August 2020


Table of Contents

Page No. 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background to the Assignment 1 1.2 Urban Sanitation and Wastewater Project Principles and Context for the Assignment 1.3 Project Interventions and the Geographic Area for this Assignment 2 1.4 The Problem Statement 3 1.5 Overall Objective of the Assignment 3 1.6 Scope of Consultancy Services 4 2.0 Description of the Study Area 5 2.1 Sri Lanka Country Context 5 2.2 The Study Area 6 2.3 General Sanitation Issues in the Project Areas 7 3.0 Scope of the Consultancy Services 9 3.1 Main Activities 9 3.2 Tasks to be Performed 9 3.2.1 Data collection and analysis 9 3.2.2 Guidelines, Standards and Design Criteria 10 3.2.3 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 12 3.2.4 Preliminary Field Investigations and Technical Surveys 12 3.2.5 Urban and Demography Study 13 3.2.6 Household Socio-economic Survey 13 3.2.7 Drinking Water Demand and Wastewater Production 14 3.2.8 Zoning and Analysis of Areas 14 3.2.9 Decentralized/On-site Sanitation/Septage Treatment Systems 15 3.2.10 Waste4water Network Collection 15 3.2.11 Wastewater Treatment Plants 15 3.2.12 Investigations on Locations for Infrastructures, Lands and Ownerships 16 3.2.13 General Analysis for Possibilities of Treated Wastewater Reuse and Sludge 16 Management 3.2.14 Project Estimation, Economic and Financial Analysis of Subprojects 16 3.2.15 Exploration of Private Financing in Urban Sanitation 17 4.0 Deliverables 17 4.1 Reports 17 4.2 Presentation Workshop of the Draft Reports to Stakeholders in Badulla 19 5.0 Initial Environment and Social Impacts Assessment (ESIA) 19 5.1 Objective of the Impact Assessment 19 6.0 Organisation of the Consultancy Assignment 23 6.1 Overview 23


6.2 Reporting and Meetings 23 6.3 Consultants Office and Resources 24 6.4 Assistance by the Client to the Consultant 24 7.0 Staffing 25 7.1 General Experience of the Consultancy Firm 25 7.2 Key Experts and their Qualifications and Experience 25 7.3 Staff for Surveys and Field Functions 28 7.4 Support Staff 29

List of Tables

Table 1 Schedule of Report to be submitted with time duration 23 Table 2 Indicating Key Staff Time Inputs 25 Table 3 Indicative Experts Engagement Schedule (Depicting Core Engagement) 26

Figure 1 Proposed Badulla District, Divisions and City Area 7 Figure 2 Tentative Sanitation Issues in the Project Areas 7



1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background to the Assignment

This consultancy assignment is to be carried out under the current World Bank financed Water Supply & Sanitation Improvement Project (WaSSIP) of the Ministry of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education (MCPWS&HE); as preparatory activity for the proposed new Sanitation Enhancement Project (SEP). The new project, which intends to develop citywide inclusive sanitation in selected cities and towns in Sri Lanka, will be implemented by the National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB); and will be financed by the World Bank.

1.2 Urban Sanitation and Wastewater Project Principles and Context for the Assignment

The achievement of safely managed sanitation requires a sustained long term engagement where continuity is required to ensure that household connections to sewer systems are maximized, and sustained engagement is required from both National Water Supply and Drainage Board and Local Authorities. The project proposes a Multi-Phase Programmatic Approach, which will allow for geographic phasing of the project, with each phase achieving citywide inclusive sanitation in the targeted cities. The project will directly support Sri Lanka’s efforts to achieve SDG 6.2: By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.

The project will adopt the said a citywide inclusive sanitation approach; of which the key principles are as follows:

o Everybody benefits from adequate sanitation service delivery outcomes, including specific unserved and underserved groups; o Human waste is safely managed along the whole sanitation service chain, which consists of access to a toilet, emptying and transport, treatment and disposal and reuse; o A diversity of technical solutions is embraced for adaptive, mixed and incremental approaches, including the combination of onsite and sewerage solutions, in either centralized or decentralized systems, to better respond to the realities on the ground; o Institutional arrangements are in place for O&M for the full sanitation service chain; o Effective resource recovery and re-use are maximized;


o Non-infrastructure aspects of sanitation service delivery are integrated into the approach, including capacity building, multi-stakeholder engagement, household engagement and outreach; o Master planning is done district-wide to ensure optimization of infrastructure investments and with consideration of relevant and related urban services including water supply, drainage, and solid waste management.

1.3 Project Interventions and the Geographic Area for this Assignment

The project will finance sanitation infrastructure, faecal sludge management equipment and systems; capacity building of staff, institutional strengthening, studies for subsequent phases of the project; and project management and implementation support. The infrastructure solutions will consist of pipe sewer networks and connections, wastewater treatment plants; onsite sanitation, faecal sludge collection and disposal, septage treatment plants and decentralized wastewater treatment. These solutions are expected to fill the access to sanitation gaps with appropriate technology for the cities and rural areas to achieve safely managed total sanitation.

In Badulla City, it is likely that the project area will extend beyond the urban council or municipal council boundary, into the neighbouring Pradeshya Sabhas, within the range of gulley bowser operation, being able to access treatment facilities within the city.

In addition, the project will support sewerage connections, connections with extensions; and onsite sanitation in areas where sewerage systems already exist; i.e. Kurunagela, Kataragama, Dehiwala- Mount Lavinia, and . These interventions will support the optimization of existing infrastructure, and improve the financial performance of these systems. Achieving safely managed sanitation in cities, where existing sewer systems exist is considered relatively modest investments that can result in substantial increase in access to pipe sewer.

The World Bank had extensive discussion with the Government of Sri Lanka in selecting the geographic areas for investment. The Strategic Master Plan Under the Sewerage Sector (JICA, 2017) identifies 79 cities for development to meet the government target of 7% sewerage coverage by 2030. These cities have relatively high population density and are either areas with high economic growth or areas with serious water resource degradation issues. Five cities, represented by their respective municipal councils: Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, , Badulla, , and Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia MC; were further prioritized based on their strategic importance, impact on regional development and cities that had no major sewerage system implementation investments on-going or a plan.

