0 Newspaper Advert: No Response COMMENTS: No 30 Tannoch Drive is the end unit of a large industrial building all of which is vacant. The yardspace is shared with another block of industrial units most of which is also vacant although two are occupied - one by a car repair business and one by a hot food preparation and delivery operation such as that applied for. The proposed use is not one normally encountered in industrial area but it must be recognised that occupancy rates at this locus are poor. In addition, the property will only operate on a home delivery basis and I have imposed a condition to this affect. I do not anticipate that the proposed use will adversely affect existing or future occupiers and as there are similar users in other units in Cumbernauld I consider that on balance it should be permitted. No objections have been received and I do not aniticipate any problems with the proposed use and I therefore recommend approval. 'reduced by N/99/01459/FUL kpartment of Planning and Environment W G FRAILOL lorthem Division LANARKSHIRE Iron Way 30 TANNOCH DRIVE UMBERNAULD LENZIEMILL CUMBERNAULD $67 ID2 CHANGE OF USE OF INDUSTRIAL UNIT RePIMIWd Imm UN Ordnlnu Sway mapping wth snii0c.wm~pnnlu(~nof~iCodmlkrolIxrM~l~~Y~ omw m CIDW COPY~PM 'elephone 01238 616400 FaX. 01236 816420 ':2500 UnsUlhorlMd reproduslion Infrhgcs Cmwn wpyrlghl mdmay lead 10 pmaecu1Mn 01 ckll pmsMdmp )S Licence LA OQO41L No further copies may be made RECOMMENDATION:-Grant subject to following condition.

1 That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To accord with provisions of the Town and Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2 That food prepared or supplied from the unit shall be for home delivery only and no food or other items shall be sold direct to the public at the unit.

Reason: In order not to encourage the public into an industrial area and to the operation of the business.

List of Background Papers

Cumbernauld Local Plan. 0 Application form and plans. Letter from West of Scotland Water dated 25 November 1999. Letter from East of Scotland Water dated 24 November 1999.

Any person wishing to inspect any of the above papers should contact Iain Ewart on 0 1236 6 16472 Application No: N/99/0 15 1O/FUL

Date Registered: 15th November 1999




Ward No: 69 Grid Reference: 268206669020

File Reference: MT Site History:

Development Plan: Strathkelvin District Southern Area Local Plan May 1983: Policies E.PRO 6/7 - Development Control in Residential Areas, Northern Corridor Local Plan(Consu1tative Draft) March 1998 Policy HG6 - Development Control in Residential Areas

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: Conditions: No Reply:


Neighbours: Two letters of representation from neighbours Newspaper Advert: Not required

COMMENTS: The application is for the erection of a garage within the rear garden of the semi detached property at 12 Belhaven Park, Muirhead. Within the adopted Local Plan of 1982 the site falls within the designated green belt. However, the site forms part of a larger area identified within the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1990 Update as being an acceptable addition to the land 0794

303 Brandon Street MOTHERWELL N/99/0151O/FUL ML1 IRS Repmduced fmm the Ordnance Survey mapplng With ' A the pmlssion of lhe Conlmllei of her Malest0 Telephone 01698 302100 Fa.01698 302101 #LOCATION OF OBJECTORS :2500 UmuthwredSlationew Offioe. repmduct~on C Cmwn infrlngencopyright Cmwn copyllght i1 This copy has been produced specifically for Planning and Building Control purposes only. and may lead le pmsaeculion or EiYll pmceedlngs OS Licence LA 09041 L No further copies may be made supply for private residential development. On this basis, the adopted Local Plan designation has now been superseded and the overall site treated as part of the built up area. The application proposal is therefore assessed in terms of the development control policies of the adopted and proposed replacement Local Plans.

These seek to ensure that garages are of a size, scale and design compatible with a residential area. The policies also require that the garages should be utilised only for uses generally accepted as being incidental to the enjoyment of the associated dwelling.

The garage is in accordance with the appropriate local plan policies. It does not adversely affect any neighbouring properties and despite the receipt of two representations, refbsal is not justified. It is, therefore, recommended that planning permission be granted.


Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission.

Reason:To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That the facing materials to be used for the external walls and roof shall match in colour and texture those of the existing adjoining building except as may otherwise be agreed in writing by the Planning Authority.

Reason:In the interests of the visual amenity of the area.

3. That the use of the garage hereby permitted shall be restricted to private use incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse on the site and no commercial activity shall be carried out, in or from, the garage.

Reason: To ensure that the use of the garage does not adversely affect residential amenity.

Background Papers Application form and plans Strathkelvin District (Southern Area) Local Plan 1982 Northern Corridor Local Plan (Consultative Draft) 1998 Objections: Letter of objection received on 26 October 1999 from Mr and Mrs D Taggart 20 Belhaven Park, MuirheadJetter of objection dated 23 November 1999 from Mr and Mrs G Palmer 16 Belhaven Park, Muirhead.

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Moray Thomson at 01236- 616463. APPLICATION NO.: N/99/01510/FUL


1.1 The application is for the erection of a garage at 12 Belhaven Park, Muirhead, Glasgow. Detailed planning policies and proposals are contained within the Strathkelvin District (Southern Area) Local Plan adopted in May 1983. Policy E.PR0.7 contains the development control guidance within residential areas. Policy E.PRO 7.(vii) states that new garages requiring planning permission should be of a size, scale and design compatible with a residential area and should be utilised only for uses generally accepted as being incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling to which they are related.

1.2 The consultative draft Northern Corridor Local Plan, the emerging local plan for the area, restates this policy.


2.1 Two letters of objection have been received from neighbouring residents. The points of objection raised are as follows;

1) Work commenced on site and a substantial amount of building work had been completed prior to the application being made and notification carried out. Is there any ability to modify the design and scale of the garage at this stage?

2) No concerns regarding the erection of a reasonably proportioned garage but have concerns regarding its overall size in relation to the house and garden. As a direct result of size of the garage, it is likely to alter both our view and natural light to our rear garden.

3) Application plans do not provide an accurate representation of the plots.

4) In view of the size of the garage, we have some concerns regarding the long term use of the building. Should it be used as a workshop this would result in additional noise and disturbance to the detriment of the enjoyment of our garden.

5) It is proposed to roughcast the garage however we are uncertain how this is to be achieved without contaminating adjacent garden areas and fencing. To leave the wall as breeze block would also be unacceptable.

Comments upon the objection are as follows:

1) The applicant submitted the application in retrospect having been advised by a third party that no permission was in fact required. In terms of the determination of the proposal however, the application is considered as if work on the garage was yet to commence. As such the design and scale of the garage are capable of modification if appropriate. 2) The overall size of the garage is considered to be compatible both with the house and the garden area. In particular, the erection of the garage would still leave a sizeable overall garden area and in addition, a meaningful area of private (rear) garden ground commensurate with the scale and needs of the house itself. To allow a comparison to be made what may be termed a standard single garage is has a gross floor area of approximately 20m while that under consideration is approximately 27m ’. It is not considered that the garage will have any material impact on natural light reaching any garden. It is well established that there is no right to a view but in any event the impact on outlook is likely to be minimal.

3) The site plan may contain some inaccuracies regarding the representation of adjacent plots however it does accurately depict the application site. Notwithstanding any inaccuracies the relationship to and potential impact of the garage on neighbouring properties and garden areas was considered during a site visit and found to be acceptable.

4) The applicant has confirmed that the garage is to be used for domestic purposes only, the additional floor space beyond what is required for a car being for additional storage. A condition can be attached to ensure that the use of the garage is restricted to use which is incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse.

5) It is generally desirable that finishes of extensions and garages match as far as possible those used on the dwellinghouse to which they relate. The application of render would in this case achieve this objective. It would be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the roughcasting be carried out without adversely affecting any adjacent gardens.


3.1 The development control policies contained within the adopted and emerging local plans set out the general principles of design and amenity control against which applications will be considered. Firstly, it is stated that garages should be of a size, scale and design compatible with a residential area. Secondly, in order to preserve established levels of residential amenity it is a requirement that garages be utilised for uses generally accepted as being incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse to which they are related.

3.2 It is considered that the proposal is in compliance with foregoing policies. The proposal is of a scale that is compatible with a residential area. In addition, the applicant has confirmed that the use of the garage will be for domestic purposes only. A planning condition is attached to ensure that the use of the garage will remain incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse. Moreover the attention which has been paid to the design and finishes will ensure that the proposal does not adversely affect any neighbouring properties.

3.3 The Scottish Executive guidance contains a presumption in favour of development unless it can be shown that there are sound clear-cut reasons for refusal. In this case the application conforms to local plan policy and notwithstanding the objections received, refusal of the application is not justified and accordingly it is recommended that permission be granted. Application No: N/99/0 15 11 /FUL

Date Registered: 19th November 1999


Agent: Wilkie Moore Architects, “Crofthead”, 3 1 Locksley Avenue, Greenfaulds, Cumbemauld



Ward No: 57 Grid: 275771 676436 File Reference: GLA Site History: No significant site history

Development Plan: Cumbemauld Local Plan (Adopted November 1993) Residential zoning - HG4

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: East of Scotland Water, West of Scotland Water and British Gas No Reply: Conditions:


Neighbours: Two letters from neighbouring residents Newspaper Advert: Not required

COMMENTS: This application is for the change of use of public open space to private garden ground at 20 Rosemount, Westerwood, Cumbemauld. The extended area amounts to approximately 119 square metres in area and will be enclosed with fencing to match the existing in terms of height, design and colour.

There were two letters of objection lodged by neighbouring residents whose comments are summarised in the accompanying report.

After consideration of the proposals and the issues raised by the objectors, I would recommend that the application is approved subject to conditions.


Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997

2. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the location, design, height and colour of the fence enclosing the extended garden area, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required. .

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the area.

3. That notwithstanding the generalities of Condition 2 above, no gates, fences, walls or other means of enclosure, shall be erected on the area shaded green on the approved plan.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the area.

List of Background Papers:

Planning Application Forms and Plans registered on 19th November 1999. Cumbernauld Local Plan (Adopted November 1993) Consultation responses from Transportation Manager dated 2/12/99; British Gas Transco dated 8/12/99 and East of Scotland Water dated 13/12/99. Letter of objection from Mr and Mrs Foulger, 2 Gullane Crescent, Westerwood, Cumbemauld dated 14/12/99. Letter of objection from A K Jones, 14 Barassie Crescent, Westerwood, Cumbemauld dated 15/12/99.

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Gillian Anderson on 01236-616478. 0 APPLICATION NO: N/99/0151 UFUL


1.1 The applicants propose to extend their existing garden into an area of public open space adjoining their property at 20 Rosemount, Westerwood, Cumbemauld.

1.2 The area of ground which is proposed to be purchased by the applicants from North Council is approximately 119 square metres of grass which is situated between'the applicants' rear garden and the public footpath.

1.3 The application site is located in a residential area and is covered by Housing Policy HG4 - Residential Amenity as defined by the Cumbemauld Local Plan (Adopted November 1993).

2. CONSULTATIONS e 2.1 East of Scotland Water, West of Scotland Water and British Gas Transco made no adverse comments relating to this application.

2.2 The Transportation Manager has no objections to this application in principle, providing there is a 1 metre wide verge left along the footpath. This area is required for maintenance purposes and to provide a more open environment for pedestrians. An appropriate condition has been attached to the consent to acknowledge this issue.

2.3 The Conservation and Greening Manager has put forward a number of recommendations in relation to this application. They are as follows:

(a) All mature pine trees should be retained, both for their amenity value and to lessen the risk of wind blow within the remaining woodland.

(b) Any drainage works outwith the garden space should only be in consultation with the Conservation and Greening Unit and should not cause any significant removal of younger trees.

(c) There should be no blocking off of any existing pathway outwith or within the woodland, unless e an alternative route is agreed on site.

(d) It was also noted that two trailers were parked on an adjoining grassed area.


3.1 Two letters of representation have been received from residents within the housing development.

3.2 The concerns of the objectors are expressed as follows:

(a) Reduce public safety

(b) Poor visibility to the entrance of the adjacent woods (c) Create an intimidating environment and this would be worsened if the owner of the other house adjacent to the land were to do likewise

(d) At the moment the path is well lit by two street lights, one being within the land in question, The objectors have requested it remain.


4.1 The area of ground which is to be incorporated into the applicants’ garden is entirely grassed and will be enclosed by a boundary fence. As recommended by the Transportation Manager and subsequently added as a condition to the consent, there will be a one metre wide verge left adjacent to the footpath, therefore accommodating the two lamp standards which already exist on the site. Public safety will not be reduced as the footpath is to remain accessible and the lamps will continue to provide light.

4.2 The enclosure of the grassed open space to the applicant’s garden will nQt reduce the visibility to the @ entrance to the woods. The footpath will remain clear for pedestrians and there is adequate lighting provision.

4.3 The footpath will remain accessible with a grass verge for maintenance and recreational purposes and even if the neighbouring resident were to purchase the similar, adjacent piece of land, the footpath would remain open for the general public.

4.4 The two lamp standards which are adjacent to the footpath will remain in the one metre wide maintenance strip and will be outwith the area of ground being enclosed within the applicants’ private garden.

4.5 The issue regarding the trailers has been noted, however it is not related to this development. The department, however, will monitor this situation in the future.

4.6 It is considered that on balance, the development as proposed is acceptable and that accordingly permission should be granted subject to the conditions attached.

990151 l/FUL/GLA Application No: N/99/01531 /FUL

Date Registered: 26th November 1999


Ward No: 65 Grid Reference: 271357678601

File Reference: PW

a Site History: None

Development Plan: Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 Policy HG3 residential extensions must be appropriately designed

Contrary to Development Plan: No


Objection: No Objection: Scottish Power, Scottish Gas and East of Scotland Water Conditions: No Reply:

REPRESENTATIONS: Neighbours: One letter * Newspaper Advert: Not required COMMENTS: This application seeks consent for the erection of a single storey extension onto the side of this end terraced property and also retrospective consent for a double garage previously erected within the garden of the property without consent. The proposed extension is to provide an enlarged entrance hall, cupboard and storage room. No adverse responses have been received as a result of consultation procedure, however, one letter of objection has been received from the resident at 141 Balmalloch Road. This objection is on the grounds that the double garage as erected has restricted access to the rear of 141 Balmalloch Road. However, site inspection has revealed that an electricity sub-station compound lies between 141 Balmalloch Road and the double garage. It is therefore considered that the garage as constructed does not directly affect access to 141 Balmalloch Road from the pedestrian lane linking Arden Grove to Balmalloch Road. The objection is therefore not considered to be valid. The location, design and external appearance of both the proposed extension and the garage as erected are considered to be acceptable with external finishing materials to match the existing dwelling.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That the facing materials to be used for the external walls of the proposed extension shall match in colour and texture those of the existing adjoining building

Reason: To ensure that the extension is appropriately finished.

Background Papers: Application Form and Plans Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 Letter of objection from 141 Balmalloch Road dated 7.12.99. Consultation responses from Scottish Power, Scottish Gas and East of Scotland Water dated 10.12.99, 13.12.99 and 15 12..99. respectively.

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Paul Williams at 01236 616464. Application No: N/99/01543/OUT

Date Registered: 29th November 1999


Agent: None



Ward No: 66 Grid Reference: 273849677949

File Reference: PW

@ Site History: N/99/00070/FUL Extension and refurbishment of existing flat and formation of additional flat, permission granted 25th May 1999. N/99/01454/FUL Erection of balcony to refurbished flat, permission granted 29th November 1999.

Development Plan: Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 greenbelt policies land 3. M80 extension ‘green route’ Pipeline Consultation Zone Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 greenbelt policies 1A and 2.

Contrary to Development Plan: Yes


Objection: No Objection: Scottish Power, Scottish Gas and East of Scotland Water Conditions: 4 No Reply:

REPRESENTATIONS: Neighbours: No Response Newspaper Advert: No Response

COMMENTS: This application seeks approval for the erection of 9 dwellings in outline at Craigmarloch Mill, Kilsyth. The site is accessed from the Stirling road and is situated to the north east of Kilsyth and lies within the greenbelt as identified in the Kilsyth Local Plan 1999. The applicant has provided no agricultural or rural justification for the proposed housing. The proposal is therefore contrary to greenbelt policy as outlined within the Kilsyth Local Plan. It is also considered that the development of nine dwellings on the site would have an adverse effect on the rural character of surrounding area. Furthermore, if approved, this application would set a significant precedent for other similar proposals both within the larger Craigmarloch mill site and the greenbelt in general. 'roduced by 'lanning and Development Department Vorthern Division PLANNING APPLICATION NO: N/99/01543/FUL !ton Way ERECTION OF 9 DWELLINGS IN OUTLINE AT AMBERNAULD 367 1DZ CRAIGMARLOCH PAPER MILL, KILSYTH IA Telephone 01236 3616400 Fax 01236 616420 NS7377 1:2500 This copy has been produced specifically for Planning and Building Control purposes only 3s Licence Lp, 09041L No further copies may be made I The site access although previously upgraded, is not considered capable of safely supporting the additional volumes of traffic that this proposal would result in. Due to road geometry, topography and the fact that there are no speed restrictions on Stirling Road at this point, the access is not considered adequate for any additional traffic. It is therefore considered that any intensification of use within the site will detrimentally affect road safety at the sites access onto Stirling Road.

This application is therefore recommended for refusal.

RECOMMENDATION: Refusal for the following reasons:-

1.In the interests of amenity and proper planning of the area in that nine new dwellings at this location, with no agricultural or rural justification, would constitute inappropriate new development in the greenbelt and as such would be contrary to the Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 greenbelt policies 1and 3, Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 greenbelt policies 1A and 2 and also National Policy Guidelines.

2.In the interests of amenity in that the nine dwellings as proposed would adversely affect the existing rural character of the site and the surrounding area.

3.The proposal, if approved, would set a significant precedent for other similar development within the greenbelt in general and within the Craigmarloch mill site in particular.

4. In the interests of road safety in that the proposal would detrimentally affect road safety at the site access, due to the resultant intensification of vehicular use on an access which has limited visibility onto an unlit section of road which is subject to the national speed limit. e Background Papers: Application Form and Plans Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 Consultation responses from Scottish Power, Scottish Gas and East of Scotland Water dated 9.12.99, 14.12.99 and 14.12.99 respectively,

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Paul Williams at 01236 616464. APPLICATION NO. N/99/001543/OUT


1.1 This application seeks approval for the erection of 9 dwellings in outline on a site within the larger curtilage of the former Craigmarloch Mill . The site lies to the north east of Kilsyth and is accessed from the Stirling road. It covers an area of 0.4 hectares and lies within the centre of the former Craigmarloch mill site which has remained in a disused and derelict state for many years.

1.2 The site lies within the greenbelt as identified in the Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 and with the exception of Craigmarloch cottage and a dwelling and two flats to the south, is surrounded by countryside. The dwelling and flats were originally part of the old mill complex and have survived the mill building which was demolished several years ago.

1.3 A previous application for the extension and refurbishment of the dwelling and flat and the formation of the second flat from a disused living space was approved in January 1999. Consent was given on condition that the existing vehicular access onto Stirling road was upgraded to allow for an increased visibility splay of 4.5 metres by 120 metres. This visibility splay was considered to be the 0 best that could be achieved due to road geometry and topography.

