6.8.20  6.14.20




E. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 W. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX 6.8.20  6.14.20


WARM-UP WARM-UP WARM-UP WARM-UP WARM-UP WARM-UP WARM-UP EMOM x 6 MINUTES AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 3 SETS AMRAP x 5 MINUTES AMRAP x 4 MINUTES AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 2-3 ROUNDS (7 MIN CAP) MIN 1 - :45 Bike 16 Jumping Jacks :30 Lunges 5 Strict Press (WITH EMPTY BARBELL) 5 Inchworm + Push-up :30 MIN 2 - :45 Up-Downs 8 Alt. DB Bent Over Row :30 Ring Rows 10 Sit-ups 8/6 Cal Bike 10 Scap Pull Downs w/ Band 5/5 SA KB MIN 3 - :40 Good Mornings 8 Scap Push-ups :30 Mountain Climbers 20 Single Under 8 Clean 10 DB Sumo Deadlift 10 Hollow Rocks and/or 10 Glute 8 Sit-ups :30 Up-Downs 8 Hang Muscle Clean 10 Kipping Swings -Ups STRENGTH STRENGTH 8 Hang Power Clean 5/5 SA KB Upright High Pulls 5-5-5-5 STRENGTH STRENGTH 5-5-5-5 STRENGTH 10 Alt. Lunges Tempo Deadlift (1111) 5-5-5-5 5-5-5-5 Tempo Strict Press (1111) STRENGTH 2 SETS 5/5 SA KB w/:03 Hold Tempo (1111) Tempo Back (1111) EVERY 1:00 x 6 SETS 10 Single DB OH Tricep Extension Overhead every rep (Score is Weight) (Score is Weight) 1 High Hang Power Clean 15 Slow Banded Lat Pull-downs (Score is Weight) (Score is Weight) + 20 Alt. DB Curls STRENGTH WORKOUT WORKOUT 2 Hang Power Cleans ON A 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK... AMRAP x 13 MINUTES WORKOUT WORKOUT 3 ROUNDS -Rest as Needed b/t Sets- Build to a Heavy set of Complex... 12/10 Cal Bike FOR TIME FOR TIME 50 Double Unders (Score is Weight) 10 Deadlifts (135/95)|(95/65) 50 Tuck-ups 12-10-8 10 Push Press (115/75)|(95/65) (Score is Weight) 1 SA KB Deadlift* 10 Slam Balls (20/10) 400m Run Strict Pull-ups WORKOUT 1 SA KB SDHP 12/10 Cal Bike 30/25 Cal Row Thrusters (95/65)|(65/45) Into... EVERY 2:00 x 6 SETS WORKOUT 1 SA Russian KBS 10 Deadlifts 20 DB Renegade Rows 15/12 Cal Bike 4 SETS 1 SA KB Cleans 10 Burpees (35/25)|(25/15) -2:00 Rest- 100 Sit-ups Max Hang Power Cleans ON A 3:00 RUNNNG CLOCK... 1 SA KB Push Press 30/25 Cal Row (115/75)|(95/65) w/ Remainder 200m Run (Score is Rounds + Reps) 400m Run 12-10-8 Into... 20 Alt. DB Snatch (35/25)|(25/15) *Athletes will complete one full 50 Tuck-ups Strict Pull-ups (Score is Reps) Max Toes to Bar in Remaining round on the Right Side and then Thrusters 3 ROUNDS Time complete one full round on the Left (Score is Time) 50 Double Unders Side. (Score is Time) 10 Push Press -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Weight) (Score is Time) (Score is Reps) WORKOUT AMRAP x 15 MINUTES 20/15 Cal Row 20 Russian KBS (53/35)|(35/26) 20 Walking Lunges 20 Up-Downs

(Score is Rounds + Reps)

© 2020 NCFIT, INC. NCX


WARM-UP HIGHLIGHTS EMOM x 6 MINUTES MIN 1 - :45 Bike MIN 2 - :45 Up-Downs *Athlete Goal* – Everyone should aim to start and end a little heavier than last MIN 3 - :40 Good Mornings week while still keeping the hinging movement dialed in. The Cal Bike should STRENGTH 5-5-5-5 take no more than 1:00 and the two movements that follow should take no Tempo Deadlift (1111) more than 1:00 combined. This means athletes are shooting for 3ish rounds! (Score is Weight)

WORKOUT AMRAP x 13 MINUTES 12/10 Cal Bike *Coach Focus* – Let’s make sure we are focusing on bar path today. 10 Deadlifts (135/95)|(95/65) 10 Slam Balls (20/10) Specifically we want to dial in proper lat utilization. We also want to ensure 12/10 Cal Bike 10 Deadlifts athletes are keeping the barbell to a moderate weight during the workout so 10 Burpees

(Score is Rounds + Reps) they can always complete their sets of 10 in 2 sets or less.

*Total Time* – 12:00 Strength // 13:00 Workout // 25:00 Total.