The cities of Nuwara Eliya and Badulla (that had no identified financiers) are to be benefitted by the World Bank financing. Located in the central highlands of the country where most of the major rivers originate, these two districts have no formal sanitation services of significance at present. The main urban areas of two districts requires urgent attention on the basis of environmental degradation they cause by the release of untreated sewage to the environment; and the presence of important 2

drinking water sources located downstream of these cities. However, given the major administrative functions in the province, advance state of readiness availability of prefeasibility study and conceptual designs for some investments; the study of Badulla will be undertaken first. 1.4 The Problem Statement

In 2017, 96% of the population in Sri Lanka had access to at least a basic level of sanitation service, of which pit latrines provided the majority. Access to piped sewer is 4.2% nationally, which is behind regional averages of 31% in the South Asia, and 48% in East Asia and Pacific. Despite the excellent coverage figures, pit latrines, which the country relies excessively, pose an environmental hazard by overflowing into canals and into surface waters, polluting groundwater, particularly in areas with high water tables. The high proportion of on-site sanitation in the country also requires facilities for pit emptying and transport of excreta, treatment, and disposal/reuse facilities. To move from basic sanitation to safely managed sanitation requires the country to extend piped sewer infrastructure and manage onsite sanitation comprehensively.

In Sri Lanka, Badulla is a city, which faces many of these challenges. The Badulu Oya, one of the major tributaries of the Mahaweli River that skirts the built up area of the Badulla City is increasingly receiving polluted water degrading the influent water quality of six water supply intakes in the river. Water security in Badulla and downstream areas are exacerbated by water shortages in the dry season and poor water quality compounds these issues even further.

Other than Badulla City, which is the district capital, there are secondary level of townships exist in the Badulla District such as , Ella, Welimada, , , Hali-Ela. Due to the lack of proper wastewater disposal systems in above townships wastewater is disposed in haphazard ways polluting the environment and water bodies. For example wastewater generated in Welimada City is discharged to Uma Oya which is flowing across the city. Ella City is a tourist attracted city and there are many number of hotels have been established without proper wastewater disposal system for those hotel clusters in the town. There are many number of places exist with undergoing environmental pollution in the similar townships and tourist attractive locations in the district.

1.5 Overall Objective of the Assignment

The main objective of the assignment is to prepare a Feasibility Study providing a combination of infrastructure solutions to ensure district wide total sanitation with a list of prioritized investments for Badulla District. The assignment also requires that the Consultant complete all conceptual designs for prioritized investments identified.

This objective is to be achieved by carrying out concurrently the following two distinct activities.

Activity 1; Carry out the feasibility study for a wastewater collection, treatment and disposal system for Badulla City area to cater for demands in urban development, demographic changes and climate change that can be expected over the next 30 years. The Consultant will identify suitable technical


options, and provide conceptual designs for the system with due consideration to environmental impacts, social impacts and economic and financial considerations.

Activity 2: Carry out the feasibility study to ensure district-wide inclusive sanitation by identifying gaps and challenges in sanitation service delivery within the district and proposing suitable interventions that will include piped networks, decentralized systems and onsite sanitation systems. The Consultant will propose specific investment options for the different townships and rural areas to cover the whole district .The Consultant will provide conceptual designs for these different subprojects with due consideration to environmental impacts, social impacts and economic and financial considerations.

1.6 Scope of Consultancy Services

The scope of Activity 1 is carry out a full feasibility study for wastewater management and sanitation improvement of Badulla Municipal area (or prioritised areas) and prepare a comprehensive report with conceptual designs.

The scope of the Activity 2 is carry out a full feasibility study for sanitation improvement for Badulla District (other than the Municipal area) and prepare a comprehensive report with conceptual designs isolating the investments in to prioritized list of subprojects.

The Consultant has the discretion to use existing data, reports and other material as far as appropriate. However, the Consultant remains responsible of all results/findings/outputs and conclusions of the assignment.

The administrative boundaries for the feasibility studies are for; Activity 1 the entire Badulla Municipal Council area, and Activity 2 the Badulla District.

A basic projected development plan is to be constructed to inform the requirements for sanitation; zone the areas according to the sanitation requirements, carry out an options study to indicate which combination of infrastructure option optimizes service delivery efficiency. The Consultant must note that the tasks are indicative and therefore is free to review and organise them according to its own methodology.

The project will be sized for a design horizon of 30 years after the beginning of the assignment (final horizon). Also, two intermediate years must be included in order to take into account the phasing of works: 10 and 20 years after the beginning of the assignment. The list of prioritized interventions must be designed for the full design horizon.

The study is to be completed within a period of 10 months.

A Faecal Sludge Management System (FMS) Study is also to be undertaken concurrently with this Feasibility Study for Badulla City and other towns/areas in the district. The FMS study should focus 4

on the current practices of FMS in local authorities, assessment methodology and strategical locations of the septage treatment plants (STP) to meet 10, 20 and 30 years demands.

2.0 Description of the Study Area

2.1 Sri Lanka Country Context

Sri Lanka has a population of around 21 million of which 70% lives in rural areas. Increasingly, there is a rural urban migration requiring higher level of service delivery to these urban areas, which is becoming an enormous challenge for the Government. Although in 2015 the country achieved the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) for water and sanitation, only 2% of the Sri Lankan population is connected to a sewerage system. The rest of the population uses on-site sanitation systems. Currently most of the existing onsite sanitation systems are out dated and poorly maintained which decreases their ability to function efficiently. Inadequate means that exists to collect, treat and reuse fecal sludge has compounded the problems, resulting in wastewater being discharged untreated into drainage channels and environment with serious consequences for both public health and ecosystems.

Sri Lanka is currently equipped with 28 small-scale collection sewerage systems – mini-networks linked to housing schemes or industrial clusters. The large-scale sewerage systems are currently operating only in , -Ratmalana, Jaela-Ekala, , and Kataragama.

The NWSDB functioning under the Ministry of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education (MCPWSHE) is primary institution entrusted with water supply and piped sewerage development. In 2018, the Board supplied potable water through 2.0 million house service connections via its 312 schemes. Of the 10,280 of the NWSDB employees only 300 work for the sewerage department, which is indicative of the scale in which the Board operates in terms of its water and sanitation functions.

