CITY COUNCIL Report to Community 8 Assembly

Report of: South Community Assembly Manager ______

Date: 9 June 2011 ______

Subject: The draft 2011/12 South Community Assembly Local Highways Programme


Author of Report: Dick Proctor “Transport and Highways Link Manager” for South Community Assembly [email protected] 0114 2735907 ______

Summary: • Each Community Assembly is provided with an allocation of Local Transport Plan (LTP) for ‘local highway schemes’, as part of devolving decisions and priorities on local issues and improving the responsiveness of the Council to meeting local requests.

• The committed 2010/11 programme is now nearing completion, having successfully delivered all the agreed schemes and made good progress on the later addition of Bocking Lane which is now on site. It is timely for the Assembly to consider this year’s programme. Nationwide reductions in transport funding have meant that the transport partners have not yet been able to confirm their final funding allocations, but the Assembly is asked to consider which other existing projects are deemed sufficiently firmly committed to be confirmed for continued delivery using the remaining funds available from the 2010/11 programme.

• This report now suggests some projects to fully use the remaining 2010/11 funds and recommends that they be confirmed. A further report will be brought to Members once funding issues have been finalised.


Reasons for Recommendations:

• South Assembly has delivered an agreed programme of local highway schemes in 2010/11, including consultation and development work on further schemes for future delivery.

• For 2011/12, work continues on confirming the total resources available. Prior to this, Members are asked to confirm those schemes identified as “firm commitments” for continued delivery; a further report to tabled once transport funding at a Council and South Yorkshire level has been confirmed

Recommendations: • That Members note the progress to date on identifying 2011/12 transport funding allocations available to the South Assembly, and confirm those schemes identified as firm commitments – namely the Bocking Lane lorry ban; the related Abbey Lane lorry ban; an agreed programme for moving the Smiley SIDS” signs around selected locations; the completion of pre-feasibility work at Road / Blackstock Road; the principle of commitment to further programme of “small schemes”; and the selection and development of a ‘pilot’ 20mph speed limit scheme.

• That a further paper be brought to the October Assembly meeting for consideration of the remaining projects and other requests.


Background Papers: None

Category of Report: OPEN

Statutory and Council Policy Checklist

Financial implications

YES Cleared by: Legal implications

YES Cleared by:

Equality of Opport unity implications

NO Cleared by:

Tackling Health Inequalities implications


Human rights implications


Environmental and Sustainability implications

NO Economic impact


Community safety implications

YES Human resources im plications

YES Property implications


1. Summary

1.1 Each Community Assembly is provided with an allocation of Local Transport Plan (LTP) for ‘local highway schemes’, as part of devolving decisions and priorities on local issues and improving the responsiveness of the Council to meeting local requests.

1.2 The committed 2010/11 programme is now nearing completion, having successfully delivered all the agreed schemes and made good progress on the later addition of Bocking Lane which is now on site. It is timely for the Assembly to consider this year’s programme. Nationwide reductions in transport funding have meant that the South Yorkshire transport partners have not yet been able to confirm their final funding allocations, but the Assembly is asked to consider which other existing projects are deemed sufficiently firmly committed to be confirmed for continued delivery using the remaining funds available from the 2010/11 programme..

1.3 This report now suggests some projects to fully use the remaining 2010/11 funds and recommends that they be confirmed. A further report will be brought to Members once funding issues have been finalised.

2. What does this mean for people within the South Community Assembly Area?

2.1 The local highway schemes now proposed will assist local people in crossing roads in their area, or in the control of vehicle movements in and around their area, adding to improved community safety.

