Archaeologia Cantiana - On-line Index GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUMES CXXXI 2011 (131) to CXXXX (140)

Index being created - years added as they are published

VOLUMES CXXXI 2011 (131) to CXXXV 2014 (135) as at March 2015 Letter E

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This index covers volumes 131–135 inclusive (2011–2014) at present of Archaeologia Cantiana, later volumes up to Vol. 140 will be added as they are published.. It includes all significant persons, places and subjects. Volume numbers are shown in bold type and illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italic type or by (illus.) where figures occur throughout the text. The letter n after a page number indicates that the reference will be found in a footnote. Alphabetisation is word by word. Women are indexed by their maiden name, where known, with cross references from any married name(s). All places within historic are included and are arranged by . Places that fall within Greater London are to be found listed under their own name i.e. Eltham etc. Places outside Kent that play a significant part in the text are followed by their post 1974 county. Place names with two elements (e.g. East Peckham, Upper Hardres) will be found indexed under their full place name. This cumulative index was compiled by Mr Ted Connell. T. G. LAWSON, Honorary Editor Kent Archaeological Society, March 2015

Abbreviations m. married Ald. Alderman E. Sussex East Sussex M.P. Member of Parliament b. born ed./eds. editor/editors Notts. Nottinghamshire B. & N.E.S. Bath and North East f facing Oxon. Oxfordshire Somerset fl. floruit P.M. Prime Minister Berks. Berkshire G. London Greater London Pembs. Pembrokeshire Bt. Baronet Gen. General Revd Reverend Bucks. Buckinghamshire Glam. Glamorgan Sgt Sergeant C Century Glos. Gloucestershire snr. senior C.A.T. Archaeological Hants. Hampshire Som. Somerset Trust Herefs. Herefordshire St Saint Caer. Caerphilly Hon. Honourable Staffs. Staffordshire Cambs. Cambridgeshire illus. illustrated Ven. Venerable Capt. Captain J.P. Justice of the Peace W. Mids. West Midlands Cllr. Councillor jnr. junior W. Sussex West Sussex Co. Company LBK Linearbandkeramik Warks. Warwickshire Col. Colonel Lincs. Lincolnshire Wilts. Wiltshire d. died Lt. Lieutenant Worcs. Worcestershire Derbys. Derbyshire Lt-Col. Lieutenant Colonel Yorks. Yorkshire