Onsite sanitation, is primarily manages by the Local Authorities where collection and discharging of faecal sludge is operated by both local governments and small private operating discharging in to designated wastewater treatment plants, septage treatment plants, dumping sites and in some cases to unauthorized localities.

Tariff for piped sewer is usually added on to the water bills; and is a percentage tariff charged based on the consumption of potable water over and above a fixed fee of LKR 200.00. The most recent tariff increase for wastewater took place in January 2012.

The Sri Lankan Government has set an ambitious goal for wastewater management development. It anticipates that 3.4% of the Sri Lankan population will be connected to a collective sewerage system by 2030, which is around 300,000 population than in 2019. The Board’s sewerage department has laid out its sector strategy in the Public Investment Program (PIP) on Sewerage Projects 2013-2017; to achieve this target.


2.2 The Study Area

The Badulla District (), which has total land area of 2861km2 and a population of 886,000 is characterized by its hilly undulating terrain with many places of religious and scenic interest, where both local and foreign visitors frequent the area throughout the year. Badulla District has 13 Divisional Secretary Divisions with some having significant tourism such as Bandarawela and Ella. The city is almost encircled by the Badulu Oya and is located about 680m (2,200 ft) above Mean Sea Level (MSL) and is surrounded by mountains which includes the Namunukula Range (highest peak 2,016m MSL). The Babarakanda waterfall the tallest in the country, Dunhinda Waterfall and the Muthyangana Rajamaha Vihara (temple), are chief attractions in this ancient city. Badulla is an agricultural district where tea is it’s main commercial crop. Paddy and vegetables are also cultivated in a large scale. The city is serviced by main arterial roads and rail link, which is known for its scenic beauty.

There two distinct zones to be covered in this feasibility study:

(1) The Badulla City and its immediate suburbs characterized high population density and rapid urbanization; and (2) Areas excluding the Badulla City area in the Badulla District with isolated secondary towns.

The importance of implementing a wastewater collection, treatment and disposal system within capital city of Uva Province has been increased at the moment owing to urbanization of the city, pollution of Badulu Oya ever increasing daily floating population and tourists visiting Muthiyangana Rajamaha Viharaya and other attractions.

In this regard the NWSDB carried out a prefeasibility study in 2014 to implement the Badulla wastewater collection, treatment and disposal project. The wastewater collection system has been initially designed mainly to collect the wastewater which generates within domestic dwellings and non-domestic units within the 03 Grama Niladari Divisions (GND) namely Badulupitiya, Badulla East and Badulla West. However, that study can be of partial use to provide some base information for this feasibility study.


Figure 01 : Proposed Badulla District, Divisions and City Area

Figure 02 : Tentative Project Area for Badulla City (Google Map)

2.3 General Sanitation Issues in the Project Areas

Badulla town area has benefited from pipe borne water supply scheme for some years now but has fallen behind in having a proper wastewater collection and disposal system. The NWSDB and a number of rural water supply schemes provide water supply in Badulla. The pipe borne water supply coverage in the city area is about 92% where there are about 9, 700 connections as per the Badulla Municipal council data. About 10,100 households have access to safe drinking water facilities including pipe borne water supply.


At present, the entire population in Badulla relies on onsite sanitary systems; consisting of septic tanks, soakage pits, cesspits, pit latrines etc. The soakage pits in some parts of the city do not function effectively, either owing to high ground water levels particularly during the rainy season and/or being poorly engineered systems. Hence, disposing septic tank effluent is a significant problem within the city.

Gray water generated in houses or commercial units are usually discharged without treatment into surface drains or roadside drains and in some cases, even septic tank effluent is being discharged into surface drains or water courses.

Further, insufficient land in the housing or other building plot, is denying proper treatment of wastewater. The only wastewater treatment facility available in Badulla town is that of the Badulla General Hospital. This system operates and maintains by the Hospital itself. The effluent of the system is discharged in to a water causeway, which is connected to Badulu Oya (River) at the Greenland Drive area of the Kailagoda.

The Municipal Council collects sewage from Government institutions, commercial establishments and households on request. The collected sewerage is disposed to the same location in which solid waste of the Badulla Municipal Council is being disposed. The leachate from the dumpsite eventually finds its way to the Badulu Oya, and has the potential to become a serious environmental health issue.

However, in the absence of a central, common and proper wastewater disposal system, it is quite difficult to provide feasible technical solutions to these issues particularly in the Badulla city and other major towns in the area due to the congested nature and the small plot size of many establishments and households.

There are notable cities in Badulla district with high tourist attraction and urbanization such as Bandraawela, Welimada and Ella. Uma Oya is flowing across Welimada City area and untreated or partially treated wastewater in the city is discharging to Umaoya. Due to high population densities in city areas and unavailability of proper wastewater treatment/management system, risk of ground water and surface water contamination is high.

In addition to that housing clusters are present in Badulla district area mainly the state colonies. Most of housing clusters does not have proper wastewater collection and disposal system. There are issues regarding health of people living in housing cluster due to lack of sanitation facilities.


3.0 Scope of the Consultancy Services

3.1 Main Activities

The Activity 1 is to carry out a full feasibility study for wastewater management and sanitation improvement of Badulla City area and prepare a comprehensive report with conceptual designs.

Activity 2 is to carry a full feasibility study for sanitation improvement focusing on the problematic areas and areas where the sanitation issues exists in Badulla District other than the municipal area and prepare a comprehensive report with conceptual designs dividing in to subprojects.

It is expected that the Consultant propose its own methodology according to the quality and level of the existing studies. Some outputs may be only a validation of these studies. However, the Consultant remain responsible of all result/finding/output included in its conclusions under this feasibility.

3.2 Tasks to be Performed

The following tasks are to be performed under this Terms of Reference. The Consultant must note that the tasks are only indicative and the Consultant is free to review and organise tasks according to its own methodology.

3.2.1 Data collection and Analysis

The Consultant will gather and analyse all type of data needed to do an efficient complete study (general designs, conceptual design, environmental aspects, social aspects, existing systems, technical details, etc.).