1.4 A further application for the erection of a workshop and studio within the same larger site and sharing the same vehicular access as this application is also currently under consideration

1.5 It should also be noted that the site lies within the proposed Kelvin Valley M80 extension route, although the Scottish Executive have decided to abandon this as an option in favour of the possible future upgrade of the existing A80 route.


2.1 The application was advertised in the Kilsyth Chronicle as it is contrary to greenbelt policy in the Kilsyth Local Plan 1999. No representations have been received as a result of the advertisement or neighbour notification.

2.2 Scottish Power, Scottish Gas and East of Scotland Water have all expressed no objections to the * proposal. However, the Transportation Manager has expressed concerns relating to the sub-standard access and has recommended that the application is refused in the interests of road safety.


3.1 Greenbelt policy GB1 in the Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 requires that the greenbelt boundaries are maintained and greenbelt policy GB3 states that there will be a presumption against residential development within the greenbelt unless required for agriculture, forestry, horticulture, nature conservation or any other uses appropriate to a rural area. The applicant has provided no agricultural or rural use justification for the proposed housing. The proposal is therefore contrary to greenbelt policy in the Kilsyth Local Plan 1999. As such, if the application is approved it would set a significant precedent for further similar development within the mill site and in the greenbelt in general.

3.2 The proposal is also considered to be contrary to the Strathclyde Structure Plan greenbelt policies 1A and 2. This is because policy GBlA requires that a specific locational need is demonstrated for a proposal in the greenbelt, the applicant has failed to do this and policy GB2 requires that the greenbelt boundaries as defined in the local plan are maintained. 3.3 Furthermore, it is considered that the dwellings would introduce an alien urban development into this rural location to the detriment of the surrounding local rural character.

3.4 As previously stated, the visibility splay of the vehicular access into the site has already been upgraded. However, it is still considered only to be of a standard capable of supporting the existing level of use, namely, three dwellings. Furthermore, it is not capable of any further improvement due to road geometry and topography. In a northerly direction, the road rises and bends to the left which significantly restricts visibility from the access. It is considered that these factors in combination with the speed unrestricted nature of the road means that the site access is not capable, in road safety terms, of supporting the additional volumes of traffic that this proposal would result in. It is therefore considered that any intensification of use within the site will detrimentally affect road safety at the site access onto Stirling Road.

3.5 A further application for a workshop and studio on an adjoining site sharing the same vehicular access as this application is also currently under consideration. Additional interest has also been expressed to develop a fish farm business and a ‘quad bike’ business within the site also sharing the same vehicular access as this application. It is therefore considered important, in the interests of road safety, due to the limited visibility of the site access, not to create a dangerous precedent for any developments which would further intensify vehicular movement at the access to and from the site. 0 3.6 This application is therefore recommended for refusal for the reasons as outlined above. Application No. C/99/00604/NID Date registered 11 May 1999 APPLICANT NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL, MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS, KILDONAN STREET, COATBRIDGE ML5 3LN


Ward No. 48 Grid Reference 276170665492

File Reference Cff L/19620/2002/2/000/CM/ES

Site History None

Development Plan Under the terms of the Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 the application site is located within an area covered by the following policies:-

COM 3 Maintain Retail Core Area COM 4 Secondary (Retail) Core Area ENV 193Airdrie Town Centre Conservation Area ECON 13/4 Improvement to Industrial/Commercial Sites

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Newspaper Advertisement None

COMMENTS The proposal relates to the formation of a rear service area to the rear of Hallcraig Street, Airdrie. A parking facility would be retained within the service area, however this would be for the use of Royal Bank Staff/Customers and other businesslstaff parking. No public parking is proposed as the applicant considered this would compromise the satisfactory operation of the service area.

The application site consists of two existing car parking areas that are currently used on an adhoc basis by business staff and/or customers of the Royal Bank. Access is currently gained via narrow entrance points in Bank Street and Graham Street.

The proposal would involve the formation of a new dropped kerb vehicular access from Hallcraig Street which would lead to an open service area. The layout would incorporate turning facilities for service vehicles. Where possible, business parking facilities have been retained with a total of 20 spaces proposed. The existing sub-

existing sub-standard access points at Bank Street would be closed to vehicles with pedestrian access maintained. The Royal Bank would control the existing access from Graham Street.

The development would represent a rationalisation of servicing and parking facilities within this off-street parking area. Bank customers would still be able to make use of the facility. There are alternative town centre parking facilities available in Hallcraig Street and the exclusion of public parking is not considered to be significant. The proposal would allow certain businesses located in Graham Street, Bank Street and Hallcraig Street to be serviced from the rear thereby removing the need for front door sevicing. As such the proposal is likely to improve road safety and improve service facilities for the surrounding businesses. There are two listed building located at the site perimeter and neither would be affected to any signifcant degree.

The Royal Bank of Scotland initially objected to the proposal on the grounds that any loss of ground currently used by the bank would have a sigmficant impact on the amenity of the branch. A further letter dated 17 September intimated that the Bank are now in principle, in agreement with the proposal subject to conditions. These specific conditional requirements have been agreed however the initial objection has not as yet been formally withdrawn. As such I am required to consider the objection in the prescribed manner. It is clear from the submitted proposals that access for bank staWcustomers would at least be maintained if not improved and enhanced. As such it is my view that the objection can not be sustained.

I consider the proposal could be implemented in a satisfactory manner and recommend planning permission be granted subject to conditions.

Committee should note that if this recommendation is accepted, I am obliged under the terms of the current planning regulations to present full details of this NID application (including a copy of the letter of objection) to the Scottish Ministers for consideration.


Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1) 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That before the service/parking area is brought into use, a traffic sign indicating 'Service Vehicles Only' shall be erected at the Hallcraig Street entrance.

Reason: To ensure service/private parking facilities are not not compromised by overuse.

3. That before the service/parking area is brought into use, all redundant vehicular access points shall be reinstated to the specifications of the Roads Authority. Full details of all fencedgates to be used to close off redundant access routes and details of all proposed hard and soft landscaping including appropriate maintenance schedules shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects.

4. That before the service area hereby approved is brought into use, a security lighting system shall be installed. Full details of the lighting design and positioning shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects.

5. That the proposed entrance from Hallcraig Street shall be formed via a dropped kerb footway crossing to the specifications of the Roads Authority.

Reason: In the interests of traffic and pedestrian safety and to reflect the private nature of the service area.

0 List of Background Papers

- Application Forms and Plans - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 - Letter of Objection from Drivers Jonas (Agent for Royal Bank of Scotland) dated 24 May 1999 - Letter of Representation from Drivers Jonas dated 17 September 1999

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812376 and ask for Mr Marshall. Application No. C/99/00846/FUL Date registered 23 June 1999 APPLICANT GEORGE WILSON (STONEHOUSE) LTD, LOCHPARK, GREEN STREET, STONEHOUSE, ML9 3LP


Ward No. 45 Grid Reference 215223 - 667440

File Reference C/PL/ 18680/2000/2/000/GB/KH

Site History Planning permission was granted in 199 for the erection of 2 1 houses on the site. No development took place.

Outline planning permission was then refused for a residential development that took in this site and a much larger site to the south. Outline planning permission was sought for this development again but the application was withdrawn without being considered.

Development Plan Policy HG3/49 of the Monklands District Local Plan 199 1

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection Scottish Natural Heritage, NLC Head of Parks and Catering (Conservation and Greening) No Objection Scottish Power, NLC Director of Education, Transco, West of Scotland Water (Water) Conditions NLC Head of Parks and Catering (Play Services Manager), The Coal Authority No Reply British Telecom, Scottish Environment Protection Agency.


Newspaper Advertisement Not required

COMMENTS Planning permission is sought to develop this site for 29 houses. Access to the site will be from Glenwell Street. The site is allocated for new private sector housing development within the Monklands District Local Plan 199 1.

Having assessed the matters in terms of the comments submitted by the neighbour and the consultees, and against the policies of the Local Plan I consider the proposal to be acceptable.



Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That before the development hereby permitted starts, details of a scheme of traffic calming for the existing Glenwell Street shall be submitted for the consideration and written approval of the Planning Authority. Prior to the occupation of the last four dwellinghouse within the development hereby permitted these traffic calming measures shall be satisfactorily implemented.

Reason: In the interests of traffic and pedestrian safety.

3. That no dwellinghouse shall be occupied until the access roads and footways leading thereto from the existing public road have been constructed to base course level.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory vehicular and pedestrian access facilities to the dwellings.

4. That before the last of the dwellinghouses hereby permitted is occupied, all roads and footways shall be completed to final wearing course.

Reason: To ensure continuity in the development of the Estate.

5. That before each of the dwellinghouses hereby permitted is occupied 2 car parking spaces shall be provided within the curtilage of each plot and outwith the public road or footway, and thereafter be maintained as parking spaces.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site.

6. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of all external materials to be used in construction, including walls, roofs, windows, doors, gutters and downpipes, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the adjoining residential area.

7. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping, including boundary treatment, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include:-

(a) details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, grass seeding and turfing;

(b) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted;

(c) an indication of all existing trees and hedgerows, plus details of those to be retained, and measures for their protection in the course of development

(d) details of the phasing of these works.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the adjoining residential area.

R9900846.DOC 8. That within one year of the occupation of the last six houses within the development hereby permitted, all planting, seeding, turfing and earth moulding included in the scheme of landscaping and planting, approved under the terms of condition 7 above, shall be completed and any trees, shrubs, or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged, or become diseased, within two years of the completion of the development, shall be replaced within the following year with others of a similar size and species.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the adjoining residential area.

9. That before the development hereby permitted starts and notwithstanding the terms of condition 7 above, a woodland management scheme and a scheme of tree planting, for the area hatched green on the approved plans, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include:-

(a) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted;

(b) an indication of all existing trees and hedgerows, plus details of those to be retained, and measures for their protection in the course of development,

(c) details of the phasing of these works.

Reason: In order to preserve and enhance the historic woodland of the former Rochsoles Estate in the interests of the amenity and the historic character of the application site and the village of Glenmavis as a whole.

10. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme, for the provision of an equipped play area within the application site as shown on the approved plans shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and this shall include:-

(a) details of the type and location of play equipment, seating and litter bins to be situated within the play area;

(b) details of the surface treatment of the play area, including the location and type of safety surface to be installed:

(c) details of the fences to be erected around the play area,

(d) details of the phasing of these works.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate play facilities within the site.

11. That before occupation of the last six dwellinghouses within the development hereby permitted, all the works required for the provision of equipped play area(s) and, included in the scheme approved under the terms of condition 10 above, shall be completed.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate play facilities within the site.

12. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a management and maintenance scheme shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include proposals for the continuing care, maintenance and protection of-

(a) the proposed play area hatched yellow on the approved plans;

(b) the proposed grassed, planted and landscaped areas hatched brown on the approved plans;

R9900846.DOC (c) the proposed fences to be erected along the boundaries marked red on the approved plans.

Reason: To ensure the adequate maintenance of the play area, open space and woodland areas in and adjacent to the development site in the interests of the amenity of the site and the surrounding area as a whole.

13. That before occupation of the last six dwellinghouses within the development hereby permitted, the management and maintenance schemed approved under the terms of condition 12 shall be in operation.

Reason: To ensure the adequate maintenance of the play area, open space and woodland areas in and adjacent to the development site in the interests of the amenity of the site and the surrounding area as a whole.

14. That before occupation of the last six dwellinghouses within the development hereby permitted, the woodland management and maintenance scheme, approved under the terms of condition 9 above, shall be in operation.

Reason: In order to preserve and enhance the historic woodland of the former Rochsoles Estate in the interests of the amenity and the historic character of the application site and the village of Glenmavis as a whole.

15. That no trees within or adjacent to the application site shall be lopped, topped, felled, or otherwise affected, without the approval in writing of the Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to preserve and enhance the historic woodland of the former Rochsoles Estate in the interests of the amenity and the historic character of the application site and the village of Glenmavis as a whole.

16. That before the development hereby permitted starts, tree protection measures in accordance with British Standard BS 5837 shall be erected along the drip line of the trees, as shown on the approved plans, and shall not be removed without the approval in writing of the Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to preserve and enhance the historic woodland of the former Rochsoles Estate in the interests of the amenity and the historic character of the application site and the village of Glenmavis as a whole.

17. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and location of all fences and walls to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the adjoining residential area.

18. That, notwithstanding the provisions of the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 1990, and before the development starts, a certificate from a recognised firm of chartered engineers, duly signed by a Chartered Engineer or Chartered Geologist of Geotechnical Adviser Status (ICE, SISG 1993) shall be submitted to the Planning Authority confirming the mineral stability of the site. This certificate shall be based on a professionally supervised and regulated rotary drilling programme.

Reason: To ensure the mineral stability of the proposed housing site in the interests of prospective residents (Note: A copy of the required Certificate is available from the Divisional Office).

R9900846,DOC List of Background Papers

- Plans and application forms submitted on 2 1 June 1999 - Monklands District Local Plan 1991 - Consultation response from Transco dated 8 July 1999 - Consultation response from NLC Director of Education dated 12 July 1999 - Consultation response from West of Scotland Water dated 14 July 1999 - Consultation response from The Coal Authority dated 16 July 1999 - Consultation response from Scottish Power dated 19 July 1999 - Consultation response from NLC Head of Parks and Catering dated 3 September 1999 - Consultation response from Scottish Natural heritage dated 8 September 1999 - Letter of representation from Mrs Margaret Campbell, 30 Meldrum Mains Glenmavis dated 22 June 1999 - Letter to applicant dated 15 September 1999 - Letter from applicant dated 9 November 1999 - Memorandum to Head of Parks and Catering dated 15 November 1999 - Letter to applicant dated 16 November 1999 - Memorandum from Head of Community Resources dated 10 December 1999

@ Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812374 and ask for Mr Graeme Brown.

R9900846.DOC APPLICATION NO. C/99/00846/FUL



1.1 The application site is located to the east of Glenwell Street in Glenmavis. The site is bounded on the north by the housing development at Glenview Street, on the east by an area of open space associated with the housing development at Meldrum Mains. The southern boundary is enclosed by woodland and on the West, the site adjoins the housing and parking area of Glenwell Street and the continuation of the woodland area on Glenmavis Road.

1.2 The site comprises an area of 1.922ha and is currently vacant open space. It is part of the former Rochsoles policies and the woodland bounding the site on the south was planted in a designed manner to separate the policies into individual parcels. The woodland, part of which is owned by the applicant is protected by a Tree Preservation Order.


2.1 The proposal under consideration is an amended layout that has been drawn up as a result of a series of negotiations throughout the consideration of the application. Initially it had been proposed to erect 36 houses on the site. This has, however, been reduced to 29 houses.

2.2 The housing layout is predominantly detached villas, although there are six semi-detached houses. All houses will be two storeys high.

2.3 The site is to be accessed from Glenwell Street from the west. The site levels adjacent to Glenwell Street will require to be consolidated to ensure an adequate gradient of access road.


3.1 One letter of representation has been received from the neighbour at 30 Meldrum Mains, Glenmavis. They have indicated that they do not object to the proposal but would wish to see a boundary fence erected between the new development and Meldrum Mains and that there be no pedestrian access between the developments.


4.1 The application site is covered by policy HG3149 of the Monklands District Local Plan 1991 which allocates the site for “New Private Sector Housing Development”


5.1 The servicing authorities have generally offered no objections to the proposal. West of Scotland Water however have pointed out that there may be sewage pipes within the site that will require to be protected or diverted.

5.2 The Coal Authority have indicated that the site may be undermined and that appropriate technical advice is sought before any development starts on site.

5.3 The Council’s Education Department have indicated that there is sufficient capacity within the local schools to accommodate a development of this size.

5.4 The only objections to the proposal have come from the Council’s Conservation and Greening Section(Community Services) and Scottish Natural Heritage. They are concerned about the adverse affects the original development layout would have on the protected woodland to the south.


6.1 The site is allocated within the Local Plan as a housing development opportunity. There are therefore no policy objections to the proposal.

6.2 The resident of Meldrum Mains is concerned about the boundary treatment and pedestrian access between the new development and Meldrum Mains. There is to be no pedestrian access and the applicants have shown on their plans that they propose a 1.8m high vertical slatted fence along the boundaries of the site.

6.3 There are three issues, however, that raise some concern. Firstly, there is no traffic calming on Glenwell Street at present. Secondly, it is desirable to provide some form of play provision within the site. Lastly, the applicant owns the woodland area to the south of the site and some form of protection and enhancement must be afforded to these trees.

6.4 Glenwell Street is a short stretch of access road, approximately 60 metres long, which serves 12 houses, 6 semi-detached properties on the north and 6 flats on the south. There is a parking area accessed from Glenwell Street on the south side. At present Glenwell Street is 5.5m wide with 2 two metre wide footpaths on either side. It currently forms a dead end at its eastern extremity. Further to this there is no form of traffic calming on Glenwell Street at present.

6.5 The proposed housing development proposes a degree of traffic calming within it, with the horizontal deflection of the carriageway mid way into the site and a 90 degree bend a further 60 metres on from this. It is, however, proposed to provide a toddlers play area at the entrance to the new site, where it joins onto the existing Glenwell Street, and therefore some form of traffic calming is required between the junction of Glenwell Street and Glenmavis Road, and the start of the new development.

6.6 The existing part of Glenwell Street is outwith the application site but is part of the public road. I would recommend therefore that a planning condition be used to control the final occupation of the site until such times as traffic calming has been carried out on the existing part of Glenwell Street. This work will be carried out at the developers expense.

6.7 The toddlers play area mentioned in paragraph 5.5 has been provided at the entrance to the site to afford it adequate supervision from adjoining houses. When it was initially proposed to erect 36 houses on the site the developer was required, under current Council standards, to provide a minimum of 1.5 hectares of open space. The only suitable place for this was within the existing woodland. This was unacceptable on the basis that it was preferred that no development take place in this protected woodland and that the open space and play area would be unsupervised as effectively being behind the houses.

6.8 Now that the applicant has chosen to reduce the number of houses within the development the requirements for play provision have been reduced. It is however still necessary to provide a toddlers play area. The Head of Parks and Catering has provided advice on what play equipment is needed and what safety measures are required. It is therefore recommended that the provision of play equipment is specified in the planning conditions and that it is also a condition of planning permission that suitable fencing is erected to enclose the play area to prevent children straying onto the adjoining road.

6.9 The number of houses within the development has been reduced in order to prevent encroachment of the houses into the woodland on the south side which is protected by a Tree Preservation Order. The previous layout proposed to have houses directly adjacent to trees. Previous experience would suggest that once the houses are occupied pressure would be brought to have the trees felled. The only reasonable way to prevent this is to ensure that no houses are developed in the vicinity of the trees. This issue was of particular concern to the Council’s Conservation and Greening Section and to Scottish Natural Heritage.

R9900846.DOC 6.10 The woodland forms part of the policy woodland of the former Rochsoles Estate. For this reason it is included within the Scottish Executives Inventory of Ancient, Long Established and Semi-natural Woodland. It is therefore one of the few local woodland areas which is of national importance. For this reason the woodland is covered by Tree Preservation Order and it is imperative that the development of the houses do not compromise the long term survival of the woodland.

