~...' :;;~f-t,. " '\" f ' :~ \ ;'~()FFrCE O,F THE ;t PASCHIM l\'i~D[NIP01{E ZILLA PAt [SHAD ;1 Memo No. 2' CfJ /Accts. i ij / I" / . To The Sr. Branch Manager United Bank ofIndia, Sepoybazar, Midnapore : ..•. , .;:.·,·..,;r!I'''> ,,' ,,,;.:. ~t, Sub: 'Transfer of fund for 2"(/lnftallment of 2014-15 from Zilla Parish ad's lAY Accfj" ... ,.tlAYi;:"~.,,.,x.· : f .... ) . '(J4~counts of j j nos Pane/laY-at Samities' .'%\::" ,~¥. '. '''~~~::m~;~~ Sir, c:~'~- ~_~:::;~1~0~~ Please debit a sum ofRs. 2,70;::45,000.00 (Rupees two crore seventy lakh forty n, ,; i', 't \' • \. ; li t th..Gtl., ,." . ,':"!" , ), only from Paschim Medinipore Zillaj.Parishads.Le.Y SB Account No.0788011937190:~ F~.11. \ ,,. n.r '. ' .:. !.}11~~~ ,:d...C: ,; .,..~ :. )~ , ··..the same amount to 17nos Panchayat Samity's lAY Savings Bank Account as stated in' • 'e~mre -I, " ' .' , " ' ;'~'~'.'1\~...::,:'. nd , . !;t~, ofHouses'~~der lA Y f~~2 lnstailfuent 2014-15..:<~<:.~~y:,,:~ " Please ensure that t~ansfer of~d as mentioned in Annexure-I should be given e~fe§rto.only ~'Jj i: -1 . ~~i \ n ' .S . when both the name of recipient body and its account no. match. 'tt The entire process of transmission should be done immediately. This may be treated as urgent. Enc1o: Annexure-I Yours faithfull~~~ . Fi~~~le/~:~b.:., & ~:,-,i Chief Accounts Offi~~t;:, Paschim Medinipore Zilla P.arisahd. "-' }'.("\ '.~.. t,/j. ;-.~ . Memo N0-20( 11(61JIAccts. "': ~ Copy Along forwardedto the: .. 1. Savadhipati, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parisahd.::;:~~\ 2. District Magistrate, Paschim Medinipore & Executive Officer, Paschim ,:,,~:, ,111\ ,-' Medinipore Zllla Parisahd. ': ,~~::. I::';? '3. Addiitonal District Magistarte & Additional Executive Officer, Paschim Medinipore:Z"<" , ,'",'.','.
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