The Consultant will describe in its methodology the list of data collected including the following data:  populations, demography, projection of populations, socio-economic framework  urban data and land use including future projects ;  GIS data ;  background maps, topographic data especially for routes and sites planned to be used in the projects ;  Topographic survey on the routes should be at the interval of minimum 20m  Network modelling using SwerGem software  geological and hydro geological data especially data related to water table levels ;  local climate change scenarios ;  natural river system and existing drainage network and pluviometry ;  drinking water data : water consumption and water supply network including future projects ;  Existing situation related to individual/domestic sanitation systems ;  Existing situation related to wastewater management of commercial, institutional and industrial systems 9

 Details of Septage collection and disposal facilities and current demand  Unit prices for works closed to the ones of the current project / for estimation of the phased out infrastructure investments to be constructed under both Activity 01 & Activity 02  Prices/Rates given in the NWSDB’s Rate Book and Market Values  Design criteria for each component of the WWMS’s etc.

During collection of data following sources and methods to be specially considered,  Information to be gathered from government officers. Meetings and discussions need to be conducted at Divisional Secretariat with the participation of NWSDB, Divisional secretary, development officers, Public Health Inspectors (PHI) and Grama Niladharis, to identify pollution points and areas with issues.  Create awareness amongst government officers regarding the objectives of the study in the process of data/information collection.  Information to be gathered from members of local authorities regarding areas with sanitation issues and present conditions  Information to be gathered from community leaders such as condominium management committee leaders, social activists etc.

3.2.2 Guidelines, Standards and Design Criteria

The Consultant must propose the guidelines, standards and design criteria in consultation with the NWSDB that have to be used in the detail design and do conceptual designs and provide details of approximate sizing of main infrastructures and main equipment and devices. The consultant will present the conceptual design proposals to the Client. The standards and design criteria shall be consistent with existing national standards, international standards and international best practices.

The data will be dedicated to:  water demand and waste water production, including peak daily coefficient and hourly coefficient depending on local numbers of connections ;  raw wastewater quality ; sampling  septage wastewater quality:sampling  types of wastewater management/sanitation improvement (see 3.2.9 for definition) ;  calculation methods including hydraulic equations ; Network modelling using SewerGem softaware:Latest edition  system design : pipes; pumping stations (including operation & odour control); WWTP’s and STP’s; 0dour control system; outfalls; DEWATS & effluent discharge points; on-site treatment and disposal; demand calculation for septage disposal; septage treatment systems or septage disposal at common wastewater treatment plants and others.  characteristics of materials (for pipes) ;  power supply/emergency power ;

 protection of individuals and protection of physical assets (including odours and H2S) ; 10

The Consultant will present in its reports a detailed list of its main design criteria for each type of works/activity, including methods of calculations, main equations, design parameters, etc. These criteria are to be agreed with NWSDB prior to initiating any work.

Type of collection system The sanitary system with wastewater must be separated from the drainage system. During its assignment, the Consultant will propose the best type of collection network to be used in each WWMS.

It may be chosen among the following systems:  conventional network/sewage ;  simplified sewerage network ;  condominium sewerage network ;  or other technical solution suited to ground situation

In each WWMS, different systems can/must be proposed regarding local situations and to their technical, operation/maintenance and economic efficiency. The Consultant shall bear in mind that the water table in the project area is subject to vulnerability to climate change effects including recurring floods. The Consultant will highlight its specific experience in its methodology.

Trenchless pipe laying by drilling or micro tunnelling

At present time, projects include important lengths of trenchless pipe laying. Reasons for choosing this kind of laying reside mainly in the wishes of not cutting roads/streets with high density traffic and/or in good condition with sometimes recent refurbishment.

Investigations done by the Consultant should therefore include at least:

 name and location of road ;  unit cost estimates of trenchless solution for laying the pipe regarding section and depth ;  authority to which the road belongs to ;  propositions to limit inconveniences especially in cases where trenches are selected ;  Guided drilling, micro tunnelling or other techniques must be analysed by the Consultant in order to propose the best technical and economic solution regarding the advantages and impediments. A comparison between trench and trenchless solutions will be proposed ;  Consultations with consent of Road Authorities (RDA, UC, MC, PRDA, local authorities) especially to ascertain whether digging trenches could be allowed for different reasons.  Methodology for service connections to collection system.

The Client prepared a survey of roads, lanes or small road networks under consideration. The Consultant will describe its specific experience in its methodology. 11

Choice of pipe material Regarding advantages and disadvantages of each material, other possibilities can be taken into account during the study.

The Consultant is requested to check different materials (including the pressurized/not pressurized issue, diameter issue,) : concrete, plastic materials : (uPVC, HDPE, polypropylene PP), (ductile) iron, …

The Consultant must be aware of H2S and its negative effects on pipes and materials, on safety issue, odours. This must be considered in each specific case. The Consultant must highlight its specific experience in its methodology.

The consultant must propose suitable pipe materials for different soil conditions and for other constraints in the project areas. Due consideration to given to the pipe materials for sewer networks for different diameter ranges being adopted and recommended by the NWSDB.

3.2.3 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

The Consultant will use as much as possible a GIS system to manage background maps, data and infrastructures used or planned during the assignment.

It shall provide :  Upgrading or creation of new GIS map with Zoning of wastewater management systems for Badulla District  Indication of Roads, areas considered(covered) under wastewater/septage management systems in GIS map in program used in the client organization (if any software available in the client organization)  Location of treatment facilities, existing/proposed pipelines, pumping stations, septage treatment plants etc.  Full detailed GIS map to be developed with existing and proposed sanitation improvement systems. In order to

(1) efficiently use these data in the study and (2) Indicate details of existing facilities and proposed facilities

3.2.4 Preliminary Field Investigations and Technical Surveys

The Consultant is required to conduct field visits and other investigations in order to collect data of the actual situation. The following investigations/visits seem to be necessary and activities to be carried out:  Configuration of WWTP and pumping station and pumping station sites to be planned ;  In case of Badulla City WWDS the client has already selected a 5 acre land for the WWTP together with 11 numbers of 5 perch lands for pumping stations based on the pre-feasibility 12

study already carried out. The details of such lands shall be made available to the consultant  Surveys to be planned (WWTP and pumping stations routes for drilling or tunnelling) ;  Carrying out required geotechnical investigations  Minimum 20 numbers of geotechnical investigation to be carry out in Badulla City WWDS including locations of WWTP, PH and pipe routes.  Groundwater explorations with special regard to seasons with high water table ;  Outfalls: quality of water and all other relevant investigations to be carried out by the Consultant. Treated wastewater disposal should meet the required standards stipulated by the CEA.