INTRO Back to the grind today folks, let's go!

Our Strength is going to seem similar to last week because it IS similar to last week. We increase the speed of the tempo slightly and we add in an extra set of 5. This means that we want to see athletes increasing their starting weight slightly and ending a tad heavier than last week. Our main focus in this strength session is to further develop athletes’ understanding of how to keep the bar close, which we break down in the teaching section. Let’s also keep coaching up the under tension pause at the floor instead of letting athletes bounce or crash their weights off the floor.

In the workout we are looking for consistency from start to finish. Athletes should pick an RPM on the Bike they KNOW they can repeat for the entire 13:00...even if that doesn’t get them to the prescribed Cals in the 1:00 time limit, it will still set the tone for the rest of the workout. The Deadlifts might not seem too heavy at first glance, but remind athletes they will be Deadlifting twice in each round so they are actually doing 20. This means they should scale back to allow for at least one round of unbroken reps and from there

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

MON. JUN 8, 2020

athletes should be finishing their sets of 10 in 2 sets. Each round should take roughly 4:00-4:30 and athletes should aim to minimize transition times to get as close to 3 rounds as possible!

STIMULUS Strength -- Slightly heavier loading than last week’s Deadlifts. Still want to keep athletes in the 70%-80% realm to make sure they keep the tempo and don’t overdo it. They are going to need to move a little quicker than last week with the extra working set, but they should still get in 1-2 warm-up sets!

Workout -- Moderate volume with a moderate time domain. The one movement that does have moderate-high volume is the Deadlift. Dial in the weight properly so athletes can knock out sets of 10 or keep the weight to sets of 5. Today is a great day to have athletes lower the weight so they can move faster and get through more rounds!

TIMELINE 0-3 Brief (3 min) 3-9 Warm-up (6 min) 9-17 Teaching (8 min) 17-29 Strength (12 min) 29-32 Transition (3 min) 32-45 Workout (13 min)

WARM-UP EMOM x 6 MINUTES MIN 1 - :45 Bike MIN 2 - :45 Up-Downs MIN 3 - :40 Good Mornings

TEACHING DEADLIFT LAT ENGAGEMENT -- Proper utilization of the lats during the Deadlift will ensure athletes keep the bar close, which will give them better control over the bar path and will help everyone lift safely. We will take everyone through a quick Barbell Progression and then dive into our drill! Below we outline a quick drill to demonstrate how to engage the lats first with nothing and eventually graduating up to a barbell.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

MON. JUN 8, 2020

2 SETS 10 Barbell Good Mornings 6 Above the Knee Deadlifts 6 Below the Knee Deadlifts 6 Full Deadlifts


SET 1 – Bodyweight Lat Engagement - Athletes will start standing tall with arms at their side - They will complete a Good Morning at your call while keeping their arms and lats loose - This should cause the arms to slump forward and hang limpy - After returning to the standing position they will repeat the GM, but you will cue them to squeeze their elbows and into the side of their body - This will activate the lats and should keep the arms much close to the body

SET 2 – Barbell Deadlifts - This will replicate the above drill - We will NOT have our athletes complete reps with unengaged lats - Cue athletes as above or use the cue to “bend the bar around your thighs” - You can also cue athletes to “punch their elbow pits forward” - Have them complete full reps on your call continuing to coach the bar path

SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Strength -- If athletes are just getting back to the keep an eye on their barbell weight, remember less is more for these individuals.

Workout -- Scale back the weight on the Deadlifts to ensure athletes are moved efficiently and safely. You can also scale the reps down to 6-7 per round, or scale one of the sets of 10 to a DB Goblet Reverse . This will take out some of the heavy hinging while still getting the posterior engagement.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

MON. JUN 8, 2020

*Movement Adjustments*... Deadlift -- Athletes can modify this to a Back Rack Reverse Lunge, or Barbell Good Mornings in the strength. In the workout they can complete DB Suitcase Reverse Lunges or Step-ups.

Cal Bike -- Our other options for the Bike today consist of a 250m Row, 200m Run, 75 Double Unders or 250m Ski.

Slam Balls -- Athletes can complete 10 SB Goblet Squats, 10 SB Push Press, or 10 Russian Swings.

Burpees -- Modify these to Up-Downs, Push-ups, or Box Jumps.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX


WARM-UP HIGHLIGHTS AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 16 Jumping Jacks 8 Alt. DB Bent Over Row *Athlete Goal* – Everyone should load heavier than last week, while still 8 Scap Push-ups 8 Sit-ups finishing at a weight that will allow 2-3 extra reps if needed. For the workout

STRENGTH everyone should try and complete the last 3 movements in roughly the same 5-5-5-5 Tempo Bench Press (1111) time as they finished the first 3 movements.

(Score is Weight)

WORKOUT FOR TIME *Coach Focus* – Let’s focus on the elbow position for the Bench Press 50 Tuck-ups 400m Run today...keep the elbows in to ensure proper pressing mechanics. Chipper is 30/25 Cal Row 20 DB Renegade Rows (35/25)|(25/15) going to take some time so cap each movement at 2:00 so athletes can keep 30/25 Cal Row 400m Run 50 Tuck-ups chugging along.