3. Outcomes and Sustainability

3.1 The funding and construction of the local highways schemes contributes to meeting the ‘Increase mobility and provide safer routes for pedestrians’ priority in the South Community Assembly Plan. It also meets all nine of the Councils’ principles as indicated in the Corporate Plan. In particular: • Local voice – priorities influenced by local people • Customers as individuals – needs of individuals within communities will be considered • Equality of opportunity – providing for all aspects of a local community to get involved

4. Full Proposal

4.1 The South Community Assembly is sponsor for the development and delivery of a programme of local highway schemes as part of the Council strategy for devolving decisions and priorities on local issues and improving the responsiveness of the Council to requests

4.2 The committed 2010/11 programme is now nearing completion as described in para 1.2 (not all spend has been recharged yet). Details of the committed programme are as follows:

Table 1: South Community Assembly 2010/11 local highways programme

‘small schemes’ (less than £10k) £42,000 Myrtle Road / Anns Road North (build) £35,000 Hemsworth Road /Matthews Lane build) £71,000 Greenhill school / Hemper Lane roundabout £92,000 (part-build) Blackstock Road (consult and design) £10,000 Psalter Lane (consult and design) £8,000 Carterknowle Road (consult and design) £7,000 Bocking Lane (consult and design) £15,000

2010/11 overall programme – forecast spend £280,000

Total resources available (including “carryover” from 2009/10) £353,000

Surplus 2010/11 funds available in 2011/12 £73,000

4.3 The City Council has already confirmed that 2010/11 funding not used last year would be available for use in 2011/12. This figure now amounts to £73,000 for South Assembly for this purpose.

4.4 Nationally, transport funding has been significantly reduced in 2011/12 as part of the Government’s spending review. The total available to the South Yorkshire Local Transport Partnership is exactly half of what was allocated last year. This has delayed decision-making at the South Yorkshire level which then impacts on the Council.

4.5 The new Council Administration is currently reviewing the funding available across all services, and reviewing what priorities relate to these. A decision has yet to be made about what further LTP funding is to be allocated to Assemblies. Until this decision is known it is not possible to begin a discussion on how best to prioritise the whole range of possible projects that could be funded from the South Assembly’s local highways programme.

4.6 As with all rolling programmes, there are some ongoing projects which need early ratification from the Assembly. Projects are very commonly started in one financial year in the knowledge that they then become commitments for funding in future years. From table 1 above it can be seen that the Assembly has a number of ongoing projects that continue into the new financial year in this manner. Foremost among these is Bocking Lane, which is now on site.

4.7 Table 2 attempts to categorise these into those schemes which the Assembly is seen to be firmly committed to; those with some degree of commitment stemming from public consultation; and those with a lesser degree of commitment at present:

Table 2: South Community Assembly – categories of existing commitments

Firm commitments Bocking Lane lorry ban (on site, financially £40,000 committed)) Abbey Lane lorry ban (design and build) £30,000 (approx) “Smiley SIDS” signs – moving existing signs around £2,000 (approx) Gleadless Road / Blackstock Road pedestrian £1,000 (approx) facilities (ongoing initial feasibility work only)

Sub-total £73,000

Other previously approved ongoing work (public already involved in consultation) Blackstock Road (complete design and build) £120,000- £150,000 Psalter Lane (complete design and build) £88,000 Carterknowle Road (complete design and build) £75,000

Other previously approved ongoing work (no public involvement yet) Hemper Lane roundabout (phase 2) £40,000 approx. Greenhill Parkway pedestrian crossings £100,000 approx. Dyche Lane, Batemoor £20,000 approx.

4.8 As can be seen from the above table, the number of existing committed and/or approved projects exceeds the amount of funding available, so some difficult decisions will be needed.

4.9 It is suggested that for now, the Assembly re-affirms funding for the four “firmly committed” projects described in table 2, that is; the completion of the Bocking Lane lorry ban work (now on site); the completion of the related Abbey Lane lorry ban work; the planned circulation of the “Smiley SIDs” signs around an agreed number of sites as discussed at the previous Assembly meetings in January and March 2011; and the initial “pre-feasibility work” involved in exploring options for an improved crossing at Gleadless Road / Blackstock Road as discussed at Assembly in October 2010 following several petitions over a number of years. This would use up the funding currently guaranteed.

4.10 Other requests have been received over the last 5 months for new ‘large’ transport schemes, and a list of these is shown in Appendix A for Members’ consideration. It is suggested that none of these are sufficiently “imperative for immediate treatment” to warrant priority over the existing approved schemes.