The Consultant must adjust this list in its methodology focusing to above. The Consultant must also include as to when these activities will be undertaken in the feasibility studies.

3.2.5 Urban and Demography Study

Basic urban study The Consultant is required to prepare a basic and general study (considering the available pre- feasibility study, data and the objectives of the study) in order to produce guidelines related to the development of the city until the design horizon.

Demography and Population Current and future population data shall be collected by the consultant and details to be provided. Future population must be assessed by considering potential vertical development aspect also.

The Consultant is required to confirm the accuracy and to assess the breakdown of data by geographical zones depending on the previous or current urban findings under this study.

3.2.6 Household Socio-economic Survey

The Consultant will conduct a survey based on people’s “willingness and capacity to pay” for a public and collective sanitation system. The survey should help the Consultant and the project:  to confirm the technical approach of existing studies ;  if needed, to locally improve the boundaries of the area under consideration to lay networks or to use individual or semi-collective systems ;  in case of networks, (i) to identify what type of collection network can be used, (ii) to provide indication on the rate of people ready to be connected to the network (depending on technical or financial conditions) ;  obtain public perception, knowledge about the objectives and activities of the project together with demand/willingness/affordability for connection and approximate cost of internal modification to wastewater pipe system in their premises.


 in case of individual sanitation system (DEWATS or individual on-site disposal systems), to define the best type of system to be used based on social perception.

Such a survey must be done for each city/proposed zone taking into consideration the level reached in the existing studies. The survey must be based on a form with a list of questions to address to representative samples of people and local communities to be chosen in city component and district sub projects. The consultant will propose a relevant sample size.

Due to technical constraints (such as water table levels, densities of population, …), it can be seen that the entire areas included in the study should be fitted with pipes network systems. Nevertheless, individual or semi-collective sanitation could be chosen for some sub-areas.

In addition to technical experts proposed for other activities, the Consultant must therefore include a social and economic expert together with field staff.

The Consultant must present its specific methodology in its proposal, including a timeframe. It is suggested that the survey does not exceed one month.

3.2.7 Drinking Water Demand and Wastewater Production

The Consultant is required to forecast future wastewater production (values and location) until the final horizon of the project.

Present drinking water consumptions must be first analysed from data available at the NWSDB / Local Authority. The monthly records of number of connections, consumption and bill amount can be obtained from Local Authority / NWSDB billing system.

Average and peaking flows (hourly based value) and volumes (daily based values) must be calculated according to the evolution of population in time (until the final design horizon), urban typology, forecasted drinking water supply consumption, estimated connection rates, etc.

Any instantaneous demands such as festivals, etc. shall be identified. As example, during the summer season, and Muthiyangana Raja Maha Vihara religious festival, large gathering of people can be expected in Badulla. The daily floating population city or zone (tourist attracted places, festival etc…) also to be assessed.

At this stage, data must be used to facilitate the feasibility pre-design.

3.2.8 Zoning and Analysis of Areas

A zoning of areas must done to identify different types of sanitation solutions: (i) Networks, - optimizing the gravity or pumping systems with minimum number of pumping stations for zoning. 14

(ii) On-site sanitation systems or DEWATS where networks are technically not possible or recommended, where low income communities are living (depending on the willingness to pay), (iii) Other solution(s) could be recommended such as semi-collective sanitation system

Output must include wastewater production for each scenario for different years until the design (project) horizon.

3.2.9 Decentralized/On-site Sanitation/Septage Treatment Systems

The Consultant should identify sanitation solutions based on pollution level, social and environmental aspects for on-site sanitation system considering the following,

 Identify and assess current solutions used to evacuate, treat (WWTP or specific STP) and dispose sludge. A special attention shall be paid to the possibilities of disposing septage in future WWTP’s designed in the present study.  Identification of locations with requirement of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (commercial areas, house clusters, schemes, areas with tourist hotels, densely populated areas with possibility of DEWATS etc..)  Identification of areas/zones with requirement of new septage treatment plants  provide general technical recommendations regarding the existing systems in Badulla District ;  assess general septage volumes in regards to existing and/or recommended systems ;

3.2.10 Wastewater Network Collection

The Consultant will analyse the solutions available for the wastewater collection systems in areas identified to use such sanitation system.

Location of the main parts of the collection system The Consultant shall take into account location of main pipes, pumping stations and forced main taking with the help of existing studies and other findings, regarding to soil characteristics, type of roads/streets, general slopes, average depths of pipes, type of material, etc.

House connection promotion strategy The Consultant should prepare an efficient and effective strategy to provide sewer connections to individual consumers during the construction period.

The Consultant shall provide general characteristics to ensure consistency between toilet location in houses and sewer depth.

3.2.11 Wastewater Treatment Plants

An action is to confirm with the Client the availability of identified and selected lands for the WWTP’s and/or identify additional sites.


The Consultant shall present different types of WWTP’s that could be built on available/possible sites taking into account issues such as hazardous events (e.g. landslides, cyclone), possibilities of wastewater reuse after treatment, identified constraints, etc. It must also take into account a feasible phased and modular approach of the WWTP construction, to accommodate the increase in volume of the wastewater quantities over time due to any reason.

3.2.12 Investigations on Locations for Infrastructures, Lands and Ownerships

The Consultant shall have confirmation on the availability of land and shall propose actions to be carried out by the Client in order to secure lands for right of way for main sewers, pumping stations, outfalls and treatment plants.

