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4-7-1950 The edC arville Herald, April 7, 1950 Cedarville University

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Velsimi LXXIII Cedarville, Ohio, Friday, April 7, 1950~ Number 18

U. P. Church Holds : S tate o f Ohio Jones Brothers Annual Meeting One Hour Good Church Services ^ %xzmixti£ pjepartment The, annual business meeting FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Win Gold Medal of the United Presbyterian Friday Services CHURCH Honored at church was held Wednesday. A 4> OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Paul H. Elliott, minister. gbod crowd gathered about the Union Good Friday service, Tourney at Collegetables for the usual bountiful Announced . today, April 7, from 2 to 3.' A pe­ Banquet Thurs. dinner, after which the business i A near capacity crowd at the riod of meditation and organ mu­ The Cedarville high school In­ meeting was called to order by The Good Friday union service College gym saw the somewhat sic begins at 1:45. dians, who rolled up a string of the president, Raymond Spraek- will be held Friday afternoon, sensational Jones Brothers quin­ April 7 at 2 o’clock in the Pres­ Easter Sunday 22 straight victories on the bas­ tet of Dayton down a fighting lin. Minutes were read and ap­ 7:00 A. M., Sunrise Service ketball court during the past proved by the secretary, Miss byterian church. Rev.* Robert and determined Martinsville and Breakfast at the Methodist season went to the finals in the Carrie Rife. Good reports were Paxton pastor of the Clifton Pres­ S.B.2.gl^a m a t i o e five. Both teams played headsup byterian church will bring the Church. Everyone invited. district tournament, are now win­ ball throughout the game and given by each organization of the 10:00 A. M. Sabbath School, church. mesage. Starting at 1:45 there ning on the knife and fork cir­ Martinsville could have been the will be a 15 minute program of Harold Hanna, supt. cuit. GANGER CONTROL MONTH •victors just as easy as Jones The following officers were 11:00 A. M. Easter Worship, After being dined by the Ce­ chosen: . Chairman, Raymond organ music. There will be 3 Bros. numbers given by the high school Special music, Baptism o f chil­ darville business men at the Old Martinsville poured in 16 field­ Spracklin; vice chairman, Harold dren, Sermon: “ Stones Rolled Mill recently and being the hon­ A p r i l , I 9 6 0 Cooley; secretary, Miss Carrie ensemble under the direction of ers through the hoop while they Mrs. Mildred Foster. Other spec­ Away.” ored guests at the all-county ath­ connected on 18 of 29 charity Rife; treasurer, Miss Mabel Stor­ Wednesday, April 12, Union letic banquet at Beaver Monday mont; trustees 5 years,. Harold ial music will be furnished by the tosses. The Jones Brothers hit different churches and all minis- Prayer Meeting in this Church, at night, the highlight of the eat­ for 18 fielders and collected 13 Dobbins, 2 years Charles Coulter. 8:00 P. M. ing events took place at the high The pastor, in presenting his ters ’will take part in the service. more points on 16 attempted The merchants are cooperating The Broadcaster 'Class 'will school last Thursday night with WHEREAS,* canoer last year claimed the lives o f many 25th annual report for th e . ses­ charity tosses. With a little more and„ are closing their business meet Tuesday evening, April 11. the annual banquet for the bas­ p erson s in th is s t a t e and more than 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 in the nation; sion, stated that it was his in­ accuracy at the foul line Martin­ places from 2 to 3, the hour of- Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stormont ketball team. sville may have come out the tention to conclude his work in will have charge of devotions. . The main speaker for the event WHEREAS, medical authorities estimate that half o f this service. winner again, however, the Cedarville at the conclusion of Mr. and Mrs. William Waide will was Floyd Stahl, Ohio State base- ' those who develop cancer should be saved today by early diag­ his 25th year, possibly some time direct the program. nosis and prompt, proper treatment; Jone’s boys were near perfection ball coach and assistant athletic in this department and it was next fall. director. Coach Stahl’ first gain­ CHURCH OF GOD WHEREAS, the fate of millions now living who will the pay off factor. New Organ I ed fame as mentor of the famed Shields, the play maker and Elwood G. Palmer, pastor. Stivers teams of two decades ago have cancer depends on the work o f a few hundred research To Meet Western Sunday school 10:00 A. M. Mrs. scientists; high scorer of the Dayton team which featured Bill Hoskett, Max was the outstanding performer Michigan Here - David Strobridge, supt.' Fadlow and Bobby Colburn and Morning worship 11:00, Ser­ of the tournament, but his hon­ . The Cedarville college baseball won three state championships WHEREAS, high-minded volunteers led by the Amertoan mon topic, “HE LIVES”. Ganoer Society seek to spread information and to raise funds for ors were shared by the agile Mc­ team is scheduled to play West­ Church o f God for StaH in his first four years Cormick of the Martinmen. Mc­ ern Michigan State college, Kal­ Children’s service 6:30. of coaching. r e s e a r c h e d u c a t io n and s e r v i c e ; R ev/ Elwood Palmer and the Cormick and Hobble scored 38 amazoo, Mich., April 12. and 13. Our revival begins Sunday eve­ Others on the program were Church of God congregation are ning 7:45, The Rev. T. J. Steen- WHEREAS, the Amerioan'Canoer Society declares that points of the total 49 foj^Martin- The Michigan school is on a road Ned Brown, former Cedarville very proud of the new Hammond bergen, Hamilton, Ohio, will be knowledge of the cancer danger signals and of the value of sville while every man scored for''’ trip next week. They will be high school athlete, publicity di­ electric organ installed in their the Evangelist. This promises to the Jones Brothers. This too was playing Ohio State on Monday rector of the University of Day- periodic physical examinations may save thousands of lives; church this past week. The organ a deciding factor on the final and Tuesday; Cedarville on Wed­ be a great meeting, plan to be ton; Rankin McMillan, president is the same type as was used in NON, THEREFORE, I , Frank J * Lausohe, Governor of the outcome. nesday and Thursday; and Ohio present each service. ' of the board of education, who The Jones Brothers jumped to the opera house for the revival, The Easter Sunrise service will complimented Coach Clyde Wal­ State of Ohio, do hereby proclaim the month of April, 1950, as university on Friday and Sat­ but a smaller model. Mrs. John GANGER CONTROL MONTH and ask the people o f Ohio to learn foots an early lead and they led 14-7 urday. he in the Methodist Church at ker on the successful season and Murphy is the organist. about oanoer for ihetr own protection and to rally for the good at the end of the first quarter. 7 A. M. presented him a Hamilton wrist The organ will be in use each of all of us in support o f the 2950, Ganoer Crtisade» Martinsville came back strong in Liste n to the “ Christian Broth­ watch with the compliments of the second quarter to cut the lead night for the. revival service erhood Hour” program over ra­ Cedarville people. Mendell E. to3 points. A t the half the score To Show Films which will start ih the church - dio station WIZE Springfield Beattie, Cedarville College ath­ stood 24-21. Sunday evening, April 9 and will each Sunday afternoon. letic director, acted as toastmas­ conitnue for two weeks, except ter for the banquet. The invoca­ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have The last half was the most METHODIST CHURCH hereunto subscribed my name thrilling of the entire tourna­ A t U. P. Church Saturday night. tion was given by Cedarville col­ Rev. T. J. Steenburger of Ham­ William B. Collier, minister and caused the Great Seal of ment. Every basket meant change The religious films which have lege president, Ira D. Vayhinger. the State of Ohio to be af­ in the lead. Exchanging basket been shown each month in the Ce­ ilton will preach each evening. Union Easter Sunrise service ,' The meal was in charge of the fixed at Columbus, this 21st for basket both teams fought darville churches* will he held Rev. T. J. Steenburger is pas­ in this church at 7:00 a. m., fol­ FHA girls of the home ec depart­ day of March, in the Year of to a 38-37 count at the third Sunday evening, April 9 at 7:30 tor of Hamilton Church of God. lowed by a breakfast in the ment of the high school under the Our Lord, One Thousand Nine quarter. As the fourth quarter p. m. in the United Presbyterian The church here is assisted by church. direction of their teacher, ■ Mrs. Hundred and F i f t y • moved to a close Max-tinsville church, “ The First Easter” is a the Xenia church in these meet­ Morning service at 11 a. m- The Robert Marshall. moved to a 49-48 lead with but 35 minute film portraying Easter ings. The public is invited to sermon subject will be “The Life Coach Walker presented let­ 22 seconds left. The ball was stol­ narratives as recorded in the these meetings and to enjoy this Immortal.” There will he special ters to Leonard Lough, Barbara instrumental selections in the en by Jones Brothers and Jack- Gospels. The second film is a new organ. Whipke and Orpha Burton, the service on the organ, piano and son hit on an easy “bunny shot.” 30 minute story, “We Have a cheerleaders; Janet Gordon, score- marimba. In addition there will Time ran out with Martinsville iStory ±0 Tell” a missionary story keeper; Sam Butts, Stanley Ab­ Dates Set for be’'individual vocal selections and in possession of the ball. showing that service to the world els, managers; and to the follow­ others by the Junior Choir. Jones Brothers B. F. T. is vital to the religious life of the League Events ing members of the squad: Don There will be baptism of children Long ______1_ 0 0 0 local church, There will be no league play Chesnut, Roger Collins, “Bruce and reception of members. R N O A Stephens______1 2 4 : Devotions will be in charge of in baseball in the Mid-Ohio lea­ Corrigan, Don Heidorn, Jack A quarterly Conference will be M cG ill______4 3 11 the United Presbyterian church. gue but the championship of the Irvine, Jim Luttrell, Jim Parker, conducted in the church by Dr. Shields ______5 4 14 hese films will be shown Satur-, league will be decided by a tour­ Jim Stewart, Melvin Tackett, Don Gerge B. Parkin, superintendent Copeland______3 3 9 fly evening at the Greene county nament to be played at Marion, Turner, Jim Turnbull and Paul H ickm an ______1 £ 3 yidrens home .sponsored by the o f' Wilmington District, Friday Vest. The foul shooting trophy on the 18th or 19th of May. The night. April 14th, beginning at ’ ■op -Sn.r&fifo. School .clasb*^-. ^ drawings-.for..the tourney, have was awarded (0 Don Heidorn for J a ck so n __'______2 ->W*- ".v ■ ” - /already been made, and the Ce- 6:30' with, a evered' dish supper. Annual reports will be made by making 62 per cent of his foul Totals ______18 16 567 Wdarville nine drew a .bye the first shots durign the season’s g*mes officers of different church or- Martinsville B. F. T. \ (round, and will play the winner and Paul Vest was presented a H obble______7 8 22 of the Ashland-Bluffton game . ganizations and by church offic­ ials. special trophy in recognition 'of Jackets to Try M cCorm ick______6 4 16 in the semi-final round of play. his outstanding athletic ability On the School Scene Bevhri — ------— 2 5 9 Riders Win The league tennis tournament CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE during the year. * C ollins______0 0 0 will take place at Bluffton on Carl Bagford, Neil,. Kennon, Rev. Paul A. Hesler, pastor. Floyd Stahl, Professor of Phy­ Burton — ------0 0 0 May 6, the league track meet By Rosie Miller Again to Open Springfield, and Howard Troll- Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. sical Education at Ohio State B ak er ______0 0 O’ will be held at Findlay on May inger, Yellow Springs, members Morning worship, 10:45 a. m. Easter Observance University. Speaking on the qual­ T a y lo r ------0 0 0 12, and the golf tourney will be Victorious Triumph.” Protection Stevens______1 0 2 of the Rainbow Riders Motorcy­ An interesting point in con­ ifications of athletes, he stated Ball Season held at Findlay on May 17. N. Y. P. S. and Juniors 6:45 that hard work, determination Totals ______1617 49 cle club of Cedarville won four nection with our modem observ­ The scheduled opening o f the trophies at the annual Reliability p. m. and the will to win are the essen­ The Gunners from Yellow For Crossings ance of Easter is the history of Yellow Jacket baseball season Evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m. tials for a winning team. Mr. Springs gained third place by Spring Run sponsored by the Mi­ Indians Win the Pnflrise Service. The Sun­ was postponed until Monday due ami Valley Motorcycle club of Wednesday evening prayer Stahl holds the unique record of virtue of a 69-63 effort over the rise service is both a new and an to the rain and cold weather Dayton Sunday. Volleyball Meet service 7:30 p. m. Still Argued being the only coach ever to have South Charleston five. old idea. Men have held the sun­ which prevail .