4.11 Table 3 below lists some other candidates for potential inclusion in the 2011/12 programme, over/above the requests shown in :

Table 3: Other candidate projects for consideration

Continued “small scheme” programme (say) £40,000 Assess and develop a selected 20 mph speed limit (say) £2,000 scheme Access improvements to deliver “Thriving District (say( £40,000 and Local Centres”

4.12 It is suggested that the Assembly also confirms that a further programme of small schemes is an important priority in being able to deliver many affordable solutions to local requests. It is not possible to assess the size of this programme until wider funding decisions have been made but Members could agree the principle of a continued programme now and authorise the Assembly Manager to begin developing an agreed and prioritised “shopping list” of these measures, based on the list of requests shown in Appendix B, perhaps with the intention of matching last year’s programme (£40,000) if funding eventually permits.

4.13 The only other potential candidate offered to Members at the present time is to invest in the selection and development of a 20mph speed limit scheme somewhere in the Assembly area. If Members were minded to agree the principle of this, your officers could again begin the process of sifting possible candidates with a view to reporting back at a later date for approval and further development. At this stage only a nominal amount of (say) £2000 need be identified and reserved for this purpose

4.14 It is suggested that all other potential candidates, including the three projects that have recently featured public consultation, be deferred for consideration once wider funding issues have been finalised, and a report brought back to this Assembly at its October meeting.

5. Financial Implications

5.1 The implementation of these schemes is supported by the existing surplus 2010/11 funds previously made available to the Assembly. Other future proposals would be supported by a further 2011/12 allocation of Local Transport Plan (LTP) funds when the Council and its South Yorkshire partners has completed a wider review of transport funding issues.

6. Legal Implications

6.1 The Council, as the highways authority for Sheffield, has powers under Part V of the Highways Act 1980 to implement the improvements requested in this report. This funding is allocated from the Council’s Local Transport Plan budget provided by central government and as such all projects using this funding will need to comply with the aims and objectives of the Local Transport Plan.

6.2 The Director of Neighbourhood Renewal and Partnerships in consultation with the Head of Transport & Highways and Director of Legal Services has confirmed this is an approved use of LTP funds, the Head of Transport & Highways has authority to undertake the wider feasibility work now described, as part of the Council’s overall transport capital programme.

7. Equality of Opportunity Implications

7.1 There are no specifically direct equality implications, but all of the options have some impact on the overall quality of life for residents, and for pedestrians and other users who might have mobility problems. The options are intended to assist all members of the local community regardless of gender or ethnic origin.

8. Human Resource Implications

8.1 Any measures agreed by the South Community Assembly Highways Budget would be delivered by the City Council through the Transport and Highways Service and then Street Force as part of the Council’s overall transport capital programme

9. Environmental and Sustainability Implications

9.1 The options now discussed would in differing degrees improve the environment of the local residential areas described but move air quality issues onto other roads (although these would be A-class main roads). The overall contribution to the City Council’s carbon reduction strategy could therefore be regarded as neutral.

10. Mitigation of risk

10.1 The risks in developing the schemes now identified relate to the time required to undertake broader reviews, and to the scale of increased costs for those wider solutions.

11. Public Consultation, Alternative Options

11.1 The options available at present are of necessity very limited until further decisions of funding have been made

12. Reasons for Recommendations

12.1 South Assembly has delivered an agreed programme of local highway schemes in 2010/11, including consultation and development work on further schemes for future delivery.

12.2 For 2011/12, work continues on confirming the total resources available. Prior to this, Members are asked to re-affirm those schemes identified as “firm commitments” for continued delivery; a further report to tabled once transport funding at a Council and South Yorkshire level has been confirmed

13. Recommendations

13.1 That Members note the progress to date on identifying 2011/12 transport funding allocations available to the South Assembly, and confirm those schemes identified as firm commitments – namely the Bocking Lane lorry ban; the related Abbey Lane lorry ban; an agreed programme for moving the Smiley SIDS” signs around selected locations; the completion of pre-feasibility work at Gleadless Road / Blackstock Road; the principle of commitment to further programme of “small schemes”; and the principle of selecting and developing a ‘pilot’ 20mph speed limit scheme.

13.2 That a further paper be brought to the October Assembly meeting for consideration of the remaining projects and other requests.