(Score is Time) *Total Time* – 12:00 Strength // 17:00 Workout // 29:00 Total.

INTRO In our strength session today we get athletes back under the bar with the Bench Press! We have a similar goal as we did yesterday and we will keep this goal in the back of our head for all our strength movements this week: add a little extra weight, lift with sound mechanics, and focus on those end range tempo holds! We highlight and encourage you to coach up the elbow position when everyone is working through the strength. If athletes are unsure of how to tackle this session, have them complete a set of 5 reps every 2:00 for 6 sets...the first two sets can be building sets and the last four are the working sets!

The workout is going to be a long grinder and we’re not going to lie, this is a lot of volume so we want to make sure everyone is set up for success. No move- ment should take more than 2:00 except the DB Renegade Rows, however at longestest these should cap out at 3:00. We want to encourage our athletes to start conservatively, think 70%, chip away at the Renegade Rows, and then drop the hammer in the second half of the workout. Everyone should try to either match or beat their time from the first half of the workout! If you know athletes will struggle with the volume, have them live in the 2:00 rule so they

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

TUES. JUN 9, 2020

can keep moving on and not get stuck. We allot 17:00 for this workout, and everyone should be expecting to work for the majority of that time!

Keep in mind we have a VERY tight timeline today. If possible have the room set up for class already or at least have rowers out and ready to go. Anything that you can set up in advance to help limit transition time is going to help out immensely!

STIMULUS Strength -- Low volume with moderate loading. We want athletes to live in the 70%ish realm with their weight today. Even at the heaviest they should still be able to eek out a few more reps without form going out the window. If needed, slow down their tempo even more and have them stay light!

Workout -- High volume with a long time domain. The movement that is on the higher end of the technicality scale is the Renegade Row. Athletes should be able to complete sets of 5 reps before resting. Keep all movements to a 2:00 cap to ensure all athletes finish within the time limit.

TIMELINE 0-3 Brief (3 min) 3-8 Warm-up (5 min) 8-14 Teaching (6 min) 14-26 Strength (12 min) 26-28 Transition (2 min) 28-45 Workout (17 min)

WARM-UP AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 16 Jumping Jacks 8 Alt. DB Bent Over Row 8 Scap Push-ups 8 Sit-ups

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

TUES. JUN 9, 2020

TEACHING BENCH PRESS PREP -- Our athletes should have intimate knowledge by now on how to properly complete Push-ups, specifically keeping the elbows close. This knowledge can be directly transferred when working through reps of the Bench Press. Keeping the elbows close not only keeps the shoulders safe, but it also allows for greater pressing power out of the bottom. Below we outline a quick drill that will transfer this “Elbows in” Push-up idea to the Bench Press.

7 Reps of Knee Push-ups -- This should be an easy option for everyone and allow them to focus solely on the elbows in position we are striving for.

7 Reps Push-ups -- If able to increase the difficulty then have athletes go from their toes, but still coach the elbow position.

7 Reps Bench Press -- Remind them that this is the same ROM they just practiced, the biggest difference is they are now on their backs.

Once that drill has been completed take everyone through the below prep sets:

SET 1 – 5 Reps Tempo Bench Press (2212) -- Slow things down and make sure everyone is consistently making contact with the bar right below the chest.

SET 2 – 5 Reps Tempo Bench Press (1211) -- Focus on the “under tension” hold at the bottom of the lift.

SET 3 – 5 Reps Tempo Bench Press (1111) -- Get everyone dialed in with the tempo they will be using for the strength.

SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Workout -- We have already mentioned that if the volume for some athletes is too high, they can work at each movement for 2:00 before moving on. The other option you can give your athletes is to have them cut the reps in half. If they finish early and still have time and are feeling up to it then they can try to work through a second half-round, but this is a good way to ensure they get that “chipper” feel.

*Movement Adjustments*... Bench Press -- Modify athletes to the Floor Press, Strict Press, or DB Arnold Press. If unable to press they can instead try Supinated Bent Over Rows, Slow Ring Rows, or Barbell Upright Rows.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

TUES. JUN 9, 2020

Tuck-ups -- Athletes have the option to complete Sit-ups, V-ups or a 2:00 Plank Hold.

400m Run -- If unable to Run, modify athletes to a 1200m Bike or 500m Ski. Stay away from the rower as an option because we are going to be using that in the workout as well.

Cal Row -- 2:00 of Burpees, Up-Downs are both great modifications. You can also have an athlete complete one of the above machine movements, just make sure we aren’t doubling them down on the same thing!

DB Renegade Rows -- Athletes can complete the entire movement from their knees or just the Push-up portion from their knees. The can also complete 20 Slow DB Bent Over Rows into 20 DB Deficit Push-ups. If neither of those work, 40 Russian KBS is another modification that will challenge them!