-1 last week. The Cedarville highs chool won the Good Friday services in the The best system of crossing a team win the State Champion­ White gathered 25 points for Bagford won a trophy for first rise as a symbol of resurrection Miami Redskins wm alMl he the place in the Class A-soknand also second annual Greene county vol- . Presbyterian Church from 2 to protection in Cedarville remains ship three straight years. the winners while the high for thousands of years, but only opening, day opponent. The Jack­ the high point trophy for the day lyball tournament at Yellow 3 p. m. Rev. Paxton from Clif­ in the stage of public discussion. Ned Brown, publicity director scoring Roath raised his tourna­ ton, special speakeV, everyone recently have they celebrated the ets have had only three days of ment total to 103 as a result of against a field of 47 riders. Springs’ recently by besting the The railroad lias of the University of Dayton and invited to attend. The merchants again declared a willingness to resurrection with the dawn and practice outside and may not be his 19 markers. Roath was the Kennon ’.and.. TYollinger won host school two of three games its beautiful natural surroundings former CHS student, made a few of Cedarville are to be commend­ up to par for their opener. The high scorer for the tournament, first place-in the'Class B side car in the finals. Trophies were a- install flasher signals at.the two Easter morning. appropriate remarks. complete baseball schedule is as making them the second * riders warded.to Cedarville and Bryan ed for their wonderful coopera­ street grade crossings, with half­ edging McCormick of Martins­ tion in closing their business The word “Easter" originated Mr. Rankin McMillan, Presi­ follows: to win three trophies in Class B.. for first and second places. arm bars giving automatic warn­ ville by three points. during that hour. from “Eostre”, who was the dent of the Board of Education, Mon., Apr. 10 Miami ____Here The two previous trophies were In another*tournament held in- ings. This method is almost uni­ Girls club will meet Monday at -Goddess o f Spring in the religion piesented a gold watch to Coach Wed., Apr. 12 W. Michigan Here Gold Medal Tourpey first place won-at Lancaster and Beliefoun- conjunction with the velleyball- versally used by railroads the Walker, and Mrs. Walker receiv­ 7:30 p. m. Communion will be of ancient Angles and Saxons. Thurs., Apr. 13 W. Michigan Here went to Jone’s Brothers (Dayton), taine. Kennon was the driver and affair, Perry Stewart of Yellow country over in connection with served in the morning worship Every Spring these people held ed a corsage. Mon., Apr. 17 Wilberforce second place, Martinsville; third Trollinger was the side car pas­ Springs copped the table tennis manual guarding. Sunday. a festival in her honor which they Coach Walker presented a spec­ at Wilberforce place, Gunners, Yellow Springs; senger. The run was 91 miles' long. title, by defeating Don Turner of A t present a single watchman We wish you everyone a Happy called Easter. After the old; Gods ial trap: j to Paul Vest in recog­ Sat., Apr., 22 Morehead __Here fourth, South Charleston. Cedarville in the finals. is stationed at the Main street Easter. were put aside for Christianity, nition c his outstanding record Mon., Apiv 24 Ashland at Ashl'd crosing. There are electric hells First all tourney team: Shields ihs festival was celebrated in as athli ;e of the year; and an­ Tues., Apr. 25 X a v ie r ____Here New Course at and a Semaphore at the Miller (Jones Bros.), McCormick (Mar­ ZION* BAPTIST CHURCH honor of the resurrection of other t pphy was given to Don Thurs., Apr. 27 Bluffton at Sunrise Service .G. A. Adams, minister street crossing. The railroad has tinsville), O. Hoskett (Gunners), The College Christ, but was still called Easter Heidom who was high man in Bluffton At Methodist Church 10:15 Sunday school agreed at Several times in the foul shooting, having an average Fri., Apr. 28 Dayton at Dayton Roeth (South Charlestoh), Ra­ Cedarville.. College is- to offer past to install free of cost to the after the old Goddess. The Easter Sunrise Service 11:00 j. m. Morning Worship of 62 e/c for the season. Letters Sat., Apr. 29 Findlay ____Here dar (Fairborn). a new. course'of-study, # - Wednesday 7:00 p. m. prayer village the flasher-gate system, Many harmless pagan customs Second team: C. Senne (Sabin- By authority of the/state de­ will be held * Sunday morning in have been’ attached, to Easter: ■ were awarded to each member of Mon., May 1 A shland ____ 'Here service. but a sufficient number of votes the varsity, to the managers, a), Copeland (Jones Bros.), Sau- partment of education the Col-' the Methodist, church. The ser­ Tuesday 7:30 Choir rehearsal The Easter egg is the symbol of Wed., May 3 O Northern at Ada in council has never been obtain­ cheerleaders, and scorekeeper. pe(Gunners), Van Pelt (IOOF), lege “will offer a 22-hour course. vice is in charge of the First ed. young life about to be born; the Wed., May 10 O Northern Here Presbyterian. church. Later UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Thurs., May 11 Wilmington Here Hobble (Martinsville). of instruction with a minor in At the last session of council rabbit typifies abundant life; breakfast will be served by the CHURCH C. H. S. Pupils In Concert Sat., May 13 B lu ffto n ____Here Third team: Hardyman, (S. health education. a petition was presented request­ and the white lilies, purity and Methodist Youth Fellowship. The Ralph A. Jamieson, Minister Eighteen C. H- S. junior and Mon., May 15 Xavier at Cmcinati Charleston), J. Hoskett (Gun­ This opens a new teaching field, ing retention of the present man­ light. public is invited. Sabbath School 10 a- m. supt. senior girls participated in the Sat., May 20 Morehead at More’d ners), Avers (Royals), Munters- on which the department is plac­ ual protection, which leaves both Easter should be a joyous oc­ Breakfast is served at cost of Raymond Spracklin. Greene County Vocal Music Fes­ Mon., May 22 D a y ton ------Here paw (Xenia), Hartsock (Waynes- ing special stress. - . Main and Miller streets unguard­ casion for us for three reasons: S thirty-five cent's. , Church Service 11 a. m- Spec- tival held at the Xenia Central Fri., May 26 Wilmington ville). ed except for the hells from 10 it marks the return of Christ tq Field House, Wednesday night, Sportsmanship Positions: For­ , ial Easter program: the Junior at Wilmington Church Meetings' Sabbath school choir Will sing, p. m. -to 6 a- n>. Jifef the end of Dirty days of March 39- ward, Van Pelt (IOOF), Center, The safety committee is asked phd a'lsp Easter ponies ip Edward Greene and in addition thei'e will be solos Mr. S. Normaq Parks, super­ J. Hoskett (Gunners), Guard, to report at the May meeting ppriy Springtime when every­ Are Announced by their leader, Mrs. Greer Mc- visor of music in Dayton Public Commencement Norman (Fairborn). The Xenia Presbyterial of the Injured by Saw its recommendation on the pe­ thing is awahppipg to life, High scorer of tournament, Callister and Miss Beverly Car- Schools was guest director of United-Presbyterian church will Edward Greene, Cedarville, was zoo. The pastor will bring a tition and the PRR’s proposal to Speaker Named Roeth 103 (South Charleston). treated at Haines hospital, James­ PrexEssfer Events the concert. meet Monday; • A pril' 10 in ’ the ■ brief Easter message. install the mechanical warning Approximate 500 pupils took President Ira D. Vayhinger of High Scorer one game, McCor­ New California church at 10 a. m. town, and released Saturday eve­ signals. ' Mr. B. W- Peed, owner of the Cedarville college announced the mick (39) Martinsville. t There will be the baptism of Cozy Theater, will have &s his part in the four choruses—Girls' Emile Finney is lay ’ delegate ning for injuries suffered in an children. Impetus was given the cross­ Chorus, Boys' Chorus, Mixed baccalaureate and commencement Outstanding players of ’ the .■ from the session. accident while sawing' wood at ing protection situation a few guests the students pf Cedarville speakers today. Rev. Rodney Union Wednesday service will- . Chorus, and Junior High Mixed Tourney: First, Shields, . (Jones The Xenia Presbyterial of the his-home. weeks ago when four persons school, tq see Cecil B~ PgMille’s * Thaine Taylor of the Presbyter­ Bros.), Second, McCormick, be • held in the Presbyterian production “King of Kings” this Chorus. Each of the senior high Y. P. C: U. will hold a rally in Three fingers on Mr. Greene’s church at 8 p. m. were killed at the Miller street gdoups presented five musical ian Church of the Falling Spring (Martinsville), Third, Radar, the First U. P. church of Colum­ light hand were mangled when he crossing. Only a short time be­ Wtek. the first six grades will at Chambersburg, Pa., a graduate Easter sunrise service will be selections, and the Junior High (Fairborn). bus Monday evening,.,April 10. caughte his hand'Tn a buzz saw. fore that there had been another seg this religious film at 8 :0Q of the class of *32 will -he the held in the Methodist church at O'clock, and the upper six grades Chorus gave three numbers. Crazy shot, Crosby, (South 7 a. m. Program will he in fatal accident at the Main street baccalaureate speaker Sunday crossing. at U o'clock. The film is two* Selections sung' by the Girls' Charleston). PROGRESSIVE CLUB charge of the Presbyterian young evening, May 28. Dr. Wilbur 8 W. Dunlap Named Petitioners for retention of the bents in length, a free will of, Chorus were “AH In the April Best Offensive, Roeth (South The regular meeting of the Ce­ people, and the Methodist group White, president of the Univer­ watchman method insist that the firing will be taken for the Fed­ Evening,” “Beautiful Saviour,” Charleston). darville Progressive club will he. Ball Team Head * will serve breakfast, following “Legends,” “Going A-Maying,” sity of Toledo will be the com­ system is safer than-the mechan­ eration of Churches, , , Best Defensive, Doemer, (Bur- held at the Old Mill Monday ev­ Bill Dunlap, College student, the program. All kre invited. It and “Brown Bird Singing.” mencement speaker Monday, May ical warnings. The annual Easier egg hunt 29. Dr. White also attended Ce­ ha’s). ening, April 10 at 7 o'clock. Call was chosen manager of the Ce­ would help if each church could sponsored by Cedarville college Cedarville girls who sang In 6-1700 for reservation by noon darville Merchants basebaU team report the approximate 'number the Kiris’ group were; Paula darville college although he did will he held W ednesday, April 5, not receive his bachelor degree on Monday. at a meeting Monday evening in who might' be present for the TACKETTS HAVE DAUGHTER Turner, Pat Collier, Janet Crum- at 9 a* m- Pupils of grades %, i, from here. Blood Donors the Shelter house. He will also breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Tackett rine, JoAnn Sheley, Joan Frame, are announcing the birth of^ a - gad 3 will take part in the event, TO HOLD BAKE SALE play on the team. The team will There* will' be the presentation Dianna Brightman, Dorothy Cres- Are Thanked daughter Saturday in Springfield ""eh will be held on the college The Legion Auxiliary will hold be entered in the N. A. B, L. in o f • two religious films., Sabbath well, Faye Huston, Sally West, Owen Thomas of Wellston, City hospital. ipua. • Jacket Golfers a bake sale and market Saturday Springfield this year as it has in ’at 8 p. m: in 'ou r church. These Martha Swaby, Nancy Harris, brother-in-law of Mr. and Mjs*_ morning, April 8 at 9 p. m. in the the past years. .are: both special Easter mes­ JLETIC BANQUET HEM* Janet Hull, Jeanne*Huston, Cor- Open Practice C. E. Masters underwent a major ■ ■ ■ ■#...■■ clerk’s office. Members are ask­ sages. the Bead?” Dr. Bickett. Special .wedarviH« High's champion ena Wiseman, Patty Koppe, Jo -Some of the candidates for the operation at Browns Veterans ed to have their food there by music and praise service by .the lausketball team and Coach Wat* Duvall, Rebecca Creswell, Anne golf team have already tested <» hospital in Dayton last Friday. Brotherhood CLIFTON UNITED choir. Huffman, Marilyn Stewart, and 9 a. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' w «r« honor guests at a ban* their clubs this year and before Mrs. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. The Young people will meet at Of County Meets Dr. John W‘* BickettMinister on Thursday night, March Clara Sexton. long all of them will be spending Masters wish to thank members 7:30 with Mr. and Mrs. Wijliam ■Shirley Powers of Cedarville TO SHOW COSMETICS Members of the brotherhood-of Mrs. Elwood Shaw,-.organist 30/ sponsored by the F. H. A, their afternoons at one of the- of the American Legion anJ rr1*! Ferguson in the church; and the Athletic Association. One was the accompanist of the Girls' courses in Xenia or Springfield; iliary for their,donations of blood _ The American- Legion Auxil­ were entertained in the Methodist Sabbath School 10 “'a. pi-> Wil­ hundred and seventy guests en« Chorus; Joan Ankeney of Beaver­ Fred Long, one of the mainstays for Mr. Thomas. Giving blood iary are. sponsoring a House of ..church Thursday evening,,Lt.;poR liam Ferguson ;1 supt,'Lesson top­ CLIFTON PRESBYTERIAN R&t- .ioyed the three-course dinner creek accompanied the Mixed of last years team, and Bob Peters were Mr. and Mrs. Greer McLai- Stewart cosmetic demonstration, Slimmerman chaplkin^fi^m:', ic “ The. Power of the Resurrec­ CRURCH * at the . Shelter house Wednesday terson Field Ait‘/D.a|re^r'Sfas “the tion”; > .. served in the school gym by the Chorus; and Evan Dawson of also a member of last years team, lister, Harold Strobridge, Koy Sabbath’ school 10 a. m. .•R H, A. girls unde*:tbe direction Bryan was pianist for the Boys' Hampton, P . J. McCorkell, Vir­ evening; April 12 at 3 p. m. The guest speaker, - .■ -Refreshments > Preaching' Service at 11 'a, ni* along with Dick Free head the Holy Communion 11 a.'m. o f Mrs. Marshall. Chorus. * list of candidates for the golf gil Sticks, Roy Chapman ana public is invited and refreshments were served following the meet­ Sermon topic “W'hy Did Jesus " Westminster fellowship 7 'p.^YSF* Speaker for the evening was Continued on Page Two team. Robert Marshall* will be served, ing,''” '' ■ ' ' " " - T ’ ’■* ■ "Die' on “tEe 'Cross arid Rise from * ’ / * * m