Dick Proctor “Transport and Highways Link Manager” for South Community Assembly [email protected]

25 May 2011

Appendix A

Recent Requests received for possible future South Assembly Investment in “large schemes (costing more than £10,000):

Location Nature of request Source of request

Psalter Lane, near Osbourne Road Pedestrian crossing of some sort resident Psalter Lane, outside Clifford school Pedestrian crossing of some sort Clifford School plus residents Batemoor Road Parking lay-byes Batemoor TARA Road, near Firbeck and Todwick Roads Pedestrian crossing facility 2 local residents Avenue 20 mph speed limit scheme residents Low Edges school 20 mph speed limit scheme school area 20 mph speed limit scheme residents / NENG Holmhirst Drive Verge protection / parking management residents Broadfield Road Two lanes approaching Abbeydale Road (markings) driver/resident Glen Road Removal of road closure resident (general) Provision of a South Assembly pedestrian map residents / NENG Gleadless Road / Cat Road Alter tight corner driver/resident Psalter Lane, near Road Improved crossing of Psalter Lane to Banner Cross Osborne Road / Union Road junction Pedestrian crossing of Osborne Road residents / NENG


- Small Highways schemes in Ward Location Proposed Action Cost Requester details Date requested

Dropped Kerbs and tactiles Batemoor Road (junc with Batemoor Walk) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Mrs Burns (Batemoor 2011/12 Road) Beckett Crescent (junc. with Lowdeges Road) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 Beckett Road (junc. with Lowedges Road 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 Beckett Crescent (rear of No. 24) 1 lowered kerb for disabled access £310 Pre 2009 Boshaw Avenue 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 Boshaw Close 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 Boshaw Close (end of footpath between 31 & 33) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 Boshaw Close (end of footpath by parking area) 1 lowered kerb £310 Pre 2009 Boshaw Close (entrances to garage complex) Add tactiles to existing drop kerbs £652 Pre 2009 James Andrew Close (outside no. 2-18) 1 lowered kerb with tactiles £473 Pre 2009 James Andrew Close (junc. with Greenhill Main) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Mrs Francis (No. 18) Pre 2009 James Andrew Crescent (junc. with Greenhill Main) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 James Andrew Croft (junc. with Greenhill Main) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 Lowedges Road (Zebra crossing near Lowedges Add tactiles and edging stones £4,300 Physical Disability and 2009/11 Crescent) Sensory Impairment Team, SCC Ormond Road (end of footway between flats) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Mr. Doherty (no.70) Pre 2009 Ormond Road (end of footpath between 7 & 27) 1 lowered kerb and H marking £364 Mr. Bright (no. 11) 2011/12 Ormond Way (end of footway between flats) 1 lowered kerb £310 Mrs Hind (no. 195) Pre 2009 Ormond Close (junc with Ormond Road) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Mr. Bright (Ormond 2011/12 Road) Reney Avenue (either side of garage area) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Mrs Tayles Pre 2009 Reney Road (either side of cul-de-sac, no. 27 and 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 63) Reney Road (either side of cul-de-sac, no. 65 and 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 99) Selley Oak Road (outside no. 18) 1 lowered kerb and H marking £364 Mr. McVeigh 2011/12 Toppham Drive (junc. with Toppham Way) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 Toppham Drive (junc. with Lowedges Road) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 Whinacre Close 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 White Thomas Close 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 White Thomas Drive 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009

Bollards / Double Kerbs / Trucpave on footways and verges Abbey Brook Court (outside no.8) 1 bollard to protect fence £255 Resident from No. 8 Pre 2009 Abbey Brook Drive (at access to park land) Bollards to prevent access to park land Miss March (Chancet Wood) 2009/11 Abbey Lane (outside no. 243 & 245) 4 bollards to protect pedestrian crossing £930 Pre 2009 Annesley Road (outside no. 1-6) Bollards to prevent verge parking Mr. Allan (Annesley Road) 2011/12 Atlantic Road (outside no. 240) 2 bollards either side of fence £480 Pre 2009 Atlantic Road (footway adjacent to no. 242) Bollards to prevent driving on footpath Mrs Clayton (School Road) 20011/12