6.1 1 As part of the amendments to the application the developers have reduced the numbers of houses, taken the development away from the woodland area and undertaken a tree survey of the section of woodland within their ownership. The changes to the numbers of houses and the layout have made a marked improvement in this regard. However, the tree survey has highlighted that the health of the trees is relatively poor. I feel it is therefore appropriate to take the opportunity of this development to provide a woodland management scheme which will include the underplanting of the existing trees and the maintenance of both new and existing trees. This should maintain this section of woodland for the foreseeable future.

6.12 All other aspects of the development proposal are acceptable, the design of the houses, the layout of the plots and the layout of the access road.


7.1 I have assessed this proposal in terms of the policies of the Local Plan , the representation of the neighbouring resident and the comments submitted by the consultees. I conclude that the amended proposal put before Committee at this stage represents an acceptable development of the site and I recommend that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.

R9900846.DOC Application No. C/99/01149/FUL Date registered 27th August 1999 APPLICANT MR JOHN MCNAMEE, 2 GRAHAMSHILL STREET, AIRDRIE


Ward No. 44 Grid Reference 277314665614

File Reference

Site History Planning Consent 91/399 for Part Change of Use of Dwellinghouse as Nursery School granted 28 October 1991 and Planning Consent 93/264 Part Use of Dwellinghouse as Private Day Nursery granted 13 August 1993.

Development Plan The site is zoned HG9 Housing Policy for Existing Residential Areas and ENV15 Conservation Areas in the Monklands District Local Plan 1991.

Contrary to No Development Plan


Objection No Objection Conditions NLC Education No Reply

REPRESENTATIONS Neighbours 1 letter of objection

Newspaper No response Advertisement

COMMENTS This application relates to the erection of a building for After School Play (in retrospect) at 2 Grahamshill Street, Airdrie. The site is zoned HG9 Housing Policy for Existing Residential Areas and ENV15 Conservation Areas in the Monklands District Local Plan 1991. The building is sited in the rear garden area of the nursery and is of timber construction. The building is of single garage size. At present it has a tower at one end which is 6m high at the peak which stands 3m above the ridge of the rest of the building. Following discussion with the applicant amended plans were submitted removing this tower from the design. The finishes were also amended to render finish and slate roof which is more appropriate for the conservation area. 1 letter of objection was received from a neighbour details of which are included within the attached report. As a result of the amendments made to the application I do not consider that the proposal will adversely impact on the adjoining residential properties or the amenity of the conservation area. I therefore propose that the application be granted subject to conditions.


Grant, subject to the conditions on the attached sheet. 'roduced by Iepartment of Planning and Environment Planning Application No: C/991011491/FUL :antral Division LANARKSHIRE ERECTION OF BUILDING FOR AFTER SCHOOL PLAY aL5 3LN AREA AT 2 GRAHAMSHILL STREET, AlRDRlE Reproduced film lhe Ordnmse Survey mappng WHh A the pmismon of the Contiotiei of her Mallet? 8 relephone 01238 812222 Fax. 01236 431068 j, LOCATION OF OBJECTOR stmnew erne o C~OWwpyright ' 250 Unauthollsed reprodwllon infringes Crown copyright This copy has been produced speclficaliy for Plannlng and Bulidlng Control purposes only and may lead ID plo~ecutlon0, CIYll proseediqs >S Licence LA 09041L No further copies may be made 1 1. That work to implement the amended plans hereby approved shall be within six months of the date of this consent.

Reason: In the interests of amenity of the building and the Conservation Area.

2. That within 2 months of the date of this consent full details of the facing materials to be used on all external walls and roofs shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as required

Reason: In the interests of amenity of the building and the Conservation Area.

3. That before completion of the development hereby permitted a replacement tree shall be planted to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority, and if it dies, is removed, damaged or becomes diseased, within 2 years of the completion of the development, shall be replaced within the following year with a tree of a similar size and species.

Reason: In the interests of amenity of the building and the Conservation Area.

0 4. That before the development hereby permitted is completed or brought into use, all the parking and manoeuvring areas shown on the approved plans, shall be leveled, properly drained, surfaced in a material which the Planning Authority has approved in writing before the start of surfacing work and clearly marked out, and shall, thereafter, be maintained as parking and manoeuvring areas.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site.

5. That the development hereby permitted shall be limited to the use by 7 children for after school Play,

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site.

List of Background Papers

- Application form and plans received on 27 August 1999 and amended 7 December 1999 - Monklands District Local Plan 199 1 - Letter of objection R A Wood, 4 Grahamshill Street, Airdrie, dated 22 September 1999 4 - Consultation reponse fiom NLC Education, Early Years Section Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812372 and ask for Mr Baxter. APPLICATION NO. C/99/01149/FUL



1.1 This application relates to the erection of a building for After School Play (in retrospect) at 2 Grahamshill Street, Airdrie. The building is sited in the rear garden area of the nursery and is of timber construction. The building is of single garage size i.e. 6m x 4m. At present it has a tower at one end which is 6m high at the peak which stands 3m above the ridge on the rest of the building.

1.2 Following discussion with the applicant amended plans were submitted removing the tower from the design. The finishes were also amended to render on the walls and a slate roof.


2.1 The site is zoned HG9 Housing Policy for Existing Residential Areas and ENV15 Conservation Areas in the Monklands District Local Plan 199 1. 0 3. CONSULTATIONS & REPRESENTATIONS 3.1 Following neighbour notification and advertisement of the proposal in the local press one letter of objection was received which referred the following points: The building is not in keeping with the conservation area due to its size and height; a) the building was largely completed before the application was made; b) the car parking is a problem at peak drop-off and collection times; c) the extension at the applicants home has not been completed; and d) the objector was not notified of the house extension.

3.2 Parking provision was inadequate however following the submission of amended plans it was agreed that the provision of 10 useable spaces within the curtilage of the application site is sufficient for both the Nursery and the proposed After School Play Facility.

3.3 Early Years (NLC Department of Education) have indicated that each child requires 2.3 sq.m. play area, 1 toilet per 10 children, 1 staff toilet and a kitchen area for the preperation of snacks. These requirements limit the building for use by no more than 7 children.


4.1 The proposed development should be considered in light of the policies set out in the Development Plan e and any other material considerations. In this instance the proposal is an extension to an existing children’s nursery to accommodate an after school service for children whose parents are still at work. The proposed hours of operation would be 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday with children being transported to and from school by people carrier.

4.2 The building is assessed using the Design Guidance Conservation contained in the Local Plan which requires that new buildings should be designed to reflect the surrounding buildings in terms of materials, heights, and elevation details in order to provide consistency. Following the amendments to the original proposal the building is now acceptable in design terms.

4.3 The objectors comments with regard to the erection of the building in advance of planning permission being sought has been noted and the applicant will be reminded with the decision notice that all future external alterations and extensions to the premises require planning permission. The applicant has also been informed that planning permission is required for a rear conservatory which has been erected and for the non-compliance with one of the planning conditions with respect to the Nursery. These may be the subject of a future report to Committee. 4.4 With respect to the parking provision my Transportation Manager is satisfied that the extension of the car park to the fiont of the nursery will provide sufficient off street parking to serve both the nursery and the proposed After School PIay facility.

4.5 The points raised by the objector with respect to the applicants home are not relevant to this application.


5.1 In conclusion I consider that the proposal for an After School Play facility will not significantly alter the residential amenity of the area or the character of the Conservation Area. Therefore I propose the application be accepted subject to the attached conditions. Application No. C19910 1259iFUL Date registered 1st October 1999 APPLICANT JOHN WALKER, 4 14 GREENGAIRS ROAD, GREENGAIRS.

Agent Construction Design Associates, 6 Church Street, Coatbridge, ML5 3EB


Ward No. 45 Grid Reference 278985 670743

File Reference C1PL119240104 141010001DWBiSOH

Site History Planning Consent 98100390iFUL for Alteration and Extension to Existing Outbuilding to form Domestic Garage and formation of 5 metre wide access granted 1 May 1998 Planning Consent 971457 for Erection of Rear Extension to Dwellinghouse granted 2 1 November 1997

- Development Plan The site is partially zoned ECON8 General Urban Area and GB2 Restrict Development within Countryside Around Towns in the Monklands District Local Plan 1991.

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection West of Scotland Water, Transco Conditions NLC Community Services No Reply


Neighbours One

Newspaper Advertisement No Response

COMMENTS This application relates to the use of land as a garden centre at the rear of 414 Greengairs Road, Greengairs. The site is partially zoned ECONS General Urban Area and GB2 Restrict Development within Countryside Around Towns in the Monklands District Local Plan 1991. The proposal involves the use of the rear garden of 414 for the display and sale of plants and the erection of a sales hut at the entrance. Parking for 50 vehicles and a display of peat bog planting is to be provided within the area zoned GB2. 1 letter of objection has been received details of which are included in the attached report. The Conservation and Greening Manager, (NLC, Community Services) indicated concern at the impact of the development on the Lagg Fen feature, a natural wetland on the eastern part of the application site, as a result of it being drained and planted. Following a site meeting between the applicant and a member of The Conservation and Greening Team amendments have been made to the drainage layout resolving these concerns. The applicant has also indicated that the area proposed for peat bog planting would include a boardwalk and interpretative boards designed to educate as well as engender interest in these plants. The Conservation and Greening Team are now keen to support this initiative.

R990 1259.DOC Produced by Deoartmentof Planning and Environment PLANNING APPLICATION No: 99/01259/FUL ceiral Division USE OF LAND AS GARDEN CENTRE, N Municipal Buildings INCLUDING ACCESS & PARKING AT Kildonan Street COATBRiDGE 414 GREENGAIRS ROAD, GREENGAIRS, ML5 3LN AIRDRIE. LOCATION OF OBJECTOR. Telephone 01236 812222 Fax. 01238 431068 * 1:2500 This copy has been produced specifically for Planning and Building Control purposes Only OS Licence LA 09041 L No further copies may be made i In conclusion I consider that the proposed Garden Centre would introduce an acceptable use on the boundary of the village without significant impact on the Lagg Fen and on the adjoining properties.


Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997

2. That before the development hereby permitted is completed or brought into use, all the parking and manoeuvring areas shown on the approved plans, shall be levelled, properly drained, surfaced in a material which the Planning Authority has approved in writing before the start of surfacing work and clearly marked out, and shall, thereafter, be maintained as parking and manoeuvring areas.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site.

1 3. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping and proposals for its future management, for the area outlined GREEN; on the approved plans, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include:-

an indication of all existing trees, hedgerows and flora, plus details of those to be retained, and measures for their protection in the course of development, any earth moulding and hard landscaping; a scheme of nursery planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees, shrubs and flora to be planted; and details of the phasing of these works.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects and to safeguard the Lagg Fen and adjoining raised Peat Bog.

0 List of Background Papers

- Application form and plans received on 17 September 1999 and amended 4 November 1999 and 9 December 1999 - Monklands District Local Plan 199 1 - Letter of objection Mrs Eileen R McEwan, Mount Pleasant, 426 Greengairs Road, Greengairs dated 2 August 1999 - Consultation responses from West of Scotland Water, dated 19 October 1999 - Consultation responses from Transco, dated 19 October 1999 - Consultation responses from NLC Community Services dated 5 November 1999 and 26 November 1999

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812372 and ask for Mr Baxter.

R990 1259.DOC APPLICATION NO. C/99/01259/FUL



1.1 This application relates to the use of land as a garden centre at the rear of 414 Greengairs Road, Greengairs. The proposal involves the use of the rear garden of 414 for display and sales of plants and erection of a sales hut at the entrance. A car park will adjoin the sales area and provide 50 parking spaces. The area identified for peat bog planting to the rear of 422 to 454 Greengairs Road would have board walks installed and interpretative boards erected to inform visitors of the different types of plants and shrubs available.


2.1 The site is partially zoned ECON8 General Urban Area and GB2 Restrict Development within Countryside Around Towns in the Monklands District Local Plan 1991.


0 3.1 Following neighbour notification and advertisement of the proposal in the local press one letter of objection was received which referred to noise, litter disturbance and drainage problems. It is also pointed out that the area of the application to the rear of the objector’s property was intended to be a village green, promoted by Shanks McEwan.

3.2 The following consultees had no objection to the proposal: West of Scotland Water and Transco.

3.3 My Transportation Manager has no objection subject to conditions.

3.4 The Conservation and Greening Manager (NLC, Community Services) indicated concern at the impact of the development on the Lagg Fen feature, on the eastern part of the application site, as a result of it being drained and planted. Following a site meeting between the applicant and a member of his team amendments were made to the drainage layout resolving these concerns. The Conservation and Greening Team are now keen to support this initiative subject to conditions.


4.1 The proposed development should be considered in light of the policies set out in the Development Plan and any other material considerations. In this instance there are two different policies covering the site. The area which provides for sales at the garden centre is zoned ECON 8 General Urban Area. This e policy indicates that proposals will be acceptable for commercial use where the use does not create adverse environmental impact.

4.2 The remainder of the site is zoned GB2 Restrict Development within Countryside Around Towns. This policy states that: Isolated developments in the Countryside Around Towns shall not generally accord with the Local Plan unless there is a specific locational need. Proposals for development within the area shall require to be justified against the following criteria: a) economic benefit; b) specific locational need; c) infrastructure implications; d) environmental impact.

4.3 The proposed peat bog planting is located within an area described as a Lagg Fen. This area represents an area of wetland on the boundary of a peatland bog. The Conservation and Greening Team have indicated that this intermediate bog has a written habitat action plan contained with the Council’s Biodiversity Plan. The applicant has indicated his intention to introduce a boardwalk and interpretative boards designed to educate as well as engender interest in the plants which are found in these wetland areas. The proposal therefore creates the opportunity to introduce a commercial activity which will also

R9901259,DOC protect and enhance this area of intermediate bog and clearly meets the criteria of specific locational need. The economic benefit lies in the opportunities for employment associated with the development and the economic activity introduced to the village.

4.4 The development does not raise any requirement for additional infrastructure and will not adversely impact on the environment of the village and its surroundings.

4.5 The objectors house is located sufficiently far from the main centre of activity within the garden centre to indicate that concerns of noise and litter should not be an issue. The problems with respect to drainage should be very slightly improved as a result of the development in that a 300mm drain will be introduced along the northern boundary of the application site. The development will not significantly change the water levels within the bog planting area however as this would damage the habitat for the plants and shrubs which are to be displayed. It is essentially a wetland area. The Village Park for Greengairs was never formally identified for development within the area to the rear of the objectors property. The formal park area is located to the south of the sewage treatment works and Hillrigg.


5.1 In conclusion I consider that the proposed Garden Centre would introduce an acceptable use on the boundary of the village and on the Lagg Fen without significant impact on the adjoining properties.

R990 1259.DOC Application No. Ci9910128310UT Date registered 29th September 1999 APPLICANT TOM SHANKS ENGINEERING, 141 GREENGAIRS ROAD, GREENGAIRS, AIRDRIE ML6 7SY


Ward No. 45 Grid Reference 277503 669988

File Reference

Site History Workshops, office and canteen erected under consent 7915 18

Development Plan The site is zoned GB 1 in the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 and GB 1 Restrict Development in the Greenbelt in the Monklands District Local Plan 199 1.

0 Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection The Coal Authority, BT, Transco, West of Scotland Water Conditions No Reply


Neighbours One (Letter of support, Greengairs Environmental Forum)

Newspaper Advertisement No Response

COMMENTS This application relates to the erection of an engineering workshop in outline on land to the rear of 139-143 Greengairs Road, Greengairs. The site is zoned GB1 in the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 and GB1 Restrict Development in the Greenbelt in the Monklands District Local Plan 1991. The existing yard has a single breeze block building with corrugated roof which has been subdivided into 3 self contained units occupied by the applicant and the companies owned by other family members. To the west of the building is a narrow access which leads to a shed in the adjacent field. The applicant proposes to erect a 300sq.m. building and associated turning area to the rear of the units while demolishing part of one to widen the access. This will enable him to expand his business to employ his family. The business requires the provision of overhead lifting equipment which cannot be provided in the existing premises and currently unavailable for let within the Coatbridge and Airdrie area. The applicant has submitted reasoned justification for expanding his business within Greengairs details of which are given in the attached report. The proposed development although within the greenbelt is not of significant size to outweigh the benefits of facilitating the retention of this business within the village. A tree belt has been added to the plans which will provide a defensible edge to the village at this location. I therefore propose that the application be accepted subject to conditions.

R9901283.DOC \


'reduced by lepariment of Planning and Environment Planning Application No: Cl99101283/OUT :entrai Division LANARKSHIRE dunicipal Buildings (ildonan Street CHANGE OF USE OF LAND FOR THE ERECTION OF AN :OATBRIDGE ulL5 3LN ENGINEERING WORKSHOP (IN OUTLINE) AT LAND TO Reprodwad from the Ordnmw Suruey mapping wL1I the pmiSdOn Of the Contlollel of her MllWfl REAR OF 193-143 GREENGAIRS ROAD, GREENGAIRS 1 1250 stmnew ofn- OCW~wpym relephone01236 812222 Fax. 01236 431068 Unauthorised reprodwlion mfrhpes Cmwn wwdghl and may lead 10 pllUCUtlon 01 c.11 proseedmgs 3s Licence LA 09041L RECOMMENDATION

Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started, either within five years of the date of this permission, or within two years of the date on which the last of the reserved matters are approved, whichever is the later.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That before development starts, a firther planning application shall be submitted to the Planning Authority in respect of the following reserved matters:-

the siting, design and external appearance of all buildings and other structures; the means of access to the site; the layout of the site, including all roads, footways, and parking areas; the details of, and timetable for, the hard and soft landscaping of the site; details for management and maintenance of the areas identified in (d) above; the design and location of all boundary walls and fences; the provision for loading and unloading of all goods vehicles; the provision of drainage works; and the disposal of sewage.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects.

3. That within three years of the date of this permission, an application for approval of the reserved matters, specified in condition 2 above, shall be made to the Planning Authority.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

4. That notwithstanding the details requested in condition 2 above before the development hereby permitted starts, a woodland management and maintenance scheme, covering the area hatched GREEN on the approved plans, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include:-

(a) proposals for the continuing care, maintenance and protection of the trees, shrubs and hedges, including details of the timing and phasing of all such works; (b) details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted, and the phasing of such works.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects.

5. That for the avoidance of doubt before the development hereby permitted is occupied, the tree planting/landscaping, approved under the terms of condition 4 above, shall have been implemented and the maintenance scheme be in operation.

Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the village and Greenbelt area. List of Background Papers

- Application Forms and Plans received 14 September 1999 - Letter enclosing additional information dated 23 September 1999 - Letter of support from Greengairs Environmental Forum dated 21 September 1999 - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1999 - Consultation response from The Coal Authority dated 10 October 1999 - Consultation response from BT dated 14 October 1999 - Consultation response from Transco dated 18 October 1999 - Consultation response from West of Scotland Water dated 19 October 1999 - Amended plans and supporting statement received 15 December 1999

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812372 and ask for Mr Baxter.

R990 1283.DOC APPLICATION NO. C/99/01283/OUT



1.1 This application relates to the erection of an engineering workshop in outline on land to the rear of 139- 143 Greengairs Road, Greengairs. The existing yard has a single breeze block building with corrugated roof which has been subdivided into 3 self contained units occupied by the applicant and the companies owned by other family members. (William Shanks Construction and Robert Shanks Joiners). To the west of the building is a narrow access which leads to a shed in the adjacent field. The applicant proposes to erect a 300sq.m. building and associated turning area to the rear of the units.