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX


WARM-UP HIGHLIGHTS 3 SETS :30 Lunges :30 Ring Rows *Athlete Goal* – Keep loading in the 70%-80% range while still being able to :30 Mountain Climbers :30 Up-Downs have COMPLETE control of the bar on the way up and down. Slow things down

STRENGTH in the workout to make sure the Pull-up integrity stays there...this will allow 5-5-5-5 Tempo Back Squat (1111) athletes to push on the Thrusters!

(Score is Weight)

WORKOUT FOR TIME *Coach Focus* – Dive into the Strict Pull-up and the scaling options for it 12-10-8 Strict Pull-ups today. Everyone should attack the workout with a scaling option in their back Thrusters (95/65)|(65/45) pocket to allow them to self-scale mid-workout if needed! -2:00 Rest-

12-10-8 Strict Pull-ups Thrusters *Total Time* – 12:00 Strength // 14:00 Workout // 26:00 Total

(Score is Time) INTRO Hopefully everyone’s legs have recovered from the past few days, because we get after some moderate-heavy Back Squats today! Our strength session is going to have our athletes build up to a moderate-heavy Back Squat and we are looking to highlight a proper bottom position. The :01 pause can easily be overlooked...when athletes get to depth and bounce out of the bottom they lose out on the opportunity to strengthen that end position that can help them immensely when moving heavy loads. Coach this position up, hold people accountable to that pause in the bottom position to make everyone better squatters AND to mitigate load on the bar!

Wait, we’re doing how many Strict Pull-ups...60? Dang! The priority for this workout is to preserve a challenging strict pull, and to make sure movement integrity is maintained. By this we mean rep 1 should look identical to rep 60...that is going to be a tall order for most of our athletes so we want to make sure they have scaling options on deck before starting the workout. The strict gymnastics are there to intentionally slow the workout down to challenge everyone’s muscular endurance, and then let them tear up those small sets of Thrusters! Each block of the workout should take around 4:30-6:00 depending on how those Pull-ups go. Keep your athletes honest today and let’s grow those lats!

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

WED. JUN 10, 2020

STIMULUS Strength -- Low volume and moderate loading today. Athletes should structure the 12:00 session similar to yesterday: 1 sets every 2:00 for a total of 6 sets. They can get two building sets in before starting their first working set this way. This will also keep them honest with the rest time and keep them dialed into the session.

Workout -- High volume strict gymnastics paired with a moderate volume barbell. This workout is going to be a mix of slowing things down to focus on mechanics and then speeding things up to tackle the barbell. All reps of the Thrusters should be completed unbroken and all Strict Pull-up or scaling options should be finished in 3-4 sets.

TIMELINE 0-3 Brief (3 min) 3-9 Warm-up (6 min) 9-16 Teaching (7 min) 16-28 Workout (12 min) 28-31 Transition (3 min) 31-45 Workout (14 min)

WARM-UP 3 SETS :30 Lunges :30 Ring Rows :30 Mountain Climbers :30 Up-Downs

TEACHING SQUAT PREP -- We want to get athletes under a barbell quickly so they have time to warm-up and work through their 4 sets. The focus today is going to be slowing things down and adhering to some slower tempos to make the actual tempo (1111) seem a little easier and will hopefully not cause athletes to rush through the ROM.


EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

WED. JUN 10, 2020

\SET 1 – Tempo Back Squat (3221) -- Emphasize the hips back first in the descent and highlight the tall chest at all positions of the Squat.

SET 2 – Tempo Back Squats (2221) -- Now spend time focusing and correcting proper bottom positions. Specifically focus on athletes maintaining tension and not just slumping at the bottom.

SET 3 – Tempo Back Squats (1111) -- Dial in the tempo everyone is using for the strength. Consider calling these reps out on your call to ensure athletes are holding the end ranges of motion.

PULL-UP PREP -- Below we run through a quick progression for the Pull-up that will also allow athletes options for scaling.

5 Easy Ring Rows -- Focus on the Hollow Body Position.

5 Tough Ring Rows -- Ensure there is no kipping with the hips or over-extending with the belly button.

5 Vertical Ring Rows -- Athletes should be pulling rings to the top of their chest. If they need assistance from the seated position have them bring 1 or both legs in to help them push off the ground.

5 Box Assisted or Banded Pull-ups -- Regardless of the version of the assisted Pull-up, all athletes should maintain a Hollow Body and should be able to rep out 3-5 reps at a time. Make sure arms are fully extended at the bottom and they are getting their chin over the bar every rep.

5 Strict Pull-ups -- Similar focus as above. To ensure athletes aren’t jumping off the floor into the Pull-up, have them jump to a bar that is slightly out of their reach so they have to start from the dead hang.

SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Workout -- Try to preserve the volume of the Strict Pull-up as much as possible. If that means having athletes scale the movement down or complete half Strict and half at a modified movement go that route. If athletes are really struggling with their Pull-ups or the scaling options you gave them, cut the reps down to 8-6-4 to keep them moving.

