Hadiyah-Nicole Green, PhD Founder WE ARE ON THE BRINK OF A Ora Lee Research CANCER REVOLUTION Smith Foundation FOUNDER’S STORY OUR ANSWER TO CANCER Approximately 14.1 million new people are With more than 10 years of interdisciplinary diagnosed with cancer each year, and 8.8 research experience, Dr. Hadiyah- million people worldwide die from it. This Nicole Green invented a Laser-Activated war on cancer is not about statistics: it’s NanoTherapy (LANT) to target and destroy personal for me. cancerous cells while preserving healthy cells. Using lasers and nanotechnology, At 22 years old, I became the primary this patent-pending therapy has been caregiver to my aunt and uncle, Ora Lee Smith proven to completely eliminate tumors and General Lee Smith, who were the only in laboratory mice in just 15 days after a parents I knew. My aunt told me she would SINGLE 10-MINUTE treatment – without any rather die than experience the side effects observable side effects. of and radiation. My uncle went to the brink of death, experiencing a BEFORE LANT DAY 3 DAY 9 DAY 15 150-pound weight loss, long-term diarrhea, and skin disfiguration. I witnessed the horrors OUR FOUNDATION of both cancer and cancer treatments, and I Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green founded knew there had to be a better way. Published in Int J Nanomedicine vol. 9 5093-102. 5 Nov. 2014 the Ora Lee Smith • ~100% tumor regression in 15 days In memory of my loved ones, I developed a Foundation in honor of her late aunt, • A single 10-minute laser treatment cancer treatment without side effects and Ora Lee Smith. This foundation is on • No observable side effects founded a nonprofit foundation to keep that a mission to change the way cancer treatment affordable and accessible for all. is treated and reduce cancer-patient This treatment is designed as a multi-cancer suffering by providing care that is What continues to motivate me are the cries platform therapy and has implications for accessible, affordable, and effective. for help when someone receives a terrifying a variety of solid tumor types, including diagnosis or when they’re told “there is breast, prostate, skin, colorectal, brain, and Our goal is to bring our new, physics- nothing else we can do.” With the technology a variety of inoperable, chemo-resistant inspired medical advancement out I developed, there is something we can do— . We are ready to begin human of the laboratory and into humans and with your support, we can begin human clinical trials and obtain FDA approval, with while ensuring it remains affordable trials and save lives. the support of our team of oncologists. and accessible for all. To accomplish our goals, the Ora Lee Smith Cancer About Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green, Medical Physicist Research Foundation uses a 501(c) (3) nonprofit business model and tax- • One of the first African American women to earn a Ph.D. in Physics deductible donations to raise funds to • Awarded $1.1 million by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to develop cancer therapies cover the costs of FDA approval and • Professor, Morehouse School of Medicine, Department of human clinical trials. • Top Secret Security Clearance for Department of Defense • One of the 100 most influential African Americans in the US – EBONY Magazine and The Root Success Snapshot: • Named Top 30 Under 40 in Health Care by Business Insider • $1M+ Raised • Named one of 100 Women of the Century – USA Today • Guidestar Gold Member • Grants – Google, Amazon & Salesforce Join Team Ora Lee! 3 Ways to Support

Collaborations: Become a part of this cancer revolution by • Become a sustaining monthly donor • Raise funds and/or host a fundraiser • Navicent Health Care making the Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research • The Advanced Technology Foundation your charity of choice. Your • Become a volunteer, sponsor or partner Development Center support and donations will help bring our • Email [email protected] for details. • The Center for Disruption & Innovation therapy out of the laboratory and to human trials in as little as 12 months. Learn more at 3 Ways to Give Employee Matching Programs: OraLee.org. Follow us @DrHadiyahGreen • Go to OraLee.org/donate • GE • McKesson and @OraLee.Org. • Text ORA to 71777 • HP • Microsoft • Mail checks: PO Box 11184, • IBM • Benevity Atlanta, GA 30310 • Apple • Bank of America • Boeing • Network for Good Featured In: • Soros • Duke Energy • Pepsi • Johnson & Johnson NOW KAREN HUNTER updated 8-21-2020 updated