1.2 One of the units will be partially demolished to enable the access to the rear to be widened. The company which use this unit will then relocate to the applicants present workshop.

1.3 A tree belt has been added to the plans which will wrap around the development on its North, East and West boundaries to provide a defensible edge to the village at this location. a 2. POLICY CONTEXT 2.1 The application site is covered by policy GB 1 of both the Starthclyde Structure Plan 1995 and the Monklands District Local Plan 1991. These are outlined as follows:

Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995

Policy GBl/GBlA

GB 1: The spread of built up areas and the encroachment of development into the countryside, within a ‘greenbelt’ around the Conurbation and AyriPrestwicWTroon, as indicated on the Key Diagram, shall not accord with the Regional Development Strategy.

GBlA: Proposals for development within the Greenbelt shall require to be justified against the following criteria,

(a) economic benefit (b) specific locational need (c) infrastructure implications, and (d) environmental impact.

Adouted Monklands District Local Plan 199 1

GB1 (Restrict Development in the Countryside)

“Within areas designated as Green Belt no development will be permitted except for:-

a) New houses for full time workers in connection with forestry or agriculture where the applicant:-

(i) can show that a new house on the site proposed has the support of the Forestry Commission or Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland. (ii) can show that there is no house, building plot, or building suitable for conversion available nearby or within a nearby settlement. (iii) is willing to enter into a Section 50 Agreement (now Section 75 Agreement) to restrict future occupancy of the house to a full time forestry or agricultural worker. (iv) is proposing a development which conforms with the District Council’s design guidance.

b) Non residential developments in connection with forestry or agriculture

R9901283.DOC c) Uses requiring a rural location:-

(i) to avoid nuisance to neighbours (e.g. animal boarding kennels) (ii) since they need large areas of open space (e.g riding stable or golf courses).

d) Areas identified as having substantial development potential:-

(1) Leisure and Recreation Use (2) Luggie Water Business Use (3) South Hotel


3.1 Following neighbour notification and advertisment of the proposal in the local press no objections or representations were received. One letter of support was submitted with the application from the Greengairs Environmental Forum. 0 3.2 The following consultations resulted in no adverse comments: The Coal Authority; BT; Transco; and West of Scotland Water.

3.3 The Transportation Manager has identified conditions which require to be addressed. These can be dealt with on submission of a Reserve Matters application.


4.1 The proposed development should be considered in light of the policies set out in the Development Plan and any other material considerations. In this instance Policy GBlA of the Strathclyde Structure Plan identifies four criteria by which the proposed development should be assessed. These are:

(a) economic benefit (b) specific Iocational need (c) infrastructure implications, and (d) environmental impact.

4.2 Shanks Engineering has been located within Greengairs for twenty years and has provided employment and training for local people. The business has associations with two other companies located within the site and shares the administratiodsecretarial costs. The proposed development will enable the company a to expand to employ additional family members. The business requires the provision of overhead lifting equipment which cannot be provided in the existing premises and currently unavailable for let within the Coatbridge and Airdrie area. He has also indicated that the relocation of the premises would prohibitively increase the development cost because of the need to purchase and develop a larger site, loss of shared facilities and greater capital borrowing. As such I consider that he has demonstrated that the proposal has a specific locational need and has an economic benefit for the village

4.4 The development does not raise any requirement for additional infrastructure requirements and following the screen planting on the North, East and West boundaries of the application site will not adversely impact on the environment of the village and its surroundings. The application has not been the subject of objections and received a letter of support from Greengairs Environmental Forum.


5.1 The proposed development although within the greenbelt is not of significant size to outweigh the benefits of facilitating the retention of this business within the village. I therefore propose that the application be accepted subject to conditions. Application No. U9910 1375EUL Date registered 20th October 1999 APPLICANT ATLANTIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD, C/O JAMES BARR, 226 WEST GEORGE STREET, GLASGOW G2 2LN

Agent James Bar, 226 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LN DEVELOPMENT Erection Of 25M Telecommunications Mast & Ancillary Equipment Cabinet L0 CAT I0 N Wernick Hire Ltd Dundyvan Industrial Estate Coatbridge Lanarkshire ML5 4AQ

Ward No. 40 Grid Reference 272743 664080

File Reference C/PL/13940/20 14/2/000/DWB/SOH

Site History Units built under planning consent 841300 for Erection of 29 Advanced Factory Units. Previous application 99100982 for 25 metre high mast and equipment cabinet was withdrawn on 18 August 1999.

Development Plan The site is zoned ECON 2 Existing General Industrial Areas and TELl a Telecommunications Developments in the Monklands District Local Plan 199 1 Contrary to No Development Plan


Objection No Objection National Radiological Protection Board, Radio Communications Agency Conditions No Reply

REPRESENTATIONS Neighbours No response

Newspaper 16 letters of objection including one from Cllr. Maginnis and Elaine Smith MSP Advertisement 1 petition with 185 signatures

COMMENTS This application relates to the erection of a 25 metre high telecommunications mast and equipment cabinet for Atlantic Telecom at Wernick Hire Ltd, Dundyvan Industrial Estate, Coatbridge. The site is zoned ECON2 Existing General Industrial Areas in the Monklands District Local Plan 199 1 and is assessed in terms of policy TEL 1 Telecommunications Developments. There are 16 letters of objection, including one from the local member and the area’s MSP, plus a petition with 185 signatures details of which are included in the attached report. Following assessment of all the Local Plan policies and other material considerations I consider that the proposed development is acceptable in planning terms and recoinmend that it be approved subject to the attached condition.


Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1, That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

R990 1375.DOC This copy has been produced specifically for Piannlng ana uullalng wnrrul puipur- UV. , os Liceme LA OWlL No further copies may be made 2. That a visibility splay of 2.5 metres by 20 metres, measured from the road channel, shall be provided on both sides of the vehicular access and before the development hereby permitted is completed or brought into use, everything exceeding 1.05 metres in height above the road channel level shall be removed from the sight line areas and, thereafter, nothing exceeding 1.05 metres in height above road channel level shall be planted, placed, erected, or allowed to grow, within these sight line areas.

Reason: In the interests of traffic and pedestrian safety.

3. That before the development permitted is completed or brought into use a dropped kerb vehicular access completed or brought into use shall be constructed in the position shown on the approved plans, in accordance with the specifications of the Roads Authority and as described in the Roads Guidelines published by the said Roads Authority.

Reason: To ensure the provision of satisfactory vehicular and pedestrian facilities.

List of Background Papers

- Application Forms and Plans received 19 October 1999 and amended 25 November 1999 - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 199 1 - Letter of Objection from Councillor Maginnis dated 3 November 1999 - Letter of Objection from Elaine Smith MSP dated 5 November 1999. - Letter of Objection from Mr John McNeala, 15 Doune Park Way, Coatbridge dated 29 October 1999 - Letter of Objection from Mr & Mrs Davidson, 17 Dalrymple Drive, Coatbridge dated 3 November 1999 - Letter of Objection from W Warnock, 5 Dalrymple Drive, Coatbridge dated 8 November 1999 - Letter of Objection from Mr I Harley, 37 Brownshill Avenue, Coatbridge received 10 November 1999 - Letter of Objection from Mrs L Harley, 37 Brownshill Avenue, Coatbridge received 10 November 1999 - Letter of Objection from Mrs McIntosh, 41 Barrowfield Street, Coatbridge received 10 November 1999 - Letter of Objection from Mr D Boa, 13 Doune Park Way, Coatbridge received 10 November 1999 - Letter of Objection from James McGhee, 73 Doune Park Way, Coatbridge received 10 November 1999 - Letter of Objection from Duncan Beck, 23 Doune Park Way, Coatbridge dated 8 November 1999 - Letter of Objection from Gordon Robertson, 7 1 Doune Park Way, Coatbridge dated 3 November 1999 - Letter of Objection and petition from Stuart Gray, 62 Doune Park Way, Coatbridge, dated 12 November 1999 - Letter of Objection from Mr & Mrs J McGlone, 14 Dalrymple Drive, Coatbridge received 12 November 1999 - Letter of Objection from Fraser Cowan, 55 Doune Park Way, Coatbridge, dated 4 November 1999 - Letter of Objection from Linda Canavan, 58 Doune Park Way, Coatbridge dated 13 November 1999 a - Consultation response from Radio Communications Agency dated 18 November 1999 - Consultation response from National Radiological Protection Board dated 22 October 1999 - Letter and supporting statement from James Barr Chartered Surveyors dated 23 November 1999

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812372 and ask for Mr Baxter.

R990 137S.DOC APPLICATION NO. C/99/01375/FUL



1.1 This application relates to the erection of a 25 metre high telecommunications mast and equipment cabinet for Atlantic Telecom at Wemick Hire Ltd, Dundyvan Industrial Estate, Coatbridge. The application plans and forms were received on 19 October and following registration the application was advertised in the local press on 3 November 1999. Following discussions with the Transportation Manager amended plans were submitted showing means of access to the mast from Souterhouse Path.

1.2 The site is zoned ECON2 Existing General Industrial Areas and covered by policy TELl Telecommunications Development in the Monklands District Local Plan 199 1. The Mast would be erected within land which is currently grassed awaiting development and bounded by a landscape area to the north and 2 metre high wall and landscaping to the west. Immediately surrounding the site are different sized industrial buildings and 2 dwellinghlouses known as Marple and St Anne’s Cottages (40m away). The housing at the Dundyvan Gate development is some 160metres away and the nearest school is 540metres away.


2.1 The terms of N.P.P.G. 1- The Planning System state that: “. . determinations on individual planning applications should be made on planning grounds. Planning powers should not normally be used to secure objectives which can be achieved under other legislation.”

2.2 Also relevant to consideration of proposals for telecommunication equipment is Scottish Office Circular 2511985. This clearly states that it is government policy to facilitate the growth of telecommunications and that the planning system should encourage and not hinder the development of new telecommunications systems. The Circular explicitly states in respect of the health issues raised by telecommunications that the radiated power output of radio installations is subject to stringent health and safety limits.

2.3 In December 1998 the Scottish Office issued a draft circular on Land Use Planning and Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF’s). This document requested comment on the draft guidance to planning authorities on drawing up development plan policies, determining planning applications for development giving rise to EMF’s (such as telecommunications masts) and development proposed in the vicinity of EMF’s. I) 2.4 At the 23 June 1999 Planning and Environment Committee it was noted that there were some conflicts in the draft circular’s statement that “there is no convincing evidence of a causal link between EMF’s and cancer” and that “any public perception of danger is a valid planning consideration. The Committee therefore agreed that all proposals for telecommunications masts be referred to them for consideration and a moratorium be adopted on new leases for such masts on Council land.

2.5 The Commons Science and Technology Committee report published on 2 September 1999 indicated in paragraph 30 that: “In the main, public anxiety has centred on transmitter base stations, particularly those sited in residential areas and on school buildings but there is little evidence to support claims that these have any adverse health impacts. Either because of the height of the masts on the roofs of buildings or because at ground level they are fenced off, the attenuated radiation to anyone passing would be well within safety limits.”

2.6 At the Planning and Environment Committee of 17 November 1999 it was noted that representations had been made to the Scottish Parliament’s Transport and Environment Committee inquiry into telecommunications developments.

R990 1375 .DOC 2.7 Policy TEL 1 Telecommunications Development within the Monkland District Local Plan 199 1 states: The District Council will encourage telecommunications operators to discuss at the earliest possible stage any forthcoming proposals for telecommunications development in order to reconcile so far as possible technical requirements and environmental interests. Any planning application will be considered with regard to national policy, against the following criteria. (a) economic benefit (b) specific locational need (c) environmental impact.


3.1 The letters of objection and the petition received in connection with this application make the following points: 1. visual amenity; 2. health concerns; 3. impact on house prices; 4. jeopardise future development in the area; and 5. close proximity to housing and schools, in particular directly opposite to Marple and St Anne's cottages.

0 4. ASSESSMENT 4.1 In assessing the application in planning terms the Local Plan Policy and other material considerations should be addressed. In this instance Policy TELl in the Monklands District Local Plan 1991 indicates that applications should be assessed by the following criteria; economic benefit, specific locational need and environmental impact.

4.2 In terms of economic benefit the development represents a significant investment in plant in the area through the introduction of an alternative communications network to BT and Cable. At present a network of approximately 16 radio base stations have been installed.

4.3 In a supporting statement James Barr, the agent for Atlantic Telecom, has indicated that 5 alternative options were investigated and each were discounted for reasons such as; land owned by the Council and therefore not available; land being marketed for redevelopment and therefore not available at present, existing mast locations not capable of supporting extension of current mast or additional equipment cabinets. Following discussion with the applicant a possible alternative location was identified in Stobcross Street. The land owner has indicated that due to plans for development this location is not available. The specific location applied for is to provide coverage for the Coatbridge area and it therefore cannot be done from alternative sites.

4.4 Points 1, 4 & 5 above are relevant to environmental impact. The proposed tower will be visible from existing residential properties to the south however the mast would have a backdrop of the railway embankment and existing industrial premises and should not significantly impact on their visual amenity. The two cottages to the north west look directly onto the site of the proposed mast. They are, however, partially screened by trees of approximately 5-10 metres in height, but the mast would be visible above these. The properties do not at present benefit from a high level of residential amenity in that they are located within an industrial estate and indeed, it should be noted that no objection has been received from the occupants of these properties. The expectation must therefore be that development of an industrial nature at this location is generally acceptable.

4.5 A future residential development to the west on the site of the former Tinsley Wire factory may be partially accessed along Souterhouse Road which forms the northern boundary of the application site. Souterhouse Road is the access to the Dundyvan Industrial Estate and as such is currently lined with industrial properties of various quality and size. The introduction of the mast at this location although visible from the road would be consistent with the industrial nature of the estate and as such should not significantly impact on proposals for housing development in the future.

R9901375.DOC 4.6 The impact of the proposed development on house prices cannot be considered as is not a valid material planning consideration.

4.7 The representations received referring to health and safety implications demonstrate a public perception of danger associated with the proposal, however the weight that can be attached to this must reflect the guidance in Scottish Office Circular 2511985. This guidance states that there is no reason for planning authorities to take such issues into account except in exceptional circumstances. The Commons Science and Technology Committee report published on 2 September 1999 referred to in para. 2.5 indicates that the attenuated radiation to anyone passing a mast would be well within safety limits. The mast will be located 40 metres away from the nearest house and over 540 metres from the nearest school. It is my understanding that the attenuated radiation is lower the hrther you go from the mast and that this proposal does not represent an exceptional circumstance.

4.8 Since the submission of the report (Ref. para. 2.6 above) outlining the Council’s views on the Scottish Executive’s proposals to introduce new planning procedures for telecommunications the Council has been represented at a public meeting organised by the National Radiological Protection Board and at another held by COSLA. Both meetings were concerned with the implications of equipment with respect to risks to health. The conclusions reached at these meetings will be referred to the Scottish Executive as part of an overall review. It should be noted that until the results of this review are known the Council is required to operate within current legislation. e 5. CONCLUSION

5.1 It is considered that the public perception of danger associated with the proposal does not outweigh the land use considerations and that permission should be granted subject to the conditions attached.

R990 1375.DOC Application No. c/99/0 1391m Date registered 25 October 1999 APPLICANT Mr & Mrs S. LAMB, 30 FORGE ROAD, MOFFAT MILLS, AIRDRlE


Ward No. 46 Grid Reference 282684 - 668030

File Reference

Site History Planning permission was granted following an appeal to the Secretary of State for Scotland in 1991 for a plotted housing development.

Development Plan Monklands District Local Plan 1991

Contrary to * Development Plan No CONSULTATIONS

Objection No Objection West of Scotland Water Conditions The Coal Authority No Reply


Newspaper Not required Advertisement

COMMENTS The applicant proposes to erect a two storey house with an integral double garage within the plot. Having assessed the proposal in terms of the Local Plan, the conditions of the original outline planning permission and the comments received from the adjoining neighbours I consider the proposal to be acceptable if certain conditions are met.


Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997

2. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of all external materials to be used in construction, including walls, roofs, windows, doors, gutters and downpipes, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required. i, \ Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the adjoining residential area.

3. That the window highlighted in orange on the approved plan is not acceptable and shall be deleted.

Reason: In the interests of the privacy and residential amenity of the adjoining property.

4. That before the dwellinghouse hereby permitted is occupied 2 car parking spaces shall be provided within the curtilage of the plot and outwith the public road or footway, and thereafter be maintained as parking spaces.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site.

5. That before the dwellinghouse hereby permitted is occupied, a dropped kerb vehicular access shall be constructed in the position shown on the approved plans, in accordance with the specifications of the Roads Authority and as described in the Roads Guidelines published by the said Roads Authority. Notwithstanding this the first two metres of the driveway, beyond the limit of the adjoining road, shall be surfaced in an impervious material, to be approved by the PLanning Authority.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site.

6. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping, for the area hatched green on the approved plans, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include a row of semi- mature standard trees, a mixture of rowan, whitebeam, ash, willow and larch, planted at 3 metres centres.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the adjoining residential area.

7. That within one year of the occupation of the dwellinghouses hereby permitted, all planting, seeding, tufing and earth moulding included in the scheme of landscaping and planting, approved under the terms of condition 6 above, shall be completed; and any trees, shrubs, or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged, or become diseased within two years of the completion of the development, shall be replaced within the following year with others of a similar size and species.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the adjoining residential area.

8. That, notwithstanding the provisions of the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 1990, and before the development starts, a certificate from a recognised firm of chartered engineers, duly signed by a Chartered Engineer or Chartered Geologist of Geotechnical Adviser Status (ICE, SISG 1993) shall be submitted to the Planning Authority confrming the mineral stability of the site. This certificate shall be based on a professionally supervised and regulated rotary drilling programme.

Reason: To ensure the mineral stability of the proposed housing site in the interests of prospective residents (Note: A copy of the required Certificate is available from the Divisional Office). List of Background Papers

- Plans and application form submitted 21 October 1999 - Monklands District Local Plan 1991 - Consultation response from West of Scotland Water dated 2 November 1999 - Consultation response from The Coal Authority dated 7 November 1999 - Letter of representation from R. McGuinness, 5 Arthur Gardens, Caldercmix, received 30 November 1999 - Letter and amended plans from applicant’s agent dated

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812374 and ask for Mr Graeme Brown. APPLICATION NO. C/99/01391/FUL



1.1 The application site is located on the southern edge of the plotted development at Gowanbrae, Caldercruix. Plot 9 is situated centrally within this part of the development site with an open southerly aspect over the Caldercruix Country Park and Hillend Reservoir.

1.2 On the east side of the site is plot 8 where a house has already been constructed. On the west side is plot 10. No house has been proposed for this plot to date.

1.3 The proposed house would be a mixture of two storey and what is termed one and a half storey; i.e. there is accommodation in the roofspace of part of the house where it is not fully two storey. The one and a half storey element of the house is at the front with the gable wall facing the road. This part of the house will accommodate a double garage on the ground floor and a living room on the upper floor which will have a tall window to the street.

1.4 The remainder of the house will be two storey, with the ridge line of the roof running parallel with the road. It is also proposed to have a small single storey sun room on the rear of the house overlooking the country park.