During the feasibility phase, the Consultant should select the most suitable location of all the main infrastructure. Then the ownerships of the selected lands to be found in consultation of the client and Grama Niladhari of Divisional Secretariat. The consultant should further assist the client to obtain the consent/approval of such lands from the respective land owners. The drawings for the lands also should be developed for acquire the lands.

3.2.13 General analysis for Possibilities of Treated Wastewater Reuse and Sludge Management

The analysis must (or not) justify such a solution regarding the agricultural needs (or in another field if more suitable), their location, the needs of additional infrastructures to supply water from the TP to the location of cultivated lands and/or existing irrigation channels.

If there are possibilities of treated wastewater reuse, a basic technical (channels, basins, pumping stations) and economic (global costs) study will be presented.

The most suitable methods disposing/co-composting of sludge and screenings generated from the wastewater treatment process and pumping stations, have to be investigated in consultation with local authorities, Solid Waste Management Authority and Central Environmental Authority.

3.2.14 Project Estimation, Economic and Financial Analysis of Subprojects

Accurate project estimation has to be carried out for phased out infrastructure investments to be constructed under both in Activity 01 and each sub project in Activity 02.An Economic and Financial analysis also is to be carried out. For both activity 01 and activity 02. Given the nature of sanitation projects, where the aim is the creation of essentially public goods with long term public outcomes and outreach to huge beneficiary groups: the Consultant has to strike a balance between reasonable effort to rationalize them and scientific robustness in reaching the findings commensurate with the broader objectives of the TOR. This level of effort is reflected in the time allowed for the related expert in this TOR.


It is expected that an economic and financial analysis of each of the subprojects be carried out drawing rational conclusions. In doing so the Consultant is expected to carry out the following indicative tasks.

1. Estimate the realistic cost of the works based on preliminary designs and other associated costs such as mitigation of environmental and social impacts. 2. Quantify the most relevant and attributable benefits of the subprojects in dialogue with the Client /project staff. 3. Identify tariffs, levies or charges that can be reasonably recovered via service delivery. 4. Describe explicitly how the attribution to the project has been modeled with a succinct explanation of the underlying assumptions. Assumptions to be kept to a minimum by the collation of primary and secondary data. 5. Allow for the modification of costs, attributes and assumptions in order to enable a credible sensitivity analysis. 6. Report on calculations of the internal rate of return, net present value and discounted and nominal cost-benefit relations and other ratios considered as relevant in each specific case. 7. Reasonable, plausible explanations concerning estimations, interpretation and critical evaluation of the findings and recommendations.

3.2.15 Exploration of Private Financing in Urban Sanitation

Infrastructure financing is expensive; and particularly so in urban sanitation. Therefore Government is considering infusion of private sector capital to bridge the funding shortfall for escalating infrastructure needs. In addition to constraints in financing capital expenditure for infrastructure, the subsequent operation and maintenance too had been both inefficient and expensive. Given this setting, the Consultant is required to identify subproject(s) that may be attractive for investment of private capital for infrastructure and/or private sector participation in O&M. The Consultant is required to recommend the sources of private financing that can be obtained and based on the financial analysis carried out above, propose modalities that can be adopted for the private sector to participation either individually or jointly with the public sector. In this, various PPP models of financing is to be explored.

4.0 Deliverables

4.1 Reports

The Consultant is to produce a Feasibility Study covering the two main activities.

(1) Feasibility Study with the preliminary Design for the Badulla Municipal Council area including Sewerage Network, Wastewater Treatment Plant for design horizon of 30 years together with DEWATS/Onsite sanitation systems where the network is not accessible.


(2) Feasibility Study for District-wide Sanitation Plan with a planning horizon of 30 years (i.e. 2050) and the Preliminary Design of Infrastructure Investments to be undertaken by year 2030 (sub projects).

Deliverables of the feasibility studies are included in a report with data, output and findings coming from all tasks described. This report shall include:

I. Texts describing tasks and outputs, issues and proposed solutions; II. Alternative proposals and their advantages and disadvantages; III. Description of the expected WWMS and its main components, including information on on- site sanitation and possibilities on (treated) wastewater reuse; IV. Presentation of works, including first preliminary costs and phasing; V. Proposals for DEWATS to cover hosing clusters, schemes where the sanitation issues exist. VI. Identification of sanitation zones cover under septage treatment plants VII. Maps with general locations of networks, mains, pumping stations, WWTP, STP to facilitate the comprehension of situation and proposed works; VIII. Project Implementation Schedule (see note below); IX. Environment and Social Impacts Assessment for the Badulla Municipality and district components. ESIA for each of the zones –Wastewater Treatment Plants, Septage Treatment Plant, DEWATS etc. ( See also section 5) X. Project Estimates for WWDS of Badulla City and other sub project in district sanitation. XI. Economic and Financial analysis for each of the schemes ( See also section 3.2.14) XII. A summary of the presentation Workshop including main questions and the Consultant’s answers; and XIII. Other relevant information.

In addition, the Consultant will provide:

(3) A GIS based database to manage background maps, data and infrastructures both existing and identified during the assignment; and be transferred to the Client for future use after the conclusion of the assignment. It shall consist: GIS maps with zoning of wastewater management systems for Badulla District, indicate roads and other features covered under wastewater/septage management system and location of treatment facilities, existing/proposed pipelines, pumping stations, septage treatment plants etc.

Note- A Project Implementation Schedule consisting of identified project activities, associated consultancy and eventual construction programming. These timelines to be presented in a prioritized manner for informed decision making bearing in mind the limited financing and time available. One of the main interventions under the project is to commission the Badulla WWTP before phase 01 project completion, with sufficient connections discharging wastewater into the plant. To achieve this, the Consultant is required to plan the work packages to fast-track


construction. The Consultant is to actively monitor its own programme to deliver the assignment outputs on time and in a staggered manner.

4.2 Presentation Workshop of the Draft Reports to Stakeholders in Badulla

The Consultant shall conduct a workshop in Badulla to present the findings of the feasibility study. A Draft report is expected at this time and it is expected that all relevant stakeholders including NWSDB (the Client), relevant line ministries, municipalities, local authorities, relevant road authorities, Irrigation and Agrarian Authorities Sri Lanka Telecom be invited amongst other stakeholders. The workshop is to be organized by the Consultant and is expected to be a one day event for about 60 invitees. During the feasibility, it is the responsibility of the Consultant to organize meetings to collate and incorporate the views of the major stakeholders early in the planning process so that the workshop presentation will only be a “fine-tuning and acceptance” of the proposals. In this regard a mini workshop is proposed to be held after the completion of the Preliminary Designs.