1 Ins*r '"**^5' ■1-

The Cedarville, O. Herald . Friday, Ap^ l IS. you there?” ■ * FEW DELINQUENTS SCIENCEr Ronald Boase, and gurney champs and Telephone (In case you aren’t, there Permit Needed to distract ‘B’ finalists, that each " According to Chief Deputy seems little,use going on with the On the School Scene Marilyn ICyle. GreeneCounty * player must make Shis own mark Directories X)ut Move Machinery Darrell Kline of the auditor’s of­ BIOLOGY: Dean Carzoo, Don conversation.) Continued from Page One by doing his best at a lf times “and A new Ohio law requires own­ fice, in-charge of collection of Turnery Norma Horney, Jeane Brand, splinter-new telephone that each must be able to take o'fas the British say, “Are ers of heavy farm equipment to personal taxes, most all residents The climax of the evening’s Huston, Frances Lowry, and Athletes Hear directories grace the desks and responsibility and be willing to obtain a permit from the state of the county met the- deadline entertainment was the presenta­ deck the halls of Greene coun- Fern Cook. work. r " on a cold war which, if not patrol to move it on the high­ for filing returns March 31. A - tion of “Old Man Noah” featur­ tians since the weekend, when bout 3,500 returns were filed, Clicker Publishes Wildcat Coach With Pitzer 'were Bill Goet- forked will end in a shooting ways. ed by the Boys' Chorus. tman, all-Ohio guard and a i i * Ibis does not accord with the Ohio Bell loaded the mails and some 200 extensions, granted. More-than 100 persons includ­ with who’s who and what’s his Movement of such machinery Schools represented were Fair- C. H. S. POEM straight “A ” pupil im school, and I p teachings of Jesus and would enia Central, -Woodrow “You and I”, a poem written ing some eighty Grene county number. on Saturdays, Sundays and legal Chrystal (Boo) Ellis, Wildcat S more foolish than either holidays is restricted sharply. Wilson, Jefferson, Beilbrook, by Glenna Nance fo r the Journ­ high school athletes, heard Goach center. In the home, in the office, on April Set for Elwood Pitzer of Springfield Pub- World War I or II. . Permits must he secured from Bryan, Cedarville, Koss, Spring alism class, was published in Robert Crabbs, Ross principal, Since they Xvould try to exhaust the farm and in the newspaper bic’s state champion basketball a state patrol station by person­ Cancer Control Valley, Clifton, Beavercreek, Sil- the Aprik edition of the Soda Set acted as toastmaster and County each other, millions would be office the directory becomes the team review the seasons ups and al application. April has been set as ^Cancer vercreek, East High, and Xenia Clicker. Supt. S. O. Liming gave the in­ slain and the world impoverish­ supreme court in spelling names of the Wildcats on their way to Control Month” by the American Township Consolidated. The Soda Set Clicker is a pa­ vocation. ed If we would wm we could and addresses as -well as ’phone Ohio’s schoolboy throne at the Cancer society, and the campaign per published at intervals in the* hardly expect that Russia-would numbers, and thus is indispena- SECRETARY INJURED Scholarship Tests Given all-county sports; banquet at for funds will continue through school year by and fo r Dayton take on our way o f m e. {should able to our mode of living. While carrying a teakettle of Scholarship tests in mathemat­ Beavercreek high school Monday., the month over the entire coun­ and Miami Valley High School Russia win, we would not accept So, thanks, Brother Bell for hot water Miss Florence Swan, ics, science, English, and history try. students through the' courtesy night. An Appeal for the compedium of information. secretary in the county superin­ were given to twenty-eight pu­ Pitzer told the gathering that Greene county’s unit has a goal of the Rike-Kumler company So why fight, if both nations Nothing will be used more by tendent of school’s office, trip­ pils last Tuesday morning. Pu­ the high point of the season out­ of §7,000, an increase of $1,000 Dayton. It “has a mailing list of would remain the same as they everybody,✓ and nothing more pils who took the tests are as side of the tournaments was the ped and was badly scalded. Over last year. about 12,000 pupils; of Miami Val­ Divine Guidance were before, plus a big war debt profitably, than the telephone follows: 51-50 triumph his quintet took ley schools. and millions killed? Let us pray directories, from Columbus South and the Message from Rational; Com­ ENGLISH: Jane Purdom, Em­ Janet Hull is reporter from our that good sense and justice will low point was Xenia Central’s mander Craig to |the . People of ily Swanfcon, Joan Hamman, Jane high school for the Clicker. The America * prevail and .war be avoided. Fred Rost has been elected Davis, Frances Lowry, Stanley 37-26 conquest of the ’Cats in the staff is composed of importers Our Nation along with every 1 N. W. Prowant.. business manager of the Wash­ Abels, Janet Gordon, Mary Jo from the fifty schools that are final game before the district Cozy Theater other freedom-in vipg country to­ Cedarville ington C. H. public schools. Duvall, Shirley Powers, Velma members of the organization. tourney. CEDARVILLE, OHIO Pitzer explained that he scout­ day faces i -nk^id’s. greatest Shope, Christine Stegall, Viola crisis w’.'ch involves pent to all Telephone 6-3011 SPORTS VIEWS ed Central the night the Bucs Ferguson,- Janet Hull, and Don life on ec th. • played Chaminade and they were Chesnut. Cedarville Cops YOUR FRIENDLY FAMILY THEATRE “ o ff”, altough winning, 31-29. Me- Never before have our people PUBLIC AUCTION AMERICAN HISTORY: Mar­ Volley-ball Crown had greater need for divine guid­ at 300 Hill Street, Xenia, Ohio tha Richards, Janet Crumrine, and said he went back to Springfield Last Friday night at Bryan so certain the ’Cats could beat ance in the decisions. which they FOR THE BEST IN FOOD, ICE CREAM & POPCORN Norma Smith. High, the Cedarville Indians e- now face. We need this spiritual as we are discontinuing grocery; business Xenia that he hold his boys about - Clean Rest Rooms - ALGEBRA:Betsy Braley, mtrgeil undefeated in volley-ball it. But, he admitted, he forgot to aid not only in our relations with we will sell our entire stock of staple and Ronald Boase and Marilyn Kyle. play to win their second straight figure that the Bucs had won other nations but .also in ,our do­ fancy groceries volley-hall crown. In the first mestic affairs. ' i GEOMETRY: Dean Carzoo, some twelve games before that Fern Cook, and Carolyn Stewart. two sets the Indians rolled over one and didn’t bother to scout W e need to get closer to God. SATURDAY One Day Only Bryan and Ross by comfortable CHEMISTRY: Don Turner, them again. He is our ally. He is our greatest margins; however, since the asset in our endeavor to keep the SATURDAY, APRIL 8 Don Chesnut, and Glenna Nance. He told the athletes, all mem­ tournament was played on the beacons of humaft liberty shin­ at 1 p . m . WORLD HISTORY: Carolyn bers of county basketball teams basis of double elimination, the including Cedarville’s county ing and to prevent 'the Ultimate Also our late modern store fixtures Stewart, Max Ritenour, and Stan­ Indians had to play Bryan the catastrophe of atopic warfare. i >. ley Abels. second time. This time the Bull­ To that end the American Le­ dogs were on their toes and Ce­ -T tourney* when Perry Stewart slip­ gion urges the people of -Amer­ WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 12 darville barely squeezed by them, ped by Don Turner' to take the ica to turn to an appeal for di­ at 7:30 p. m. “ O ld a t 40,50,6® ? ” 16-15. With about SO seconds to first two games, 21-14 and " 21- vine guidance in a re-dedication go., Cedarville led 15-10, but Bry­ These fixtures are same as new and must be seen 16 respectively. . . of our faith in our,God. — Man,You’re Crazy an started serving and massed In high school intra-mural As national commander of the a, to be appreciated Torses your age s Thousands are pcnpy at 7ft. Try 5 points while the Indians got '* pepping up** with Oatrex. Contains tonic (or wealr, ping pong play, Don Turner roll­ American Legion I am calling on rundown feeling duo solely to body's lack ot Iron hut one. t which many men- and women call °old, ’ Try ed over Jim Stewart in the semi­ our 17,382 Posts and the 13,000 Oatrex Tonic Tablets for pep, younger reeling, this Bryan won the ping-pong Owners very day. New "get acquainted" size o n ij 00c. units of our Auxiliary, to lead ARTHUR GARRER & SON, Tor sale at all drug atom everywhere. finals to advance to the finals where he clashed with Don Ches­ the way in communities through­ J. M. Coffman, auctioneer nut who had won his first two out our land in bringing together games over'Mac Weakley to ad­ all elements of our, population for vance to the finals also. Chesnut a “ Go to Church” movement FOR SALE won the “first game 21-13, but starting with April 16. CEDARVILLE SPECIAL Turner took the .next two, 21-15 Legionnaires who have; gone Berkshire Boars and Gilts and 21-17 to emerge champion of through combat knbw that,victor­ ies are never won b y men and Diiecled by MAX OPULS • Produced by WALTER V.'ANGER Best blood lines Prices reasonable the high school ping-pong tourna­ ment. women of little faith. Our first S x l O Cartoon — Plus Comedy ------News armament must he spiritual. The ’ Girls’ Volley Ball E. L. Saville American Legion can render no Tourney Advances Sabina Rt° 3 Phone 3441 Washington C. H. greater service than to contri­ On Wednesday, March 29, the bute the vast resources of its VIGNETTED PORTRAIT SUNDAY and MONDAY second girls’ Volley ball game manpower to this movement to IN BLACK & WHITE FINISH was played between the Fresh­ make religion the guiding factor Your Easter Treet men and Juniors with the Jun­ of our daily decisions. Our fer­ iors coming out on* the long end vent hopt is that all America of the score. will join in this spiritual crusade only $ 3.00 (half price) ANTIQUES On Friday of last week the to make God an active partner Seniors emerged victors over the in the fight for peace through; Freshmen 29-24. unity in the -invincible strength * other finishes at $3.50 and $5.00 Last Monday the Sophomores of faith and courage’. ; Show & Sale and Juniors met with the Juniors Srx4 victors over the Sophomores, 34- FOR THOSE WHO CARE ENOUGH Sponsored by Woman's Auxiliary 16. 2o. CENTURY-FOX Letter to the TO WANT YOUR PORTRAIT Christ Episcopal Church Announcements Arrive lovingly presents On Thursday of last week the YOU WANT THE VE.RY BEST ire to Springfield, Ohio Seniors received their Graduation Editor Announcements. - Editor of The H erald : v JWe depenc,.,on the r>eapl(hoC Greene County for oill* Announcements^ w ere- ordered This is the season of Lent. It p t future business. We cannot afford to disappoint you. A p ril 18 - 19 - 20,4950 the first week in October. The $he' time of year during which twinkle in your Seniors have been looking for­ Jesus was betrayed, tried .before Buy here with complete confidence! ? tea rs., .a song ward to receiving them with an­ the existing courts, found guilty ■£?

i A sweetheart of a musical! ’/ / ^ftatM SDNlGHTm /“ m-gm 's TECHNICOLOR musical THIS OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN BLUE CROSS Kathryn GRAYSON • Jose ITIIRBI ETHEL BARRYMORE • m m ra g ends APRIL 15 J. CARROL NA1SH • JULES MUN5HIN * THOMAS GOMEZ . and Introducing MARIO LANZA S cfe tn Pity by BRUCE MANNINSam! TAMARA HOVEY Directed by N0RMAM TAUR0G • Produced by JOE PASTERNAK

Also Selected Shorts

For us* by ell persons who cannot tjetGLUE THURSDAY and. FRIDAY APPLICATION FOR SLUE CROSS MEMBERSHIP CROSS MEMBERSHIP whereihoy work.