Bocking Lane (opposite Spar, No. 196, 198 and 40m of double Kerbs to prevent parking £2,480 Mr. Saunby (Meadowhead 2009/11 between Allenby Close and Allenby Drive) on verges Ave) Bocking Lane (outside No. 48) Tree to prevent parking on verge £240 Mrs Nield (No. 48) 2009/11 Bocking Lane (outside No. 80-82) 2 bollards to prevent verge parking £480 Pre 2009 Boland Road Up to 20 bollards to prevent driving on Up to Street Force 2009/11 footpath and verges £4,530 Folds Crescent 2 bollards to prevent verge parking £480 Mr. Baker (No. 47) 2009/11 Gervase Walk (between Gervase Drive and 4 bollards to prevent driving on footpath £960 Pre 2009 Lowedges Rd) Greenfield Road (outside No. 2a) 2 bollards to prevent driving on footpath £480 Mr Salisbury (No. 2a) 2009/11 Greenhill Avenue (outside No. 1 & 3) Bollards to prevent driving on footpath Transport & Highways, SCC Pre 2009 Greenhill Avenue (outside no. 104) 1 bollard to prevent verge parking £255 Mr. Athorn (no.104) 2009/11 The Greenway (outside no. 55) 2 bollards to prevent verge parking £480 Pre 2009 Hazelbarrow Road (between No. 47 & 67) 4 bollards to prevent driving on footpath £930 Pre 2009 Hazelbarrow Road (outside No. 1-3, 41-47, 82-88) Trucpave and/or bollards along verges Mr. Watkinson (No. 2) 2011/12 to alleviate parking problems – could Mrs Dexter (No. 82) become a large scheme Mrs Wood (No. 87) Humphrey Road (outside No. 8 & 10) Bollards / planters to prevent verge Mrs Cliff (No. 8) 2011/12 parking Humphrey Road (outside No. 33) 1 bollard to prevent verge parking £255 Mrs Varley 2011/12 Lingfoot Crescent (between blocks 38/54 & 56/72) 2 bollards to prevent driving on footpath £480 Pre 2009 Lowedges Crescent (between 267 & 28) 6 bollards to prevent driving on footpath £1,380 Pre 2009 Lowedges Road (outside No.315) 1 bollard to prevent driving on footpath £255 Mr. Wilde (No. 315) 2011/12 Toppham Drive (outside No. 42) 20 m2 trucpave for disabled parking £2,000 Mr Rich (No. 42) Pre 2009

Double Yellow Lines Abbey Brook Drive (entrance the narrow access Double yellow lines across road £3,700 Residents of 9 Abbey Brook 2011/12 road) entrance Drive Greenhill Main Road (adjacent to primary school) Double yellow lines and extension of £4,000 Mrs Arnold (No. 71) 2011/12 ‘School Keep Clear’ zig zags (approx) Lowedges Crescent (opposite residential home) Double yellow lines to improve access £3,500 Mrs Kohnson (Kirkhill 2009/11 for emergence vehicles Residential Home) Reney Avenue (opposite garages at No. 2 – 10) Double Yellow Lines to prevent parking £3,700 Mr. White (No. 139) 2009/11 obstruction to garages Sharpe Avenue (either side of unadopted lane) Double yellow lines to improve sight £1,400 Mrs Grant (Greenhill Ave) 2011/12 lines

Other Atlantic Road (Outside No. 46) Tradesman’s path and lowered kerb for £910 Pre 2009 improved access Fox Lane No Footway signs £900 Mr Henley (Atlantic Road) 2009/11

Greenhill Parkway (junc. with Lowedges Road) Replace 30mph signs with larger ones £550 Mr Frost (Bradway Road) 2009/11 and paint roundel on road James Andrew Cresent (gennel next to No. 23) K-frame £1,980

Lowedges Crescent (outside No. 114) Tradesman’s path and H marking for £1,000 Physical Disability & 2011/12 disabled access Sensory Impairment Team, SCC Meadowhead (outside shops) 2 hour time limited waiting signs and £4,700 Mr. Mitchell (shop owner) 2011/12 lines Westwick Crescent (between 162 & 163) K-frame £1,980 Pre 2009