2.1 The servicing authorities have not made any objections to the proposal. The Coal Authority however have highlighted the existence of coal at shallow depths beneath the site but cannot confrm if this has been worked at all. They therefore suggest that the developer seek technical advice before constructing the house.


3.1 The owner of the adjoining plot, plot 8, has expressed concern about the windows of the proposed house overlooking his property. He is concerned that because of the slope of the site the floor level of the house will be considerably higher than ground level and therefore the windows of the new house facing east will overlook his property resulting in a loss of privacy.

4. POLICY CONTEXT e 4.1 The application site is covered by policy HG3/64 (New Private Sector Housing Development) of the Monklands District Local Plan 199 1


5.1 The main point of concern with this proposal lies in the neighbours comments regarding the overlooking windows and potential loss of privacy.

5.2 All of the plots at this part of the development slope downhill from the road to the rear boundary. Therefore if the house is built with its ground level based on the level of the road it means there will be a substantial area of underbuild at the rear of the house. The proposed house on plot 9 has its finished ground floor level at 0.8m below the level of the road. This however makes the finished ground floor at the rear of the house at almost 1.7m above existing ground level. 5.3 The windows of the house that face plot 8 are from the utility room, kitchen and sun lounge on the ground floor and a bathroom on the upper floor. The kitchen and utility room will look directly into the gable wall of the house on plot 8 but as proposed will be above the level of the fence. The sun lounge windows will again be above the level of the fence but will be 9.5 metres from the boundary with plot 8 and only 3 metres from the boundary of plot 10. I do not consider that the upper floor bathroom window has any affect on the privacy of the neighbouring property.

5.4 In discussing these concerns with the applicant it has been agreed that the finished ground floor level of the house will be lowered by a further 0.5m. This will result in the kitchen and utility room window being partially below the level of the boundary fence. It has also been agreed by the applicant that they will plant some semi mature trees along the boundaries of the plot to achieve further privacy to both their own and their neighbours properties.

5.5 It should be noted that the house at plot 8 has a large patio door/window directly facing plot 9 and that the windows of the sun room on the house on plot 9 will be approximately 2 1 metres away. Former Building Regulations, now superseded, required that directly opposing windows on two separate houses should be no less than 18 metres apart. Whilst this particular regulation is no longer in force I consider that it offers a reasonable test in these matters. Therefore with the windows being around 2 1 metres apart I consider this to be acceptable on a plotted housing development site. I am however concerned that the window of the sun lounge adjacent to the boundary with plot 10 is too close and it would affect the privacy of any future residents of this plot. For this reason I feel it is appropriate to have a planning condition that requires this window to be deleted.

5.6 There are no other concerns regarding the design of the house or the layout of the plot and I consider the proposal to be acceptable in all other aspects. Therefore on the basis of the revisions submitted by the applicant and on the detailed assessment of the positioning of the windows I am of the opinion that there will be no unreasonable loss of privacy to the neighbouring plots.


6.1 Having assessed the proposal against the policy of the Local Plan and taken account of the concerns of the neighbour I consider that on the basis of the revised scheme the proposal to erect a house on plot 9 of this development site at Gowanbrae, Caldercruix is acceptable I therefore recommend that planning permission be granted subject to conditions. Application No. Cl9910 1490iAMD Date registered 24 November 1999 APPLICANT Mr ALAN ADAMS, 10 GLEN TERRACE, CALDERCRUIX, ML6 7PU


Ward No. 44 Grid Reference 281574 - 667924

File Reference C/PL/18606/0010/0/000/GB/KH

Site History Planning permission was granted for the erection of a house on the plot on 7 April 1999

Development Plan Policy HG3125 of the Monklands District Local Plan 1991

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Newspaper Not required Advertisement

COMMENTS The proposal to erect the house on the plot had a condition that specified the position of a driveway for two cars. This driveway was to be constructed prior to the house being occupied. The applicants have occupied the house but wish to locate the driveway in a different position.

Having assessed the proposed amendment against the previously approved permission and taken account of the concerns of the neighbour I consider the proposal is acceptable.


Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within one month of the date of this permission.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. The first two metres of the drivewayiparking area beyond the limit of the adjoining road shall be surfaced in an impervious material, to be approved by the Planning Authority.

Reason: To prevent deleterious material being carried onto the road.


3. That there shall be a drainage channel at the junction of the drivewaylparking area and the footway to prevent surface water running onto the public road.

Reason: In the interests of traffic and pedestrian safety.

List of Background Papers

- Plans and application form submitted on 15 November 1999 - Monklands District Local Plan 1999 - Letter from Mr & Mrs Woods, Wildwood, 8 Glen Terrace, Caldercmix dated 15 November 1999

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812374 and ask for Mr Graeme Brown.

R9901490.DOC APPLICATION NO. C/99/01490



1.1 The application site is located within the plotted development at Home Farm, Caldercruix. The house is located at the north east corner of the cul-de-sac in Phase 3 of the development, now known as Glen Terrace. Access to the plot is from the hammerhead at the end of the cul-de-sac.

1.2 The terms of the original planning permission for the house gave specific details of where the vehicular driveway should be located. This was to avoid congestion in the hammerhead at the end of the cul-de- sac in the interests of road safety. Having constructed and occupied the house the applicants now propose an amended layout for the driveway.


2.1 Planning permission is sought to amend the details of condition no. 3 of planning permission 991001 161FUL. This states:

“That before the dwellinghouse hereby approved is occupied 2 parking spces shall be provided within the curtilage of the plot and outwith the public road or footpath, on the area hatched green on the approved plan. The driveway shown on the approved plan is, however, not approved.”

2.2 Planning permission is sought to amend this condition to have the driveway in another location. It is proposed by the applicant that the driveway will be at right angles to the road at the end of the hammerhead with two vehicles parked side by side. The initial proposal had two vehicles parked end to end on a driveway that turned on a bend into the site.


3.1 The neighbours at 8 Glen Terrace to the south has expressed concern regarding the position of the amended driveway. Their concerns are expressed as follows:

i) If the applicant’s driveway was at the end of the hammerhead it would restrict any on street parking outside the neighbours property.

ii) The lack of parking facilities within the applicants plot at present is causing traffic congestion at this part of the development site.

iii) That the parking layout proposed is very similar to that which was deemed unacceptable in the original proposal.


4.1 I consider that the determining issue in this case is whether or not the proposed amended driveway will result on increased congestion at the head of this cul-de-sac which would be detrimental to road safety at this location.

4.2 The objectors are concerned that the amended driveway position being considered is very similar to that which was deemed unacceptable in the application for planning permission for the house. Whilst the location of the driveway is in a similar position to the original proposed, but rejected, driveway, the layout of the parking area is different. In that initial planning application it had been proposed to have a single vehicle width driveway of 1 1.Om long that turned at right angles to the road. In assessing such matters the turning area of the driveway is not considered an appropriate parking area and the 1 1.Om length is measured after the turning area. The driveway length would therefore only have been 7.0m. This is insufficient to provide the two off street parking spaces required by the Council giving the potential for vehicles to park on the road and cause congestion.

R9901490.DOC 4.3 For this reason a condition was attached to the planning permission for the ercetion of the house that specified an area where two vehicles would be parked side by side, thus meeting the Council’s standard. This area was at the corner of the hammerhead adjacent to the applicant’s house.

4.4 When the house became occupied the applicant did not form the driveway as specified in this condition. This has resulted in vehicles being parked on the road and, as the neighbouring objector has pointed out, has caused congestion at this part of the development. This prevents vehicles safely making a turning maneouvre and resulting in vehicles reversing out of Glen Terrace which is detrimental to road safety

4.5 It was at this point that the applicant requested to amend the position of the driveway that had been specified by the Council. The amended layout increased the parking area in size by making the access point 3.0m longer along the kerb line at the end of the hammerhead. It still remained, however, that two vehicles would be parked side by side at an 45 degree angle to the road in front of the applicant’s house.

4.6 This amendment to the condition was viewed as a minor, non-material variation and approval for the changes was given without the requirement for a full planning application. The applicant, however, put forward a further suggestion that two vehicles be parked side by side directly off the end of the hammehead. The neighbours objected to this point as it would prevent them from parking a vehicle within the hammerhead adjacent to their property because it would obstruct the applicant’s driveway. This suggestion was markedly different from the driveway position which was required by the condition of the original planning permission for the house. It was therefore deemed necessary for the applicant to submit a formal application for planning permission to amend condition 3 of planning permission 99/00 116IFUL.

4.7 During the construction of the houses in Glen Terrace it has become apparent that the plot sizes along the east side are bigger than those shown on the original outline planning permission for a housing development at Home Farm. These original plot dimensions have been used by each applicant when applying for planning permission for their houses. However, once on site the plot sizes have proved to be different. On the application site the area of ground between the end of the hammerhead and the boundary with the houses on Glen Road is 7.0m as opposed to 4.5m which was shown on the plans for outline planning permission and the reserved matters application 99/001 16IFUL.

4.8 With the additional land now available there is sufficient space to park two vehicles side by side at right angles to the carraigeway. The applicant has therefore requested to have two spaces side by side at the end of the hammerhead. Having reassessed the situation, in light of the additional land that it is available, I consider that in road safety terms there is no impediment to allowing these parking spaces to be formed at this location.

4.9 In terms of the concerns of the neighbours it should be noted that their house has a single garage and driveway on the opposite side of the property to the applicant. It is therefore visitor parking that will be accomodated on the public road. There are no parking restrictions on Glen Terrace and therefore no restriction regarding on street parking. The objector is concerned that they will not be able to park a vehicle within the hammerhead adjacent to a pedestrian access to their house as this would obstruct the applicant’s driveway. The hammerhead itself is designed as a turning area to ensure that vehicles, especially large service vehicles, can enter and exit Glen Terrace in a forward gear, it is not designed as a parking area although part of the road could be used for parking.

4.10 I do not consider that it is a planning matter to become involved in issues of where on street parking will take place. The issues with which to consider this matter are on road safety and to ensure that each of the houses within the development has two off street parking places. In this particular case the house at 8 Glen Terrace, that of the objectors, has two off street parking spaces provided within the plot. The provision of two off street spaces for use by the residents of 10 Glen Terrace in the position proposed does not compromise the road safety and intended use of the hammerhead. I therefore do not consider there to be any over-riding reasons with which to refuse planning permission for this amendment.


5.1 Having assessed the matter in relation to road safety issues and the concerns raised by the neighbour I consider that in light of the new informaation provided in this application that the proposed amendment to the parking layout is acceptable. I therefore recommend that planning permission is granted subject to conditions.

R990 1490.DOC Application No. Cl9910 1494/FUL Date registered 18 November 1999 APPLICANT MR JOHN MCNAIRN, 81 BURNBANK STREET, COATBRIDGE


Ward No. 33 Grid Reference 274111 666119

File Reference

Site History 1. Application for Change of Use from vacant industrial premises to premises for car spares and repairs (Ref. 85079), refused on 3rd June 1985.

2. Application for extension to factory unit to house, fabrication shop and painting facility (Ref. 95470), granted subject to conditions on 10th October 1995.

Development Plan In terms of the Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 the site is located within an area covered by the following policy:-

ECON 2 Existing General Industrial Areas

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Newspaper None Advertisement

COMMENTS This application is for the use of a vacant warehouse for the storage of coaches at Northburn Road, Coatbridge. The proposal involves no alterations to the building. Furthermore, all coaches will be parked within the building itself. The use will not have any effect on surrounding buildings as the site is located within an existing general industrial area. Since the proposal is in accordance with the Local Plan and will have no detrimental impact on the surrounding area I recommend that planning permission be granted.


Grant, subject to the following condition.

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

R990 1494.DOC

List of Background Papers

- Application form and plans dated 11 November 1999. - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 199 1.

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 8 12382 and ask for Kirsten Cairns.

R990 1494.DOC Application No. C/99/01498/FUL Date registered 18 November 1999 APPLICANT KELVIN HOMES LTD, 87 CALDER STREET, COATBRIDGE, ML5 4EY


Ward No. 40 Grid Reference 271998663741

File Reference C/PL/20550/2000/2/00O/CM/SOH

Site History

Development Plan Under the terms of the Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 the application site is located within an area covered by the following policy:-

HG 9 Housing Policy for Existing Residential Areas

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection The Coal Authority, British Gas Transco, NLC Director of Education, NLC Director of Community Services. Conditions No Reply B.T., West of Scotland Water.


Newspaper Not Required Advertisement

COMMENTS This proposal relates to part of the Old Monkland housing redevelopment scheme. This particular phase would involve the demolition of existing flats to provide 92 dwellinghouses and 10 flats. Most dwellings would be 2 storey semi-detached or terraced units providing a mix of 2,3,4 and 5 apartment accommodation each with their own front and rear gardens with off-street parking areas. Two blocks of flats would be provided within the development site. The largest of these would be 3 storeys in height (6 flatted units) and would be set within a large curtilage with a dedicated parking court. Amenity space would be secluded, secure and located to the rear of the building. The other block would be 2 storey in height (4 flatted units) and would be similar in style and form to the surrounding semi-detached dwellinghouses. All of the housing units would be finished in a complementary mix of facing brick with either grey or dark red profiled roofing tiles. A new road layout would incorporate traffic calming measures. Vehicular access would be taken from Highcross Avenue and there would be no through traffic route to Lismore Drive (formerly Marshal1 Street). A public footpath link would be provided between this new phase and the adjacent development site which is currently under construction by Kelvin Homes. An off street parking court would

be provided for the benefit of some of the existing terraced housing located to the south of Highcross Avenue. There are several mature trees located within the development site and most of these would be removed. However, a group of semi mature trees located to the north west of the site would be retained and protected during construction works. An existing landscape screen located along the western boundary of the site would be retained and this area would be enhanced and maintained. The submitted layout plan also indicates that an area of public open space would be provided. This could be used as a play area if required to meet the overall standards for play provision in the redevelopment scheme.

The proposed development generally meets the aims of the development brief for the redevelopment project and the layout generally accords with the design guidance for new housing developments. The design and finish of the dwellings are considered acceptable. There were no adverse comments received from external consultees or neighbours.

The issue of open space provision is currently being discussed with the Regeneration Partners and all parties are aiming to ensure that an appropriate amount of public open space and childrens play area (CPA) facilities are provided within the redevelopment area. There have now been 4 separate planning permissions granted for the redevelopment scheme, 3 of which incorporate provision of children’s equipped play areas. The current proposal includes an area of public open space through which passes a pedestrian footpath link. There is no intention to provide play equipment at this stage however this area may be considered as an optional CPA pending discussions with the Regeneration Partners.

Following consideration of the above matters it is my view the proposal could be implemented in a satisfactory manner and I recommend planning permission be granted subject to conditions. It should be noted that implementation of this development will require road and footpath closures which are the subject of a separate report.


Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1. That the development hereby approved shall not commence until the necessary road/footpath closure/diversion Orders have been successfully confirmed and the statutory procedures specified in e Schedule 16 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 completed.

Reason: To allow the necessary statutory procedures to be carried out.

2. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

3. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the facing materials to be used on all external walls and roofs shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects. 5. That no dwellinghouse hereby permitted shall be occupied until the road and footpath adjacent to it have been constructed to basecourse standard and the road and footpath shall be maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority during the construction phase.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory vehicular and pedestrian access facilities to the dwellings.

6. That all driveways shall be provided with a dropped kerb and be a minimum length of 6 metres. The first 2.0 metres of the driveway shall be paved over its entire width and provided with a drainage facility, all to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of pedestrian and vehicular safety and to prevent deleterious material being carried out onto the highway.

7. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and location of all fences and walls to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects.

8. That, notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992, no development shall take place within the curtilage of the application site, other than that expressly authorised by this permission.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control, in order to ensure no plot is over- developed.

9. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping, including boundary treatment, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include:- (a) details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, grass seeding and turfing; (b) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted; (c) an indication of all existing trees and hedgerows, plus details of those to be retained, and measures for their protection in the course of development (d) details of the phasing of these works.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects.

10 That within one year of the occupation of the last four dwellinghouses within the development hereby permitted, all planting, seeding, turfing and earth moulding included in the scheme of landscaping and planting, approved under the terms of condition 8 above, shall be completed; and any trees, shrubs, or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged, or become diseased within two years of the completion of the development, shall be replaced within the following year with others of a similar size and species.

Reason: In the interests of amenity

11. That notwithstanding the terms of condition 8 above the existing trees located within plot nos. 76 and 77 shall be retained and protected in accordance with British Standard BS 5837. This protection measure shall be erected along the drip line of the trees and shall not be removed without the approval in writing of the Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of amenity.

R9901498.DOC 11. That notwithstanding the terms of condition 8 above the existing trees located within plot nos. 76 and 77 shall be retained and protected in accordance with British Standard BS 5837. This protection measure shall be erected along the drip line of the trees and shall not be removed without the approval in writing of the Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of amenity.

12. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a management and maintenance scheme shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include proposals for the continuing care, maintenance and protection of:- (a) the proposed public footpath shaded green on the approved plans (b) the proposed parking areas hatched red on the approved plans (c) the existing planting screen shaded orange on the approved plans

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects.

List of Background Papers

- Application forms and amended plans - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 - Consultation Response from The Coal Authority received 8 December 1999. - Consultation Response from British Gas Transco received 9 December 1999. - Consultation Response from NLC Education Department received 14 December 1999. - Consultation Response from NLC Community Services Department received 30 December 1999.

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812376 and ask for Colin Marshall. I

Application No. c/99/0 1537m Date registered 10 December 1999 APPLICANT Mr James Lennon, 47 Hyslop Street, Airdrie.


Ward No. 41 Grid Reference 275475665619

File Reference CPL/2 1760/0047/O/OOO/RT/ES

Site History None

Development Plan Under the terms of the Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 the application site is located within an area covered by the following policy:- HG9 (Existing Residential Areas) Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Neighbours One

Newspaper Advertisement Not required

COMMENTS This application seeks planning consent to increase a single domestic lock-up garage to a double domestic lock-up garage at 47 Hyslop Street, Airdrie. One letter of objection has been received from an adjoining neighbour in relation to this application and the comments are detailed in my accompanying report. For reasons contained in my report it is recommended that planning permission is granted.


Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Countq Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That the facing materials to be used for the external walls and roof shall match in colour and texture those of the existing adjoining building.

Reason: In the interest of the visual amenity of the dwellinghouse and surrounding area.

R9901537.DOC 'roduced by Iepartrnent of Planning and Environment Planning Application No: C/99/01537/FUL :entral Division LANARKSHIRE dunidpal Buildings !Idonan Street ,OATBRIDGE EXTENSION OF EXISTING GARAGE AT dL5 3LN HYSLOP STREET, AlRDRlE Reprodused from the Ordnance Survey mapping WHh lhe prmwon of the Controller of her hilieetye relephone 01236 812222 Fa.01236 431068 LOCATION OF OBJECTOR : 250 ~~~~~~~~~p~~~~~~~~~~~~~"copyright This copy has been produced specifically for Planning and Building Control purposes only and may lead 10 pmuoullen el~i~llpmesdmgs >S Licence LA 09041 L No further copies may be made 3. That the use of the garage hereby permitted shall be restricted to private use incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse on the site and no commercial activity shall be carried out, in, or from, the garage.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control over the development.