NAME ‘ • . Last" First Middle HOME ADDRESS No. end Street City' Zone No. EMPLOYER (If Employed) 'WWown CHECK TYPE OF CONTRACT DESIRED Dale of Birfh Age Sex Marital Status 1. SINGLE CONTRACT...... Month Day Year, i ' O' Single Q 2. FAMILY CONTRACT...... * " - Male □ Female □ Married □ Special Offer 1st TO Days of April Married persons must enroll -under Family Contract Other. □ ' If Applying for FAMILY CONTRACT. List Dependents Below 15% Off On All Sales of I . *f i i « If AhiMPAii iinriAP IQ w«tJtc»e »

* Outdoor Furniture FIRST NAME middle AGE RELATIONSHIP " . *' 37-50 * INITIAL See Our Window Display « Down payment will Told in all its ' V .;" . . #- . .- • > \ ' - hold Slider for real-life "U

X i ■ V Spring Delivery. furyl «irii ANTHONY CURTIS • GAR MOORE»JOHN McHiTiRE : - «■ - - ' ■ JT, - ¥ \ Semn^ay by ROBERT L RICHARDS • Diteetfd by WILLIAM CASTLE • Produced by 4AR0H R0&HBERS i ) j v ' auvases or condition* wnicn i -v WILMINGTON, OHIO excluded from coverage under the contract for which I am aPP.lY'n* Cartoon « Plus Short « Hew* Dote ■ Slasatuf*... andvMail today to ||,y| CROSS. As OHIO, SIND NO MONEY. Cedarville, O* Herald Friday, April 7, 1950

and asks injunction against the to M. Lee and Hildred Y. Inlow, to tins country or in protecting Quarrymen Go sale of their property. three tracts in Jamestown. A lon g the Greene it from the. enemy in time of 6 Week at the Real Estate Treasury Dept, on war. Out on Strike George W. Bishop to Raymond Must Sell Realty County Farm Front If you’re proud of your lineage Eighteen workers at the Blue M. and Laura Lavon" St. John and it go.es'back to Liberty Bell Rock quarries between Washing­ reene County Real estate is ordered sold in 103.52 acres. By B. A . DRAKE Hunt for Liberty the case styled James R. Bloom Transfers in patriots or -perhaps to signers of ton C. H. and Greenfield went vs. John C. Bloom.* - Cedarville Township Farm Leaders To the declaration, the-savings bondd out on strike one day last week. Pickets were,posted about the onrt House O Harriett C> Bailey to Frank M. Discuss Farm Security division would like, to hear from Dismiss Suits Bell Descendants quarry. and Clara ,N* Evans, 69.91 acres. Security of the .farmer, . and you. You Can write the savings MMON PLHAS COURT Two suits in which: Mary A. Silvercrcek Township farm family will fig the theme’ Where are Ohio’s patriotic de­ bonds division for Ohio, 57 East Vivian Evans was plaintiff vs. Xenia and Township scendants ? Gay street, Cqluipbus 15, Ohio for Money M. Lee and Hildred Y. Inlow - for discussion, at a district lead­ Herman Jenkins, et al., have been to Edgar*. L. and Ruth Anna Shawnee Village, Inc., to Anna ership training meeting on pub­ The treasury department is or this paper. harles I. Beaver has brought, dismissed. A NAME THAT STANDS Brown, 81.59 acres. Marie Briscoe, lot. lic affairs at Lebanon the even- ■ trying to find out. But despite, against Pat Massie seeking Robert Me. ‘ C. and Marjorie the proximity of America’s, noted FOR GOO D The Bath township trustees Edgar L. and Ruth Anna Brown - ing of April 6. Leaders .of all ollect $1,915.55 on alleged B. Kingsbury to Board of Edu­ datemark— March 15—it isn’t the It’s Now a Habit have petitioned the court for farm organizations of Greene ing contract*.- cation of city school, .162 acre. internal revenue on the search from the general fund to the road county are invited to attend. With S. Y. Youth of Bert B. Bowell, late of Caesar- Margaret Thornhill, et al., to this time— it’s the savings bond for Divorce permission to transfer funl3 creek township. Arthur B. Evans, Cedarville, The Spring, Valley Methodist FURNITURE division. fund. Elizabeth F. Jack, tract in Xen- will serve on the panel to dis­ Youth Fellowship won the at­ n grounds o f neglect and BUDGET p l a n Prohate Court Orders ia. cuss the subject. Dr. Mervin It seems that this year’s bond tendance banner for the fourth city Elsie Delawder has filed AVAILABLE t for divorce from Albert, PROBATE COURT Stanley Morris, administrator Elizabeth F. Jack to Board of Smith, extension economist of drive will he called the Indepen­ consecutive time when that group Education, Xenia Schools, .29 restoration of her maiden of Mabel Morris’ estate, and El- Ohio State university will also dence drive and will have as its attended a sub district meeting o f, 1 Appraisals acre. e of Sutton. . ta L. Spahr, administratrix of serve on the panel and will pre­ . symbol the Liberty Bell. And de­ Methodist Youth Fellowships inj ! Walter Cultice to Board of I he net value of the estate of the estate of the late Homer sent facts and lead the discus­ spite exhaustive efforts of' statue Washington C. H. recently. At Education, Xenia schools, .14 AUAIR artition Property John E. Bailey has been set at Spahr, have been authorized to sion. historical experts, the right de­ Bowersville group wjon second j In the ease of James R. Bloom,' $15,192.53. transfer real estate. acre. Topics which will be considered scendants of certain of our pa­ place* t al, vs. John C. Bloom, et at, The est; tc of Mabel Morris as Shawnee Villiage, Inc., to Rich­ by the panel include: What is se­ triotic forebears haven’t been dis­ artition of real estate has been a net value of $2,361.24. No Administration ard E. Cathcart, lot. curity for farmers; how much se- covered.. Merle B. Cooper to Donald L. rdered. Roy Ary’s estate has been ap­ The estates of Charles W. I curity do farmers now have; how It .isn’t that there aren’t plen­ and Edna Jones, lot. praised at $1,803.10, net. Manor and A. I. Swindler have can farmers get more security; ty of descendants of famous per­ Suit Is Dismissed been relieved of administration. a Shawnee Village, Inc., to sonages in the nation’s early W. II. Church’s estate Iras a what should the government do The case o f Charles B. Law- l George R. Saylor, lot. / for farmers security; ai'e non­ history who live in Ohio, hut son, et al., vs. Mary E. Finley, net value of $200. Marriage Licenses that they just don’t seem to be Beavrecreek / farmers amply secured; and et al., has been dismissed. I he estate of D. vV.Gorham has William Bernard Murphy* and what is federal and state old age the right ones. For instance, a net value of $4,175. Horace W. and Hazel S. fi/i- Rita Ruth Lux-, both of Dayton. and survivors insurance. queries to the Daughters of the Divorce Actions derson *to_ James T. and Helen P» Appointments Frederick Lee Miller, Dayton, American Revolution and to the Elsie F. Fox seeks divorce and Janet Fritz, Fairborn. Mitchell, ’two lots. Legume Pollination Colonial Dames failed to shed Margie Nared has been named Herbert C. and Jeanette P. from Edward C. Fox, charging Robert Martin Pickering, Chan- Subject Of County Meet light on any descendants in Ohio neglect and cruelty. The couple administratrix of the estate of Fogle to Kenneth and Dorothea of Betsy Ross, flag maker. This Alexander1' Nared, late of Cedar­ ute Field, and Jeanette Minor The importance of honey bees h’ s la children. F. Van Antwerp, 1 acre. in legume seed production will be despite the fact that Betsy mar­ ville. Dunn, Fairborn. Garfield B« Lyttte has been Wager-Wood Co. to Thomas discussed by Charles A. Reese, ried three times and had seven on 42 West of Cedarville Robert Douglas McLeod. At­ C. and Mary Belle Wilkins, lot. gianted a divorce from Gladys Frank A. W olf has been named lanta, Ga., and Mary Lois House, extension apiarist, at a county children. Marion D. and Dorthy M, Mer­ M.; neglect and' cruelty; and executor of the estate oi tire late Xenia. meeting of beekeepers and fann­ According to a savings bond James F. Hollingshead, late of ritt to Curtis H. and Mary L. Betty Thomas has been divorced Jack Carl Bowman and Vir­ ers at the court house assembly for Ohio official, they’se looking Xenia township. Feagans, lot in Knollwood. from Harley on the same grounds. ginia Mae Smith, both of Fair­ room in Xenia Friday evening. for Ohio descendants of just a- Asks Restraining Order Grace Robbins has been ap­ born. Sugarcreek April 14 at 8 o’clock. bout anyone who was closely as­ pointed administratrix of the sociated with the independence Philip Diehl asks to be named Thurman Columbus Mayton Ethel M* Bennett to Margaret Bees have been credited with estate of James Robbins, late of of the colonies, hut particularly guardian of his parents, Jacob and Avanelle May, both of Fair­ E. Bennett, .5 acre; being 15 times more important and Louise Diehl of Yellow 1? airborn, born. as pollinators of Crops than as deseendante of those who were Melvin C. and Ruth E. Cun­ active in getting the Liberty Bell Springs. He charges that they Gladys F. Bowell Iras been Kenneth Lewis Roberts and ningham to James E. Shaw, 7 producers of honey. Many farm­ are incapable of doing business, named executrix of the estate Muril Shaw, bath of Xenia. acres. ers a re. encouraging beekeepers to place 1 bees in their field; either Other Transfers as a free site or in cases paying For Margaret Finlay to Morgan the beekeeper for pollination FRIED CHICKEN. DINNER and Aubrey B. McDowell, lot services. Septic Tank and in Spring Valley. S. E. Bailey, apiarist of the Vault Cleaning Sw w fcirl WILL GIVE YOU Hupp and Roehner, Inc., to Ohio department of agriculture, $1.25 Phyllis and Everett S. Penick, will also address the meeting. Gall Jr., lot in Fairborn. This joint meeting of beekeepers James Holley and Ursula F. and farmers is sponsored by the Fred Borden $ 35.00 for your old living room suite Greene County Beekeepers asso­ Hanford to Parker and Hilde- gard K. Hamilton, lot in Miami ciation of which Ei-nest Harner Plumbing- and Heating is chairman; Artwood Custis, Phone 6-1Y00 for Reservation Convenient township. 202 Hill1 St. Xenia Terras Ella Adkins to Albert Stookey. vice chairman; and O. K. Simi- Phone’ 1939 Easily Arranged 6 part lots in Bath township. son, secretary. Harold O. Breakfield to F. II. Bear To Conduct and Margaret Clark, 374.85 acres Sheep Demonstrations , in Ross township. Docking, castrating x^and treat- J[ ing of sheep for parasites will Many Visitors be demonstrated and discussed by L.* K. Baer, extension sbeep At Hospital specialist of Ohio State Univer­ The Fayette county memorial sity, at the Ed Haines farm, up­ LOST OUR LEASE! hospital, one of 10 picked by the per Bellbrook pike, Wednesday, federal government as a model April 12 at 6:45 p. m. i small city institution, is attract­ The demonstration is being ing much attention among offi­ arranged by Mr. Haines and Clar­ cials of other hospital projects ence Williamson co- - chairmen in Ohio. of the county sheep committee, HERE ARE PRICES TO CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK As a result two or three groups in cooperation with county agents and several individuals have vi­ office. _ , sited the hospital recently, in- .SWeral methods of docking [—Select the suite you- want front our new sjsectirig 'it carefully,, and. obtain^ . .will “ be'depnon- stock and we will allow you $35.00 on a gaeat deal o£ ftifbrmaEioiljttrifHid'* by a discussion WITHIN NEXT FEW .DAYS - equipment and opening plans. on ,primely sheep” ' pTcoblemKi- • a -ii- your old suite* Xenia’s hospital board sent a eoqtity sheepmen, together with group over a few days ago, and 4-H club members,, vocational and West Union had a delegation at veterans agriculture students are invited to attend. Suites are upholstered all over in jacquard the same time. wool friezes, tapestries or velours—All spring Predict More HONORED ATHLETES Profits From Sheep ‘ 7:95 Axmihster Rugs 27x54 in. Final Price__ 3.97 construction, reversible cushioned seats, 2-pc. The Home and School League With the smallest number of suites priced as low as of Port William gave a dinner sheep on farms in 83 years, one 7.50 Carpeting 27 inches wide. Final price .... 3.97 *119 fox' the high school athletes Fri­ of the most profitable farm en­ day evening. People of the com­ terprises during tile next few 10X5 Fml Tables. Final close out price...... 8.97 WILMINGTON, OHIO Evenings By Appointment munity were invited to attend, years will be in sheep and lamb -1 enjoy the potluck dinner and the production, according to M. C’.',’ J program that followed. Smith, extension economist. I.V\S5 Fnd Tables, magazine book ends, now-___ 5.67 Sheep numbers declined from the days when Ohio was the na­ 119.50 Mahogany Table with 4 matching chairs 87.67 tion’s leading sheep state before^ NEW STYLE-STAR BODIES BY FISHER 1900, Ohio still is the greatest ,i39.t>0 Maple Bedroom Suite, 4 piece, now...... 98.67 • (in sparkling new color harmonies) Now producing state east of the Miss-* more than ever “the most beautiful bodies issippi river. built’’—inside and out—exclusive to Chev­ A n y w ay, and every way, you measure it This year, there are 4 percent' 219.50 Blond; Bedroom Suite, 4 piece, now...... 158.67 rolet and higher priced cars. less total sheep on farms in Ohiov — FIR ST... and Finest... at Lowest Cost! than a year ago. 269.50 Blond Suite, 5'apiece, going a...... t . 188.67 NEW TW O-TONE FISHER INTERIORS The total income from sheep is (extra-roomy , . . extra-luxurious) With now made up of about one-fourth 299.50 Blond Bedroom Suite, 5 piece, now...... 219.67 Measure size, and you’ll find Chev­ And remember — Chevrolet alone 'new upholstery—new colors—new appoint­ from shorn .wool and three-fourths provides all these and many other rolet’s the longest, heaviest car in its ments—placing Chevrolet far ahead in from sale of sheep and Iambs. both beauty and comfort. 367.50 Walnut Bedroom, 6 piece, going a t ...... 248.67 field—bar n on e. Measure styling and fine-car advantages at the low est Prices of lambs today are near-; beauty, and you’ll find it’s the only car prices and with such low operating ly three tim esas yhighkas before in its field with the world-famous and upkeep costs. CENTER-POINT STEERING the war. Prices oi-^vbolv-are less 199.