Remarks by United Nations Resident Coordinator, Mr. Zlatan Milišić | State Funeral for Late President John Pombe Magufuli | March 22nd, 2021

• Excellency, , President of the United Republic of , • Excellency Dr. Hussein Ali Mwinyi, President of the Revolutionary Government of , • Hon. , Speaker of the National Assembly of Tanzania, • Former President Jakaya Kiwkete, • Former President , • Prime Minister Majaliwa, • Excellencies, Foreign Heads of State and Government • Foreign dignitaries, Ambassadors, High Commissioners, • Members of Parliament, • Government officials, • Mabibi na Mabwana,

Habari za asubuhi na asalam alaikum.

Your excellency, Madame President, on behalf of the United Nations Secretary- General, António Guterres, and for the entire UN system in Tanzania, I extend our condolences for the loss of the late President Dr. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli. I especially convey my deepest condolences to the First Lady Mrs. Janet Magufuli and to the entire Magufuli family.

As the United Nations in Tanzania, we join the country and its people in mourning his untimely death.

Losing a leader is disheartening and unsettling. It is important for the nation to use these 21 days of mourning to grieve the late President and to reflect on his life. The thoughts of us in the United Nations are with you.

The United Republic of Tanzania is a cherished member state of the United Nations. We greatly appreciate the country’s long tradition of international solidarity and its commitment to multilateralism. President Magufuli continued this proud tradition, and under his leadership Tanzania has been a strong regional advocate for peace, security, and environmental sustainability.

President Magufuli was a firm believer in national self-determination. During his time in power he had impressive successes in ensuring Tanzania’s development was determined, controlled, and financed through its own plans, decisions and resources. He did this while at the same time overseeing economic growth, increased efficiency and, importantly, reduction of poverty. For this he will always be a role model and an inspiration for other countries in Africa and further afield.

President Magufuli’s contributions to the development of Tanzania will never be forgotten.

Madam President, I trust that you will continue this long Tanzanian tradition of solidarity, multilateralism, and commitment to development. As the , you are an inspiration for women and girls across this country, the continent, and the world. I look forward to building an ever-stronger partnership between the United Nations and the people and Government of the United Republic of Tanzania.

May the soul of President Magufuli rest in eternal peace.