5.0 Initial Environment and Social Assessment 5.1 Objective of the Assessment

The Consultant will carry out Environmental and Social feasibility of the technical solutions proposed within the framework of the feasibility studies described above.

The consultant should  proposed site selection criteria for the proposed work based on critical social and environmental parameters, the criterion should include (but not limited to) o Identification of sensitive environmental resources within 500m radius of project sites and measure/map distances of project interventions from the identified sensitive sites) o Identify communities within 500m radius of project sites and measure/map distances from such areas to the project sites (access roads to be included) o Identify additional infrastructure needs to operationalise the sites

 Assess the location of the proposed works based on these criteria and rate each site for conformity  Check conformity with Sri Lankas legal framework for environment management and conservation and recommend further studies that may need to be undertaken.  Identify a list of potential social and environmental risks as well as benefits, and recommend what alternative options can minimise the risks  Conduct initial public consultation on feasibility study outcomes to understand public concern and to design appropriate communication strategies to create correct community perceptions on the project The works shall cover; o Construction of collection networks; o Construction of pumping stations; o Construction of WWTP; and o Construction of disposal/outfall arrangement o DEWATS Clusters o Onsite;

The environment and social assessment should be carried out, on the basis of existing documentation, field visits, focus groups discussions with the affected communities and meetings with the project’s main stakeholders, making it possible to identify the main benefits/risks of the project on its environment and populations both during project implementation works and project operation.


6.0 Organisation of the Consultancy Assignment

6.1 Overview

The consultancy is to be carried out by a team of consultants/ experts in the relevant field with oversight from the selected Firm. The Client for this assignment shall be the NWSDB, and functioning under the Ministry of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education (MCPWSHE). The time duration for this assignment is 10 months.

6.2 Reporting and Meetings

A Project Management Unit (PMU) will be established within the NWSDB for the project implementation during this assignment. A Project Director will head the PMU, to whom the Consultant will report.

The Consultant will be required to present progress and discuss technical details with the senior staff of NWSDB and/or a Technical Review Team. Any official communications with Government shall be undertaken by the Client. Meetings with communities will only be held with the written agreement with the Client.

Progress meetings will be held alternatively in Colombo and Badulla chaired by the NWSDB coinciding with major milestones/ activities of the study as per the schedule below. The Client may call for additional meetings at its discretion to monitor progress.

Table 1 - Schedule of reports to be submitted with time duration

Sr. Report and Meetings Submission Date in No. weeks after signing of the contract. 1 Inception Report 03 2 Submission of urban sanitation systems/concepts 08 3 Submission of topographic survey details and network zoning 10 4 Submission of infrastructure option study/sub projects 14 5 Draft Preliminary Design Report and Drawings for Activity 01 20 6 Draft Preliminary Design Report and Drawings for Activity 02 24 7 Interim Workshop (Awareness/Feed back) 25 8 Draft Feasibility Report for Activity 01 28 9 Draft Feasibility Report for Activity 02 32 10 Final Workshop 34 11 Submission of Reports for activity 1 and 2 reports after the 40 review/ approval by the Client


The Document submission format and table of contents of the Feasibility Report to be agreed with the Client at the Inception Report Stage. The draft reports shall be submitted bound and in colour in adequate numbers. The Final Feasibility Reports will be Hard Bound and 20 copies (with soft versions) submitted.

6.3 Consultants Office and Resources

The Consultant will rent space in Badulla to set up a fully fledged office with furniture, office automation equipment and communication equipment necessary to carry out the study work for a full team of experts for the duration of the assignment. The Consultant will source all stationary and other incidental at its own cost. The software could be utilized is listed below; and the necessary licensing of the same is to be obtained so that they be operational for a period of one year for the use of the Client after the conclusion of the assignment. All assets of the consultant’s office shall be a property of the client after completion. In Particular, the Consultant is required to provide adequate transport for his staff during the assignment so that the field functions can be carried out unhindered.

Software to be used:

Following softwares are currently used by the Client: o Microsoft Office suite: Word and Excel; o Drawings: AutoCAD 2010; o Modelling: SewerGEMS Connect Edition; o GIS: ArcGIS compatible software (shape files) o SewerGEM

6.4 Assistance by the Client to the Consultant

Following Services and facilities will be provided by the Client to the Consultant:

o Provide all available documents, reports, data and surveys etc. and pre-feasibility report of Badulla City WWDS in formats (digital/ hardcopy) available. o Issue any permission letter as may be necessary to officials, agents and representatives of the Government for obtaining necessary data for the assignment. o Issue letters and instructions as may be necessary to officials, agents and representatives of the Government for appropriate, prompt and effective implementation of the services.


7.0 Staffing

7.1 General Experience of the Consultancy Firm

The firm submitting this proposal must possess experience and technical competence in the fields of: water supply, wastewater, wastewater treatment, septage management, pumping station and network design, social engineering, urban development, financial analysis of water infrastructure. The work in these areas will include competencies for planning, feasibility study, designs, estimation, financial analysis and preparation of drawings.

The Consultants/Experts proposed are to posses the necessary qualifications and experience to complete the assignment successfully. The experts listed in this proposal is indicative and considered essential for the assignment, but the Consultant may adjust staff as per the methodology propose. The Consultant must note that the total person months proposed in its submission will be taken into account in order to value the technical proposal.

The Curriculum Vitae’s (CV’s) shall be provided for managers and key experts only. Each staff member shall be appointed for periods essential for the works.

7.2 Key Experts and their Qualifications and Experience

The table below provides the person months for envisaged expertise to be engaged for this assignment. Required adjustments for the person months is anticipated depending on the proposed methodology.