&Q Frieze Livin^|Rbom S i n t e...... 124.67 Body by Fisher. Measure driving-ease, Come in! See Chevrolet for 1950* Assuring a remarkable degree o f steering than two times as high, ^mitff and you’ll find that only Chevrolet And we know you’ll agree that, any . ease, under all driving: conditions--another -pointed'out that ’sheep is' about, 245;50 Boucle Living Room Suite, now...... 158.67 offers you your choice o f the finest way and every way you measure it, vital feature found onjy in Chevrolet and “the only major agricultural pro-': it’s first arid finest at lowest cost! .n o -sk iff driving or the finest standard more expensive cars. -duct which is valued higher now 258.45 Blue Frieze Living Room Suite, now...... 178.67 driving—at lowest cost. Measure per­ Introducing Chevrolet’s Exclusive New than a year ago. Value of stock' formance, riding-comfort and safety, CURVED WINDSHIELD sheep at the first of the year, 310.95 Green. Frieze Living Room Suite, now .... 209.67 and you’ll find it’s the only low-priced with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY was placed at $17.80, compared ear combining the extra-efficient Valve- ’BOWER&fafe (in Fisher Unisteel Bodies) Supplying ex- with $17 a year ago. . f 209.50 Duncan Phyfe Sofa, going a t...... 124.67 in-Head Engine, the extra-smooth ci"" " ,'jr ...... • tra vision all around the car—extra body- More, attention must be^giyen^ strength and durability—extra safety-pro­ Knee-Action Gliding Ride, and extra- AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION* to building returns from'" lamb tection for you and*your family. and mutto nrather than from 69.50 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 final price...... 48.67 dependable Certi-Safe Hydraulic •Combination o f PounrxliJe Transmillion and 105-h.p, Brakes! engine optional on D t Luxe models a t extra cost. wool. The sheep enterprise needs, BIGGEST O F ALL LOW-PRICED CARS to be* put on a well-managhd 44.50 Innerspring Mattress, tape edge, now .... 25.67 New Lower Prices make Chevrolet more than ever Biggest in every way, for Chevrolet is the business basis. This includes in­ „ longest, heaviest car in its field, and has creasing the weight of product 14.50 Siiigle deck Bed Springs, going a...... t 9.67 America’s Best Seller . . . America’s Best Buy *the widest tread, all of which contributes , from each ewe, and rplanping;ipro-]t to maximum stability and safety. ‘ duction so; lambs can he-jha^et^ ’ ed in months when ^prices usual- 10.95 Electric Mantle Clocks, going at only ...... 5.27 EXTRA-ECONOMICAL TO OWNt ’ ly are highest. ' ^ '• OPERATE AND MAINTAIN— 29.95 Boudoir Chairs, final price on ly______16.37 and traditionally bringing you m ore value CHEVROLET -when you trade; for Chevrolet cars are Driver Loses 300.95 Stewart-Warner Radio Combination...... 199.67 most wanted—new or used. « I License for Year •Charged with driving while in­ 12.95 Table Lamps, final close out now at only 5.67 - PROVED CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES . toxicated, Ore Kennedy, Xenia, Giving swifter, safer, straight- was fined $100 and costs and 69.00 Used Breakfast Set, table and 4 chairs .... 19.67 line stops and embodying sentenced to 10 days in jail and new Dubl-Life rivetless had his driving license suspended brake finings that last 129.50 Electric Washer, final sale price, now...... 109.67 up to twice as long. * for a year as a result of an ac­ cident on US 42 near Xenia. Three Wilberforce —Residents 2.10 Rubber hall runner, 3 in. per sq. yard .... 1.47 were injured in the mishap, one of them—Albert Baker—serious­ 26.50 “Radair” Gas Heaters, on sale...... 18.67 ly. Baker and James Walker are coaches at Wilberforce. 39.50 Dresser, round mirror, on-sale now...... 22.67 » * /'■■■*. . ,>*. - V Carl Timmons Succumbs. Sunday — Carl M. Timmons, ;65, died of -iKSSSt*- a heart attack at his home iff Wilmington Sunday morning. . A native of Fayette county, he had lived in Wilmington sev­ Tha Stylalln* P* Lux* 4-Door Sedan eral years, and had become well known as manager of the. Wil­ mington stockyards. Funeral and burial . were in Washington C. H.' Wednesday. A state patrolman picked up, CUMMINGS CHEVROLET Clement McAfee of Columbu3 oh WASHINGTON C. H., OHIO US-62 near Washington G« H. running 89 miles per.hour* A* - -4-.tjisL.it O kie Friday, April 7 , 1950 The Cedarville, O- Herald; ""w CLARENCE J. BROWN Writes The Cedarville ■ » S i x ? With a Buckeye ONCE AGAIN. THE VERNAL MESSAGE tucceddt c i m n i L o i In Congress Inch BY Herald After six long days of hectic A Republican Newspaper debate, the house last Friday pass- - i _ n 1 1 lu lle d a bill authorizing an appropn- Published Every Friday by MRS. CATHERINE CONRAD EDWARDS 14 AD Pic!? itvS ation of §3,102,450,000 for econom- Associate Editor, Parents' Magazine t.REV, ROBERT H.JtARP’jR^T*^ aid to f orrign nations under the THURMAN MILLER. JR. . Marshall plan during the coming Entered as second class matter fiscal year. The measure .specific­ October 31, 1887 at the Postof­ ally carries §2.75 billion • in uew r AST WEEK we brought you interest him. He learns quick­ REV. ROBERT S. HARPER appropriations, and reappropriates *■* some pointers on how to help a ly —- automobile, engine, jdr- fice at Cedarville. Ohio, under plane. Teach him words that Act of Congress of March 1879. §150 million of unexpended bal­ child who is having difficulty in The Pouter of the Resurrection learning to read. We hope we made really interest him, arid you’ll (Easter), ances, for Marshall plan opera- KemK&r—National Editorial As­ r -r ri ,. - - ... tions; $100 million for Korean aid; it clear that this is a very common find that reading is right down his alley. They may eVen be sociation; Ohio Newspaper Asso­ i £ SR* continues availability of $1 bil- problerii, but to emphasize its uni­ 13. l-b, 20-21, 57-58. uon 0f previously appropriated versality, we'd like to tell you about such long words as caterpillar ciation; Miami Valiev Press -As­ Memory Selections I Corinthians f Unds for Nationalist China; ear- a booklet prepared for parents by and elephant. sociation. 15'57. rjes $<>7.5 million to care for dis- “the board of education of the Den­ But Denver doesn’t stop with ex TT IS BELIEVED that Paul’s ac- pjacefj Arabs run out o f Palestine ver public schools. plaining methods of teaching read­ * count of the resurrection ante- -when Israeli was created; and au- It is called ‘‘There’ s More to ing. The pamphlet emphasizes tha Editorial dated the Gospel accounts- His -thorized $25 million to begin presi- Reading than Meets the Eye,” and we have not taught our children to the first thing parents are told is EASTER . record was current, perhaps, not dent’s point fo u r program of tech- read if their reading means onl." ' later than 25 years after Christ njcaj aid and “ milk for the Hot- that all children are different- recognition of words and sentence Easter is intrinsically Christ­ arose. A fter the resurrection tentots” in other portions of the children don’t cut their teeth at and paragraphs. We have taug’ ian. All things Christian—Faith Christ was seen by more than 500 worjd, the same age—they don’t all weigh them to read only if: and Hope and Love—are centered brethren at once, by Peter, James, ' , . the same at the same age—they Their behavior and attitudes in a Risen Lord. Victory over the disciples, and Paul himself. It Knock Gut Amendment don't all measure the same at the are improved as a result of the sting o f death and the ter­ is significant that none of those Administration forces were able same age-som e learn to read rors of the narrow house; sur­ still living, of those named, ever to muster sufficient votes at the more quickly than others. TWe their reading—they can think— they can choose hooks wiselv mounting the problems of living; disputed Paul. last minute to reverse a previous might add, that the eye muscles calmness, kindness, forgiveness, house action and knock out -he and with taste—they admit two Life comes to men through the .don’t always acquire the ability to foreign aid bill amendment pro­ / or more sides to a question and love of fellowmen, willingness to resurrection of the Lord. If in this focus on the printed page at the hibiting aid to Great Britain as include them in their reading— give one's life for the sake of life only we have hope In Christ, same age.) others — Easter and its Risen long as that nation interfered they can detect propaganda— Paul reasons, we are of all men The pamphlet contrasts the Lord mean all of this. The two with or prevented free political they turn to books for recrea­ most miserable. But, assured that way Grandma learned to read disheartened, disillusioned Dis­ action in Ireland- A previously a- tion as well as education—read- . Christ has risen, we know that we by bringing her reader home ciples plodding the dusty road dopted amendment to require $1 ihg Is really part of their living shall rise and live with him the and reading alond a story she to Emmaus did not recognize the billion of the foreign relief funds —they find help for their own perfect life. had read many times, with the problems in reading of the Stranger who, freed from the Christ is like the first-fruits oi way her grandchild, Timothy, shackles of things earthly, walk­ problems of others—they be­ the field that give promise of an learns to read today. lieve in democracy and aTe ed with them and talked with abundant harvest. “ For since by dedicated to its perpetuation. them as He walks and talks man came death, by man came Timothy is in the first grade with all whose hearts are timed also the resurrection of the dead.” l REMEMBER' this year. He has already read The pamphlet goes on to tell hov to His great love for the children The resurrection also insures the BY THE OLD TIMERS many books—not just one reader. the child gets acquainted wit of men- Easter and the influ­ triumph of the gospel, and men He has learned none of them by books, learns the alphabet abor ence of its Character alone can are exhorted to give thanks unto heart. But he knows enough words the time the telephone director minister to the world He loved God for eternal life, to stand firm now to start reading a story book becomes necessary to him, pel and gave His life to save. and he assured that what they do »n his own, .He reads books that haps in the third grade; will not be in vain in the Lord. are’ new to. him much better than By the time he’s in the -sixt* j They have sure promise of liv­ recent months to submit written their .criticism of that agency. It lid the-children of Grandmother’s HONORING ATHLETES grade, he has learned simple 1:T ing the perfect life in the endless be used fo r the purchase of sur- recommendations -as to what the tie remembered the president lay. hrary procedures; he has learner! In recent weeks, and for some day. For in heaven, where the re­ The pamphlet explains that that books are friends; he reads' weeks to come, people and or­ deemed shall dwell lot aye with ™ S t e l " M t Z T S Am“ “ n f0Iei®" POliCy St0Uld. be &• > * ‘ e department also de- minute a Republican attempt to in China. President liuman has fGmic(I Alger Hiss until a jury Timothy may exhibit boredom them for Ain, for information, for ganizations of our home commun­ God. naught will enter in to defile with the old-fashioned tech­ help with his own problems. Ant! ity have been giving banquets and to destroy. eliminate from the bill appropria- been defending the state depart- }DroUght in. the verdict of guilty nique of becoming acquainted he grows in understanding the for high school athletes- These May the grand truth of the res­ tions for the president’s point four ment, and last week attacked a jn ^js case> with the shortest words possi­ world and the people around hir: , are mighty nice affairs. Men and urrection—the promise of resur- program—which was not a part number of Republican senators for ble, such as—“ I saw a cat, I as he reads of life and people j women o f the community whose ■ rection from the death of sin and of the original Marshall plan—was • saw a dog.” Today’s child other cities, other states, and othc j touch with the schools is not new life ig Christ—lead you. defeated 220 to 150. The house, starts with things that really lands. I close find the dinners an oppor­ however, stood by its original a- tunity to meet and know these mendment to reduce the over-all fine young men, and the girls amount of the third year Marshall WASHINGTON »7 •“ :se5K6 who lead the cheering. Commun­ Residents Object From the Old-Timer of Frankfort, plan funds by $250 million, ity spirit, school spirit, good will To Drive-in Theater K’y.: ‘T remember when a vac­ Of special interest in connec­ —all the things that make for a uum cleaner looked like this. It tion with the. foreign aid bill was REPORT Property owners along what better world — are promoted by must have taken up most of the Xenians call “the old Springfield the defeat of two amendments by these home-school get-togethers. space in the storage closet. It took BY SENATOR ROBERT A. TAF? ■ E 8 H pike,’* the abandoned stretch of Truman administration forces. The The boys deserve the honors, and a strong woman, using both hands, i NEW CORN HYBRIDS — lor High Yield, highway east of the railroad first would -have prohibited 'the the citizens like to bestow them. to push it over the rug. Who else HE President has just submitted 21 plans rearranging gov- Clean Husking, Early Maturity, Quick Drying north of town, have filed a pro­ remembers this?” sexuals™^ admi^sterin^fmeS A eminent bureaus and changing their internal organization, Delicious Sweet Com Hybrids test against erection of a drive- T From E. E. Meredith of Fairmont, ... .. ^ i • „ CANCER IS A CURSE in theatre in the neighborhood. aid funds arid operations. The sec- for the most part in accordance with the recommendations of W. Ya.: *T remember when the ond would have required represen- the Hoover Commission. In 1949 Congress passed the Iteorgani- Greene county has a share in A Middletown concern has se­ wealth of parents was judged by Ladino Clover — Buffalo and Ranger Alfalfa — Fescues the fight being waged across the cured a lease for 10 years on a tation from both major, political zation Act authorizing the President to submit such plans, also Birdsfoot, Trefoil — Reed Canary Grass — Sweet Sudan the earrings on their little girl. The parties on