EMAIL.EMAIL. collective@nc.fit collective@nc.fit NCFITNCFIT COLLECTIVE COLLECTIVE // 2020 // 2020 WEBSITE.WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

WED. JUN MAY 10, 27,2020 2020

*Movement Adjustments*... Back Squat -- Modify athletes to a Box Squat, Back Rack Forward Lunges, DB Suitcase Step-ups, or a Slow DB Goblet Squat.

Strict Pull-up -- Athletes have the option to scale to Banded Strict Pull-ups, Slow Ring Rows or Vertical Ring Rows. If unable to pull, athletes should complete double the amount of American KBS at 53/35.

Thrusters -- If unable to Squat the athlete should complete double the amount of Push Press. If unable to press, they should complete double the amount of Front Squats. They can also complete double the amount of Slam Balls.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX


WARM-UP HIGHLIGHTS AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 5 Strict Press 10 Sit-ups *Athlete Goal* – Heavier than last week’s loading and use the tempo to show 20 Single Under full control of each rep. During the workout focus on keeping the Double STRENGTH 5-5-5-5 Unders to :40 or less and keep the Push Press unbroken. Tempo Strict Press (1111)

(Score is Weight)

WORKOUT *Coach Focus* – Look for overextension in the spine as athletes slow down 3 ROUNDS 50 Double Unders the reps on the Strict Press and give them consistent feedback on their 10 Push Press (115/75)|(95/65) positioning. During the workout scale each athlete to meet the stimulus of the Into... workout by choosing the perfect weight and movement adjustment for 100 Sit-ups

Into... everyone.

3 ROUNDS 50 Double Unders 10 Push Press *Total Time* – 12:00 Strength // 14:00 Workout // 26:00 Total.

(Score is Time)

INTRO Today will focus on improving our overhead strength and positioning. The tempo gives us the opportunity to have our athletes to work on their motor control in the overhead position. We expect athletes to go heavier than last week but if you noticed any flaws from last week that your athletes were not able to improve on then have them work to a weight that they can show full control without any movement flaws. This will help set them up for the workout later by having them understand how braced their core should be and how to bring the bar over the frontal plane without compromising their center of gravity. If you feel as though you have to extend the pause at the top longer to help those individuals with limitations to their lockout improve the position, then go for it!

We have a great workout in store that will get athletes heart rate revving, arms pumped, and give the core some nice work! Athletes will have to push during the 3 rounds of Push Press & Double Unders to give time to crush the 100 Sit-ups. We want to make sure that our athletes have a weight that they are comfortable working for unbroken sets or 2 quick sets even under fatigue. For our Double Under ninjas they should be able to cruise through the sets of 50

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

THU. JUN 11, 2020

while our more novice athletes might need to scale reps if they are tripping up too much. The Sit-ups in the middle might be a break for some, while others might have trouble with the volume scale for those athletes that may have trouble either by scaling the reps or the time limit you expect them to be finished by.

STIMULUS Strength -- Loading will be heavier than last week so look for athletes to build up to a moderate weight. The goal is to show full control before increasing the weight. Our beginner athletes should stick to one weight the entire time while our intermediate and advanced athletes look to increase slightly while maintaining the goal in mind.

Workout -- Moderate duration workout with a moderate-heavy weight on the Push Press. Athletes need to find a weight that will allow at least 2 sets unbroken in the beginning and athletes should always get through the rest in 2 sets. Each round should take no more than 1:15 so cap athletes on the Double Under attempts and 100 Sit-ups should be capped off at 5:00.

TIMELINE 0-3 Intro (3 min) 3-8 Warm-up (5 min) 8-13 Teaching (5 min) 13-25 Strength (12 min) 25-29 Movement Review (4 min) 29-43 Workout (14 min) 43-45 Clean-up (2 min)

WARM-UP AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 5 DB Strict Press 10 Sit-ups 20 Single Unders


EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

THU. JUN 11, 2020

STEP 1 -- SET-UP - Hip Width Stance - Full extension at hips and knees - Elbows slightly in front of the bar - Hands just outside the shoulders - Full grip on the bar

STEP 2 -- EXECUTION - Chin moves back - Bar moves over the middle of the foot - Spine neutral and legs extended - Heels down - Shoulders push up into the bar - Complete at full arm extension

PUSH PRESS... CALL REPS -- Perform as a group as you call out each rep 8 & Hold for :05 8 Slow Paced Push Press 8 Push Press

FOCUS: - Leading with the elbows to set up perfectly for the next rep - Make sure that athletes are upright, and the majority of their weight is in their midfoot all the way to the heels - Use the power of the dip to create momentum and drive right back up to push the barbell overhead

SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Workout -- For our beginner/deconditioned athletes we want them to ensure that they are meeting the stimulus of the workout so the first line of order is to scale down the weight to something that will allow for your athletes to go unbroken for at least the first two sets.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

THU. JUN 11, 2020

*Movement Adjustments*... Strict Press -- If you have an athlete that is unable to perform a press overhead then have them perform a Bench or Floor Press.

