Tuning up The
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De liver in g Up-to -D ate Inf o rmat io n to Ame rica’s Car Clubs and E nth usias ts w w w . s e m a s a n . c o m F E B R U A R Y 2 0 05 Massachusetts Bill to Ban Tuning Up the SAN the Sale/Installation of tate capitols across the country are again open for business and are considering countless Aftermarket Exhaust pieces of legislation, many of which affect the auto hobby. He re at the SEMA Ac t i o n Systems Resurfaces…Again! S Ne t w o rk (SAN), we are working on new and exciting ways to inform auto enthusiasts of these legislative and re g u l a t o ry initiatives. fter success- A focus of attention has been an improved SAN website that is user-friendly and puts lots A ful efforts to of valuable information at your fingertips. In this electronic age, the website has become a gre a t stall similar legis- tool for linking the hobbyist community. We encourage our readers to take advantage of these lation in 2003 n ew features: and 2004, a bill to ban the sale or • New Logo/Link: We have developed a installation of “an n ew SAN logo, which car clubs, SEMA exhaust system member companies and media outlets which has been may download and place on their we b- modified in a sites. The logo can serve as a link to the manner which SAN website and all of the legislative / re g- will amplify or u l a t o ry issues the SAN is on working on increase the noise to benefit the auto hobby. We also emitted by the encourage those who download the logo to feature it in their newsletters or other print publica- e x h a u s t” will be re i n t r oduced in the tions. To download the logo, please visit the SAN website at www.semasan.com. Webmasters can Massachusetts State Legislature—this time contact the SAN at (202) 783-6007, ext. 39 or at [email protected] for technical assistance. with a twist. In what is seen as a clear attempt to divide the auto hobby, the bill’s • New Website Layo u t : Visitors to the sponsor included a provision that would SAN website will also notice a new exclude limited-use “antique motor cars.” l a yout and a more user-friendly way to House Draft 672, which will be access information about issues that assigned another number once officially effect the auto hobby. Among the new i n t roduced, effectively discriminates f e a t u res are hobby-specific issue pages, against automotive enthusiasts by restrict- w h e re you can choose a part i c u l a r ing exhaust systems to those installed by h o b by and view pending legislation, the motor-vehicle manufacturers. The bill action alerts and ongoing issues sur- ignores the fact that aftermarket exhaust rounding that hobby. For example, systems are designed to increase perform- classic-car enthusiasts can access infor- ance, improve vehicle efficiently without mation about scrappage issues or increasing emissions and are constructed changes to titling and registration for with materials that improve the durability antique cars. Of f - roa d enthusiasts can of these exhaust systems. v i ew alerts about vehicle height re s t r i c- “SAN members agree that aftermar- tions, off-road access and other re l e- ket exhaust systems should not be used in vant issues. Those who choose to put a way that causes overly loud or objection- the SAN logo on their websites have able noise,” said SEMA vice president of the option of linking directly to the g ove rnment affairs St e ve Mc Do n a l d . SAN home page or to one of the “However, we believe that this bill would h o b by-specific issue pages. ban the sale and installation of exhaust sys- tems that result in modest and inoffensive • State Listings: Other features include the ability to view pending legislation and action alert s noise increases.” on a state-by-state basis. Individual state issue pages will also highlight past legislative activity of In some states, noise limits for modi- i n t e rest to auto enthusiasts in each state. fied exhaust systems are established with an easily administered test standard. T h e s e • Federal Listings: Visitors to the website can also access information on pending legislation limits are usually indicated in decibels and b e f o re the U.S. Congress or re g u l a t o ry initiatives by the National Highway Traffic Sa f e t y Continued on page 3 Continued on page 2 All’s Quiet on the Lowering the cut points for emissions tests of older vehicles is known as “fleet Not t u r n o v e r.” The issue is how much the environment is going to benefit from the Western Front removal of these older vehicles. For example, just how vast is the USA’s 1981 Ford Mustang fleet? Actions Against the Hobby Increase in California By Frank Bohanan hen I have the occasion to talk to people about the state of the automotive hobby, one of the points that I consistent- W ly try to make is that the days of rabid or isolated brand loyalty are over. With ongoing threats to the auto hobby from multi- ple fronts, we no longer have the luxury of being just a Chevy person or just a Ford person or a street rod person or whatever. Government agencies and environmental or consumer advocacy groups are IMRC is currently drafting recommendations to the California increasingly relying upon such fragmentation within the auto hobby legislature that will go even further. The following are some of the to get their initiatives enacted. proposals being considered by the IMRC: Currently, there are a number of measures in various stages that, 1. Annual versus biennial inspections of vehicles more if enacted, would be harmful to all automotive hobbyists. Of partic- than 15 years old: The SAN feels that the targeting of older vehicles ular interest are actions by the California Inspection and is unfair and discriminatory, especially when they are generally driv- Maintenance Review Committee (IMRC), an advisory board created en less and there are fewer of them than newer vehicles. Gross emit- by the California legislature and governor to evaluate the effectiveness ters can be of any age and, while the SAN supports the repair of these of California’s Smog Check program and recommend program emitters, this approach unjustly targets older vehicles. This proposal improvements. The IMRC consists primarily of representatives from also opens the door for the testing of pre-1976 vehicles, which has environmental groups, groups representing stationary source pol- been openly discussed by IMRC. luters and staff from public agencies associated with the state’s Smog 2. Smoke inspections: This is a step in the right direction. In Check vehicle inspection and maintenance program. fact, SEMA supported legislation in 2003 that promoted greater While the SAN has always agreed with the goal of reducing enforcement of smoking-vehicle laws. However, the proposed action excessive emissions in order to improve air quality, we disagree with would add a fairly subjective evaluation of a smoking vehicle made the attempts made by IMRC to achieve this. As many of you read by law enforcement officials and would further discriminate against about last year in Driving Force, the IMRC was a proponent of AB older cars. 2683, which requires 1976 and later model-year vehicles to be emis- 3 . Stricter re-test standards for vehicles that fail emissions sions tested for the rest of their driving lives instead of becoming tests: By establishing stricter emissions standards or “cut points,” exempt when they reach 30 years of age. In spite of being presented the regulators hope to achieve their goal of eliminating older ve h i- with an overwhelming amount of data to dispute the arguments cles by making it more expensive to keep them running. If more made by supporters of AB 2683 as well as receiving literally thou- vehicles fail their emissions tests and it costs more to repair them to sands of messages opposing it, the legislature passed the bill and it was a c h i e ve lower test results, many people will be unable to pay for the signed by the governor last fall. Unfortunately, this costly and coun- repairs and will choose to scrap their older vehicles. While the SAN terproductive measure will yield no measurable change in air quality s u p p o r ts repairing older vehicles, we do not support lowering cut and is just the tip of the iceberg. Continued on page 6 Tuning Continued from page 1 Attention Car Clubs, Event Organizers and Enthusiasts! Administration, the En v i ron mental Protection Agency and other feder- al agencies. Put SAN on Your Mailing List! • On e - Stop Shop For Updating Ad d ress Changes: SAN members We’d like to know what’s going on with SEMA Action Network clubs who have moved or have changed e-mail addresses can submit the infor- and enthusiasts across the country; what charity events you’re mation on our new member update page. involved in; when and where the rod runs, car shows, trail rides, rallies and tech meetings are held; and what legislative and regula- These improvements will help in spreading the word about pend- tory issues concern club members and individual enthusiasts.