any foreign aid board, three other statutes dealing with different phases of the Hoover nation this month against can­ tract of land on the east side well-to-do family provided gold Full line of New Clovers and other Grasses In other words, believe it or not, p ian and six plans then submitted * cer, one of the major causes of of the street. As late as last .. -fr . . . . . adornments. That was when pierc­ that the Hoover Committee had death. The statistics on cancer week the matter had gone no fur­ ing the earlobes was In vogue. The the house voted it is all right to by the President. If the present and its prevalence are startling. have homosexuals connected with plans become law, the total changes in mind, the transfer to the chair­ Andrew, Columbia and Clinton ” 59" Oats ther than objections by the land- lobes were pinched between the man -the extensive prosecuting Shocking is a better word. Every owners. thumb and forefinger, then a sharp- the American foreign aid program will be 30, and I understand there . ' "■ u m i ,J- n:'J but not Republicans. Incidentally# are -about 30 functions of the" National Labor day, every person learns of the needle threaded with silk was run ReiqW&ns Board, which had been Write fQr»fito#i«4y»r* i our 1050 Catalog. W Is a good deal like asking him ed secretary 0f the air force, Stu- has included one plan which is not prosecutor and then let him sit as if he is honest. It is a pretty arfc Symington, to be the new chair- in accord . with Jthe .Hoover-Corn- the presiding judge to determine, M i safe guess that a man that par­ man of th national security re- mittqe recommendations but de­ whether his decision as prosecu­ ades his honesty is not to be sources board. Thomas Finletter sighed to carry out a political tor was correct. Labor, has. com­ trusted very far. That’s like para­ ‘of New York was named secretary policy of the Administration? That plained of the’seope. of the*power Y* Jp U tiD IN G and SAVINGS CO. ding piety. It just isn’t done. That Author of j g o f the air force to succeed Sym- “ ts’Plan Ho. U which abolishes the given to Mr. Denham as General Is, if it is done it arouses sus­ "HOW TO WIN FRIENDS and INFLUENCE PEOPLE’^ ington. At the same time, the General Counsel of the National Counsel. The new plan would picion. Loyalty tests sound reas­ president announced -the appoint- Labor Relations Board, who was giyp three times that power to the 11- Green St. Since 1885 Xenia, Ohio onable enough, but how would . ment o f his budget director, Frank Slven special powers by the Taft- Chairman pf tfie Board and make you like to have the census taker, Pace, to be secretary of the army, Hartley Law, arid transfers all his him prosecutor, judge apd jury. for instance, quizzing you about succeeding Gordon Gray who will duties to the Chairman of the your loyalty? Any way you look Mas Lifc«$ Sound of Hfs Mono soon become president of the uni- Board. 'T'HIS plan is worse even than at it, it’s a pretty ticklish subject, varsity of . This plan, it seems to me, is the original plan which vested especially in America where ev­ £*HARLES E. PARKER, Ferguson, Missouri, has written me of aDebate Bill ait attempt to use the Hoover discovery he has made with regard to a trait common to al­ all power in the Board. Such a erybody is presumed, by law and The house began debate on the Report for political purposes Board would necessarily have to a constitutional provision, to be most every individual in the world.Yes, you too, no doubt have and as an excuse* for carrying this trait $29 billion omnibus appropria­ delegate the prosecuting functions innocent until he is proved guilty. tion bill Monday o f this week, put the President’s general effort to a General Counsel and did so AT YOUR SERVICE With the heavy smoke that is Mr, Parker deals in real estate and is connected with but final action on the measure to nullify the Tait-Hartley Law. before the Taft-Hartley Law, with hanging over some parts of our It is significant that the Citizens the Yorkiown Realty company In Ferguson. There was a is not expected to he "taken until little Board interference, but un­ * C ■ •' . a ‘ government, there must be some tract of land in his town that he felt after the house reconvenes on Committee.’ for Reorganization der this plan every important de­ fire, and checking a citizen’s be­ could be made productive. But the April 17 following the Easter re­ o f the Government specifically cision pegarjiing a prosecution is This newspaper has but one purpose—to endorses allthe other plans but havior in the past as a guide to owner wasn’ t interested in selling. .It rpr: cess. An attempt will be made likely to bs passed gn by the his present and future attitude was Mr. Parker’s idea to get control of by Chairman Vinson of the armed docs not endorse Plan No# 12. . Chairm'aq himself. ' - is necessary. this land and further a promotion for serve the community ' and its people in services committee to add $650 * * '# f It seems to me highly im-. dividing it into panels and putting million to the nearly $14 billion A Cleveland defunct bank is npHILS therg js a general pep- proper for the President to use buildings ca it. This would not only he item now in the bill fo r the na­ every way a good Ipcal newspaper can-in j holding close to a half million commendation tfie Hoover $tie Reorganization Act to attempt financially profitable, but it would help tional defense establishment. Re­ dollars that nobody has claimed. Report that administrative Yespon- $o reverse $ matter of definite in the housing shortage. publican members pf the Think hard—did you ever have „ ...... - - - appro- sihnitv be vested in the chairmen policy recently determined by any money in a Cleveland bank? So he called on the owner, a George Row­ pn ions committee will attempt regulatory commissions, it is Congress. Efforts jq repeaj the • Advertising land. Although he pictured the plan, and Mr. to reduce the total appropriation cjear that this refers ‘ to trans- Taft-Hartley Law were defeated A Bedford, Ind., restaurant Rowland’s profit, in glowing terms, he made no i L ’Kv^ni ?1 ^ r 10n ^ r0URh P»- fefttag from' the board to the in 1949, and novy it-is sought to owner sets no price on his meals. impression on him— or apparently he’ did not- Carnegie hibihng the filling of most job chairmen the ordinary day-to-day accomplish something of that 9 Printing The customer pays what he Before he lefr, and ss a last bit of persuasion, he vacancies which may occur in the matters of routine administration purpose .by indirection, I shall thinks the meal is worth. You’ve S3>*» he would like to see such a subdivision called Rowland Court, general government services dur- vyhicb U should ‘ not concern a board. file a resolution disapproving heard of “tempting viands?” as a lasting memorial to the man who had helped to further theing the next year. There js no indication whatever the plan, 9 Promotion of ail Community In­ promotion. The argument over whether If everybody agreed with what Senator McCarthy is right or stitutions is done and said in Washington Two days later, Mr. Parker met a man who asked about Mr. wrong in his charges, against the it would be time to start worry­ Rowland's land and made a good offer for it.This prospective state department grows more hea­ ing indeed. purchaser himself had talked ’ with Mr. Rowland and made noted day by day. The Wisconsin progress. • News of the neighborhood, county Many an oid timer remembers senator, in a dramatic speech, dis­ played documentary 'evidence on. V sy hack when a strike at school Because he never turned down an opportunity, rather , aitd world | didn’t mean students walking '* than because he had any feeling that he would be suc­ the senate floor late last week i* it" •’* • ■ . - •SV, -which he -claimed clearly prove* f i. The word f,»bey*rice'f.ineans (a) humility, -(b) -'obcdlencV - £ •- v v -4^ * a i >. *«r o * j* y ■}*& . out; Sc meant some student eat­ cessful, he again called on Mr. Rowland and told him of temporary inaction, (aj ayoidance, Tus charges * against Owen Latti- ing off the mantle for a week. the offer. Again ha seemed to have made no progress. 2 Gen. Georg&rA, Custer:and £76 soldiers were massaored He turned togo, hut suddenly Mr. Rowland checked more. McCarthy, who announced onx Indians at the battle of (a) Cripple Creek, (b) Harper’s him. “If he sold the property would it ha written into be was turning over his records Ferry id) Little Big Horn, (d) Big Little Horn, > * : We can not do this alofie. Your co-opera­ A n example of the deep phil­ the contract that the subdivision would bo called Row­ to the FBI, Is said to be ready to * 3 The members of which one of the following group have osophy that actuates the state land’s Court?” produce witnesses who will testify Orilv two legs? (a) squad, (b) herd, (c) pack, (d). drove.. tion and Good Will are our best help, W e ■ . The capital of Pakistan is (a) Colombo, (b) Karachi,- (c) department is Dean Acheson’s ex­ before a senate committee next 4 planation. o f our attitude towards So the battle was over. Merely because a man loves the sound riamhia. (d) Rangoon# week as to Lattimore’s Connection u 5. New varieties of plants (a) may be, (b) may not be, —He said...... that...... Communism...... ° Y n na,me' Yes» raauy a friendship ha* baea founded ca are grateful for, your splendid attitude in with Communist activities. State patented. _ 1 1 will he own answer in China, the simple and easy act of calling a man by hb same. Remember department officials, who have Afterwhfia the Chinese will be- “ a* When you meet a stranger. Remember that, too, wfe«tyoubeen defending Baltimore and in­ a n s w e k s ... . - , helping us serve. you. j,_(o) Temporary Inaction. - so irritated at the Reds thatm eet ? ow: friends lonS standing. .. ------* sisting he had no connection with »;_(c) Little Bit-Horn. . i - S._(a) Squad they wiO ri^e up and drive them that department, last Friday ad­ ) ’□ £ ) Karachi. v S.^ria> Ifeif varieties of plants may he patented. out of thechantry. » mitted be had been called upon in The Cedarville, O- Herald Friday, April 7, 1550

Mr. and Mrs. Dobbins have sold GARDEN CLUB s u r p r i s e p a r t y Band M o t h e r s Shower Given Mrs. John Wright Buys Farm the 100 acre farm known as the TO MEET APRIL 11 FOR P. J. McCORKELL . m a ' ZT Mrs. Wiseman Mi*, and Mrs. Harold Dobbins Josie E. Spencer farm which was For Mrs. Lynch The Clifton Green. Thumb Gar­ Is Honored p. j. McCorkeii was surpri?- xo serve Dinner ed on his birthday when six « t-, * have- urehased the 162 acre farm recently purchased at sheriff’s den club will "meet at the home By Friends s W ith Showier couples called at his home, Sat- 1 Ox, XL/clStePn S ta r on’Barber road from heirs of sale to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dob­ of Mrs. Emile Finney, April 11, Heads* County bins. Mrs. Ernest Rocknold of Xe­ Mrs. John Wright (Nancy Fin­ urday evening. The group enjoy- The Band M th , , . ; c the late Alta D. Wagner. at 2 p, m. Co-hostess will be ney) was honored with a mis­ nia, assisted by Mrs. Carey Gor­ Mrs. Omar Sparrow. cellaneous shower, Tuesday even­ and endedS? r at ^ the h“A-« Cliff Housew™f.£ oi mnnfi,!,, *l.ool Md g o t o : don of Jamestown, entertained Roll call will be to make your monthly meeting in the school’s Al Ross, world famous clown will be here ing at the home of Mrs. Meryl Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Davis for Health Group with a miscellaneous shower for own corsage and wear it. home economics room with the Stormont. Mrs. Stormont was as­ refreshments. Mrs. Ross Wiseman of Cedar April 29, entertaining for Mrs. Carl Lynch (Frances Bum- The program will be in charge president, Mrs. Drothy Cotter, gardner) at the Eockhold home. sisted by her daughter, Mary ville was elected president of the Duvall Hardware 5th Anniversary of Mrs. Maynard Neff and Mrs. Louise, and Mrs. Wilma Rein- "presiding. Plans were made to A color scheme o f yellow and Greene County* Tuberculosis and Ralph Rife and will be on the hard. Colors of gold and white PLANNING AN serve dinner at the annual in­ white was used. Gifts were re­ ALL COUNTY DINNER Health Association at its annual theme of Garden Pest Control. were used. spection of Cedarville Chapter ceived from a table centered with; The Girl Scout troops are pre­ meeting at the Bee and Thistle, The flower arrangement will be A note was given to Mrs. No. 418 0. E. S. April 13. Fairborn, Thursday night. She a large bouquet of yellow jon- paring for the all county ban­ The Band Mothers also made of early spring flowers. Wright by Andy French, telling succeeds Mrs. W. C. Poole of oi1 quils. quet for adult leaders to he held plans to entertain the members her to fohow the rainbow to the Fairborn. Contests were in charge of Mrs. here on April 20. The banquet p f the Junior and Senior bands Earnhart-Daubert pot of gold. At the end ; of pastel Paul Clark and a prize was won will be in- the U. P. church and and their husbands May at the Other officers named,were Mrs. colored streamers was a large 6 by Mrs. Minnie Mussetter. A Engagement Is anyone interested in Scouting is school house. Norman Luce, Fairborn, vice yellow basket of gifts. Three dessert course was served to the invited. president; Mrs. John Birch, Yel­ Announced bridal contests were played with Following the business meet­ guests from Jamestown, Xenia, ing refreshments were served to low Springs, recording secretary, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bau- prizes being won by Mrs. Lewis Cedarville, Wilmington and Col­ 30 members by Mrs. Faye Wil­ ami Miss Gertrude Fulton, Xenia, Lillich, Mrs. Irene Chesnut and MUSICAL PRACTICE umbus. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch are bert of Pine Grove, Pa., are an­ burn, Mrs. Ruth Koppe and Mrs. re-elected treasuer, Lewis F. nouncing the engagement of Mrs. Ida Wright. TO BE APRIL 14 living at New Jasper. Lelia Crumrine. The entertain­ Bales, Xenia is the association’s their daughter. Miss Elsie, to The twenty four guests were, Practice fo r the Gedarville May ment was in charge of Mrs. Le- executive secretary, an appoitive MONTHLY MEETING served by the hostesses. Out of musical will be held Friday ev­ Alton Earnhart of Waynesville, nora McMillan. including a number of teachers in •v. S. C. S. HAVE former student at Cedarvi]5e Col­ town guests wore Mrs. Millard ening, April 14 at 7:30 at the post. school. AU are urged to keep Tables were decorated with lege. French and family and Mrs. Rog­ DR. AND MRS. JACOBS this date open for practice and Forty-five members and guests, Easter flowers and Easter ap­ Miss Daubert is a graduate of er Gorman of South Solon. GIVE DINNER PARTY the Greene county school system, attend if possible. pointments when the W. S. C. S. Findlay College, Findlay and has Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jacobs heard Frederick F. Cameron, met in the Methodist church ofr taught science and mathematics Inspection entertained at dinner at the Day­ health co-ordinator at Miami Uni­ their monthly luncheon meeting, in Haviland-Scott high school, Of Eastern Star STRALEYS VISIT evening, honoring the birthday of versity, explain a health educa­ Wednesday noon. Devotions were Havilar.d, 0-, the last four years. IN INDIANAPOLIS Mrs. Jacobs' father, Mr. Walter tion course which has been set led by Mrs'. Robert Huffman and Me. Earnhart. son of Mr. and Set for April 13 Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Straley C, Uiff. Govers were placed for • ■ up by the Kellogg foundation. Mrs. Paul Evans assisted by Mrs. A. H. Earnhart, Waynes­ Annual Inspection of Cedar- and children visited in Indiana­ Mr. and Mrs. Iliff, Mr* and Mrs. College credit is given teach­ other members gave the program. ville, was graduated from Ohio ville Chapter No. 418 Order of polis over the week end in the Karlh Bull, Mi’s. Della Johnson, ers completing the course. Coun­ Thirty five members enjoyed the State university and Is employed the Eastern Star will meet in home o f Mr. ana Mrs. John Hirt Mrs. S. C- Wright, Mrs. Mary Mc- ty Supt. Liming’s office will fur­ luncheon served by Mrs. Robert by the Paulding County Farm special sessiou Thursday, April and daughters. Mrs. Straley and Gorkell, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. nish complete information. Townsley, Mrs. J. W. Johnston, Bureau in Paulding. He is a navy IS at 8 o'clock in the high school Mrs. Hirt are sisters. Cresvvell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank New 18 " "Challenger" Mrs. C. G. McCallister and Mrs, veteran of World War II." auditorium with Mrs. Kathryn Oreswell and daughter, Sally, of V* Bumgardner. this place and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fraternity Elects Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boyer Wyre, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, ATTEND EASTER W orthy Grand Matron of* Grand STAR LUNCHEON Finney of Xenia, and Dr. and Mrs. ‘The new Zeta Sigma national Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Condon and son, Gordon, attended a fam­ Jacobs aiid children, Miljicjt.nt are spending a few days with ily dinner Sunday at the home Chapter of Ohio, Order of East­ Mrs. Mary Pickering, Mrs. Is­ fraternity on the Gedarville col­ POWER MOWER abel Bull, Mrs. Willa Beattie, and Walter. The evening was their daughter and son in law, of Mrs. Boyer's parents, Mr. pnd ern Star as inspecting Grand of­ lege campus elected the follow­ spent at the Jacobs home. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gens, in Mrs. A- Gr- Gordon in Washing­ ficer. Mrs. Miriam Wallace and Mrs. ing officers: Gordon Williams, ONLY Preceding the meeting a din­ Jane Mills attended a luncheon president; William Fife, vice Ohio City. ton C. H , MISSIONARY with 4 cycle Saturday at the Rustic inn, president; Archie Justus, secre­ ner will be served at 6:30 p. m. .GROUP MEETS Briggs & Stratton Springfield, for worthy matrons, tary treasurer; and Mendell E. by the Cedarville Band Mother’s * The Ghurch of God -Missionary 'engine . . . li club in the high school gym, for associate matrons, conductresses, Beattie as temporary sponsor. *84 society met Thursday afternoon associate conductresses and the The national headquarters of members and* guests of other at the home of Mrs. Margaret Compare this sturdy power mower 1944 worthy matron o f the 18th built by Chapters. Neff, Kyle road. Mrs. Bessie Shaw the Sigma Zeta fraternity is at feature"'{for feature with any in its Please send reservations for district, Order of. the Eastern Fairmont,- W. Va. It was first was leader of the program on class!. Y ou ’ll readily agree that here’s "TORO” Star. the biggest value you’ve ever found. dinner to Mi’s. Jane Mills by “ Japan”. Mrs. Palmer was in organized "in 1923 and now has 28 April 8 . chaptei’S. From its quick-starting 4 cy cle 1.1 VISITING IN VAN WERT charge of the business meeting. I hp. Briggs & Stratton engine1 down CLUB MEETS AT Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Gerbaugh Refreshments were served "by to the full 18" wide blades, it’s qual­ burg,. Pa. LEADER’S HOME are visiting at the home of the Mrs. Neff. ity built. Finger-tip controlled from Bill Furst of Athens, visited adjustable tubular steel handle, the The Junior Happy Workers latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Y. N. CLUB friends here over the week end. “ Challenger” features smooth starts 4-H club met this week at the Delmar Jobe, and with My. Ger- WITH MRS. SHELEY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dennehey and stops on its 10 % " semi-pneumatic home of their leader, Mrs. -Geo. baugh’s parents in Van Wert. tired wheels. Chain belt drive from Mrs. George Sheley entertain­ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sheeley. The group baked muf­ Mr. Gerbaugh was graduated clutch to the. rugged drive gear turns ed the K. Y. N. club at her home, Delbert (Smoky) Stover in fins and cookies. Business meet­ Georgia Tech in the March class. Friday afternoon. Roll call was five tough alloy i . cutting blades. ing was in charge of President •Charleston, W. Va. Cutting speeds can be regu­ answered naming an “ Irish Song” . Sunday guests at the home of lated from !4 to 3.9 mph. This is a Sue Miller. Refreshments were AGNORS HAVE GUESTS Mrs. Herbert Powers gave a pa­ 21-inch size See our selection of new served by Mrs. Sheeley. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huffman Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Collier were proved mower design, made by one o f per on “History of Glifton” and the country’s leading power mower $ 9 4 - 9 5 of Jamestown visited last week Mr. and Mrs. Janies Brown of WOMAN’S CLUB Mr?. J. M. Bull told of the “ His­ Dayton. producers, not an experiment, Gabardine Suits in plain with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ag- tory of Cedarville.” A . social BUSINESS MEETING nor and family. Sunday evening Mrs. Jennie Shroades who has The Woman's club will hold the hour followed the serving of re­ been confined, in the home of. The Best Value . ' .. Lowest Price;. dinner guests at the Agnor home freshments. Colors. Tailored in annual luncheon and business were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rus­ her daughter, Mrs. Luther Grey, meeting Thursday, April 13, at sell Huffman of Dayton. Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Hampton 319 W- Eizclid avenue, Spring- noon at the Antioch tea room field, since,, she had the misfor­ 100 All Wool. This and family and Stanley Herten- in Yellow Springs. Members are MRS. JOBE ENTERTAINS stein spent the week end with tune to fall and break her hip is Reported getting along nicely asked to make reservations with Mrs. Delmar Jobe entertained Mr. and Mrs. Orville Prather in suit is ideal for the Mrs. J. E. Mitchell by Tuesday, members of the Elbow club of Danville, 111. and soon riill be able to return April 11. Selma and South Charleston at Mr. and Mz*s. Frank Creswell home. her home Thursday evening. Sat­ and daughter, Sall,_ and Carol spring & summer COLLIERS ATTEND urday afternoon Mrs. Jobe en­ WEDDING IN DAYTON Sue Duvall are spending the Cedarville, Ohio tertained a gz’oup of friends with week in Washington D. C. “DIRECT Rev. and Mi’s. W. B. Collier contract bridge. from- months ahead. and daughter, Pat, attended the Miss Bai’bai’a Smith, student wedding of Miss Jean DeShayes DAR TO MEET at Monmouth college, Monmouth, MANUFACTURER” to Carl Carter, Friday evening 111., is spending the EaSter va- The DAR meeting is to be held Cotton sack towels, washed and in Van Boren Methodist church Tuesday, April lly at>7:3oty jh . .-cation with her mother, Mrs. Ann a t the home o f Mrs. Frank CSwfc- *** MrV4 , . . Charles Hesler . _ is a> hemmed. Approximately 17x33V. ‘High Pressure Selling is Not Our Policy” 0 m in Dayton. They also attended the 7 for-?1.00 reception in the church social well. house guest at the Smith "home. room. Mr. Carter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Osman Large print bags like pattern. GOLDEN RULE v Rev. Carter, pastor of the Van have moved from their trailer Four for $1.00. No C. O, D’s. CLASS MEETING Buren church. into the apartment o f Mr, and We pay postage. The Golden Rule class met in Mrs. Amos Frame. Mr. Osman is J Consumers Bag Co. CHURCH GROUP. the Methodist church Friday eve­ a student. at Cedarville college HAS MEETING ning. Devotions were given by and Mrs. Osman is employed at 33 Walnut St., ' „ from The Missionary society of the Mrs. Carl Plummer and games the Cedarville Lumber company. Cincinnati 2, Ohio a word o f Assurance Nazarene church met Friday ev­ were in charge ot Mrs. uamy Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds ening at the home of Mrs. E. E. Connor. had as Sunday guests Mz^. and Neal. Mrs. Rufus Nance and The group voted to give flow­ Mrs. Myron Baker and family from your local LENNOX dealer Glenna Nance conducted the pro­ ers to shut-ins for Easter. Host­ of Morrow and Mr. and Mz’S. Gor gram on Japan with remarks esses for the evening were Mrs. don Tice of Wilmington. from Rev. Hesler. Refreshments Pearl Huffman, Mrs. M. Homey, Prof, and Mrs. Gilbert Dodd were served by Mrs. Neal. Mrs. Albert Hagler and Mi’s. L. and son spent the spring vaca­ Your heating system— regardless of make — is very $45.00 Devoe, tion with relatives • in Straus- important to the happiness and daily comfort of your AUXILIARY TO Do You Like MEET MONDAY home. It is not our intention, ever, to exploit it as a 4 ' The American Legion Auxil­ means for high pressuring you Into buying repair parts, iary will hold thir regular ^meet­ ing Monday, April 10 at 8 p. m., gadgets, or services that do not benefit you or your at the home of Mrs. Lawrence HOT heating system or which you do not want. Waddle. The drill team will meet for practice Wednesday evening, WHERE GENTLEMEN BUY April 12 at 7 p. m. in the shelter When you call us for spring heating system cleaning XENIA, OHIO house. Drill team note change BREAD service, you can be assured that you will receive the kind of time and place. of honest, forthright, and competent service to which > r you are entitled. You can rely on oUr established reputa­ You can get it everyday tion for reliability and quality . . . a reputation buUt° except Saturday from only upon a sincere desire to attain complete satisfaction SHOP AND SAVE 12 to 4 — and comfort— in every home in which we are privi- leged'to enter: 1 1-4 lb...... 12c * Call us loday3 won't you? i *

AT THRIFT-E YWRCHMIMED LENNOX M U U U . Coffee Chase& Sanborn Salad Dressing Mordene lb, c a n ...... 73e Q t, J a r ...... 29c C. C. BREWER 6-2251 ° r 6-4911 Beets JVferrit cut N o. 2 J/2 * Sweet Potatoes Vac Pac i Phone 6-3481 c a n ...... 15c No. 3 can...... 21c We Clean and Service A L L Types of Heating Systems Pickles B ill...... q t jar 19c Prune Plums No. 2% can ...... 19c m Sugar Jack Frost or * Franklin 5 lb. b a g ...... 47c Pineapple Belmonte or Dole Easter Greetings W i t h (Sliced) No. 2 can ...... 31c Oxydol Lge pkg...... 2 3 % c EASTER FLOWERS Listings Invited Joy Dish Washing Miracle New Potatoes 10 lbs for 49c 4 oz. bottle...... r ...... 26c Beets Fresh Texas Grmtn POTTED We Serve the Seller We Serve the Buyer 2 bunches ...... 19c Tulips - Hyacinths - Hydrangea Jonquils Ivory Soap Personal size 75c and. up • 3 b a r s ...... - 17c Celery Lge Pascal stalk .. 15c 36 Properities Sold in this vicinity during 1949 QUALITY MEATS CORSAGES 1950 is an opportunity year - W e pledge our Patrons our Very best ROSES — White - Pink - Yellow work and cooperation to give our> fullest capacity of Service. Kingan’s Hams (Whole or Kingan’s & Armour - Whole BABY IRIS , Shank half 14-18 lbs. lba 55c or Shank half 10-12 lb. 1.00 and up ANTHONY SPENCER ...... lb. 59c Plate Boiling Beef .... lb. 29c ...... phone Your Order Plenty of Grade (A) Beef Boasts & Steak for Easteif Real Estate Sales Insurance Country Fries"& Boasting Chickens Stitsworfli’s Greenhouse PHONE EARL STiTSWORTH* .pwner HABNER & HUSTON CEDARVILLE MARKET | Railroad St, Phone 6-2344 Clifton 5743 , Springfield 2S371 Tht CedarviHe, 0 , Herald Friday, April 7, *950 Miscellaneous—Interest on Sinking Supplies — ------—- 4,138.42 Total Personal Service 30.C0 GETS TOP RANK Clerk of the Board of Education Total Expenditures an„d after the 13th day of May, 1950, that on the 23 day o f March, 1950, Fund Investments. Other Cafe­ Repairs Educational Teachers Retirement A state examiner from the de­ Tax Valuation ------— 4,454,794.00 Balance — ------103,387.41 style of said case being Marceil Gerald F. Keeling, filed his peti­ teria, Workbooks, etc. 16,692.71 Equipment . — — 251.47 Contribution______3,564.00 partment of _ education recom­ Tax L e v y ______. 