Sit-ups -- For athletes unable to perform the Sit-ups substitute for this for 2:30 of max Plank Hold.

Double Unders -- Let’s have our athletes unable to perform Double Unders to do :30 of Double Under attempts, Single Unders, or Plate Hops.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX


WARM-UP HIGHLIGHTS AMRAP x 4 MINUTES (WITH EMPTY BARBELL) 8/6 Cal Bike *Athlete Goal* – Start with a light-moderate weight and build up in weight only 8 Clean Deadlift 8 Hang Muscle Clean when your technique is good...really try to make sure you are getting the bar into 8 Hang Power Clean your hips with EVERY rep! During the workout find a weight that you can keep STRENGTH EVERY 1:00 x 6 SETS the intensity high and shoot for a consistent number of reps each round. 1 High Hang Power Clean + 2 Hang Power Cleans

(Score is Weight) *Coach Focus* – Use the progression to get your athletes moving their feet and WORKOUT getting their bodies under the bar as fast as possible. Ensure athletes are using EVERY 2:00 x 6 SETS 15/12 Cal Bike speed to their advantage and creating solid momentum by using cues such as Max Hang Power Cleans (115/75)|(95/65) w/ Remainder

(Score is Reps) quick elbows or big shrug.

*Total Time* – 12:00 Barbell Prep // 6:00 Strength // 12:00 Workout // 30:00 Total.

INTRO We talking about practice!! This is how we should see this Strength section, it's short in time but will have a major impact on how our athletes move with the barbell. Speed under the bar, fast feet, & quick elbows are the name of the game today! These are all the things athletes will be developing today. Our job is to execute on the plan and deliver this to our athletes, provide feedback, slow athletes down, or make them do another rep if you can’t determine where the problem is. Build your athletes up brick by brick and have fun with this one.

Now is the time to put all the hard work to use! Building off the strength, athletes will find a weight that they feel comfortable lifting while their heart rate is high, and their body starts to fatigue. The Bike is known to beat down on many athletes especially with the short amount of time they have to get on and off. Monitor how your athletes are looking as they step off the bike and walk to their barbell. If you see that workout is getting the best of them and they start to have a huge drop in performance, then scale things back to allow for them to keep the intensity high.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

FRI. JUN 12, 2020

STIMULUS Strength -- Light-moderate weightlifting complex geared towards improving athlete’s technique. Athletes should increase weight but not at the expenses of slowing down the speed under the bar.

Workout -- Moderate duration workout broken into 2:00 sections. The goal is for athletes to move fast and efficiently. The weight should be moderate-heavy, which should allow athletes to complete sets of 5-7 reps before having to rest.

TIMELINE 0-3 Intro (3 min) 3-7 Warm-up (4 min) 7-19 Teaching (12 min) 19-25 Strength (6 min) 25-29 Pre-Workout Prep (4 min) 29-41 Workout (12 min) 41-45 Clean-up (4 min)

WARM-UP AMRAP x 4 MINUTES 8/6 Cal Bike 5/5 SA DB Deadlifts 4/4 SA DB Hang Muscle Clean 3/3 SA DB Hang Power Clean

TEACHING HANG POWER CLEAN -- Our goal for the Hang Power Cleans today will be to make sure that athletes are able to get under the bar fast by pulling their body under the bar quickly to shorten the distance that the barbell has to travel upwards.

CALL REPS -- This is to be performed together as a group with a PVC Pipe or light barbell. Keep it light and focus on good quality reps. 10 Deadlift 10 Clean Shrugs 10 High Hang Power Clean 10 Hang Power Clean

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

FRI. JUN 12, 2020

SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Workout -- We want to get our athletes off the bike in 1:00 or less but not at the expense of having to take a long rest before picking the barbell up. Lower the reps for athletes that cannot make the designed number of calories or have a hard time recovering getting off the bike. A great option is to give them a :45 window that will allow them to get as far as possible and have that first round set the pace they are trying to hold.

*Movement Adjustments*... Bike -- If there are no bikes available have athletes perform a 200m Run or 250m Row.