Small Highways schemes in Ward Location Proposed Action Cost Requester details Date requested

Dropped Kerbs and tactiles Angerford Avenue (footpath at end of cul-de-sac) 1 lowered kerb £310 Mr Abbott (Lees Hall Road) 2009/11 Norton Lane (junc. with Little Norton Lane) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Safer Neighbourhood 2009/11 Officer Todwick Road (junc. with Woodseats Road) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Mrs Mather (Cartmell Road) 2009/11 Woodseats Mews footpath (junc. with Woodseats Tactiles to existing lowered kerbs £326 Mrs Podoski (Woodseats 2009/11 Road) Road)

Bollards / Double Kerbs / Trucpave on footways and verges Backmoor Crescent and Hemsworth Road (outside 23 bollards to prevent verge parking £5,205 Mrs Dunlop (Hemsworth 2009/11 Oaks Park School) Road) Cawthorne Close (outside no.32) Bollards, rails and double kerbs £370 Ms Clegg (Cawthorne 2009/11 Close) Derbyshire Lane (outside no. 211) 2 bollards to prevent verge parking £480 Mr. Innocent (No. 211) 2009/11 Derbyshire Lane (outside no. 308 & 310) Trucpave to allow resident parking £4,470 Ms. Hill (No.308) 2011/12 Ms Graham (No.310) Holmhirst Drive (No. 7 – 13) 3 bollards and double kerbs £2,170 Cllr. Ian Auckland 2009/11 Lees Hall Avenue (No. 11-17) Truckpave £2,320 Cllr. Ian Auckland 2009/11 Lees Hall Avenue (outside shops) Bollards to prevent verge parking Mr. Rodley 2009/11 Thorpe House Rise (outside No.28) Tree to prevent verge parking £240 Resident from No. 28 2011/12 Thorpe House Rise No verge parking signs along length of Mr. Rodley 2011/12 road

Double Yellow Lines Athol Road (between Little London Rd and Double Yellow lines on both sides £4,500 Mr Gill 2009/11 Woodseats Rd) and Little London Road Bunting Nook (near Bunting Close) Double yellow lines at crest of hill £3,700 Cllr. Ian Auckland 20011/12 The Dale (Dalewood View Care Centre) Double Yellow Lines and raised kerb £3,900 Mr Bingham (Dalewood Pre 2009 with tactiles for access onto bus View Care Centre) Matthews Fold / Matthews Lane Double yellow lines to prevent parents £3,650 Mrs Sharpe (Matthews Fold) 2009/11 parking Thorpe House Rise Double yellow lines to prevent parking £3,600 Mrs Heathcote (No. 95) 2009/11 on bend

Handrails Cawthorne Grove Handrail £1,830 Mrs Rose (No. 27) Pre 2009 Fraser Crescent (outside no. 65) Handrail £1,830 Mr. (No.65) Pre 2009 Fraser Crescent (footpath connecting to Fraser Handrail Local residents Pre 2009 Drive) Norton Lees Lane (steps adjacent to no.44) Handrail £156 Mrs Jilts (no.44) 2011/12

Other Abbey Lane (junc. with Meadowhead) 2 Cycle Stands £480 Ms Austin-Butt (Abbey 2009/11 Lane) Aukley Road (junc. Chesterfield Road) Pedestrian guardrail on concrete slope £300 Pre 2009 Chesterfield Road (junc. with Derbyshire Lane) 3 x Tourist signs for Bishops House £255 Mr Holt (Norton Lees Pre 2009 Derbyshire Lane (junc. with Norton Lees Road) Residents Association) Norton Lees Road (junc. with Norton Lees Lane) Smithy Wood Crescent Access Only Scheme (potential large Consultation taken place 2009/11 scheme) with all residents Tadcaster Road (juncs with Chesterfield Road and Single hump at junction or gateway £5,100 Mr Urwin (Tadcaster Road) 2011/12 Scarsdale Road) treatment

Small Highways schemes in Ward Location Proposed Action Cost Requester details Date requested

