Which Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ended slavery in the United States? 13th

In which United States region did most of the manufacturing take place in 1840? Northeast

What organization was founded by Clara Barton? American Red Cross

Why did settlers in the Great Plains build sod houses? Sod was readily available

Workers at the end of the 19th century formed labor unions to secure what? Higher wages and better working conditions

What event was started by the actions and arrest of Rosa Parks? Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott

Anne Dallas Dudley worked for what cause? Gaining the right to vote for women

Where was Anne Dallas Dudley from? Nashville, Tennessee

What was “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”? An influential novel published in 1852 illustrating the cruelties of slavery

What agreement allowed Missouri to enter the United States as a slave state, while maintaining equal numbers of slave states and free states? Missouri Compromise

What was one effect of the Kansas-Nebraska Act? Settlers in any territory were free to decide by popular vote whether to make slavery legal.

Who unsuccessfully led a small band of Abolitionists in a raid on Harper’s Ferry? John Brown



Who sued for his freedom from slavery after traveling with his master to a free state? Dred Scott

Who became President just after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated?

During the Civil War, states that sided with the North were called _____ States. Union

States siding with the South in the War Between the States were called ______States. Confederate

Did Tennessee secede from the Union during the Civil War? Yes

Why was Tennessee late in deciding whether to secede from the Union during the Civil War? Slaves were rare in East Tennessee, but common in Middle and West Tennessee

What name was given to the family of Union Colonel Fielding Hurst after he settled in McNairy County at the end of the Civil War? Hurst Nation

Why did the Hurst Nation find itself in conflict with neighbors after the Civil War? Most of McNairy County had sympathized with the South during the war, but Colonel Hurst had fought for the North.

Where did the Confederacy surrender to the Union, ending the Civil War? Appomattox Court House

Who was the President of the United States during the Civil War? Abraham Lincoln

Who was the President of the Confederate States of America? Jefferson Davis

Who was the General of the during the Civil War? Ulysses S. Grant



Who was the General of the Confederate Army during the Civil War? Robert E. Lee

Who was the founder of the American Red Cross? Clara Barton

Who was a Confederate General, and believed to have been the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan?

Who was the first U.S. President to be impeached? Andrew Johnson

Which of Tennessee’s three grand divisions contained most Union sympathizers during the Civil War? East

Since the Emancipation Proclamation only applied to states in rebellion during the Civil War, did it actually free any slaves at the time it was written? No

What were Andrew Johnson’s policies that effectively continued slavery after the Civil War called? Black codes

Who invented the electric light bulb? Thomas Edison

Who invented the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell

Who invented the automobile? Henry Ford

What US warship was sunk in Havana harbor in 1898, contributing to the outbreak of the Spanish American War? U.S.S. Maine