Hang Power Clean -- If you have an athlete unable to perform the Hang Power Clean due to complications in the Front Rack position change the movement to a Hang Power Snatch.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX


WARM-UP HIGHLIGHTS AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 5 Inchworm + Push-up 10 Scap Pull Downs w/ Band *Athlete Goal* – Keep these movements slow and under control to keep the 10 DB Sumo Deadlift 10 Kipping Swings muscles under tension so we can grow! During the workout push the pace on

STRENGTH the 200m Run to keep it under 1:00 and find a DB that will allow you to 2 SETS 10 Single DB OH Tricep Extension complete your 20 reps unbroken each set! 15 Slow Banded Lat Pull-downs 20 Alt. DB Curls

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets- *Coach Focus* – Toes to Bar are the high-skill movement for today so we want (Score is Weight) to make sure we go in-depth so our athletes are ready to tackle those max WORKOUT 4 SETS reps! It is important that all athletes know a scaling option going in so they can ON A 3:00 RUNNNG CLOCK... 200m Run 20 Alt. DB Snatch (35/25)|(25/15) adjust on the if needed! Max Toes to Bar in Remaining Time

-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- *Total Time* – 10:00 Strength // 15:00 Workout // 25:00 Total. (Score is Reps)

INTRO Starting the day off with a nice pump! These are a great combination of movements that we don’t see too often but we want to make sure that our athletes are able to execute each movement with perfection. Single DB OH Tricep Extension will light up the triceps while the Slow Banded Lat Pull-downs will put a nice burn on the lats. Then we attack the with the curls. This will be a fun way to start class and to activate all the muscle groups that everyone will be using for later in the day. Make sure that everyone is moving with quality and not rush through each rep!

The race against the clock is the name of the game today! The run is short and sweet and the weight on the DB Snatch should allow for your athletes to cruise through each set. Leaving a good amount of time for the Toes to Bar, this will look different for each athlete so before the workout determine what will be the best option for each person. This is a great day for individuals who are just getting into the Toes to Bar game to get some reps in while under a controlled environment with no real expectation of repetitions.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

SAT. JUN 13, 2020

STIMULUS Strength -- focused strength session that will focus on different muscle groups of the arm. Our beginner athletes should look to stay light with the DBs while our advanced athletes will look to chase after the serious pump and build to heavier weights.

Workout -- Moderate duration workout performed with a light DB. The 200m Run and DB Snatch should take 2:00 total giving athletes a full 1:00 to chip away at Toes to Bar. The weight on the DB Snatch should be unbroken every set so keep the DB weight light.

TIMELINE 0-3 Intro (3 min) 3-8 Warm-up (5 min) 8-14 Teaching (6 min) 14-24 Strength (10 min) 24-30 Movement Review (6 min) 30-45 Workout (15 min)

WARM-UP 2-3 SETS (5 MINUTE CAP) 5 Inchworm + Push-up 10 Scap Pull Downs w/ Band 10 DB Sumo Deadlift 10 Kip Swings

TEACHING TOES TO BAR -- We want to get our athletes to establish consistency in their swing by challenging their neurological system with this quick Kipping Complex. The purpose is to get more dynamic in the swing and bring the feet higher while keeping the integrity of the swing intact.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

SAT. JUN 13, 2020

2 Rounds of... 5 Kipping Swings 5 Big Kipping Swings 5 Hanging Knee Raises 5 Toes to Something 5 Toes to Bars

SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Workout -- Scale your beginner/deconditioned athlete distance on the run and find an appropriate weight that they can cruise through with unbroken reps. This should give enough time for the athlete to have at least :45-1:00 of time to perform the Toes to Bar.

*Movement Adjustments*... 200m Run -- If unable to run, the athlete can modify to a 250m Row or Ski, or an 800m Bike. Just be aware of the other movements they have completed this week so they aren’t doubling down on a movement on back to back days.

DB Snatch -- Single Arm DB Deadlift or Power Cleans are a good option for athletes unable to Snatch overhead. Another option is to have your athletes perform Russian KBS.

Toes to Bar -- Knees to Elbow/Chest are good substitutes to still have athletes work on the Kipping Swing. If your athletes are unable to hang, have them perform V-ups/Tuck-ups.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX


WARM-UP HIGHLIGHTS 2-3 ROUNDS (7 MIN CAP) :30 Row 5/5 SA KB Deadlifts *Athlete Goal* – Build smart in the KB complex and make sure you complete 10 Hollow Rocks and/or 10 Glute Bridge-Ups 5/5 SA KB Upright High Pulls one full round on the right side and then the left. Treat the workout like a half 10 Alt. Lunges 5/5 SA KB Push Press w/:03 Hold Overhead every rep marathon...smart pace out of the gate and keep it consistent. STRENGTH ON A 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Build to a Heavy set of Complex... *Coach Focus* – Dial in the KB complex. There are a lot of moving pieces 1 SA KB Deadlift* 1 SA KB SDHP involved so we recommend incorporating a few of the more simple ones in 1 SA Russian KBS 1 SA KB Cleans your warm-up. 1 SA KB Push Press

*Athletes will complete one full round on the Right Side and then complete one full round on the Left Side. *Total Time* – 10:00 Strength // 15:00 Workout // 25:00 Total. (Score is Weight)

WORKOUT AMRAP x 15 MINUTES INTRO 20/15 Cal Row 20 Russian KBS (53/35)|(35/26) We are upping the ante today with a more complex KB strength session that 20 Walking Lunges 20 Up-Downs will be sure to challenge your athletes, skillfully, physically, AND unilaterally! (Score is Rounds + Reps) Our unilateral strength is imperative to how we work bilaterally. Today will be a great opportunity to test each side individually and observe any strength deficiencies we may have from the right vs left side. We want to dial in the teaching for this piece to make it as efficient as possible. We have suggested incorporating 2-3 of the KB movements in the warm-up to help out with the overall timeline. Use your teaching portion of class to really dial in the KB Clean - this can be awkward at first! Make sure to reiterate that athletes should be completing one full round of the complex on their right side, and then move on to the left.