Table 2 - Indicative Key Staff Time Inputs

Position Person Engagement Months 1 Team Leader / Water and Sanitation Expert 10 Continuous 2 Deputy Team Leader/ Sanitation Expert/ 10 Continuous 3 Water Quality Expert/ Wastewater Treatment Design 08 Intermittent Engineer 4 Electro Mechanical Engineer 02 Intermittent 5 Geotechnical Engineer 03 Intermittent 6 Wastewater Modeling expert 03 Intermittent 7 Structural Engineer 03 Intermittent 8 Urban Planning Expert 03 Intermittent 9 GIS expert/ Database Management Expert 10 Continuous 10 Sociologist 06 Intermittent 11 Environmental Management Specialist 06 Intermittent 12 Financial Analyst 03 Intermittent Total 67


Table 3 - Indicative Experts Engagement Schedule (Depicting core engagement)

Expert 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Team Leader / Water and Sanitation Expert 2 Deputy Team Leader/ Sanitation Expert/ 3 WWT Design Engineer/ Water Quality Expert 4 Electro Mechanical Engineer 5 Geotechnical Engineer

6 Wastewater Modeling expert 7 Structural Engineer

8 Urban Planning Expert

9 GIS expert/ Database Management Expert 10 Sociologist

11 Environmental Management Spec. 12 Financial Analyst

1. Project Manager

The Consultant should nominate a Project Manager from its head office with sufficient authority to sign the contracts, commit the necessary resources, and to take overall responsibility for the performance of the consultancy team. He/ she must be a salaried worker of the Firm for at least 3 years; be a professional Civil Engineer with 15 years of related professional experience. The Project Manager will keep the position until the end of the assignment. He must be in close contact with the consultancy team and the PMU.

2. Team Leader

Be a graduate in civil engineering with a Masters Degree in Water Supply and Sanitation or a relevant equivalent qualification. Must be a Professional Civil Engineer with a minimum of 20 years overall post qualifying experience with 10 years in the water and sanitation sector. The team Leader is requires overseas experience within the last 10 years for a period not less than 03 years preferred. 24

He must also had experience working as a Team Leader for a period not less than 05 years. Septage treatment plants in addition to having a broad overview of planning sanitation infrastructure.

3. Deputy Team Leader

Be a graduate in civil engineering with a Masters Degree in Water infrastructures, Water Supply and Sanitation or a relevant equivalent qualification. Must be a Professional Civil Engineer with a minimum of 15 years overall post qualifying experience with 08 years in the water and sanitation sector. He must also have experience working as a Deputy Team Leader for a period not less than 03 years. This position requires experience in the design and construction of wastewater treatment plants.

4. Water Quality Expert/ Wastewater Treatment Design Engineer

Be a graduate in civil engineering with a Masters Degree in Hydraulic infrastructures, Water, Wastewater Engineering. Must be a Professional Civil Engineer with a minimum of 15 years overall post qualifying experience with 08 years experience in the design of conventional networks, pumping stations forced mains, calculation and modelling. Experience in non-conventional networks (simplified, settled or condominium networks).

5. Electro Mechanical Engineer

Be a graduate in Electrical/ Mechanical engineering with suitable postgraduate training in related to mechanical systems engineering. Must be a professional Engineer with a minimum of 10 years overall post qualifying experience with 05 years experience in the design of Electro-mechanics, pumps, electricity, automation, SCADA.

6. Geotechnical Engineer

Degree in Civil/Earth Resource Engineering with at least a Post Graduate qualifications in the field of geotechnical design. Must be a professional Engineer with a minimum of 10 years overall post qualifying experience with 05 years experience in geotechnical assessment and design of foundations. Experience underground networks and facilities, drilling, micro-tunneling and other suitable trenchless pipe laying techniques.

7. Wastewater Modelling Expert

Be a graduate in civil engineering postgraduate training in modelling. Must possess at least 05 years dedicated experience in modelling of pumping stations and networks. Proven experience with SewerGEMS Software.


8. Structural Engineer

Be a graduate in civil engineering with a Masters Degree in Structural Design or a relevant field. Must be a Professional Civil Engineer with a minimum of 10 years overall post qualifying experience with 05 years in the design of hydraulic structures.

9. Urban Planner

Holds a degree in Architecture/ Town & Country Planning with postgraduate qualifications in urban planning. Must have a minimum of 10 years experience with experience in development of urban modeling, population forecasting and city development.

10. GIS Expert

Holds a Degree in Civil Engineering/ Computing /Geo-informatics with specific training in GIS. Requires 05 years of specific experience in the use of GIS’s related to water, wastewater and networks, managing and developing network maps and associated database development.

11. Sociologist

Bachelor degree in Social Science with postgraduate training in Social Impact assessment. Requires 05 years experience in the study of social impacts in infrastructure project and 02 years related to projects in water supply and wastewater. Must have experience conducting surveys.

12. Environment Safeguards Specialist

Requires a Degree in Civil Engineering/ Environmental Science. A minimum of 10 years of post qualifying experience working related to infrastructure projects of which 03 years conducting Environmental Impact Assessment and at least 02 Assessments of Wastewater Projects.

13. Financial Analyst

Require a degree in finance or accounting with membership in a corporate professional institution. Requires a minimum of 15 years experience of which 10 years should be in a development environment. He/ She should have demonstrated experience in carrying our financial analysis of water sector investments.

7.3 Staff for Surveys and Field Functions

In addition to the staff mentioned above, the Client envisages the requirement for staff to carry out professional support functions that include topographic surveys and social surveys. In this regard, the Consultant is required to allow for;

o 60 team days of work for a survey team consisting of a Licensed Surveyor and o 03 Survey Assistants; and for a Social Survey of 100 Enumerator person days.


These items are to be elaborated in the methodology of the Proposal and costed.

7.4 Support Staff

Considerable professional support and back office functions are expected for this study. At a minimum the Client expect the recruitment of the following staff to carry out these functions.

Professional: 02 Engineers (Graduate with 03 years Experience) 01 Quantity Surveyor (Graduate with 05 years Experience) 02 AutoCAD Draftsman (10 years Experience) 01 GIS and Database Management Assistant (10 years Experience

Other Staff: Admin Officer Secretary 03 Drivers 02 Office Assistants