Dropped Kerbs and tactiles Leighton Place (garages between no.5&7 and junc. 4 lowered kerbs with tactiles £1,892 Mrs Brummett (no.7) 2009/11 with Leighton Road) Leighton Place (outside no.11) Lowered kerb for disabled access £310 Mrs Shaw (no.11) 2009/11 Leighton Road (garages between no.70&72) 4 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Mrs Brummett (Leighton 2009/11 Place) Nicholson Road (outside no.107) Lowered kerb for disabled access £310 Mr. Molloy (no.107) Pre 2009 Raleigh Road (junc. with Gleadless Road) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 Spring Close View Lowered kerb for disabled access £310 Mrs Slack (no.27) 2009/11

Bollards / Double Kerbs / Trucpave on footways and verges Artisan View (junc. with Wellhead Road) 3 bollards £705 Pre 2009 Bishopscourt Road Verge protection measures (Trucpave – Mr. Siddons (no. 10) 2009/11 probably a large scheme) Mrs Parker (no. 45) Blackstock Road (outside 284 – 378) Verge protection measures (Trucpave – Street Force 2011/12 probably a large scheme) Gleadless Road (at private road access) 2 bollards £480 Pre 2009 Leighton Road (outside blks 301-339) Trucpave on grass verge £4,755 2011/12

Double Yellow Lines Farmstead Close Double yellow lines to prevent parking in £1,400 Sheffield Homes 2011/12 turning area Norton Lees Road (between Norton Lees Lane & Double yellow lines to improve sight £3,700 Mrs Ellis (Norton Lees Lane) 2011/12 Lees House Court) lines

K Frames Gibbons Walk (footpath adjacent to No.47) K Frame £1,980 Mrs Finney 2009/11 Ironside Place (footpath adjacent to 1-31) 2 x K Frames £3,962 Pre 2009 Leighton Road (footpath to woods) K Frame £1,980 Mrs Palmer (no.84) 2009/11 Tillotson Rise (footpath to Gleadless Road) K Frame £1,980 Ms Mitchell (no.21) 2009/11 Leighton Road (footpath adjacent to no.44) K Frame £1,980 Pre 2009 Middle Hay Rise (outside no.2) Remove K Frame £200 Mrs Aleixos (no.2) Pre 2009

Handrails Bankwood Road Handrail £1,710 Mr. Schofield (no.28) Pre 2009 Gaunt Close (outside No.54) Handrail £1.056 Mrs Ashton (no.54) Pre 2009 Gaunt Road (outside No.362) Handrail £150 Mrs Hague (Raeburn Road) Pre 2009 Gleadless Road (outside Newfield Green shops) Handrail £2,028 Sheffield Homes Pre 2009 Grindlow Close (between 20 & 22 and 21 & 23) Handrails and a lowered kerb £790 Mrs Hunter (No.26) Pre 2009 Leighton Road Handrail Mr Hind Pre 2009 Middle Hay Place Handrail £960 Mrs Bennett (no.2) Pre 2009 Plowright Way Handrail £750 Mrs Burns (No.55) Pre 2009 Sands Close (steps between 36 & 42) Handrail £930 Mrs Brough (no.42) 2009/11 Spotswood Mount Handrail £2,430 Mr. Jackson (no.31) Pre 2009 Spotswood Place Handrail £1,530 Mrs Moxon (Warminster Pre 2009 Crescent)

Other Artisan View (juncs. With Goodwin Road and 2 No Through Road signs £1,200 Pre 2009 Wellhead Road) Bankwood Close (outside Bankwood School) Pedestrian Guardrail Property Management 2009/11 Services, SCC Bankwood Road One way system to prevent rat running £5,000 Mr Bramhall (no.49) 2009/11 Constable Road (east and west of Blackstock 2 x ‘Give Way to Oncoming Vehicles’ £3,200 Sheffield Homes 2009/11 Drive) signs Gleadless Road (outside Newfield Green library) 2 x cycle stands £480 Mr. Roper 2009/11 Leighton Road (junc. with Norton Ave) 2 x more prominent 30mph signs £306 Mr Jackson (no.77) Pre 2009 Little London Road Railway Bridge Repairs to carriageway under bridge £2,300 Meg Munn MP 2009/11 Mawfa Avenue / Gibbons Walk Convert grass area into a car park – Ms Wasden (Landseer 2011/12 potential large scheme Walk) Norton Ave (outside Valley Park Children’s Centre) Move bus stop and re-mark £1,000 Valley Park Children’s 2009/11 Centre Richards Road (entrance to City Farm) 2 x cycle stands £480 Pre 2009 Sands Close (outside no.67) Provision of steps and handrail £2,180 Pre 2009 Tillotson Rise (footpath adjacent to No.20) Baffle barrier to prevent cyclists coming £314 Ms Mitchell (no.21) 2009/11 out at speed Upper Albert Road (east of Lees Hall Road) Provision of west bound cycle by-pass Mr Pagden (Burnside Ave) 2011/12