List of Background Papers

- Application Form and Plans - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991 - Letter of objection from Ms Fiona Mairi Taylor 50 Robertson Street Airdrie, dated 14 December 1999

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812375 and ask for J) Rosaleen Toal.

R9901537.DOC APPLICATION NO. C/99/01537/FUL



1.1 The application site is located to the rear of 47 Hyslop Street, Airdrie and is bounded by dwellinghouses on all sides.

1.2 The applicant and the objector both have existing accesses to rear of their properties. Access to both sites is from Park Street.

1.3 The applicant is seeking planning permission for the erection of an extension to an existing domestic lock-up garage. The proposed garage will increase the size of the existing garage to 7.7 metres wide by 7.1 metres long. The garage will be finished in materials to match the existing.


2.1 One letter of objection has been received from an adjoining neighbour in relation to this application The objection is on the following grounds:

a) The applicant has no motor car, but owns 2 small vans. b) The appearance of the garage is that of a commercial property and not that of a domestic garage. c) The existing garage has constant hammering and banging coming from it. d) The objectors access is obstructed by vehicles parking on Park Street, visiting the application site.


3.1 On detailed assessment on the application it is considered that the extended garage proposed would be acceptable on the site in terms of design, scale and materials. Indeed, the garage, as extended, would integrate suitably within the location without having any adverse effects on amenity or road safety. In effect there are no material planning reasons to refuse the proposal.

On the grounds of the objection received, the following response is made:

This particular issue has already been raised and the applicant has confirmed that the garage will be used for domestic purposes only.

This garage is similar in appearance to many double domestic lock-up garages already approved within the area. Therefore no adverse visual impact is anticipated.

The objector has advised that there is noise emanating from the garage. The site has recently been visited and no evidence of commercial activity has been found. This situation will continue to be monitored in accordance with the normal procedure. In any event a condition would be attached to the consent to ensure the garage is used for domestic purposes only.

With regard to the access to the objector’s garage entrance being restricted. It is noted that Park Street is a public road with no restrictions. Cars can park freely on this street. If the accesses are blocked, it is a matter of course for the Police and not a relevant planning consideration in the assessment of the proposal.


4.1 Taking the above into account it is recommended that consent is granted subject to the attached conditions.

R9901537.DOC Application No. C/99/0 1545AJL Date registered 29 November 1999 APPLICANT MRS E GREENAWAY


Ward No. 44 Grid Reference 277028666704

File Reference C/PL/38730/00 18/0/000/RT/ES

Site History 93077 Use of Ground for Siting of Mobile Hot Food Van - Granted 23 April 1993. 95072 Use of Ground for Siting of Mobile Hot Food Van (Renewal of Time Limited Consent) - Granted 28 April 1995. C/97/287 Use of Ground for Siting of Mobile Hot Food Van - Refused 3 September 1997. C/97/460/FUL Use of Ground for Siting of Mobile Hot Food Van (Renewal of Time Limited Consent) - Granted 10 December 1997.

Development Plan ECON2 (Existing General Industrial Area)

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Neighbours No Response

Newspaper Advertisement No Response

COMMENTS The applicant seeks to renew a temporary planning consent for the retention of a snack bar located to the western side of the Jet Petrol Station, Stirling Road, Airdrie.

As this renewal of consent raises no new traffic or other planning issues, I have no objection to the use being continued for a further 2 years.


Grant, subject to the following conditions.

1. That the permission hereby granted is for a temporary period only and shall expire on 19 January 2002.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control. Holehills

SIDE OF THE JET FILLING STATION, List of Background Papers

- Application Form and Plans - Adopted Monklands District Local Plan 1991

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Coatbridge 812375 and ask for Rosaleen Toal. APPLICATION NO. C/99/01545/FUL



1.1 The applicant seeks to renew a temporary consent for the retention of a snack bar located to the western side of the Jet Petrol Filling Station, Stirling Road, Airdrie

1.2 The applicant site relates to an area of flat hardstanding situated near the entrance to the petrol station. The site is bounded to the north by rough grazing land, to the east by a disused railway line, to the south by the petrol station and to the west by the A73 trunk road. There is parking provision for approximately 3 no. vehicles immediately adjacent to the site.


2.1 Although the proposal was advertised as bad neighbour development in the Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertiser on 8 December 1999, no representations were received. a 3.0 OBSERVATIONS

3.1 Previous planning applications 93077 and 95072 (dated 23 April 1993 and 28 April 1995 respectively) were granted permission on a temporary basis as the proposals raised no significant planning problems at those points in time.

3.2 However as Members will recall, planning permission U971287 was refused on 3 September 1997 for the renewal of the time limited consent as the snack van was considered to be detrimental to road safety.

3.3 The applicant subsequently submitted a mher application which demonstrated that the site was sufficiently large to accommodate satisfactory off-street parking provision and also included the erection of traffic bollards along the footway at Stirling Road. Permission was then granted under C/97/00460/FUL dated 10 December 1997.


4.1 As this renewal of consent raises no new traffic or other planning issues, I have no objection to the use being continued for a hrther 2 years.


Ward No. 20 Grid Reference 290745 664465

File Reference S/PL/B/l7/79(92)/CLWJM

0 Site History Viewfield House was converted from a Masonic Hall to a dwellinghouse in 1999 (Planning ref S/98/01145/FUL)

Development Plan Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft) - Community Facility Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection SEPA East, Coal Authority, NLC Community Services Conditions West of Scotland Water No Reply


Neighbours No Response Newspaper Advertisement Not Required

COMMENTS This is an outline planning application for a residential development on a site which extends into the boundaries of West Lothian. A planning application has also been submitted to West Lothian.

The site forms part of the garden ground of Viewfield House, a large detached Victorian villa (until recently used as a Masonic Hall) on the main road through Harthill. The entire development site extends to 0.24 hectares, with 0.09 hectares within North Lanarkshire. The applicant has submitted indicitive sketch plans showing that the entire site can accommodate 5 houses.

Although the site is zoned in the Finalised Draft Local Plan as a ‘Community Facility’, this reflected the previous use of Viewfield House as a Masonic Hall. Given the recent conversion of the Hall to a dwellinghouse, I would suggest that this zoning is no longer relevant, and that the principal of housing on this site is acceptable.

There are large differences in ground levels between the site and the adjoining road, and this will necessitate the importation of inert fill material.

Although the site is covered by some trees, they are not mature and do not make a significant contribution to the visual amenity of the area.

Despite the loss of a significant area of garden ground, Viewfield House will still retain a large area of private garden ground. The site is considered to be capable of being developed without harming the visual amenity and character of the area, or the residential amenity of adjoining residential properties.

I have no objections to this proposal and would recommend that planning permission be granted. In its current form, the development cannot proceed without the West Lothian section also being approved. Although West Lothian has yet to make a decision, it is likely that it will look upon its application favourably.


Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That before development starts, a further planning application shall be submitted to the Planning Authority in respect of the following reserved matters:- (a) the siting, design and external appearance of all buildings and other structures; (b) the means of access to the site; (c) the layout of the site, including all roads, footways, and parking areas; (d) the details of, and timetable for, the hard and soft landscaping of the site; (e) details for management and maintenance of the areas identified in (d) above; (f) the design and location of all boundary walls and fences; (8) the provision of drainage works; (h) the disposal of sewage; (i) details of existing trees, shrubs and hedgerows to be retained; (i) details of existing and proposed site levels.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

2. That within three years of the date of this permission, an application for approval of the reserved matters, specified in condition 1 above, shall be made to the Planning Authority. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

3. That notwithstanding the generality of condition (1) above, the vehicular access shall comply with the following requirements:

(a) connection to East Main Street to be 10.5 metres wide dropped kerb (b) access road to be 5.5 metres wide (c) access to serve no more than 5 dwellinghouses (d) maximum gradient to be 10%

Reason: In the interests of road safety.

4. That the infill material to be used to alter the ground levels shall comprise inert hardcore material (as described in letter from G. A. Johnstone dated 1/10/99) or any other type of e inert material to be agreed in advance by the Planning Authority. Reason: To define the permission and to ensure the use of suitable infill materials in the interests of sound land management.

5. That before any works commence on site, all parts of the site to be developed shall be stripped of top soil, and this shall be stored in mounds (in a location to be agreed in advance by the Planning Authority) and this shall then be used on garden areas/landscaped areas etc within the development site.

Reason: In the interests of sound soil management.

6. That notwithstanding the generality of condition (1) above, houses to the north of the site shall be a maximum of 1% storeys in height (with any upper floor windows orientated away from 5 Polkemmet Lane) and houses to the south of the site shall be a maximum of 2 storeys in height.

Reason: In order to define the permission, and to protect the privacy and amenity of adjoining properties.

7. That notwithstanding the generality of condition (l), all roof tiles shall be slate grey in colour.

Reason: To ensure that the development complements the adjoining area, and to ensure a unity of its appearance.

8. That for the avoidance of doubt, the house types and layout shown in plan no. 001/OP(A) (including details of alterations to the wall on East Main Street) is for information purposes only and does not have planning permission.

Reason: In order to define the permission. List of Background Papers

Application form and accompanying plans Letter from G.A. Johnstone dated 14/10/99 Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft Letter from West of Scotland Water dated 12/8/99 Letter from The Coal Authority dated 10/8/99 Letter from SEPA dated 16/9/99 Memo from NLC Community Services dated 22/9/99

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302102 and 0 ask for Mr Kellock. Application No. s/99/0 1231 /FUL Date registered 14 September 1999 APPLICANT MR & MRS D CURRIE, 45 HARVEST DRIVE, MOTHERWELL Agent Mr W S Browning, 43 St. Lukes Avenue, Carluke DEVELOPMENT EXTENSION TO DWELLINGHOUSE LOCATION 45 HARVEST DRIVE, MOTHERWELL

Ward No. 11 Grid Reference 274930655501

File Reference

Site History

Development Plan Established Housing Area Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft)

Contrary to a Development Plan No CONSULTATIONS

Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Neighbours No Response Newspaper Advertisement Not Required

COMMENTS This application seeks planning consent for a single storey extension to form a study, family room and extension to the existing kitchen to the rear of the detached dwellinghouse at 45 Harvest Drive, Motherwell. In order to accommodate the extension an existing conservatory is to be demolished. No letters of objection have been received, however, I am of the opinion that the proposed extension, due to its close proximity to a boundary fence is such that the proposed development, if granted, would be detrimental to the amenity of adjoining residents and the surrounding residential area. I, therefore, recommend that planning consent be refused. In view of the recommendation the applicant has requested a site visit and hearing. ~ Prodwedby Planning Application No. S/99/0123I/FUL ' Department of Plsnning end Environment Southern Division 303 Branden Street Extension to Dwellinghouse MOTHERWELL Y\ MLl IRS A RelmduCed from the Ordnance SUNIY mamlm with the perml$sion ofthe Controller of herMa&i Telephone 01698302100 Fa01698302101 1:1250 Stationery Office 0 Crown oopyrighl 45 Harvest Drive, Motherwell Unsuthariscd reoroduolion Infmms Crown coovrioht i OS License L4 09041L RECOMMENDATION Refuse, on the following grounds:-

1. Having regard to the relationship to existing residential properties the proposed development would give rise to a serious overlooking problem which would be prejudicial to the amenity and environment of the surrounding residential properties.

2. If this proposal were permitted the Council would find it difficult to resist similar proposals on other nearby properties the cumulative effect of which would be to the detriment of the amenity of the surrounding residential properties.

List of Background Papers a Planning Application and accompanying plans registered 14/9/99 Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft) Letter dated 3rd December 1999 from Mr D Currie Letter dated 21/12/99 from Mr Browning (agent) acting on behalf of Mr & Mrs D Currie

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302 128 and ask for Mary Hogg. APPLICATION NO. S/99/0 123 1/FUL



1.1 This application relates to a proposed extension to a dwellinghouse at 45 Harvest Drive, Motherwell.

1.2 The dwellinghouse is located within an established residential area of Motherwell, off Camp Road south west of the Town Centre. The estate has a mixture of two storey detached and semi-detached properties as well as single storey bungalows.

1.3 In this particular part of Harvest Drive the rear garden ground of 5 of the dwellinghouses back onto the side garden boundary of dwellinghouses in Shirley Quadrant. There is a marked difference in ground levels between the dwellinghouses in Harvest Drive and Shirley Quadrant. 0 The single storey bungalows in Shirley Quadrant being overlooked by the dwellinghouses in Harvest Drive.

1.4 The dwellinghouse subject to this application is a detached two storey property with a conservatory to the rear and a detached garage. The rear garden ground is approximately 7 metres in length and is stepped with a retaining wall because of the difference in ground levels within the rear garden area. There is a further change in ground level at the rear garden boundary fence where the ground drops considerably to form the garden ground area of 1 Shirley Quadrant.

1.5 The proposed single storey extension is approximately 46.7 square metres in area, the actual footprint of the original dwellinghouse measure approximately 46.5 square metres in area. It should be noted that this measurement excludes the upper floor area. In addition the proposed extension measures some 9.2 metres in breadth the original dwellinghouse being 6 metres in breadth.

1.6 The existing rear conservatory which did not require planning consent is to be demolished so that the proposed extension can be constructed to the side and rear of the property. The proposed extension comprises of a side entrance vestibule with storage space, a study; family room and an extension to an existing kitchen to form a kitchen breakfasting area. All windows are located on the rear elevation of the proposed extension overlooking the property and garden ground at 1 Shirley Quadrant less than 3 metres away from a mutual garden boundary fence.

1.7 In addition, while the proposed extension’s ground floor level is to be lower than that of the existing conservatory and nearer to the mutual boundary wall than the existing conservatory, the nature of the living space to be created that is a study, family room and kitchen are main habitable rooms greatly used and therefore the potential for overlooking would be increased considerably. 2. OBSERVATIONS

2.1 Although no letters of objection have been received in relation to the proposed extension by any of the adjoining neighbours I am of the opinion that the proposed extension is unacceptable on the following grounds.

2.2 Having regard to the shape of the rear garden ground of the dwellinghouse I am of the opinion that the scale and size of the proposed extension would come very close to the adjacent property.

2.3 In addition, the size scale and design of the proposed extension in relation to the limited rear garden ground area, the difference in ground levels, and its close proximity to existing residential properties, would give rise to serious overlooking problems which would impact greatly on the amenity and environment of the adjacent residential properties.

2.4 Finally, if the proposal were permitted by the Council, it would be difficult to resist similar proposals on other nearby properties. The cumulative effect of such developments would be to the serious detriment of the amenity of adjacent properties.

2.5 Discussions took place between my department, the applicant and agent to try and resolve this matter. In particular it would be possible to reduce the potential impact of any overlooking on the privacy of the garden of the adjacent properties. However, the applicant was and is unwilling to amend his proposal

2.6 The applicant and agent were informed that the application would be put before the January Planning and Environment Committee for determination with a likely recommendation for refusal of the proposed extension to the dwellinghouse. In view of this proposed recommendation the applicant requested a site visit and hearing by the Planning and Environment Committee. Application No. S/99/01403/FUL Date registered 27th October 1999 APPLICANT PROPERTY SERVICES, BANK OF SCOTLAND, 12 BANKHEAD CROSSWAY SOUTH,SIGHTHILL, EDINBURGH, EH1 1 4EN Agent George Sharkey & Sons, Newhailes Industrial Estate, Musselburgh, EH21 6SY DEVELOPMENT ALTERATION TO SHOPFRONT AND INSTALLATION OF ATM LOCATION 120-122 NORTH ROAD, BELLSHILL

Ward No. 30 Grid Reference 273242660860

File Reference S/PL/B/7/93(204)DNJM

Site History July 1998- permission granted by Secretary of State for Scotland for change of use of vacant shop to hot food take away

Development Plan Bellshill and Local Plan - Policy H2 (Established Residential Area) Southern Area Local Plan, Finalised Draft - Policy HSG8 (Established Housing Area)

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply

REPRESENTATIONS * Neighbours One letter of objection Newspaper Advertisement Not Required

COMMENTS The applicant seeks planning permission for the installation of an automated teller machine (ATM) in a shop frontage next to the post office in North Road, Bellshill. The installation of the machine would necessitate alterations to the (as yet unoccupied) shop, involving relocation of a door and new blockwork to seal the former entrance. A notified neighbour has objected to the proposed development and her objections together with my observations, are detailed in the attached report.


Grant, subject to the following conditions:- I 1 Produced by Planning Application No. S/99/01403/FUL Depanment of Planning and Envlronmsnt 1 Southern Dlvlrlon Alteration to Shopfront and Installation of ATM 303 Brandon Street I MOTHERWELL I ML' lRS North Road Post Office, 120 North Road, Bellshill A Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping wlth the permislion of the COntlOllei of her Majesty D Telephone 01698 302100 Fax 01698 302101 1:1250 stationery Office 0 Crown Copyright Unauthorised iCpiOduCtion InfilngBs Clown copyright and may lead 10 proEecutlln OlClYli proceedings ' os LlcanceL409041L * Location of Obiector 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

List of Background Papers e Application form and plans dated 27/10/99 Mothemell District Council, Bellshill and Mossend Local Plan North Lanarkshire Council, Southern Area Local Plan, Finalised Drafi Letter from Mrs Milligan, 124 North Road, Bellshill, dated 5/11/99

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302090 and ask for Mr Ashman. APPLICATION No. S/99/0 1403/FUL



1.1 The applicant seeks planning permission for the installation of an automated teller machine (ATM) in a shop frontage adjacent to the post office in North Road, Bellshill. The installation of the machine would necessitate alterations to the shopfront, in particular the relocation of a door and new blockwork with rendering to seal the former entrance.

1.2 The shop unit is located in a group of two, situated in a mainly residential area. It sits to the rear of a bus stop on North Road. This small group of shops has been the subject of several planning applications in recent years, the most recent being a planning permission granted on appeal by the Secretary of State for Scotland for a change of use from a vacant shop to a hot food take away. At the time of writing, this permission has not been implemented. e 2. REPRESENTATIONS 2.1 One letter of objection has been received from a notified neighbour who lives immediately adjacent to the site. Her objection centres on her expectations that the ATM will increase the level of traffic on North Road. She also refers to existing parking problems in the vicinity of her property where, it is stated, people park across her driveway.

Finally, she questions the need for this facility given the availability of ATMs and parking space in Bellshill town centre.


3.1 There are no development plan issues raised by this proposal. The issues raised by the objector are the main ones to be considered in this instance, although reference should also be made to the recent appeal decision in respect of this site because the same issues previously came under scrutiny. e 3.2 Whether or not the ATM would generate its own level of vehicle based custom cannot be proved. It is likely that pedestrian as well as vehicle based custom will be generated, although whether or not this would add significantly to existing traffic already passing or visiting the site cannot be stated with any certainty.

3.3 It is possible that extra parking could be generated by the proposal. However, the Council sought rehsal of the previous application for a change of use of the vacant shop to a hot food take away on grounds which included reference to increased levels of vehicular parking in the vicinity of the site being to the detriment of road safety. However, this was dismissed by the Secretary of State on two grounds which are pertinent to the current proposal. Firstly, observations show that long term parking is not an issue at this locus, with people making short stay trips. Visits to an ATM would be no different. Secondly, there are no on-street parking restrictions at the site, suggesting that the Council is not actively discouraging parking in this area. Circumstances have not significantly changed in the past 18 months since the Secretary of State’s decision was issued. Although each application has to be assessed on merit, the assessment context for this particular site has been established by the previous appeal decision. It should also be noted that this is the same application site, if not necessarily, the same type of application.