9-45 RECEIPTS S. Hathaway vs. Norman C. Hath­ tion against her in the Court of Total Revenue ------97,762 37 Total Other Purposes 5,150.58 Employes Retirement mended Wilmington high school School Enrollment -t— 489* REVENUE— away. Common Pleas, Division of Do­ NON-REVENUE— Total Instruction ____ 56,513.30 for first grade rating* Salaries and Wages — 63,571*30 Bond, Interest and Sinking- Contribution___ 282.56s Tiddings, Jeffrey, Wiseman & mestic Relations, Greene County* Insurance Adjustments __ 3,53 l ib r a r ie s — County Board of Education Summary of Cash Balances, Re­ Fund ______- 204.90 Rogers Ohiot being Case Number 26361 D. DISMISS SUITS Other—Accrued Interest—Sales School Library Books — 598.00 Contribution______947.12 ceipts and Expenditures All Other Purposes — 38,453.17 Attorneys for Plaintiff R-, on the docket of said Court, Judge Frank L. Johnson, on of Sinking Fund Invest­ Total Other Purposes 598.00. Total Other Purposes 4y793.68 Balance, January 1st, 1949 Total Property Tax —* 3S,658.07 ~r 512-20 Harries Bldg. praying for a decree of divorce “the Clinton county, dismissed ments ------9.5g Total Other Auxiliary General* Fund ______5,539.42 Foundation Program Total Libraries ______' 598.00 Dayton 2, Ohio (4-7-6t-5-12) from her on the grounds of gross . four suits last year. TOTAL RECEIPTS— TRANSPORTATION o f PUPILS Bond Retirement Fund — 76.04 Cash Received'—— ------35,676.69 neglect of duty and extreme cruel­ ' Total Transactions __ 97,771.95 Personal S ervice ------2,200.00 OPERATION OF SCHOOL NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Joseph T. Ferguson— Aditor of Total ______5,615.46 Deduction for Teachers ty, and further praying for title Retirement ______— 3,564.00 EXPENDITURES Motor Vehicle Supplies 1,043.84 PLANT— Estate of Charles J. Butcke, De- RECEIPTS— to real estate, household goods and State, Bureau o f Inspection and ADMINISTRATION— Material for Maintenance of Personal ServW General Fund —— ____ 97,567.05 Deduction for School Employes 3,724.53 , T . , , . . t, automobile and custody of minor Supervision o f Public Offices for Vehicles ______.419.53 Gas __ ___ Notice is hereby given that Rus- cWldren. that sa5(1 AaI estate js Bdnd Retirement Fund 204.90 R etirem ent------282.56 Salaries and Wages Adm. Officers 344.40 City, Village, Exempted and Rural and Employes ------4,084.05 Repairs Motor Vehicles 1,015.47 Fuel ______1,543.28 sell G. Butcke and Herman J. (,jescribed as follows, to-wit: School Districts T o t a l ______97,771.95 Deduction for County Board Total Personal Service 4,084.05 Total Other Purposes 2,478.84 Janitors Supplies ____ 716.04 Butcke have been duly appointed Total Receipts and of Education ------947.12 “ Situate in the Village of Osborn FINANCIAL REPORT o f the Office Supplies------291.85 Total Transportation of Water 215.39 Ixecutor of the estate of Char- BOARD OF EDUCATION B a la n ce ______103,387.41 Total Foundation in the County of Greene, and State P rog ra m ______40,470.37 Replacement Office Pupils------4,678.84 Electricity 887.91 J. Butcke, deceased, late of For Fiscal Year Ending December EXPENDITURES— o f Ohio, bounded and described as Interest from State on N Equipm ent------10.00 PUBLIC LUNCHES— Telephone______129.81 Spring Valley Township, Greene follows: Being 32.86 feet taken by 31st, 1949. CedarviHe Township General Fund ______97.977.51 Advertising County, Ohio. Bond Retirement Fund 357.89 Irreducible Debt —__ 60.30 Total Other Purposes 301.85 Personal S ervice ------2,200.00 22.96 parallel lines off the south side School District, County of Greene Hauling ______Dated this 5th day of April, T o t a l______I - 98,335.40 Tuition from Patrons — 29.76 Total Administration. _ 4,385.90 Food & Upkeep------8,291.24 173.96 of Lot No. 891 and 19.71 feet taken P, 0- Address Cedarville, Ohio. Other Contract and Open 950. Balance, December 31st, 1949 Vocational Education and Re­ INSTRUCTION— ! Total Other Purposes 8,291.24 by parallel lines off the north side Date March 27,1950 Personal Service ______51,362.72 ! Total Public Lunches __ 10,491.24 Order Service ____ _ 237.62 WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER I certify the fallowing report General Fund ______5,040.86 habilitation for Deaf, Blind and of Lot No 892, as shown on the Text Books .______760.69 'OTHER AUXILIARY AGENCIES Rent of Instruction udge of the Probate Court Greene to be correct., * Bond Retirement Fund__ 11.15 Crippled Children from State recorded plat of Albert Krumm, and U. S. Government 1,851.16 Other Educational I Other Special Service's 30.00 Rooms 500.00 County, Ohio. Walter W. Boyer T o t a l ______5,052.01 Section Five, in Volume 3, page Insurance ______‘ 561.87 (4-7-3t-4-21) By Luella Howser 33, Greene County Plat Records. Total Other Purposes 5,333.24 Chief Deputy Clerk Being the same premises conveyed Total Operation of * NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT to Forrest E. and Ruth M. War- School Plant 9,057.77 Estate of Roberta Penewit, De­ shim e hv deed dated August 27th, MAINTENANCE OF SCHOOL ceased. 1948, and recorded in Volume 206, PLANT— page 482, Deed Records of Greene Materials for Maint. Bldgs. Notice is hereby given that J- Finney has been duly appoint­ County, Ohio.’’ and Grounds 1,024.43 That said case is entitled Ger­ Materials for Maint. Equip. ed as Administrator of the estate of Roberta Penewit, deceased, late ald F. Keeling, plaintiff, versus and Furniture - _____ 19.50 of Beavercreek Township, Greene Charlene Francis Keeling, defend­ Repairs School Buildings 1,785.97 ant. Total Other Purposes 2,829.90 County, Ohio. * Dated this 5th day of April, Said Charlene Francis Keeling Total Maintenance of School i50. will further take notice that She Plant .... 2,829.90 WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER is required to answer said peti­ Total Operation and tion on or before the expiration of Maintenance. 11,887.67 Judge of the Probate Court Greene County, Ohio. six weeks from the date of the Total Current School first publication of this notice, Cost 93,378.63 (4-7-3t-4-21) By Luella Howser Chief Deputy Clerk to-wit; the 5th" day of May, 1950. DEBT SERVICE— Gerald F. Keeling, Bonds Maturing 350.00 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Plaintiff Interest on Bonds ____ 7.89 Estate of Bert B. Bovtell, De­ Meyer Dreety and Paul Ziegler Interest on Certificates ceased. Attorneys for Plaintiff of Indebtedness____ 38.81 Notice is hereby given that 602 Gas & Electric Building Incidental Expenses Notes Gladys F. Bowell has been duly Dayton 2, Ohio (3-31-6t-5-5) (if Sfattlj on B u s e s ______1,-5-82.66 appointed as Executrix of the es­ Total Debt Service _ 1,979.38 tate of Bert B. Bowell, deceased, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY— late of CaesarcreekX Township, Estate of Harry L. Davis, De­ Improvement of Sites_ 61.20 Greene County, Ohio. ceased Equipment for Old School Dated this 31st day of March, Notice is hereby given that Buildiners 1,978.71 1950. Charlotte Davis has been duly ap­ Motor Vehicles 937.50 WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER pointed as Administratrix of the Total Capital Outlay 2,977.41 Judge of the Probate Court Greene estate of Harry L. Davis, deceased, Total Expenditures __ 98,335.40 County, Ohio. 5 late of Cedarville Village, Greene ASSETS and LIABILITIES (4-7-3t-4-21) By Luella Howser County, Ohio. Assets— Chief Deputy Clerk Dated this 20th day of March, Cash ______5,052.01 1950. Inventory Supplies and NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER M aterials ______1,500.00 Estate of Raymond T. William- ? Judge of the Probate Court, Greene Lands (Cost) ______5,400.00 son, Deceased. j County, Ohio. Buildings (Cost) ____ 91,500.00 Notice is hereby given that Fan-} ' By Luella Howser Equipment (C ost) ____ 30,000.00 nie Williamson has been duly ap- j (-24-St-4.-7) Chief Deputy Clerk r \ \ \ Total A ssets _____ 133,452,01 pointed as Executrix of the estate j ~ : ~ ~ . TV T“ LIABILITIES— of Raymond T. Williamson^ de- Evelyn Frances Randolpn, whose Accounts Payable __ 1,574.53 ceased, late of Cedarville Town- j address is 12o0N .V - 45th avenue, \ w A / r * Bonded Debt ______175.00 ship, Greene County, Ohio. Mla™ ’ ' \ < :* Certificates of Indebtedness ; Dated this 31st day of March, ° n ^ h day of March, 19o0, ' A A > James Leon Randolph filed his 695.00 1950 Outstanding ______certain petition against her for Total Liabilities , ___ _ 2,444.53 WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER divorce on the grounds of gross | . — yS 1 Judge o f the Probate Court Greene neglect of duty and willful ab­ County, Ohio. sence, before the Common Pleas (4-7-3t-4.21) By Luella Howser Court of Greene County, Ohio, said Guaranteed upholsterer & Re­ Chief Deputy Clerk y pair estimates walls upholstering case being No. 26355 on the docket 1 127 Center St. Xenia, Phone 1575M CARD OF THANKS of said court, and will come up I wish to thank all my dear for hearing on or after the 29th A op IQjlJ.______i+f neighbors and friends for all the day of April, 1950, style of said WANTED—WOOL, Top -prices. nice cards and notes sent to me case being James Leon Randolph ■V% Lloyd Pevoe, Clifton, Tel. 5329. during my recent misfortune. They vs. Evelyn Frances Randolph. (3-10-6t-4-14 pd.) were a source of comfort to me Paul W. Rion, Attorney for} & Plaintiff, GARDEN PLOWING—See Dale and I appreciated them very much. Dean on the Ice truck or call MRS. JENNIE SHROADES 901 Miami Savings Building, 6-1563. (4t) . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. LEGAL NOTICE SPENCER SUPPORTS — Indi­ Estate of Alexander Nared. De­ Elisabeth Carr Cutter, whose ad­ ceased. dress is P. O- Unit No. 2, Camp i t vidually designed. Consult Mrs. 1% Mildred MeMiJjgn, 225 West Main, Notice is hereby given that Mar­ F. H. Pendelton, Oceanside, Calif- Xenia, Tel, 1046-M (Ot-3-24-4-28) gie Nared has been duly appoint­ fornia, will take notice that on the ed as Administratrix of the estate F. H. Pendelton, Oceanside, Cali- NOTICE—Did you get tbs Day* of A lexander Nared, deceased, late 22nd day of March, 1950, Clarence ton Sunday paper? If not please of Oedarvillg village, Greene Edward Cutter, Jr., filed hi3 cer­ * V contact Ima Purdin, Tel. 6-2132. County, Ohio, tain petition against her for di­ Dayton, Ohio (3-24-6t-4-28) Dated this 24th day of March, j vorce on the grounds of groves neg­ w 1950. lect of duty apd extreme crupjty NOTICE TO TAKE WILLIAM B. 'McCALLISTER before the Common Pleas Court pf DEPOSITIONS Judge of the Probate Court, Greene ! Greene County, Ohio, said case be­ James Lepn Randolph County, Ohio. j ing No. 26359 on the docket of said im. . vs. (3=31-3t-4-14) By Luella Howser | court, and will come up for hear­ Evelyn Frances Randolph Chief Deputy Clerk ing on or after the 29tli day of 1245 W. 45 th Ave., Miami, Fla. April, 1950, style of said case bo* Case No, 26355 LEGAL NOTICE ing Clarence Edward Cutter, Jr„ The above named defendant will No. 26361 vs. Elizabeth Carr Cutter, lake notice that on the 1st day of Charlene Francis Keeling, whose Paul E. Layton, Attorney for May A- D. 1950 the plaintiff above last known place of residence was Plaintiff named \yiJJ lake the deposition of care of General Delivery, Lawrence 142% North Broad Street, Major Jphp M, Adams, sundry Kansas, will hereby take notice Fairborn, Ohio witness, to be used as pyidgnee in the trial of the above cause in be­ half of the plaintiff at the Jaw FARMS FOR SALE offices of Paul W. Rion, 901 Mi­ ami Savings Building, Dayton, in AND FARM LOANS Farm Grain Tile the County of Montgomery in the State of Ohio between the hours We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make ■of 10:00 o’clock A. M- and 6 o’clock Ditching The greatest impetus ever given to Faith Hope—that inspiring influence that, spurs farm loans at 4% interest for P, M, of said day and that the 15 years. No application fee Trenching Service taking p£ the same will be ad- and no appraisal fee. was the discovery the women made when they men on whop, the ways are dark and the sha­ jpurngd from day Jp day between the same hpurs untij t)iey are Write or Inquire visited His tomb that first Easter morning. dows long and forbidding—was born anew completed. McSsvgney & Co. London, O. RUSS GOITER PA11L W- RION They had dared believe, yet feared, when hewhen they found the tomb empty? No, not Attorney for Plaintiff P. O. Box 748 Phone 3-6810 • - (4r7--3tr4.-21) Leon H. Kling, Mgr. Springfield, Ohio had spoken of ascending into Heaven. “He is empty! Nothing was ever so full as that tomb LEGAL NOTICE William J, Gannon whose ad- not herelJHe is risen!” They nan to tell His fol­ —full of Hope, the lodestone that draws the dress is Box 12, Wesleyan Station, Middletown, Conn., will take no* lowers . . . and Faith, that first essential to world to nobler things. Hope of a better To­ tice that on the 3rd day of April, 1950, Donna. P. Gannon filed hep all human endeavor, had a new birth in the morrow, of kindlier people*, of a safer, saner certain petition against him for Spring Is Just divorce on the grounds of gross world, and the extension of His Kingdom on neglect of duty'and extreme cruel- hearts of mankind—Faith in His principles of ty, before the Common Pleas Round the Corner— Court of Greene County, Ohio, said Love and Service. earth as* it is in Heaven. case being No. 26372 on the docket of said Court, and will come on fop hearing on or after the 13th day And that means fresh, 'clean, attractive clothes, ft of May, 1950. is our business to keep them that way, dressing Without the spirit of Service the Man of HORN & ZARKA Attorneys for Plaintiff freshens clothes, and adds tp their good looks. In­ Galilee taught and exemplified as He went Winters Bank Bldg., Dayton (4-7-61-5-12) “ vest in neat, clean clothes, about doing good, no business can succeed nor LEGAL NOTICE Normap G. Hathaway, whose long endure. The Great Teacher's rule of liv- last known address was Sinclair Farms, Hampton, , will ing was to forget Himself in service of the take notice .that on the 6th day of April, 1950, Marceil >S. Hathaway filed her certain petition against world about Him. No store, office, factory, him for divorce on the grounds of extreme, cruelty before the Com­ bank, school, farm nor enterprise can find any mon. Pleas Court of Greene Coun­ ty, Ohio, said case being No. 26880 other rule to follow. It is as simple as that— on the docket of said Court and will come on for hearing on or Service—His formula of living. DEAD STOCK $2.50 Cows $2.50 R p p $0.25 Cwt. JEANERS Collect 4fH &?n?a XENIA FERTILISER ^Senia Ave.,. Cedarville Phone 6-34111 NATIONAL BANK S.majl stock yempyed prosnplfy