Small Highways schemes in Nether Edge Ward Location Proposed Action Cost Requester details Date requested

Dropped Kerbs and tactiles Brincliffe Edge Road (east and west of junc. with 4 lowered kerbs with tactiles £1,892 Mr Flear (no.21) 2011/12 Brincliffe Edge Close) Mr Magoran Belper Road (outside no.21) Lowered kerb £310 Mr. Khan (no.21) Pre 2009 Belper Road (junc. Avenue Road) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Mr. Khan (no.21) Pre 2009 Brentwood Road (outside no.30) Lowered kerb £310 Mr. Flear (Brincliffe Edge 2009/11 Road) Chelsea Road (outside no. 23, 25, 29 and Brincliffe 8 lowered kerbs £2,480 Mr. Flear (Brincliffe Edge 2009/11 Tower) Road) Edgedale Road (outside no.31) 2 lowered kerbs £620 Pre 2009 Edgedale Road (car park access) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Pre 2009 Grassmere Road (junc. Woodseats Road) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles and a £1,426 Mrs Podoski (Woodseats 2009/11 bollard Road) Hunter House Road (junc. with Psalter Lane) Lowered kerb with tactiles £473 2009/11 Osborne Road (access with Nether Edge hospital) 2 lowered kerbs £620 Mr. Flear (Brincliffe Edge 2009/11 Road) Psalter Lane (access to Hallam University site) 2 lowered kerbs £620 Mr. Flear (Brincliffe Edge 2009/11 Road) Sandford Grove (junc. with Brincliffe Edge Road / 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Cllr. Colin France Pre 2009 Archer Lane) Union Road (junc. with Osborne Road) 2 lowered kerbs with tactiles £946 Mr. Flear (Brincliffe Edge 2009/11 Road)

Bollards / Double Kerbs / Trucpave on footways and verges Archer Lane (outside no.44) Bollards to prevent verge parking Mrs Roberts 2009/11 Psalter Lane (outside no.117 to Williamson Road) Bollards to prevent verge parking Mr Moxley 2011/12 Swaledale Road (outside no. 50 to 70) Bollards to prevent verge parking Mr. Stevenes 2009/11

Double Yellow Lines Broadfield Road (between Red Lion Garage and Extend Double yellow lines across cycle £3,600 Transport Planning Pre 2009 Unipart) route access Chippinghouse Road (end of cycle route) Double yellow lines £3,700 Transport Planning 2009/11 Meadow Bank Avenue / Cherry Tree Road Double yellow lines to prevent parking at £3,500 Mr. MacNair (no.40) 2009/11 junction (originally approved in 2010/11 but not progressed following objections) Sandford Grove Road (cycle lane at Gatefield Road Double yellow lines to prevent cars Cycle Forum 2011/12 and Glen Road) blocking cycle lanes / routes

Handrails Carter Knowle Avenue Handrail £4,230 Mr Duffy (no.68) Pre 2009 Psalter Lane Handrail £750 Mr Linley-Shaw Pre 2009

Other Broadfield Close Relocate ‘cycle route incomplete sign’ £400 Several pedestrians and 2009/11 cyclists Broadfield Road (junc. with Abbeydale Road) Re-design lanes and provide cycle stop £4,000 Mr. Ahmed 2009/11 line Psalter Lane Weight restriction to remove HGVs from Mr. Moxley (no.117) 2011/12 travelling down road