3.4 The objector also refers to existing parking problems in the vicinity of her premises. None of this can be attributed to the current applicants, and indeed there can be little planning control or influence over individuals who park in a discourteous manner.

3.5 Finally, with respect to the comment regarding the need for an ATM at this locus, it is a matter outwith the remit of planning legislation and one for market forces to decide.


4.1 I have considered all relevant issues to this application, particularly those related to vehicular traffic, but conclude that there are no reasonable grounds to recommend rehsal of the proposal. Accordingly, it is recommended that planning permission be granted. Application No. S/99/0 1420lFUL Date registered 8 November 1999 APPLICANT IMEX ENTERPRISE LTD., FOUNTAIN BUSINESS CENTRE, ELLIS STREET, COATBRIDGE ML5 3AA Agent Ian F Thomson Chartered Architects Unit 14, Fountain Business Centre, Ellis Street, Coatbridge DEVELOPMENT CHANGE OF USE FROM CARPET DISTRIBUTION TO CARPET DISTRIBUTION AND RETAIL OUTLET LOCATION UNIT 11, TRACTION HOUSE, 1 TINKERS LANE, MOTHERWELL

Ward No. 1 Grid Reference

File Reference S/PL/B/13/8(54)/DMcF/AB

Site History Former bus garage now converted into a business centre with various units. This unit has been operating as a carpet retail outlet without planning permission for approximately 6 months.

Development Plan Other Commercial Uses on the Finalised Draft Southern Area Local Plan

Contrary to Development Plan Yes


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Neighbours No Response Newspaper Advertisement No Response

COMMENTS This proposal for a part retail outlet at unit 11 of the Traction Business Centre seeks to formalise a retail operation which has been operating from this site for a number of months without the benefit of planning permission. The proposal is contrary to the development plan and I consider that although it is claimed that the retailing element is only a small part of the operation, the ability to control effectively this part of the business will prove difficult. This type of retailing activity prejudices the Council’s efforts to reinforce the viability of existing town centres. I therefore recommend that for the reasons outlined in the following report, planning permission should be refused. Planning Application No. S/99/01420/FUL LANARKSHIRE ProducedDepartment by of Planning and Eovirvnmsnt

Sournern303 Brandon Division Street Change of Use from Carpet Distribution to MOTHERWELL MLI 1RS Carpet Distribution and Retail Outlet RipmdYsed from the 0rdn.n- SYNW mlQQiqWnh A the pmk.lon of the CDntmlier of her MajsrW Telephone 01698 302100 Fax OS98 302101 1.1250 statbmy omce B crown sopyr~rn Block 1, Traction House, Tinkers Lane, Motherwell UWhD1IIud leQrOdYCtlOn Idring.. Cmwn WQYdght os Ltcsncs LA 09041L and may lead to prosecullon01 sbll piosndlngs RECOMMENDATION Refuse, on the following grounds:-

1. That the proposed development would be contrary to provisions of policy RTLl of the Southern Area Finalised Draft Local Plan in that the site is outwith an established town centre.

2. That the proposed development would be contrary to provisions of policy RTL3 of the Southern Area Finalised Draft Local Plan in that the site is outwith an identified retail warehouse area.

3. That the proposed development would be contrary to the terms of policy RTL4 of the Southern Area Finalised Local Plan in that the operation would adversely affect the vitality and viability of nearby existing centres and have a detrimental impact on the running of the Traction House Business Centre. a List of Background Papers

Application and plans dated 811 1/99 Southern Area Finalised Draft Local Plan Memo dated 19th November 1999 from Protective Services Division Memo dated 24th November 1999 from Environmental Control Manager Memo dated 28th November 1999 from Transportation Team Manager

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302 125 and ask for David McFarlane. APPLICATION NO: S/99/0 1420/FUL



1.1 The site lies within the former Traction House bus garage which has been subdivided into industrial and business units of various sizes. While NLC continue to support the use of this site as a business and industrial area it has been made clear to the site owners that no retail activity would be acceptable.

1.2 Approximately 6 months ago the applicant established a carpet sales business at the site clearly aimed at the general retail market. This activity has been monitored and the proprietor advised that such activity is contrary to policies of the Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft). In order to regularise the continued retail activity this planning application has been submitted to seek consent to part use the site for carpet sales along with the non contentions carpet distribution operation.


2.1 The site is zoned as an area for Commercial uses on the Finalised Draft Southern Area Local Plan. The use of the site for storage and distribution therefore does not present any difficulties in policy terms. The retail element of the proposal is more problematic however in that the Southern Area Finalised Draft Local Plan seeks to maintain and enhance the pattern of retail provision by

0 directing major retail developments to the established town centres where appropriate development or redevelopment opportunities are available. 0 directing minor retail developments to established town centres, village and neighbourhood shopping areas and to areas of major industrial/business and housing development. However this will only occur where such provision can be supported by an appropriate catchment population, is compatible with adjoining uses, does not undermine the visibility and viability of existing town, village and neighbourhood shopping centres, and is not environmentally damaging.

2.2 The proposed retail use fails when assessed against the above local plan policies which direct retail developments to existing centres. Whilst this proposal may be of a minor nature, however, I do not consider that it can be justified on this site, given the present level and type of usage already operating from the Business Centre. Any retail operation would clearly undermine this present activity, signal a change in policy for future use of this area and undermine the Council’s attempts to support and sustain the current town centre strategy.

2.3 The Southern Area Finalised Draft Local Plan also seeks to resist proposals for the development of retail warehousing outwith the detail Warehouse Areas identified on the Local Plan proposals map. This proposal which involves the retailing of carpets is the type of development which could be located in either a retail warehouse area or a town centre area. There is no shortage of such premises in either of these identified retail locations and as such this proposal cannot be justified. 2.4 Originally the site operated as a bus garage and as such manoeuvring spaces for commercial vehicles was adequate. The site is now operating with a variety of commercial uses in a number of subdivided units with parking and servicing operating on a shared communal basis. The introduction of a retail outlet within this site would compromise this communal parking whilst bringing the general public into a mostly industrial and commercial zone. As it stands it is doubtful that the applicant can meet the Council’s normal car parking requirements without adversley affecting the parking arrangements for the remaining site.


3.1 As can be seen from the above, Local Plan policy for this site clearly indicates that no retailing activity will be acceptable on this site. That policy has been established to reinforce the viability of existing town centres. This proposal inay be sinal1 but, if granted, it would prejudice the Council’s ability to control any other retail proposals at this site, which could lead to the establishment of a new retail centre, Finally, it can be seen from the above that physically the site is not suitable as an area for public access. I therefore recommend that planning permission be refused. Application No. S/99/01421/FUL Date registered 8 November 1999 APPLICANT IMEX ENTERPRISE LTD., FOUNTAIN BUSINESS CENTRE, ELLIS STREET, COATBRIDGE ML5 3AA Agent Ian F Thomson, Chartered Architect, Unit 14, Fountain Business Centre, Ellis Street, Coatbridge DEVELOPMENT CHANGE OF USE OF WORKSHOP UNIT TO FORM CAFETERIA AND HOT FOOD CARRY OUT FACILITY LOCATION UNIT 8, BLOCK 1, TRACTION HOUSE, TINKERS LANE, MOTHERWELL

Ward No. 1 Grid Reference 274323 656595

File Reference S/PL/B/ 13/8(5 8)/DMcF/AB

Site History Former bus garage now converted into a business centre with various a units, this unit has been operating as a hot food carry out and cafeteria for approximately 9 months.

Development Plan Other Commercial Uses on the Finalised Draft Southern Area Local Plan

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply

REPRESENTATIONS e Neighbours No Response Newspaper Advertisement One letter of objection

COMMENTS This proposal is a retrospective application for the use of a unit in the business centre which has been formed by subdividing the former Traction House bus garage. The unit does not have a street frontage and whilst aimed at providing a facility for local workers, trade outside the business centre boundaries is also being promoted. An adjacent competitor has objected to the operation of a hot food carry out business on the basis that because the applicant is selling outwith the boundaries of the business centre then competition for trade will increase unfairly. This is a trade objection which cannot be considered as a valid planning matter. The proposal does not raise any significant land use issues and I consider that it provides an additional facility for locals and workers in Garage this area of Motherwell. I therefore recommend that planning permission be granted.

RECOMMENDATION Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall, if required, submit details of effective methods of disposing of cooking smells, for consideration and approval of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that no smell nuisance emanates from the premises.

2. That any ventilation equipment approved under the terms of condition 1 above shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. a Reason: To ensure that no smell nuisance emanates from the premises.

3. That full details of refuse disposal shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure the clean and tidy operation of the facility.

4. That the refuse disposal methods which have been approved under the terms of condition 3 above shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure the clean and tidy operation of the facility.

c) List of Background Papers

Application form and plans dated 8/11/99 Southern Area Finalised Draft Local Plan Memo dated 17th November 1999 from Protective Services Division Memo dated 23rd November 1999 from Environmental Control Manager Letter dated 30th November 1999 from W Nelson 220 Hamilton Road, Motherwell

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302 125 and ask for David McFarlane. Application No. S/99/0 1423/FUL Date registered 8th November 1999 APPLICANT BRAKE BROS FOODSERVICE LTD ENTERPRISE HOUSE EUREKA SCIENCE & BUSINESS PARK, ASHFORD, KENT Agent Freeman Wilson & Clay, 36 Knight Street, Shawbridgeworth, Herts DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION OF COLD AND CHILL STORE, OFFICES, PLANT ROOM GATEHOUSE & ASSOCIATED CAR PARKING LOCATION INCHINNAN ROAD, BELLSHILL

Ward No. 24 Grid Reference 272550 661008

File Reference S/PL/B/7/25(333)/SP/JM

Site History 98/264/FUL - Extension to car park granted for temporary period until 23/03/03

Development Plan Bellshill and Mossend Local Plan 1985 : Industry Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft 1998 : Industry

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection West of Scotland Water Conditions No Reply


Neighbours No Response Newspaper 0 Advertisement Not Required

COMMENTS This application is for the construction of a 4663m2 extension on a 1.6 hectare site to the south of the existing Brake Bros. Foodservices Ltd development within the Motherwell Food Park at Inchinnan Road, Bellshill. Brake Bros. are involved in the low temperature storage and distribution of food.

Brake Bros. propose to construct an extension to their existing facility to provide offices, a new cold store and chill store with a raised storage gallery to allow employees to select produce from the store in the preparation of customer orders. Associated car parking will also be provided within the site. A separate gate house for security staff will be constructed at the front of the existing building close to the site entrance in Inchinnan Road. A further area of land to the south of the application site has been identified for future expansion. Produced by Department of Planning and Envlronmsnt Planning Application No. S/99/014231FUL 303 sranaon street Construction of Cold and Chill Store, Offices, Plant Room, Gatehouse 1 MOTHERWELLMLI IRS

and Associated Car Parking ~ A Reproduced from the ordnance SUNW m~pp~ngwith theStationsry pElmlrllDn Olnce Of the0 Crown CentmllFr oopyrlght of her Malerhir

~ Telaphone01688302100 FPX 01698 302101 1:2500 Unauthomed reprDductlon inlrmges Crown copyright Brake Bros Limited, lnchinnan Road, Bellshill P~OPBCU~IO~CIVII I OS Licence LA 09041L ma ~EYlela to or proceedings The facility currently operates three shifts, seven days per week. It is anticipated that the extension will increase the number of employees on site from 93 to a maximum of 103.

The proposal is in accordance with the development plan which covers the area and no objections from consultees or neighbours have been received.

In concluding, the site proposed for development lies within the well established Motherwell Food Park within Bellshill. The site layout and design of the extension are considered to be compatible with the existing adjacent building. The proposal represents a significant investment of 24.5 million in the Bellshill area and should be welcomed. It is recommended, therefore, that permission be granted subject to the following conditions.


Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and location of all fences and walls to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

3. That before any part of the development hereby permitted is brought into use, all the fences, or walls, as approved under the terms of condition 2 above, shall be erected.

Reason: In the interests of amenity.

4. That the facing materials to be used for the external walls and roof shall match in colour and texture those of the existing adjoining building.

Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the surrounding industrial area. 5. That before any part of the development hereby permitted is brought into use, all the parking and manoeuvring areas shown on the approved plans, shall be levelled, properly drained, surfaced in a material which the Planning Authority has approved in writing before the start of surfacing work and clearly marked out, and shall, thereafter, be maintained as parking and manoeuvring areas.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the site.

6. That the surface water drainage system for the development site shall incorporate petrol/oil interceptors to the requirements of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To minimise the potential for pollution of national watercourses in the interests of amenity and conservation.

List of Background Papers

Application form and plans dated 29/10/99 Letters from Freeman Wilson & Clay (agents) dated 29/10/99, 5/11/99, 30/11/99 and 7/12/99 Bellshill and Mossend Local Plan 1985 Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft 1998 Letter from West of Scotland Water dated 18/11/99 Memo from Protective Services Division, NLC, dated 25/11/99 Memo from Transportation Team Manager (South) dated 10/12/99

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302098 and ask for Shirley Penman. Application No. S/99/0 143O/FUL Date registered 3 November 1999 APPLICANT MS SHER MOHAMMED, 22 OCHIL STREET, WISHAW, ML2 7QA Agent DEVELOPMENT SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION TO FORM STORE AREA LOCATION 22 OCHIL STREET, WISHAW, ML2 7QA

Ward No. 6 Grid Reference 278560 65553 I

File Reference S/PL/B/11/1(65)/MH/AB

Site History

Development Plan Established Housing Area on the Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft)

0 Contraryto Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Strathclyde Police Conditions No Reply


Neighbours Petition with 27 signatories, 5 letters of objection Newspaper Advertisement Not Required e COMMENTS This application seeks planning consent for a single storey flat roofed extension to form an additional storage area to the rear of the licensed grocers shop at 22 Ochil Street, Wishaw. A petition with 27 signatories has been received and 5 letters of objection. In addition Councillor Lunny has expressed concerns regarding the proposed development. In considering the objections I am of the opinion that the granting of consent for the proposed storage extension will have no or little adverse effect on the surrounding area and therefore recorninend that the application be granted.

RECOMMENDATION Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission Planning Application No. S199/0143O/FUL

Produced~epsnment byof Plmnlno and Envlrnnmmr Single Storey Rear Extension to form Store Area

Southern333 Brandon DIvIston Street 22 Ochil Street, Wishaw MOTHERWELL MLl 1RS Telephone 01698 302100 FaX 01898 302101 Location of Objectors A * 1:1250 OS Licence iA 09041L Location of Petitioners Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That the facing materials to be used for the external walls and roof shall match in colour and texture those of the existing adjoining building.

Reason: To ensure the extension matches the external appearance of the existing building and thereby maintains the visual quality of the area.

List of Background Papers

Planning Application and Accompanying Plans dated 3/11/99 0 North Lanarkshire Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft) Petition with 27 signatories received 8/1 1/99 from Mr & Mrs Henderson Letter from E Vinesy dated 104 1/99 Letter from Mrs J O’Neil dated 10/11/99 Letter from Mr & Mrs A McKay dated 104 1/99 Letter from Ms M Laverty received 15/11/99 Letter from Mr P Quigley dated 14/11/99

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302 128 and ask for Mary Hogg. APPLICATION NO . S/99/0 143O/FUL



1.1 This application relates to a proposed extension to a licensed grocers shop at 22 Ochil Street, W isliaw.

1.2 The shop lies within the established housing area of Wishawhill, north east of Wishaw Town Centre and south of Wishaw Golf Course.

1.3 The road next to the shop is substandard measuring 3 metres in width and is part of a one way traffic system operating within the immediate area.

1.4 To the east of the shop is a small area of public open space, to the west is a vacant council garage area which is used by a number of residents to access garages and car parking bays located within the rear garden ground of their dwellinghouses. To the north of the shop beyond Ochil Street is a large area of public open space.

1.5 The shop is a small single storey property with a flat roof which slopes down from front to rear. A small storage area exists to the rear of the shop and the intention is to further extend the rear of the shop to create a much needed larger storage area for stock.

1.6 The area of ground to the rear of the shop is triangular in shape and to maximise its use the proposed extension will be a triangular structure with a flat roof. Access to the storage area will be from the existing shop and a single door on the proposed extension next to the vacant council garage area.


2.1 Strathclyde Police have no objections to the proposal.

3. OBJECTIONS e 3.1 A petition with 27 signatories and 5 letters of objection have been received from residents in the immediate vicinity of the shop. Councillor Lunny has expressed some concern regarding the proposed storage extension. The grounds of objection are detailed below:

- The proposal would cause drainage problems to adjacent garden ground. - The site of the proposed storage extension is used for anti social behaviour and general loitering. The granting of consent of the storage area would only exacerbate this situation. - Granting of consent of the storage area would only increase the problems of litter, noise and traffic congestion in the vicinity of the shop.


4.1 I note the concerns that the proposed storage extension may cause drainage problems to the adjacent garden ground. However, whilst I am satisfied that these matters can be adequately addressed they are essentially Building Control responsibility and not a planning matter. 4.2 The objectors’ concerns that the construction of the proposal would exacerbate the problems of anti social behaviour and loitering is noted. However, I am of the opinion that this would not be the case as the area of ground in question will be developed by the construction of the storage extension. In addition, the applicant has intimated he would be willing to erect a wooden fence and gates to restrict entry to the sides and rear of the property.

4.3 Finally, I am of the opinion that if granted the storage extension would not increase the existing problems of litter, noise and traffic congestion. The problem of litter is the result of customers using the facilities of the shop. The applicant in the past has provided litter bins which have been vandalised or turned over. I acknowledge that the storage extension would be nearer to adjacent residential properties however, the nature of the proposal should not impact greatly on the existing level of noise generated from the shop at present. With regard to traffic congestion, in creating a new larger storage area whilst there may be more deliveries this will be offset by the applicant being able to provide a wider range of goods and services for the benefit of the community as a whole.

4.4 For these reasons I consider the storage extension to the shop to be acceptable and therefore recommend planning consent be granted. Application No. S/99/0 1473EUL Date registered 10 November 1999 APPLICANT BELLCARS LTD., 457B MAIN STREET, MOSSEND ML4 1DA Agent DEVELOPMENT CHANGE OF USE FROM OFFICE TO TAXI BASE (7 DAYS, 24 HOURS) AND ERECTION OF MAST LOCATION 457B MAIN STREET, MOSSEND

Ward No. 28 Grid Reference 274126 660332

File Reference S/PL/B/7/47(195)/WLS/AB

Site History Building granted planning permission, 1995 Change of Use of upper floor to offices granted, 1996

Development Plan No significant land use change (Bellshill& Mossend Local Plan) 0 Commercial (Southern Area Local Plan Finalised Draft)

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Radio Communications Agency; Strathclyde Police Conditions No Reply


Neighbours No Response Newspaper Advertisement No Response

COMMENTS This application is for the change of use of an office to a taxi base, in an upper floor property at Main Street, Mossend. The premises have car parking at the rear, in a private car park, and to the front in on-street parking bays.