Eadburga, abbess 132.334 eagles (sea eagles) 132.348 Eales, Jacqueline, ‘Female literacy and the social identity of the clergy family in the seventeenth century’ 133.67-81 Eales, Jacqueline, ‘The clergy and allegiance at the outbreak of the English Civil Wars: the case of John Marston of Canterbury’ 132.83-109 Eanswythe 133.225, 226 Earle, Robert 135.180 earthworks, building of in woods 132.346, 347 Easdown, Martin and Linda Sage, Hythe Through Time, reviewed 131.435-6 East Blean Wood 132.169, 176, 349 East Farleigh 132.35, 36, 36, 133.118, 135.256, 257, 258 manor 135.77 Roman site 135.251 Romano-Celtic temple 135.257 Saxon church 135.259 East India Company coin 135.280, 281 East Lenham 134.127, 127, 128 East Peckham 131.209 manor 135.77, 84, 90 East Shelve 134.127 East Sutton 134.288, 135.170, 171 East Tilbury 131.164, 166, 178, 179 East Wear Bay, Folkestone 132.15 East Wickham, park 132.58, 60, 68 Eastchurch 135.171, 179 airfield 131.172 Eastland, Philip and Edward 132.341, 342 Eastleigh 132.334 Eastling 135.163, 165 archives 134.329 Eastry 134.191 Egberht’s court 133.205 lathe 133.83, 84, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90-1, 92, 93, 94, 99, 100, 101, 103 parish register 135.165, 171 Eastwell 135.162, 177, 180 Eastwell, park 132.57, 58, 71 Eccles 135.77, 133.96 Roman villa 135.255 ecclesiastical courts, Canterbury diocese, based on 16th-century cause papers 134.263-81 articles 134.267, 268, 269, 273, 275 articles of exception and additional 134.269, 276 causes (instance; office) 134.266-7, 276 citation 134.267-8 creator of mss (MS.F.4.12) 134.270-2 interrogatories and depositions 134.268- libel 134.264, 267, 268, 269, 270, 273, 275 responsions 134.268 sentence 134.269-70, 276 Echyngham, Sir William de 131.343 n.4 Eddy, Michael, book review by 132.352-4 Eden Valley 135.87 Edenbridge 131.225, 278 Ediva, Queen 132.346 Edmonds, Abraham 132.98, 104 Edolphe, Sir Thomas 132.271 Edward I 133.271, 272, 275, 131.217, 280, 132.317, 323, 325, 134.68, 135.8, 79 Edward II 134.68, 71, 85, 93 Edward III 131.219, 134.68, 71, 81, 85, 93, 135.6, 41 Edward IV 131.66, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 135.42, 231 Edward VI 131.221, 134.10 Edwardes, John 134.271 Edwards, Bob see Lake, Jeremy 134. Edwards, Elizabeth see Waller, Martyn 131. Edwards, Elizabeth, book review by 132.361-2, 367-70, 133.355-6, 134.311-14, 316-17, 135.313-15 Egberht of Kent/Egbert I 133.90, 205 Egerton 132.266, 267, 269, 270, 271 Egerton, William 131.282 Eggingeth 132.324 Eggleston, Elizabeth 132.104 eggshell 135.141 Eglinder, Thomas 135.97 Egypt SS 131.150 Elder, Jane, book review by 132.351-2 Elgar, Daniel, grocer 133.16 Elham 135.98, 165 marriages 131.385, 386 Elham Valley line 132.176 Elham, John 132.323 Elham, Prior 135.36, 39 Elham/Lyminge park 132.58, 62 Elizabeth I 132.56, 59, 261, 272 Elizabethan deer parks 132.53-81 Ellenden Wood 132.346 Elliot, John 134.209 Elliott, Simon, note on the Medway formula... 135.251-60 Ellis, Chris see Andrews, Phil 132. Ellis, John 135.285 Elmsted, archives 134.330 parish register 135.162, 163 Elmstone 135.170, 171, 174, 175 floor tiles 131.61 Elmstone Hole Farm 134.126, 127 Elstob, Charles 133.67, 74, 75 Elstob, Elizabeth 133.67, 70, 71, 72, 73-8 Elstob, Matilda 133.74 Eltham 132. deer parks 132.54 Great park 132.58, 68, 69, 71 Horn/New park 132.58 Middle/Little park 132.58 Elvie, Johan 135.183 Elviston, Robert 132.271 Emyet, Mary 135.183 English Civil War see parish registers 135. English Civil War, Tonbridge 131.206, 221-2 Epps, Thomas 131.389 Erasmus of Rotterdam 134.9, 10 Erith 131.68 Erle Drax family 132.343 escheator(s) 134.283, 287, 288 esneccas, king’s cross-Channel passenger ship 132.315-27 Estfield, William, mayor 135.36 Etchingham 135.109, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119 Ethelbert (see Æthelberht) 133. Ethelbert, King of Kent 132.334 Ethelstan 132.334 Eu, Count Robert of 135.114, 117 Eu, Henry, Viscount 135.41 evangelicalism 133.1, 2, 5, 6, 15, 18, 21-6 Everard, Henry 135.99 Evrard of Bethune 131.114 Ewhurst 135.109, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118 Eyhorne hundred 133.96-7, 112 n.140 Eymes, Master, Emperor’s clerk 132.323 Eynsford, manor 135.77, 89 Eythorn, Stephen 131.280 Eythorne 135.41, 165 manor 131.66, 78 n.3 Eyton, Ann 135.177

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