Today’s workout is programmed to be a moderate grinder with simple but effective movements. We are in our second week of building our respiratory and muscular capacity back up. Keep taking those baby steps in the right direction but make sure not to sprint right out of the gate. We’d rather see a steady, consistent effort across the board.

STIMULUS Strength -- We have a rather complex strength piece that will challenge athletes technically and physically. Make sure to not push the weight here, as

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

SUN. JUN 14, 2020

we want to be able to move through the entire complex unbroken on one arm and then the other.

Workout -- The workout is a longer, low complex grinder incorporating a monostructural movement, with weightlifting and bodyweight movements. The RKBS should be unbroken every time athletes pick that bell up. Your fitter athletes will be able to finish a round sub 2:30 with others coming in around the 3:00 mark. This workout depends on how fast you want to push the pace on the rowing and up-downs. You can only go so fast on the Russian KBS and Lunges.

TIMELINE 0-3 Intro (3 min) 3-10 Warm-Up (7 min) 10-15 Teaching (5 min) 15-25 Strength (10 min) 25-28 Break/Buffer/Prep (3 min) 28-43 Workout (15 min) 43-45 High Fives/Elbow Bumps/Clean Up (2 min)

WARM-UP 2-3 ROUNDS (7 MINUTE CAP) :30 Row 5/5 SA KB Deadlifts 10 Hollow Rocks and/or 10 Glute Bridge-Ups 5/5 SA KB Upright High Pulls 10 Alt. Lunges 5/5 SA KB Push Press w/:03 Hold Overhead every rep


SA RUSSIAN KB SWING Demo 2 reps on one or both arms and focus on the following. Make sure to demonstrate without talking while the class is watching and then review the points of performance. We suggest verbalizing the two points of performance prior to the demo and then repeating them afterwards

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

SUN. JUN 14, 2020

Focus #1: Keep the shoulders pulled back and down

Focus #2: Aggressively squeeze the glutes to get back to a standing, extended position. Make sure you finish in an upright straight line with the shoulders stacked directly over the hips, which should be directly over the ankles.

SA KB CLEAN This is the most technical piece of today’s complex. If, after you coach and demo your class through it and it’s not working for some, switch to a dumbbell. The clean can be taken from the hang position since it comes directly after the Russian Swing. There is no need to go back down to the ground.

Focus #1: Initiate the movement similar to the RKBS; hips back to load the posterior chain

Focus #2: Use the legs to jump straight up. The more you use the legs, the more fluid and automatic the shrug will become, followed by the high pull

Focus #3: This is probably the most important focus because we need the KB to wrap around the wrist and land as soft as possible between the deltoid/bicep and .

*As you are jumping and the kettlebell is tracking up, close to the body, keep your thumb pointed towards the center of your body.

*Once the high pull occurs, the hand/thumb will rotate outwards.

*After you get the explosive jump, land softly, thinking about absorbing the KB weight. Like in the movie, “The Mighty Ducks” think about not cracking the egg but gently pulling your hockey stick back to softly catch it. The same concept can be used with the KB clean because we don’t want to see your athletes get all bruised up on their from the KB just flopping over and landing aggressively.

SCALING *Reps, Loading, Volume*… Take special consideration on the loading for the KB complex today. The workout should not be too taxing but if needed, decrease the calories, reps, and/or overall time domain.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit NCX

SUN. JUN 14, 2020

*Movement Adjustments*... KB Deadlift -- If needed, due to tight , lift the bell off the ground on an elevated surface or the athlete can go with a wider foot stance and turn these Deadlifts into a sumo style.

KB SDHP -- If the explosiveness is too aggressive for some, eliminate it the hip hinge and perform an upright high pull.

KB RKBS -- Eliminate this piece if it causes discomfort.

KB Clean -- Use a dumbbell if the KB Clean is too awkward for some.

KB Push Press -- Eliminate this overhead movement if mobility limitations are present. Or the athlete can do a KB Floor Press.

Row -- If equipment is limited, start some of your athletes on the RKBS or Lunges and then they finish each round with the Row. Athletes can Bike for calories or Run 200m.

RKBS -- Glute Bridge-Ups are an alternative to the RKBS.

Lunges -- Athletes can go forward or reverse on these. If both directions are not in the cards today, switch to Alt. Step-ups, Cossack Squats, or Split Squats (10/10).

Up-Downs -- Perform a 1:00 Plank Hold.

EMAIL. collective@nc.fit NCFIT COLLECTIVE // 2020 WEBSITE. www.ncfitcollective.fit