The office, which has recently begun operations, will be used as a base only, and taxis will not collect customers from the premises. No objections were received either from consultees or following a press advert.

RECOMMENDATION Grant, subject to the following condition:- PLANNING APPLICATION No. S / 99 / 01473 / FUL Produced by LANARKSHIRE ~epamentofPlanning and Environment SDYthem DIVILIO" 303 Brandon Street MOTHERWELL CHANGE OF USE FROM OFFICE TO TAXI BASE MLI IRS A RepmdUmd from the Ordnance SYNCY mapping WHh the prmiSIion of Ihe Conlroilcr of her MlleSNI Telephone 01698 302100 Fax 01688 502101 1.1250 stationely omce m crown Copyright 457b MAIN STREET, MOSSEND. UnauUlorlisdreprOdYCtlon Infrlngcs Cmwn copyright OS Llsenoe LA 09041 L and may lead to PmBscUtlon or chlll pioccedlngs 1. That the taxi radio base hereby permitted shall operate solely as a radio base and administrative office, and shall not be used as a waiting area for customers or be open to members of the public.

Reason: To discourage taxis calling at the premises to pick up passengers, in the interests of road safety and to safeguard the amenity of the nearby residents.

List of Background Papers

Application form and plans Letter dated 19 November 1999 Bellshilld2 Mossend Local Plan Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft) Letter dated 18 November 1999 from Radiocommunications Agency 0 Memo dated 29 November 1999 from Transportation Team Manager Letter dated 26 November 1999 from Strathclyde Police

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302088 and ask for Mr. Stevenson. Application No. 99910 148 1/FUL Date registered 9 November 1999 APPLICANT ROMAN ROAD HALL, 14 ROMAN ROAD, MOTHERWELL MLI 1us Agent Gordon Bryson, 15 Golf Gardens, Larkhall, ML9 2TQ DEVELOPMENT FORMATION OF CAR PARK LOCATION FORMER PLAY AREA, ROMAN ROAD, MOTHERWELL

Ward No. 2 Grid Reference

File Reference S/PL/B/ 13 /2(243)/DMcF/AB

Site History Former play area, now disused

Development Plan Established Leisure Facility on the Finalised Southern Area Local Plan

0 Contraryto Development Plan Yes


Objection No Objection Community Services Conditions No Reply Housing & Property


Neighbours One letter of objection Newspaper Advertisement No Response

0 COMMENTS This proposal is for an overflow car park for the Roman Road Hall at the former play area in Roman Road, Motherwell. The play area has been redundant for some years and whilst there has been one objection to the proposal, for the reasons outlined in the following report, I recommend that planning permission be granted.

RECOMMENDATION Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of a scheme for upgrading the boundaries of the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the adjoining residential area.

3. That before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, the scheme which has been approved under the terms of condition 2 above shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the adjoining residential area.

4. That before the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping, for the area hatched GREEN on the approved plans, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include:- (a) details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, grass seeding and turfing; (b) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted; (c) an indication of all existing trees and hedgerows, plus details of those to be retained, and measures for their protection in the course of development, (d) details of the phasing of these works.

Reason: These details have not been submitted.

5. That before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, the scheme which has been approved under the terms of condition 4 above shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the area.

6. That before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, all the parking and e manoeuvring areas shown on the approved plans, shall be levelled, properly drained, surfaced in a material which the Planning Authority has approved in writing before the start of surfacing work and clearly marked out, and shall, thereafter, be maintained as parking and manoeuvring areas.

Reason: In the interests of traffic and pedestrian safety.

7. That a visibility splay of 2.5 metres by 20 metres, measured from the road channel, shall be provided on both sides of the vehicular access and before the development hereby permitted is brought into use, everything exceeding 1.05 metres in height above the road channel level shall be removed from the sight line areas and, thereafter, nothing exceeding 1.05 metres in height above road channel level shall be planted, placed, erected, or allowed to grow, within these sight line areas.

Reason: To ensure safe visibility whilst exiting the site. 8. That before the development hereby permitted is brought into use a 2 metre wide footway should extend across the frontage of the site and extend southwards to connect with the existing footway.

Reason: In the interests of public safety.

9. Notwithstanding the requirement to provide a footway under the terms of condition 8 above, that footway shall incorporate a 7.5 metre length of dropped kerbline off Roman Road, leading to a 5.5 metre wide car park access.

Reason: In the interests of public safety.

10. That before the development hereby permitted is brought into use a 2 metre wide dropped kerb pedestrian crossing point shall be provided at the northern end of the frontage 0 footway required under the terms of condition 8 above.

Reason: In the interests of public safety.


1. If granted, this application will require to be referred to the Secretary of State for Scotland in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Notification of Applications) (Scotland) Direction 1997.

List of Background Papers

@ Application form and plans dated 911 1/99 Southern Area Finalised Draft Local Plan Memo dated 15/12/99 from Director of Community Services Letter dated 6/12/99 from Gooch Webster

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302 125 and ask for David McFarlane. APPLICATION NO: S/99/0 148 1/FUL



1.1 The site is that of a former play area at the south west end of Roman Road, Motherwell. It lies to the south of the Aquatec and is only separated from the Aquatec car park by a lane over which “The Untouchables” paint shop have a servitude right of access. The site has been disused as a play area for some time and has been declared surplus to requirements by NLC.

1.2 Following a marketing exercise several offers have been received, mostly for a residential use but including this proposal for a car park. This proposal is the only offer which has resulted in a planning application to date.

1.3 The proposal involves the establishment of an overflow car parking facility for the exclusive use of the Roman Road Hall membership. The submitted layout provides 36 spaces, with e access being gained from Roman Road. The surfacing would be a sealed surface at the entrance with road planings being proposed for the remaining greater part of the site. Landscape strips along the edges of the site are also proposed.


2.1 One letter of representation from the owner of an adjacent gap site has been received to the proposal and their concerns can be listed as follows.

- a car park will result in more noise and pollution in the area. - the proposal will reduce the possibility of achieving a wider redevelopment of the area incorporating his own site.


3.1 With regard to objectors concerns relating to increase in pollution levels, I do not consider any increase to be significant since the site will only be used when services and or other functions occur within the Roman Road Hall. The hall is used at present with vehicles using Roman Road itself as a parking area, these vehicles would merely be relocated from Roman Road into the proposed car park.

3.2 The expressed concerns relating to the possibility of a wider redevelopment of the site had in fact been the subject of discussion by the Council’s Head of Property prior to the marketing of the play area on its own. The individual owners including the objector were all contacted about this very possibility of a wider redevelopment area, however the proposed scheme was rejected. This proposal does not preclude a possible future wider redevelopment scheme providing the individual owners are willing to co-operate. 3.3 The site is zoned as an established leisure facility on the Finalised Draft Southern Area Local Plan. This zoning is no longer relevant since the site has lain vacant for some time with no demonstrable need for any additional leisure facilities in the area. I therefore consider that in land use terms a car park which is wanted by an existing facility in the area is acceptable and one that takes into account the changing needs of the area. Committee should note that because the Council has an interest in the land and the proposal is contrary to the development plan, if granted, the Secretary of State for Scotland will require to be notified.

3.4 Finally, for the Committee’s information, whilst I consider this proposal to be an acceptable in planning terms, I also consider that the site could be used for housing which had also been proposed during the marketing process. No formal application for housing has been submitted for consideration and this proposal has to be examined entirely on its merits.

3.5 In land use terms this proposal is acceptable and any stated objections are, in my view, not considered to be valid. I therefore consider that planning permission should be granted. Application No. S/99/0 1503/FUL Date registered 18 November 1999 APPLICANT M ASLAM, 1 HILLCREST AVENUE, WISHAW ML2 7RB Agent DEVELOPMENT FORMATION OF HOT FOOD TAKEAWAY LOCATION 1 HILLCREST AVENUE, WISHAW ML2 7RB

Ward No. 6 Grid Reference 278137 655359

File Reference S/PL/B/11/14(98)/GMcK/AB

Site History Planning consent refused for erection of fish restaurant and store in May 1983 (App. No. 73/83) Planning consent refused for erection of hairdressing salon and store in November 1983 (App. No. 376/83) Planning consent granted for extension to shop in August 1993 (App No. 307/93) Planning consent refused for extension to shop to forin hot food shop and erection of flue in February 1994 (App No. 533/93) Planning consent refused for extension to shop to forin hot food shop in January 1996 (App. No. 95/00644/FUL) Planning consent refused for extension to shop to forin hot food shop in August 1996 (App No. S/96/00195/FUL) Planning consent granted for erection of hair salon in December 1996 (S/96/00520/FUL)

Development Plan Established Housing Area, Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft)

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Neighbours Newspaper Advertisement Petition containing fifty five signatures and letter of objection from local councillor

COMMENTS This application seeks planning permission for the formation of a hot food takeaway at 1 Hillcrest Avenue, Wishaw. The application site is located within an Established Housing Area. A petition containing 5 5 signatures and a letter of objection from the Local Councillor have been Planning Application No. S199/01503/FUL Reduced by Formation of Hot Food Takeaway Depwlmcnl of FlmnlnQ .I ld Environment Southern Divivon 1 Hillcrest Avenue, Wishaw 303 Brandon Street MOTHERWELL MLI 1RS Location of Petitioners Telephone 01898 302100 Fu 01898 302101 A 9 Petitioners outwith Map Area 1:1250 OS bcance LA 09041L LetterF of Obiection received from Councillor Lunnv received in relation to this application. For the reasons contained in my accompanying report it is recommended that planning permission is refused.

RECOMMENDATION Refuse, on the following grounds:-

1. The proposed development is contrary to Policy HSGS of the Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft) in that the development would have an adverse affect on the amenity of an Established Housing Area.

2. The proposal cannot be justified when assessed against the criteria of Policy RTLl 1 of the Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft) in particular to criteria (1) the impact of the proposal on the character and amenity of adjoining properties and the surrounding environment and (2) the resulting mix of retail and non-retail uses. 0 3. The hot food takeaway would result in a reduction in the character and amenity of the locality in that it could encourage the congregation of people which would lead to increased noise and litter problems for adjoining residents to the detriment of the residential amenity of the area.

List of Background Papers

Application form and accompanying plans registered 18/11/99 Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft) One petition containing 55 signatures dated 22/11/99 from residents within the adjoining area Letter dated 2/12/99 from Councillor Lunny

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302 126 @ and ask for David Jones APPLICATION NO. S/99/0 1503/FUL



1.1 This application relates to the formation of a hot food takeaway at 1 Hillcrest Avenue, Wishaw. The application site is located at the corner of Glasgow Road and Hillcrest Avenue and is bounded by residential properties north, west and east. To the south, the site is bounded by Belhaven Products.

1.2 The proposed development would be formed within the extension to the applicant’s shop. The applicant intends to sell a mixture of hot and cold snacks and the proposed opening hours are 7 am to 4 pin.


In December 1996 planning permission was granted for the erection of a hair salon and an extension to the shop has been constructed. The work that has been completed however is contrary to the approved plans and after several discussions with the applicant regarding the use of the extension, the applicant submitted this application.

2.2 In January 1996 and in August 1996 planning permission was refised for the formation of a hot food takeaway on the grounds that the proposed development would result in a loss of character and amenity and would encourage the congregation of people in the evenings, leading to noise and litter problems in the locality. The current application differs from the previous applications, in that the applicant proposes to close the shop at 4 pin each evening.


3.1 One petition containing fifty five signatures has been received from residents of Glasgow Road, Hillcrest Avenue, Laurel Drive, The Broadway and Charles Street based on the following grounds:

a) Existing outlets within the area are sufficient to serve local demand.

b) Existing vandalism, graffiti and traffic problems would be exacerbated by allowing a food outlet at this location.

c) The existing shop already encourages the congregation of youths and the residents have had to suffer years of cleaning up refuse from the shop.

3.2 The local ward member has also written to object to the proposal.


4.1 The application site is located within a predominately residential area. Under Policy HSG8 of the Southern Area Local Plan (Finalised Draft) the Council will seek to protect the established character of existing housing areas by opposing development which is iiicoinpatible with a residential setting or adversely affects tlie amenity of an Established Housing Area.

4.2 The application is also classified as a Bad Neighbour Development and should preferably be located in Town Centre Areas, Secondary, Village or Neighbourhood Commercial Areas. In assessing applicatioiis of this type the Couiicil is required to colisider tlie potential impact the proposal would have 011 the character of the surrounding environment, the resulting mix of retail and non-retail uses, tlie detailed design elements of the scheme and the provisioiis made for vehicular access, servicing, parking and maiioeuvriiig .

4.3 Whilst the proposed development is considered to be able to meet access, parking, manoeuvring and servicing requirements and to be acceptable in term of design, it would conflict with the surrouiidiiig eiiviroiiinent causing iiuisaiice tlirough noise and litter to the detriment of the residential amenity of the area.

4.4 It would also appear that this area does seem to form an attraction for the coiigregation of people, particularly when the shop is open. Whilst considerable efforts have been made to 0 alleviate this situation by tlie residents and tlie local Coininuiiity Police the introduction of this use would still in my opiiiioii exacerbate this situation.

4.5 The objectors’ coiicerii that there are sufficient outlets within tlie area to serve local demand is noted. This however is not a plaiiiiiiig consideration.


5.1 The proposed development would be located within an Established Housing Area and would be contrary to local plan policy. It would be aii inappropriate use for the area and on tlie basis of the likelihood of the proposed development having aii adverse impact upon the amenity of the surrounding residents by introducing an increase in iiuisaiice and disturbance to the area, I recoininend that plaiiiiiiig permission is refbed. Application No. S/99/0 1504/FUL Date registered 17th November 1999 APPLICANT T.D.G. LOGISTICS, MOSSEND DISTRIBUTION CENTRE, CONDOR GLEN, EUROCENTRAL, MOTHERWELL Agent AEW Architects & Designers Ltd, Century House, St. Peter’s Square, Manchester DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION OF WAREHOUSE EXTENSION, CROSS DOCKING FACILITY AND EXTENDED RAIL LINK LOCATION CONDOR GLEN, EUROCENTRAL, MOTHERWELL

Ward No. 27 Grid Reference 275625 660658

File Reference S/PL/B/5/63(6l)/RMcI/JM

Site History Original consent for the T.D.G. Distribution Centre was granted in March 1995. The Centre is rail-served, but is not within the a Enterprise Zone. Development Plan Industrial

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions Coal Authority No Reply


Neighbours No Response Newspaper Advertisement Not Required

COMMENTS This S1.7 million extension to T.D.G.’s premises will provide a further 6300 sq. metres of warehouse space and 2000 sq. metres cross-docking facility which will allow containers to be wheeled through the building from railway wagons to road trailer units. The proposals also involve the provision of additional trailer parkinghardstanding, and an extension to the rail sidings serving the T.D.G. complex. There are no planning objections, and it is recommended that planning consent be granted for this further development at Eurocentral.


Grant, subject to the following conditions:- PLANNING APPLICATION NO: S/99/01504/FUL Rodyca4 by D.pmmnt of Flnnmp md Enwmmnl Soumm hmon 303 Brandon Soeel =TENSION TO DISTRIBUTION WAREHOUSE MOTHERWELL MLl 1RS AND EXTENSION OF RAIL SIDING AT

~~qh~oieoa302iwFU oiesa~ozioi TDG DISTRIBUTION, CONDOR GLEN os uunca U 0WlL EUROCENTRAL 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That prior to the warehouse extension hereby permitted being brought into use, a hrther 30 car parking spaces shall be provided within the application site.

Reason: To ensure that adequate parking facilities are available within the site to minimise the possibility of car parking taking place on the public road to the detriment of road safety.

3. That prior to the cross-docking facility hereby permitted being brought into use, a hrther 10 a car parking spaces shall be provided within the application site. Reason: To ensure that adequate parking facilities are available within the site to minimise the possibility of car parking taking place on the public road to the detriment of road safety.

4. That prior to the construction of any of the car parking required in terms of Conditions 2 or 3 above, details of the location and specification of the parking spaces shall be submitted to and for the approval of the Planning Authority.

Reason: In order that the Authority may assess the suitability of the car parking locatiodspecification in the interests of prospective users.

List of Background Papers

Application form and plans dated 17/11/99 Letter from Applicant dated 17/11/99 Letter from Coal Authority dated 28/11/99 Memo from Transportation Team Manager (Southern) dated 6/12/99

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302089 and ask for Mr McInnes. Application No. S/99/0 152WFUL Date registered 24th November 1999 APPLICANT DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND PROPERTY SERVICES, NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL, 26 MOTHERWELL ROAD, BELLSHILL Agent DEVELOPMENT CHANGE OF USE OF PUBLIC FOOTPATH TO PRIVATE GARDENGROUND LOCATION LANE BETWEEN 25 AND 27 CARRICK PLACE, BELLSHILL

Ward No. 30 Grid Reference 273735 661461

File Reference S/PL/B/7/9 5 ( 19 S)/DA/JM

Site History No significant site history

0 Development Plan Bellshill and Mossend Local Plan - Policy H2 (Existing Residential Area) Southern Area Local Plan, Finalised Draft - Policy HSGS (Established Housing Area)

Contrary to Development Plan No


Objection No Objection Conditions No Reply


Neighbours No Response Newspaper Advertisement Not Required

COMMENTS The applicant, the Housing and Property Services Department of the Council, seeks planning permission to close a lane within the Shirrel Estate in Bellshill by obtaining a consent for a change of use of the lane to garden ground. The ground would be incorporated within the garden ground of the resident at 25 Carrick Place. Activity within the lane, such as loitering, vandalism and associated use of offensive language has been the source of complaints to the Housing Department. Closure of the lane would help to alleviate these problems. It would also remove a through route from one part of the Estate to the other, although there remains an alternative route which may still be used. There are no objections to the proposal and it is recommended that planning permission be granted. It should be noted that the granting LANARKSHIRE 303 &Mda Shwt MOTHERWELL CHANGE OF USE OF PUBLIC FOOTPATH ML1 1RS TO PRIVATE GARDEN GROUND RW~lmrnh.~hmaSvv~~~*UI Tdephphooe Ole91130tlW Fa. 01BI 302101 h. pmwnof h. c&m~*r of hr~lwi 1:1250 mmnq omm. e ua +n. os Usmc. UOW41L LANE BETWEEN 25 AND 27 CARRICK PLACE, BELLSHILL Urnurnmud npodue(ipn !Mhm Cmm md MY*@ 10 parutbn OTMp.ocndm. of planning permission for the proposed development is only the first stage in the closure of the lane. A Footway Stopping-Up or Closure Order will also have to be promoted. Should the Committee approve the current application, a further report seeking authorisation for promotion of the order will be submitted to the next Committee.


Grant, subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission

Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2. That notwithstanding the terms of condition (1) above, development shall not begin until a finalised Footpath Closure Order is confirmed.

Reason: To ensure compliance with Footpath Closure Order procedures in terms of Sections 208-209 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

3. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and location of all fences to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To allow the Planning Authority to assess these matters in detail.

List of Background Papers

Application form and plans dated 24/11/99 Motherwell District Council, Bellshill and Mossend Local Plan (1985) North Lanarkshire Council, Southern Area Local Plan, Finalised Draft (1998)

Any person wishing to inspect the above background papers should telephone Motherwell 302090 and ask for Mr Ashman.